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Atmospheric Sciences

Mon-31 Jul | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR309
AS04 - Impact of Fires on Air Quality and Climate: Processes, Field and Modeling Studies

Session Chair(s): Abdelwahid MELLOUKI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

AS04-A009 | Invited
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Biomass Burning Derived Compounds

Lin DU#+
Shandong University

Biomass burning processes emit substantial amounts of compounds into the atmosphere, such as phenolic compounds and furans. These compounds have been recognized as potential precursors for secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Here, the kinetics of phenolic compounds and furans with hydroxyl radical (OH) were characterized in the gas phase and aqueous phase, and corresponding SOA formation mechanisms were determined. Phenolic compound with high water solubility can be involved in aqueous-phase reactions. Bimolecular aqueous-phase reaction rate constants of phenolic compounds with OH range from (3.8 ± 0.7) × 109 to (1.1 ± 0.3) × 1010 M−1 s−1. Aqueous-phase OH oxidation of phenolic compounds can form high-molecular-weight compounds, which are important SOA components. Hydroxylation of benzene ring occurs through OH addition, which could increase SOA oxidation degree. Furans are mainly oxidized by gas-phase OH to form SOA, and oxidation processes are influenced by different factors. Specifically, we observed a positive relationship between the furan SOA yields and NOx concentration, which is attributed to the production of low-volatility hydroxyl nitrates and dihydroxyl dinitrates. Increasing RH results in high OH concentration and enhances carbonyl-rich products condensation, thereby promoting furan SOA formation. In addition, changing SO2 level in the range of 0–80 ppb cause furan SOA yield to increase by 3.8%, while the presence of ∼50 ppb NH3 increased furan SOA yield by 3.3%. SO2 can lead to three C5-organosulfate formation, which may be precursors for the atmospheric C5-organosulfate. NH3 has a substantial promotion effect on the formation of light-absorbing nitrogen-containing products, which may be important brown carbon constituents. Our work provided mechanism insights about SOA formation from biomass burning-derived compounds, which is helpful for refining the representation of biomass burning-related SOA formation in models.

Photochemical Air Pollution in Highly Urbanized Subtropical Regions: From Micro Environments to Urban-terrestrial-oceanic Interactions

Tao WANG#+
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Photochemical air pollution is a pressing environmental problem in the world’s urban and industrialized regions, including Hong Kong. Ozone and fine particulate are major air pollutants. In 2018, the Hong Kong Research Grants Council funded a comprehensive research project on the sources, atmospheric processes, and control strategy of photochemical pollution. This talk will give an overview of the project’s scope and key findings in the past 5 years. The major scientific achievements made thus far include the discoveries of the important roles of halogen atoms in air quality of polluted regions, the new source/production pathway of organic particulate matter from urban and biomass-burning emissions, and the complex responses of secondary air pollutants to emission controls. Based on the findings, the project has recommended additional measures to mitigate winter haze in north China and photochemical smog in south China.

Saccharide in PM2.5 at the Remote Sites of Southwest China

Zhenzhen WANG, Di WU, Qing LI, Jianmin CHEN#+
Fudan University

Biomass burning (BB) and biogenic emissions of saccharides were investigated in 3 rural sites at Lincang, in the southwest border of China. PM2.5 samples were simultaneously collected on three mountaintop sites in Lincang: Datian, Dashu, and Yakoutian, which are located ∼ 300 km west of Kunming (the capital of Yunnan Province in China) and ∼ 120 km east from the Burma border. Five saccharide alcohols (glycerol, erythritol, inositol, arabitol, and mannitol) and five primary saccharides (fructose, glucose, mannose, sucrose, and trehalose), together with three anhydrosugars (levoglucosan, mannosan, and galactosan), were quantified by an improved high-performance anion-exchange chromatograph coupled with a pulsed amperometric detector. The total saccharides accounted for 1.6 ± 0.6 % in PM2.5. The anhydrosugars accounted for 48.5 % of total saccharides, among which levoglucosan was the most dominant species. The high level of levoglucosan was both attributed to the local BB activities and biomass combustion smoke transported from the neighboring regions of Southeast Asia (Myanmar) and the northern Indian subcontinent. The mono- or di-saccharides and sugar alcohols accounted for 24.9 ± 8.3 % and 26.6 ± 9.9 % of the total saccharides, respectively, and both proved to be mostly emitted by direct biogenic volatilization from plant material or surface soils rather than byproducts of polysaccharide breakdown during BB processes. Five sources of saccharides were resolved by non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) analysis, including BB, soil microbiota, plant senescence, airborne pollen, and plant detritus with contributions of 34.0 %, 16.0 %, 21.0 %, 23.7 %, and 5.3 %, respectively. The results provide information on the magnitude of levoglucosan and contributions of BB, as well as the characteristic of biogenic saccharides, at the remote sites of southwest China, which can be further applied to regional source apportionment models and global climate models.

Ammonia Enhancement from Wildfire

1Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology, 2California Institute of Technology, 3Atmospheric and Environmental Reserch, 4University of California, Riverside

Global ammonia is increasingly recognized as a significant contributor to fine particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) due to the lack of mitigation policies for this species. Apart from agriculture fields, feedlots, and dairy farms, the more frequent wildfires during the dry season are contributing to rising emissions. Airborne and satellite instruments, such as Hyperspectral Thermal Emission Spectrometer (HyTES) and Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS), have both detected and observed the ammonia plumes and enhancement from wildfires. Quantitative retrievals of HyTES observations at Gulch Fire in Arizona on July 3rd, 2014, suggest that the enhancement level is about 5 ppb, which is lower than both the emission from power plants (~10 ppb) and feedlots (~50 ppb) but ineligible. A further study with CrIS observations showed an unusual high level of ammonia at the Los Angeles area during the Bobcat fire in September 2020. A similar abnormal peak during the same month over Imperial Valley, a remote region southeast of Los Angeles basin. This may suggest the remote impact of wildfire emissions. Further modeling studies will help us to understand the process and contribution of wildfires in addition to local anthropogenic sources.

Atmospheric Reactivity of VOCs Emitted from Fires: Kinetics and Degradation Mechanisms

Yangang REN1,2#+, Abdelwahid MELLOUKI3,4
1Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco, 4Shandong University

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important species in the atmosphere which affect air quality and climate. Fire burning, including wildfires, agricultural fires, prescribed burning, and residential wood combustion, is the largest combustion-related source of VOCs to the atmosphere 1–3. In addition to CO, CO2 and CH4 hundreds or even thousands of VOCs are emitted from fire burning 4. Such emissions are likely to increase in the future, with the spatial extent, number, and severity of wildfires having increased markedly at the global scale in recent decades 5,6, this is predicted to continue as the climate warms 7,8. In general, VOCs from fire burning include non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC, C2-C12), aromatics, oxygenated hydrocarbons, nitrogen containing compounds. In the atmosphere, the emitted VOCs could be oxidized by OH radical, NO3 radical and O3 to form photochemical oxidants (e.g. O3) and fine particles, which can cause severe air pollutions and damage human health. In this presentation, we review the knowledge about VOCs emissions from fires and discuss their atmospheric impacts on air quality and climate using the recent data from laboratory and fields studies. Reference:(1) Reid, J. S.; et al., Atmospheric Chem. Phys. 2005, 5 (3), 799–825. (2) Chen, J.; et al., Sci. Total Environ. 2017, 579, 1000–1034. (3) Granier, C.; et al., Clim. Change 2011, 109 (1–2), 163–190. (4) Koppmann, R.; von Czapiewski, K.; Reid, J. S. Atmospheric Chem. Phys. preprint; 2005. (5) Jolly, W. M.; Cochrane, M. A.; Freeborn, P. H.; et al., Nat. Commun. 2015, 6 (1), 7537. (6) Harvey, B. J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2016, 113 (42), 11649–11650. (7) Krikken, F.; Lehner, F.; Haustein, K.; et al., Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 2021, 21 (7), 2169–2179. (8) Lohmander, P. Cent. Asian J. Environ. Sci. Technol. Innov. 2020, 1 (5).

The Gaseous Nitro-phenolic Compounds in the Background Air of South China: Source, Formation and Impacts on Air Quality

Zhe WANG#+
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Nitro-phenolic compounds (NPs) have attracted increasing attention because of their health risks and impacts on visibility, climate and atmospheric chemistry. Both primary emission and secondary formation of NPs have been reported in recent studies, despite increasing research, the knowledge of the abundances, sources, atmospheric fates, and impacts remains incomplete, especially the gaseous species. In the present work, we conducted continuous measurement of eighteen gaseous NPs with a chemical ionization mass spectrometer at a background site in South China. Abundant NPs were observed in the continental outflows, with a total concentration of up to 122.1 pptv. A tracer method estimation showed that besides the direct emission from biomass burning, the secondary formation from the transported precursors contributed significantly to the observed NPs, with mono-NPs exhibiting photochemical daytime peaks and nighttime enrichments of di-NPs and Cl-substitute NPs. The budget analysis with a photochemical box model indicates that besides the ŸOH oxidations of aromatics, the NO3Ÿ oxidation also contributed significantly to the daytime mono-NPs, and was more dominant for the nocturnal formation of di-NPs. Photolysis was the main daytime sink of NPs, producing substantial HONO, and thus would largely influence atmospheric oxidation capacity in downwind and background regions. This study provides quantitative insights on the characteristics, formation and impacts of gaseous NPs in the continental outflow, and highlights the role of NO3Ÿ chemistry in the nitro-aromatics production that may facilitate regional pollution.

Elemental Characterization of Atmospheric Fine Particles Released from Urban Fires in Hong Kong

Tao LI+, Hanzhe CHEN, Jianzhen YU#
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Urban fires in densely populated areas can burn large amounts of manmade structures and synthetic materials, which potentially have different chemical characteristics to wildfire smoke. Realworld chemical composition data of urban fire plumes are vital for evaluating health impacts; however, they are rarely available. Online monitoring of trace elements in ambient PM2.5 at five sites throughout Hong Kong in 2021 provided unprecedented opportunities to observe the highly transient urban fire plumes. We observed sharp spikes for bromine (up to 0.65 µg m-3), chlorine (7.0 µg m-3), and certain metals such as lead (0.97 µg m-3), zinc (8.3 µg m-3), and copper (0.32 µg m-3) during four urban fires, which showed ~10–6,000 times higher concentrations than pre-fire periods. These elements behaved decreased concentrations with increased distance from the fire location due to transport and dilution, but their concentration ratios remained relatively constant. During fire-influenced hours, these elements exhibited 3–101 times enrichment relative to iron, an element that had no discernable increase in concentration. It was distinct to one monitored hill fire that was characterized of remarkably high enrichment of tracers for biomass burning, i.e., Rb (11.6) and K (6.5). Our results represent the first observation of the co-emissions of Br and certain metals from urban fires. Reactive bromine released from burning of the wide-spread brominated synthetic chemicals was suggested to facilitate the mobilization of toxic metals into the atmosphere. This mechanistic knowledge will help us understand the emissions and impacts of fires occurring in wildland urban interface zones. The work also calls attention to previously overlooked influence of urban fires-mobilized metals on human health and of bromine on atmospheric oxidizing capacity in megacities.

Shedding Light on Ionic Strength Effects on Multiphase Reactions of Atmospheric Oxidants with Methoxyphenols as Proxies for Wood Smoke Pollution

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Methoxyphenols represent one of the most abundant biomarker tracers for atmospheric wood smoke pollution. The reactions of atmospheric oxidants (ozone, OH, and NO2) with methoxyphenols can contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). The ionic strength effect can affect the kinetics and products distribution within the aerosol deliquescent particles. However, the ionic strength effects on aqueous phase reactions of atmospheric relevance have been barely studied in the past. In this work, we have leveraged our knowledge on ionic strength (I) effects on the reactive uptakes of gas-phase oxidants ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on methoxyphenols by the well-known wetted wall flow tube technique. The obtained results highlight the importance of the ionic strength effect and suggest a much faster oxidation kinetics of methoxyphenols in aerosol deliquescent particles, compared to that in the dilute aqueous phase of cloud droplets; hence, the oxidative power of O3 and NO2 could be enhanced by one order of magnitude at elevated ionic strength, compared to a dilute aqueous phase. Considering the high concentrations of inorganic salts occurring in aerosol deliquescent particles during haze events, the oxidative power of different atmospheric oxidants might become considerably higher than that predicted for oxidation reactions in cloud droplets. The addition of SO42- typical for the liquid core of aerosol deliquescent particles increase the formation of condensed aromatics but also organosulfates (-OSO3H) arose upon ozone reactions with methoxyphemols. The addition of NO3- ions, substantially favors the formation of multi-core aromatic compounds through heterogeneous ozone processing of methoxyphenols. More importantly, the addition of NO3- ions favors the formation of nitrooxy (-ONO2) or oxygenated nitrooxy group of organonitrates, which are potential components of poorly characterized light absorbing organic matter (“brown carbon”) which in turn can affect the climate and air quality.

Mon-31 Jul | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR330
AS46 - Aviation Meteorology

Session Chair(s): Jung-Hoon KIM, Seoul National University

Determining the Spatial Distribution of Turbulence Near Thunderstorms

Todd LANE1,2#+, Stacey HITCHCOCK1, Robert SHARMAN3, Stanley TRIER3, Wiebke DEIERLING3, Cameron HOMEYER4
1The University of Melbourne, 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, 3National Center for Atmospheric Research, 4University of Oklahoma

Severe turbulence encounters can result in serious injuries and millions of dollars of operational costs to airlines. In addition to the turbulence generated within the storm, thunderstorms can induce turbulence in the surrounding clear air, which can extend large distances from the storm boundary due to gravity waves and other circulations. Using relatively limited datasets, past studies have indicated that severe turbulence can extend beyond the current federal guidelines for avoidance (20 mi/~32 km), but many questions remain. For example, 1) What is the spatial distribution of convection induced turbulence relative to individual storms? 2) What dynamical factors determine the spatial distribution? Now, extensive archives of operational radar data and automated eddy dissipation rate (EDR) reports from commercial aircraft present an opportunity for more detailed analysis. To address the above questions, we objectively identify thunderstorms in the GridRad hourly radar archive over the contiguous USA and compare them to automated turbulence reports over a period of 9 years (2009-2017). This analysis, based on millions of turbulence data points, is used to diagnose the risk of turbulence relative to storms.

Using High Resolution Global Climate Models to Project Trends in Clear Air Turbulence Over the North Atlantic

Isabel SMITH1#+, Paul WILLIAMS1, Reinhard SCHIEMANN2,1
1University of Reading, 2National Centre for Atmospheric Science

Clear-air turbulence (CAT) has a large impact on the aviation sector. Our current understanding of how CAT may increase with climate change in future is largely based on simulations from CMIP3 and CMIP5 global climate models (GCMs). However, these models have now been superseded by high-resolution CMIP6 GCMs, which have grid lengths at which median individual turbulence patches may start to be resolved. Using a CMIP6 multi-model approach, projected CAT changes over the North Atlantic have been quantified. Twenty-one CAT diagnostics are used, to represent the uncertainties in CAT production mechanisms. Each diagnostic responds differently in time, but the majority display an increase in CAT between 1950 and 2050. These results refer to Northern Hemisphere (NH) CAT changes, particularly over the North Atlantic basin. Although NH winter is historically the most turbulent season, there is strong multi-model agreement that autumn and summer will have the greatest overall percentage increase in CAT frequency. Future NH summers are projected to become as turbulent as 1950 winters. Using the global-mean seasonal near-surface temperature as a comparative metric, with every of global near-surface warming, NH autumn, winter, spring, and summer are projected to have an average of 14%, 9%, 9%, and 14% more moderate CAT, respectively.

Atmospheric Turbulence Estimated from High-resolution Operational Radiosonde Data and Comparison with In-situ Flight Observations

Han-Chang KO1+, Hye-Yeong CHUN1#, Jung-Hoon KIM2, Robert SHARMAN3
1Yonsei University, 2Seoul National University, 3National Center for Atmospheric Research

The one-third power of the energy dissipation rate (EDR) is calculated based on the Thorpe method using high vertical-resolution radiosonde data (HVRRD) at 68 operational stations in the United States for six years (2012–2017) observed at 00 and 12 UTC. The spatiotemporal distributions of HVRRD-derived EDR (HVRRD-EDR) are compared with those of in-situ flight EDR (flight-EDR) observed along main flight routes of commercial airlines over z=20–45 kft and within ±1 h centered at 00 and 12 UTC. Both datasets show similar seasonal variations, with the largest total occurrences in June–August (JJA) and the smallest in December–February (DJF). Vertically, both ratios of light-or-greater (LOG) and moderate-or-greater (MOG) intensity turbulence events to the total turbulence events of HVRRD-EDR reveal two local peaks at z=20–23 kft and 41–44 kft, while those of flight-EDR at z=20–23 kft and 35–38 kft. The LOG and MOG ratios of HVRRD-EDR show clear seasonal variations with large values in JJA and small values in DJF, while those of flight-EDR show somewhat different variations: large values in DJF and small values in JJA at z=20–30 kft, large values in March–May and small values in September–November at z=30–45 kft. Consequently, correlation coefficients between HVRRD-EDR and flight-EDR are negative at z=20–30 kft and positive at z=30–45 kft. Horizontally, the MOG ratio of HVRRD-EDR is large primarily over the Rocky Mountains which is consistent with the flight-EDR. The discrepancies in the spatiotemporal distributions between the two datasets likely stem from, at least, two reasons: (i) turbulence observed from the two datasets cannot be the same events, and (ii) HVRRD-EDR associated exclusively with static instability cannot include shear instability under stable atmospheric condition that is related to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of which most of flight-EDR is involved.

Comparison of Different Estimation Techniques of Turbulent Energy Dissipation Rate from Doppler Lidar Measurements

SeungWon BAEK1+, Kwonil KIM2, Jung-Hoon KIM3, Gyu Won LEE1#
1Kyungpook National University, 2Stony Brook University, 3Seoul National University

Turbulence is one of the most significant physical processes in aviation meteorology. Rapid changes in a headwind in the vicinity of an aircraft can lead to aviation accidents. Although many efforts have been made to detect such turbulence in advance, difficulties have been encountered due to its small spatial (1 mm ~ 1 km) and temporal (1 s ~ 1 hr) scales, and unpredictable behavior. By utilizing Doppler lidar to observe turbulence with a high spatiotemporal resolution continuously, it is possible to overcome the limitations of in situ observation and detect turbulence in advance. Energy dissipation rate (EDR) is a valuable measure that can quantitatively represent the intensity of turbulence. Various techniques have been proposed to estimate EDR using Doppler lidar. In this study, we will compare the performance of three inertial range EDR estimation techniques (power spectrum, second-order structure function, variance). They are applied to Doppler lidar measurements operating in the vertically fixed-pointing mode. The accuracy of the estimated EDR was evaluated by the one from in-situ sonic anemometer. The results show that the data sampling rate greatly affected the EDR estimation using the power spectrum. The variance technique produces the most accurate estimation when compared to the value calculated from the sonic anemometer. This study will examine the benefits and weaknesses of each technique, taking into account the instrumental characteristics and scanning strategy of Doppler lidar.

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1A4A1032646). This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program "Developing Technology for High-Resolution Urban Weather Information Services” under Grant (KMA2018-00627).

Performance Comparison of Probabilistic Turbulence Forecasts Using the Two Operational NWP Models of KMA

Dan-Bi LEE1+, Jung-Hoon KIM1#, Hye-Yeong CHUN2
1Seoul National University, 2Yonsei University

The current aviation turbulence forecast systems worldwide, including in South Korea, are mostly based on deterministic forecasts that provide the turbulence potential fields predicted by calculating turbulence diagnostics using the single numerical weather prediction (NWP) model output. Given that both the turbulence diagnostics and NWP model have inherent uncertainties, the need for probabilistic forecasts that can take such uncertainties into account and provide confidence in the forecasting is increasing. In this study, we perform probabilistic turbulence forecasts using the two operational Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS) outputs based on the Unified Model (UM) and the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), and evaluate the performance of the two GDAPS-based probabilistic turbulence forecasts against available turbulence observation data for one year (2022.01–2022.12). Although the UM- and KIM-based GDAPS have a similar horizontal resolution (~10 km for UM; ~12km for KIM), the KIM-based GDAPS has a higher vertical resolution than the UM-based GDAPS (70 levels below 80 km for UM; 91 levels below 80 km for KIM). To perform a single NWP model-based probabilistic turbulence forecast, two probabilistic forecasting approaches are considered, which are a forecast time-lagged ensemble and a multi-diagnostic ensemble. The UM-based deterministic turbulence forecast with a higher horizontal resolution predicts wider and stronger turbulence regions than the KIM-based deterministic turbulence forecast, regardless of the higher vertical resolution of KIM-GDAPS, although the predicted turbulence regions are overall similar. Detailed comparison results of performance validation of two GDAPS-based probabilistic turbulence forecasts will be presented in the conference. Acknowledgment: This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-00410.

Stochastic Ensemble System for Airport Probabilistic Forecasting

Ui-Yong BYUN1#+, Eun-Chul CHANG1, Sang-Hun PARK2, Hye-Yeong CHUN2, Jung-Hoon KIM3
1Kongju National University, 2Yonsei University, 3Seoul National University

As global air traffic has steadily increased over the past few decades, the need for more accurate flight time compliance and safe and efficient air operations has arisen. To this end, the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) established a global navigation plan and urged each country to implement it. Accordingly, Korea also launched the National Aviation Plan (NARAE) to realize a safe and efficient air traffic system. To successfully carry out the NARAE, it is necessary to provide detailed and three-dimensional aircraft weather information to support optimal operation for each flight stage in preparation for environmental changes in future air operations. In particular, at airport points, it is essential to provide probabilistic forecasts for decision-making of aircraft operations for factors such as visibility, ceiling, and wind shear, which significantly affect the takeoff and landing of aircraft. In this study, we configured the ensemble system to produce probabilistic forecasts of aircraft meteorological factors. An ensemble system is configured based on the Korea Meteorological Administration's KLAPS (Korea Local Analysis and Prediction System) and employs the stochastic ensemble methods; SPPT (stochastically perturbed physics tendencies) and SKEBS (stochastic kinetic-energy backscatter scheme). We conducted experiments on low visibility and wind shear cases at Incheon Airport. We confirmed the ensemble spread of each experiment by comparing the results of experiments with the different numbers of ensemble members. This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-00410. And the main calculations in this study were performed using supercomputing resources provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (National Center for Meteorological Supercomputing).

Influence of Bohai Sea-effect on Fog Formation in Western Coastal Zone Under the Background of Cold Back-flow in Northeast China

Tian MENG1+, Bingui WU2#
1Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 2Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Science

The sea-effect generally refers to the process of air mass denaturation after the cold air flows above the warm sea surface. This type of fog is often observed in the western coastal zone of Bohai Sea and has an important impact on the local aviation. There is little research on the heavy fog in this area due to the influence of the "sea effect". This study investigates the mechanism of a typical sea-effect fog case in the morning of October 17, 2007 using WRF model over western coastal zone of Bohai Sea. Results indicated that: contrary to the most analyses of sea-effect snowstorm and precipitation studies that generally emphasize the role of oceanic heating, evaporation of Bohai Sea and accompanying advective vapor transport are shown to play more important roles in the formation of fog. The moisture budget reveals that the evaporation of the Bohai Sea at night is ten times greater than in the western coast. The water vapor transport guided by the back-flow in Northeast China contributes the most to the fog water. The vapor flux in this direction fluctuates and increases from 16:00, Oct 16 to 03:00, Oct 17 (LST), and vertical integral corresponding to the tendency of liquid water reaches a maximum at 03:00, Oct 17. In contrast, the temperature advection is weak. Sensitivity tests further show that the changes of the SST field only cause a shift in the location of the fog, while the humidity change triggered by the Bohai Sea effect plays a decisive role on fog formation in western coastal zone. The sensitivity test of evaporation shows that: with the decrease of evaporation in Bohai Sea, the advective vapor transport will be significantly weakened, and the simulated fog on the western coast of the Bohai Sea will disappear completely.

Sensitivity of YSU Modified Scheme to Fog Simulation Under Different Physical Parameterized Combinations

Bingui WU1+, Tian MENG2#
1Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Science, 2Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Sciences

A modified algorithm which represents additional top-down turbulent mixing driven by cloud/fog-top radiative cooling was provided by Wilson and Fovell in 2018. The algorithm is appended to the Yonsei University (YSU) planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization scheme to improve turbulent mixing within the cloud/fog. Considering the modified YSU (YSU_mod) simulation may be affected by different combined parameterizations, three different combinations of parameterization schemes, including the schemes by formula provider recommended (WF), the schemes using by operational numerical prediction of North China Plain (NCP), and the land surface process parameterization in WF schemes being substituted by that in NCP (WF_1), are selected to evaluated fog cases over North China Plain using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in order to promote the application of YSU_mod in NCP operational forecast system. The results show that the influence of the additional top-down turbulent mixing in fog is mainly shown as, (1) it significantly increases PBL temperature while the slight and uncertain effect on specific humidity, which lead to less fog layer liquid water and fog cover, and later formation and early dissipation of fog. (2) Under different combinations of parameterization schemes, the influence is that the warmer bottom of the PBL in WF schemes which promotes fog layer lifting, while the warmer upper of the PBL in NCP schemes which lowers fog layer. (3) The warmer fog layer don’t always correspond to the truth, the negative temperature deviation is modified successfully in WF schemes, while the temperature and humidity deviations are larger than observations in NCP schemes. In addition, an appropriate land surface parameterization greatly affects fog simulation which can be concluded from the significant fog simulation improvement in WF_1 comparing to the WF.

Mon-31 Jul | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR329
AS02 - Climate Change and Tropical Climatic Hazards in Asia Oceania

Session Chair(s): Yuriy KULESHOV, Bureau of Meteorology

WMO GPC LRFs Support for "Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu"

Yuriy KULESHOV1,2#+
1Bureau of Meteorology, 2Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University

Vanuatu is one of the world's most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. The main climate hazards for Vanuatu include tropical cyclones, heavy rainfall resulting in flooding, extended periods without rain causing drought, rising sea levels threatening coastal environments and property, as well as sea temperature increase and ocean acidification impacting highly valuable coastal ecosystems and resources (including coral reefs, seagrass and fisheries). Recognising urgency to assist Vanuatu with climate change adaptation, the Green Climate Fund provided support for "Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu (Van-CIS-RDP)" project, which is named Van-KIRAP (Vanuatu Klaemet Infomesen blong Redy, Adapt mo Protekt) in local language. Van-KIRAP project helps to address the needs to strengthen Climate Information Services (CIS) in Vanuatu delivering climate science to support decision makers and communities in Vanuatu to prepare for and adapt to climate variability and change. World Meteorological Organization's Global Producing Centre for Long-Range Forecasts (WMO GPC LRFs) Melbourne hosted by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology disseminates sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) climate information from the Australian Community Climate Earth-System Simulator – Seasonal (ACCESS-S) on global, regional and national scales, including climate forecast products for Vanuatu. This presentation provides an overview of products for climate monitoring and ACCESS-S S2S products for climate prediction disseminated via WMO GPC LRFs, with emphasis on utilising them under Van-KIRAP project for production of Climate Outlook Bulletins for tourism, agriculture, and fisheries sectors.

Record-breaking Rainfall Accumulations in Eastern China Produced by Typhoon In-fa (2021)

Xin HUANG1#+, Johnny CHAN2,3, Ruifen ZHAN4, Zifeng YU5,2, Rijin WAN6
1Shanghai Typhoon Institute, China Meteorological Administration, 2Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 3City University of Hong Kong, 4Fudan University, 5Shanghai Typhoon Institute/China Meteorological Administration, 6China Meteorological Administration

Persistent heavy rainfall produced by western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclones (TCs) can lead to widespread flooding and landslides in Asian countries. On July 2021, unprecedent rainfall amount occurred when Typhoon Infa passed through the highly populated eastern China. While the associated synoptic features have been analyzed, the extreme characteristics and return periods of rainfall induced by In-fa remain unexplored. Analyses of rainfall data from a WNP TC database of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) show that Typhoon In-fa not only produces record-breaking rainfall accumulations at individual surface stations, but generates unprecedent rainfall amounts for the whole area of eastern China. Quantitatively, 2, 4, 11, 24 and 55 stations are exposed to once in 200-, 100-, 50-, 20- and 10-year extreme TC rainfall accumulations, respectively, and total rainfall at 75 stations reaches a record high since 1980. Overall, the return period is up to 481 years for the total rainfall amount accumulated in eastern China during the 1980–2019 baseline. The extremely long rainfall duration is identified as key to the torrential rains in the Yangtze River Delta before In-fa changes its direction of movement from northwestward to northeastward, while the extreme rain rate plays a dominant role in the northern areas afterwards. Probabilities of occurrence of such an unprecedented TC rainfall event have increased in most (75%) of the eastern China during the period of 2000–2019 compared with those during 1980–1999. Our study highlights the likely increase in risk of extreme TC-induced rainfall accumulations which should be considered in disaster risk mitigation.

Impact of the North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Tripole on the Northwestern Pacific Weak Tropical Cyclone Frequency

Rui JIN#+, Hui YU
Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration

Previous studies focused on the intense TCs in the central-southeastern western North Pacific (WNP), whose variability is intimately linked to El Niño-Southern Oscillation and extratropical sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) in the Pacific. Compared with them, weak TCs (WTCs) are more numerous and form further northwestward. The great number of WTCs and thereby the landfall cases may also cause huge damage to countries in Southeast Asia. However, their modulators are far from fully understood. Our research emphasizes the delayed impact of the early spring North Atlantic tripole SSTA (NAT) on the WTC formation frequency through the “capacitor” effect of sea ice (SIC) and SST in the Barents Sea. Detailed analysis indicates that a positive NAT may modulate an anomalous high in the Barents Sea-North Europe and decrease the local low cloud cover. Thus, more downward solar radiation tends to heat the local SST and decrease the SIC. This warmer Barents Sea could maintain through the typhoon season and excite a significant southeastward wave train, with several centers in the Arctic, Central Asia, and East Asia. The abnormal easterly to the south of the anticyclone in East Asia facilitates the cyclonic anomaly in the South China Sea, the Philippines, and the subtropical WNP, which reinforces the monsoon trough and favors the WTC formation there. A physical-based empirical model is developed for the WTC frequency, and hindcast is performed from 1979 to 2018. It shows the early spring NAT effectively improves the prediction skill for the WTC frequency, which can be considered as a crucial source of predictability for WTCs.

Reversal of Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency Anomaly Over the Western North Pacific from Boreal Summer to Autumn

Yuhao CAI+, Song YANG#
Sun Yat-sen University

Tropical cyclones (TCs) over the western North Pacific (WNP) mainly occur in boreal summer and autumn. Using three best track datasets for 1979-2021, this study finds a significant inverse relationship between the relative TC genesis frequency (TCGF) during summer and that during autumn. This strong relationship is characterized with TC activity transitions from active (inactive) season in summer to inactive (active) season in autumn. That is, positive (negative) anomaly of TCGF in summer is followed negative (positive) anomaly in autumn. Such a reversal of TCGF anomaly is generally supported by the changes in large-scale environmental fields over the WNP from summer to autumn. Based on diagnostic analyses of TC genesis potential index, it is suggested that the mid-level relative humidity and vertical motions play major roles for the phase-transition of TCGF anomalies, followed by the secondary roles of low-level vorticity and mid-level meridional shear of zonal wind. Moist static energy budget analyses demonstrate that the phase reversal of climatological moist enthalpy advection by anomalous winds contributes to the phase transitions of anomalous vertical motion and relative humidity over the WNP. Seasonal evolution in sea surface temperature over the Indian Ocean is hypothesized to be associated with the phase transition of TCGF anomaly and corresponding large-scale environmental factors over the WNP.

Arctic Sea Ice Promoting Seasonal Prediction Capability of the Early Autumn Tropical Cyclone Formation Frequency Over the Western North Pacific

Peng ZHANG#+
Fudan University

Seasonal prediction of tropical cyclone (TC) activity has been a hot research theme in the past decades. Usually, the tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) provide considerable predictability sources for the western North Pacific (WNP) TC activity. Here, we emphasized that the Chukchi-Beaufort (C-B) and Greenland (GL) sea ice variability is closely linked to the year-to-year variations of the early autumn WNP TC formation frequency (TCF). Observational and numerical evidence proved that the excessive C-B and GL sea ice sustains from August to the following early autumn and triggers the southeastward propagation of the Rossby wave trains originating from the Arctic across Western Eurasia (Okhotsk Sea) to the WNP. The resultant anomalous low pressure over WNP provides suitable environmental conditions for TC formation—the enhancement of the lower-level relative vorticity and water moisture, and the decrease of vertical wind shear. For the reduced sea ice, an opposite situation tends to emerge. The persistent combined sea ice signal makes it a physically meaningful precursor for TCF prediction. The cross-validated hindcast and independent forecast based on both the tropical SST and the Arctic sea ice precursors present that the TCF index is predicted with much higher correlation coefficients than those of the empirical models with only the tropical SST predictors. The results demonstrate that the Arctic sea ice truly promotes the seasonal prediction capability of the WNP TCF.

Convection-permitting Simulations Reveal Robust Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Extreme Precipitation Due to Anthropogenic Warming

Minkyu LEE1#+, Seung-Ki MIN2, Dong-Hyun CHA3
1Korea Institute of Energy Research, 2Pohang University of Science and Technology, 3Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Understanding how global warming affects tropical cyclone (TC) intensity and precipitation for target regions is essential to preparing for associated damages but detailed processes remain uncertain. This study provides a first quantification of anthropogenic influences on TC characteristics affecting South Korea using convection-permitting model (CPM) simulations (3 km resolution). For the observed four recent TCs that strongly affected South Korea, CPM simulations were performed under current (ALL) and pre-industrial conditions (NAT). The observed sea surface temperature and lateral boundary conditions were used for ALL while changes attributable to human influences (estimated using CMIP6 multimodel simulations) were removed from observed boundary conditions for NAT runs. ALL experiments captured the observed TC intensity and precipitation reasonably. After removing human influences, TC intensity and precipitation were reduced in NAT experiments. Importantly, areas with extreme precipitation (i.e., having precipitation larger than 150 mm) were found to expand by 16~37% in ALL compared to NAT, which was induced by an enhanced upward motion near the TC core and an increase of background water vapor in line with warming. Further, the role of increased moisture was found to become important as TC moves to mid-latitudes. This study provides new insights into how greenhouse warming can intensify TC-induced extreme precipitation over East Asia.

Changes to Tropical Cyclone Tracks Over Southeast Asia in a Warming Climate

Andra GARNER1#+, Dhrubajyoti SAMANTA2, Mackenzie WEAVER1, Benjamin HORTON2,3
1Rowan University, 2Nanyang Technological University, 3Rutgers University

Tropical cyclone (TC) track characteristics in a changing climate remain uncertain. Here, we use downscaled simulations from nine Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models to investigate the genesis, tracks, and termination of >64,000 synthetic TCs traveling within the Southeast Asia region from the historical era (1881-1900 CE) to the modern era (1991-2000 CE) to the future (2081-2100 CE). Under both a moderate emissions scenario (SSP2-4.5) and a high-emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5), TCs are more likely to form closer to major land masses, terminate farther inland, and move most slowly while over mainland Southeast Asia or in the Bay of Bengal from the historical era to future. Furthermore, TCs become more likely to intensify most quickly in locations near mainland Southeast Asia in the future compared to the historical era, and the rate at which TC maximum winds increase is amplified in the future under both of our modeled scenarios. Additionally, results suggest a northern shift in TC track locations in the northwest Pacific basin, as well as an increased tendency for TC tracks to traverse mainland Southeast Asia in the future compared to the historical era.

Long-term Trends in Cyclogenesis Over North Indian Ocean and the Role of Equatorial Waves and MJO

Kiranmayi LANDU#+, Lokendar TIRUNAHARI
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Convectively coupled equatorial waves and Madden and Jullian Oscillations (MJO) are known to significantly impact cyclogenesis throughout the tropical ocean basins. Studies show that these waves can modulate cyclogenesis potential index, thus affecting the genesis frequency. Recent studies show that the frequency and intensity of cyclones forming over Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal have undergone significant trends over the recent decades. In this study we explore the role of tropical intraseasonal oscillations and their long term variabiliity on the observed trends of cyclogenesis over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea for a period of 40 years from 1981 till 2020. Long term trends in the factors that determine genesis potential index are analyzed along with their relation to equatorial waves and MJO. The study shows that the trends in the wave modulated of the genesis parameters, namely, relative humidity at mid troposphere, vorticity, vertical wind shear and potential intensity, each play a different role in the observed trends in cyclogenesis for the two basins during pre and post monsoon seasons. The results give an insight into the importance of these subseasonal processes in modulating the long term changes in extreme events in addition to background climate change.

Mon-31 Jul | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR331
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Chun-Chieh WU, National Taiwan University, Kelvin T. F. CHAN, Sun Yat-sen University

AS18-A030 | Invited
Near-shore Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones

Johnny CHAN1,2#+, Charlie C. F. LOK2, Ralf TOUMI3
1Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 2City University of Hong Kong, 3Imperial College London

It has been observed that some tropical cyclones (TCs) rapidly intensify within 24-48 hours of landfall along the South China coast, which poses a great challenge in terms of intensity forecasts and subsequent disaster preparedness. Some case studies have shown that an increase in sea-surface temperature (SST) might be responsible for such rapid intensification. In this paper, we show that the SST increase is likely due to solar heating of the ocean over a shallow continental shelf, which can occur for a TC with a small cloud cover. Numerical simulations of TCs with small and extensive cloud cover demonstrate that this is indeed the case. Further studies based on a large number of cases illustrate further that a combination of a high TC translation speed and a small cloud cover has the highest chance of causing a TC to intensify rapidly just before landfall.

AS18-A001 | Invited
The Dependence of Tropical Cyclone Pressure Tendency on Size

Ralf TOUMI#+, Nathan SPARKS
Imperial College London

Current theories of tropical cyclone (TC) intensification give little direct indication of the role of the TC size in intensity changes, although there are observations showing a relationship. We develop a new model of TC central pressure tendency where the pressure change can be expressed as exponential with a time constant determined by the ratio of radius maximum wind (Rmax) and the column inflow or outflow speed. An analysis of observations confirms the relationship which becomes more important for a larger pressure tendency and suggests an upper bound on pressure tendency for a given Rmax. The dependence of the pressure tendency on size poses a challenging constraint on the accurate forecasting of TCs in numerical weather prediction and climate models.

AS18-A022 | Invited
Uncertainties in Tropical Cyclone Landfall Decay

Kelvin T. F. CHAN1#+, Johnny CHAN2,3, Kailin ZHANG1, Yue WU1
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 3City University of Hong Kong

Understanding the responses of landfalling tropical cyclones to a changing climate has been a topic of great interest and research. Among them, the recently reported slowdown of tropical cyclone landfall decay in a warming climate engenders controversy. Here, the global climatology of landfall decay, based on the tropical cyclone best-track data available, reveals that the reported trends are uncertain and not universal, but spatial, temporal, data, and methodology dependent such that any claim of a climate trend could be misleading at present. The effective area of moisture supply from the ocean, most likely determined by the landfalling track modes, is demonstrated to be an important factor for the decay. This study provides timely essential clarifications of the current contentious understanding.

Quantifying the Environmental Effects on Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change Using a Simple Dynamically Based Dynamical System Model

Jing XU1#+, Yuqing WANG1, Chi YANG2
1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2Beijing Normal University

Accurately prediction of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity is quite challenging due to multiple competing processes among the TC internal dynamics and the environment. Most previous studies have evaluated the environmental effects on TC intensity change based on TC best-track data which results from both internal dynamics and external influence. This study quantifies the environmental effects on TC intensity change using a simple dynamically based dynamical system (DBDS) model recently developed. In this simple model, the environmental effects are uniquely represented by a ventilation parameter B, which can be expressed as multiplicative of individual ventilation parameters of the corresponding environmental effects. Their individual ventilation parameters imply their relative importance to the bulk environmental ventilation effect and thus to the TC intensity change. Six environmental factors known to affect TC intensity change are evaluated in the DBDS model using machine learning approaches with the best-track data for TCs over the North Atlantic, central, eastern and western North Pacific and the statistical hurricane intensity prediction scheme (SHIPS) dataset during 1982–2021. Results show that the deep-layer vertical wind shear is the dominant ventilation factor to reduce the intrinsic TC intensification rate or to drive the TC weakening, with its ventilation parameter ranging between 0.5–0.8. Other environmental factors are generally secondary, with their respective ventilation parameters over 0.8. An interesting result is the strong dependence of the environmental effects on the stage of TC development. Finally, applications of the DBDS model to real TC intensity prediction are briefly discussed.

Statistical Analysis of Near-landfall Intensified Typhoons and Their Dynamic and Thermal Conditions

Xiang CHUNYI1,2#+, Hironori FUDEYASU2
1China Meteorological Administration, 2Yokohama National University

Unlike most tropical cyclones (TCs) that begin to weaken when approaching the land, there are some TCs that intensified near-landfall on the contrary. Those TCs bring a great challenge to typhoon forecasts and disaster prevention. Based on three best track datasets JMA, CMA and JTWC from 1980 to 2021, the intensity variation characteristics of tropical cyclones in the Western Pacific within 48 hours before landfall were studied, and 11 common typical near-landfall intensified typhoon cases in the three datasets were selected for composite analysis. The environmental wind vertical shear, relative eddy flux convergence and local radiation flux during landings were calculated using ERA5 reanalysis. The intensity changes of 24hr, 12hr and 6hr before landfall were documented. According to statistical analysis, tropical cyclones whose intensity changes of 24hr before landfall exceeded 20kt and did not weaken within 48hr before landfall were defined as near-landfall intensification cases. Statistics show that those TCs have northwestward prevailing tracks. The high activated period is from July to September, and the probability during nighttime is significantly higher than that of daytime. Composite analysis of selected typical near-landfall intensified TCs shows that the vertical wind shear, which has no significant decreasing before landfall. Further analysis find out that the decreasing of local vertical wind shear and the increase of relative eddy flux convergence can favor the development of inner-core convection. The asymmetric distribution of latent heat, sensible heat flux and long-wave radiation on the underlying surface around the typhoon before landfall is further analyzed. It is found that the asymmetric distribution of local non-adiabatic typhoon circulation is conducive to the development of offshore intensity. Under favorable dynamic and thermal processes. Statistical analysis of such typhoons reveals common characteristics and possible influential factors.

Kinetic Energy Budget Associated with Movement of Maximum Wind During the Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclone Khanun (2017)

Yishe SHI#+
Zhejiang University

Using validated Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation data, kinetic energy (KE) budgets were analyzed to study the dynamic processes associated with the radial movement of maximum wind in the lower troposphere during the rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclone (TC) Khanun (2017). In this study, the radial movement of the maximum symmetric rotational KE is computed to measure the movement of the maximum wind. RI is divided into four stages: before RI, the radial distance decreases inward rapidly (stage 1); during RI, the radial distance undergoes a slowly inward decrease (stage 2), barely unchanged (stage 3) and a slowly inward decrease again (stage 4). The comparison between the radii of maximum symmetric rotational KE and its maximum tendency reveals that the radius of maximum symmetric rotational KE generally is larger than that of maximum tendency of symmetric rotational KE in all stages except in stage 3 when maximum symmetric rotational KE and its maximum tendency are nearly collocated. The analysis of symmetric rotational KE budgets shows that flux convergence of KE always is an important term determines maximum tendency in all stages. The conversion from asymmetric rotational KE to symmetric rotational KE, and the conversions from environmental KE to symmetric rotational KE and from symmetric divergent KE to symmetric rotational KE contribute to the maximum tendency, respectively, in stage1 and stages 3 and 4. The important terms in determining maximum tendency are further partitioned and the results will be reported in the conference. Keywords: tropical cyclone, rapid intensification, kinetic energy budget, symmetric and asymmetric circulations, divergent and rotational circulations.

On Tropical Cyclone Genesis Types and Their Intensification Rate

Ming-Han CHUNG#+, Chun-Chieh WU
National Taiwan University

Higher tropical cyclone (TC) intensification rates are affected by smaller radius of maximum wind (RMW) while continuing convection within the RMW can cause RMW contraction. Therefore, understanding the factors affecting convection distribution and RMW is crucial for characterizing TC intensification rates. Previous studies have shown that convection distribution is affected by TC genesis type, but subjective classification of TC genesis doesn’t rely on data distribution. Hence, this study develops a new objective method to classify TC genesis type based on a K-means cluster analysis of critical environmental parameters available in ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) data. For a proportionate comparison between intensification rate and RMW, the lifetime maximum intensification rate (LMIR) in each case is estimated in this study. The K-means cluster analysis shows four TC genesis types: (i) monsoon confluence (MC), (ii) easterly wave or north of monsoon trough (EW), (iii) monsoon shear (MS), and (iv) monsoon depression (MD). The positive vorticity area in MC and MS indicates the monsoon trough. MC forms at the east of the monsoon trough while MS forms inside the monsoon trough. EW has a small RMW and a small high positive vorticity area. In contrast, MD has a larger RMW and a larger high positive vorticity area. Each genesis type has different convection distribution compared to previous objective method. Owing to larger circulation and scattered convection, MD has a significantly larger RMW and lower LMIR than EW based on Conover's test. In contrast, EW cases have high specific humidity only around the center. Although MC and MS have medium RMW sizes between those of EW and MD, their LMIR is as high as that in EW due to the aggregated convection.

Investigating the Definition of Rapid Intensification in Typhoons: A Process-based Approach

Cheng-Hsiang CHIH+, Chun-Chieh WU#, Yi-Hsuan HUANG
National Taiwan University

The occurrence of rapid intensification (RI) of a tropical cyclone (TC) involves multi-scale processes and complex interactions, posing a major challenge in operational forecasting. RI is also a well-trodden path for TCs reaching high storm intensity. The most widely-applied RI threshold is 30 kt intensity change in 24 hours, which is the 95th percentile of the overwater intensity changes based on National Hurricane Center best-track database in Atlantic and eastern North Pacific basins during 1995-2012. The statistics of the 95th percentile of intensity change can vary for TCs in other basins or during a different time period. To conduct a process-based study, this work attempts to identify a better RI definition that can most representatively identify the storm structure difference between RI and non-RI periods for TCs in the western North Pacific. Results based on 40-year (1979-2020) TC best-track data from JMA and JTWC are presented. This study explores the differences in storm structure and TC-environment conditions between RI and non-RI periods. It is shown that an RI threshold of 50 (40) kt intensity change in 36 (24) h based on JMA (JTWC) yields the most distinct warm-core structure difference between RI and non-RI periods.

Mon-31 Jul | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR328
AS09 - The Science and Prediction of Heavy Precipitation and Floods

Session Chair(s): Yali LUO, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

AS09-A005 | Invited
Extreme Rainfall in Northern China in September 2021 Tied to Air–sea Multi-factors

Jianping LI#+, Yue SUN, Hao WANG, Ruize LI, Xinxin TANG
Ocean University of China

The September rainfall over Northern China (NC) in 2021 was the heaviest since 1961 and had unprecedented socioeconomic impacts. Holding the hypothesis that the drivers of extreme climate events usually contain extreme factors, we firstly propose the Ranking Attribution Method (RAM) to find the possible air–sea multi-factors responsible for this rainfall event. Via the atmospheric bridges of zonal-vertical circulation and Rossby wave energy propagation, the remote factors of warm sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) over the tropical Atlantic, cold SSTA over the tropical Pacific, Southern Annular Mode-like pattern in the Southern Hemisphere and North Pacific Oscillation-like pattern in the Northern Hemisphere jointly strengthened the Maritime Continent (MC) convection and Indian monsoon (IM). Through meridional-vertical circulation, the intensified MC convection enhanced the subtropical high over southern China and induced ascending motion over NC. The local factor of extreme air acceleration in the east Asian upper-level jet entrance region further anchored the location of the southwest-northeast rain belt. The strengthened IM and subtropical high over southern China induced considerable moisture transport to the rain belt via two moisture channels. The combined effect of these extreme dynamic and moisture conditions formed this unprecedented rainfall event. This study suggests that the RAM can effectively reveal the factors that contributed to this extreme rainfall event, which could provide a new pathway for a better understanding of extreme climate events.

Real-time Nowcasting of Sudden Heavy Rainfall at Meso-γ-scale Using Neural Network and Dense 3D Observations by Precipitation Radar

Philippe BARON1#+, Kohei KAWASHIMA2, Hanado HIROSHI1, Seiji KAWAMURA1, Takeshi MAESAKA3, Shinsuke SATOH1, Tomoo USHIO2
1National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 2Osaka University, 3National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

Sudden heavy rainfalls occur more and more frequently in Japan during the summer. They are concentrated in restricted areas (typically of 5x5 km2) and can cause severe damage to infrastructure, often with casualties. The extrapolation of precipitation measured by radars is the conventional method for carrying out their nowcast in real time, i.e., short-term prediction on small spatial scales. However, the limit of predictability of such storms with current operational nowcasts is less than 10 minutes. This is due to the short lifetime (<15 minutes) of the individual convective cells causing the precipitation, as well as the limitations of nowcast models to properly account for the 3D nonlinear evolution of the cells. This presentation is about AI based real-time nowcasts of heavy precipitation on meso-γ-scale (2-20 km). The X-band Multi-Parameter Phased-Array Weather Radar (MP-PAWR) operating in Saitama prefecture (Japan) provides 3D observations of individual convective cells with a time resolution of 30 sec. A recurrent neural network is trained to detect the cells aloft and extrapolate them up to 10 minutes ahead. The neural network uses conventional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units enhanced with 3D spatial convolutions and a training method developed for Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). It exploits high spatio-temporal resolution of the measurement up to an altitude of 8 km and the dual polarization. The model is trained with observations of 2020 and successfully predicts the onsets of sudden storms that occurred in 2018 and 2019. Its high prediction skills are illustrated with examples of typical storms where the operational system of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) or a conventional approach fails. A real-time system has been prepared to continuously analyze the observations of summer 2023 and we will present the first results.

Merits of Ocean Prediction for Predicting Summer Heavy Rainfall in Japan

Yuya BABA#+
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Because of the progress of global warming, heavy rainfall intensity and the total amount are increasing in Japan. The heavy rainfall in Japan is frequently observed especially during summertime and occurred by various causes. One of the causes of the heavy rainfall is stagnated pressure pattern around Japan which guides the moisture transport from southwest toward Japan. With the pressure pattern as a background field, extratropical cyclone, front activity, and tropical cyclone induce the heavy rainfall. Since the air-sea interaction has influence on the formation of the pressure pattern, ocean prediction has a possibility to increase the prediction skill for heavy rainfall, and may extend the prediction lead time. Using regional atmospheric and coupled models, the impact of ocean prediction on summer heavy rainfall in Japan was examined for four events. It was found that the ocean prediction could extend the prediction lead time, when the heavy rainfall was caused by atmospheric rivers. Also, it increased prediction skill in the case of front-derived heavy rainfall. Further investigations showed that ocean prediction can provide better air-sea coupling regarding the Pacific high locating southeast of Japan, leading to provide better moisture transport from southwest of Japan. Analysis on reanalysis data indicates that the air-sea coupling around Japan is atmospheric feedback dominant region. Thus, the ocean prediction is necessary to consider the feedback from the atmosphere. Otherwise, the atmospheric feedback is neglected, and sea surface temperature prevails the atmospheric feedback as seen in tropics, then it causes unrealistic air-sea coupling and deteriorates the prediction. It is concluded that the ocean prediction contributes to increase prediction skill and can extend the lead time of heavy rainfall prediction.

Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes on Typhoon Meranti (1614) Landing Process

Yehong WANG#+, Yuchun ZHAO
Xiamen Meteorological Bureau

To study the effects of different boundary layer schemes on the simulation of landing attenuation stage of typhoon Meranti (1614), a series of high-resolution (1.33 km) numerical tests were carried out using seven boundary layer parameterization schemes in the mesoscale numerical model WRF v3.8, namely, YSU, MYJ, QNSE, ACM2, UW, GBM, and Boulac, in terms of movement track, intensity, structure, rainfall, and near-surface physical variables. The results indicate the following. First, boundary layer schemes significantly influenced the simulation of typhoon Meranti’s track, intensity, and rainfall during its landing attenuation stage. Second, in the overall simulation of track, intensity, and precipitation of the typhoon, Boulac and MYJ schemes showed optimal results, in which the Boulac scheme was superior in simulating the typhoon track and precipitation and the MYJ scheme was superior in simulating typhoon intensity. The YSU and GBM schemes had the second best simulation results, whereas QNSE, UW, and ACM2 schemes had worse simulation performance. Moreover, the boundary layer schemes significantly differed in calculating the latent heat flux and sensible heat flux of near-surface layer, thereby affecting the simulation of typhoon track, intensity, and rainfall, leading to significantly different simulation results. The QNSE scheme resulted in an abnormally high latent heat flux, the MYJ and Boulac schemes resulted in the most modest values, and other schemes resulted in slightly smaller values. On the other hand, the QNSE scheme had a slightly higher sensible heat flux, the MYJ scheme showed the most modest one, and other schemes resulted in significantly smaller values. Finally, the boundary layer schemes significantly differed in the simulated thermal and dynamical structure of boundary layer, and Boulac scheme had the obvious advantages, particularly for the structure of boundary layer in daytime.

Applying Optical Flow to Nowcasting Heavy Rainfall Over the Maritime Continent

Joseph SMITH#+
University of Leeds

The Maritime Continent (MC) regularly experiences powerful convective storms that produce intense rainfall. Often the intense rainfall leads to flooding and landslides and thus to widespread destruction. At short lead times (0-12 hours), numerical weather prediction (NWP) models show low skill in the MC for forecasting convective activity. Nowcasting aims to solve this issue by using alternative methods to NWP models to make more accurate and reliable predictions of convective activity from observations over this key timescale. Optical flow algorithms are one of the most effective nowcasting methods as they are able to accurately track clouds across observed image series and predict forward trajectories. Optical flow is generally applied to weather radar observations, however, the radar network over the MC is sparse and cannot penetrate the high mountainous regions. In this research, we present the results of applying the Lukas-Kanade optical flow algorithm to infrared satellite imagery to generate 1 – 6 hour lead time nowcasts of heavy-precipitation-producing storms over the MC. For evaluation of the nowcasts, we present a novel adaption of the fractional skill score to quantify how nowcast skill varies spatially and temporally across the MC domain. Overall, the results show that the Lukas-Kanade algorithm has good skill, outperforming a persistence forecast for all lead times and showing skill up to 6 hours on a 50 km spatial scale. Low skill is observed over the mountainous regions in the early afternoon due to the algorithm’s inability to predict convection initiation. Overnight, however, high skill is seen over the sea as the model is able to accurately predict the offshore propagation of storms. These results show that the Lukas-Kanade algorithm can effectively nowcast mature storms and, when analysed alongside the skill maps, has potential to be used in an operational nowcasting system for the MC.

Development of the Geo-KOMPSAT Image Analysis in Detecting Precursors of Developing Heavy Rain Cloud in Summer Season

Kim DONG SU1#+, Ok Hee KIM1, Byunghyun SONG2, Hee Jung KANG2
1Korea Meteorological Administration, 2Researcher

The major precursor phenomena were derived for detecting torrential rain clouds by intuitively analyzing satellite images. There were 17 cases of torrential rains in 2020-2021 in South Korea. The precursor phenomena were derived for satellite images such as water vapor, RGB composite, and secondary outputs from the Geo-KOMPSAT. We summarized major 12 possible check lists of key precursors that could become torrential rain clouds.
1. Updraft zone in front of the boundary of the upper dry area of North pacific High
2. Updraft zone in front of the dry area due to the Low pressure trough
3. Compressed wet zone between the North-South dry zones
4. Warm advection accompanied by Low pressure in warm conveyor belt
5. Lower cumulus clouds from strong southwesterly flow
6. Cirrus cloud as divergent in the upper strong wind zone
7. Upper layer cold core
8. Low-pressure rotating clouds of upper, middle, and lower layers on the stationary front
9. Periodic upper-level wave inflow on the stationary front
10. The cooling rate of the developing convective cloud lasts less than -3℃/10minutes
11. Clouds thickness of 10 km or more
12. Heavy rainfall critical index of 30 mm/hr or higher
If six or more phenomena among the above 12 conditions are present, the clouds would be developed to cause heavy rainfall. In addition, more than 60 mm/hr of possible precipitation, a strong instability index, the speed of movement of the developed clouds, and terrain factors should be considered. It is necessary to prepare for intense rainfall in summer by considering a combination of topographical factors. Several dominant cases with satellite images and checklists were introduced. This study was carried out with the support of the Korea Meteorological Administration R&D program [Meteorological satellite forecast support and convergence service technology development] (KMA2020-00120).

Short-range Precipitation Forecasts from SINGV with a New Science Configuration

Boon Chong Peter HENG1#+, Jeff LO2
1Meteorological Service Singapore, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore

The Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS) maintains and runs a convection-permitting tropical configuration of the Met Office Unified Model (UM) known as SINGV for weather forecasts and climate projections over the Western Maritime Continent. A new Regional Atmosphere and Land (RAL) science configuration that includes, among other changes, a multi-moment cloud microphysics scheme has been proposed for kilometre-scale UM simulations in the mid-latitudes as well as in the tropics. Short-range forecast experiments with SINGV show that, compared to the operational configuration, the new science configuration produces more coherent storm structures with broader stratiform regions and reduces the tendency to over-forecast (under-forecast) precipitation over land (sea). An objective evaluation of the precipitation forecasts reveals significant improvements in Fractions Skill Scores (FSS) across forecast lead times and rainfall thresholds. The new RAL science configuration is a significant step towards better precipitation forecasts in this region.

Implementing Double Moment Microphysics Into the Met Office Unified Model for Operational Use

Paul FIELD1#, Kalli FURTADO2+, Adrian HILL1, Ben SHIPWAY1, Jonathan WILKINSON1, Annette MILTENBERGER3, Hamish GORDON4, Daniel GROSVENOR1, Kwinten VAN WEVERBERG5
1Met Office, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 3Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 4University of Leeds, 5Ghent University

The Cloud AeroSol Interacting Microphysics (“CASIM”) is the new double moment cloud microphysics scheme that will be introduced into the Met Office operational regional model next year. Results will be shown for performance in the Tropics and the UK. We show comparisons against the currently operational single moment cloud microphysics and investigate the effects of different aerosol activation protocols for activating droplets from the environmental aerosols. In the Tropics, CASIM outperforms the single-moment microphysics as evident from improved comparison with radar derived precipitation rates. We demonstrate that these improvements derive, in part of improved representation of rain evaporation and sedimentation when two prognostic moments are used. CASIM is also used for regional climate projections, and we will show results from dynamical downscaling over China with a particular emphasis on temperature and precipitation extremes. 

Mon-31 Jul | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR327
AS12 - Passive and Active Sensing of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere

Session Chair(s): Patrick ESPY, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Abrupt Change in the Lower Thermospheric Mean Meridional Circulation During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings

Yvan ORSOLINI1#+, Varavut LIMPASUVAN2, Jiarong ZHANG2
1Norwegian Institute for Air Research, 2Coastal Carolina University

Our understanding of the vertical coupling between the lower atmosphere and the upper atmosphere has significantly advanced in recent years, spurred by the large amount of new space-borne and ground-based observations and the extension of atmospheric models into the mesosphere and thermosphere. Observational and model studies have revealed that the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region is the nexus where the forcings by gravity waves (GWs), atmospheric tides and planetary waves (PWs) contribute to driving the mean meridional circulation (MMC). Sandwiched between the two summer-to-winter overturning circulations in the mesosphere and the upper thermosphere, the climatological lower thermosphere mean meridional circulation is a narrow gyre that is characterized by upwelling in the middle winter latitudes, equatorward flow near 120 km, and downwelling in the middle and high summer latitudes. Based on the hourly output from the 2000–2014 simulations of the National Center for Atmospheric Research’s vertically extended version of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM-X) in specified dynamics configuration, we examine the roles of PWs, GWs and atmospheric tides in driving the mean meridional circulation in the lower thermosphere and its response to the sudden stratospheric warming phenomenon with an elevated stratopause in the northern hemisphere. Following the onset of the sudden stratospheric warmings, this gyre reverses its climatological direction, resulting in a “chimney-like” feature of un-interrupted polar descent from the altitude of 150 km down to the upper mesosphere. This reversal is driven by the westward-propagating planetary waves, which exert a brief but significant westward forcing between 70 and 125 km, exceeding gravity wave and tidal forcings. We present evidence of this circulation in observational data and the observational needs to improve our understanding of its variability.

AS12-A016 | Invited
Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM)

Kaoru SATO1#+, Yoshihiro TOMIKAWA2,3, Masashi KOHMA1, Ryosuke YASUI4, Dai KOSHIN1, Haruka OKUI1, Shingo WATANABE5, Kazuyuki MIYAZAKI6, Masaki TSUTSUMI2, Damian MURPHY7, Chris MEEK8, Yufang TIAN9,10, Manfred ERN11, Gerd BAUMGARTEN12, Jorge L. CHAU12, Xinzhao CHU13, Richard COLLINS14, Patrick ESPY15,16, Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI17, Andrew KAVANAGH18, Ralph LATTECK12, Franz-Josef LUEBKEN19, Marco MILLA20, Satonori NOZAWA21, Yasunobu OGAWA2, Kazuo SHIOKAWA21, M Joan ALEXANDER22, Takuji NAKAMURA2, William WARD23
1The University of Tokyo, 2National Institute of Polar Research, 3Graduate University for Advanced Studies, 4Japan Meteorological Agency, 5Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 6California Institute of Technology, 7Australian Antarctic Division, 8University of Saskatchewan, 9Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11Forschungszentrum Jülich, 12University of Rostock, 13University of Colorado at Boulder, 14University of Alaska, 15Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 16University of Bergen, 17Kyoto University, 18British Antarctic Survey, 19Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, 20Instituto Geofísico del Perú, 21Nagoya University, 22NorthWest Research Associates, 23University of New Brunswick

An international joint research project, entitled Interhemispheric Coupling Study by Observations and Modelling (ICSOM), is ongoing. In the late 2000s, an interesting form of interhemispheric coupling (IHC) was discovered: when warming occurs in the winter polar stratosphere, the upper mesosphere in the summer hemisphere also becomes warmer with a time lag of days. This IHC phenomenon is considered to be a coupling through processes in the middle atmosphere (i.e., stratosphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere). Several plausible mechanisms have been proposed so far, but they are still controversial. This is mainly because of the difficulty in observing and simulating gravity waves (GWs) at small scales, despite the important role they are known to play in middle atmosphere dynamics. In this project, by networking sparsely but globally distributed radars, mesospheric GWs have been simultaneously observed in seven boreal winters since 2015/16. We have succeeded in capturing five stratospheric sudden warming events and two polar vortex intensification events. This project also includes the development of a new data assimilation system to generate long-term reanalysis data for the whole middle atmosphere, and simulations by a state-of-art GW-permitting general circulation model using reanalysis data as initial values. By analyzing data from these observations, data assimilation, and model simulation, comprehensive studies to investigate the mechanism of IHC are planned. This paper provides an overview of ICSOM, but even initial results suggest that not only gravity waves but also large-scale waves are important for the mechanism of the IHC.

Dual VHF Radar Measurements of Aspect Sensitivity, Winds, and Momentum Flux in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

Iain REID1,2#+, Ruediger RUESTER3, Peter CZECHOWSKY3
1ATRAD Pty Ltd, 2The University of Adelaide, 3Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research

Radar observations of the troposphere and lower stratosphere made in northern Germany with two VHF MST radars separated by about 30 km in quite different topography over a period of one week are presented. One of the radars, the SOUSY MST radar, was located in the Harz Mountains; the other radar, the Mobile SOUSY MST radar, was operated in a limited form and provides an interesting and rare example of a small beam swinging Doppler radar operating in the lower VHF band (53.5 MHz). Wind results are consistent between the radars, but there are some differences in the measured upward fluxes of horizontal momentum. Wave activity associated with the passage the jet stream over the location of the larger radar in the Harz Mountains is quite evident in the measured winds at the two locations. Stratospheric and tropospheric measurements of aspect sensitivity, mean winds and wave fluxes measured at the two sites from this campaign are presented and discussed.

Energetic Particle Precipitation Signal Found in the Bromine Nitrate Observation

Jia JIA1,2#+, Monika SZELAG3, Michael HÖPFNER4, Pekka VERRONEN3, Patrick ESPY1,5
1Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2Birkeland Centre for Space Science, 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, 4Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 5University of Bergen

Bromine nitrate (BrONO2) is a major reservoir of the active bromine radicals that contribute to the formation of ozone hole. Energetic particle precipitation (EPP) generated NOx enhancement is known to lead to ozone loss in the mesosphere and upper stratosphere. In the lower stratosphere, however, this NOx enhancement is believed to restrain ozone depletion by deactive chlorine and bromine species to the reservoir forms (HCl/HBr and ClONO2/BrONO2). In this study we report BrONO2 response to EPP for the first time, using the latest BrONO2 measurement data from the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on Envisat. We report a positive and significant correlation between BrONO2 and EPP Ap index above 30km in Arctic. In addition, the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with D-region ion chemistry (WACCM-D) was used to characterize the EPP contribution to BrONO2 formation.

Long‐term Trends of the Meteor Altitude Distribution, Mesospheric Density and Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Observed by the High-latitude Meteor Radars

Wen YI1+, Iain REID2,3, Xianghui XUE1#, Jie ZENG1, Damian MURPHY4, Masaki TSUTSUMI5, Njål GULBRANDSEN6, Xiankang DOU1
1University of Science and Technology of China, 2ATRAD Pty Ltd, 3The University of Adelaide, 4Australian Antarctic Division, 5National Institute of Polar Research, 6UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region is strongly modulated by gravity wave (GW) perturbations, and the momentum flux of GW is essential in quantitatively understanding and modeling atmospheric structure at all altitudes. In this study, we present the seasonal variations, long-trend of mesospheric density and GW momentum flux observed by the meteor radars at Davis Station (68.6°S, 77.9°E), in Antarctica, Svalbard (78.3°N, 16°E), Tromsø (69.6°N, 19.2°E) in the Arctic. In general, u’w’ decreases and v’w’ increases as altitude increasing, and westward maximum of u’w’ and northward maximum of v’w’ in spring and autumn at upper altitude. the momentum flux u’w’ and v’w’ is anti-correlated with the background winds (u/v). The seasonal variations in the Davis Station meteor radar relative densities in the southern polar mesopause are mainly dominated by an annual oscillation (AO). The mesopause relative densities observed by the Tromsø meteor radars at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere show mainly an AO and a relatively weak semiannual oscillation (SAO).

AS12-A013 | Invited
Dynamics of Thermospheric Nitric Oxide During Geomagnetic Storms and Solar Flares

Yongliang ZHANG#+, Larry PAXTON, Robert SCHAEFER
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Thermospheric nitric oxide (NO) is a minor species that not only cools the thermosphere through 5.3 µm radiation but also changes significantly during geomagnetic storms. NO column densities derived from TIMED/GUVI data reveal a number of features: (1) NO enhancement is very sensitive to energy input in high latitudes; (2) NO column density and O/N2 column density ratio are anti-correlated on a global scale but show a noticeable shift between the boundaries of NO enhancement and O/N2 depletion regions during geomagnetic storms; (3) Flare time NO enhancement. The features (1) and (2) are likely caused by storm-time meridian circulation that bring high latitude NO enhancement and O/N2 depletion to mid and low latitudes. The feature (3) is caused by increased production of NO. TIMED/GUVI observations of NO serve as a way to monitor the storm-time dynamics and state of the thermosphere for space weather research and operation.

A New Dual-frequency Atmospheric Radar System and its First Results

Qingchen XU1#+, Iain REID2,3
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2ATRAD Pty Ltd, 3The University of Adelaide

A new dual-frequency atmospheric radar system is built and installed in Langfang Observatory, north China. It utilizes novel two-frequency system design that allows interleaved operation of 53.8 MHz for stratosphere and troposphere wind observation, and 35.0 MHz for meteor observation, which optimizes performance for both ST wind retrieval and meteor trail detection. In dedicated meteor mode, the daily meteor count rate reaches over 40,000 and allow wind estimation of finer time resolutions, such as 15-min and 30-min interval, better than the 1-hour typical of most meteor radars. The uncertainty of the ST wind measurements is better than 2 m/s when estimating the line of best fit with radiosonde winds. Preliminary observation results of typical winter gravity waves (GWs) momentum fluxes in the mesosphere, lower stratosphere and troposphere are also presented.

Mon-31 Jul | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR309
AS04 - Impact of Fires on Air Quality and Climate: Processes, Field and Modeling Studies

Session Chair(s): Jianmin CHEN, Fudan University, Abdelwahid MELLOUKI, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco

AS04-A016 | Invited
Prolonged Lifetime of Particulate-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Coating of Secondary Aerosols During Photochemical Aging of Biomass Burning Plumes

Xinming WANG1#+, Wei DENG1, Tengyu LIU2, Zheng FANG3, Yanli ZHANG4, Wei SONG1, Yinon RUDICH3, Jianmin CHEN5, Abdelwahid MELLOUKI6,7, Christian GEORGE8
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Nanjing University, 3Weizmann Institute of Science, 4Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5Fudan University, 6Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco, 7Shandong University, 8National Center for Scientific Research - Catalysis and Environmental Research Institute

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), one class of most toxic compounds in atmosphere, showed much longer than predicted lifetimes in ambient air due to heterogeneous scavenging by ozone (O3) according to previously studies. Here we show heterogeneous reactions with hydroxyl (OH) radical dominates far more over that with O3 in the degradation of particle-bound PAHs based on chamber simulation on the evolution of plumes from biomass burning, the largest emitter of PAHs on a global scale. The evolution of crop straw burning fumes in a 30 m3 smog chamber revealed that for heterogeneous reactions of PAHs with OH, their second order degradation rate constants were estimated to be 4.4~8.6×10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at the initial stage of photo-oxidation, and they dropped 4-5 times to to 1.1~1.7×10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 after 1~5×1011 molecule cm-3 s OH radical exposure, corresponding to a decrease of uptake coefficients of OH (γOH) from 2.2±0.9 to 0.5±0.1. The decrease of second order rate constants and γOH were mainly caused by the reduction in secondary chemistry and the burial effect of coatings by secondary organic/inorganic aerosols during the atmospheric oxidation. Moreover, the OH oxidation pathway (1.1~1.7×10-6 s-1) dominates over ozonolysis pathway (1.7~12.7×10-7 s-1) in heterogeneous degradation of PAHs. The lifetimes of particulate PAHs were estimated to be 93.5~219 h, approximately 120 times that obtained previously by exposing pure PAHs to oxidants, implying their stronger long-range transport and more persistent health risks.

Analysis of Open Bio-mass Burning in China and its Impacts on Air Quality Forecasting

Sunling GONG#+
China Meteorological Administration

A better understanding of spatial-temporal variations of open bio-mass burning in China is required to assess its impacts on the air quality and especially on the heavy haze pollution. The MODIS fire spots data and the calculated burned areas were used in this research, which shows the varying number of fire spots in China from 2013 to 2017, with the highest in 2014 and the lowest in 2016. Meanwhile, the fire spots were found mainly concentrated in three key periods (March-April, June and October-November) and two zones with inter-annual variations of burned areas. In addition, the contribution of major vegetation types burning was studied, the cropland occupied the largest proportion of burned area of more than 70 % in any period time, followed by forest. Finally, from the perspective of climate and human activities, the causes of inter-annual variations were discussed. By comparing the average temperature and precipitation in the two zones from 2013 to 2017, it was found that the burned forest area is positively correlated with the average temperature of the zones and negatively correlated with the average precipitation. Meanwhile, the relationship between the El Niño events and the bio-mass burning was discussed. Finally, by using the datasets of MODIS fire spot, land cover, vegetation cover, bio-mass loading and emission factors, a bio-mass emission model is developed, which is then embedded as an on-line module to an air quality model (WRF-CUACE) to quantitatively assess the impacts of bio-mass burning on surface PM2.5 concentration in China.

Open Biomass Burning Emissions and Their Contribution to Ambient Formaldehyde in Guangdong Province, China

Chunlin ZHANG, Jiangyong LI, Wenlong ZHAO, Qian YAO, Hao WANG#+, Boguang WANG
Jinan University

Formaldehyde (HCHO) plays a vital role in atmospheric chemistry and O3 formation. Open biomass burning (OBB) is considered to be an important source of HCHO; however, its quantitative contribution to ambient HCHO remains poorly understood due to the lack of reliable high-resolution emission inventories. In this study, a satellite-based method coupled with local emission factors was developed to estimate the hourly primary emissions of HCHO and volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors from OBB in Guangdong (GD) Province of southern China. Furthermore, the contribution of OBB to ambient HCHO was quantified using the Community Multi-scale Air Quality model. The results suggested that in average OBB emissions contributed 5293 tons of primary HCHO per year, accounting for ~14% of the total anthropogenic HCHO emissions in GD. The ambient HCHO concentration ranged from 0.3 ppbv to 8.7 ppbv during normal days, and from 8 ppbv to 45 ppbv in downwind area during OBB impacted days. The monthly contribution of OBB to local HCHO levels reached up to 50% at locations with frequent fires and over 70% during a forest fire event. Ambient HCHO was heavily affected by primary OBB emissions near the source region and by the oxidation of OBB-emitted VOCs in the downwind area. Secondary HCHO formation from OBB emissions was enhanced during photochemical pollution episodes, especially under conditions of high O3 and low NOx. OBB-emitted ethene was identified as the most important VOC precursor of HCHO and contributed to the formation of ~50% of the secondary HCHO. The HCHO formation potential of cropland fires was 26% higher than that of forest fires. Our results suggest that OBB can elevate ambient HCHO levels significantly. Thus, strict control policies on OBB should be implemented, especially for open-burning agricultural residues in upwind areas on serious photochemical pollution days.

Worldwide Pyrocumulonimbus Inventory Reveals the Frequency, Variability, and Stratospheric Impact of Smoke-Infused Storms During 2013-2021

David PETERSON1#+, Melinda BERMAN2, Michael FROMM1, William JULSTROM3, René SERVRANCKX4, Edward HYER1, James CAMPBELL1, Theodore MCHARDY5
1Naval Research Laboratory, 2University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 3University of Iowa, 4PyroCb Community Member, 5American Society for Engineering Education

This study provides the first comprehensive inventory of all known pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) events observed worldwide (546 confirmed events) over the nine-year period 2013-2021. PyroCbs are a dangerous and severe type of fire weather, which present many hazards to firefighting efforts and communities along the wildland-urban interface. These unique storms also serve as a vertical transport pathway (large chimney) facilitating rapid injection of smoke into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). This inventory provides insight into basic questions on inter-annual, seasonal, sub-daily, and regional variability of pyroCb, along with potential controlling factors. Development of this inventory has included detailed analysis of the distribution and variability of pyroCb smoke injection altitudes, quantitative estimation of the aerosol mass associated with each stratospheric plume, and examination of the impact of pyroCb activity on stratospheric aerosol loading worldwide. This pyroCb inventory provides the means to address a wide range of significant open questions about the nature, behavior, and impact of this phenomenon. Answers to these questions are critical for advancing pyroCb prediction capabilities to mitigate aviation hazards and aid firefighting efforts. This new multi-year inventory dataset also sets a foundation for an official Earth System Data Record that can be maintained into the future and extended back in time to identify longer-term trends in pyroCb activity and ensuing impacts on the climate system.

Pyrocumulonimbus and its Role in the Climate System: What is Known and Unknown?

David PETERSON1#+, Edward HYER1, James CAMPBELL1, Melinda BERMAN2, William JULSTROM3, Ghassan TAHA4, Christopher CAMACHO1, Laura THAPA5, Theodore MCHARDY6, Pablo SAIDE5
1Naval Research Laboratory, 2University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 3University of Iowa, 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 5University of California, Los Angeles, 6American Society for Engineering Education

Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) are fire-induced and smoke-infused thunderstorms that serve as the primary pathway for smoke to reach the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS).The magnitude of smoke plumes observed in the UTLS has increased significantly in recent years, rivaling or exceeding the impact from all volcanic eruptions observed over the last decade, with the potential for significant climate feedbacks on seasonal and hemispheric scales. The Black Summer fire season of 2019-2020 in southeastern Australia contributed to an unprecedented pyroCb ‘super outbreak’ that took place over 51 non-consecutive hours. More than half of the 38 observed pyroCb updraft pulses injected smoke particles directly into the stratosphere, producing two of the three largest smoke plumes observed at such altitudes to date. Over the course of three months, these plumes encircled a large swath of the Southern Hemisphere while continuing to rise, in a manner consistent with existing nuclear winter theory. Fewer than three years earlier, a large pyroCb outbreak in Canada produced a persistent smoke plume that encircled a portion of the Northern Hemisphere. We summarize what the community has learned from these extreme events and identify science questions that remain unanswered. A recently-developed pyroCb inventory for 2013-2021 facilitates the first analysis of regional, seasonal, monthly, and inter-annual variability worldwide. Unique in-situ and remotely-sensed measurements of pyroCb activity observed during the 2019 FIREX-AQ field experiment identify the fire characteristics, cloud microphysical properties, and smoke plume chemistry associated with this extreme fire-weather phenomenon.

A Study on Forest Fire Emissions in South of Orléans, France

Chaoyang XUE1#, Yangang REN2,3+, Abdelwahid MELLOUKI4,5, Valery CATOIRE6
1Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, 2Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco, 5Shandong University, 6Université d'Orléans

Wildfire events are increasing globally which may be partly associated with climate change, resulting in significant adverse impacts on local, regional air quality and global climate. In September 2020, a wildfire event occurred in Souesmes (Loir-et-Cher, Sologne, France), and its plume spread out over 200 km on the following day as observed by the MODIS satellite. Based on measurements at a suburban site (~50 km northwest of the fire location) in Orléans, young wildfire plumes were characterized. Significant increases in gaseous pollutants (CO, CH4, N2O, VOCs, etc.) and particles (including black carbon) were found within the wildfire plumes. Emission factors, defined as EF (X) = ∆X/∆CO (where X represents the target species), of various trace gases and black carbon within the young wildfire plumes were determined accordingly and compared with previous studies. Changes in the ambient ions (such as ammonium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, and nitrite in the particle- and gas- phase) and aerosol properties (e.g., aerosol water content, aerosol pH) were also quantified and discussed. Moreover, we estimated the total carbon and other gas (e.g., CO) emissions that were compared with fire emission inventories. We found that the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS) may underestimate emissions (e.g., CO) of this small wildfire while other inventories (GFED, FINN) showed significant overestimation. Considering that few wildfires are recorded in this region, related atmospheric implications are presented and discussed. More details can be found in Xue, Chaoyang, et al. "A study on wildfire impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and regional air quality in South of Orléans, France." Journal of Environmental Sciences (2022).

Mon-31 Jul | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR329
AS02 - Climate Change and Tropical Climatic Hazards in Asia Oceania

Session Chair(s): Johnny CHAN, Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center

AS02-A019 | Invited
Reprocessing of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) Product

Takuji KUBOTA#+, Munehisa YAMAMOTO, Moeka YAMAJI
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

The Global Satellite Mapping for Precipitation (GSMaP) produces high-resolution and high-frequent global rainfall map based on multi-satellite passive microwave radiometer observations with information from the Geostationary InfraRed (IR) instruments (Kubota et al. 2020). Outputproduct of GSMaP algorithm is 0.1-degree grid for horizontal resolution and 1-hour for temporal resolution. Images and data of the GSMaP are available at JAXA GSMaP website ( The GSMaP has been developed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The JAXA has participated in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has been initiated the Space-based Weather and Climate Extremes Monitoring (SWCEM) (Kuleshov et al. 2020) and provided 22-yr GSMaP data. Currently, the gauge-adjusted near-real-time version 6 (GNRT6) of the GSMaP (Tashima et al. 2020) has been distributed to the SWCEM.In December 2021, the GSMaP algorithm was updated to version 8 by implementing various improvements to better estimate precipitation (Kubota et al. 2022). We plan the reprocessing of the GSMaP version 8 in a period during the past 24 years ”since Jan. 1998” using JAXA super computer system (JSS3). Past GSMaP products did not cover the first 2 years of TRMM era (1998-Mar. 2000) due to lack of NOAA CPC-4km Global IR dataset. There is a possibility that GridSat-B1 data (Knapp et al. 2011) enables to fill the lack of period. In order to extend the period of the GSMaP before 2000, the validity of GridSat-B1 data is investigated in this study.

A Machine-learning Aided Quantile-mapping Method for Calibration of Satellite Rainfall Estimates

Centre for Climate Research Singapore

Satellite rainfall estimates provide valuable spatial information of precipitation, although biases in the estimate need to be corrected, especially for regions near the equator with large spatial and temporal variability in precipitation. It was found that the large variability in the bias can significantly reduce the benefit of quantile-mapping methods for the calibration of the satellite rainfall estimates with gauge measurements. Further investigations found that the bias is possibly related to the type of weather system and this bias can be sub-divided into different categories accordingly. In this presentation, the results of the calibration of weekly and sub-weekly rainfall from the SWCEM-EAWP (Space-based Weather and Climate Extremes Monitoring - East Asia West Pacific) products (CMROPH-CRT and GSMaP_GNRTv6) using rainfall measurements from subset of gauges over Singapore will be presented. The categorization of the rainfall to the respective bias group is first trained using machine learning methods and followed by quantile-mapping for calibration. The improvement in the performance in the machine-learning aided quantile mapping is then evaluated with the full set of rain gauges in Singapore, and compared to the satellite rainfall estimates before calibration and with just quantile mapping calibration applied.

AS02-A012 | Invited
Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Landfall Forecasts Along the East Asia Coast

Johnny CHAN1,2#+
1Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 2City University of Hong Kong

Quite a few real-time forecasts of the annual frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) have been made in recent years, using statistical and dynamical approaches. However, such forecasts are not very useful for disaster preparedness. Since 2015, we have been making seasonal forecasts of the number of TCs making landfall in different regions along the East Asia coast using a regional climate model with boundary conditions from the Climate Forecast System (CFS). In this paper, how such forecasts are made will be presented together with verification statistics for the last six years. A possible extension of this approach to forecast the intensity of these landfalling TCs will also be discussed.

Monitoring and Predicting Marine Heatwaves in Vanuatu

Jessica BHARDWAJ#+
Bureau of Meteorology

Marine Heatwaves (MHWs) have dire impacts on aquatic ecosystems and the communities that rely on them for livelihood, recreation, and cultural identity. In Vanuatu, a MHW event in 2016 led to record high sea surface temperatures with widespread reports of fish mortality. Given the severity of impacts, monitoring and predicting MHW events is critical in allowing communities and key sectors to effectively manage (and where possible) mitigate the impacts of MHW events. In this study, we use in situ data, satellite data and dynamical forecasts to derive MHW climatologies and investigate key MHW events. Results for the common period of overlap between all examined datasets (1981-2018) will be presented.

Pairing Monitoring Datasets with Probabilistic Forecasts to Provide Early Warning of Drought in Australia

Jessica BHARDWAJ#+
Bureau of Meteorology

Droughts are a cyclical feature of Australia's climate and have compounding effects on agricultural productivity and wellbeing. Understanding future conditions in context of antecedent observations is critical to providing informed early warning of drought. In this study we pair probabilistic seasonal forecasts with monitoring datasets to provide early warning of drought. Hindcasts from the Bureau of Meteorology's sub seasonal to seasonal forecast model, ACCESS-S2, are paired with MSWEP satellite blended precipitation data and AWRA-L water balance modelled soil moisture and evapotranspiration. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to derive objective weightings to combine precipitation, soil moisture and evapotranspiration percentiles in a multivariate manner similar to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The final DEWS maps overlay forecasting information with PCA-weighted antecedent conditions. We produce 1-, 3- and 6-month maps and analyse drought concern over the common period of overlap between our datasets (1981-2018) and conduct case studies for the 1982-1983 Ash Wednesday tinder drought and the 1997-2001 Millennium drought. We validate PCA-weighted maps with satellite vegetation data and find performance is strongest over the Murray Darling Basin region (R = 0.63, p= 0.009) and poorest over Central interior Australia (insignificant correlations). We also validated PCA-weighted maps using agricultural commodity data from ABARES. Significant negative correlations at 95%, 99% and 99.9% confidence intervals were found between %-Area in drought category and crop cultivation area; export volume/value; crop yield; and rural debt. Our findings indicate that early warning of drought can be categorised by concern – wherein dry antecedent conditions and dry forecasted conditions are of highest concern. Our proof-of-concept drought early warning system contributes to the growing body of proactive drought research. In a drought vulnerable future, operationalising and communicating drought early warnings will be critical to reducing the harmful impacts of drought on economies, environments, and people.

Top Ten Reasons for the Necessity of Global Adaptation to Climate Change

Menachem LURIA#+
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

There is a near consensus among scientists that the average global temperature will increase in the next several decades. Many international organizations are taking steps to reduce this anticipated phenomenon by as much as possible. However, there are many forces, social and economic interests that make this goal almost impossible to achieve. Significant climate changes will occur and the world must be prepared. The talk will discuss the top ten reasons why the efforts taken by certain governments and motivated people are not going to be enough. The USA supreme court decision from June 2022; Increased world population; Rapid increase in GDP mainly in developing countries; Increased global demand for electric power; The coal oil and Gas Industry; Increased demand for air and ocean transportation and the tourism Industry; The increased demand for food, mainly but not only from live stock; Increased demand for raw materials mainly steel and cement; The Garment industry and Production of solar panels and storage devices and 

Uncertainty in Multidecadal and Future Changes of Tropical Pacific SST Zonal Gradient: Internal Variability and Model Spread

Ocean University of China

The zonal sea surface temperature (SST) gradient over tropical Pacific is important for global climate and known to be a pacemaker of global warming. During recent decades, observations show a “La Niña-like” strengthening of the zonal SST gradient, whereas most climate models produce an “El Niño-like” weakening of this gradient. There is also large model uncertainty in the future projection of this gradient change under global warming. Quantifying the sources and understanding the mechanisms for the uncertainty is needed to reconcile the discrepancy between observations and models and reduce model uncertainty of future projections. Here we use a total of 342 simulations, including six large ensembles, 36 CMIP5 and 36 CMIP6 models, to quantify the relative contribution of internal variability and model spread to the uncertainty in this gradient change on multidecadal timescales and future projections. On multidecadal timescales, the uncertainty of zonal SST gradient change over the tropical Pacific is dominated by internal variability. Although external forcing is increasing under global warming, the ratio of internal uncertainty is decreasing but still >80% at the end of the 21st century. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is revealed as the key internal mode influencing the uncertainty of the multidecadal changes. The PDO-related SST pattern exhibits a pronounced zonal gradient over the tropical Pacific. For future projection, the uncertainty of zonal SST gradient change over the tropical Pacific is mainly from the model spread in response to external forcing. Based on future change between 2070-2099 and 1961-1990, model spread accounts for ~70% of the total uncertainty. The SST change in the western and eastern tropical Pacific dominates the total uncertainty of the zonal SST gradient for CMIP5 and CMIP6 models, respectively. That is mainly due to the stronger low cloud positive feedback over the southeastern Pacific among CMIP6 models.

Optimising Satellite Altimetry Data for Studying the Interaction of Ocean and Atmosphere

Noor Nabilah ABDULLAH#+, Dudy Darmawan WIJAYA, Fathin NURZAMAN, Meilano IRWAN, Wedyanto KUNTJORO
Bandung Institute of Technology

Satellite altimetry is a matured technology that provides accurate measurements of ocean geophysical information of sea surface heights (SSHs), significant wave heights (SWHs), and wind speed. It was designed specifically for observing ocean’s geo-physicality and dynamics. Furthermore, these technologies also have the potential to be developed to study the ocean and atmosphere, simultaneously. It is well known that satellite altimetry is also equipped with sensors to measure atmospheric components to provide corrections for the range measurement. On-board microwave radiometer measures atmospheric water vapour to provide wet path delay correction for the main altimeter range measurement. This perspective develops a new potential for satellite altimetry to also be exploited to observe the atmosphere. It has been proven that the interaction of ocean and atmosphere have a significant role on influencing climate phenomena and their variations through its complex process. Several studies also found that the uncommon reactions between anomalies in atmosphere and ocean hydrological cycle occurred due to rapid climate changes resulting in hydro-meteorological catastrophe. These situations make a thorough study about the interaction between ocean and atmospheric component are necessary. Thus, this study is performed to leverage satellite altimetry sea level anomaly and water vapour measurement to analyse the complex interactions between the ocean and atmosphere to determine the nature and characteristics of these interactions. Using both ocean and atmosphere measurement from satellite altimetry not only present a new potential of the satellite itself, but also a way to overcome the drawback of previous ocean-atmosphere studies, which has temporal and spatial disparities as each parameter were observed using different platforms at different time and locations. Moreover, by multi-missions observations, spatial and temporal resolution are enhanced, making it reliable enough to monitor long periodic phenomena, such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and monsoons.

Mon-31 Jul | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR331
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Qinglan LI, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Masashi MINAMIDE, The University of Tokyo

AS18-A057 | Invited
Multi-scale Interaction and Predictability of the Onset of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification

Masashi MINAMIDE1,2#+, Derek POSSELT2
1The University of Tokyo, 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Predicting tropical cyclone intensity changes, especially rapid intensification (RI), has been a more challenging topic than tropical cyclone tracking because of its multi-scale physical process with significant contributions from convective-scale phenomena. Before intensification, tropical cyclones experience precession process, in which tilted vortices rotate counterclockwise around the center of circulation, and develop an axisymmetric structure. The forecast uncertainty in precession process limits the predictability of early-stage intensification of TCs. In this study, we have explored the contribution of moist convective activity to the variability of TC precession process using a simple toy-model of the vortex precession process, together with fully dynamic ensemble-based sensitivity experiments using convection-permitting Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-ARW) simulations. The results indicate the potential existence of a threshold in vortex strength and structure that governs whether it completes precession and initiates RI. Given the strong nonlinearity of the onset process of RI, the advancement of our understanding of the uncertainty sources will provide an insight about the observation network that may effectively constrain the TC forecasting.

Tropical Cyclones Intensity Prediction in the Western North Pacific Using Gradient Boosted Regression Tree Model

Qinglan LI#+, Gangya ZHU
Chinese Academy of Sciences

As an artificial intelligence method, machine learning (ML) has been widely used in prediction models of high-dimensional datasets. This study proposes an ML method, the Gradient Boosted Regression Tree (GBRT), to predict the intensity changes of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the Western North Pacific at 12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, 60-, and 72-h (hr) forecasting lead time and the model is optimized by the Bayesian Optimization algorithm. The model predictands are the TCs intensity changes at different forecasting lead times, obtained from the best track data of the Shanghai Typhoon Institute (STI) and the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) from 2000 to 2019. The model predictors are the synoptic variables, climatological and persistent variables derived from the reanalysis data obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), and the sea surface temperature (SST) data obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The results show that the GBRT model can capture the TCs intensity changes well for the succeeding 12-h, 24-h, 36-h, and 72-h. Compared with the traditional multiple linear regression (MLR) model, the GBRT model has better performance in predicting TCs intensity changes. Compared with the MLR model, R2 of the GBRT model for TCs intensity forecast increases by an average of 8.47% and 4.45% for STI data and JTWC data. MAE (RMSE) drops by 26.24% (25.14%) and 10.51% (4.68%) for the two datasets, respectively. The potential future intensity change (POT), the intensity changes during the previous 12 h (Dvmax), Initial storm maximum wind speed (Vmax), SST, and the Sea-Land ratio are the most significant predictors for the GBRT model in predicting TCs intensity change over the Western North Pacific.

Intensification Study of Tropical Cyclone Batsirai (2022) Using High-resolution Mesoscale Numerical Model

Keunok LEE1#+, Soline BIELLI2
1CNRS - Université de La Réunion - Météo-France, 2Université de La Réunion - CNRS

The aim of this study is to enhance our understanding about the intensification phase of tropical cyclones that occurred in the southwest Indian Ocean. Tropical cyclone (TC) Batsirai (2022) which unexpectedly and rapidly intensified into a Saffir-Simpson Category 4 cyclone (lowest sea level pressure of 934 hPa) after undergoing an eyewall replacement cycle was selected in this study. During the passage of the intensified tropical cyclone (1−4 February 2022), Mascarenes Islands (i.e. Rodrigue, Mauritius, Réunion) were heavily impacted though the effects were relatively minor; the major devastating hazards were reported in Madagascar (121 deaths). The French cloud-resolving mesoscale model, Meso-NH, successfully reproduced the lifecycle of TC Batsirai. In this study, the intensification phase of TC Batsirai has been focused to understand the physical and thermodynamical processes responsible for the intensity change of the tropical cyclone. In addition, the impact of the orography of Mascarenes Islands on localized heavy rainfall and strong winds has been studied. The detailed analysis using the numerical simulation results with fine horizontal grid spacings (250 m) has been done. The key results will be presented at the conference.

A Comparison Study of Kinetic and Potential Energy Budgets of Typhoon Mujigae (2015) Between the Slow and Rapid Intensification

Zhejiang University

In this study, kinetic and potential energy budgets of Typhoon Mujigae (2015) are compared in slow (SI) and rapid (RI) intensification periods. The high-resolution numerical simulation data of Mujigae are validated with observations and are used for comparison analysis. The analysis of kinetic energy budgets reveals that the conversion between asymmetric rotational kinetic energy and symmetric rotational kinetic energy play a key role in determining the differences in the tendencies of symmetric and asymmetric rotational kinetic energy between RI and SI in the lower troposphere. Asymmetric rotational kinetic energy is converted to symmetric kinetic energy in RI, whereas symmetric rotational kinetic energy is converted to asymmetric kinetic energy in SI. This can explain why the symmetric rotational kinetic energy tendency is larger in RI than in SI, but asymmetric rotational kinetic energy tendency is smaller in RI than in SI. In both RI and SI, both conversions from symmetric divergent and environmental kinetic energy to symmetric rotational kinetic energy contributed to the increase in symmetric rotational kinetic energy. The analysis of symmetric divergent kinetic energy budget shows that conversion from symmetric divergent kinetic energy to symmetric rotational kinetic energy is nearly balanced out by the work done by symmetric divergent winds against pressure gradient, which is further related to the conversion from potential energy mainly due to the latent heat release. The detailed results will be presented in the conference.

Impact of Soil Moisture Initialization on Poleward-moving Tropical Cyclone Forecasts

Jinyoung PARK+, Dong-Hyun CHA#
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Tropical cyclones (TCs) moving poleward to mid-latitudes in the western North Pacific basin are complex to forecast their track since their tracks are largely influenced by the upper-level synoptic fields in subtropical and mid-latitude regions (i.e., western North Pacific subtropical high, mid-latitude trough, and jet stream). Thus, forecast performances are especially poor when TCs approach the East Asian region. It is known that soil moisture (SM) modulates the total available energy into sensible heat fluxes (SHF) and latent heat fluxes (LHF) at the land surface. It can affect the atmospheric temperature, clouds, and even precipitation through land-atmosphere interaction. Thus, those land surface processes are necessary for accurate weather forecasts or climate predictions. Therefore, we prescribed two types of SM data for the initial condition of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to investigate the sensitivity of the SM initialization on the TC forecasts. The Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) Version 2.1 and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) were selected in this study. The result showed that ERA5 SM data had more wet biases than GLDAS data over the whole simulations except for some areas located south of Mongolia. Also, TC intensity forecast performances were similar in both runs, while TC track forecast performances were improved in the experiments with GLDAS data. The differences in track forecasts between the two runs were more considerable during the landfall period. In addition, in the experiments with ERA5 data, simulated TCs tended to move westward compared to the experiments with GLDAS data due to the strengthened interaction between simulated TCs and the mid-latitude trough. This study showed that it is important to provide realistic SM data to improve the TC track forecast performances during the TC landfall period.

Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis Based on Machine Learning Methods and its Shap Interpretation

Chi Lok LOI#+, Chun-Chieh WU, Yu-Chiao LIANG
National Taiwan University

Predicting Tropical Cyclogenesis has long been a challenging research task. Machine learning methods recently have been shown to withhold a high prediction skill for forecasting tropical cyclogenesis. In this study, we first use Kalman filters applied on the Gaussian-smoothed 850-hPa vorticity field to label tropical disturbances. Dynamic and thermodynamic variables, such as wind shear and sea surface temperature, are extracted following the disturbance center in a Lagrangian sense. Three machine learning models with varying complexity: a random forest, a support vector machine and a neural network, are trained to classify developing and non-developing tropical disturbances at a forecast lead time of 24 hours. All of the three models have displayed consistently good performance, with the neural network having the highest f1-scores of 0.79. SHAPley values analysis shows that the mid-level vorticity at 500 hPa is the most essential feature in deciding if a tropical disturbance is developing or non-developing for all the models. Wind shear and tilting are found to possess a certain level of importance as well. Our results suggest that rich mid-level cyclonic vorticity in a mesoscale convective vortex is instrumental in the subsequent low-level spin-up of the disturbance and is an essential sign for the prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis.

Influence of Region-dependent Error Growth on Predictability of Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity in High-resolution HWRF Ensembles

Jie FENG#+
Fudan University

The prediction of tropical cyclones (TCs) has progressively improved in the past few decades. How long can we further extend skillful TC prediction? The answer to this question relies on in-depth studies about TC intrinsic predictability. In this study, the HWRF-based convection-resolving ensemble forecasts were adopted with perturbed initial conditions to study the error growth and intrinsic predictability of TCs. The new aspect of our study is the focus on the sensitivity of TC track and intensity predictability on region-dependent initial errors. The main conclusions include: (1) the most sensitive region for TC track forecasts is case-dependent, for TC intensity forecasts, however, consistently locates within the TC vortex. (2) The 0-2 wave number structures of the TC inherent vortex flow can be predicted for more than 4 days, which is primarily determined by the predictability of the synoptic-scale environment. In contrast, the remaining components (wave numbers >2) are only predictable for a few hours. These finer scales, despite much less variance than larger scales, saturate rapidly and intensively limit the predictability of TC intensity which is generally defined by the maximum surface wind at a certain point in time and space rather than the azimuthal mean wind.

Effect of the Initial Vortex Vertical Structure on Early Development of an Axisymmetric Tropical Cyclone

Ke PENG1#+, Juan FANG2
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Nanjing University

With the nonhydrostatic axisymmetric cloud-resolving model CM1, two sets of ensemble runs are conducted to study the influence of initial vortex depth on the early development of an idealized tropical cyclone (TC). It is found that with the shallow initial vortex, the intensification rate (IR) is smaller and the TC takes a longer time to reach a state of slantwise moist neutrality. These behaviors are primarily ascribed to the less active convection in the shallow case. In contrast to the deep initial vortex, the shallow initial vortex is characterized by a more stable stratification in the lower troposphere and a smaller gradient of angular momentum (M) in the mid-to-upper troposphere. The former tends to hinder the occurrence of deep convection in the TC while the latter makes it difficult to intensify the mid-toupper level vortex and to establish a deep vortex. Thus, deep convection bursts intermittently in the early developing stage of the TC originating from the shallow vortex. During the periods of inactive convection, the TC weakens by the decline of M source associated with reduced horizontal advection, which is overwhelmed by sinks of M from moderately decreased vertical advection and nearly-constant dissipation term. Therefore, the IR of the TC is smaller in the early developing stage and the development of TC from the shallow vortex usually needs a longer time to build the steady deep secondary circulation favorable for more rapid intensification.

Mon-31 Jul | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR328
AS09 - The Science and Prediction of Heavy Precipitation and Floods

Session Chair(s): Jung-Eun CHU, City University of Hong Kong

AS09-A028 | Invited
An Review of Research on the Record-breaking Precipitation Event in Henan Province of China, July 2021

Qinghong ZHANG1#+, Juanzhen SUN2, Rumeng LI1
1Peking University, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research

A record-breaking precipitation event caused 398 deaths and 20.06 billion RMB economic losses in Henan Province of China in July 2021. A maximum 24-h (1-h) precipitation of 624 mm (201.9mm) was observed at the Zhengzhou weather station. However, all global operational forecast models failed to predict the intensity and location of maximum precipitation for the event. This high social impact event has drawn much attention from the research community. This presentation provides a high-level review of the event and its research from the perspectives of observations, analysis, dynamics, predictability, and the connection with climate warming and urbanization. Global reanalysis revealed obvious abnormality in large-scale circulation patterns that resulted in abundant moisture supplies in the region of interest. Recent studies of this event also revealed, via high-resolution model simulation and data assimilation, that three mesoscale systems (a mesoscale low pressure system, a barrier jet and downslope gravity current) contributed to the local intensification of the rainstorm. Further, observational analysis suggested that an abrupt increase of graupel through microphysical processes contributed to the record-breaking precipitation. Although these findings aided in our understanding of the extreme rainfall event, preliminary analysis indicated that the practical predictability of the extreme rainfall for this event was rather low. The contrary influences of climate warming and urbanization on precipitation extremes as revealed by two studies could add further challenges to the predictability. We concluded by emphasizing that data sharing and collaboration between meteorological and hydrological researchers would be crucial in the future research on high-impact weather events.

AS09-A008 | Invited
An Unprecedented Compound Extreme of South-rainstorm and North-heatwave in Eastern China During Early Summer 2022

Zhicong YIN#+, Xiaoqing MA, Yijia ZHANG, Tianbao XU, Botao ZHOU, Huijun WANG
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Climate risks from compound extremes are much greater than the sum of their sub-components. In early summer 2022, record-breaking rainstorm and heatwave were respectively observed in the south and north of eastern China and they formed an unprecedented compound extreme (hereafter referred to as SRNH). However, most of seasonal predictions failed to capture the SRNH and the behind mechanisms are still unclear. Here we show that the wavier mid-latitude westerlies and the ridge of the western Pacific subtropical high stabilized at 20 °N were the main causes in the atmosphere and the ultra-strong 2022 SRNH event could be well reproduced. The February-March sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic concurrently promoted the 2022 SRNH extreme, which was successfully verified by numerical experiment. Main physical mechanism is the warmer sea surface excited a Rossby wave train to enhance the contrast between hot North China and wet South China.

The Roles of Low-level Jets in “21·7” Henan Extremely Persistent Heavy Rainfall Event

Yuhan LUO#+, Yu DU
Sun Yat-sen University

An extremely heavy rainfall event lasting from 17 to 22 July 2021 occurred in Henan Province of China, with accumulated precipitation of more than 1000 mm over a 6-day period that exceeded its mean annual precipitation. The present study examines the roles of persistent low-level jets (LLJs) in maintaining the precipitation using surface station observations and reanalysis datasets. The LLJs triggered strong ascending motions and carried moisture mainly from the outflow of Typhoon In-fa (2021). The varying directions of the LLJs well corresponded to the meridional shifts of the rainfall. The precipitation rate reached a maximum during 20−21 July as the LLJs strengthened and expanded vertically into double LLJs, including synoptic-weather-system-related LLJs (SLLJs) at 850–700 hPa and boundary-layer jets (BLJs) at ~950 hPa. The coupling of the SLLJ and BLJ provided strong mid- and low-level convergence on 20 July, whereas the SLLJ produced mid-level divergence at its entrance that coupled with low-level convergence at the terminus of the BLJ on 21 July. The formation mechanisms of the two types of LLJs are further examined. The SLLJs and the low-pressure vortex (or inverted trough) varied synchronously as a whole and were affected by the southwestward movement of the WPSH in the rainiest period. The persistent large total pressure gradient force at low levels also maintained the strength of low-level geostrophic winds, thus sustaining the BLJs on the synoptic scale. The results based on a Du-Rotunno 1D model show that the Blackadar and Holton mechanisms jointly governed the BLJ dynamics on the diurnal scale.

On the Influences of Urbanization on the Extreme Rainfall Over Zhengzhou on 20 July 2021: A Convection-permitting Ensemble Modeling Study

Yali LUO1#+, Jiahua ZHANG2, Miao YU3
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Chengdu University of Information Technology, 3Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

This study investigates the influences of urban land cover on the extreme rainfall event over the Zhengzhou city in central China on 20 July 2021 using the Weather Research and Forecasting model at a convection-permitting scale [1-km resolution in the innermost domain (d3)]. Two ensembles of simulation (CTRL, NURB), each consisting of 11 members with a multi-layer urban canopy model and various combinations of physics schemes, were conducted using different land cover scenarios: (i) the real urban land cover, (ii) all cities in d3 being replaced with natural land cover. The results suggest that CTRL reasonably reproduces the spatiotemporal evolution of rainstorms and the 24-h rainfall accumulation over the key region, although the maximum hourly rainfall is underestimated and displaced to the west or southwest by most members. The ensemble mean 24-h rainfall accumulation over the key region of heavy rainfall is reduced by 13%, and the maximum hourly rainfall simulated by each member is reduced by 15–70 mm in CTRL relative to NURB. The reduction in the simulated rainfall by urbanization is closely associated with numerous cities/towns to the south, southeast, and east of Zhengzhou. Their heating effects jointly lead to formation of anomalous upward motions in and above the planetary boundary layer (PBL), which exaggerates the PBL drying effect due to reduced evapotranspiration and also enhances the wind stilling effect due to increased surface friction in urban areas. As a result, the lateral inflows of moisture and high-θe (equivalent potential temperature) air from south and east to Zhengzhou are reduced.

Moisture Sources for the Weather Pattern Classified Extreme Precipitation in the First Rainy Season Over South China

Dongdong PENG#+
China Meteorological Administration

Moisture transport, associated with moisture sources and synoptic-scale weather conditions, is a key dynamic process of precipitation events. Using the K-means clustering method and the FLEXPART Lagrangian particle dispersion model, this paper investigates moisture contributions from different source regions to extreme precipitation in the first rainy season (hereafter FRS) over South China. In average, land regions contribute more to the FRS extreme precipitation over South China than the ocean regions. The main source regions are Southeast Asia (22.7%), South China (17.2%), the South China Sea (14.3%), and the Bay of Bengal (8.3%). Extreme precipitation events are classified into three types by the K-means clustering based on 850 hPa geopotential height, which are all characterized by an anomalous low-pressure system over South China with varying intensity and locations. The distribution of geopotential height anomaly for Type I (30.3%) is characterized the low trough extending from Japan to South China, while Type II (42.5%) and Type III (27.2%) are characterized by “west negative–east positive” and “north positive–south negative” patterns over East Asia with anomalous cyclone over South China, respectively. The much larger contribution of land sources than ocean regions are mainly concentrated in Type I and Type III, of which the contribution from each source region is similar. Ocean sources play a more important role in Type II and are mainly from the Indian Ocean (16.2%) associated with the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon.

Future Changes in Coastal Warm-sector Flood-producing MCS in Southern China

Murong ZHANG1#+, Zhiyong MENG2, Yipeng HUANG3
1Xiamen University, 2Peking University, 3Xiamen Meteorological Bureau

During the pre-summer rainy season in southern China, MCS-associated heavy rainfall frequently occurs in the warm sector hundreds of kilometers to the south of a front or without any front, which is one of the major contributors for coastal flooding events during this period. The intensity and frequency of strong convective storms are expected to rise with warming climate, posing a greater threat of extreme rainfall in the future. This study aims at revealing the future changes of coastal warm-sector MCS in southern China on its related precipitation features and essential mesoscale process associated based on quasi-idealized WRF simulations and pseudo global warming (PGW) approach. Typical warm-sector heavy rainfall events are selected to produce composite environments that force the quasi-idealized simulation in current climate (CTRL). After that, the climate sensitivity experiment (PGW) is conducted with the same configurations except that it is forced by reanalysis data plus a climate thermodynamic perturbation derived from a 32-model CMIP5 ensemble climate change signal for SSP5-8.5 scenario. Comparisons between PGW and CTRL reveal that 12-h accumulated area-averaged rainfall increases 51% by the end of 21st century, with the maximum rising from 333.1 mm to 703.4 mm. As for convection population, the frequency of convection weaker (stronger) than 20dBZ increases (decreases). The rainfall distribution and rainfall maximum are characterized by a north shift, which is largely due to stronger southerly LLJ in warming climate. Moreover, the MCS is initiated ~1h earlier in PGW, with more unstable inflow and stronger back building process leading to larger rainfall accumulation. Notably, although dynamic climate change signal is not included in the current experiment, the LLJ is significantly enhanced by increasing latent heating. The LLJ, latent heating, and deep moist convection may therefore link as a positive feedback in warming climate and eventually lead to extreme rainfall.

Changes of Global Spatiotemporally Continuous Precipitation Events Under Past and Future Climate Warming

Xiaoyu WANG1+, Ming LUO1,2#
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Extreme precipitation events cause damage to the natural environment and human society, but their jointly evolution behaviors in both time and space dimensions have not been extensively studied. By introducing a spatiotemporally contiguous events tracking (SCET) method, here we examine the climatologies and trends of the 3D (latitude×longitude×time) characteristics of spatiotemporally contiguous extreme precipitation events across the globe under the past and future climate warming during 1980 and 2020. The results show that the SCET can well demonstrate the jointly dynamic evolution patterns of contiguous precipitation events in time and space dimensions. Spatially, large contiguous precipitation events tend to be concentrated southeastern Asia, Europe and central Africa. Temporally, the frequency of contiguous precipitation events shows an overall increasing trend, but their affected area, intensity, duration and movement showed different characteristics. The future changes of spatiotemporally contiguous precipitation are further investigated based on a set of CMIP6 model simulations. In the coming decades (e.g., 2020–2100), the affected area, intensity and moving speed of contiguous precipitation events will increase. These trends are especially more prominent under high greenhouse gasses emission scenarios (e.g., SSP585). It is expected that extreme precipitation events that are more intense, affect larger areas, and move faster will cause even more harm to human society. Our results provide new insight to understand the spatiotemporal evolutions and future changes of precipitation extremes.

Long-term Variability of Temperature and Precipitation in Eastern China and the Underlying Mechanisms

Fudan University

This study explores the coupled variability of temperature and precipitation in eastern China during summer using multivariate EOF analysis. Two leading modes are identified and analyzed, with the first mode showing a robust increasing trend in temperature and a robust drying trend in precipitation in the region north of the Yangtze River; the second mode suggests a systematic decadal variability in temperature and precipitation. The underlying mechanisms for these leading modes are revealed through correlation and composite analysis. A negative Pacific-Japan teleconnection pattern in the lower troposphere and a stationary Rossby wave train across Eurasia in the upper troposphere are contributing factors to the trend mode. The trend component is closely tied to global warming, and also to increased sea surface temperature anomalies over the western Atlantic Ocean, which amplify the wave train teleconnection across Eurasia. The decadal variability is found to be associated with internal decadal change in interannual variability in the atmosphere, specifically, the decadal alternation of active oscillations above the North Atlantic and Pacific, which are likely related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) modes, respectively. Further analysis illustrates that the NAO has a stronger impact during its active periods, while the PDO tends to have an opposite influence to the NAO when the NAO is inactive.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR333
AS27 - From Weather Predictability to Controllability

Session Chair(s): Takemasa MIYOSHI, RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Tetsuo NAKAZAWA, The University of Tokyo

Quantifying Weather Controllability and Mitigatable Flood Damage Based on Ensemble Weather Forecast

Shunji KOTSUKI#+
Chiba University

For realizing a weather-controlled society, we need to discuss the way to maximize the effect of manipulations to the atmosphere. For that purpose, this project aims at developing methods that quantify weather controllability and mitigatable flood damage based on ensemble weather forecasts. To quantify weather controllability, this project investigates meteorological landscapes that separate disaster and non-disaster regimes which may be controllable with small manipulations. We also estimate economic damages under non-controlled/controlled scenarios, in order to quantify avoidable damage by weather control. We have started illustrating directed graphs as the first step in understanding the meteorological landscape. Typhoon Prapiroon in 2018 was used for the case study. Singular value decomposition (SVD) is employed for Japan Meteorological Agency’s operational meso-scale ensemble prediction data to extract principle components of atmospheric states, followed by a clustering using density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise known as DBSCAN. The illustrated graph succeeded in detecting separated two clusters that correspond to faster and slower movements of predicted Parapiroon. The developed algorithm is currently applied to other disastrous events as well as further investigations on non-linear data compression methods beyond SVD. This presentation includes the most recent achievements up to the time of the conference.

A New Interpretation of Ensemble Sensitivity and its Potential Applications in Weather Controllability

Le DUC#+, Yohei SAWADA
The University of Tokyo

Ensemble sensitivity has been proved to be a very useful sensitivity measure in practice. In this study, we show the relevance of ensemble sensitivity in another important problem. Instead of estimating how each state element will change a forecast response, we now examine which analysis perturbation among all possible ones with the same magnitudes will yield the largest change in the forecast response. We have proved that changes of the forecast response are maximized along the direction of the vector consisting of ensemble sensitivities which forms the most sensitive perturbation. This fact is found to be applicable in the field of weather controllability. In the simplest problem of weather controllability, we concern the optimal perturbation that minimizes a damage cost over a critical area. This optimization problem can be solved with variational data assimilation techniques by including the damage cost into the cost function. However, the problem becomes more complicated if we consider two important factors: (1) the power of optimal perturbation is limited by our technology so that it is impossible to realize the optimal perturbation in reality; and more importantly (2) we need to control the damage not just over an area but over several areas and it is possible that the damage only redirected from an area to another area under modification. We will demonstrate how the new understanding on ensemble sensitivities can qualitatively give potential solutions for such complicated issues.

Applying ESV to Identify the Sensitivity of Heavy Rainfall Prediction

Peng-Xiang LAI1#+, Shu-Chih YANG1, Kevin LUPO2, Ryan TORN2
1National Central University, 2University at Albany, State University of New York

Forecast sensitivity has been formulated to identify fast-growing perturbations in ensemble forecast. The ensemble singular vector (ESV), which doesn't require the tangent-linear and adjoint models, is derived in this study to obtain the critical initial condition that affects the ensemble forecast of high-impact events. While past researches mainly use this method in large-scale systems, this research examines the feasibility of ESV for long-lived heavy rainfall associated with synoptic-mesoscale fronts prediction. All of three cases show large rainfall forecast uncertainty in targeted area at validation time. The ESV is calculated using the metric of rainfall accumulation in the target area to evaluate the final forecast. To validate the evolution of ESV, the leading ESV is compared with the post forecast sensitivity defined by the difference between the members with high- and low-performance rainfall forecast in each case. In addition, the leading ESV is used to perturb the initial condition of the ensemble forecast to investigate the impact of ESV on rainfall forecasts. The preliminary result with a Mei-Yu front associated heavy rainfall event shows that the rainband can be effectively adjusted with the perturbed forecasts. Furthermore, , we confirm that the final ESV agrees with the evolution of the ESV-based initial perturbations under the non-linear model dynamic to a great extent. Finally, the effectiveness and challenges of applying ESV will be shown and discussed in this presentation. 

Why Did Weather Modification Research in Japan and the United States Rapidly Decline in 1971?

Mirai ABE#+, Hironori FUDEYASU, Manami SASAOKA
Yokohama National University

The national project in Japan, the Moonshot Research and Development Program sets ambitious goals, and Goal 8 is “Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050”. It is expected to develop weather control technology that is technically, ethically, legally and socially feasible. Between 1962 and 1983, research in hurricane modification centered on an ambitious experimental program, Project STORMFURY in the USA. In Japan, research on weather modification became active under the influence of Project STORMFURY. In this study, we investigated the weather modification research in 1960s and 1970s in Japan and the USA by looking through all the references and interviewing people. The main purpose of the project STORMFURY was to conduct cloud-seeding experiments within hurricanes. Unfortunately, during the Project, the project team didn not take good opportunities and was only able to conduct cloud-seeding experiments three cases. To increase experimental opportunities, the USA government proposed to Japan and other countries over the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The possibility of experimenting in the Pacific was considered, but it did not materialize. In Japan, weather modification research had been active for 7 years, but rapidly declined in 1971. In this presentation, we will report the reasons why the experimental relocation did not materialize and why the weather modification research declined in Japan. The USA had discussed the experimental relocation with countries concerned, but the results were not satisfactory and the deadline for reporting to the Navy was not met. In Japan, declining of weather modification research can be attributed to the 1971 Kawasaki accident, 15 people died in landslide experiments on artificially slopes. The members leading weather modification research at the time were involved in that accident. This research was supported by JST Moonshot R&D Grant Number JPMJMS2282.

Impacts of Drag Coefficient on Typhoon Intensity Using the Numerical Simulations

Hiroaki YOSHIOKA1#+, Hironori FUDEYASU1, Ryuji YOSHIDA1, Junshi ITO2, Takeshi HORINOUCHI3
1Yokohama National University, 2Tohoku University, 3Hokkaido University

A project ”Moonshot Goal 8” supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency was established to study the possible weakening of typhoon intensity due to artificial interventions. One such measure is to increase the sea surface drag by using obstacles such as large ships. The maximum potential intensity theory suggests that the equilibrium intensity decreases as the surface drag coefficient increases if the surface enthalpy exchange is unaffected, but numerical studies to test it are limited. Previous fine-resolution simulations (e.g., with a sub-kilometer grid) tend to agree with the theoretical indication, but the number of cases is limited. Studies with coarse-resolution models exhibit mixed results. Also, no studies have been conducted to elucidate the effect of surface drag coefficient change in a limited oceanic region. Therefore, we aim to conduct a comprehensive study on how tropical cyclones would react to surface drag change over limited regions that can be set in various ways. As a first step, we conducted preliminary numerical simulations of Typhoon FAXAI in 2019 by changing the drag coefficient (CD) over the whole simulation area. Here we ran the Scalable Computing for Advanced Library and Environment (SCALE) at a coarse resolution of 5 km. The resultant minimum central pressure was nearly insensitive to CD, but the maximum winds were weakened by about 60 % of the control run (CTL) when CD was set to 1.5 to 3.5 times that in CTL. Also, the radii of average winds of 15ms-1 were decreased by about 20 %. We will conduct further studies until the meeting. This research was supported by JST Moonshot R&D Grant Number JPMJMS2282.

Impacts of Decrease in Sea Surface Temperature Through the Released Deep Sea Water on Typhoon Intensity

Hironori FUDEYASU1#+, Takafumi HOSOGI1, Yasutomo KIYOHARA1, Hiroaki YOSHIOKA1, Kosuke ITO2, Koji INOUE3, Katsumi TAKAYAMA4, Kazuhiro TAKEUCHI4
1Yokohama National University, 2Kyoto University, 3NPO The Society of Ocean Romantics, 4IDEA Consultants, Inc.

A project of Moonshot Goal 8 supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency is to study the possibility to reduce typhoon intensity by artificial interventions. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) which is planned to be established in the ocean near Okinawa islands is considered one of artificial interventions. The OTEC technology collects cold deep sea water at a depth of 800m and warm sea water at a depth of 20m, and discharges this mixed water to a depth of 20m. Namely an OTEC decreases the sea surface temperature (SST). When a typhoon passes over the ocean where the SSTs are decreased by OTEC, it is considered that the typhoon intensity is lower than without an OTEC. The purpose of this study is to conduct a numerical simulation of real typhoons using an atmospheric model with a SST distribution simulated by ocean model including the effects of OTECs (OTEC experiment), and to evaluate the impact of a SST forcing in the OTEC (sensitivity experiment). In the case of 2020, Typhoon HAISHEN passed through the OTEC influence zone, and the central pressures of HAISHEN were 930hPa by the Best Track data created by the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center Tokyo-Typhoon Center, 924.4hPa by our experiment without OTECs effect, and 924.6hPa by the OTEC experiment with the cooled SST (from -0.05 to -0.02℃) spread from each point of OTECs to the north for 50 to 70 km (OTEC influence zone). In the sensitivity experiment, the central pressures of Haishen increased by 0.57hPa and 1.00hPa at SST forcing with -0.5℃ and -1.0 in the OTEC influence zone, respectively. The sensitivity experiment of the OTEC or SST forcing that effectively affects the other cases of typhoons will be investigated. This research was supported by JST Moonshot R&D Grant Number JPMJMS2282.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR327
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Richard ECKMAN, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

AS23-A066 | Invited
An Update on Plans for the Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality (ASIA-AQ)

James CRAWFORD1#+, Barry LEFER2, Limseok CHANG3, Gangwoong LEE4, Jhoon KIM5, Rokjin J. PARK6, Chang-Keun SONG7, Laura JUDD8,1, Katherine TRAVIS8,1
1NASA Langley Research Center, 2National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 3National Institute of Environmental Research, 4Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 5Yonsei University, 6Seoul National University, 7Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 8National Center for Atmospheric Research

The Airborne and Satellite Investigation of Asian Air Quality is a multi-perspective field study (aircraft, ground, satellite) planned to take place in early 2024. It is jointly sponsored by NIER (Korea) and NASA (United States) with flights over South Korea as a definite part of the plan and flights over a second partner country still under negotiation at the time of this abstract. The project will make an important contribution to science-based validation of the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) which serves to provide an important catalyst for increased dialogue and cooperation among Asian countries to address air quality. In combination with satellite and ground observations, data will support analyses for assessment of emissions, model evaluation, process-level understanding of secondary pollutants (i.e., fine particles and ozone), and satellite validation and interpretation. Aircraft observations can provide invaluable context to the satellite and ground-based perspectives that are used more routinely to inform air quality models used for both forecasting and attribution. Important information from aircraft includes measuring detailed composition for source fingerprinting, vertical profiling of composition for satellite validation and model assessment, observing chemical and dynamical processes affecting secondary pollution (i.e., fine particles and ozone), relating specific VOC mixtures to satellite HCHO, providing fine scale pollution mapping with remote sensors, etc. Such information is critical for understanding the local factors influencing air quality for a specific location, quantifying emission sources, and assessing potential mitigation strategies for decision makers. This presentation will provide an important update on final decisions for deployment locations and planned observing strategies.

GEMS - Two Years of Operation

Jhoon KIM1#+, Dongwon LEE2, Myoung Hwan AHN3, Jae KIM4, Rokjin J. PARK5, Hanlim LEE6, Chul Han SONG7, Yong-Sang CHOI3, Kwon Ho LEE8, Jung-Moon YOO3, Seon Ki PARK3, Kwang-Mog LEE9, Chang-Keun SONG10, Sang-Woo KIM5, Si-Wan KIM1, Jongmin YOON2, Won-Jin LEE2, Hyunkee HONG2, Chang-Seok LEE2, Won-Jun CHOI2, Yuha KIM2, Kyung-Jung MOON2, Dai Ho KO11, Seung-Hoon LEE11, Yeseul CHO1, Sangseo PARK10, Heesung CHONG12, Sujung GO13, Hana LEE1, Mina KANG3, Mijin EO3, Junsung PARK6, Kanghyun BAEK14,4, Gyuyeon KIM3, Xiong LIU12, Kelly CHANCE12, Pepijn VEEFKIND15, Jassim AL-SAADI13, Ben VEIHEMLANN16, GEMS SCIENCE TEAM17
1Yonsei University, 2National Institute of Environmental Research, 3Ewha Womans University, 4Pusan National University, 5Seoul National University, 6Pukyong National University, 7Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 8Gangneung-Wonju National University, 9Kyungpook National University, 10Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 11Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 12Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, 13NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 14National Center for Atmospheric Research, 15Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, 16European Space Research and Technology Centre, 17GEMS.Science.Team

Hourly observations of air quality (AQ) over Asia have been available by the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) for the first time from a geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) since its launch in February 2020. After 8-month in-orbit tests, GEMS has observed column amounts of atmospheric pollutants (O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO, CHOCHO, and aerosols) to capture their diurnal variations with the UV–visible spectrometer at 0.6 nm spectral resolution and sophisticated retrieval algorithms. Details of the GEMS mission are presented, including calibrations, results, validations, and case studies including volcanic eruption, dusts, and urban pollution. L2 algorithms have been updated for version 2 and the products were released on November 30, 2022. In version 2, there are noticeable improvements in trace gases from updated AMF and the separation of stratospheric/tropospheric components. Ongoing calibration/validation activities including the 2022 GMAP/SIJAQ campaign and international CAL/VAL team works are critical to diagnose and improve the overall data quality. The GEMS retrievals indicate good agreements from the validation campaign, but still require further improvement in L1 processing. We start testing improvements for L1 processing including BTDF correction. Faster sampling rates at higher spatial resolution increase the probability of finding cloud-free pixels, leading to more observations of aerosols and trace gases than has been possible from LEO. GEMS will be joined by NASA’s Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) this year and ESA’s Sentinel-4 to form a GEO AQ satellite constellation in late 2024, respectively, as recognized by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS).

Impacts of Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer Measurements on NOx Emission Estimates: Observation System Simulation Experiments with GEOS-Chem Adjoint Data Assimilation System

Yi WANG1#+, Xiaodong JIANG1, Minghui TAO2
1China University of Geosciences, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Although polar-orbit satellite NO2 Vertical Column Density (VCD) observations have been widely used for inverse modeling of the NOx emission inventory, the relative low temporal resolution of polar-orbit satellite data restricts the improvement of the temporal resolution and accuracy of posterior emission inventory. Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) will provide NO2 VCD observations with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution, and it is critical to investigate their impacts on NOx emission estimates. In this study, Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs) are performed to quantify the improvements of using GEMS high spatiotemporal NO2 VCD observations to constrain anthropogenic NOx emission over China in relation to the widely used polar-orbit TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) measurements. Our OSSEs use NO2 data from WRF-Chem simulations as the “true” atmosphere and sample it with a configuration designed to represent TROPOMI and GEMS. These TROPOMI and GEMS NO2 “observations” are assimilated through GEOS-Chem adjoint model with the perturbed prior anthropogenic NOx emissions to obtain posterior monthly and daily emission inventories the corresponding diurnal NOx emission profiles. The posterior results based on GEMS “observations” are in better agreement with the “true” anthropogenic NOx emissions used in the WRF-Chem simulations than TROPOMI “observations”.

High-resolution Optical Depth for Coastal Areas—Near-real-time Production and Assimilation in a Global Aerosol Model

Edward HYER1#+, Christopher CAMACHO1, Andrew LAMBERT2, Chengzhe LI3, Jun WANG3
1Naval Research Laboratory, 2General Dynamics Information Technology, 3The University of Iowa

A novel method developed at the University of Iowa for retrieving aerosol optical depth at high resolution over coastal areas has been implemented using data from the NASA MODIS instrument. This algorithm leverages the spatial autocorrelation of atmospheric properties and the temporal autocorrelation of near-coastal areas to obtain high-resolution retrieved AOD even in areas with significant water-leaving radiance. This code uses MODIS top-of-atmosphere reflectance data and numerous ancillary data sources, and produces retrievals of 550nm aerosol optical depth at the native pixel resolution of MODIS (1km at nadir). This retrieval is applied specifically in coastal areas that are rejected for processing by other MODIS-based algorithms including the Dark Target retrieval. The retrieval code has been ported for near-real-time production by the Naval Research Laboratory. The data have been post-processed to provide the cleanest possible set of observations for data assimilation and incorporate estimated uncertainties required for use in data assimilation. This paper briefly summarizes the novel algorithm, and the skill evaluations that establish its usefulness for characterizing coastal aerosol. The steps taken for near-real-time production are described, including code optimization and linking of near-real-time ancillary data. Post-processing is described, including discussion of the tradeoffs between data coverage and data quality mediated by filtering and aggregation decisions. Estimation of per-observation uncertainties for data assimilation is described. Finally, results from including these observations in the initialization of aerosol forecasts using the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System are shown, including discussion of the regional, seasonal, and diurnal impacts of this new dataset. The potential for operational use of this product, and more broadly the potential of multi-sensor and hybrid products using both remote sensing and modeling inputs is discussed. 

Improved Ensemble Kalman Filter Aerosol Data Assimilation by Prognostic Variable Perturbation and Multiphysics

Myong-In LEE#+, Seunghee LEE
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

This study developed an aerosol data assimilation system with the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model and Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) approach to improve PM2.5 forecast skill over East Asia. Unlike the variational assimilation method, the advantages of EnKF are flow-dependent background error covariance which is important in a fast-developing air quality system. In spite of considering flow-dependent BEC, the baseline run analysis exhibits poor performance, primarily due to small ensemble spread. This study conducted new two effective methods for increasing ensemble spread: one considering the uncertainty of model physics and the other considering the uncertainty in the prognostic variables. Both methods improved the quality of surface PM analysis substantially, compared with baseline run. And the DA_all experiment which incorporates both uncertainty in model physics and prognostic variables, demonstrates the best performance. The physical perturbation and multiplicative perturbation have a non-linear relationship. The forecast skill is also improved over South Korea and Jing-Jin-Ji area. With the substantial increase of BEC, the revised EnKF system has significantly improved the PM2.5 forecast skills.

Aerosol Retrieval from MERSI Onboard Chinese Fengyun-3: Performance Over Dark Target and Preliminary Test Over Bright Surface

Leiku YANG#+, Xin PEI, Weiqian JI, Xinyao TIAN, Huan LIU
Henan Polytechnic University

Fengyun-3(FY-3) is the second generation of polar orbit series meteorological satellite built by China, with the capability of global observation. The Medium-Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) is one of the main loads of the FY-3 series satellites, belonging to the visible infrared band scanning imager. MERSI and MODIS belong to the same type of sensors. Most of the channel designs are similar and have the ability of aerosol retrieval. Based on the principle of MODIS dark target (DT) algorithm, we build a globally applicable land aerosol retrieval algorithm for the new generation of MERSI-II carried by the newly launched FY-3D to test its quantitative capability. Compared with the DT algorithm of MODIS, the algorithm has been improved mainly in two aspects: MERSI's own surface estimation model and inland-water mask method for haze extraction. We have carried out aerosol retrieval tests on global data in 2019 and 2020, and the validation results using the ground-based observation data of AERONET have reached a high overall accuracy close to MODIS aerosol product. We also used the DT algorithm to conduct aerosol retrieval for MERSI over ocean. The global retrieval and validation test in 2019 shows that the validation results have reached an acceptable accuracy. Recently, we plan to develop a new aerosol retrieval algorithm for the bright surface for MERSI, extending the DT algorithm to the bright target. The algorithm has been preliminarily tested in Northwest China as a research area. The results and validation of two years show that this algorithm can realize the retrieval of aerosol optical thickness over the bright surface by MERSI, and the validation accuracy of the retrieval results for the research area is slightly better than MODIS DB and MAIAC aerosol products. 

Scale Height of NO2 and its Associations with Meteorological Conditions Using GEMS Measurements

Changqing LIN#+
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Atmospheric boundary layer structure plays a critical role in controlling the occurrence and evolution of extreme air pollution episodes. Our knowledge on the boundary layer structure of Nitrogen dioxides (NO2) is still limited. Satellite remote sensing technique measures vertical column density of NO2 with an extensive spatial and temporal coverage. Recent developments in geostationary satellites (e.g., GEMS) offer new opportunities to observe air pollution with a high resolution of 1 hour. In this study, we applied the GEMS measurements together with various ground measurements to evaluate the variations of the scale height of NO2, which is an important indicator of the vertical structure of NO2. The monthly and diurnal variations of the scale height of NO2 were explored. In particular, the association between the scale height of NO2 and various meteorological factors (e.g., temperature, wind, humidity, air pressure) were evaluated. Our results show that the variations of the vertical structure of NO2 were highly related to the meteorological conditions. For instance, with the subsidence effect of tropical cyclone, the scale height of NO2 were extremely low because most NO2 were accumulated near the ground. We then used random forest regression to estimate the scale height of NO2 based on the meteorological values. Good results with a R2 value of >0.9 were obtained. These analyses enhance our understanding of the vertical structure of NO2 and the relationships between column and surface NO2.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR323
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Tsung-Lin HSIEH, Princeton University, Kosuke ITO, Kyoto University

Maintenance Mechanisms of the Long-lived Concentric Eyewall Structure of Typhoon Lekima (2019): Axisymmetric Perspective

Shang-En LI#+, Ming-Jen YANG, Hung-Chi KUO
National Taiwan University

This study examines the long-lived concentric eyewall structure of Typhoon Lekima (2019) from an axisymmetric perspective. Possible maintenance mechanisms for the concentric eyewalls are investigated using a high-resolution WRF simulation (nested down to 1-km horizontal grid size). The secondary-circulation responses to the latent heating in the inner eyewall, moat and outer eyewall are diagnosed by solving the Sawyer-Eliassen equation individually to examine the corresponding contribution to the moat downdraft. By calculating the dynamic efficiency factor (DEF), the conversion of latent heating to kinetic energy is evaluated in the moisture-restricted inner eyewall. The Sawyer-Eliassen diagnoses show that the moat downdraft was contributed mainly by latent heating in the inner and outer eyewall, with a secondary contribution from latent cooling in the moat after concentric eyewall formation. DEF diagnoses show that the conversion of latent heating to kinetic energy in the inner eyewall was more efficient than in the outer eyewall. Although tangential wind within the boundary layer was weakened by friction, the compensative tangential wind in the inner eyewall was larger than in the outer eyewall. The compensative tangential wind indirectly accumulated moisture from the sea surface in the moat, aiding the moisture supply to the inner eyewall and enhancing the amount of kinetic energy converted from latent heating. Although the inner eyewall of Typhoon Lekima eventually weakens due to the moisture cut off from the outer eyewall, the inner eyewall can still be maintained for tens of hours by the high DEF from latent heating.

On the Role of Cloud Radiative Effect in Tropical Cyclogenesis

Chun-Kai HSU#+, Chun-Chieh WU
National Taiwan University

Idealized model simulations have shown that cloud radiative effect (CRE) can accelerate early development of tropical cyclones (TCs). Deep convective region near TC inner cores receives more energy than surrounding environment, and this spatial radiative heating difference can further drive a secondary circulation, transporting angular momentum and water vapor into TC center, thus favoring the TC intensification. However, the quantitative contribution of radiation to TC genesis in observation has not been well documented and need further investigation. In this study, tropical cloud clusters are identified according to their brightness temperature, then classified into developing and non-developing systems based on IBTrACS data. Satellite observations from CloudSat are used to composite vertical structure of radiative heating and atmospheric cloud radiative effect (ACRE), and to verify the differences between these two groups. Preliminary results show that, for developing systems, the upper troposphere absorbs more shortwave but lose more longwave from clouds. While at mid-level, more longwave energy is trapped but less shortwave energy can be transmitted through deep clouds to these layers. Overall, shortwave ACRE drives anomalous upper-level upward motion, and longwave ACRE promotes mid-level upward motion. Both of these effects enhance the secondary circulation between the convective region and their environment. As for non-developing systems, the general characteristics are similar to those in developing systems, except for smaller deep cloud extent and less radiative heating in surrounding area, implying that the deep convection structure, the cloud canopy extent, the associated cloud radiative effect, and the responded vertical motion could be related to the cyclogenesis process. More quantitative analyses, such as Sawyer-Eliassen equation, are still undergoing to further evaluate how secondary circulation and TC genesis process would respond to the radiative heating difference between developing and non-developing systems.

Super Typhoon Hinnamnor (2022) with a Record-breaking Lifespan Over the Western North Pacific

Qian WANG1+, Dajun ZHAO2#, Yihong DUAN3, Shoude GUAN4
1Fudan University, 2Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 3China Meteorological Administration, 4Ocean University of China

Super Typhoon Hinnamnor (2022) was rare and unique in the record over the western North Pacific as throughout its lifespan it featured all of the major frontier issues in typhoon research currently. Specifically, in different stages of its lifespan, it had a sudden change of track, underwent rapid intensification, interacted and merged with another vortex, expanded in size, underwent rapid weakening and had a strong cold wake, eyewall replacement, and extratropical transition. Therefore, a timely identification and review of these typical features of Hinnamnor (2022), as reported in this article, will help update and enrich the case sets for each of these scientific issues and provide a background for more in-depth mechanistic studies of typhoon track, intensity, and structural changes in the future. We believe that Hinnamnor (2022) can serve as an excellent benchmark to quickly evaluate the overall performance of different typhoon numerical models in predicting its track, intensity, and structural changes.

AS18-A055 | Invited
Changes in the Structure and Intensity of Tropical Cyclones Associated with Diurnal Pulsing

Weixin XU#+, Xinyan ZHANG
Sun Yat-sen University

One of the most prominent diurnal cycle features in tropical cyclones (TCs) is the radially outward propagation of a cooling signal in the upper-level clouds, the so-called diurnal pulse (DP). Previous studies suggested that some of the DPs occur in the deeper convective layer and therefore may impact the TC structure and intensity. This study investigates how the internal structures and intensity will change associated with DPs in global TCs using 18 years of multi-source satellite observations. Over 3000 DP events are identified based on objective method using satellite infrared data. Satellite microwave observations and spaceborne radar measurements are used to examine the changes of the TC convective structures related to DP events. Results show that the precipitation, microwave ice scattering, radar-echo top height, and lightning in the TC inner core are all markedly enhanced on DP days compared to non-DP days. Spaceborne radar observations further indicate that convection becomes deeper in the upshear quadrants with the presence of DPs and convective depths remain similar in the downshear quadrants. These changes in the TC internal structures are consistent to changes in rapidly intensifying TCs reported in the literature. In fact, this study shows that rapidly intensifying TCs have a higher frequency of the long-duration DP event and significantly longer DP duration than steady-state and gradually intensifying TCs. In short, DP implies a coherent pattern of the convective structure in the TC’s evolution and provides important implications for TC intensity change.

Cloud-radiation Feedback Prevents Tropical Cyclones from Reaching Higher Intensities

Bolei YANG1#+, Xi GUO2, Jian-Feng GU3, Ji NIE1
1Peking University, 2Jiangsu Meteorological Observatory, 3University of Reading

The prediction of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity remains a major scientific challenge. Recent studies indicate that cloud-radiation feedback (CRF) plays a positive role in the intensification of TCs during their genesis. However, little attention has been given to how CRF affects TC intensity after genesis. This study shows that CRF may prevents TCs from attaining higher maximum intensities. The ascending motion induced by the anomalous radiative heating of TC promotes more latent heating on the outer side of the upper eyewall, resulting in a more tilted eyewall. A more tilted eyewall leads to a larger inner-core size and less inward flux of absolute vertical vorticity within the inner core, thus preventing the TC from reaching higher intensity. This work highlights that CRF may affect TC intensity by modulating the structure of the inner-core convection, and further advances our understanding of the interaction between radiation effect and TC dynamics

Characteristics of Deep Convective Clouds, Precipitation, and Cloud Properties of Rapidly Intensifying Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific

Jason Pajimola PUNAY1#+, Chian-Yi LIU2, Chun-Chieh WU3, Kaoshen CHUNG4, Putu ARYASTANA5
1Bicol University, 2Academia Sinica, 3National Taiwan University, 4National Central University, 5Warmadewa University

Toward the understanding of rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the western North Pacific, the TC's deep convective cloud (DCC), precipitation, and cloud properties in terms of cloud effective radius, optical thickness, and top height from satellite observations are investigated. Mean and radial distributions of the variables at different intensity stages and intensification categories are examined. The relationship indicates that the DCC percentage and temperature, especially their radial distributions, could be used to identify an impending RI regardless of TC intensity. Meanwhile, the mean and radial distribution of precipitation may discriminate RI from non-RI in tropical depression (TD) and tropical storm (TS). The radial distribution of the cloud properties in rapidly intensifying TD and TS also suggest that most of the clouds near the center of the storm has deepened already while those that are far from the center are generally in developing or dissipating stage. Moreover, rapidly intensifying TCs, regardless of their intensities, manifest common DCC, precipitation, and cloud properties characteristics near the TC center. It is to be noted that the different mean and radial distribution characteristics of the variables between initial and continuing stages of RI are inferred to be artifacts of their intensities and RI rates (or radius of maximum wind sizes) rather than whether the TCs are at the onset or 24 hr of RI.

Uncertainty in Tropical Cyclone Frequency Projection Linked to Uncertainty in Western North Pacific Cloud Feedback

Tsung-Lin HSIEH#+
Princeton University

The Western North Pacific basin has large uncertainty in future tropical cyclone (TC) frequency projection across climate models, but the underlying reason has been unclear. We show that uncertainty in TC frequency projection is highly correlated with uncertainty in the response of clouds to sea surface warming. Based on the previously developed seed propensity index and gross moist stability theory, we hypothesize that the pattern of cloud response influences TC frequency through its radiative effect on the atmospheric column energy budget. Cloud radiative heating over the Western North Pacific drives anomalous vertical ascent in the large-scale circulation, generating more precursory vortices and seeding more TCs. This hypothesis is supported by numerical experiments with perturbed radiative heating rates and sea surface temperature using global atmospheric models developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. We show that uncertainty in Western North Pacific TC response is reduced when controlling for the radiative heating rate. We further show that cloud and TC response in the Western North Pacific has global impact on the top-of-atmosphere energy budget, using simulations with localized sea surface temperature perturbations. The results suggest that Western North Pacific TC frequency tends to decrease in a scenario with more positive cloud feedback; while the frequency tends to increase in a scenario with more negative cloud feedback.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR332
AS55 - Environmental Impacts of Biomass Burning Pollution Over Southeast Asia

Session Chair(s): Shantanu Kumar PANI, National Central University, Maggie Chel Gee OOI, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Retrieving Rapid-evolving Smoke Absorption Using Critical Reflectance Methods with Geostationary Observations

Yingxi SHI1#+, Roshan MISHRA1, Zhibo ZHANG1, Robert LEVY2, Lorraine REMER1,3, J. Vanderlei MARTINS1
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3Airphoton LLC

Emissions from biomass burnings, cause large impacts on our society and environment and cause local to global scale issues. The properties of smoke particles from these emissions rapidly evolve at seconds to minutes scales. Being able to accurately measure the smoke absorption properties is essential when quantifying the aerosol impacts on radiation budgets and mesoscale dynamics and help improving the forecast as well as facilitate risk management. In-situ measurements can provide accurate measurements of aerosol properties but have limited sample size. From satellites, which have much wider temporal and spatial coverage, the fast-changing absorbing properties of smoke plumes are very challenging to retrieve. Utilizing the very fine temporal resolution observations from geostationary satellites and the powerful critical reflectance (CR) methods, we now have a pathway to retrieve wavelength dependent absorption at 10 minutes intervals. CR is a surface reflectance at which increasing or decreasing aerosol loading does not change the TOA reflectance. This reflectance value is highly associated with the absorption of the aerosol layer and not related to lower boundary conditions, which makes it suitable to apply over heterogeneous land surfaces. Using Advanced Base Imager onboard GOES-17, we demonstrated the power of CR technique by retrieving aerosol single scattering albedo on two fire events, following the track of freshly emitted smoke plumes, and compared with nearby ground-based observations. The uncertainty of the CR method is also tested using sensitivity studies. This method will be applied to all suitable fire events and the temporal and spatial variation of retrieved SSA for each case will be analyzed and compared to other aerosol absorption products. 

Future Biomass Burning Activities in Malaysia and Indonesia Based on the CORDEX-SEA Projections

Aulia NISA'UL KHOIR1#+, Maggie Chel Gee OOI1, Liew JUNENG1, Jing Xiang CHUNG2, Alif AKBAR SYAFRIANNO3, Imron ADE RANGGA3
1Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 3Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics

In the context of climate change, fire danger conditions are expected to increase in many regions of the world due to the projected changes in climate as the occurrences of biomass burning are events highly dependent on the meteorological driver. The threat from biomass haze in Malaysia and Indonesia will not only be about frequency but also intensity. There is a possibility that biomass burning will become more severe in the future. However, while the study of the near-real-time predictions of burning hotspots in Malaysia and Indonesia has been developed widely, the study of its projection has not been assessed. This study aims to project burning hotspots that are represented by FWI (Fire Weather Index), a fire danger system that relies upon the daily weather readings during the previous day, including temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and rain. The projection is performed based on the future climate condition (2041 – 2070) under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios using the downscaled simulations of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling/Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment—Southeast Asia (SEACLID/CORDEX-SEA). The result of the projection of trends of the fire hotspots by applying the FWI shows an overall significant increase in fire activities under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios in the future. The average FWI reached 9.6 and 11.1 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. The average percentage increase of FWI in the future under the RCP8.5 scenario is 43.9%, higher than under the RCP4.5 scenario, which is 39.7%. In short, the result of this study provides an understanding of how fire events condition in the future as the efforts to control the forest and land fire disasters which affect the biomass burning haze.

Systematic Long-term Analyses of Simultaneous Multipoint Wood-log and Biomass Burning Caused by Holikadahan: Regional Comparison of West, Central, and East Indo-gangetic Plains

Bharat Ji MEHROTRA1#+, Shivam SINGH1, Atul K. SRIVASTAVA2, Abhay Kumar SINGH1, Sudhir SHARMA3, Manoj Kumar SRIVASTAVA1
1Banaras Hindu University, 2Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, 3CSIR- National Physical Laboratory

Research has shown that short term events, such as forest-fires, agricultural-burning, dust-storms, fireworks, etc., significantly contribute to air-pollution, and impact the climate, air-quality, visibility, human-health, etc. Festivals that are marked by firework displays and wood-log fires are among these transient events that severely alter the local air-quality. In India, two major festivals, Diwali and Holi, are celebrated throughout the country, and are dominated by fireworks and wood-log/ biomass burning, respectively. As per the religious belief, Holi is preceded by Holikadahan, when wood-log/ biomass is burned in the last evening. The burning results in the emission of huge amounts of gaseous and particulate pollutants. Innumerable point sources Holikadahan in the vicinity make Holikadahan a huge polluter on a regional basis.The study, spanning six years (2017-2022), was conducted using data collected from 12 cities, extending from west to east in the Indo-Gangetic plains (IGP) to examine the impact of Holikadahan by comparing the period of background levels, pre-Holikadahan, and Holikadahan of PM2.5, PM10 and aerosol optical depth (AOD). As a general observation, the highest spike in pollutant concentrations, including PM2.5, PM10 were observed during the Holikadahan and immediately after the Holikadahan, followed by a decreasing trend, back to background levels, typically after 24-hours.In the western IGP, the maximum impact of Holikadahan on air-quality was observed in 2021, showing 71%, 63% and 82% increase in PM2.5, Pm10, and AOD values, respectively, between pre-Holika and Holika. Similar increases in central IGP, observed in 2021, were 80%, 25% and 55%, respectively. In the eastern IGP, however, the maximum impact was observed in 2020, with 74% and 75% increase in PM2.5 and PM10 concentration, respectively. This increase in primary data is expected to change the localized air-quality index (AQI), aerosol radiative forcing efficiency, and atmospheric heating-rate.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR330
AS21 - Past and Future Irreversible and Abrupt Climate Changes: Hysteresis and Resilience

Session Chair(s): Seung-Ki MIN, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Seungmok PAIK, Yonsei University, Chao LIU, Yonsei University

Hysteresis of the El Niño-southern Oscillation Characteristics to CO2 Forcing Linked to the ITCZ

Chao LIU1+, Soon-Il AN1#, Fei-Fei JIN2, Jongsoo SHIN3, Jong-Seong KUG3, Wenjun ZHANG4, Malte STUECKER5, Xinyi YUAN6, Aoyun XUE3, Xin GENG4, Soong-Ki KIM1
1Yonsei University, 2University of Hawaii, 3Pohang University of Science and Technology, 4Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 5University of Hawaii at Manoa, 6China Meteorological Administration

Underpinned by large-scale air-sea coupled dynamics in the equatorial Pacific, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) makes it the strongest natural interannual variability on Earth with far-reaching socio-economical influences across the globe. Compared to its extensively studied changes in warming scenarios, ENSO responses to anthropogenic forcing removal or reduction, however, remain less explored so far. Based on the 1% per year CO2 changing for ramp-up and ramp-down experimental scenarios and climate models that capture key ENSO dynamics, here we show two major ENSO sea surface temperature (SST) statistics of variance and skewness exhibit prominent hysteresis responses in a CO2 changing pathway. In contrast to largely uncertain responses in the ramp-up period, eastern Pacific SST variance and central Pacific SST skewness during the ramp-down period display exaggerated increases and decreases changes, respectively. Such ENSO hysteresis owing to corresponding SST feedback changes is closely associated with a continuously strengthening and eastward-propagating of the El Niño action center until the middle of the ramp-down period. The El Niño action center changes are further linked with similar hysteresis background changes manifested in the intertropical convergence zone, which increase the eastern Pacific atmosphere sensitivity to local SST anomalies during the El Niño initial stage. We also suggest that the presence of El Niño hysteresis would possibly exacerbate its amplified consequential global impacts in a warming world.

Hysteresis and Irreversibility of Global Extreme Precipitation to Anthropogenic CO2 Emission

Sanjit Kumar MONDAL1#+, Soon-Il AN1, Seung-Ki MIN2, Soong-Ki KIM1, Jongsoo SHIN2, Seungmok PAIK1, Nari IM1, Chao LIU1
1Yonsei University, 2Pohang University of Science and Technology

 In this study, a comprehensive analysis is conducted to explore the response of global precipitation extremes to CO2 in terms of hysteresis and reversibility effect and associated population exposure. In this regard, climate outputs under two idealized CO2 scenarios such as ramp-up (RU; about +1% annually until quadrupling of present level) and ramp-down (RD; around -1% annually set back to present level) from Community Earth System Model version 1.2, and the projected population data from the five shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) are used. Precipitation extremes are evaluated using the number of heavy precipitation days, maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation, and the precipitation of very wet days indices. Results show that the magnitude of extreme precipitation change and associated population exposure is higher in the CO2 reduction period (RD) than in RU. All the indices show substantial irreversible and hysteresis effects, ~69% of the global land is expected to experience irreversible changes in precipitation extreme. Further, the hotspots of irreversibility (the region with irreversible change and a large hysteresis) will emerge in >20% of the global area. Spatially, strong hysteresis and irreversibility are particularly concentrated over global land monsoon regions. The leading exposure is estimated under SSP3 combined with both RU and RD periods. Under the SSP3-RD combination, the highest population exposure is estimated at ~67.1% (globally averaged), and ~72% (averaged over hotspots) higher than that of the present day. The exposed population is prominent in South Africa and Asia. Notably, the population change effect is the principal factor in global exposure change, while it is the climate change effect over the hotspots of irreversibility. These findings provide new insight into policymaking that only CO2 mitigation effort is not enough to cope with precipitation extremes, rather advanced adaptation planning is a must to have more socio-economic benefits.

Roles of Two Hemispheres for Changes in the Global Mean Temperature Under the Zero Emission Commitment (CESM2) Scenario

Seung-Hwon HYUN#+, Soon-Il AN, Ho-Jeong SHIN
Yonsei University

For investigation in the change of global temperature after the cessation of COemissions, Zero Emissions Commitment (ZEC) scenario has been proposed. In our four ensemble members of CESM2 ZEC experiment, CO2 emissions are linearly increased and symmetrically decreased till zero, then this net zero condition is maintained over longer than 100 years. During this net zero emission period, authors found that the ensemble spread of global mean surface temperature (GMST) increases drastically and the ensemble mean also increases again, without increasing CO2 emissions. The ensemble spread, especially over the northern or subpolar Atlantic Ocean, is associated with differences in the reconstruction of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) within ensembles. This could be explained by AMOC–Salt–Advection positive feedback that a stronger surface salinity derives a weaker stratification of the northern Atlantic Ocean and a stronger AMOC. This raises the stronger meridional warm and salt advection in faster warming ensemble members than slower warming members during the net zero emission period. On the other hand, the positive trend of surface temperature over Southern Ocean (SO) persists during the entire ZEC scenario, thus this plays an important role in the increasing ensemble mean GMST during the net zero period. In contrast, it is noteworthy that the ensemble spread is not as large as the northern Atlantic Ocean or Arctic regions. Authors further found that this positive trend over SO is associated with changes of surface heat budget by the intensified downwelling radiation. From these results, present study argues that the roles of both Northern and Southern hemisphere in ZEC scenario is distinguished in the ensemble spread and mean of GMST, respectively.

Hysteretic Behavior of Global to Regional Monsoon Area Under CO2 Ramp-up and Ramp-down

Seungmok PAIK1+, Soon-Il AN1#, Seung-Ki MIN2, Andrew KING3, Jongsoo SHIN2
1Yonsei University, 2Pohang University of Science and Technology, 3The University of Melbourne

When projecting future monsoon changes by carbon dioxide (CO2) pathway, most studies have analyzed precipitation responses without considering monsoon area (MA) variations. Further, how MA responds to CO2 removal remains uncertain. This study evaluates MA variations and impacts in idealized CO2 ramp-up (toward CO2 quadrupling), ramp-down, and stabilized simulations using the Community Earth System Model version 1. Global MA negatively overshoots (i.e., recovery with decreasing tendency beyond the original MA) during the ramp-down period due to reduced or rapidly recovered MA in several regional monsoons, including Northern and Southern Africa, South and East Asia, and South America, showing hysteresis when comparing ramp-up and -down periods despite similar global warming levels. These non-linear regional MA variations come from distinct regional summer and winter precipitation variations, which are found to be associated with Intertropical Convergence Zone movements and El Niño-like response. Further, regional monsoon precipitation characteristics also vary through ramp-up and ramp-down periods consistently with overall hysteresis. Changes in total monsoon precipitation resemble the distinct responses of MA. Our results suggest that regions characterized by a monsoonal climate may experience reduced seasonal rainfall variations under net-negative CO2 emissions.

AS21-A009 | Invited
Asymmetrical Response of Summer Rainfall in East Asia to CO2 Forcing

Sang-Wook YEH#+, Se-Yong SONG
Hanyang University

Understanding the regional hydrological response to varying CO2 concentration is critical for cost-benefit analysis of mitigation and adaptation polices in the near future. To characterize summer monsoon rainfall change in East Asia due to a change in the CO2 pathway, we used the Community Earth System Model (CESM) with 28 ensemble members in which the CO2 concentration increases at a rate of 1% per year until its quadrupling peak, i.e., 1,468 ppm (ramp-up period), followed by a decrease of 1% per year until the present-day climate conditions, i.e., 367 ppm (ramp-down period). Although the CO2 concentration change is symmetric in time, the rainfall response is not symmetric. The amount of summer rainfall anomaly in East Asia is increased 42% during a ramp-down period than that during a ramp-up period when the two periods of the same CO2 concentration are compared. This asymmetrical rainfall response is mainly due to an enhanced El Niño-like warming pattern as well as its associated increase in the sea surface temperature in the western North Pacific during a ramp-down period. These sea surface temperature patterns enhance the atmospheric teleconnections to East Asia and the local meridional circulations around East Asia, resulting in more rainfall over East Asia during the ramp-down period. This result implies that the removal of CO2 does not guarantee the return of regional rainfall to the previous climate state with the same CO2 concentration.

Hemispherically Asymmetric Hadley-cell Response to CO2 Removal

Seo-Yeon KIM1+, Seok-Woo SON1#, Yeong-Ju CHOI1, Paul William STATEN2, Kevin M GRISE3, Soon-Il AN4, Jong-Seong KUG5, Sang-Wook YEH6, Seung-Ki MIN5, Jongsoo SHIN7
1Seoul National University, 2Indiana University, 3University of Virginia, 4Yonsei University, 5Pohang University of Science and Technology, 6Hanyang University, 7Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

A poleward shift of the Hadley cell (HC) edge in a warming climate has been widely documented. However, its possible change to CO2 removal has not been explored. By conducting large ensemble experiments where CO2concentrations are systematically increased and then decreased to the present-day level, we show that the poleward-shifted HC edges in a warming climate do not return to the present-day state when CO2 concentrations are reduced to the present-day climate. While the Southern-Hemisphere HC edge remains poleward of its present-day state, the Northern-Hemisphere HC edge returns and remains farther equatorward. Such hemispherically asymmetric HC-edge changes, which contribute to drought-prone subtropical regions, are closely associated with the changes in the vertical wind shear. We attribute the vertical wind shear change to the hysteresis in the oceanic response to a changing CO2 pathway.

Asymmetric Response of South Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in a Carbon Dioxide Removal Scenario

Suqin ZHANG#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The reversibility of South Asian summer monsoon (SASM) precipitation under the CO2 removal scenario is critical for climate mitigation and adaptation. In the idealized CO2 ramp-up (from 284.7 to 1138.8 ppm) and symmetric ramp-down experiments, SASM precipitation is largely reversible while exhibiting strong asymmetry: it may overshoot the unperturbed level when CO2 recovers. Such asymmetric response is mainly due to the enhanced El Niño-like and Indian Ocean dipole-like warming during the ramp-down period. The uneven sea surface warming weakens Walker circulation, with anomalous sinking over the SASM region; meanwhile, the warming also affects the rainfall over the Maritime Continent and tropical western Indian Ocean. The suppressed rainfall over the Maritime Continent triggers the equatorial Rossby wave, which weakens the ascent over the SASM region. The increased rainfall over the tropical western Indian Ocean excites the equatorial Kelvin wave, which reduces moisture transport. Additionally, tropic-wide warming reduces the land-sea thermal contrast and weakens monsoonal circulation. Consequently, the combined effects of the weakened ascent and moisture transport lead to the overshooting of SASM rainfall. Our results suggest that symmetric CO2 removal, although unlikely in the foreseeable future, may result in a risk of local drought over the SASM region.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR329
AS11 - Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fate, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Jianlin HU, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Hongliang ZHANG, Fudan University

Diurnal Variation, Chemical Fingerprint, and Source Resolution of Marine PM2.5 at the Dongsha Islands Based on Three-Year Field Measurement Data

Zi-You HUANG#+, Chung-Shin YUAN
National Sun Yat-sen University

This study aims to clarify the spatiotemporal variation, chemical fingerprint, transport routes, and source apportionment of marine fine particles (PM2.5) at a remote island in the South China Sea (SCS). Field sampling and receptor modeling of PM2.5 were conducted from September, 2020 to July, 2023. Twenty-four hour marine PM2.5 was collected at the Dongsha Islands for continuous seven days in each season. Chemical composition of PM2.5 was analyzed for water-soluble ions (WSIs), metallic content, carbonaceous content, anhydrosugars, and organic acids. Moreover, the potential sources of PM2.5 and their contribution were further resolved by backward trajectory simulation and chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model. Three-year field sampling results indicated that high concentrations of PM2.5 were commonly observed in winter and spring. In terms of chemical composition of PM2.5, secondary inorganic aerosols (SIAs; SO42-, NO3-, and NH4+) accounted for 53.0-64.1% of WSIs which dominated PM2.5. Crustal elements (Ca, K, Mg, Fe, and Al) dominated metallic content of PM2.5, while trace elements (V, Ni, and Cu) were originated from anthropogenic sources. The concentrations of organic carbon (OC) in PM2.5 were generally higher than those of elemental carbon (EC). The highest concentrations of levoglucosan were 20.94 ng/m3 at the Dongsha Islands in winter, while galactosan and mannosan were non-detectable (MDL). Major sources of PM2.5 resolved by CMB receptor modeling were sea salts (16.6-24.7%), fugitive dust (15.8-23.0%), industrial boilers (6.6-12.0%), secondary sulfate (7-10.9%), mobile sources (4.7-9.6%), waste incinerators (2.4-5.2%), and biomass burning (2.8-5.3%). Keywords: marine fine particles, chemical fingerprints, spatiotemporal variation, transport routes, source apportionment.

Impacts of Chlorine Chemistry and Anthropogenic Emissions on Secondary Pollutants in the Yangtze River Delta Region

Jingyi LI1#+, Peng WANG2, Qi YING3, Song GUO4, Keding LU4, Xionghui QIU5, Jianlin HU1
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 3Texas A&M University, 4Peking University, 5North China Electric Power University

Multiphase chemistry of chlorine is coupled into a 3D regional air quality model (CMAQv5.0.1) to investigate the impacts on the atmospheric oxidation capacity, ozone (O3), as well as fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its major components over the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region. By including the chlorine chemistry, the model performances in simulating hydrochloric acid (HCl), particulate chloride (PCl), and hydroxyl (OH) and hydroperoxyl (HO2) radicals are significantly improved. O3 is enhanced in the high chlorine emission regions by up to 4% and depleted in the rest of the region. PM2.5 is enhanced by 2~6%, mostly due to the increases in PCl, ammonium, organic aerosols, and sulfate. Nitrate exhibits inhomogeneous variations, by up to 8% increase in Shanghai and 2~5% decrease in most of the domain. Radicals show different responses to the chlorine chemistry during the daytime and nighttime. Both OH and HO2 are increased throughout the day, while nitrate radicals (NO3) and organic peroxy radicals (RO2) show an opposite trend during the daytime and nighttime. Higher HCl and PCl emissions can further enhance the atmospheric oxidation capacity, O3, and PM2.5 so that the anthropogenic chlorine emission inventory must be carefully evaluated and constrained.

Global and East Asian Tropospheric Ozone Trends in the Recent Two Decades

Xiao LU#+, Haolin WANG
Sun Yat-sen University

Tropospheric ozone is an important greenhouse gas and is central to atmospheric oxidation capacity. We examine observed tropospheric ozone trends, their attributions, and radiative impacts from 1995–2017 using aircraft observations from the In-Service Aircraft for a Global Observing System database (IAGOS), ozonesondes, and a multi-decadal GEOS-Chem chemical model simulation. IAGOS observations above 11 regions in the Northern Hemisphere and 19 of 27 global ozonesonde sites have measured increases in tropospheric ozone (950-250hPa) by 2.7 ± 1.7 and 1.9 ± 1.7 ppbv decade-1 on average, respectively, with particularly large increases in the lower troposphere (950-800 hPa) above East Asia, Persian Gulf, India, northern South America, Gulf of Guinea, and Malaysia/Indonesia by 2.8 to 10.6 ppbv decade-1. The GEOS-Chem simulation, driven by reanalysis meteorological fields and the most up-to-date year-specific anthropogenic emission inventory, reproduces the overall pattern of observed tropospheric ozone trends with an increasing trend of 0.4 Tg year-1 of the tropospheric ozone burden in 1995–2017. Sensitivity simulations show that changes in global anthropogenic emission patterns, including the equatorward redistribution of surface emissions and the rapid increases in aircraft emissions, are the dominant factors contributing to tropospheric ozone trends by 0.5 Tg year-1. In particular, we highlight the disproportionately large contribution of aircraft which emitting NOx in the mid- and upper troposphere where ozone production efficiency is high. Regionally, the Chinese nationwide ozone monitoring network has observed rapid increases in warm-season surface ozone in cities during 2013−2019 by about 2.4 ppbv per year, among the fastest urban ozone trends in the recent decade reported in the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR). Our model simulations reveal that the presence of soil NOx emissions in the North China Plain, mainly driven by agricultural fertilizer applications, present as an underappreciated challenge for ozone mitigation there.

Fast Spreading of Surface Ozone in Both Temporal and Spatial Scale in Pearl River Delta

Tianhui CAO+, Haichao WANG#, Shaojia FAN
Sun Yat-sen University

Surface ozone (O3) is a major air pollutant and draw increasing attention in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), China. Here, we characterize the spatial-temporal variability of ozone based on a dataset obtained from 57 national monitoring sites during 2013-2019. Our results show that: (1) the seasonal difference of ozone distribution in the inland and coastal areas was significant, which was largely affected by the wind pattern reversals related to the East Asian monsoon, and local ozone production and destruction; (2) the daily maximum 8hr average (MDA8 O3) showed an overall upward trend by 1.11 ppbv/year. While the trends in the nine cities varied differently by ranging from -0.12 to 2.51 ppbv/year. The hot spots of ozone were spreading to southwestern areas from the central areas since 2016. And ozone is becoming a year-round air pollution problem with the pollution season extending to winter and spring in PRD region. (3) At the central and southwestern PRD cities, the percentage of exceedance days from the continuous type (defined as ≥ 3 days) was increasing. Furthermore, the ozone concentration of continuous type was much higher than that of scattered exceedance type (< 3 days). In addition, although the occurrence of continuous type starts to decline since 2017, the total number of exceedance days during the continuous type is increasing. These results indicate that it is more difficult to eliminate the continuous exceedance than the scatter pollution days and highlight the great challenge in mitigation of O3 pollution in these cities.

Age-resolved Source and Region Contributions to Fine Particulate Matter During an Extreme Haze Episode in China

Xiaodong XIE#+, Jianlin HU
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

A Source- and Age-Resolved Algorithm (SARA) was developed in the CMAQ model and applied to study the sources and ages of primary fine particulate matter (PPM) and secondary inorganic aerosols (SNA) in China during January 2013. Residential and industry are the major contributors to PPM and sulfate, especially for fresh particles. The contributions of power increase with age, accounting for 25% and 51% of aged sulfate and nitrate (> 48 h), respectively. Local emissions and intra-regional transport with younger age contribute to over 70% of PPM and SNA in Beijing, while long-range transport from northern China with older age becomes more significant in Shanghai. On pollution days, the ages of PPM and SNA consistently increase, suggesting enhanced contributions from regional transport. This study highlights that the age-specific particle source and region information produced by our SARA algorithm can help design cost-effective emission control strategies to reduce extreme haze pollution.

AS11-A013 | Invited
Quantification and Characterization of Fine Plastic Particles as Considerable Components in Atmospheric Fine Particle

Yunqian CHEN1#+, Siyuan JING2, Yanting WANG3, Jianmin CHEN1
1Fudan University, 2Westlake University, 3Zhejiang University

Fine plastic particles (particle diameter < 2.5 μm, hereafter FPP) have made considerable contributions to human health, aerosol pollution, climate effects, and many aspects of the ecosystem. However, the direct characteristics and high-time resolution (hourly) quantitative detection of atmospheric FPP were limited. We investigated the composition and probable sources of FPP in PM2.5 in this study. Dual-hour-resolution was obtained for the quantitative study of FPP in PM2.5 using the Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System (VACES) and Thermal Desorption/Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (TD/Py-GC-MS). The FPP in PM2.5 accounted for an expected value of 5.57 μg/m³ (from 0 to 24.73 μg/m³) while a ratio of FPP to PM2.5 was 13.2 % (from 4.1 to 42.6 %) in most PM2.5 samples during the campaign. FPP are not significantly correlated with PM2.5 yet accounted for in PM2.5 concentrations, and PAEs are not part of atmospheric particulate matter yet are highly correlated with PM2.5. Additionally, a comprehensive chemical analysis of the FPP in PM2.5 has revealed the abundant presence of plastic particles, as opposed to other particles such as soot and tar balls. Heavy pollution of FPP was closely related to local human activities. This work implied that FPP in the air are a growing threat and atmospheric stocks of FPP were strongly related to human activity.

An Approach Towards Preparation of a National Emission Inventory for the Food Service Industry in India: A Case Study for Megacity Delhi

Medhavi GUPTA#+, Sri KOTA
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Increasing air pollution levels and associated detrimental health and environmental impacts is a rising concern for citizens of India. National policies and action plans have been sporadically implemented by the government along with various mitigation pathways suggested for further control of air pollution. To effectively combat air pollution, a detailed emission inventory is vital taking into account every sector. The Indian food service industry is one sector that is neglected. The food industry in India is a growing sector, and the unexpected rise due to the high demand in the service delivery market indicates the expected increase in cooking oil fumes. The cooking oil fumes produced as a result of high temperature processes are a major health hazards to human. However, there are limited studies addressing the issue and lack of data related to the sector for construction of a national emission inventory for the food service industry. To develop an inventory for India, firstly the structure of food/restaurant industries in the capital region of the country, megacity Delhi was studied by conducting a survey campaign. Based on the data collected, the emissions from the sector were calculated for Delhi. This study helps understand the pollutant emissions from the food service industry for megacity Delhi which is the hub for the largest number of restaurants in the country. This information can further be extrapolated across all states of India to help construct national emission inventory in future studies.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Renguang WU, Zhejiang University, Kyung-Ja HA, Pusan National University, Ramesh KRIPALANI, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology

Extremely Hot East Asia and Flooding Western South Asia in the Summer of 2022 Tied to Reversed Flow Over Tibetan Plateau

Chao HE1#+, Lixia ZHANG2, Xiaolong CHEN2, Tianjun ZHOU2, Wenxia ZHANG2
1Jinan University, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

In the summer (July and August) of 2022, unprecedented heat wave occurred along the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) over East Asia while unprecedented flood occurred over western South Asia (WSA), which are located on the eastern and western sides of Tibetan Plateau (TP). Here, by analyzing the interannual variability based on observational and reanalysis data, we show evidences that the anomalous zonal flow over subtropical Tibetan Plateau (TP) explains a major fraction the extreme events occurred in 2022. As isentropic surfaces incline eastward (westward) with altitude on the eastern (western) side of the warm center over TP in summer, anomalous easterly (westerly) flow in upper troposphere generates anomalous descent (ascent) on the eastern side of TP and anomalous ascent (descent) on the western side of TP via isentropic gliding. The anomalous easterly flow is extremely strong to reverse the climatological westerly flow over subtropical TP in 1994, 2006, 2013 and 2022. The easterly flow in 2022 is the strongest since 1979, and it generates unprecedented descent (ascent) anomaly on the eastern (western) side of TP, leading to extreme heat wave over YRV and extreme flood over WSA in 2022. The anomalously strong easterly flow over subtropical TP in 2022 is dominated by atmospheric internal variability related to mid-latitude wave train, while the cold sea surface temperature anomaly over the tropical Indian Ocean increases the probability of a reversed zonal flow over TP by reducing the meridional gradient of tropospheric temperature.

Summer Precipitation Extremes Over the Yellow River Loop Valley and its Link to European Blocking

Yina DIAO1#+, Kan XU2, Peng HUANG3
1Ocean University of China, 2Naval Aviation University, 391954 PLA

Characteristics of extreme precipitation over Yellow River Loop Valley (YRLV) and links to European blocking are investigated in this study. Spatial and temporal analysis of extreme precipitation shows that it contributes more than 30% of the total summer precipitation in the YRLV and is characterized by a strong and short period of local rainfall. Most of the extreme rains in the YRLV occur in July and August. Two typical circulation patterns were identified using a k-means clustering method. The extreme precipitation results from the combined actions of intensified high pressure over northeast China (NECH) and the westward extension of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH). The intensified southerly flow of the amplified NECH strengthens the water vapor transport induced by the westward extension of the WPSH from the northwest Pacific or Bay of Bengal into the YRLV. The NECH is amplified by the wave energy propagating from European blocking via the Silk Road pattern (SRP). This is the subseasonal cause of extreme precipitation over the YRLV. The composited July and August mean 500 hPa geopotential anomaly pattern for extreme precipitation years shows a high-pressure anomaly over the European continent and a negative phase of the SRP. The former provides a background for the occurrence of European blocking, and the latter explains the preexistence of the NECH and provides a linkage between the activity of European blocking and the subseasonal evolution of the NECH. Thus, the interannual variation in the extreme precipitation over the YRLV is mainly reflected by the phase of the SRP and the stationary waves over Europe.

Excessive Southern China Spring Rainfall Promoted by Multi-year El Niño Events

Wenxiu ZHONG1#+, Yuting WU1, Song YANG1, Tianjiao MA2, Qingyu CAI3, Qian LIU1
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Yunnan University, 3Chinese Academy of Sciences

Southern China spring rainfall (SCSR) is significant for agricultural sowing and soil moisture accumulation before the rainy summer. A better prediction of the rainfall improves our ability to risk response to natural disasters. It is found that the SCSR can be promoted by multi-year El Niño events through the high-latitude pathway (HP) and low-latitude pathway (LP). The long-lasting El Niño warming heats the tropical troposphere persistently until the decaying spring, which strengthens the Arctic polar vortex and the mid-latitude blockings. This HP is in favor of more southward transport of Rossby wave energy and cold air, resulting in strong ascending motions over southern China in spring. The multi-year El Niño also induces an enhanced western North Pacific anticyclone and a secondary circulation transporting moisture to southern China through the LP. The HP is more important in the early spring, while the LP dominates the heavy SCSR in the late spring.

Zonal Extension of the Middle East Jet Stream and its Influence on the Asian Monsoon

Wei WEI#+
Sun Yat-sen University

Investigation into the interannual variation of the Middle East jet stream (MEJS) and its influence on the Asian monsoon indicates that the eastward extension of MEJS is closely related with a wetter and colder winter in southern China and a later onset of the subsequent Asian summer monsoon, compared with normal conditions. When the MEJS extends eastward, a significant barotropic anomalous anticyclone is located over the Arabian Sea (AS), associated with the southeastward propagating wave train from Europe. Intense divergence in the southwest of the AS anomalous anticyclone favors more convection over the western tropical Indian Ocean, which excites an anomalous upper-level anticyclone to the north as a Rossby wave response, further intensifying the AS anticyclonic anomaly. This positive feedback loop maintains the AS anomalous anticyclone and results in the eastward extension of the MEJS. Accordingly, intense northeasterly anomalies over the Mediterranean Sea and the subtropical westerly anomalies bring abundant cold air from the middle-higher latitudes to subtropical regions, resulting in a widespread cooling in subtropical Eurasia including southern China. Barotropic anomalous westerlies occur around the Tibetan Plateau in the south and deepen the India-Burma trough, favoring more water vapor transport from the Bay of Bengal to southern China. This wetter and colder conditions in subtropical Eurasia can persist from winter to spring, leading to the much later onset of the Asian summer monsoon. Therefore, the winter MEJS variability can be considered as an important indicator for the Asian monsoon.

Characteristics of Precipitation and Atmospheric Environment During the Heavy Rain Event Observed on June 14-16, 2022 in the Southern Meghalaya Plateau

Fumie MURATA1#+, Toru TERAO2, Hiambok J. SYIEMLIEH3, Laitpharlang CAJEE3, Shyam S. KUNDU4, Sayeed Ahmed CHOUDHURY5, Shameem Hassan BHUIYAN5, Fatima AKTER6, Raju GOGOI7
1Kochi University, 2Kagawa University, 3North-Eastern Hill University, 4North Eastern Space Applications Centre, 5Bangladesh Meteorological Department, 6University of Dhaka, 7Diphu Government College

The towns of Cherrapunji and Mawsynram, located on the southern slopes of the Meghalaya Plateau in the northeastern part of the Indian subcontinent, are known to have the heaviest rainfall in the world. The Indian Meteorological Department announced that 972 mm of rain was recorded in the 24 hours ending 03 UTC on 17 June 2022. This was the third rain in the last 122 years. Severe flash floods occurred downstream in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Such case studies of heavy rain events must be useful in understanding the mechanism of heavy rain and in considering countermeasures against flash floods. An automatic weather station installed at Cherrapunji and an optical disdrometer installed at Sylhet recorded rain for the heavy rain event. The rainfall for the three days from the 14th to the 16th was 2412 mm, and it was 43% of the monthly rainfall in June 2022. Precipitation showed a distinct diurnal variation and increases from midnight to early morning. On the other hand, in Sylhet, which is located in the plains 40 km southeast of Cherrapunji, the precipitation variability was completely different and the diurnal variation of precipitation was unclear. The precipitation system was characterized by the images of Bangladesh Air Force (BAF) C-band radar at Jessore, Bangladesh, and the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) product. The precipitation system was a topographical system localized in southern Meghalaya. The precipitation system on the 15th was not sufficiently detected by the BAF radar, suggesting that the echo top height was relatively low. While the GSMaP showed some agreement with the BAF radar, on the 14th it was not possible to properly detect the onset of the nocturnal rain around 12UTC. This was because the data from the satellite-borne microwave radiometer observations used to create the GSMaP were not available within 3 hours.

Different Mechanisms for Daytime, Nighttime, and Compound Heatwaves: A Study in Southern China

Ming LUO1,2#+, Gabriel LAU2, Zhen LIU3
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 3IBS Center for Climate Physics

Heatwaves often cause immense stress on human society and the natural environment. While heatwaves can be classified into daytime, nighttime, and compound daytime-nighttime types, the specific processes associated with different heatwave types remain poorly understood. In this paper, we identify different mechanisms operating in compound (i.e., extreme heat during both day and night) and independent daytime and nighttime heatwaves in southern China. Compound heatwaves generally exhibit stronger temperature increases than either daytime or nighttime types. Daytime heatwaves are accompanied by increased downward shortwave radiation under a clear sky with reduced cloud cover and moisture. Nighttime heatwaves are characterized by more cloudy and moist conditions, and increased downward longwave radiation at the surface at night. A combination of these conditions for daytime and nighttime heatwaves prevail during compound heatwaves. All heatwaves are associated with strengthening and eastward extension of the South Asian high (SAH) in the upper troposphere, and strengthening and westward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH) in the lower and middle troposphere. Further examinations suggest that compound heatwaves are accompanied by the strongest intensification of SAH and WNPSH. Compared with daytime heatwaves, nighttime events are associated with a stronger amplitude of SAH and WNPSH, and both highs tend to extend more southward when nighttime heatwaves occur. This southward extension induces an anomalous lower-level anticyclone that drives a southwesterly wind anomaly over southeastern China. This circulation feature transports warmer and more humid air towards southern China. The enhanced concentration of water vapor leads to increased absorption of outgoing longwave radiation, and increased re-emission of longwave radiation to the surface, thus resulting in surface warming at night.

The Concurrent Record-breaking Rainfall Over Northwest India and North China in September 2021

Ying NA1#+, Riyu LU2
1Beijing Municipal Climate Center, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Extremely heavy rainfall occurred over both Northwest India and North China in September 2021. The precipitation anomalies were 4.1 and 6.2 times interannual standard deviation over the two regions, respectively, and broke the record since the observational data were available, i.e., 1901 for India and 1951 for China. In this month, the Asian upper-tropospheric westerly jet was greatly displaced poleward over West Asia, and correspondingly, an anomalous cyclone appeared over India. The anomalous cyclone transported abundant water vapor into Northwest India, leading to the heavy rainfall there. In addition, the Silk Road pattern, a teleconnection pattern of upper-level meridional wind over the Eurasian continent and fueled by the heavy rainfall in Northwest India, contributed to the heavy rainfall in North China. Our study emphasizes the roles of atmospheric teleconnection patterns in concurrent rainfall extremes in the two regions far away from each other, and the occurrence of rainfall extremes during the post- or pre-monsoon period in the northern margins of monsoon regions.

Tue-01 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR328
AS06 - Assimilation of Space- and Ground-based Water Vapor Observations for Weather Forecasting and GNSS Applications

Session Chair(s): Kefei ZHANG, China University of Mining and Technology, George Zhizhao LIU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Jonathan JONES, Met Office

Improving Afternoon Thunderstorm Prediction Over Northern Taiwan with the Assimilation of Ground-based Observation

Yi-Pin CHANG1+, Shu-Chih YANG1#, Hsiang-Wen CHENG1, Ya-Ting TSAY2, Jing-Shan HONG2, Yu-Chi LI2
1National Central University, 2Central Weather Bureau

This study investigates the impact of assimilating densely distributed GNSS zenith total delay (ZTD) and surface station data on very short-term heavy rainfall prediction associated with afternoon thunderstorms. A series of sensitivity experiments are applied to multiple cases characterized by intense rainfall rates within 2 hours in the Taipei Basin to identify key assimilation strategies for initializing afternoon thunderstorms. Data assimilation experiments are conducted with a convective-scale WRF-LETKF system, which assimilates the ZTD data and surface station data every 30 min. The results suggest that ZTD assimilation provides effective low-level moisture adjustments. The model generates strong convections due to the large amount of moisture flux over northern Taiwan, and thus heavy precipitation takes place in a short time. When station data is additionally assimilated, the location of the strongest convection is better predicted. Adopting variable- and scale-dependent covariance localization is crucial for optimizing the impact of ZTD assimilation. While the large-scale moisture correction from ZTD assimilation provides the essential thermodynamic precondition of convection development, the small-scale wind correction from surface station assimilation gives the ability to capture the wind direction over the complex terrain, which is decisive for the heavy rainfall location. Increasing the assimilation frequency gives the strongest near-surface convergence in the Taipei Basin. The well-coupled dynamic and thermodynamic conditions trigger extreme convection development in Taipei Basin and lead to a rainfall intensity that best agrees with the observations.

Investigating the Optimal Spatial Resolution for Assimilating Ground-based GNSS Tropospheric Products to Improve Atmospheric Humidity Field

Haobo LI1#+, Suelynn CHOY2, Safoora ZAMINPARDAZ2, Brett CARTER2, Kefei ZHANG3, Xiaoming WANG4
1Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, 3China University of Mining and Technology, 4Chinese Academy of Sciences

Water vapor (WV) is generally recognized as an essential climate variable and one of the most active components in the atmosphere. Being a typical type of greenhouse gas, the content and migration of WV are greatly associated with the intensity, time and extent of various types of severe weather events, e.g., rainstorm, typhoon and drought. Therefore, it is significant to further refine the existing methods to conduct continuous, timely and accurate monitoring of atmospheric humidity fields. Over the past few decades, on account of the benefits including high spatiotemporal resolution, long-term stability and all-weather capability, the emerging ground-based Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) atmospheric sounding technique has been widely used to sense WV content in the atmosphere. The GNSS-derived products of zenith total delay and precipitable water vapor have also advanced their usages in improving the accuracy of atmospheric WV fields simulated by numerical weather prediction models. In this paper, a comprehensive investigation on the optimal spatial resolution for assimilating GNSS-derived tropospheric products in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to improve atmospheric humidity field is conducted in the context of Australia. By using the strategy of data thinning, the optimal spatial resolution for data assimilation was proved to be 46.4 km. By using the reanalysis data over the study period as the reference, it was found that, with the variational assimilation of GNSS-derived products, both the accuracy of initial field and that of final predictions were greatly improved. Therefore, the research findings not only further corroborate the effectiveness of using ground-based GNSS tropospheric products to improve model performance, but could provide some clues/insights in the development of more robust forecasting models.

Investigating the Impact of Assimilation of MODIS Calibrated PWV on Numerical Weather Prediction

Yangzhao GONG1+, George Zhizhao LIU1#, K.K. HON2, P.W. CHAN2
1The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2Hong Kong Observatory

The impact of assimilation of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) near infrared (NIR) water vapor data on the weather forecasting performance of mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model, i.e., the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, is investigated in this study. Three WRF schemes including a no data assimilation scheme and two data assimilation schemes are performed over the South China area for February 2020 and July 2020, respectively. The no data assimilation scheme dose not assimilate any data and is treated as the background run. For the first data assimilation scheme, Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) data from the MODIS onboard Terra satellite are assimilated into the WRF model. For the second data assimilation scheme, a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) model with assistance of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) PWV is adopted to calibrate the MODIS PWV data. Then, the MODIS calibrated PWV are assimilated into the WRF model. The performance of three WRF schemes are comprehensively assessed by actual observations from the GNSS, radiosonde, and meteorological stations. The results show that: (1) Within the first 12 h after data assimilation, assimilation of MODIS calibrated PWV gains an average PWV forecasting accuracy improvement of 7.6% for February period and 3.3% for July period, while the corresponding improvements of assimilation of MODIS raw (uncalibrated) PWV are 3.6% and 4.1% for February period and July period, respectively. (2) Both assimilation of MODIS raw PWV and calibrated PWV improve the humidity and temperature profile forecasting accuracy, particularly for July period. (3) For July period, after assimilating MODIS raw PWV and calibrated PWV, the accumulated rainfall forecasting success rate for the first 12 h after data assimilation increases from 62.7% to 63.1% and 62.9%, respectively.

A Study on Humidity Information Application to Enhance the GNSS-RO Quality Control in the KIM Data Assimilation System

Jeon-Ho KANG#+, In-Hyuk KWON
Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems

Global positioning system (GPS) radio occultation (RO) data has been playing an important role in the new Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) operational weather prediction system. The Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) delivered the global atmosphere NWP model - named the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) - to the KMA. GPS-RO provides a promising data set with a combination of global coverage, high vertical resolution, and all-weather capability. However, the accuracy of the observation operator in the lower atmosphere (troposphere) - particularly in the subtropical moist marine area - limits the effectiveness of assimilating RO data in these regions. We are currently using the standard Abel transform, which gives the minimum refractivity solution of the continuum consistent with a given RO bending angle (BA) profile, but this is known to give rise to large negative biases in the lower troposphere. As for this issue, we guessed two strategies could relieve the enormous gap of the refractivity (or bending angle) between the observation and the background field over the moist region. The first is to modify the observation operator directly to get more reliable simulation results based on a better understanding of the GNSS-RO features according to the atmospheric structure. And the other is enhancing the quality control (QC) process allows it could more sophisticatedly eliminate the observations that seem highly affected by the moisture.
In this study, we tried to strengthen the impacts of the GNSS-RO, especially over the lower atmosphere, by enhancing the QC process using the humidity information of the background field. And the new QC process was tested in conjunction with applying dynamical observation errors varying with the observation point. Preliminary results from the latest KIAPS DA cycle experiments with these GNSS-RO data processing modifications will be presented.

Fusing the ERA5 and MODIS Products to Generate Daily 1 km Seamless Precipitable Water Vapor Across the Continental Europe Based on the Generative Adversarial Network

Jinhua WU+, Linyuan XIA#, Ting On CHAN
Sun Yat-sen University

Precipitable water vapor (PWV), as the medium of land surface-atmosphere energy exchange, plays a crucial role in Earth radiative balance and global climate. However, the applicability of mainstream satellite PWV products is limited by the tradeoff between spatial and temporal resolution and spatiotemporal discontinuity caused by cloud contamination. In this study, we fused the reanalysis-based ERA5 and satellite-derived MODIS PWV to generate accurate and seamless PWV of high spatio-temporal resolution (0.01°, daily) across the continental Europe from 2015 to 2018 based on the generative adversarial network (GAN) model. Firstly, the optimal clear-sky ERA5- MOD05 image pairs are selected based on the image similarity as inputs to raise the fusion performance. Secondly, a flexible multiscale feature extraction architecture is used to capture spatio-temporal variations which primely addresses the non-stationarity of PWV. Finally, the attention-based GAN architecture is used to recover the high-resolution and seamless PWV based on the extracted multiscale features. The results indicate that the fused PWV has great consistency with the GPS retrievals (r = 0.88–0.95 and Bias = -0.89–3.13 mm), showing an improvement in the accuracy and continuity compared to the original MODIS PWV. The fused accurate and spatiotemporal continuous PWV has great potential for meteorological and hydrological analyses.

Enhancing the Observation Accuracy of Sentinel-3 OLCI Water Vapor Estimates Based on Ground-based GPS Measurements

Jiafei XU1+, George Zhizhao LIU2#
1Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

High-quality satellite remotely sensed water vapor observations present a vital role in Earth’s weather and climate. The Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) sensor, on-board Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B satellite platforms, can observe atmospheric water vapor data records at near-infrared (NIR) measurements. Yet the measurement performance of satellite-sensed OLCI water vapor estimates is generally inferior to that of ground-based and reanalysis-based water vapor observations. In our research, we develop a novel Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) based calibration approach to adjust the observation performance of official Sentinel-3 OLCI NIR water vapor products, which considers multiple influence factors that are correlated with the performance of satellite-based NIR water vapor measurements. The in-situ water vapor data records, measured from Global Positioning System (GPS) stations, are used as the desired resulting water vapor estimates. The model is validated based on ground-based water vapor data from GPS and radiosonde instruments. The results show that the BPNN-based adjustment approach can significantly improve the measurement quality of official Sentinel-3 OLCI NIR water vapor data records. Our model can reduce the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of official OLCI NIR water vapor by 24.52% from 3.10 mm to 2.34 mm for Sentinel-3A and 25.00% from 3.44 mm to 2.58 mm when compared to GPS-measured reference water vapor. When compared to radiosonde-observed reference water vapor, the RMSE reduces 21.01% from 4.57 to 3.61 mm and 20.81% from 5.19 to 4.11 mm for Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B, respectively. The BPNN-based calibration model exhibits a higher accuracy enhancement on OLCI/Sentinel-3 NIR water vapor observations, compared with other existing previous methods in previous studies. This could be because we have considered multiple dependence parameters in association with the measurement performance of OLCI-retrieved NIR water vapor, while the previous research did not do so.

Detection of Tropical Cyclone Seroja Based on Precipitable Water Vapor from Indonesian CORS Data

Nabila PUTRI1#+, Dudy WIJAYA1, Muhammad Rais ABDILLAH1, Sidik WIBOWO2
1Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2Badan Informasi Geospasial

Tropical cyclones are low pressure systems created by a local heating of the sea surface, which triggers an intense convective activity involving large amounts of water vapor. A deadly tropical cyclone was formed in the early April 2021 over the Savu Sea and was given the name Seroja. This study aims to understand the characteristics of Seroja based on the precipitable water vapor (PWV) as derived from the Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data. Observations at 22 permanent GNSS stations, as well as in situ meteorological sensors, in the Nusa Tenggara region from 1 March 2021 until 30 April 2021 were used for this purpose. Surface pressure values dropped significantly by more than 20 hPa, while relative humidity increased and temperature was reduced. Furthermore, during the formation of Seroja, PWV values gradually increased, reaching its peak around the time of when the cyclone was at its closest. After the cyclone had passed, PWV values decreased rapidly, dropping from around 70 mm to below 20 mm at CKUP. PWV pre-Seroja tends to be larger than post-Seroja, whereas post-Seroja PWV was more variable.

Tue-01 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR327
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Minghui TAO, Chinese Academy of Sciences

AS23-A068 | Invited
Three Decades of Atmospheric Aerosols Column Measurements from AERONET

Pawan GUPTA1#+, Elena LIND1, Brent HOLBEN1, Thomas ECK1, David GILES2,1, Alexander SMIRNOV3,1, Joel SCHAFER2, Aliaksandr SINYUK1, Ilya SLUTSKER3,1, Mikhail SOROKIN1, Jason KRAFT1, Arsenio MENENDEZ2, Zane MCBRIDGE2, Hal MARING4, Sheng-Hsiang WANG5, Huizheng CHE6, Neng-Huei LIN5, Jhoon KIM7, Itaru SANO8
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2Science Systems and Applications, Inc., 3Sigma Space Corporation, 4NASA Headquarters, 5National Central University, 6Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 7Yonsei University, 8Kindai University

The AERONET program is a federation of ground-based sun-photometer networks and operates in partnership with various national and international agencies, universities, institutions, research groups, and individual scientists and stakeholders. It provides worldwide observations of spectral aerosol optical depth, inversion products (microphysical and radiative properties), and precipitable water across diverse aerosol regimes. In addition, other network components enable measurements of normalized water-leaving radiance, solar flux, and marine aerosols. For the past three decades, AERONET has been providing long-term, continuous, and readily accessible public-domain datasets. The network has been growing steadily, with currently about 600 active sites. The program also supports research and application field campaigns around the world. The program continues to refine instrumentation, measurement techniques, and algorithms through research and development. AERONET has recently started making nighttime aerosol measurements using direct moon observations. The program's biggest strength is its imposition of standardized of instruments, calibration, quality control, processing, and data distribution. This presentation will provide an overview of the program with examples of available datasets, current research, and applications. We will also highlight important upcoming satellite missions, field campaigns, and new research results from the AERONET team at NASA Goddard. The presentation will highlight ongoing data analysis focused on the Asia-Pacific region by the GSFC team.

GEMS Validation Campaign-GMAP 2021

Limseok CHANG1#+, Hyunkee HONG1, Donghee KIM1, Soi AHN2
1National Institute of Environmental Research, 2National Institute of Environmental Research(NIER)

The GEMS validation campaign was conducted in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA) from October to November, 2021. Twenty-four research teams participated in four platforms: ground remote sensing, chemical sonde, ground and airborne in situ chemical analysis, and chemical transport modeling. In particular, 5 Pandora and 5 MAX-DOAS were deployed within SMA, and 3 Car-DOAS were operated throughout SMA. Preliminary results showed that diurnal variations in the NO2 and HCHO columns in ground remote sensing matched well with those in GEMS. Car-DOAS yielded pollution maps in detail, which were used for subgrid variability analysis. The various shapes in the vertical profile of NO2 retrieved from MAX-DOAS and directly measured from the airborne NO2 monitor demonstrate the importance of A prior in GEMS VCD calculation.

Characterization of the PBL Structure and PM2.5 in Taiwan: T-POMDA Field Campaign and Modeling

Fang-Yi CHENG#+, Sheng-Hsiang WANG, Shu-Chih YANG, Yi-Cheng LIN, Chih-Kuan WANG
National Central University

The intensive field observations were conducted in central to southwestern Taiwan to clarify the physical and chemical processes and emission sources that lead to the serious PM2.5 problem. The deployment of the atmospheric observations included the wind profiler, radiosonde, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), lidar, and surface datasets. These observations provide the wind fields, temperature, humidity, and aerosol information with high temporal and vertical resolutions in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). In addition, the PBL ensemble data assimilation system was developed based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (WRF-LETKF) framework coupled with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model. We applied WRF and CMAQ models, and observations, to characterize the PBL vertical structures, evolutions, and air pollutants transport and dispersion processes. The preliminary analysis of the observation and model results demonstrate that the development of the PBL depth was limited due to the enhanced atmospheric stability in the PBL and the strong subsidence process from the layer above. The coastal sites revealed a shallow PBL depth; yet, the inland sites revealed a well-mixing PBL structure during the day. The lidar and radiosonde revealed distinct layer structures of the PM2.5 concentrations. The model can reproduce the observed features and assist in discussing the air pollution transport processes.

Extensive Characterization of Aerosol Optical Properties and Chemical Component Concentrations: Application of the GRASP/component Approach to Long-term AERONET Measurements

Xindan ZHANG1#+, Lei LI1, Cheng CHEN2, Oleg DUBOVIK3, Huizheng CHE1, Yu ZHENG1
1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2UMR 8518 – Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique, 3University of Lille

A recently developed GRASP/Component approach (GRASP: Generalized Retrieval of Atmosphere and Surface Properties) was applied to AERONET (Aeronet Robotic Network) sun photometer measurements in this study. Unlike traditional aerosol component retrieval, this approach allows the inference of some information about aerosol composition directly from measured radiance, rather than indirectly through the inversion of optical parameters, and has been integrated into the GRASP algorithm. The newly developed GRASP/Component approach was applied to 13 AERONET sites for different aerosol types under the assumption of aerosol internal mixing rules to analyze the characteristics of aerosol components and their distribution patterns. The results indicate that the retrievals can characterize well the spatial and temporal variability of the component concentration for different aerosol types. A reasonable agreement between GRASP BC retrievals and MERRA-2 BC products is found for all different aerosol types. In addition, the relationships between aerosol component content and aerosol optical parameters such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), fine-mode fraction (FMF), absorption Ångström exponent (AAE), scattering Ångström exponent (SAE), and single scattering albedo (SSA) are also analyzed for indirect verifying the reliability of the component retrieval. It was demonstrated the GRASP/Component optical retrievals are in good agreement with AERONET standard products [e.g., correlation coefficient (R) of 0.93 – 1.0 for AOD, fine-mode AOD (AODF), coarse-mode AOD (AODC) and Ångström exponent (AE); R = ~ 0.8 for absorption AOD (AAOD) and SSA; RMSE (root mean square error) < 0.03 for AOD, AODF, AODC, AAOD and SSA]. Thus, it is demonstrated the GRASP/Component approach can provide aerosol optical products with comparable accuracy as the AERONET standard products from the ground-based sun photometer measurements as well as some additional important inside on aerosol composition.

New Top-down Spatially Distributed Daily Emissions Inventory for Black Carbon Driven by OMI and AERONET Observations

Jian LIU1+, Jason COHEN2#, Steve YIM3
1Taiyuan University of Technology, 2China University of Mining and Technology, 3Nanyang Technological University

Changes in urbanization, industry, and biomass burning in South, Southeast, and East Asia, have led to rapidly changing emissions of gasses and aerosols. These changes are due to missing and misrepresented sources, extreme events, and time-varying sources. Due to few ground stations outside urban areas in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand, this work uses a new, model-free approach in combination with daily OMI measurements of NO2 and UV, to identify and quantify emissions where measurements are available. An emphasis is made in regions that have undergone rapid or significant change. Using observations from the same platform takes advantage of consistent spatial and temporal coverage while taking advantage of the fact that NO2 and BC are co-emitted from the same processes and under the same thermodynamic conditions. The BC mass, size, and number loadings are all computed using AERONET SSA and a core/shell-constrained MIE model. Through the application of the mass-conserving model-free approach constrained by first-order approximations of wet and dry deposition, chemical aging, and dynamic transport, the computed number, size, and mass emissions profiles are computed. Differences between existing a priori emissions from FINN and EDGAR are compared with the top-down emissions database and the ranges of allowable physical, chemical, and dynamical terms. All products and analyses are done grid-by-grid in both space and time, with an emphasis on extreme events previously identified from OMI NO2 columns in 2016.The results demonstrate a significant underestimation in rural areas in Myanmar, Northern Thailand, Laos, and Northeast India, as well as in suburban areas around cities in Southeast Asia. However, some highly developed areas have overestimated emissions, likely due to more strict environmental enforcement, including Shanghai, Singapore, and Taibei. The uncertainty and day-to-day variability are examined in further detail, supporting that the inversion results are statistically significant in the regions mentioned.

Towards Continuous Cargo Ship-based Observations of Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollutants by a Novel Semi-automatic FTIR - UV Spectrometer

Astrid MUELLER1#+, Hiroshi TANIMOTO1, Takafumi SUGITA1, Prabir K. PATRA2,3, Matthias FREY1, Ralph KLEINSCHEK4, André BUTZ4, Isamu MORINO1, Vincent ENDERS4, Karolin VOSS4, Shin-ichiro NAKAOKA1, T. MACHIDA1
1National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3Tohoku University, 4Heidelberg University

Simultaneous observations of carbon dioxide (CO2), the major greenhouse gas (GHG), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a tracer for fossil fuel combustion, help to identify and quantify anthropogenic CO2 sources. Ship-, aircraft-, and ground-based observations together with satellite observations of GHG and other trace gases aim to better understand changes in their atmospheric concentrations. To achieve this goal, the global coverage of in situ observations by public and private networks is expanding, and new satellite missions are scheduled like that of GOSAT-GW. By using an approach to integrate ship data of the Ship-of-Opportunity program and aircraft data of the Comprehensive Observation Network for Trace gases by Airliner, we set up a framework to evaluate satellite observations of the column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of, for example, CO2 (XCO2) over the ocean. Although the applicability to CH4 is currently limited due to the sparseness of in-situ data, we explore the potential of this approach for the future when the observation networks are expanded. Complementary to this approach to constrain anthropogenic CO2 emissions and to validate CO2 and NO2 data of the GOSAT-GW mission, we are aiming to make continuous cargo ship-based observations of XCO2, XCH4, and XCO using a semi-automatic Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer, combined with a UV spectrometer to measure the vertical column densities of NO2 (VCDNO2). The setup, developed by the Heidelberg University, consisted initially only of the mobile semi-automatic FTIR, and was tested for the first time on a cargo ship in the summer 2022. Currently, the Heidelberg University is integrating the UV spectrometer. Scheduled for end of this year, the novel setup will be deployed on a cargo ship operating along major anthropogenic emission sources of the Japanese East Coast. We will present the concepts, challenges, and perspectives for validating future satellite missions and monitoring anthropogenic emissions.

POMINO-GEMS: A Research Product for Tropospheric NO2 Columns from Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer

Yuhang ZHANG1+, Jintai LIN1#, Jhoon KIM2, Hanlim LEE3, Junsung PARK3, Hyunkee HONG4, Van Roozendael MICHEL5, Francois HENDRICK5, Ting WANG6, Pucai WANG6, Qin HE7, Kai QIN7, Yongjoo CHOI8, Yugo KANAYA9, Jin XU6, Pinhua XIE6, Xin TIAN10, Sanbao ZHANG11, Shanshan WANG11, Robert SPURR12, Lulu CHEN1, Hao KONG1, Mengyao LIU13
1Peking University, 2Yonsei University, 3Pukyong National University, 4National Institute of Environmental Research, 5Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, 6Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7China University of Mining and Technology, 8Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, 9Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 10Anhui University, 11Fudan University, 12RT Solutions, 13Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a major air pollutant. Tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities (VCDs) retrieved from sun-synchronous satellite instruments have provided abundant NO2 data for environmental studies, but such data are limited by insufficient temporal sampling (e.g., once a day). The Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) launched in February 2020 will retrieve NO­2 at an unprecedented high temporal resolution. Here we present a research product for tropospheric NO2 VCDs, referred to as POMINO-GEMS. We develop a hybrid retrieval technique combining GEMS and TROPOMI observations as well as GEOS-Chem simulations to generate hourly tropospheric NO2 slant column densities (SCDs). We then derive tropospheric NO2 air mass factors (AMFs) with explicit corrections for the anisotropy of surface reflectance and aerosol optical effects, through pixel-by-pixel radiative transfer calculations. Prerequisite cloud parameters are retrieved with O2-O2-based cloud algorithm by using ancillary parameters consistent with those used in NO2 AMF calculations. Initial retrieval of POMINO-GEMS tropospheric NO2 VCDs for June–August 2021 exhibit strong hotspot signals over megacities and distinctive diurnal variations over polluted and clean areas. POMINO-GEMS NO2 VCDs agree well with our POMINO-TROPOMI v1.2.2 product (R = 0.96, and NMB = 6.9%). Comparison with MAX-DOAS VCD data at five sites shows a small bias of POMINO-GEMS (NMB = –12.2%); however, the correlation for diurnal variation varies from -0.57 to 0.86, suggesting strong location-dependent performance. Surface NO2 concentrations estimated from POMINO-GEMS VCDs are consistent with measurements from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China at 855 sites (NMB = – 5.6%, and R = 0.96 for diurnal correlation averaged over all sites). POMINO-GEMS will be made freely available for users to study the spatiotemporal variations, sources and impacts of NO2.

Synergistic Use of Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling and Satellite Products to Study Smoke Haze Emissions in Southeast Asia

Efthymia PAVLIDOU1#+, Chee-Kiat TEO2, Boon Ning CHEW2, Zhong Yi CHIA2, Phoebe JULIAN1,3, Peng YUAN SNG4
1Meteorological Service Singapore, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 3Nanyang Technological University, 4National University of Singapore

Local environmental conditions in Southeast Asia, especially high humidity and frequent cloud cover, pose challenges in atmospheric monitoring both via modelling and when using satellite observations. We explore opportunities to address such challenges in the case of smoke haze dispersion, with the synergistic use of model outputs and satellite products. The Numerical Atmospheric-dispersion Modelling Environment (NAME) is an atmospheric pollution dispersal modelling tool capable of simulating and forecasting many atmospheric dispersion phenomena and associated physical and chemical processes. Himawari is a geostationary satellite providing high frequency multispectral observations. We use Himawari Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and Fire Radiative Power (FRP) products. We focus on 2019 and explore use of Himawari FRP, instead of the MODIS FRP assimilated by CAMS GFAS which is currently used as input to NAME. The aim is to evaluate the impact of the higher observation frequency of Himawari and the differences in saturation limit between the two instruments on the emission outputs of the model. We further compare model-derived AOD with Himawari AOD data, to get a view of the uncertainties of AOD estimation. Finally, we train a Machine Learning algorithm to translate AOD to column-integrated Particulate Matter emissions using NAME model simulations. This translation is traditionally done using smoke mass extinction coefficients measured in laboratory experiments or field expeditions. However, there is limited availability of such data in Southeast Asia, and their accuracy is further impacted by high levels of humidity in the region and plume aging. Use of model outputs in the ML algorithm could complement the lack of data and cover a wider range of local conditions. Based on our findings, we discuss potential synergistic use of satellite products and NAME outputs, for research regarding deriving smoke haze emissions in the region as well as for operational monitoring and forecasting of haze dispersion.

Tue-01 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR323
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Satoki TSUJINO, Meteorological Research Institute, Di TIAN, Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources

AS18-A052 | Invited
Sea Surface Wind Structure in the Outer Region of Tropical Cyclones Observed by Wave Gliders

Di TIAN1#, Han ZHANG2+
1Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources, 2Ministry of Natural Resources

Understanding the sea surface wind structure during tropical cyclones (TCs) is the key for study of ocean response and parameterization of air-sea surface in numerical simulation. However, field observations are scarce. In 2019, three wave gliders were deployed in the South China Sea and the adjacent Western Pacific region, which acquired sea surface wind structure of eight TCs. Analysis of the field data suggests that the wave glider-observed surface winds are consistent with most analysis/reanalysis data (i.e., ERA5, CCMP and NCEP-GDAS) and SMAP. Both wave glider observations and analysis/reanalysis data indicate that TC wind fields induce an obvious increase in speed toward the sea surface together with a sharp change in direction, showing an asymmetric wind structure which is sensitive to TC translation speed and intensity. Larger mean values of wind speed and inflow angle are located on the right side along TC tracks. The inflow angle shows a highly dynamic dependence on the radial distance from the TC center, the TC intensity, as well as the TC-relative azimuth. Comparisons between field observations and theoretical models indicate that the most widely used, ideal TC wind profile models can largely represent the observed sea surface wind structure, but generally underestimate the wind speed due to lack of consideration of background wind. Moreover, simple ideal models (e.g., the modified Rankine vortex model) may outperform complex models when accurate information of TCs is limited. Wave glider observations have potential for better understanding of air-sea exchanges and for improvements of the corresponding parameterization schemes.

AS18-A004 | Invited
Formation Mechanism of TC Secondary Eyewall by Numerical Experiments: Role of Dry Air Inflow from the Middle and Upper Troposphere and Cooling by Evaporation and Sublimation

Kyohei KASAMI, Masaki SATOH#+
The University of Tokyo

Eyewall Replacement Cycle (ERC) is often seen in TCs. ERC occurs when secondary eyewall forms outside the inner eyewall, and the inner eyewall disappears. ERC significantly impacts TC intensity, so revealing the mechanism is an important issue both scientifically and socially. Several mechanisms of secondary eyewall formation have been proposed. According to Huang et al. (2012), tangential wind enhancement associated with lower-level inflow causes secondary eyewall formation. The relationship between the mesoscale descending inflow (MDI) formed by diabatic cooling of stratiform precipitation areas and secondary eyewall formation has also been pointed out (Didlake et al. 2018). However, the detailed processes by which dry air inflow and diabatic cooling affect secondary eyewall formation through MDI are not yet well understood. Therefore, in this study, the role of dry air inflow from the middle and upper troposphere and diabatic cooling in secondary eyewall formation is investigated using numerical experiments. Idealized numerical experiments were conducted using the plane version of the nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model, NICAM. Control experiments confirmed the existence of dry air inflow in the middle and upper troposphere and the formation of downdrafts due to diabatic cooling. It was also confirmed that the mechanism of secondary eyewall formation by agradient force was working, as pointed out in previous studies. In a sensitivity experiment, we conducted an experiment to increase water vapor in the middle and upper troposphere outside the TCs. The results showed that the secondary eyewall formation was hindered and slowed down as the water vapor increased. We further conducted a realistic case study for Typhoon Haishen in 2020 and confirmed the above mechanism works for the ERC of Haishen.

A New Method to Estimate Circulations in Tropical Cyclones from Single-Doppler Radar Observations

1Meteorological Research Institute, 2Hokkaido University, 3Japan Meteorological Agency

Doppler weather radars are a powerful tool for investigating the inner-core structure of tropical cyclones (TCs). The Doppler velocity from a single radar has no information on the wind component normal to the radar beam. Therefore, closure assumptions are needed to estimate the circulations of the TCs from single-Doppler radar observations. The Generalized Velocity Track Display (GVTD) technique used to estimate the TC circulations adopts the closure assumption of no asymmetric radial winds in the TC vortex.
The present study proposes a new closure assumption introducing asymmetric radial winds to improve the axisymmetric-circulations estimation in TCs with asymmetric structure in the GVTD retrieval formula. Our new method can consider the asymmetric radial winds by using streamfunction based on the Helmholtz decomposition theorem of horizontal winds. As with GVTD, the new method retrieves TC circulations based on the Fourier decomposition of winds in the azimuthal direction and the least-square fit of the Doppler velocity from the single radar observation. The new method and GVTD are applied to analytical vortices and a real typhoon. For the analytical vortices with asymmetric winds in wavenumber-2 vortex Rossby waves, the axisymmetric tangential wind of VT0 retrieved by the new method (GVTD) has a relative error of less than 2% (10%) near the radius of maximum wind speed. For the real typhoon, the GVTD-estimated VT0 has periodical fluctuations with an amplitude of about 5 m/s near the elliptical eyewall. The period of the fluctuations is approximately synchronized with the counterclockwise rotating period of the elliptical shape of the eyewall, suggesting pseudo-signals due to the closure assumption in GVTD. The periodical fluctuations are largely reduced in the estimated VT0 from the new method. We find that the new method can reduce the pseudo-signals of the GVTD-retrieved axisymmetric circulation in cases of asymmetric vortices.

Consistent Pattern of Rainfall Asymmetry in Binary Tropical Cyclones

Jian-Feng GU1+, Hao-Yan LIU2#, Yuqing WANG3
1Nanjing University, 2Hohai University, 3Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Accurate prediction of rainfall distribution associated with tropical cyclone (TC) is very important for risk management but remains challenging due to complicated multi-scale interactions. Previous studies mostly focus on the precipitation associated with a single TC but little attention has been paid to the features of precipitation in binary tropical cyclone system. In this study, based on the satellite observations, a novel approach with rotated coordinate system is proposed to examine the binary TC interactions over the western North Pacific and the associated asymmetry of rainfall distributions. The results show that the asymmetric component of TC rainfalls strengthened with the decreasing of the separation distance between the two TCs. The results show that the asymmetric component of TC rainfalls enhances with the decreasing of the separation distance between the two TCs. A critical separation distance at about 2050 km for binary TCs could naturally emerge based on the relationship between the asymmetric rainfall component and the separation distance. This can be an observational reference for estimating the strength of binary-TC interaction and identifying binary TCs from two coexisting TCs. When two TCs become nearby, the asymmetric component of rainfall shows an increasing trend with rainfall significantly suppressed in Quadrant IV of the TC located to the west when orienting the two TCs in the west-east direction. The suppression becomes remarkable once the separation distance between the two TCs is within about 2,050 km. It is found that the convective activity in one TC is related to the deep-layer vertical wind shear (VWS) from its companion. Rainfall is enhanced downshear-left in a TC, consistent with a single TC embedded in an environmental VWS as found in previous studies. Our study suggests that the evolution of rainfall distribution under the binary-TC conditions could be potentially predictable at vortex scale.

Diurnal Variations in Tropical Cyclone Intensification and Size Growth

Qiaoyan WU#+
Second Institute of Oceanography

Various aspects of tropical cyclones (TCs) fluctuate with the diurnal cycle. In this paper, diurnal variations in TC intensification and the growth of the radius of gale-force winds (34 kt; R34) over the Ocean for in global TCs were investigated using best-track data. Statistically significant diurnal variations were found for global TCs, with a maximum intensification over the period 03–09 local solar time (LST). No diurnal signals are detected for TC decay. Statistically significant diurnal variations are found for global TCs which experienced rapid intensification (RI, ≥30 knots within 24 h), with a maximum 6-h growth rate occurring at 03–09 LST. The highest rate of intensification and R34 growth rates at 03–09 LST for TCs were associated with the greatest coverage of very deep convective clouds with infrared brightness temperatures < 208 K at 03–06 LST. R34 growth is favored at the same time as TC intensification. This study suggests that nocturnal radiative cooling affects the intensity and outer region sizes.

Tropical Cyclone Size Asymmetry Index and Climatology

Lifeng XU+, Kelvin T. F. CHAN#, Kailin ZHANG
Sun Yat-sen University

Size of tropical cyclone (TC) is often asymmetric in nature. Yet, there is a lack of clean and intuitive definition/expression to specify the asymmetry of TC size. Here, we introduce a novel index, TC size asymmetry index (SAI), which indexes both the degree and pattern of the asymmetry systematically. In particular, the symbolic form of SAI is vividly designated for identifying the latter. The SAI proposes 1 quasi-symmetric pattern and 28 asymmetric patterns in total. The 41-yr (1979–2019) global climatology of SAI shows that the distribution of the degree of TC size asymmetry is trimodal. Elementarily, the degree and pattern of TC size are found to be TC intensity, TC movement, time, and space dependent. The introduction of SAI does not only give an insight into the subject of TC size asymmetry but also lays important foundation for future applications and research. Furthermore, besides meteorology, it could inspire other fields to index the geometric asymmetries of other kinds.

High-resolution Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Debbie (2017): The Current and Future Changes in the Inner-core Structure and Evolution During Offshore Rapid Intensification

Difei DENG1#+, Elizabeth A. RITCHIE2
1UNSW Canberra, 2Monash University

Tropical Cyclone Debbie (2017) made landfall near Airlie Beach on 28 March 2017 causing 14 fatalities and an estimated US$2.67B economic loss and was ranked as the most dangerous cyclone to hit Australia since TC Tracy in 1974. In addition to the extreme flooding as TC Debbie moved onshore and down the east coast of Australia, it intensified rapidly just offshore from Category 2 to Category 4 in approximately 18 hours and finally made landfall as a Category 4 TC, causing widespread and disastrous damage. A high-resolution WRF simulation (1-km horizontal, and 10-min temporal resolution) is used to analyze the inner-core structure and evolution during the offshore rapid intensification period in the current conditions and potential future change. In current condition, Debbie’s a rapid intensification (RI) stage is characterized by three rounds of eyewall breakdown into mesovortices and re-development events. Each round of breakdown and re-establishment brings high potential vorticity and equivalent potential temperature air back into the eyewall, re-invigorating eyewall convection activity and driving intensification. The potential future changes in the inner-core structure and eyewall evolution will also be discussed using WRF with the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) perturbed conditions to better assess the possible TC intensity change under different climate change scenarios. 

Evolution of Background Circulation and Thermodynamic Conditions Before and After the Onset of Typhoon Rapid Intensification

Shuanzhu GAO#+, Xinyan LYU
National Meteorological Center

Using the tropical cyclone best track data from Shanghai Typhoon Institute of CMA of 1949-2020 and the reanalysis data of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts of 1991-2020, and the joint EOF analysis of u and v components of the wind field on the 200 and 850 hPa, the characteristics of the larger-scale circulation at onset of the rapid-intensification typhoon are summarized, and the evolutions of environmental dynamic and thermal conditions during the ±12 h period at the onset of typhoon rapid intensification are further analyzed. The results indicate that the lower level of the main circulation of EOF decomposition is the convergence pattern of monsoon trough at the onset of the typhoon rapid intensification, and the circulation is conducive to the low-level water vapor transport of typhoon. The upper-level circulation has obvious typhoon outflow channels, and the characteristic can be used as a typical circulation for the rapid intensification forecast. The thermal conditions such as sea surface temperature, water vapor and convective instability, as well as dynamic conditions such as environmental vertical wind shear and the strength of upper-level outflow all can generally reach the fitness range of conditions that are favorable for typhoon intensification. However, the values of above environmental factors have not changed significantly or suddenly during the transition from the slow intensification process to rapid intensification process. Even some extreme cases show that the change tend of environmental factors towards to the unfavorable conditions. These research results provide a reference for the prediction of rapid intensification and further study of typhoon in the future. As for the unfavorable conditions in RI some cases, whether there are other favorable factors to offset the negative effects of these conditions and what are the corresponding physical processes, these issues need to be further studied in the future.

Tue-01 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR329
AS11 - Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fate, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Sri KOTA, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

AS11-A015 | Invited
Unaccounted Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides in China Over 2012–2022 Revealed from OMI and TROPOMI

Jintai LIN1#+, Hao KONG1, Yuhang ZHANG1, Mengyao LIU2
1Peking University, 2Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) is a major component of air pollution with substantial spatiotemporal variations. Current emission inventories lag in time for several years and can hardly capture the fine-scale spatial pattern of NOx emissions. Here we develop a novel algorithm (PHLET) to retrieve NOx emissions at high spatial resolutions (≤5 km) based on tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities (VCDs) retrieved from satellite instruments. The algorithm derives the lifetimes and emissions of NOx at individual locations by explicitly accounting for the nonlinear chemistry and horizontal transport. We apply the algorithm to obtain NOx emissions for China at 5 km resolution in summer (JJA) 2012–2022 based on POMINO NO2 VCD data for OMI and TROPOMI instruments. Our PHLET data reveal many fine-scale emission details and considerable small-to-medium-scale sources missing in current anthropogenic inventories. Those missing sources are associated with human activities reflected in road network and Tencent user location data. Our PHLET data also show substantial inter-regional differences in interannual variations and trends of NOx emissions over the past decade, which are also absent in current inventories. Although the total NOx emission in China has been decreasing, the contribution of emissions from the western provinces to the national total has been growing and has exceeded the contribution of the eastern coastal provinces. Besides the anthropogenic sources, our PHLET retrieval discovers large NOx emissions from natural lakes on the Tibet Plateau that are previously unknown. Such emissions are likely a result of the anammox process under rapid warming over the plateau as an unaccounted feedback between climate change, lake ecology and nitrogen emissions. Overall, our NOx emission retrieval serves as a crucial tool to detect and quantify anthropogenic and natural emissions at fine scales, in support of air quality and climate modeling and targeted emission mitigation.

Molecular Characterization of Atmospheric Particulate Organosulfates from the Port Environment Using Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Identification of Ship Emissions

Lijuan QI1#+, Huan LIU2
1Qinghai University, 2Tsinghua University

Organosulfates (OSs) as important constituents of atmospheric organic aerosol (OA) are widespread in ambient environments. Although the sources, formation process, and chemical composition of OSs have been diversely studied, OSs formed by anthropogenic emissions are still little known. In this study, the molecular compositions of OSs in atmospheric PM2.5 samples collected from a winter measurement campaign (SEISO-Bohai) at Jingtang Harbor, a typical traffic environment, are characterized by ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to electrospray ionization ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometer (UHRMS) Orbitrap. The changing trends of the port OS chemical compositions are observed from one complete haze pollution episode, which happened in this campaign. Along with the increased degree of haze pollution, the relative abundances of OSs have been apparently added and the molecule structures have become more complex. The processes of oxidation and fragmentation drive the OS formations in the haze environment. Then, the potential precursors from ship emissions are identified based on the “OS precursor map” created by previous study. The high molecular weight and low degree of unsaturation and oxidization of OSs are suggested to be mainly derived from ship intermediate/semi-volatile organic compound (I/SVOC) emissions. These OSs have appeared the wide range of molecule weight and good chemical homogeneity in the clean aerosol samples. In addition, our study also finds that ship emissions should further facilitate the production of OSs under the haze pollution condition. 

Long-term Variations of Air Quality in India: A Study Using WRF-CMAQ Models

Mengyuan ZHANG1#+, Sri KOTA2, Peng WANG1, Hongliang ZHANG1
1Fudan University, 2Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Air pollution in India is a growing concern, which has significant adverse effects on human health and ecosystems. However, there are very limited observations of air pollutants, and assessments of specific effects of air pollution are hindered. This study aims to simulate air pollutants in India from 2015 to 2019 using the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model at the resolution of 36 × 36 km2. The meteorological fields are generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The anthropogenic emissions are generated from Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR) and the MIX Asian emission inventory. Emissions are adjusted to simulation years with different adjustment coefficients for different sectors and states. Biogenic and wildfire emissions are also provided to CMAQ. After the model results are validation, the levels, health and ecosystem effects are analyzed. The study would reveal the importance of controlling particulate matters and ozone in India and provide information for designing effective control strategies.

Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Enhance Ozone Production and Complicate Control Efforts: Insights from Long-term Observations in Hong Kong

Yingnan ZHANG1+, Tao WANG1#, Likun XUE2
1The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2Shandong University

With decreases in anthropogenic precursors, natural precursors may become more important in O3 pollution. However, the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) change and its impact remain unclear due to the lack of long-term measurements of VOCs. In this study, we emphasize the increasingly important role of BVOCs in O3 pollution by analyzing the long-term measurements in Hong Kong obtained during 2013–2019. Driven by the warming temperature, biogenic isoprene at a suburban site in Hong Kong increased 0.05 ± 0.02 ppbv/yr (9%/yr), which is in sharp contrast to the decreases in anthropogenic precursors during study period. Detailed chemical modeling shows that increased BVOCs enhanced local O3 production by 25%, and the most obvious effect was shown in summer. Increased BVOCs also affected the non-linear relationships between O3 and anthropogenic precursors, i.e., increasing the O3 sensitivity to nitrogen oxides (NOx) and decreasing the O3 sensitivity to anthropogenic VOCs (AVOCs). Despite changes in precursors, the O3 formation remains in VOC-limited regimes at Tung Chung. Joint control of AVOCs and NOx (at a ratio greater than 1.2) would help avoid exacerbation of O3 pollution and reduce NO2 pollution. Our findings also suggest the BVOCs increase likely have occurred in the larger Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, and thus the results from our study in Hong Kong may have implications for developing AVOCs/NOx reduction measures in the PRD region and beyond.

Ambient Measurements of Heterogeneous Ozone Oxidation Rates of Oleic, Elaidic, and Linoleic Acid Using a Relative Rate Constant Approach in an Urban Environment

Qiongqiong WANG1#+, Jian Zhen YU2
1China University of Geosciences, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Long-chain unsaturated fatty acids (uFAs), such as oleic acid, undergo rapid degradation via heterogeneous reactions with atmospheric oxidants upon emission. The oxidation mechanism and kinetics have been extensively studied in laboratory experiments. However, quantitative knowledge of degradation rates under real-world atmospheric conditions is scarce. We obtained the nighttime decay rates of three cooking-related uFAs using a relative rate approach applied to bihourly measured data in urban Shanghai. The estimated lifetime of oleic acid was 6 h under conditions of ∼12 ppb ozone and 60%–100% relative humidity encountered at our urban location or an inferred ∼2 h at a higher ozone level of ∼40 ppb. The decay rates of elaidic and linoleic acid are determined to be 0.62 and 1.37 that of oleic acid, respectively. This work provides the first kinetic data pertaining to real-world conditions. They are valuable for constraining the modeling of heterogeneous aging of ambient organic aerosols.

Implication for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: From the Present-day to the Future

Sijia LOU1#+, Manish SHRIVASTAVA2
1Nanjing University, 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are unavoidably derived from combustion processes, and are contaminants of global concern because they increase the risk of lung cancer and are detrimental to human health and the ecosystem. While high concentrations of PAHs were already measured in 2008, future changes in energy use, land use, and climate policy may alter the PAHs concentrations. Integrating a global atmospheric chemistry model, a lung cancer risk model, and plausible future emissions trajectories of PAHs, we assess how global PAHs and their associated lung cancer risk will likely change in the future. Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is used as an indicator of cancer risk from PAH mixtures. From 2008 to 2050, the population-weighted global average BaP concentrations under all RCPs consistently exceeded the WHO-recommended limits, primarily attributed to residential biofuel use. Peaks in PAH-associated incremental lifetime cancer risk shift from East Asia (4×10-5) in 2008 to South Asia (mostly India, 2-4×10-5) and Africa (1-2×10-5) by 2050. In developing regions of Africa and South Asia, PAH-associated lung-cancer risk increased by 30-64% from 2008 to 2050, due to increasing residential energy demand in households for cooking, heating, and lighting as the rapid population growth, as well as the continued use of traditional biomass use, increases in agricultural waste burning, and forest fires. With the stringent air quality policy, PAH lung-cancer risk substantially decreases by ~80% in developed countries. Climate change is likely to have minor effects on PAH lung-cancer risk compared with the impact of emissions. Future policies, therefore, need to consider efficient combustion technologies that reduce air pollutant emissions, including incomplete combustion products such as PAH.

Seasonal and Spatial Heterogeneities of PM, Chemical Constituents and Sources Contribution at Vijayawada City, Andhra Pradesh India

Manuj SHARMA1#+, Suresh JAIN2,1
1Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, 2Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Aiming to control the rising Particulate Matter (PM) emissions, many researchers highlighted the importance of identifying PM sources within and transboundary of the city. This study investigates the seasonal and spatial heterogeneity of PM concentration and chemical characteristics. The source apportionment technique was performed to identify the potential sources' contribution in Vijayawada city. Based on the land use land cover (LULC) pattern, the atmospheric PM10 and PM2.5 samples were collected at multiple monitoring sites with Traffic, Commercial, Industrial, Residential, and Background characteristics during winter and summer. The highest average PM concentration (PM10: 154±42 µg/m3, PM2.5: 82±21 µg/m3) was measured at the industrial site in winter followed by traffic, commercial, background, and residential sites with an estimated difference of (20%, 14%), (31%, 30%), (36%, 34%) and (36%, 25%), respectively. A similar trend was observed in the summer season, with the highest concentrations at the industrial site (PM10: 86±24 µg/m3, PM2.5: 52±15 µg/m3) followed by traffic, commercial, background and residential sites. Secondary Inorganic Aerosols (SIA) (7-35%, 6-24%) and crustal elements (4-35%, 11-18%) were observed to be the significant components in PM10 and PM2.5 mass size fraction, respectively. Low OC/EC ratio values ranging from 0.98-2.95 indicate a high proportion of gasoline and diesel emissions in the urban atmosphere. Chemical Mass Balance (USEPA CMBV5.0) model identified vehicular, industrial, construction, road dust, SIA, biomass burning, and coal combustion sources, respectively, with a significant variation in seasonal and spatial contributions. Vehicular emission is one of the primary sources, contributing 47-16% in PM10 and 51-22% in PM2.5, followed by the combined contribution of biomass and coal combustion, which varies from 35-13% and 31-20% in PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. High biomass and coal combustion emissions were attributed to several industrial units which use coal, wood, briquettes, etc., for fuel requirements.

Diagnosing Drivers of Modeling Bias in Fine Particulate Matter Simulations: An Efficient Machine Learning Based Method

Shuai WANG+, Peng WANG, Hongliang ZHANG#
Fudan University

Accurate modeling of PM2.5 is essential for effective air quality management and mitigation. Chemical transport models (CTMs) like the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, are widely used for PM2.5 simulation through atmospheric processes of dispersion, deposition, and chemical reactions. However, CMAQ often suffers from biases due to limitations in model structure, uncertainties in initial and boundary conditions, and insufficient representation of meteorological conditions and source contributions. Traditional methods for model bias diagnosis usually rely on empirical and priori assumptions and require extensive sensitivity tests with high demands on computational resources, such as Monte Carlo methods or Latin hypercube sampling. Recently machine learning (ML) methods have been widely used in environmental science researches due to their simple structure, fast speed and ability to deal with no-linear relationships. ML also provides a new perspective on the identification of simulation biases. However, as a complex multi-phase mixture, it is still challenging to diagnose biases in PM2.5 simulations using ML methods. In this study, we plan to diagnose the drivers of the model bias in simulating surface PM2.5 concentrations based on the lightGBM model, an efficient ensemble ML method. The individual components of PM2.5 will be simulated using CMAQ and the sectoral sources of PM2.5 will be tracked using source apportionment methods. CMAQ simulation bias will be diagnosed from multiple perspectives, including meteorology, PM components, and sectoral sources. The results of this study can provide new ideas for CTMs model biases diagnosis, deepen the understanding of CMAQ simulation biases, and provide information for model improvement.

Tue-01 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Kyung-Ja HA, Pusan National University, Ramesh KRIPALANI, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Renguang WU, Zhejiang University

Monsoon Planet: Competing Effect of Global Warming and Aerosol Concentration

1Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, 2University of Potsdam

Monsoon systems are transporting water vapour and energy across the globe, making them a central component of the global circulation system. Changes in different forcing parameters have the potential to fundamentally change the monsoon characteristics as indicated in various paleoclimatic records and as projected by the latest generation of general circulation models in the context of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). Here, we use 32 CMIP6 models to analyze the model projections for the Indian summer monsoon with particular focus on the seasonal summer monsoon rainfall, its interannual variability and the occurrence of extremes. Besides, we use the Atmosphere Model version 2 developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL-AM2) and couple it with a slab ocean to analyse the monsoon's sensitivity to changes in different forcing parameters on a planet with idealized topography. This Monsoon Planet concept of an Aquaplanet with a broad zonal land stripe allows to reduce the influence of topography and to access elementary meridional monsoon dynamics behind the competing effects of different forcings.

Modelling the Effect of Aerosol and Greenhouse Gas Forcing on the Asian Monsoons with an Intermediate Complexity Climate Model

Lucy RECCHIA1#+, Valerio LUCARINI2
1University of Colorado Boulder, 2University of Reading

The Asian summer monsoons are globally significant meteorological features, creating a strongly seasonal pattern of precipitation. The stability of this hydrological cycle is of extreme importance for ecosystems and the livelihoods of a large share of the world’s population. Simulations are performed with an intermediate complexity climate model, PLASIM, to assess the future response of the Asian monsoons to changing concentrations of aerosols and greenhouse gases. The radiative forcing associated with aerosol loading consists of a mid-tropospheric warming and compensating surface cooling, which is applied to India, Southeast Asia and East China, both concurrently and independently. The primary effect of increased aerosol loading is a decrease in summer precipitation in the vicinity of the applied forcing, although the regional responses vary significantly. The decrease in precipitation is only partially ascribable to a decrease in the precipitable water, and instead derives from a reduction of the precipitation efficiency, due to changes in the stratification of the atmosphere. When the aerosol loading is added in all regions simultaneously, precipitation in East China is most strongly affected, with a quite distinct transition to a low precipitation regime as the radiative forcing increases beyond 60 W/m2. The response is less abrupt as we move westward, with precipitation in South India being least affected. By applying the aerosol loading to each region individually, we are able to explain the mechanism behind the lower sensitivity observed in India, and attribute it to aerosol forcing over East China. Additionally, we note that the effect on precipitation is approximately linear with the forcing. Doubling carbon dioxide levels acts to increase precipitation and weakening the circulation over the region. When the carbon dioxide and aerosol forcings are applied simultaneously, the carbon dioxide forcing partially offsets the surface cooling and reduction in precipitation associated with the aerosol response.

Higher Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Monsoon to Anthropogenic Aerosol Than Greenhouse Gases

Jian CAO#+
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Because increased greenhouse gas emissions considerably warm and moisten the Earth's atmosphere, one may expect an increase in monsoon precipitation during the historical period. However, we find the observed Northern Hemisphere land summer monsoon (NHLM) precipitation has significantly decreased since 1901. Simulations from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) well reproduce global warming and the drying of NHLM since the industrial revolution when forced by observed external forcings. Result from single forcing experiment shows that the anthropogenic aerosol (AA) dominates the Northern Hemisphere (NH) monsoon precipitation drying, while the greenhouse gases (GHG) largely control surface warming. Thus, the NH monsoon precipitation responds to AA more sensitively than the GHG. The AA can more effectively modulate downward solar radiation reaching the surface, decreasing evaporation and weakening monsoon circulations by reducing the interhemispheric temperature difference and land-ocean thermal contrast, albeit with the same efficiency of the thermodynamic effect in the two forcings. Our result indicates the future intensive reduction of aerosol emission may rapidly recover the NH monsoon precipitation.

Emission Sources of the Black Carbon Aerosols Over the Indian Ocean During the Monsoon Season

1Maldives Meteorological Services, 2Indian Institute of Science, 3Stockholm University

The Indian Ocean summer aerosol regime is of greater relevance to the regionally-important monsoon system of South Asia. The effects of aerosols such as black carbon (BC) on climate and buildup of the monsoon over the Indian Ocean are poorly constrained. Uncertain contributions from various natural and anthropogenic sources impede our understanding. Here, we use multi-year (2012-2017) observations of BC and its isotope fingerprint at a remote island observatory in the northern Indian Ocean to constrain loadings and sources during the little-studied monsoon season. Carbon-14 data pin down a largely fossil (65±15%) BC source domain. Occasional plumes from African savanna fire contribute up to (50 ± 5%) of the loadings over the summertime Indian Ocean. We estimate that the mass-absorption cross-section for this region is 7.6 ± 2.5 (m2/g), with a tendency to increase with savanna fire input. Simultaneous measurement of air and rain allow us to calculate washout ratios of BC and other chemical species. The washout rates are much lower for BC than OC and inorganic ions such as sulfate, implying a longer atmospheric lifetime for BC. The wet deposition flux for BC during the high-loading winter was three times higher than during the wet summer, despite much less precipitation in the winter. Taken together, the combustion sources, longevity, and optical properties of BC aerosols over the summertime Indian Ocean are different from the more-studied winter aerosol, with implications for chemical transport and climate model simulations of the Indian monsoon.

Modeling the Impacts of the Urban Land-use Effects on the Heavy Precipitation Events During the Indian Summer Monsoon

Renaud FALGA1#+, Chien WANG2
1Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, 2National Center for Scientific Research/ Université Toulouse III

The rise of the trends of extreme rainfall events across all the major regions of India since 1901 has been revealed in our recent study. This machine-learning driven data analysis also suggested several potential drivers including urbanization and other land-use changes behind the observed trends. However, their causal relations need to be carefully examined by using, e.g., advanced models. Specifically, it has been indicated that urbanization can modify the water cycle and precipitations, either through the modification of land-use, or through effects induced by the emissions of anthropogenic aerosols. The thermodynamical perturbations induced by the presence of urban land-use, including the urban heat island effect, are known to induce rainfall modification due to perturbation of the flow and enhancement of the convective activity. However, this impact has yet to be clarified in a large scale, highly energetic system like the Asian Monsoon system. Using the high resolution meso-scale atmospheric model Meso-NH coupled with an urban-module, we have investigated the impact of urban land use on the heavy precipitation events during the Indian Summer Monsoon. The results of this study will be presented and discussed.

Strengthening Effect of Maritime Continent Deforestation on the Precipitation Decline Over Southern China During Late Winter and Early Spring

Shengbiao WEI#+, Xin WANG, Qiang XIE
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A high rate of deforestation has occurred in the Maritime Continent (MC) during recent decades due to the rapid growth of the local economy. MC deforestation is known to have a considerable influence on the local climate. However, its possible teleconnections to other regions are less understood. In this study, the influence of MC deforestation on precipitation over southern China is investigated using both reanalysis data and state-of-the-art climate models. The results show that MC deforestation could strengthen the late winter and early spring precipitation decline over southern China during 1979–2019. The enhanced regional convection due to MC deforestation leads to anomalous northward shifting of the tropical meridional circulation, with the ascending branch at 0°–10° N and descending at 20°–30° N compared with climatological ascending (10° S–0°) and descending (10°–20° N) branches. Such circulation change suppresses the moisture convergence and the development of convection over southern China. Our results suggest that, in addition to the local effects of deforestation, a further investigation of the remote impacts is essential for a thorough understanding of the climate influences of ongoing MC deforestation.

Universal Definition of Local Monsoon Onset

1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, 2The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The classical understanding of monsoon onset implies a sudden increase in precipitation and sustainable rains. However, initial rain often gets stalled after monsoon onset for a week or even longer, causing disaster for farming. Here, I show that there are two types of critical transitions to monsoon: a direct transition, with a sudden increase in precipitation, and a two/multiple-step transition, with a dry spell after the initial rain. I present evidence that 70% of the last 47 years show a two/multiple-step transition, which went overlooked. Significantly, the second type of transition prevails under climate change. I uncover that the cause of rainfall cessation is the hidden phenomenon of intermittence emerging between two successive phase transitions. The new theoretical finding opens a door for the universal definition of local monsoon onset. I show how to evaluate the effect of climate change on the transition to monsoon in every state of the Indian subcontinent. 

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR327
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Jason COHEN, China University of Mining and Technology, Meiying Melissa MARTIN, NASA

AS23-A026 | Invited
Tracking Air Pollution in China from Space Using Artificial Intelligence

Jing WEI1#, Zhanqing LI1,2+
1University of Maryland, 2Beijing Normal University

Exposure to ambient air pollution, including fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and trace gases like ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at the ground level, poses serious threats to environmental quality and public health, significantly increasing the risk of death. Satellite remote sensing allows for generating spatially continuous PM2.5 data, but current datasets have overall low accuracies with coarse spatial resolutions limited by data sources and models. Air pollution levels in developing countries like China have experienced dramatic changes over the past couple of decades. To reveal the spatiotemporal variations, artificial intelligence, including machine and deep learning, is extended by considering the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of air pollution to generate long-term and high spatiotemporal-resolution outdoor air pollutants from big data that integrate ground-based measurements, satellite remote sensing products, atmospheric reanalysis, and model simulations. The application and fidelity of the dataset are demonstrated by analyzing their spatial distributions and temporal variations of surface air pollution, exposure risk to the public, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These novel products have been widely employed to address a variety of atmospheric, environmental, ecological, and public health issues.

Emissions of Nitrous Acid (HONO) and Nitric Oxide (NO) from Soils and its Impact O3 Pollution

Tong SHA#+
Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Reactive nitrogen gases including NOx and HONO strongly affect the atmospheric oxidization capacity through the contribution to the hydroxyl radicals (OH) and ozone (O3). Although stringent anthropogenic NOx emission controls policies have been implemented in past years, observations show that the surface O3 concentrations in China are still increasing. Soils are important sources of emissions of NO and HONO that have been overlooked in previous studies; however, there is still a lack of research on the quantitative effects of soil nitrogen emissions on O3 pollution in China. Since atmospheric HONO sources are not well understood, and the default HONO formation mechanism (NO + OH → HONO) always severely underestimates HONO observations and atmospheric oxidation capacity as a result, we first added HONO source from soil bacteria and other four potential sources (traffic emissions, NO2 heterogeneous reactions on ground and aerosol surfaces, and inorganic nitrate photolysis in the atmosphere) in the WRF-Chem model. Soil NOx emissions are also estimated by a new mechanistic parameterization, the Berkeley Dalhousie Iowa Soil NO Parameterization (BDISNP).In this study, the improved WRF-Chem model coupled with a new soil reactive nitrogen emissions (SoilNr) scheme is applied to quantitatively assess of the effects of soil NOx and HONO on ozone formation separately, and their combined effect on ozone formation in the North China Plain. The results of this study highlight the previously underappreciated important role of SoilNr on O3 pollution and provide scientific basis for designing ozone pollution regulation strategies.

The Exploration of 2015-2019 Surface Background Ozone Over China: A Model Study by GEOS-Chem High Performance (GCHP)

Xingpei YE1#+, Lin ZHANG1, Xiaolin WANG1, Danyang LI1, Jiayu XU1, Ni LU1, Xiao LU2
1Peking University, 2Sun Yat-sen University

Here we apply a state-of-art global chemical transport model GEOS-Chem High Performance (GCHP) to understand the sources contributing to Chinese background (CNB) daily maximum 8 h average (MDA8) ozone, and to identify the driving factor of its interannual variability from 2015 to 2019. The five-year-mean CNB ozone is estimated as 37.8 ppbv, showing a general west-to-east downward spatial gradient. The national-mean CNB ozone is the largest in summer (42.5 ppbv), but distinct seasonality can be seen at different regions. Using the tagged ozone technique, we show that the high background levels in western China are due to abundant transport from the free troposphere and adjacent foreign regions, while in eastern China, domestic ozone formation near the surface from natural precursors is also important and exhibits intensive seasonal variation. We find the greater importance of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) over soil NOx to ozone as reported in previous studies is reversed when domestic anthropogenic emissions are turned off, reflecting a more NOx-sensitive ozone chemical regime in a “clean” atmosphere. The interannual variability (IAV) of CNB ozone shows the peak in summer, with standard deviation values during five years of ~5 ppbv over Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and >3.5 ppbv over vast eastern China. CNB levels in QTP are found to be well correlated with horizontal circulation anomalies at 500 hPa, while in the east, year-to-year changes in soil NOx emissions dominate the IAV of CNB ozone. We also explore the role of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in modulating the IAV of CNB ozone over southern China in spring, and find that the El Nino (La Nina) event has opposite effects on Southeast China and Southwest China.

Observational Evidence of Aerosol Radiation Modifying Photochemical Ozone Profiles in the Lower Troposphere

Bin ZHU1#+, Shuangshuang SHI1, Yan CAI2
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Nanjing University of Post & Telecommunications

Aerosol optical effects can trigger complex changes in solar shortwave radiation in the atmosphere, resulting in significant impacts on the photochemistry and vertical structure of ozone. This study provides observational evidence of aerosol absorbing and scattering effects on modifying the shortwave radiation and ozone profiles in the low troposphere. Using field vertical measurements and observation-based model simulations, we demonstrated that absorbing aerosols decreased shortwave radiation, resulting in substantial inhibition of ozone production throughout the boundary layer (BL). A similar inhibition effect occurred within the lower BL under sufficient scattering aerosols. However, the scattering augmentation effect played an additional role in enhancing the photolysis rate and promoting ozone generation in the upper BL. Hence, the observational evidence as well as our model simulations disentangled the radiative effects of different types of aerosols on the vertical structures of ozone.

A Spatial Interpretable Deep Learning Model for Satellite-based O3 Estimation in China

Nana LUO1#+, Jiawei ZHANG1, Mingyi DU1, Wenji ZHAO2, Xing YAN3
1Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2Capital Normal University, 3Beijing Normal University

Surface ozone (O3) pollution has become a major public health concern in China. To accurately estimate the spatial-coverage O3 from sparse ground-truth data, we propose a two-stage deep learning model that combines convolutional neural networks (CNN), deep neural network (DNN), and integrated gradients (IG). This model is able to monitor large-scale O3 dynamics with greater temporal and spatial accuracy than that achieved by current models (R2 = 0.78 and RMSE = 18.35 μg/m3). Using the integrated IG, we are also capable of interpreting the contribution of nearby cities to O3 in a targeted site (i.e., Beijing) even under dust storms conditions, which traditionally limits model accuracy. In clean days, especially during summer when O3 concentrations are often high, the surroundings have positive scores ranging from 0.05 to 0.11, indicating that these areas enhance O3 formation. Conversely, during dust storms, the surrounding dust cells have negative IG scores, ranging from -1.43 to - 0.01, indicating that these areas inhibit the formation of O3. This study provides a novel strategy to extract spatial dependence among predictors to estimate O3 with high accuracy while obtaining spatial-coverage interpretation. It also contributes to further our understanding of O3 pollution dynamics, and is applicable to the monitoring of other noxious air pollutants.

Ozone in the Lower Boundary Layer and its Influence on Surface Ozone: Insights from 3-year Tower-based Observations in South China and Regional Air Quality Modeling

Guowen HE#+, Xiao LU, Shaojia FAN
Sun Yat-sen University

We present 3-year (2017-2019) tower-based measurement of lower boundary layer (up to 500m) ozone and examine its interaction with surface ozone from the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, the core megacity in South China with severe ozone pollution. Measurements of ozone, CO, NO2, and meteorological parameters are available at 10m, 118m, 168m, 488m. We find that ozone concentrations increase with altitude, with ozone concentration higher by 1.8-3.3 times at 488m level than that at the surface. The diurnal cycle of ozone is consistent throughout the lower boundary layer, Regional air quality model (CMAQ) simulations show that chemical loss and dry deposition are the main sinks of surface ozone contributing to 55 ppbv·hr−1, shaping the strong ozone vertical gradients. On ozone polluted days, the average ozone is higher by 1.5~2.2 times at 488m level than that on clean days. The ratio of nighttime to daytime ozone range from 69%~90% at 488m level, suggesting that a large proportion of daytime ozone can be stored in the nighttime residual layer. We also find significant positive correlation coefficients between 488m nighttime ozone and the following day surface MDA8 ozone, indicating nighttime ozone in the residual layer is a critical ozone factor in forecasting surface ozone in the following day. The tower-based measurements capture the ozone decreases at the 488m level with increases at lower altitude during the nocturnal ozone enhancement (NOE) event (defined as nighttime ozone concentration increases by more than 5ppbv in one of any two adjacent hours), supporting that the enhanced vertical mixing between the surface and the residual layer is an important contributing factor to NOE events. Our study highlights the value of long-term tower-based measurements for understanding the coupling between air pollution and boundary dynamics.

Impact of Aerosol Radiative Effects on Surface Ozone in Megacity Delhi, India

Lakhima CHUTIA, Jun WANG#+
The University of Iowa

Atmospheric aerosols can influence ozone (O3) by modulating photolysis rates (aerosol–photolysis interaction, API) and through meteorological feedback (aerosol–radiation feedback, ARF). This study attempts to assess the impact of API and ARF on surface O3 and fine particulate matter (PM2.5, aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 µm) during a pollution episode in November-December 2018 in megacity Delhi, India using the Unified Inputs (initial/boundary conditions) for WRF-Chem (UI-WRF-Chem) model. The UI-WRF-Chem uses MERRA-2 data to provide both meteorological and chemical initial and boundary conditions for the regional WRF-Chem model. Our model reasonably well captured the observed diurnal variations of surface O3 and PM2.5 with a good correlation (r = 0.52–0.90) in megacity Delhi. API considerably lowers the surface photolysis rates (18–20%) and reduced surface O3 concentration by 6% over the study region. The ARF shows a small increase in O3 concentration (2%) and as a result, the combination of ARF and API contributes to an overall reduction in surface O3. Aerosol-induced solar dimming (50 Wm-2) due to ARF led to cooling (1 K) at the surface, suppresses the development of the planetary boundary layer (180 m), and further hinders the PM2.5 dispersion, resulting in an enhancement in surface PM2.5 concentration by 24% in megacity Delhi. Contrarily, the lower abundances of atmospheric oxidants caused by the API constrain the secondary aerosol formation, thereby lessening the ARF effects on PM2.5. The combined effect of API and ARF results in a net increase (16%) of surface PM2.5. The API and ARF have important implications on the mitigation of higher pollution loading in Delhi, particularly during the post-monsoon and winter seasons.

Implementation of Modified Halogen Chemistry Over South Korea

Kiyeon KIM1+, Chul Han SONG1#, Kyung Man HAN1, Greg YARWOOD2, Beardsley ROSS2, Bonyoung KOO3, Minchan KIM4
1Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 2Ramboll, 3Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 4Cheju National Univeristy

Halogen radicals (Cl, Br, and I) can strongly affect oxidation capacity as a product of photochemical reactions in atmosphere. Several Studies from 3-D chemical transport models and field observations have discovered the formation of nitrogen oxides and ozone through halogen radicals over a variety of regions and weather conditions. In addition, during KORUS-AQ campaign from 08 May to 12 June 2016, many studies measured not only nitrogen oxides and ozone but halogen species of nitryl chloride (ClNO2) and chloride (Cl2) as a precursor of chlorine radicals. However, current knowledge of halogen chemistries has not been fully understood due to insufficient study in South Korea. Therefore, this study aims to facilitate halogen chemistry including chlorine, bromine, and iodine species and evaluate the impacts of halogen chemistry on the atmospheric species during the KORUS-AQ campaign for the first time in South Korea. The modification was incorporated into the CMAQ modeling system as follows: i) preparing emissions (Cl2, HCl, HBr, and Br2 for anthropogenic source; BR2, I2, and HOI and other inorganic species from GOCI chlorophyll-a for natural source;) and ii) modifying/adding 139 gaseous, 7 aqueous, 18 heterogeneous reactions. In conclusion, impact of chlorine emission (5990Mg of HCl and 451Mg of Cl2 in EXP1) enhances ozone (~1.6%) and OH mixing ratios (~5.4%), and reduces nitrate concentrations (~6.2%) in South Korea. The newly updated chlorine chemistry can capture ClNO2 and Cl2 mixing ratios (EXP2). Furthermore, ozone destruction and formation mechanisms exhibited by bromine and iodine chemistry in the ocean (~2.3% in EXP3) and updated bromine chemistry over land (~0.3% in EXP4), respectively. Collectively in this study, halogen emissions and modified halogen chemistry reproduced the levels of ClNO2, nitrate, and ozone in the Korean peninsula and can help further understand halogen radicals in the CMAQ model simulation.

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR323
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Haikun ZHAO, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Hisayuki KUBOTA, Hokkaido University

AS18-A041 | Invited
Counterbalancing Impacts from Historical Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases on Global-scale Tropical Cyclone Genesis Potential

Haikun ZHAO1#+, Jian CAO1, Bin WANG2, Liguang WU3
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2University of Hawaii, 3Fudan University

How anthropogenic forcing could change tropical cyclones (TCs) is a keen societal concern owing to its significant socio-economic impacts. However, a global picture of the anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse gas effect on TCs has not yet emerged. Here we show that anthropogenic aerosol emission can reduce northern hemisphere (NH) TCs, represented by genesis potential index (GPI), but increase southern hemisphere (SH) TCs primarily through altering vertical wind shear and mid-tropospheric upward motion in the TC formation zones using the single anthropogenic forcing experiments from the 14 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) models. These circulation changes are driven by anthropogenic aerosol-induced NH-cooler-than-SH and NH-increased versus SH-decreased meridional (equator to mid-latitudes) temperature gradients. The cooler NH produces a low-level southward cross-equatorial transport of moist static energy, weakening the NH ascent in the TC formation zones; meanwhile, the increased meridional temperature gradients strengthen vertical wind shear, reducing NH TC genesis. The opposite is true for the SH. The results may help to constrain the models’ uncertainty in the future TC projection. Reduction of anthropogenic aerosol emission may increase the NH TCs threat. Further, we quantify the relative contributions of anthropogenic aerosol and greenhouse gas (GHG) to global TCF. We find that the two forcings have comparable but opposite impacts on GPIs due to their influences on the TC environment, leading to an insignificant change in GPIs in the historical period (1850-2014). Notably, the aerosol radiative forcing’s intensity is only about one-third of that of GHG, suggesting a more effective modulation of aerosol forcing on GPIs. The stable global TC frequency during the past decades could be attributable to the similar pace of the two anthropogenic emissions. The results highlight that a reliable global TC projection depends on both the aerosol and GHG emission policies.

AS18-A072 | Invited
Tropical Cyclone Events Observed by Naval Ships Along Japan Waters During the 1850s and 1860s

Hisayuki KUBOTA1#+, Togo TSUKAHARA2, Junpei HIRANO3, Jun MATSUMOTO4,5, Masumi ZAIKI6, Takehiko MIKAMI4, Rob ALLAN7, Clive WILKINSON8, Sally WILKINSON8, Alice DE JONG9
1Hokkaido University, 2Kobe University, 3Teikyo University, 4Tokyo Metropolitan University, 5Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 6Seikei University, 7International ACRE Project, 8CSW Associates Data Services, 9Leiden University

Long-term historical meteorological observations are necessary for understanding climate variability. European and US ships sailed in the vicinity of Japan waters before the weather station network was established in Japan during the late Edo period in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Many historical meteorological observation records are stored in libraries and repositories around the world and are slowly being recovered and used in weather and climate research. Such historical weather observations are being recovered worldwide through “Data Rescue” activities under the international ACRE (Atmospheric Circulation Reconstruction over the Earth) initiative. However, the spatial range of these weather data can be limited. In this study, we focus on the ship log weather records made on vessels sailing along Japan waters during this period. The oldest weather records in the vicinity of Japan were found to be recorded on the ship of the third expedition of James (Caption) Cook in 1779. During the eighteenth-century weather records came mostly from the Expedition cruises. In the nineteenth century, weather records were found from the US Navy and other ships came to Japan to open the country to the wider world. We focus on three tropical cyclone (TC) events in the vicinity of Japan during the period from 21 to 25 July 1853 observed by seven US Naval Japan Expedition of Perry’s fleet, on 23 and 24 September 1856 observed by Medusa of Dutch Navy ship, and on 15 and 16 August 1863 during the bombardment of Kagoshima in Japan observed by eleven UK Navy ships. Tracks of TCs are analyzed based on the ship log weather records.

Rapid Growth of Outer Size of Tropical Cyclones: A New Perspective on Their Destructive Potential

Yi LI1+, Youmin TANG1#, Shuai WANG2
1Hohai University, 2Princeton University

The destructive potential of a tropical cyclone (TC) is primarily determined by its intensity and outer size. Although TC intensification has been researched extensively, the growth rate of its outer size remains obscure. This prompts us to develop the concept of rapid growth of outer size (RG) of TCs. RG is defined as an increase of at least 75 km in the gale-force wind radius within 24 hr using an objective anomaly detection algorithm. RG is intrinsically linked to the life cycle of the outer size and comprises most of the peak for large TCs (>300 km) in the distribution of lifetime maximum size. Compared with rapid intensification, RG is a more dangerous change in the TC structure, leveling up the destructive potential more rapidly. This is the first attempt to reveal the importance of RG to the outer size climatology, life cycle, and destructive potential of TCs.

A Seesaw Variability in Tropical Cyclone Genesis Between the Western North Pacific and the North Atlantic Shaped by Atlantic Multidecadal Variability

Liguang WU1, Chao WANG2#+, Bin WANG3
1Fudan University, 2Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 3University of Hawaii

Variabilities in tropical cyclone (TC) activity are commonly interpreted in individual TC basins. We identify an antiphase decadal variation in TC genesis between the western North Pacific (WNP) and North Atlantic (NA). An inactive (active) WNP TC genesis concurs with an enhanced (suppressed) NA TC genesis. We propose that the transbasin TC connection results from a subtropical east–west “relay” teleconnection triggered by Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO), involving a chain atmosphere–ocean interaction in the North Pacific. During a negative AMO phase, the tropical NA cooling suppresses local convective heating that further stimulates a descending low-level anticyclonic circulation in the tropical NA and eastern North Pacific as a Rossby wave response, inhibiting the NA TC genesis. Meanwhile, the anomalous southwesterly to the western flank of the anomalous anticyclonic circulation tends to weaken the surface evaporation and warm the SST over the subtropical eastern North Pacific (southwest–northeast-oriented zone from the tropical central Pacific to the subtropical west coast of North America). The SST warming further sustains a cyclonic circulation anomaly over the WNP by local atmosphere–ocean interaction and the Bjerknes feedback, promoting the WNP TC genesis. This transbasin linkage helps us interpret the moderate amplitude of variations in TC genesis frequency in the Northern Hemisphere.

Impact of Tropical Cyclones Over the Eastern North Pacific on El Niño–southern Oscillation Intensity

Qiuyun WANG1+, Zhe-Min TAN2#
1Ocean University of China, 2Nanjing University

Most tropical cyclones (TCs) generated over the eastern North Pacific (ENP) do not make landfall. Consequently, TCs in this basin have received less attention, especially those that occur away from the mainland. Furthermore, there have been few studies of the climatic effects of ENP TCs. This study explores the feedback relationship between ENP TCs and the intensity of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), including El Niño and La Niña events, from the perspective of accumulated cyclone energy (ACE). Observational and modeling results indicate that the ENP ACE 3 months earlier can still affect the intensity of El Niño and La Niña events, although the SST persistence is main contributor. Thereinto, the impact of ENP TCs on El Niño appears to be approximately equal to that on La Niña. Moreover, this impact is independent of the persistence of the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Niño 3.4 region and the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Generally, the greater the ENP ACE, the stronger the El Niño, and the smaller the ENP ACE, the stronger the La Niña, this is especially the case for those TCs that develop over the July‒September period. In addition, results show that the ENP TCs modulate ENSO intensity by changing anomalous zonal wind at the low-level atmospheric layer. And the joint impacts of the low-level zonal wind anomalies on the Walker circulation and the east-west thermocline gradient lead to the time characteristics that ENP TCs lead ENSO intensity by about 3 months.

Long-term Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using MPI Theory Based on HighResMIP Projections

Shun ITO#+, Nobuhito MORI, Tomoya SHIMURA, Takuya MIYASHITA
Kyoto University

In addition to sea level rise, other effects of global warming have already been observed. The intensification of tropical cyclones (TC) is also no exception. This study shows how TCs will change in the future using MPI (Maximum Potential Intensity) theory, which estimates the maximum development of TCs for given climatological environmental conditions. This study presents future changes in TCs based on HighResMIP (High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project). This projection focuses on the intercomparison of TC intensities, providing high-resolution data and estimating the effect of atmosphere-ocean coupling. The scenario-based projections show intensified TC trends in the monthly mean MPI in the Western North Pacific, although each mode of HighResMIP has different characteristics. There is also likely to be a spatial error between MPI and the maximum development value of TCs from track data of HighResMIP. MPI mostly depends on SST (Sea Surface Temperature). Therefore, it is important to reveal the north-south difference. By clearly quantifying this difference, we can accurately estimate TC intensity in each area over the long term and significantly contribute to predicting future changes in maximum storm surge risk. The detail of the results will be presented at the conference.

Effect of Model Resolution on Simulation of Tropical Cyclone Landfall in East Asia Based on a Comparison of 25- and 50-km HiRAMs

Kuan-Chieh CHEN1#+, Chihhua TSOU2, Chi-Cherng HONG1, Huang-Hsiung HSU3, Chia-Ying TU3
1University of Taipei, 2National Taiwan Normal University, 3Academia Sinica

The effect of model resolution on the simulation of tropical cyclone (TC) landfall frequency in East Asia [including the South China Sea (SCS), Taiwan and coastal areas of East China (TWCN) and Japan (JP)] was investigated by comparing Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) type simulations on the basis of 50-km High Resolution Atmospheric Models (HiRAMs) and 25-km HiRAM. The number of TC landfalls in the TWCN region was realistically simulated by the 50-km HiRAM ensemble model. However, fewer (more) TCs were steered westward (northward) toward the SCS (JP) because of an overestimation of the monsoon trough in the western North Pacific (WNP). The overestimation created a low-level cyclonic circulation anomaly in the WNP, which substantially modified steering flow. Consequently, more (less) TC made landfall in JP (SCS). The overestimation of the monsoon trough in model was primarily resulted from compounding factors, including the AMIP type simulation, upscale feedback of TCs to mean flow and the monsoon flow–topography interaction in the Indochina Peninsula Mountains and Philippine. First, the SST was negatively correlated with precipitation in the WNP during the typhoon season for the observation. Conversely, the SST–precipitation relationship was positive in the AMIP run. Second, the upscale feedback of TCs to mean flow (monsoon trough) was overestimated, which in term contributed to the overestimation of monsoon trough. Third, the model underestimated the mountain lifting effect in the Indochina Peninsula and Philippine. Overall, the aforementioned biases were substantially improved by increasing model’s horizontal resolution from 50-km to 25-km HiRAM.

Rainfall Strength and Area from Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Over the North Indian and Western North Pacific Oceans Under Greenhouse Warming

Mincheol MOON1+, Kyung-Ja HA2#
1Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2Pusan National University

Climate change due to greenhouse gases has fueled more powerful tropical cyclones (TCs). However, their characteristics and future changes of rainfall strength (RS) and rainfall area (RA) of TCs in regional scales are not fully revealed yet. Here, using ultra-high-resolution coupled simulations, we investigate the dominant factor in rainfall characteristics due to landfalling TCs in the North Indian Ocean (NIO) and western-North Pacific (WNP) and their future change in response to doubling and quadrupling atmospheric CO2 concentrations. As CO2 increases, RS increases more than RA in the NIO, but the opposite changes indicate in the WNP. We demonstrate that RS is highly related to the lifetime maximum intensity, landfall intensity, and latent heat flux (LHFLX), while RA mainly depends on LHFLX, relative humidity at 600 hPa, and vertical wind shear over the WNP. Our results suggest the need to establish regional-scale adaptation strategies for future rainfall change in landfalling TCs.

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR332
AS45 - Interaction of Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon

Session Chair(s): James CRAWFORD, NASA Langley Research Center

AS45-A009 | Invited
The Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Impacts Project (ACCLIP)

Laura L. PAN1#+, Paul A. NEWMAN2, Elliot ATLAS3, Troy THORNBERRY4, Bill RANDEL1, Brian TOON5
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3University of Miami, 4NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory, 5University of Colorado at Boulder

The Asian summer monsoon has been recognized in recent decades for its importance in modifying atmospheric composition based on data from modern Earth observing satellites. To understand the influence of Asian monsoon convection on the gas phase chemistry and aerosol loading in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS), a layer of significant climate sensitivity, airborne in-situ measurements are necessary. The ACCLIP campaign was motivated by these needs and was designed to obtain a large suite of trace gas and aerosol measurements in the Asian summer monsoon UTLS outflow over the Western Pacific. After a two-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign was successfully carried out during the summer of 2022, with operations based in Osan, South Korea. The campaign used two research aircraft, the NCAR Gulfstream V and the NASA WB-57, and it conducted 29 research flights with measurements ranging from 100 m above sea level to ~19 km altitude across a broad area of the western Pacific (15°N-43°N, 125°E-155°). The US led project received strong international collaboration, particularly from Asia, with multiple regional teams participating with airborne, balloon-borne, and ground-based measurements. This overview will focus on the trace gas measurements, highlighting the novel UTLS observations of species impacting ozone chemistry in the UT, very short-lived substances (VSLS) relevant for stratospheric ozone, and the species contributing to aerosol formation.

Aerosol Perturbation in the UTLS Region Over the Tibetan Plateau

Dan LI#+, Janchun BIAN, Zhixuan BAI
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Asian tropopause aerosol layer (ATAL) was thicker than other regions at the same latitude due to the strong confinement effect of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone. The size distribution of the particles requires further measurements. Aerosol profiles were measured by balloon-borne sensors (Cobald, POPS) launched from Lhasa (29.66 °N, 91.14 °E), Golmud (36.48 °N, 94.93 °E), Kunming (25.01 °N, 102.65 °E) China, from 2019 to 2022 over the Tibetan Plateau at the part of the SWOP (Sounding Water vapor, Ozone, and Particle) campaign. The measurements combined with backward trajectories show that the volcano Raikoke (48°N, 153°E) in June 2019 and the dust storm in March 2021 over the Taklamakan desert have significantly impacted on the aerosol layer in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). The backscatter ratio at wavelength 455 nm of the volcanic plume and dust storm was 0.1 higher than the ATAL. The particle number density in the volcanic plume is 30 cm-3, higher than the ATAL and dust storm (10 cm-3) in the lower stratosphere, with particle diameters centered around 0.42-3.4 μm. In contrast, the dust storm has a high density of up to 100 cm-3 in the upper troposphere with particle diameters less than 0.42 μm.

Intraseasonal and Interannual Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon Transport of CO and Aerosols to the Upper Troposphere and Implications for Global Atmospheric Composition

Mian CHIN1#+, Huisheng BIAN2, Qian TAN3, Ghassan TAHA4, Peter COLARCO5, Paul A. NEWMAN1
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 3Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, 4Morgan State University, 5National Aeronautics and Space Administration

We present our study on the intraseasonal and interannual variability of CO and aerosols in the upper troposphere (UT) that are the results induced by the variability of the Asian summer monsoon dynamics. We use the NASA global model GEOS simulations that incorporates emissions from anthropogenic, biomass burning, volcanic, and other natural sources to simulate CO and aerosols from 2000 to 2022 that are evaluated with satellite and aircraft observations. Model experiments separating source types (anthropogenic, biomass burning, volcanic) and source locations (East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia) are used to identify the origin, trends, transport pathways, and spatial/temporal variabilities of CO and aerosols in the UT, and the meteorological data from NASA MERRA-2 reanalysis are used to assess the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone intensity and size associated with climate variability to understand the response of atmospheric composition to the ASM dynamics.

Tropospheric Ozone Responses to Reductions in Aviation NOx Emissions During COVID-19 Lockdowns

Qi RAN1#+, Shao-Yi LEE2, Wenjie DONG1
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Kyoto University

Global tight restrictions of the movement have severely affected civil aviation during COVID-19 lockdowns, resulting in noticeable reductions in aviation-related nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions worldwide. As the formation and depletion of ozone (O3) are mainly driven by its precursors volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx, the emission reductions of NOx from aircrafts are expected to affect ozone concentrations at both the surface and upper troposphere. Given the different effects of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone on human health and climate, the potential changes in ozone concentrations at the surface and upper troposphere are of interest to us. In this study, we quantified the location- and time-resolved emission reductions of aviation-related NOx due to the COVID-19 lockdowns based on open-access air traffic activity data. The Single Column Atmospheric Model Version 6 (SCAM6) was used to simulate the responses of tropospheric ozone to abrupt changes in aviation NOx emissions in 2020. We shall discuss what these simulations reveal about the role of aviation emissions in atmospheric composition and global climate change.

Atmospheric Ozone and CO Measurements by FTIR at Koror, Palau (7.34°N, 134.47°E)

Xiaoyu SUN1#+, Mathias PALM2, Justus NOTHOLT2, Katrin MUELLER3
1University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics, 2University of Bremen, 3Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

This study aims to explore the impact of the Asian Monsoon on atmospheric ozone (O3) and Carbon monoxide (CO) in the Western Pacific (WP) region, using measurements collected from August 2022 at the site of Koror, Palau (7.34°N, 134.47°E). The measurements of O3 and CO are conducted using a solar absorption Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. O3 and CO concentrations in WP are simulated by the GEOS-Chem global 3-D chemistry transport model. Balloon sondes of O3 were launched two to four times per month in Koror to get the O3 profiles from the surface to around 30 km. CO and O3 measurements from different instruments and model simulation results are compared. The results will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Asian Monsoon and atmospheric O3 and CO in the WP region, using data from a specific time period. Comparing the measurements with simulations of the GEOS-Chem model offers insights into the dynamics of atmospheric composition and tests how well the current model’s understanding of WP is. Furthermore, this study provides an evaluation of the emission processes and source regions of O3 and CO pollution in the WP region.

The Decline of the Winter Cloudy Days Over China Under Global Warming

Hui TAN#+, Zhiwei ZHU
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Winter cloudy days (CDs) in China exhibits strong spatiotemporal variability which has a large impact on agriculture, transportation and solar photovoltaic power industry. While the physical mechanism of CDs variability over China remains unclear, it is unknown what are the future changes of CDs under global warming. Here we reveal the spatiotemporal feature of the leading mode of winter CDs in China and its two independent formation mechanisms. The future changes of winter CDs under global warming are further projected using the optimal state-of-the-art models which are capable in simulation the two formation mechanisms in historical period. Results show that 1) the leading mode of winter CDs presents a homogeneous pattern over China. The positive CDs anomaly is related to the anomalous southerly wind over the western flank of the lower level North Pacific anomalous anticyclone and the southeastern flank of lower level Asian anomalous cyclone, which is related to the Eurasian Rossby wave train and the convection over Maritime Continent; 2) the optimal models projects a significant decrease of CDs in Tibetan Plateau and southern China, and nearly unchanged CDs over northern China under global warming; 3) The warming trend of surface air temperature in Arctic (around Barents Sea) is the possible reason for the decreasing winter CDs in Tibetan Plateau and southern China in the future.

Footprints of El Niño and La Niña on the Particulate Matter Evolution Over Subtropical Island Taiwan

Yen-Ta FU1+, Ming-Cheng YEN1#, Neng-Huei LIN1, Hai BUI-MANH1, Cheng-Chih LIN2, Jia-Yuh YU1, Chi-Ming PENG3, Duc-Tu DINH4
1National Central University, 2Air Force Institute of Technology, 3WeatherRisk Explore Inc., 4Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration

Particulate matter (PM), which causes severe problems in human health, has become an important global issue in recent years. However, the climatology of annual variations and the interannual variations in PM level are still not fully evaluated. In our research, we find that the vertical motions of the East Asian monsoon system can affect the development of boundary layer height and then regulate the annual variation in PM over Taiwan. By understanding the annual variation in PM climatologically, the PM pollution season in Taiwan, from October to the following April, can be delineated. Then, we further define five phases of the PM pollution lifecycle that are similar to the well-defined East Asian summer monsoon lifecycle: onset (PM10 onset date, PMOD), active (November to January, NDJ), break (between the end of January and early February), revival (February to April, FMA) and retreat (PM10 retreat date, PMRD). After the precise definition of the PM pollution lifecycle, the interannual variation in PM level is clearer. Both the starting (PMODs) and ending (PMRDs) dates of PM pollution seasons are earlier during El Niño episodes than during La Niña episodes, in particular a significant 20-day difference between their starting dates. For the active phase (NDJ), climatological PM pollution development does not show distinct features under the two different El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) episodes. On the other hand, the influence of El Niño and La Niña on PM pollution during the revival phase (FMA) is significant. In summary, the climatology of PM pollution in wintertime is dominated by the annual seasonal cycle, but in the seasonal transition periods, October and March are significantly modulated by ENSO.

Anthropogenic vs. Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols in a Warm and Humid Tropical Urban Environment

Hyoungmook PAK1#+, Bao Ngoc THAI1, Santo V. SALINAS1, Simon O'MEARA2, Liya YU1
1National University of Singapore, 2National Centre for Atmospheric Science

Secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) comprise a substantial portion of urban PM2.5 concentrations, and can be formed through gaseous reactions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To mitigate urban PM2.5 by reducing SOAs, this study investigates VOC-borne SOAs and explores the associated emission sources via a box chemical reaction model (PyCHAM), incorporating >110 measured VOCs. The VOC-borne SOAs (173.2±146.7 ng/m3) on average account for approximately >20% of total SOAs in PM2.5. Anthropogenic (AVOCs) and biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) account for ~85% and ~7% of the total VOC-borne SOAs, respectively. Synergistic effects of both AVOCs and BVOCs lead to ~10% of the formed SOAs. We investigated the potential overestimation of biogenic SOAs (BSOAs) due to the inclusion of VOCs that are likely emitting from volatile chemical products (VCPs), such as fragrance chemicals in household cleaning products. Excluding six potential VCP-borne VOCs decreases the BSOAs by more than 60%. This indicates anthropogenic SOAs (ASOAs) could account for >85% of total VOC-borne SOAs with lesser contribution from BVOCs in the warm humid tropical urban environments.

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR329
AS11 - Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fate, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Sri KOTA, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

AS11-A021 | Invited
Absorption Enhancement of Black Carbon Aerosols Constrained by Mixing-state Heterogeneity

Jinghao ZHAI1#+, Xin YANG1, Ling LI2, Bin BAI3, Pengfei LIU3, Yuanlong HUANG4, Tzung-May FU1, Lei ZHU1, Zhenzhong ZENG1, Shu TAO1, Xiaohui LU2, Xingnan YE2, Xiaofei WANG2, Lin WANG2, Jianmin CHEN2, Huizhong SHEN1, Jianhuai YE1, Chen WANG1
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Fudan University, 3Georgia Institute of Technology, 4California Institute of Technology

Atmospheric black carbon (BC) has a large yet highly uncertain contribution to global warming. When mixed with non-BC/coating material during atmospheric aging, the BC light absorption can be enhanced through the lensing effect. Laboratory and modeling studies have consistently found strong BC absorption enhancement, while the results in ambient measurements are conflicting, with some reporting weak absorption enhancement even for particles with large bulk coating amounts. Here, from our direct field observations, we report both large and minor absorption enhancement factors for different BC-containing particle populations with large bulk non-BC-to-BC mass ratios. By taking insights into the measured coating material distribution across each particle population, we find the level of absorption enhancement is strongly dependent on the particle-resolved mixing state. Our study shows that the greater mixing-state heterogeneity results in the larger difference between observed and predicted absorption enhancement. We demonstrate that by considering the variability in coating material thickness into the optical model, the previously observed model-measurement discrepancy of absorption enhancement can be reconciled. The observations and improved optical models performed here highlight the importance of mixing-state heterogeneity on BC’s radiative forcing, which should be better resolved in large-scale models to increase confidence when estimating the aerosol radiation effect.

Underestimation of Summertime Urban Ammonia Emissions in Beijing, China : lmplications for Air Quality

Jiayu XU1#+, Lin ZHANG1, Mengran LU1, Yixin GUO2
1Peking University, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Ammonia (NH3) emission reduction has been advocated for its potential to mitigate PM2.5 air pollution, yet emission quantifications at city levels are limited. Here we develop high-resolution (3 km) bottom-up emission inventories of agricultural NH3 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region and traffic NH3 in Beijing for the year 2016. Then the WRF-Chem model is used to evaluate the NH3 and PM2.5 concentrations against ground-based and satellite observations. Our estimated annual BTH agricultural NH3 emissions (625 Gg) and Beijing’s traffic emissions (7.8 Gg) are within the ranges of published inventories. However, simulated NH3 concentrations are significantly lower than observations during August in urban Beijing, nevertheless wintertime underestimations are much more moderate. Further evaluation and sensitivity experiments show that biases in meteorology or regional transport cannot explain such discrepancies. Using measurements as constraints, our inversed NH3 inventory indicates both agricultural and non-agricultural NH3 emissions in Beijing during August should increase by ~5 times to match NHand PM2.5 observations. Current underestimations may stem from the missing power sector, urban green space emissions, the lack of representation of industrial hotspots, and uncertainties in traffic emissions. Our study highlights that denser and more frequent urban NH3 observations are urgently needed to constrain and validate bottom-up inventories.

Identification of Influencing Parameters from Agriculture Sector for Developing Region-specific Emission Inventory

Thirunagari BABY KEERTHI1#+, Sri KOTA1, Rajesh KUMAR2
1Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, 2University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Air pollution constitutes one of the major global threats to both the environment and human health. Pollutant emissions from various agricultural activities cause significant environmental impacts are highly understudied and call for the preparation of a detailed emission inventory. Emission inventories are a useful tool for comprehending the sources of pollutant emissions and their overall effects on the environment. Most nations and regions do not include entire agricultural operations during the process of developing an emission inventory (EI) for their agricultural sector. Additionally, there hasn't been enough work done to improve our understanding of agricultural emissions’ effects on the ecosystem. Listing emissions by source and quantity for each tracked pollutant enables defining their primary emission sources. However, comprehensive datasets associated with emissions and agricultural activities are often missing. The lack of data is mainly because of the false perception that the agriculture sector emits much smaller pollutant(s) quantities compared to other sources. Data non-availability impedes the ability to develop appropriate policies (that could lower the emissions), leading to decreased interest for collecting relevant data by pertinent authorities which consequently results in less research on agricultural emissions. Instead of using models based on laboratory research, gathering activity data (such as fertilizer application, crop burning, equipment usage, pesticides, livestock management, tillage, etc.) from field operating conditions helps in determining the actual real-world agricultural emissions and their significant sources. Large deficits in activity data causes high degrees of uncertainty in the results of EI. This article identifies and delineates the influencing parameters to develop an EI for the agriculture sector of a region. The requirement for the collection of apposite data, types of influencing data, data sources, the parametric format in which data must be collected, and how each parameter is attributable to the emissions are elucidated in detail.

Influence of Land Use and Meteorology on Concentrations of Short Lived Climate Pollutants Over India

Diljit NAYAK#+, Gazala Habib HABIB, Sri KOTA
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

To address the issue of poor air quality in India, a number of emission reduction scenarios were devised, each specific to a certain source. However, many of these scenario-based model simulations overlooked the impact of changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) and meteorology on air quality. The study endeavors to assess the influence of these two factors on concentrations of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (PM2.5, OC, and BC). The simulations were performed using the WRF-Chem V3.8.1 model for the years 2019 and 2024, with emissions remaining constant (2019 emissions) for both years, and only the LULC and meteorology being altered. The results indicate that greater emission reductions are necessary in light of the effect of LULC and meteorology, to achieve the clean air goals set forth in India's national action plan.

Factors Contributing to Changes in PM2.5 Concentration in South Korea During the Recent Winter Season

Jaein JEONG1#+, Rokjin J. PARK1, Chang-Keun SONG2, Sang-Wook YEH3, Jung-Hun WOO1
1Seoul National University, 2Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 3Hanyang University

This study aims to quantify the contributing factors to changes in winter PM2.5 concentrations in South Korea from 2019 to 2021. We consider various factors, such as meteorological variability, reduced anthropogenic emissions in China, and South Korea's Seasonal Particulate matter Management (SPM) plan. To determine the individual impact of these factors on PM2.5 concentrations, we used nested versions of GEOS-Chem and updated the anthropogenic emissions with observational data. Our simulations captured well the spatial distribution of observed surface PM2.5 concentrations in China and South Korea. Our findings indicate that meteorological variability was the most significant factor affecting PM2.5 concentrations over the past three winters, despite its high level of monthly variability. Furthermore, reductions in anthropogenic emissions in China and the implementation of South Korea's SPM also contributed to changes in PM2.5 concentrations. Since various factors have a complex effect on changes in winter PM2.5 concentration in South Korea, the methodology used in this study will contribute to establishing effective environmental policies in the future.

Seasonal Variation and Source Identification of Ambient PM2.5 and Associated Water-soluble Inorganic Ions (WSII): A Diurnal Field and Comparative Study of Two Indian Cities

Yash JAIN#+, Sri KOTA, Vivek KUMAR
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The air quality in the Indian subcontinent has been a growing concern in recent years, with particulate matter (PM) being one of the major pollutants. PM2.5, in particular, has a significant impact on human health and the environment as it can penetrate deep into the respiratory system. PM2.5 has been linked to several health issues including respiratory and cardiovascular disease, while Water-Soluble inorganic Ions (WSII) contribute to the acidity and salinity of the air. In this study, we aim to investigate the seasonal variation and contributing sources of PM2.5 and 13 associated WSII (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Li+, F-, Cl, Br-, NO2-, PO43-, NO3 and SO42−) in two non-attainment Indian cities, Alwar and Amritsar. The study regions are selected owing to the unique meteorological conditions, population density and industrial activities. The study employs a combination of field measurements and comparative analysis to understand the sources and seasonal patterns of PM2.5 and WSII in these cities. Initial analysis of PM2.5 winter samples shows Nitrate (22.078 μg/m3) and Sulphate (17.408 μg/m3) to be the dominant anionic species and Ammonium (13.046 μg/m3) and Sodium (5.452 μg/m3) to be dominant cationic species for both day and night respectively in Alwar city. The total average day anionic concentrations for the same period were observed to be 31.37 μg/m3 and night concentrations to be 52.52 μg/mwith total observed average day cationic concentrations to be 15.23 μg/m3 and night concentrations to be 23.29μg/m3.

Impact of Improved Representation of VOC Emissions and Photochemistry on Regional Ozone Production During Korus-AQ

Katherine TRAVIS1,2#+, James CRAWFORD2, Benjamin NAULT3
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2NASA Langley Research Center, 3Aerodyne, Inc.

Models underestimated ozone, formaldehyde, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and alkyl nitrate (AN) concentrations in Seoul during the 2016 joint NIER/NASA Korea United States-Air Quality (KORUS-AQ) field study. This indicates needed improvements in emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a region where photochemistry is radical-limited. Total peroxynitrates (PNs) were twice as large as PAN during the campaign, in contrast to previous studies where missing PNs were <20%. Observations of speciated ANs could only explain 3% of total ANs. This points to the need to evaluate model VOC emissions and chemical mechanisms producing ANs and PNs. We find that model emissions severely underestimate PAN-precursors such as ethanol and methyl ethyl ketone, which contribute approximately 30% and 10% to the PAN budget, respectively. These species may be underestimated from vehicles, or from non-combustion sources such as solvents or cooking. We use the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model to investigate the impacts of improvements in VOC emissions and chemistry on ozone. Scaling emissions of individual VOC species based on KORUS-AQ observations increases surface ozone by ~10 ppb in Seoul, while addition of chemistry to produce missing ANs and PNs reduces ozone in Seoul by ~1 ppb but results in transport of ozone precursors to downwind regions.

AS11-A051 | Invited
Quantifying Nonlinear Chemical Effects of Emission Reductions on PM2.5 Pollution in Beijing Using the Adjoint Method

Ni LU#+, Lin ZHANG, Xiaolin WANG
Peking University

The relationships between emissions and PM2.5 pollution are governed by nonlinear chemistry. Therefore, understanding the role of nonlinear chemistry in the PM2.5 formation pathways is critical for policy-making. Here we analyze the sensitivity of PM2.5 in Beijing to emissions from different precursor species and different regions using the adjoint of the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model, with a focus on the changes in sensitivity in response to precursor emission changes of COVID-19 lockdown and 2013-2017 control policies. This allows us to diagnose the direct effects versus nonlinear chemical effects and analyze the differences and commonalities between long-term and short-term emission reductions. We find significant changes in the sensitivities for secondary inorganic aerosols in response to emission reductions. In the absence of such nonlinear chemical effects, the emission reductions of COVID-19 lockdown and 2013-2017 control policies would reduce the February mean PM2.5 by 10.7 μg/m3 and 63.6 μg/mrespectively in Beijing. However, an increase of 6.3 μg/m3 occurred for each emission reduction scenario due to the increased sensitivities of nitrate to NOx and NH3 emissions, reflecting changes in atmospheric oxidation capacity and gas-particle partitioning. These chemical effects accelerate aerosol formation and offset the effectiveness of emission reductions. Overall, our study highlights the importance of considering nonlinear chemical effects when assessing the effectiveness of emission reduction measures for highly polluted areas.

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Namyoung KANG, Kyungpook National University, Jun MATSUMOTO, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hirokazu ENDO, Meteorological Research Institute

Role of the intraseasonal IPCO in the Absence of Typhoons in July 2020

Jianping LI#+, Fei LI, Yina DIAO, Hao WANG
Ocean University of China

The influence of the intraseasonal Indo-western Pacific convection oscillation (IPCO) on the absence of typhoons in July 2020 over the western North Pacific (WNP) was explored. While observation analysis shows that necessary conditions such as sea surface temperature (SST) and vertical wind shear in July 2020 meet the basic requirement of or even are conducive to the formation of typhoon, the unprecedented absence of typhoon over the WNP occurred in July 2020, and it is the first time that no typhoon in July since 1951. Additionally, significant differences were found in the number of typhoons in July between the different phases of the intraseasonal IPCO, and the number in the positive phase of the intraseasonal IPCO was significantly higher than that in the negative phase of the intraseasonal IPCO. In July 2020, the intraseasonal IPCO was in a strong negative phase, with the third lowest index in history and had the strongest inhibition effect on convection over the WNP on record, leading to large-scale circulation anomalies. The strongest descending movement on record inhibited the upward transport of water vapor and the development of cumulus convection, thereby reducing the release of latent heat of condensation and making it difficult to form a typhoon warm-core structure. In addition, the geopotential height increased over the WNP, and the western Pacific subtropical high moved southerly, which inhibited typhoon formation. Simultaneously, the South China Sea monsoon trough weakened significantly, with increased negative vorticity anomaly in the response scale, which hindered disturbance generation. The lowest genesis potential index confirmed that the large-scale circulation anomaly caused by the intraseasonal IPCO had an unprecedented restraining effect on typhoon generation, leading to the absence of typhoons over the WNP in July 2020.

Application of Linear Inverse Modelling to Tropical Interbasin Interaction

Shoichiro KIDO1#+, Ingo RICHTER1, Tomoki TOZUKA2, Ping CHANG3
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2The University of Tokyo, 3Texas A&M University

A large body of observational and modelling studies has pointed out that two-way interaction of the Pacific Ocean (PO) with regions outside of the PO, such as the tropical Atlantic (AO) and Indian Ocean (IO), plays an important role in tropical climate variability and predictability, and multiple interactions among the three basins are now known as tropical interbasin interaction (TBI). Here, the impact of TBI upon characteristics and predictability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropics are assessed by applying a linear inverse modelling (LIM) framework that uses SST and sea surface height anomalies in the tropical Pacific (PO), Atlantic (AO), and Indian Ocean (IO). The TBI pathways are shown to be successfully isolated in stochastically-forced simulations that modify off-diagonal elements of the linear operators. The removal of TBI leads to a substantial increase in the amplitude of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and related variability. Partial decoupling experiments that eliminate specific coupling components reveal that PO-IO interaction is the dominant contributor, whereas PO-AO and AO-IO interactions play a minor role. A series of retrospective forecast experiments with different operators shows that decoupling leads to a substantial decrease in ENSO prediction skill especially at longer lead times. The relative contributions of individual pathways to forecast skill are generally consistent with the results from the stochastically-forced experiments. We will also discuss some typical examples that highlight the importance of TBI on regional SST variability.

Diverse Impacts of ENSO on Summertime Synoptic-scale Disturbance Intensity Over the Tropical Western North Pacific

Qinlu GU+, Renguang WU#
Zhejiang University

Synoptic-scale disturbances are prominent over the tropical western North Pacific during boreal summer and they play an important role in the weather and climate of East and Southeast Asia through causing extremely heavy rainfall events, seeding tropical cyclone genesis and interacting with low-frequency activities. Those disturbances are generated over the equatorial western-central Pacific and propagate northwestward to the tropical western North Pacific. Thus, understanding the changes and factors of synoptic-scale disturbance intensity over the tropical WNP is an important topic. The intensity of synoptic-scale disturbance is closely related to the El Niño–Southern Oscillation that modulates the seasonal atmospheric fields over the source regions, along the propagation paths, and over the impact regions of the synoptic-scale disturbances. In this talk, we will present analysis of interannual variations of synoptic-scale disturbance intensity over the tropical western North Pacific during boreal summer and the associated factors. Evidences for the asymmetric and nonlinear response of synoptic-scale disturbance intensity to El Niño and La Niña events will be presented along with physical explanations based on observational analysis and numerical model experiments.

Trans-basin Influence of Southwest Tropical Indian Ocean Warming During Early Boreal Summer

Zesheng CHEN1+, Zhenning LI2, Yan DU1#, Zhiping WEN3, Renguang WU4
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 3Fudan University, 4Zhejiang University

This study examines the climate response to a sea surface temperature (SST) warming imposed over the southwest Tropical Indian Ocean (TIO) in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. The results indicate that the southwest TIO SST warming can remotely modulate the atmospheric circulation over the western North Pacific (WNP) via inter-basin air-sea interaction during early boreal summer. The southwest TIO SST warming induces a “C-shaped” wind response with northeasterly and northwesterly anomalies over the north and south TIO, respectively. The northeasterly wind anomalies contribute to the north TIO SST warming via a positive Wind-Evaporation-SST(WES) feedback after the Asian summer monsoon onset. In June, the easterly wind response extends into the WNP, inducing an SST cooling by WES feedback on the background trade winds. Both the north TIO SST warming and the WNP SST cooling contribute to an anomalous anticyclonic circulation (AAC) over the WNP. The north TIO SST warming, WNP SST cooling, and AAC constitute an inter-basin coupled mode called the Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor (IPOC), and the southwest TIO SST warming could be a trigger for IPOC. While the summertime southwest TIO SST warming is often associated with antecedent El Niño, the warming in 2020 seems to be related to extreme Indian Ocean Dipole in 2019 fall. The strong southwest TIO SST warming seems to partly explain the strong summer AAC of 2020 over the WNP even without a strong antecedent El Niño.

Effects of Indian Ocean Dipole Initialization on the Forecasting of La Niña One Year in Advance

Jing WANG1, Shouwen ZHANG2#+, Hua JIANG3, Dongliang YUAN1
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory, 3National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center

The climate systems over the Indian and Pacific oceans interact with each other at the interannual time scales. The Dipole Mode Index(DMI) is found to lead the Niño3 index by more than one year. Traditional understanding of this precursory relationship is thought through the atmospheric bridges, a.k.a. the Walker Cell variability. Latest studies suggest that the oceanic channel process, i.e. the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) variability, plays a dominant role in the inter-basin interactions, which quickly emerges as a hot research topic. However, due to the concurrent ENSO and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events in history, the effects of an IOD on the evolution of ENSO are contaminated by the repercussions of the ENSO. In 2019, a strong IOD took place in the Indian Ocean, with the tropical Pacific in a neutral state throughout that year, which provides an opportunity to test the effectiveness of the oceanic channel dynamics. A strong La Niña event indeed took place at the end of 2020, the dynamics of which are investigated using the China National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center (NMEFC) operational seasonal forecasting system. The strong subsurface cooling in the Indian Ocean is found to propagate to the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean through the Indonesian seas and induce a strong La Niña event at the end of 2020, suggesting the dominance of the oceanic channel in the inter-basin forcing leading to the outburst of the 2020/2021 La Niña. In comparison, experiments initialized with only surface temperature anomalies over the tropical Indian Ocean show that the atmospheric bridge alone is unable to induce the onset of the 2020/2021 La Niña. Forecasting experiments of historical ENSO events with and without the IOD initializations suggest that both the delayed feedback of ENSO and the Indo-Pacific oceanic channel dynamics are important in forecasting the ENSO.

Narrowing Region for Tropical Convections in the Western North Pacific

Namyoung KANG1#+, Sanghyeon YUN1, Chan Joo JANG2
1Kyungpook National University, 2Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology

Considering that the subtropical highs and tropical convections are observed as negative and positive vorticities respectively, the large-scale features of the atmospheric environment can be effectively represented using streamfunctions as defined by the Laplacian. By investigating the geographical patterns of streamfunctions from different modes of environmental variability, this study conceptualizes how the subtropical high expands and the region for tropical convections migrates in the western North Pacific. It is confirmed that, owing to the expansion of the subtropical high, the limited ocean area for tropical convections even bounded by the equator becomes narrower in the “La Niña mode” than that in the “El Niño mode”. This study finds that a warmer environment is likely to further expand the subtropical high to the west, and then the westernmost shift in the region for tropical convections appears in the “warmer La Niña mode”. A linear perspective suggests that every warmer La Niña environment could be one that people have scarcely experienced before.

Physical Processes Driving Mean-state Biases in MetUM Simulations of the Summer West Pacific Subtropical High

Met Office

In this work we examine a methodology to study the origin of systematic circulation biases associated to the mean-state West Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) in the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM). MetUM exhibits robust biases, including a weakening of the anticyclone and a location too far east, which leads to an underestimation of the southwesterly monsoon flow over East Asia and contribute to seasonal precipitation errors in the area. We study the development of the errors in an ensemble of equivalent NWP hindcasts and, using a semigeotriptic (SGT) balance model, we link the circulation errors to physical processes. With this tool we show that most of the circulation errors in the WPSH are corrected when tropical convection occurs in the right location. We then examine how MetUM deep convection biases in the region arise and find a large drying of the boundary layer by convection that is balanced mainly by local surface fluxes. In places with low exchange coefficient (places with light surface winds), the surface fluxes are not able to support deep convection over a long time and the convection error is established.

Roles of the North Indian Ocean SST and Tropical North Atlantic SST in the Latitudinal Extension of the Anomalous Western North Pacific Anticyclone During the El Niño Decaying Summer

Juan FENG#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The El Niño-related anomalous western North Pacific anticyclone (WNPAC) shows different latitudinal extensions during the El Niño decaying summer, which determines the moisture transport to different regions and leads to distinct climate impacts over East Asia. It is known that both the north Indian Ocean (NIO) sea surface temperature (SST) and the tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SST can generate a WNPAC in summer. However, the difference between the NIO SST-forced WNPAC and the TNA SST-forced WNPAC has hardly been noted before now. This study shows that the NIO SST warming makes the WNPAC contract southward, whereas the TNA SST warming makes the WNPAC extend northward. The NIO SST warming generates the WNPAC via a Kelvin wave response. Owing to the limited domain of Kelvin wave activity, the Kelvin wave-induced suppressed convection over the western Pacific is confined south of 20°N, resulting in the WNPAC being concentrated in the low latitudes. In contrast, the TNA SST warming generates the WNPAC via a Rossby wave-induced divergence/convergence chain response over the Pacific. The Rossby wave-induced suppressed convection over the central-eastern Pacific north of the Equator leads to enhanced convection on its southwest side, which further generates the low-level anomalous divergent winds over the western North Pacific and suppresses convection there. In this process, the suppressed convection over the western North Pacific is pushed more northward, thus producing a WNPAC extending northward. Further study finds that there are good precursors for predicting the WNPAC latitudinal extension based on the El Niño spatial pattern and the NIO/TNA SST intensity in the previous winter and spring.

Tue-01 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR328
AS24 - Machine Learning applications in the field of atmospheric pollution

Session Chair(s): Shovan Kumar SAHU, Meteorological Service Singapore, Ge SONG, Wuhan University, Jia XING, George Mason University

Ensemble Surface Ozone Forecast Using Deep Learning and Implications for Surface Ozone Predictability

Aoxing ZHANG1#+, Tzung-May FU1, Xu FENG2, Jianfeng GUO3, Chanfang LIU3, Jiongkai CHEN1, Jiajia MO1, Xiao ZHANG4, Xiaolin WANG5, Wenlu WU1, Yue HOU1, Honglong YANG6, Chao LU6
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Harvard University, 3Shenzhen Ecology and Environment Monitoring Centre of Guangdong Province, 4Tsinghua University, 5Peking University, 6Shenzhen National Climate Observatory

Surface ozone forecast accuracy is limited by weather forecast uncertainties, which are not quantitatively represented in current air quality forecast systems. We developed an ensemble surface ozone forecast (2DCNN-ESOF) system using 2-D convolutional neural network and ensemble weather forecasts, and we applied the system to 216-h ozone forecasts in Shenzhen, China. The 2DCNN-ESOF’s skills were comparable to or better than other current operational systems and fulfilled the Chinese mandate for air quality level forecast accuracies up to 144-h lead time. Additionally, the 2DCNN-ESOF enabled an “ozone exceedance probability” forecast given the range of possible weather outcomes. Half of the ozone forecast errors were due to weather forecast uncertainties, which would induce a 7.4 ± 1.4 μg m-3 uncertainty in forecasted ozone concentrations at 24-h lead time even with perfect emission estimates and chemical mechanisms. Our ensemble forecast framework can be applied to the operational forecasts of other meteorology-dependent environmental risks.

Deep Neural Network with Improved Features Suitable for Adjacent Sites is Introduced to Predict Future PM2.5 Concentration

Siwei LI#+, Mengfan TENG
Wuhan University

Machine learning has become a powerful tool to establish models for predicting the future PM2.5 concentration, which can help the policy makers to take control measures to protect on human health and promote sustainable urban development. The spatial information of adjacent sites can well reflect the regional pollution pattern, however it has not been widely investigated in most existing prediction models. In this study, a novel hybrid model is used to select appropriate adjacent site information and add it into the deep learning prediction model as additional features. This hybrid model combined long and short-term memory neural network (LSTM) and a convolutional neural network (CNN) of 1 * 1 specific convolution kernel to solve the challenges of time series data prediction and discrete data aggregation. The experimental results showed that the novel hybrid model presented the highest prediction accuracy and the lowest error (R2=0.92-0.94, RMSE=8.54-8.93μg/m3, MAE=5.76-6.52μg/m3) compared with single models (R2=0.81-0.92, RMSE=9.01-13.24μg/m3, MAE=6.79-9.34μg/m3). The comparison with other similar research sets shows that the deep learning model significantly improves the ability to capture peak PM2.5 concentration by adding information from appropriate adjacent sites.

AS24-A015 | Invited
Predicting PM2.5 Levels in Delhi Using Long Short-term Memory

Sanchit BEDI#+, N.M. Anoop KRISHNAN, Arpit KATIYAR, Sri KOTA
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The study utilized a Recurrent Neural Network architecture with Long short-term memory to predict PM2.5 levels in Delhi. Four different models were developed, each incorporating different combinations of data inputs. The models that utilized PM2.5 data alone or in conjunction with gaseous pollutants exhibited the best performance in predicting PM2.5 concentrations during both hourly and daily forecasts. The models were also evaluated for their performance during specific events characterized by a drastic increase in PM2.5 concentrations. The evaluation revealed that the models that incorporated gaseous pollutants displayed superior performance compared to others during such episodes. The results demonstrated that the models were effective in providing accurate predictions, but only for forecast windows limited to twelve hours for hourly forecasts or seven days for daily forecasts. Due to the difficulty in predicting gaseous pollutants, it is more practical to employ models that only utilize PM 2.5 data or PM 2.5 and meteorological information. The outcomes of this research can serve as decision-making tools for regulators seeking to implement timely interventions in heavily polluted cities, thus imparting a sense of assurance in the potential of these models.

Improving Air Quality Forecasting Using a Physics-based Machine Learning Approach

Sanchit BEDI#+, N.M. Anoop KRISHNAN, Sri KOTA
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Air quality is a pressing issue worldwide, with 90% of people exposed to unhealthy air. Chemical transport models are frequently used in the absence of dependable monitoring networks. These models integrate meteorology, emissions inventory, and atmospheric chemistry to forecast air quality. However, due to the high computational power necessary for each operation, such systems may not be the most efficient or effective early warning systems. An alternative to traditional modeling is Machine Learning models, which require little time and computational resources after being trained. Physics-based machine learning is a developing field that combines Partial Differential Equations, simulated data, and models in a data-driven approach that penalizes physically inconsistent results. Another way to utilize Machine Learning is by parameterizing a physical model. In our study, we utilized 4 years of simulated WRF-Chem data over the Indian subcontinent to apply a physics-based machine learning approach to improve upon the existing model. Our findings reveal that the trained model is efficient and performs well.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR327
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Huizheng CHE, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Jhoon KIM, Yonsei University

AS23-A011 | Invited
Satellite Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm for Multi-angle Polarimetric Measurements Over East Asia

Minghui TAO1#+, Liangfu CHEN1, Yi WANG2, Lan FENG2
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2China University of Geosciences

The simultaneous retrieval of aerosol optical/microphysical and surface parameters have been a challenging work due to the limited information of satellite observations. The common optimized methods with iterative Radiative Transfer (RT) calculations are usually time-consuming and have to retrieve all the unknowns with different information content. In this study, we developed a flexible aerosol algorithm framework for satellite measurements based on physical-based deep learning (PDL) method. By pre-training of RT simulations, all the unknown aerosol parameters can be retrieved independently by modeling their respective function with the whole satellite observations. Moreover, our method can utilize the abundant priori information such as existing surface and aerosol products, which can also provide an effective constraint for very abnormal values. By applying the PDL algorithm to satellite measurements of multi-spectral, multi-angle, and polarization such as MODIS, MISR, and POLDER-3, the retrieval results have robust high-accuracy compared with AERONET products. With a high efficiency in both computation and information utilization, the PDL algorithm with flexible framework gives a competitive selection for operational aerosol retrieval with various satellite measurements.

New Global Land Aerosol Fine-mode Fraction Dataset (2001–2020) Retrieved from Modis

Xing YAN1#+, Zhanqing LI2,1
1Beijing Normal University, 2University of Maryland

The aerosol fine-mode fraction (FMF) is valuable for discriminating natural aerosols from anthropogenic ones. However, most current satellite-based FMF products are highly unreliable over land. Here, we developed a new satellite-based global land daily FMF dataset (Phy-DL FMF) by synergizing the advantages of physical and deep learning methods (Figure 1) at a 1° spatial resolution covering the period from 2001 to 2020. It was extensively evaluated against AERONET FMF retrievals, revealing its higher accuracy (RMSE= 0.136) based on 361089 validation samples; 79.15% of the data fell within the ±20%EE envelope) and generally good agreement with AERONET FMF with respect to its values, trends, and frequencies. Phy-DL FMF showed superior performance over alternative deep learning or physical approaches (such as the spectral deconvolution algorithm presented in our previous studies), particularly for forests, grasslands, croplands, and urban and barren land types. By examining Phy-DL FMFs from 2001 to 2020, we found a general decreasing trend around the globe, which was not revealed by AERONET point-scale measurements. However, both Phy-DL and AERONET FMFs showed significant increasing trends in FMF over the western USA and India. The new dataset captured high-level FMFs (> 0.80) over southern China, South Asia, eastern Europe, and the eastern USA. The FMFs were consistently < 0.3 in Northwest China, the Saharan region, and southern South America, indicating coarse-particle desert emissions. The findings of various evaluations, especially the attempted explanations of the spatiotemporal variations and long-term trend changes, suggest that this newly developed dataset is sound, more accurate and thus useful for investigating the impact of fine-mode and coarse-mode aerosols on the atmospheric environment and climate, especially in gaining a deeper insight into fine-mode aerosols. The datasets can be downloaded from

Optimal Estimation Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Properties from the GEMS Onboard GK-2B Satellite

Yeseul CHO1#+, Sujung GO2, Mijin KIM2, Hyunkee HONG3, Dongwon LEE3, Omar TORRES2
1Yonsei University, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3National Institute of Environmental Research

Atmospheric aerosols play a crucial role in the Earth's climate system by affecting radiative forcing, cloud formation, and precipitation patterns. Air quality in Asia is a growing concern due to the region's rapid industrialization and urbanization. Anthropogenic activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation can release large amounts of aerosols into the atmosphere, which can have negative impacts on air quality and human health. The Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), onboard GEO-KOMPSAT-2B (GK-2B) satellite, is the first air quality monitoring sensor in geostationary earth orbit launched in 2020. GEMS measures the hyperspectral radiances with 0.6 nm spectral resolution in ultraviolet and visible ranges over the Asia region during the daytime to provide hourly air quality information. We have updated the aerosol retrieval algorithm based on the optimal estimation method for GEMS. The aerosol retrieval algorithm for GEMS uses 6 channels in ultraviolet and visible wavelengths, which have the advantage of measuring aerosol absorption and height information. We present GEMS aerosol retrieval results for high aerosol loading cases over Asia. The results show that the GEMS AOD has the advantage of allowing retrieving of aerosol over bright surfaces due to dark surface reflectance in UV. The GEMS AOD and SSA are validated against ground-based AERONET. The GEMS ALH is compared to data from the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP). The GEMS aerosol product is in good overall agreement with ground measurement and satellite data products. In addition, we conducted an error analysis of GEMS aerosol optical properties. The retrieval can have errors associated with various factors. Sun–earth–satellite geometry, and assumed aerosol model, clouds, and other atmospheric effects. Conducting an error analysis of aerosol optical properties is essential to identify the major contributors to errors and to improve the accuracy of the retrieval algorithms.

Improved Inversion of Aerosol Components in the Atmospheric Column from Remote Sensing Data

Ying ZHANG#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

This study develops an improved algorithm for retrieving atmospheric columnar aerosol components from optical remote sensing data. This is achieved by using the complex refractive index (CRI) of a multi-component liquid system in the forward model and minimizing the differences with observations. The aerosol components in this algorithm comprise five species combining eight sub-components including black carbon, water-soluble and water-insoluble organic matter, inorganic salt (ammonium nitrate, AN), sea salt (sodium chloride, SC), dust-like (DU), and aerosol water content in fine and coarse modes (AWf and AWc). The calculation of the complex refractive index (CRI) in the multi-component liquid system allows the separation of the water soluble components (AN, WSOM and AWf) in the fine mode and the sea salt (SC) and water content (AWc) in the coarse mode. The uncertainty in the retrieval results is analysed based on the simulation of typical models, showing that the complex refractive index (CRI) obtained from instantaneous optical-physical inversion compares well with that obtained from chemical estimation. The algorithm is not only used for ground-based remote sensing, but is also transferred to satellite inversion algorithms to obtain larger area-wide observations. Based on the POLDER observations, the study inverted the spatial distribution of aerosol optical, microphysical and chemical parameters in the North China region and made a preliminary comparison with ground-based observations. The comparison shows that the column mass concentration of aerosol black carbon mass concentration is consistent with that observed on the ground, and the MAE is 0.38. The mass ratios of black carbon, inorganic salt and organic aerosol (8%, 49%, 43%) are in good agreement with the mass ratios of the ground chemical sampling analysis results (11%, 49%, 40%).

Remote Sensing of Carbonaceous Aerosols from Himawari-8 Satellite Using Critical Reflectance Algorithm

Ying LI1,2#+, Fangwen BAO1, Jinhui GAO3
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory, 3Chengdu University of Information Technology

Current aerosol remote sensing without using multi-view satellite sensors still fails to retrieve aerosol components directly, such as black carbon (BC) and organic carbon (OC) simultaneously due to the limitations on available observations. In this study, A new general carbonaceous aerosol retrieval strategy for geostationary single-view satellite observations is implemented based on a method of critical reflectance, to retrieve the parameters of BC and extra OC concentration from measured radiance without prior quantification of Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT). Random sampling consensus (RANSAC) is also used in the strategy to reduce the influence of clouds and anomalous pixels on the retrievals. An initial validation and application applied to Himawari images over the North China Plain (NCP) show that the carbonaceous aerosol retrievals are highly consistent with the expectations in terms of spatial and temporal patterns. The retrievals of BC and OC concentration follow the daily fluctuations of the Aethalometers observations and feature small differences in mean values throughout the month. Additionally, the AOTs at 0.55 µm can be also satisfactorily reproduced based on the carbonaceous aerosol retrievals, resulting in a mean absolute error of 0.089 and a correlation coefficient of 0.870. The main errors in the method arise from shell model assumptions, RANSAC fitting bias, inconsistent clear reference AOT in LUT, and geometric inconsistency between the clear reference and hazy images. This work indicates that the BC and OC concentration in high resolution can be acquired through the geostationary single-view remote sensing for further air quality and climate studies.

AOD Fusion Based on Pixel-level Uncertainty Using Geostationary Satellite Instruments: GEMS, AMI, and GOCI-II

Minseok KIM1#+, Jhoon KIM1, Hyunkwang LIM2, Seoyoung LEE1, Yeseul CHO1
1Yonsei University, 2National Institute for Environmental Studies

For the last few years, South Korea has launched two geostationary earth orbit satellites, Geo-Kompsat-2A (GK-2A) and Geo-Kompsat-2B (GK-2B). GK-2A carries a single sensor named Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI), which has spectral bands from visible to infrared for observations of weather variables such as clouds. GK-2B carries two sensors. One of them is an ultraviolet-visible hyperspectral spectrometer named Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS), and the other is a band (visible-shortwave infrared) observing ocean color imager named the 2nd Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI-II). In the aspect of aerosol optical properties products, each geostationary instrument has its own instrument specification. The visible radiance capability of AMI and GOCI-II is sensitive to the size of the airborne aerosols, while ultraviolet observation by GEMS is sensitive to the light-absorption of aerosols. Moreover, a dark surface in the ultraviolet spectrum enables aerosol retrievals over arid regions. In this study, we present a statistically fused product of three aerosol optical depth (AOD) from AMI, GEMS, and GOCI-II that are retrieved by individually optimized algorithms. Because of the algorithm characteristics such as surface reflectance estimation and observation geometry, each AOD product has its own systematic retrieval bias according to surface vegetation and observation time. Therefore, we proceed with a bias correction based on comparison with Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) measurements before the AOD fusion. Statistical fusion uses Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method for the sake of weighting based on retrieval errors evaluated with AERONET measurements. We analyzed satellite and AERONET data of 2021 to calculate bias and retrieval error. AOD fusion algorithm was applied to the individual AOD products in 2022, and validation result showed that individual error characteristics were much improved by statistical aerosol fusion.

Hypothetical RGB Bands Generation of Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer Using Data-to-data Translation

Han-Sol RYU1+, Jeong-Eun PARK1, Jaehoon JEONG2, Goo KIM2, Sungwook HONG1#
1Sejong University, 2National Institute of Environmental Research

Recently, air pollution has been worsening globally and, in particular, more severe in Asia. South Korea launched and has been operating the first geostationary environmental satellite, Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (GK)-2B, to monitor the atmospheric environment since February 2020. The Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) onboard the GK-2B has spectral bands within 300~500nm from ultraviolet (UV) to visible (VIS) wavelength ranges specialized in observing micropollutants in the atmosphere. Like human eyes, the three red-green-blue (RGB) bands are helpful for monitoring and intuitively understanding the atmospheric environment, including the movement, diffusion, and extinction of clouds and aerosols. However, the GEMS cannot provide RGB true-color images because the GEMS has hyperspectral bands within only the blue band range. Notably, the central wavelength of the Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI) blue band corresponds to the GEMS blue band. Thus, this study presents a deep-learning-based method to simulate virtual radiances at the virtual GEMS RGB bands similar to the neighboring AMI sensor with the real RGB bands onboard the GK-2A satellite. We adopted the data-to-data translation method using the AMI three RGB bands as training and test datasets. This study used AMI data from 2020 to 2021 for model development and validation. The GEMS data during 2021 were used for model application as input data. As a result, the proposed model showed excellent results with a high correlation coefficient of over 0.95 in all AMI RGB bands, in addition to qualitative agreements between the observed AMI RGB and model-generated GEMS RGB data. This study can significantly contribute forecasters to monitoring and intuitively understanding the atmospheric environment in Asia.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR323
AS18 - The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones

Session Chair(s): Kosuke ITO, Kyoto University, Yi-Hsuan HUANG, National Taiwan University

Tropical Cyclone Motion Under Global Warming –Track Cluster Analysis

Yi-Hsuan HUANG1+, Yi-Chen LI1, Chun-Chieh WU1#, Huang-Hsiung HSU2, Hsin-Chien LIANG2
1National Taiwan University, 2Academia Sinica

Tropical cyclone (TC) motion determines areas affected by the TC, and has a consequential effect on the severity of TC impacts. This is because TC motion modulates TC characteristics by exposing it to environments that regulate the subsequent TC behaviors, including TC intensity and structure. In the existing literatures, the impact of global warming on TC translation speed (TCTS) has mixed signals and receives different opinions. Studies have shown that the change in TC frequency by latitudes, in addition to TC’s steering flow, influences the mean TCTS. Analysis of historical observation data indicated that multi-decadal variability can substantially contribute to slow down the mean TCTS. In this study, TC motion is assessed through the track-cluster analysis of four ensemble projections from the High-Resolution Atmospheric Model during a historical period and late 21st century under RCP 8.5 scenario at 25-km resolution. The two analysis periods share the same year-to-year variability of sea surface temperatures. Changes identified herein are solely attributed to the global warming trend. The impact of varying interannual variabilities under global warming on TC activity is beyond the scope of this study. For TCs in the western North Pacific, this study presents results of six clusters, stratified by TC genesis zones and moving patterns. The analysis better allows exploration of the intra-cluster environmental favorability for TC formation and TC steering flow pattern(s). In a warmer future, most of the projected results (19 of 24 outcomes, composed of the analysis of six clusters and projections under four SST warming patterns) show faster intra-cluster mean TCTS, but only four out of these 19 incidents report a statistically meaningful increase (0.4 – 0.75 m s-1). The analysis suggests a faster TC-moving trend under global warming, however, with limited statistical significance. The meeting presentation will include discussions on relevant physical causes.

Quantifying the Contribution of Track Changes to Interannual Variations of North Atlantic Intense Hurricanes

Liguang WU#+
Fudan University

Previous studies have linked interannual variability of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity in the North Atlantic basin (NA) to Sahelian rainfall, vertical shear of the environmental flow, and relative sea surface temperature (SST). In this study, the contribution of TC track changes to the interannual variations of intense hurricane activity in the North Atlantic basin is assessed through numerical experiments. It is found that that observed interannual variations of the frequency of intense hurricanes during the period 1958–2017 are dynamically in agreement with changes in the large-scale ocean/atmosphere environment. Track changes can account for ~50% of the interannual variability of intense hurricanes, while there is no significant difference in individual environmental parameters between active and inactive years. The only significant difference between active and inactive years is in the duration of TC intensification in the region east of 60°W. The duration increase is not accounted for by the slow-down of TC translation. In active years, a southeastward shift of the formation location in the region east of 60°W leads TCs to take a westward prevailing track, which allows TCs to have a longer opportunity for intensification. On the other hand, most TCs in inactive years take a recurving track, decreasing the duration of intensification. This study suggests that the influence of track changes should be considered to understand the basin-wide intensity changes in the North Atlantic basin on the interannual time scale.

Influence of Synoptic-Scale Waves on the Interdecadal Change of Tropical Cyclone Activity Over the Northwestern Pacific in the Early-2010s

Jingliang HUANGFU#+, Yulian TANG, Ronghui HUANG
Chinese Academy of Sciences

This study investigated the interdecadal change of tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the Northwestern Pacific (NWP) in the early-2010s. On the western boundary of the NWP, the interdecadal change of TC activity exhibited a meridional tripole pattern. In contrast to depressed activity over the northern South China Sea (SCS) and Taiwan, TC activity became active over the southern SCS and to the north of Shanghai after the early-2010s. This study focus on the northern NWP, in the recent decade, frequent TC occurrence has brought devastating disasters to East China, Korea and Japan. This work examined the influence of SSWs on the interdecadal change in TC activity. During the 2011–2021 period, SSWs tended to propagate northward, which lead to more TC tracks turning to affect the northern NWP and the surrounding countries. In contrast, the westward-propagating SSWs before the early-2010s were more likely to favor westward moving TCs.

Three-dimensional Fujiwhara Effect in the Western North Pacific

Kosuke ITO1#+, Soichiro HIRANO2, Jaedeok LEE3, Johnny CHAN4,5
1Kyoto University, 2University of the Ryukyus, 3Kongju National University, 4Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 5City University of Hong Kong

Recent idealized simulations have shown that a system of binary tropical cyclones (TCs) induces vertical wind shear (VWS) in each TC, which can subsequently modify the tracks of these TCs through asymmetric diabatic heating. This study investigates these three-dimensional effects in the western North Pacific using the best track and ERA5 reanalysis data. The TC motion was found to deviate systematically from the steering flow. The direction of deviation is clockwise and repelling with respect to the midpoint of the binary TCs with a separation distance of more than 1000 km. The large-scale upper-level anticyclonic and lower-level cyclonic circulations serve as the VWS for each TC in a manner consistent with the idealized simulations. The VWS of a TC tends to be directed to the rear-left quadrant from the direction of the counterpart TC, where the maxima of rainfall and diabatic heating are observed. The potential vorticity budget analysis shows that the actual TC motion is modulated by the diabatic heating asymmetry that offsets the counterclockwise and approaching motion owing to horizontal advection when the separation distance of the binary TCs is 1000–2000 km. With a small separation distance (<1000 km), horizontal advection becomes significant, but the impact of diabatic heating asymmetry is not negligible. The above-mentioned features are robust, while there are some dependencies on the TC intensities, size, circulation, duration, and geographical location. This research sheds light on the motion of binary TCs from the three-dimensional perspective that has not been previously explained by a two-dimensional barotropic framework.

Detection of Typhoons with Complex Tracks Using Their Steering Angles

Kyoko TAMURA#+, Tsubasa KOHYAMA
Ochanomizu University

Forecasting typhoon tracks is important from the viewpoint of disaster prevention, because the damage area of a typhoon depends greatly on the typhoon track. Although the accuracy of typhoon track forecast is improving year by year on average, it is often difficult to forecast typhoons with complex track patterns (hereafter “stray typhoons”). It may be possible to improve forecast accuracy for stray typhoons by identifying the conditions that cause their complex movements and understanding their effect on typhoon tracks. However, there is no established quantitative definition of a stray typhoon, making statistical analysis difficult. In this study, we aim to quantitatively define and extract stray typhoons to statistically analyze the environmental conditions required for stray typhoons to exist. To extract stray typhoons, a numerical value called steering angle is introduced. Steering angle represents how much the steering wheel is turned from the perspective of the “driver” of a typhoon. When the typhoon passes through coordinates P(n), P(n+1), and P(n+2) every 6 hours, the steering angle is defined as the angle changed from path P(n) → P(n+1) to path P(n+1) → (n+2). Next, we extract stray typhoons using this steering angle based on observations. We identify 31 stray typhoons, whose absolute value of the steering angle is in the top 1%, the maximum wind speed exceeds 25 m/s, and the velocity of movement exceeds 5 kt. We will also discuss the usage of these indices to determine the large-scale field preferable for the existence of stray typhoons.

The Slowdown Tends to Be Greater for Stronger Tropical Cyclones

Yuan SUN#+, Wei ZHONG, Yao YAO, Hongrang HE
National University of Defense Technology

Understanding the impact of climate change on tropical cyclones (TCs) has become a hot topic. The slowdown of TC translation speed contributes greatly to the locally accumulated TC damage. While the recent observational evidence shows that TC translation speed has decreased globally by 10% since the mid-twentieth century, the robustness of the trend is questioned by other studies as effects of changes in observational capability can strongly affect the global trend. Moreover, none of the published studies considered dependence of TC slowdown on TC intensity. This is the caveat of these analyses as the effect of TC slowdown is closely related to TC intensity. Here, we investigate the relationship between TC translation speed trend and TC intensity, and reveal possible reasons for the trend. We show that the global slowing trend without weak TC moments (≤ 17 m s-1) is about double of that with weak TC moments in a recent study. This is because the slowing trend is dominated by strong TCs’ trend. Stronger (weaker) TCs tend to be controlled more by upper-level (lower-level) steering flow, and the calculated trend of upper-level steering flow is much larger than that of lower-level steering flow. This may be an important reason for the large difference between the slowing trend without weak TC moments and that with weak TC moments. Furthermore, the changes of TC tracks (including inter-basin trend and latitudinal shift), which are partly attributed to data inhomogeneity, make a much larger contribution to the slowing trend, compared with the weakening of tropical circulation, which is related to anthropogenic warming.

Multidecadal Variability of Tropical Cyclone Translation Speed Over the Western North Pacific

Yi-Peng GUO#+
Nanjing University

Tropical cyclone (TC) translation speed (TCS) is closely related to TC disasters. Recently, the long-term changes in TCS are extensively studied. To date, however, little is known about the multidecadal variability of TCS over the western North Pacific (WNP). By using multiple observational and reanalysis datasets, this study investigated the multidecadal variability of the WNP TCS and the underlying physical mechanisms. The results show that the mean TCS over the WNP presents robust multidecadal variability during the past seven decades. The multidecadal variability of the basin mean TCS is dominated by the TCS over the extratropics. Further analysis shows that the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) is mainly responsible for the WNP TCS multidecadal variability. For the tropical mean TCS, AMO induced steering flow anomalies are responsible for the TCS multidecadal variability. In contrast, for the extratropics, AMO positive (negative) phases lead to favorable (unfavorable) large-scale environmental conditions for maintaining TCs, which results in longer (shorter) action time of the mid-latitude steering flow on TCs and leads to higher (lower) TCS. The shift from negative to positive phases of the TCS anomalies during the recent three decades strongly offsets the long-term slowdown trend of TCS, leading to the inconsistent TCS trends before and after the 1980s. Our results help to complete the physical picture for how TCS responds to internal and external forcings, and also provide new evidence for the recent controversial slowdown of TCS.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR332
AS45 - Interaction of Atmospheric Composition and the Asian Monsoon

Session Chair(s): Mian CHIN, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Liya YU, National University of Singapore

The GOSAT-GW Satellite Mission: Potential Roles in the Asia-Oceania Region

Hiroshi TANIMOTO1#+, Tsuneo MATSUNAGA1, Takafumi SUGITA1, Hisashi YASHIRO1, Isamu MORINO1, Makoto SAITO1, Hirofumi OHYAMA1, Satoshi INOMATA1, Kohei IKEDA1, Yu SOMEYA1, Tamaki FUJINAWA1, Yukio YOSHIDA1, Yosuke YAMASHITA1, Astrid MUELLER1, Matthias FREY1, Hyunkwang LIM1, Hao XU1, Tazu SAEKI1, Nobuko SAIGUSA1, Yugo KANAYA2, Takashi SEKIYA2, Prabir K. PATRA2,3, Masayuki TAKIGAWA2, Masahiro YAMAGUCHI2, Jagat S. H. BISHT2, Yasuko KASAI4, Tomohiro SATO5, Ayano NAKAMURA5
1National Institute for Environmental Studies, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3Tohoku University, 4Tokyo Institute of Technology, 5National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Complementing the bottom-up methods, the emissions inventories of greenhouse gases (GHGs) can be derived using atmospheric inverse models, providing integrated constraints on surface fluxes from all sectors/processes. For these models a variety of observations are used, including those from ground-based, ship, aircraft and satellite platforms. In particular, recent improvements in the capability of satellite observations of atmospheric composition are providing great advances on spatial resolutions. Among several plans to launch GHG and air quality (AQ) observing satellites in near future, a plan is in progress in Japan to launch the “Global Observing SATellite for Greenhouse gases and Water cycle (GOSAT-GW)”, that will make observations of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at a horizontal resolution of 3 km or less. The missions of GOSAT-GW include (1) monitoring of whole atmosphere-mean concentrations of GHGs, (2) validation of nationwide anthropogenic emissions of GHGs, and (3) detection of GHGs emissions from large sources, such as megacities and power plants. We will provide an overview of the mission/project and some highlights on the potential role in the Asia-Oceania region, in particular, how we can support the mitigation policies on climate change as well as air quality at both international and national levels.

Using a Ground-based Spectrometer, Satellite Data, and Atmospheric Model to Understand Biases in Southeast Asia Air Quality

Fernando SANTOS1#+, Santo V. SALINAS1, Li TAN1, Peng YUAN SNG1, Efthymia PAVLIDOU2, K. Emma KNOWLAND3
1National University of Singapore, 2Meteorological Service Singapore, 3Universities Space Research Association

Global emissions from industrial and transport activity, in addition to land change for intensive agriculture, have continuously increased since the pre-industrial era, driven mainly by economic and population growth. Such activity has generated immediate and long-term impacts on the local and regional atmospheric environments, especially on air quality in Southeast Asia (SEA). For instance, over Singapore, air pollution levels are strongly affected by atmospheric circulation, and Its variability is controlled by meteorological conditions and large-scale circulation patterns, including monsoon dynamics and the occurrence of biomass burning over the SEA. Therefore, accurate daily observations of NO2 and O3 made from satellites (OMPS, OMI, and TROPOMI) are critical to our ability to quantify and understand the local and regional air quality environment, particularly from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS); the first instrument in the geostationary constellation (GEMS, TEMPO, and Sentinel-4) to produce hourly dataset measurements. Nevertheless, the SEA is especially challenging for satellite observations since: the sensitivity of retrievals at near-surface levels can be reduced in environments with a high degree of cloud cover, heavy particle pollution, changes in the O3 profile within the boundary layer, viewing geometry angle, biomass burning and stratospheric intrusion events. To better understand and reduce the biases between ground-based (Pandora spectrometer) and gridded (satellite and atmospheric models) trace gas datasets, we performed an exploratory data analysis using preliminary NO2 and O3 products from the Pandora spectrophotometer, GEMS instrument, and GEOS-CF numerical model. The analysis will focus on: (a) Identifying NO2 and O3 diurnal spatiotemporal biases using remote sensing data, (b) characterizing meteorological patterns at SEA, and (c) evaluating uncertainties in air quality numerical models. The outcomes of this study will significantly reduce uncertainties of NO2 and O3 algorithm retrievals from GEMS.

Trend and Sources of Atmospheric Fine Particulate Matter in Recent Years in China

Mei ZHENG#+, Xiaomeng LIU, Yaxin XIANG, Yue LIU, Tianle ZHANG
Peking University

Atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in many megacities in Asia have been of great concern due to high emission intensity and frequent pollution episodes. In recent years, a few database of PM2.5 concentration and its composition have been developed, such as Tracking Air Pollution in China (TAP), China High Air Pollutants (CHAP), and High-resolution Air Quality Reanalysis Dataset over China (CAQRA-aerosol). Based on these database, the concentration of PM2.5 and its main chemical components (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, organic carbon, and black carbon) in China have shown a decreasing trend, but the rates vary by species and regions. In this study, concentrations of chemical species from these database are compared with the monitoring data at an urban site in Beijing during 2016-2019.Besides the trend analysis, sources of PM2.5 were investigated based on online measurements and receptor model in Beijing. With high-resolution (1h) measurement of multiple components of PM2.5 in Beijing from 2016 to 2019, positive matrix factorization was applied to quantify the contribution of different sources to PM2.5 to examine what sources contributed to the decrease of PM2.5 concentration. Our results showed that the decrease of coal combustion to PM2.5 was the most significant one for primary sources, from 9.85 μg/m3 in 2016 to 1.57 μg/m3 in 2019. Although all contributing sources of PM2.5 exhibited a decreasing trend, the relative importance of secondary source increased significantly (from 37% in 2016 to 46% in 2019). During the past decade, many studies about air quality have been conducted in China, with abundant and valuable data available. An on-going project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China aims to compile all air quality related data into a database. In this presentation, this project, to be completed by the end of 2023, will be also briefly introduced.

Aerosol Compositions in Three Urban Areas in Taiwan During 2016-2021

Shih-Chun Candice LUNG1#+, Tzu-Yao Julia WEN1, Chia-Wei LEE2, Li-Te CHANG3
1Academia Sinica, 2National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, 3Feng Chia University

The objective of this study is to assess the spatiotemporal variability of the important compositions and organic markers in three urban areas in Taiwan during 2016-2021. Hi-Vol sampling of PM2.5 for 7-10 days in summer and winter has been conducted in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, the three largest cities in Taiwan. After pre-treatments, filters were analyzed for important compositions and organic markers. Ionic species, sugars, and sugar alcohols were analyzed by Dionex ICS3000 and Thermo ICS5000. Elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) were analyzed by a Semi-Continuous OC-EC Field Analyzer. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) was analyzed by Total Organic Carbon Analyzer. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nitro-PAHs, and important organic markers for cooking, biomass burning, biogenic emission, and secondary organic aerosols were analyzed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC, Sciex/Shimadzu) and a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (MS/MS, Sciex, API5500 Plus). UPLC-MS/MS methods were optimized for the best performance. It was found that PM2.5 were 13.5 ± 5.7, 17.3 ± 7.0, and 26.0 ± 8.0 µg/m3 in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, respectively, during 2016-2021. Ionic species accounted for 48% on average in all three cities, with 6.3 ± 3.7, 8.6 ± 5.0, and 12.9 ± 6.0 µg/m3, respectively. OC accounted for 20-23%, with 2.3 ± 1.2, 3.5 ± 1.1, and 4.2 ± 1.1 µg/m3, respectively. EC accounted for 5-7%, with 0.63 ± 0.34, 0.93 ± 0.42, and 1.31 ± 0.44 µg/m3, respectively. For biomass burning markers, levoglucosan were 11.7 ± 9.2, 35.4 ± 24.4, and 37.0 ± 21.5 ng/m3, and galactosan 16.6 ± 21.7, 4.9 ± 3.5, and 8.6 ± 7.1 ng/m3, respectively. The levoglucosan/OC values were higher in winter compared to those in summer. Source apportionment in different cities/seasons and the COVID-19 impacts will be discussed in the presentation.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR329
AS11 - Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fate, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Sri KOTA, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

AS11-A023 | Invited
Optimization of Protocol for Detection of Dicarboxylic Acids (DCAs) in Ambient Aerosol and its Analysis in Northeast Region of India Using GC-MS

Pratibha VISHWAKARMA+, Poonam NIGAM, Tarun GUPTA#
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Increasing levels of hygroscopic aerosols are one of the major reasons behind irregular rainfall and changed radiative forcing which plays a significant role in climate change. Dicarboxylic acids, which are known for their deliquescence and hygroscopic nature, can act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN), due to which rainfall patterns can be disturbed. Also, the importance of DCAs analysis can be linked to its ability to act as potential organic molecular markers for various anthropogenic and biogenic sources. Despite its significance, very few studies deal with the optimization of the protocol for qualitative and quantitative analysis of DCAs using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). In the present study, we have optimized the extraction of DCAs from aerosol samples collected on a quartz filter, by employing several organic solvents with differing relative polarities. Extraction efficiencies of organic solvents were evaluated at different temperatures and pressures using an advanced energized dispersive extractor (EDGE, CEM Corporation, USA). The high polarity and low levels of dicarboxylic acids demand a derivatization step prior to GC analysis to reduce the polarity of the compounds. BSTFA (N, O-bis-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide) + TMCS (trimethylchlorosilane) was chosen as the derivatizing reagent, and reaction conditions (temperature, amount of BSTFA, conc. of TMCS) were optimized to give maximum conversions. Separation of compounds was done on HP-5 column with Helium as the carrier gas. Protocol was finalized by selecting the operating parameters of GC-MS in selected Ion monitoring (SIM) mode that reduces the total run time while maintaining a good resolution of peaks. Aerosol samples from northeast region of India have been analyzed using proposed method and DCAs were detected. The average concentration of total DCAs was found 103.75 ng/m3 in the northeast region of India where Pimelic and Suberic acids were found dominant among all the DCAs.

Production and Loss of Atmospheric Formaldehyde at a Suburban Site of Shanghai in Summertime

Yizhen WU1, Juntao HUO2, Gan YANG1, Yuwei WANG1, Lihong WANG1, Shijian WU2, Lei YAO1, Qingyan FU2, Lin WANG1#+
1Fudan University, 2Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center

Formaldehyde (HCHO) is an important trace gas that affects the abundance of HO2 radicals and ozone, leads to complex photochemical processes, and yields a variety of secondary atmospheric pollutants. In a 2021 summer campaign at the Dianshan Lake (DSL) Air Quality Monitoring Supersite in a suburban area of Shanghai, China, we measured atmospheric HCHO by a commercial Aero-Laser formaldehyde monitor, methane, and a range of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs). Ambient HCHO showed a significant diurnal cycle with an average concentration of 2.2 ppbv. During the time period with the most intensive photochemistry (10:00-16:00 LT), secondary production of HCHO was estimated to account for approximately 69.6% according to a multi-linear regression method based on ambient measurements on HCHO, acetylene (C2H2), and ozone (O3). Average secondary HCHO production rate was estimated to be 0.73 ppbv h-1 during the whole campaign, with a dominant contribution from reactions between alkenes and OH radicals (66.3%), followed by OH radical-initiated reactions with alkanes and aromatics (together 19.0%), OH radical-initiated reactions with OVOCs (8.7%), and ozonolysis of alkenes (6.0%). An overall HCHO loss, including HCHO photolysis, reactions with OH radicals, and dry deposition, was estimated to be 0.49 ppbv h-1. Calculated net HCHO production rates were in relatively good agreements with the observed rates of HCHO concentration change throughout the sunny days, indicating that HCHO was approximately produced by oxidation of the 24 hydrocarbons we considered at the DSL site during the campaign, whereas calculated net HCHO production rates prevailed over the observed rates of HCHO concentration change in the morning/midday hours in the cloudy and rainy days, indicating a missing loss term, most likely due to HCHO wet deposition. Our results suggest the important role of secondary pollution at the suburb of Shanghai, where alkenes are likely key precursors for HCHO.

The Impacts of Marine-emitted Halogens on Atmospheric Oxidation in Guangdong-Hongkong-Macau Great Bay Area (GBA) of China During Summer

Ying LI1,2#+, Shidong FAN1
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory

A better understanding of marine halogen emission on atmospheric oxidation is crucial for air chemistry and environment of GBA. The OH radical and O3 are the two key species to indicate the atmospheric oxidation in atmospheric chemistry. In the marine atmosphere, OH levels could be significantly affected by the halogen species emitted from the ocean. However, due to the complicated interactions of halogens with OH through different pathways, it is not well understood how halogens influence OH and even what the sign of the net effect is. In addition, whether oceanic emissions can affect the O3 level notably has not been fully understood. Therefore, in this study, we aim to quantify the impact of marine-emitted halogens (including Cl, Br, and I) through different pathways on OH and Ozone in the summer by using WRF-CMAQ model with process analysis and state-of-the-art halogen chemistry in GBA. Results show that the net change of POH is controlled by the competitions of three main pathways (OH from O3 photolysis, OH from HO2 conversion, and OH from HOX, X=Cl, Br, I) through different halogen species. Sea spray aerosols (SSA) and inorganic iodine gases are the major species to influence the strengths of these three pathways and therefore have the most significant impacts on POH. In terms of O3, we found an unexpected hourly and MDA8 O3 increase on polluted days, because the activation of particulate chloride (Cl) in sea salt aerosol (SSA) is effective due to the high level of dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) that is formed from the reactions of O3 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Our results show that marine-emitted halogen species have notable impacts over the ocean and potential impact on coastal atmospheric oxidation by species (SSA, inorganic iodine, and halocarbons), processes (chemistry, radiation, and deposition) and main pathways.

Nocturnal Nitrogen Chemistry is Gaining Increasing Importance in Haze Formation

Chao YAN1#+, Yee Jun THAM2, Wei NIE1
1Nanjing University, 2Sun Yat-sen University

The largest fraction of PM2.5 in China during severe haze is composed of nitrate, which has led to strict control of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions believed to be an effective measure to combat air pollution. However, this notion was challenged by the persistent severe haze pollution observed during the COVID-19 lockdown, when NOx levels decreased significantly. This study provides direct field evidence that reduced nitrogen oxides (NO) during the shutdown activated nighttime nitrogen chemistry, driving severe haze formation. Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) heterogeneous reactions dominate particulate nitrate (pNO3-) formation during severe pollution, explaining the higher-than-normal pNO3- fraction in PM2.5 despite substantial NOx reductions. Nocturnal nitrogen chemistry during the lockdown period was completely different from normal conditions in Beijing, but it may vividly depict future scenarios if NOx emissions are strictly controlled without simultaneous control of O3. Therefore, our results suggest that nocturnal nitrogen chemistry is becoming increasingly important in urban and suburban areas worldwide. More attention needs to be paid to the complex influence of NO, NO2, VOC, and O3 on nighttime chemistry when formulating future emission control strategies.

Photo-oxidation Pathway as a Potential CS2 Sink in the Atmosphere

Yuanzhe LI1#+, Kazuki KAMEZAKI2, Sebastian DANIELACHE1
1Sophia University, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

CS2 is the main precursor of COS in the atmosphere, with about 30-75% coming from CS2 oxidation. The highly regional distribution and fast vertical concentration attenuation characteristics indicate CS2 has strong surface removal pathways. Current understanding suggests CS2 converts to COS through OH oxidation while the photochemistry pathway is neglected in previous model studies. Nevertheless, the CS2 photo-excitation reaction, which is the initial reaction of the photo-oxidation pathway, has sufficient absorption cross-section in the band range 280-380 nm, implying that the photo-oxidation pathway may also play an active role even at the surface. In this study, we constructed a 1D model of the revised CS2 reaction network with the addition of the photo-oxidation pathway and extended it to a sulfur cycle. The daytime-weighted zenith angle and solar constant are applied to counteract the spatial-temporal variation and simulate the global average solar radiation. All sulfides concentration in the model reproduced the field measurements or other model estimations. The sulfur budget of the sulfur cycle is determined and the addition of the new pathway has a relatively minor change (1.5%) on the product ratio between COS and SO2. However, the flux analysis reveals the photo-oxidation pathway and the OH-oxidation pathway contain near-magnitude sulfur fluxes in the CS2 reaction network and that 15.8% of sulfur flux passes through the photo-oxidation pathway under global average solar irradiance condition. This proportion ranges from 8.1% to 18% depending on the local solar radiation intensity, demonstrating that the photo-oxidation pathway could be a sink for CS2 in the atmosphere.

Evaluation of Key Factors Influencing Urban Ozone Pollution in the Pearl River Delta and its Atmospheric Implications

Xiaoyu LIN1#+, Ling-Yan HE2, Shiyong XIA2, Yao LUO2, Hengxiao HAN2
1Peking University, 2Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

In recent years, the concentration of ozone (O3) in typical urban agglomerations in China has generally increased. This study carries out a three-year observation in the active photochemical reaction period (August-November) in Shenzhen, a megacity in the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Our study selects the photolysis reaction rate constant of NO2 (j[NO2]) and O3 (j[O1D]) as representative factor of photolysis rate. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) is first applied to identify the major factors influencing daily maximum 8-h average O3 (MDA8-O3) concentration. Then, the MDA8-O3 concentration fitting equation is established by a stepwise multiple linear regression (MLR). In result, sensitivity test based on the fitting equation shows that temperature (+35.8%), photolysis rate of j[NO2] (+11.1%), relative humidity (-10.4%) and photolysis rate of j[O1D] (-9.5%) have more effect on the concentration of MDA8-O3 with per factor perturbation (25% change), while increments of △CO (6.9%) and NO2 (2.7%) have less effect. The insignificant effect produced by NO2 suggests that Shenzhen is in a transition regime for the O3-VOC-NOx sensitivity and thus the reduction of both VOC and NOx will be effective for O3 control. In addition, it is found that PM2.5 promoted O3 formation by scattering light with wavelength dependence to increase △P (5.87×103j[NO2]-2.17×106j[O1D], indicating the net effect on flux of actinic radiation), which provides a new explanation for the synergistic formation of PM2.5 and O3 usually observed in the PRD region. Finally, the method establishes here is based on parameters easily available (e.g., without VOC) and can be widely applied in other regions. The results of this study will help better understand the current ozone formation mechanisms in Shenzhen and promote forecasting ozone pollution more accurately in PRD and similar regions.

AS11-A061 | Invited
Preparation of Gridded Emission Inventory for Particulate Matter Using Ground-based Activity Data and its comparison with the Other Emission Inventories: A Study of Seven Non-attainment Cities of an Urban Airshed, Punjab India

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

The first step towards reducing the particulate matter (PM) load is its quantification scientifically, thereby highlighting the importance of source apportionment. Of the various ways, the emission inventory developed using the ground-based activity data is highly accurate. Developing such emission inventories is challenging because it takes a lot of resources and time. In this study, we focus on developing a gridded emission inventory for PM10 and PM2.5 at 300m × 300m resolution using ground-based activity data for the seven non-attainment cities (Jalandhar, Patiala, Mandi Gobindgarh, Khanna, Naya Nangal, Dera Bassi, and Dera Baba Nanak) of Punjab, a state in India. Further, a comparison with other databases (two global and one regional) EDGARv5, ECLIPSEv6b, and SMoGv1 emission inventories has been performed to highlight the inconsistencies or gaps that have not been accounted for in the other databases. It is observed that out of the seven cities, Jalandhar was the highest contributor to the total PM10 and PM2.5 emissions which is estimated to be 9307 and 4296 tons/year respectively whereas Dera Baba Nanak was the least contributor with total PM10 and PM2.5 emissions of 136 and 92 tons/year respectively. The primary contributing sources are mainly vehicular, road dust, and industrial emissions for all the cities. The inferences of the study will help the policy-makers to make better-informed decisions on reducing emissions and protecting public health.

Spatiotemporal Variation and Inter-transport of Atmospheric Speciated Mercury Between Harbor and Urban Areas: A Case Study of Kaohsiung, Taiwan

I-Chieh TU#+, Chung-Shin YUAN
National Sun Yat-sen University

This study investigated the inte-transport of atmospheric speciated mercury (ASM) between harbor and urban areas in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM), and particle-bound mercury (PBM) were sampled at four selected sites in harbor and urban areas in four seasons. The spatiotemporal variation, transport routs, and potential sources of ASM were further resolved. Field measurement results indicated that the seasonal average concentration of ASM was ordered as: winter>fall>spring>summer. The concentrations of GEM in harbor and urban areas were 7.36±2.14 and 6.07±1.70 ng/m3, those of GOM in harbor and urban areas were 360±258 and 286±198 pg/m3; and those of PBM in harbor and urban areas were 584±386 and 448±275 pg/m3, respectively. In addition, gas-solid partition of ASM indicated that GEM was the main species at four sites and GOM accounted for only 2.6-6.0% of total atmospheric mercury (TAM). We found that the urban area of Kaohsiung was frequently affected by mercury species emitted from the harbor area. Backward trajectories and wind roses showed that polluted air mainly came from the north in winter. Poor atmospheric dispersion conditions led to the accumulation of local and oversea pollutants and the increase of ASM concentrations. In spring, polluted air transported mainly from the northwest. It was presumed that they were attributed from ocean evaporation and ship exhausts. In summer, clean air transported mainly from industrial complex in the southeast.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Shoichiro KIDO, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Lakshmi Kumar T.V., SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Yina DIAO, Ocean University of China

Indian Ocean Dipole and Enso’s Mechanistic Importance in Modulating the Ensuing-summer Precipitation Over Eastern China

Fudan University

Eastern China was extremely wet in summer 2020, which is found to be related to the potential delayed effects of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Additional knowledge is warranted to improve our understanding of detailed mechanisms of such an effect. In this study, we compared physical processes associated with delayed effects of the IOD and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on summer precipitation. Partial correlation and composite analysis reveal that ENSO modulates precipitation mainly over the Yangtze River Valley, whereas IOD benefits precipitation farther north. Both IOD and ENSO can stimulate anticyclonic circulation over the western North Pacific (WNP) in the ensuing summer but with different spatial distributions related to the different sea surface temperature (SST) evolution processes. IOD is similarly followed by warming signals in the Indian Ocean, known as the “capacitor” effect, but the location is closer to Australia than that associated with ENSO. IOD also stimulates significant SST cooling anomalies over the equatorial Pacific during the ensuing summer, jointly contributing to the anomalous anticyclone over WNP. Numerical experiments confirm that combined effects of the Indian Ocean “capacitor” and equatorial Pacific cooling can generate an anomalous anticyclone with wider distribution in the meridional direction over WNP.

Limited Signatures of ENSO on Future Precipitation Over Asia

Thanh LE#+
Sejong University

There is uncertainty in the future connection between ENSO and regional precipitation. Here we assessed the causal effects of ENSO on precipitation over Asia in the 2015-2100 period, using data from Coupled Modeling Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models. Our results show that ENSO impacts on precipitation are mainly observed over parts of Southeast Asia and parts of central and western Asia, while these impacts are not significant over East Asia and South Asia.

Different Influences of Southeastern Indian Ocean and Western Indian Ocean SST Anomalies on Eastern China Rainfall During the Decaying Summer of 2015/16 Extreme El Niño

Jiepeng CHEN1#+, Jin-Yi YU2, Xin WANG1, Tao LIAN3
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2University of California, Irvine, 3Ministry of Natural Resources

Previous studies linked the increase of middle and low reaches of Yangtze River (MLRYR) rainfall to tropical Indian Ocean warming during extreme El Niño’s (e.g. 1982/83 and 1997/98 extreme El Niños) decaying summer. The present study finds the linkage to be different for the recent 2015/16 extreme El Niño’s decaying summer, during which the above-normal rainfall over MLRYR and northern China are respectively linked to southeastern Indian Ocean warming and western tropical Indian Ocean cooling in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). The southeastern Indian Ocean warming helps to maintain the El Niño-induced anomalous lower-level anticyclone over western north Pacific and southern China, which enhances moisture transport to increase rainfall over MLRYR. The western tropical Indian Ocean cooling first enhances the rainfall over the central-northern India through a regional atmospheric circulation, whose latent heating further excites a mid-latitude Asian teleconnection pattern (part of circumglobal teleconnection) that results in an above-normal rainfall over the northern China. The western tropical Indian Ocean cooling during the 2015/16 extreme El Niño is contributed by the increased upward latent heat flux (LHF) anomalies associated with enhanced surface wind speeds, opposite to the earlier two extreme El Niños.

Quantifying Characteristics of Intraseasonal Summer Rainfall in Thailand and Associated Moisture Transport During Active MJO and ENSO Warm Phase

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

Previous studies revealed that intraseasonal global climate variation is exerted by Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO); meanwhile its year-to-year variability is strongly controlled by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In Thailand, previous studies indicated that rainfall deficit in summer season is interannually significantly linked to variation of ENSO warm phase (aka, El Niño). However, a compound effect between the MJO and the El Niño on the regional rainfall has not yet been understood. In this study, we, therefore, aimed at quantifying aspects of 20-60-day summer rainfall variation in Thailand in association with active MJO and El Niño. Daily rainfall data covering 1979-2019 were collected from the Thai Meteorological Department, whereas MJO (Oceanic Niño Index; ONI) was provided by the Bureau of Meteorology (National Centers for Environmental Prediction). Additionally, ERA-5 reanalysis is used for considering large-scale moisture transport. The result shows that the combined effect between MJO and the warm episode on Thailand’s rainfall is spatially varying depending on different MJO phases by which the 20-60-day rainfall anomalies in upper Thailand are above (below) normal at MJO phases 3-4 (6-7). For southern Thailand, above normal rainfall is also profound at MJO phase 3-4, while below normal rainfall lasts slightly longer than in the upper sub-region (phases 5-7). The intraseasonal variation of rainfall in the upper Thailand is strongly associated with moisture transport from Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea, while moisture coming from easterly, and westerly is a major control of the rainfall anomalies in the South. Hence, this study provides a fundamental understanding and characteristics of the combined effect between the climate drivers on intraseasonal rainfall variation and is useful for further development of sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction in Thailand.

Interdecadal Variations of the Scandinavian Pattern

Bo PANG1#+, Adam SCAIFE2,3, Riyu LU1, Rongcai REN1, Xiaoxuan ZHAO1
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Met Office, 3University of Exeter

This study investigates the interdecadal variation of the Scandinavian (SCA) pattern and corresponding drivers during the boreal winter. It is found that the SCA pattern experiences a prominent regime shift from its negative to positive phase in the early 2000s based on several reanalyses. This interdecadal change contributes to an extensive cooling over Siberia after the early 2000s, revealing its importance for recent variation of climate over Eurasia. The outputs from 35 couple models within the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projection Phase 6 (CMIP6) are also analyzed. The results show that the interdecadal change of SCA is weak in response to external forcings but can be largely explained by internal variability associated with a change of precipitation over the tropical Atlantic. Further analysis indicates that the enhanced tropical convection induces poleward propagation of Rossby waves and further results in an intensification of geopotential height over the Scandinavian Peninsula during the transition to positive SCA phases. These findings imply a contribution of tropical forcing to the observed interdecadal strengthening of SCA around the early 2000s and offer an insight into the understanding of future climate change over the Eurasian continent.

Interdecadal Variation in Available Potential Energy of Stationary Eddies in the Midlatitude Northern Hemisphere in Response to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation

Marco Yu Ting LEUNG1#+, Dongxiao WANG1, Wen ZHOU2
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2Fudan University

This study investigates the variation in available potential energy of stationary eddies in the mid-troposphere over the midlatitude Northern Hemisphere (30˚ to 60˚N) from 1950 to 2021, based on the ERA5 reanalysis and its preliminary back extension. The variation is attributed mainly to change in the wavenumber-1 eddy. It is also noted that potential energy conversion from the zonal mean flow in early winter plays an important role in the 20-year variation. In addition, statistical analysis and numerical simulation of an ICTP model demonstrate that the potential energy conversion is controlled by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), which induces anomalous meridional temperature advection in the mid-troposphere over Northeast Asia.

Can Tibetan Plateau Snow Depth Influence the Interannual Association Between Tropical Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures and Rapidly Intensifying Typhoons?

Haikun ZHAO#+
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

This study finds that the observed decrease in winter-spring Tibetan Plateau snow depth since 2000 has played an important role in weakening the correlation between rapidly-intensifying tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Tibetan Plateau snow depth modulates convective activity through changes in the South Asian High. Increased Tibetan Plateau snow depth promotes basin-wide tropical Indian Ocean cooling in spring through a Gill-type response. In the following seasons, downward latent heat flux anomalies associated with a weaker monsoon circulation contributes to warm SST anomalies over the western tropical Indian Ocean, thus favoring a positive phase of the Indian Ocean Dipole. This evolution of tropical Indian Ocean SST associated with anomalously high Tibetan Plateau snow depth potentially weakens the relationship between rapidly-intensifying tropical cyclone frequency and spring tropical Indian Ocean SST. When the effect of Tibetan Plateau snow depth is removed via partial correlation analysis, we find a significant relationship between spring tropical Indian Ocean SST and rapidly-intensifying tropical cyclones as well as corresponding large-scale environmental factors. The results of this study enhance understanding of changes in tropical cyclone intensity and have implications for seasonal forecasting of tropical cyclone intensity over the western North Pacific basin. This study also emphasizes the importance of Tibetan Plateau thermal forcing in atmosphere-ocean coupling.

Tue-01 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR328
AS24 - Machine Learning applications in the field of atmospheric pollution

Session Chair(s): Siwei LI, Wuhan University, Jie YANG, Wuhan University

Global Hourly and Daily PM2.5 Estimations: A Data Fusion Approach

Pawan GUPTA1#+, Alqamah SAYEED2, Robert LEVY1, Sundar CHRISTOPHER3
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2Universities Space Research Association, 3The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Air quality has become a pressing public health issue globally due to increased urbanization and industrialization over the past several decades. One of the major contributors to poor air quality in urban areas is particulate matter (PM or aerosols). PM2.5, with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm, can cause respiratory and lung diseases and even premature death. It also plays a crucial role in atmospheric processes and is linked to climate change. Environmental agencies monitor and regulate particulate emissions by measuring PM2.5 concentrations on a hourly and daily basis. However, limited ground monitors are available, and recent advancements in satellite remote sensing and global numerical models offer the possibility of filling in measurement gaps. In this study, we plan to implement machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) methods to estimate surface PM2.5 at hourly and daily scales globally. We will combine data from ground networks, satellite platforms, and model outputs to develop an ML/DL algorithm that produces high-quality records over 22-years. Our initial analysis used one year of data and employed random forest and deep neural network algorithms. The results showed a mean bias close to zero, with a slope of 1.02 and an RMSE of 6.4 μgm-3 globally. This study will present an analysis based on three years of data, and we will also test more advanced ML/DL algorithms (including CNN) to determine the best way to estimate PM2.5 at hourly and daily scales.

Promoting the Estimation of Surface Ozone Concentration by Combining Machine Learning and Photochemistry

Ge SONG+, Siwei LI#
Wuhan University

In recent years, surface ozone has observed an ascending trend in China despite of tremendous effort in reduction of emission, thus monitoring the surface ozone concentration with high accuracy and wide coverage is highly demanded. Previous studies have indicated that satellite observations can be used to retrieval the surface ozone estimation. However, the accuracy of the model estimations have not met the requirement to evaluate the spatial and temporal variations. This study proposes a machine-learning based model combining photochemical mechanisms of surface ozone aiming to better depict the patterns of surface ozone concentrations. Particularly, the incorporation of photochemical features including surface ultraviolet irradiance and nitrogen dioxide, which are among the feasible indicators and precursors of surface ozone formation, significantly enhances the model accuracy of surface ozone estimation. The proposed model achieves high accuracy (R2=0.853 and RMSE =17.09 μg/m3) with spatial continuity. Moreover, the model have overcome the critical challenges of the current model applications by promoting the effect of surface ozone estimation in regions with sparse distribution of surface monitoring sites.

AS24-A018 | Invited
Development of a Multi-scale Modeling Framework for Urban High-resolution NO2 Pollution Mapping

Huan LIU#+
Tsinghua University

Vehicle emissions have become a major source of air pollution in urban areas, especially for near-road environments, where the pollution characteristics are difficult to capture by a single-scale air quality model due to the complex composition of the underlying surface. This study promoted the capability of the emissions calculation and the air quality simulation to fine scales such as urban areas and street canyons. We developed a multi-scale coupling model (CMAQ-RLINE_URBAN) based on a street canyon flow scheme using Computational Fluid Dynamic and two machine learning methods. To estimate the influence of various street canyons on the dispersion of air pollutants, a machine-learning-based street canyon flow (MLSCF) scheme was established. It enables quantitative analysis on the effects of vehicle emissions on urban roadside NO2 concentrations at a high spatial resolution of 50m_50 m. The results indicated that compared with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, the hybrid model improved the underestimation of NO2 concentration at near-road sites with the mean bias (MB) changing from -10 to 6.3 μgm􀀀3. The MLSCF scheme obviously increased upwind concentrations within deep street canyons due to changes in the wind environment caused by the vortex. In summer, the relative contribution of vehicles to NO2 concentrations in Beijing urban areas was 39% on average, similar to results from the CMAQ-ISAM (Integrated Source Apportionment Method) model, but it increased significantly with the decreased distance to the road centerline, especially on urban freeways, where it reached 75%.

How Important the Wetlands are in Curbing the PM2.5 Level; Simulation Results from Indian Cities

Prasenjit ACHARYA1#+, Bijoy Krishna GAYEN1, Dipanwita DUTTA1, S. SREEKESH2, U.C. KULSHRESTHA2, Nachiketa ACHARYA3,4
1Vidyasagar University, 2Jawaharlal Nehru University, 3University of Colorado Boulder, 4NOAA Physical Sciences Laboratory

The moisture in the air is vital for reducing the PM2.5 concentration. We performed simulations using the random forest regression model to account for the effect of wetlands in lowering the PM2.5 level over some of the selected Indian cities in the north Indian plain which are known to be some of the most highly polluted cities in the world. The meteorological factors, such as 2 m air temperature, surface pressure, AOD, relative humidity, wind speed, boundary layer height, vertical airflow, and precipitation, in combination with surface greenness feature, i.e., NDVI, and proximity to wetlands were considered as potential covariates to model the PM2.5. The simulations, at an annual scale, suggest wetland proximity is more important than precipitation, surface pressure and wind speed, and even relative humidity. However, we found variability of the influence of wetland’s proximity at the seasonal scale, with the highest influence noted in the pre-monsoon season when thermal conditions are high as well as in the winter season when vapor pressure remains lower. We also found that above a PM level of 300 µg m-3, the explanation of the regression model reduces to 57% (R2 = 0.57), including an RMSE and MAE of 42.83 µg m-3 and 29.45 µg m-3, respectively. However, below 300 µg m-3, the explanation increases to more than 60% (R2 = 0.61), with an RMSE and MAE of 34.96 µg m-3 and 25.84 µg m-3. The modeling suggested a differential rate of increment around the wetlands. It follows a limited area influence (~ 3 km) within which the PM2.5 remains low. The findings, indeed, suggest that restoration of wetlands within and surrounding the cities could be one of the effective nature-based solutions to curb the PM2.5 level while putting other pollution regulatory measures in place.

Elucidate the Impacts of Meteorology and Emission Changes on Concentrations of Major Air Pollutants in Major Cities in the Yangtze River Delta Region Using a Machine Learning De-weather Method

Wenxing FU+, Jianlin HU#
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

Since the implementation of various air pollution control policies, the concentrations of major air pollutants in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region have changed significantly, but the contributions of emissions and meteorological factors are unclear. Therefore, it is essential to decouple the effects of meteorology and emissions changes to air quality. This study applied a de-weather method based on machine learning technique to quantify the contribution of meteorology and emission changes to air quality from 2015 to 2021 in four cities in the YRD region. The results show that the significant reductions in PM2.5, NO2, and SO2 emissions (57.2%-68.2%,80.7%-94.6%,81.6%-96.1%) offset the adverse effects of meteorological conditions, resulting in lower pollutant concentrations. The meteorological contribution of maximum daily 8-h average O3 (MDA8_O3) shows a stronger effect than others (23.5%-42.1%) , and meteorological factors promote the increase of MDA8_O3 concentrations (4.7%) but emission changes overall result a decrease of MDA8_O3 concentrations (−3.2%) in the four cities on average. NO2 and MDA8_O3 decreases more rapidly from 2019 to 2021, mainly because the emissions play a stronger role to reduce pollutant concentrations than 2015 to 2018. However, emissions changes have weaker reduction effects on PM2.5 and SO2 from 2019 to 2021 than 2015 to 2018. De-weather methods can effectively separate the effects of meteorology and emissions changes on pollutant trends, which helps to evaluate the real effects of emission control policies on pollutant concentrations.

Wed-02 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR327
AS16 - The Organization Processes of Atmospheric Moist Convection

Session Chair(s): Bolei YANG, Peking University

AS16-A002 | Invited
A Theory of Self-maintenance for the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Guosen CHEN1#+, Bin WANG2
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2University of Hawaii

The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) is a planetary-scale convective-coupled system that amplifies over the Indo-Pacific warm pool. How the MJO is amplified and maintained and why the MJO has planetary scale are the key issues for understanding the MJO dynamics. Using a theoretical model, this study shows that the boundary layer moisture convergence feedback (BLMCF) and the cloud-radiative feedback (CRF) are major sources for the amplification of MJO. The destabilizing effect of the BLMCF is augmented over the warm ocean due to higher background moisture content there, explaining why the MJO amplifies (decays) over the warm (cold) ocean. Moreover, it is found that only the BLMCF favors the growth of the MJO over planetary scales. Due to a small Coriolis force in tropics, theoretical studies of Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) often assume weak temperature gradient (WTG) balance, which neglects the temperature feedback (manifested in the temperature tendency). Using the scale analysis, this study further indicates that the rotation effect is strong at the MJO scales, so that the temperature feedback (TF) is as important as the moisture feedback (manifested in the moisture tendency) that is often considered to be critical for MJO. The TF is shown to be critical for the maintenance of MJO over the warm pool. This is because the TF could boost the energy generation for the system, favoring the self-maintenance of the MJO. With the interaction between BLMCF and TF, more moist available energy is generated on planetary scales, explaining the planetary-scale selection of the MJO.

Pressure Drag for Shallow Cumulus Clouds: From Thermals to the Cloud Ensemble

Jian-Feng GU1#+, Robert PLANT2, Chris HOLLOWAY2, Mark MUETZELFELDT2
1Nanjing University, 2University of Reading

Shallow cumulus clouds play a crucial role in the Earth's energy budget by vertically redistributing momentum, heat, and moisture from the surface to the free atmosphere, but they cannot be explicitly resolved in current numerical models. Recent studies suggest that these clouds are composed of sticky rising thermals whose vertical velocity is mainly controlled by the buoyancy source and the drag due to the pressure perturbation. However, little is known about how the pressure drag of thermals can be related to that of a large ensemble of clouds, which is the focus of convection parameterization in climate models. This study takes the first step to bridge the gap between the pressure drag of a shallow cloud ensemble and that of an individual cloud composed of rising thermals. It is found that the pressure drag for a cloud ensemble is primarily controlled by the dynamical component. The dominance of dynamical pressure drag and its increased magnitude with height are independent of cloud lifetime and are common features of individual clouds except that the total drag of a single cloud over life cycle presents vertical oscillations. These oscillations are associated with successive rising thermals but are further complicated by the evaporation-driven downdrafts outside the cloud. The horizontal vorticity associated with the vortical structure is amplified as the thermals rise to higher altitudes due to continuous baroclinic vorticity generation. This leads to the increased magnitude of local minima of dynamical pressure perturbation with height and consequently to increased dynamical pressure drag. These findings could provide useful insights for a reasonable representation of pressure drag for shallow cumulus clouds in the convection parameterization to improve weather forecast and climate projection.

Instabilities and Evolution of Radiative-convective Equilibrium

Bolei YANG1#+, Zhe-Min TAN2, Ji NIE1
1Peking University, 2Nanjing University

Radiative-convective equilibrium (RCE) is considered as the first approximation of the tropical atmosphere, which is often used as a fundamental framework to understanding climate change. With the same external forcing, numerical simulations indicate that RCE possesses multiple stable states. One is the ordinary RCE state with convection occurs randomly, and the other one is the state with bifurcation of dry and wet areas. In this study, we show that the ordinary RCE state could transfer to the other state through two phases. The first phase builds the secondary circulation and leads to the rapid intensification of dry areas, which is related to a fast and local instability revealed in previous studies. The second phase is a slow and global phase, during which dry areas expand and wet areas get wetter. A theoretical model is built to understand the mechanisms of the second phase. Based on this model, a new instability is proposed to explain the expansion of dry areas at the early period of the second phase. This work explains how two kinds of instabilities with different scales drives the ordinary RCE state to a new stable state, providing a novel pathway to understanding the evolution of RCE state and climate change in the real atmosphere.

Warming Climate Intensifies Mesoscale Convective Systems During the Record-breaking Rainfall Event in July 2021 in Henan Province, China

Zhongxi LIN1#+, Ji NIE1, Jun WANG2
1Peking University, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Mesoscale convective systems (MCS) merged and sustained in the record-breaking heavy rainfall event during 19-21 July 2021 in Henan Province, China. Whether warming climate enhances the intensity or area of MCS is crucial for understanding the changing risk of extreme rainfall events under global warming. Ensemble simulations based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) is adopted and the human-induced temperature and humidity changes in the initial and boundary condition is estimated by ‘pseudo global warming’ approach which compares ALL-forcing and NAT-forcing in global climate model. An MCS-tracking algorithm indicates that the total rainfall volume and maximum rainfall intensity in the MCS region both enhance by ~10%. The spatial area of developing MCSs are 10%~40% larger in a warmer condition, but developed MCSs are in same sizes or smaller. Probability distributions of extreme rainfall grids inside MCS (larger than 100 mm/h) increase up to 50% in warming climate, which greatly aggravate the threat of flood. Furthermore, vertical velocity is enhanced by 10% and the cloud top is raised by 0.5 km, while the snow and ice expand horizontally and upward near the top of MCSs. Thus, the flood risk managements should take the changes of MCSs characteristics due to warming climate into account in reply to the future threat of extreme rainfall event.

The Role of Diabatic Heating in the Transition from Mixed Rossby-gravity Waves to Tropical-depression-type Disturbances : A Case Study

Xianpu JI+, Tao FENG#
Hohai University

The transition from mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves to tropical depression (TD)-type disturbances is commonly observed over the western North Pacific (WNP). This study aims to understand the role of diabatic heating in the wave conversion process. Using the potential vorticity (PV) diagnostic equation, it is found that diabatic heating plays a crucial role in the growth of the wave through the release of latent heat from convection. In the MRG wave stage, it is affected by both advection of the background airflow and diabatic heating, while in the TD-type disturbance stage, it is mainly affected by diabatic heating. Further sensitivity numerical experiments suggest that both thermodynamic and dynamic processes are equally significant in the MRG-TD transition process, and that the process cannot be completed if either factor is absent. The key influences and pathways of diabatic heating on MRG-TD conversion are concluded, and the physical mechanisms affecting the wave conversion are supplemented.

On the Evolution of Tropopause Layer Cooling Over Tropical Cyclone

Kekuan CHU1#+, Jiayue YIN1, Zhe-Min TAN1, Jian-Feng GU1, Hao-Yan LIU2
1Nanjing University, 2Hohai University

Observations and numerical simulations show that there is typically a cold anomaly above the TC warm core. This cooling can work with the warm core to reduce the upper-tropospheric stability and affect the water vapor and momentum transport between the TC and the stratosphere. However, little is known about how the cold anomaly evolves during the life cycle of a TC and how it can be related to changes in TC intensity. This study examines the evolution of the cold anomaly throughout the lifetime of a TC with an idealized TC simulation. The cold anomaly emerges at the TC center before rapid intensification starts and continues to enhance during TC development. It moves radially and forms a cold ring around the TC until the mature stage. The advection, specifically the vertical mean motion, dominates the generation of the TLC, but the advection due to eddy motions is responsible for the cold anomaly near the center. Our findings demonstrate the importance of tropopause layer cooling on TC structure and intensity changes and indicate the necessity of additional observations of this cold anomaly to improve TC predictions.

Wed-02 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR329
AS41 - Atmospheric Composition and Cloud Observations from Next Generation of Satellites- Breaking the Temporal Barriers

Session Chair(s): Pawan GUPTA, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Robert LEVY, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ukkyo JEONG, Pukyong National University

A NASA GEO Imager Research Algorithm Dataset for Cloud Optical Properties, Part II: Evaluation Against NASA LEO Products

Kerry MEYER1#+, Steven PLATNICK1, Robert HOLZ2, Galina WIND3, Nandana AMARASINGHE3, Steve DUTCHER2, Andrew HEIDINGER4
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2University of Wisconsin, 3Science Systems and Applications, Inc., 4National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The advanced capabilities of the new generation of operational weather satellite imagers in low-Earth orbit (LEO; e.g., VIIRS) and geostationary (GEO; e.g., ABI, AHI, etc.), having spectral and spatial capabilities analogous to the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) MODIS, offer the opportunity to extend the high impact EOS MODIS dataset for clouds into the next decade and into the time domain. Such a merged, and consistent, LEO/GEO cloud product Program of Record (PoR) can enable enhanced climate and process studies by NASA investigators and the broader research community. In addition, this PoR is desired to provide critical synergy with the NASA Atmosphere Observing System (AOS), which is currently in formulation and is designed to address the Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation Designated Observables identified by the 2018 NASA Earth Science Decadal Survey. In a companion presentation (Platnick et al., also submitted to this session), we give an overview of a NASA research cloud optical property algorithm for the new GEO imagers that was developed to provide consistency with the NASA MODIS/VIIRS cloud continuity products CLDPROP. Here, we show results of our efforts to evaluate the consistency of this new GEO cloud dataset against the MODIS/VIIRS continuity dataset. We also will discuss ongoing challenges towards achieving LEO/GEO product consistency, including the impacts of fundamental differences in sensor specifications and/or orbits (e.g., spectral channel differences, spatial resolution/swath, viewing/solar geometries), differences in relative radiometric calibration, and forward radiative model issues.

Cloud and Aerosol Detection Using Spectral, Spatial and Temporal Information from Passive Satellite Instruments

Chenxi WANG1,2#+, Yingxi SHI3, Yihan FANG4, Clark ZHANG5, Ryan SONG6, Kerry MEYER2, Steven PLATNICK2
1Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research (GESTAR) II, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 4University of Maryland, College Park, 5Vanderbilt University, 6Carnegie Mellon University

Detection of atmospheric constituents such as cloud and aerosols with satellite observations is often a critical initial step in many remote sensing algorithms. Many traditional algorithms were developed based on underlying physics and hand tuned thresholds. Weakness of these methods is that it is challenging and time-consuming to develop algorithms across multiple instruments and locations. To overcome this weakness, we designed and trained a couple of Machine Learning (ML) based models for cloud and aerosol detection. Specifically, a Random Forest (RF) model, a Convolutional based Encoder-Decoder Neural Network, and a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) are designed and trained with spectral, spectral/spatial, and spectral/spatial/temporal input, respectively. The first two models that require spectral and spatial input are designed for passive spectrometers such as VIIRS and MODIS; while the third model is designed for geostationary instruments, such as GOES-16/17 ABI. A hybrid training database is generated based on years of collocated satellite-satellite (e.g., CALIPSO/VIIRS and CALIPSO/ABI) and satellite-ground station (e.g., ABI/AERONET) data, and manually picked events with labels. In this presentation, we will introduce of the training database and compare the three different models.

Investigation of Atmospheric Cloud Characteristics Over Western-Indian Region Using Ground-based Lidar, Satellite, and Reanalysis Datasets

Som Kumar SHARMA1#+, Dharmendra KAMAT1, Prashant KUMAR2, Sourita SAHA3
1Physical Research Laboratory, 2Space Application Center, 3University of California

Clouds cover most of the Earth, and a slight variation in their properties disturbs the radiation budget, modulates weather, and impacts climate change. Due to the strong interaction with shortwave and longwave radiation, any slight changes in the clouds have a potent effect on the climate system. Clouds are highly dynamic in space and time, and their proper representation in climate models remains challenging. Cloud properties such as cloud base height (CBH), cloud top height (CTH), cloud fraction, and vertical layer structure significantly affect the radiative balance, atmospheric circulations, and other meteorological processes. Therefore, monitoring and investigating these cloud parameters is essential for climate diagnosis and predicting future climate. This study deals with the investigation of cloud properties over two locations: Udaipur (24.6°N, 73.7°E) and Mount Abu (24.5°N, 72.7°E) in the Aravalli ranges of Western India using a ground-based Lidar (ceilometer), satellite, and reanalysis datasets. Over these regions, the average cloud base height for layers 1 and 2 (CBH1 and CBH2) follows the same seasonal pattern: low during monsoon and high during pre and post-monsoon. The cloud top height (CTH) information is obtained for the same period using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument onboard Terra and Aqua satellites. The observed CTH ranges from about 0.2km to 19km. Furthermore, the classification of these observed clouds is performed using cloud top pressure and cloud optical thickness values as per the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud classification. Over Udaipur, cirrostratus clouds were found to have a maximum occurrence (~ 36%) during the study period. ERA5 and MODIS-derived CBH doesn’t correlate well with the observed CBH from the ceilometer, indicating the limitation of reanalysis and satellite observations of cloud base height over the complex orographic region.

Automatic Smoke Plume and Wildfire Instance Tracking Across Scenes from Multiple Sensors

Michael GARAY#+, Olga KALASHNIKOVA, Nicholas LAHAYE, Kyongsik YUN, Hugo LEE
California Institute of Technology

Earth observing instruments from multiple organizations, including NASA and NOAA in the United States, continue to provide multiple observations of aerosol plumes from wildfires. The Segmentation, Instance Tracking, and data Fusion Using multi-SEnsor imagery (SIT-FUSE) project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has developed an unsupervised machine learning framework that allows users to segment instances of objects like wildfires and smoke plumes in single and multi-sensor scenes from satellite instruments with minimal human intervention in low and no label environments. This is an important step toward allowing automatic smoke plume and wildfire instance tracking through time from multiple instruments. We will demonstrate this system with examples from the NASA/NOAA FIREX-AQ field campaign that took place in 2019. In addition, we will describe ongoing work to allow automatic feature identification and tracking using deep learning - specifically contrastive learning (CL) enhanced by the topological features of the object instances detected.

Spectral Replacement Using Machine Learning Methods for Continuous Mapping of GEMS

Yeeun LEE1+, Myoung Hwan AHN1#, Mina KANG1, Mijin EO1, Kyung-Jung MOON2
1Ewha Womans University, 2National Institute of Environmental Research

For environmental monitoring, the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) measures backscattered radiances in the ultraviolet and visible spectral region (300-500 nm) over the Asia-Pacific region to retrieve key atmospheric constituents and aerosol properties eight times a day. The measured radiances and retrieved properties of GEMS have been collected in about two years of operation after completion of the in-orbit test in October 2020. There have been substantial efforts to calibrate the GEMS Level 1B data and here we briefly introduce the updates of calibration processes along with one of the studies regarding bad pixels of GEMS. Bad pixels occurred on the detector array could cause consistent information gaps and the issue becomes more problematic for hyperspectral measurements because only a few defective radiances in a spectrum can induce erroneous spectral features. To efficiently resolve the spatial discontinuity caused by bad pixels in the measured radiances and further in the retrieved properties of GEMS, we apply spectral replacement on the radiance level with machine learning models using multivariate linear regression and artificial neural network (ANN). Because the key information for the retrieval is originated from subtle spectral features, we more focus on whether the features can be successfully reproduced with the models trained with large datasets, the GEMS defect-free measurements. The results and conclusions can be found in the paper published with the identical title, and briefly said, the spectral replacement can be quite effective for retrievals (i.e., cloud centroid pressure) with some conditions such as input and output ranges or instrument artifacts. However, limitation still remains for the approach especially for low signals or very strong absorption features such as ozone. It indicates additional information would be needed to improve the methods if one pursues very high retrieval accuracy with the synthetic spectra.

The NASA TEMPO Mission: Revolutionary Air Pollution Observations Over North America from Geostationary Orbit

Aaron NAEGER1,2#+, Michael NEWCHURCH1, Xiong LIU3, Kelly CHANCE3
1University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 3Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

NASA is preparing to launch the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of POllution (TEMPO) mission into Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) in April 2023. TEMPO will provide hourly and sub-hourly daytime observations of aerosols and trace gases, including nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, at high spatial resolution (~2.0 x 4.75 km2) across a Field of Regard (FoR) covering greater North America. The hyperspectral ultraviolet-to-visible measurements from the TEMPO grating spectrometer will permit an ozone profile retrieval capable of monitoring the diurnal evolution of ozone in the planetary boundary layer. The non-standard or special scan operations of TEMPO at sub-hourly frequency (e.g., 2-10 minutes) over selected slices of the FoR will further enhance monitoring capabilities during air quality disasters, such as wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and dust storms. During the pre-launch phase of this mission, a large diversity of stakeholders and end-users have been engaged in the TEMPO Early Adopters Program, supported by the NASA Applied Sciences Program, which aims to maximize the societal benefit of TEMPO data after launch. Key objectives of the Early Adopters Program include preparing the user community for operational TEMPO data through early application of proxy products and designing products, tools, and mission planning activities to better meet user needs. This presentation will provide a TEMPO mission status update, details on data product developments, an Early Adopters Program overview, demonstrations of science applications enabled through TEMPO data, and insight into the special operations component of the mission.

Decadal Characterization of Satellite-based Aerosol Types Over Arabian Peninsula: Comprehensive Insight and General Performance

1Sand and Dust Storm Warning Regional Center, National Center for Meteorology, Jeddah, KSA, 2National Center for Meteorology

Retrieving aerosol characteristics such as particle size, shape, and absorption properties is a big challenge in satellite-based remote sensing, mainly for the single-viewing-angle instrument. Multi-angle instruments such as Multi-angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) measures the reflected radiation from nine viewing angles, allowing the retrieval algorithm to accurately distinguish different aerosol microphysical and optical properties along with total aerosol loading in the atmospheric column. Recently, MISR upgraded the aerosol retrieval algorithm version 23 (V23) and enhanced the spatial resolution of the aerosol products to 4.4km, enabling the study of the aerosol characteristics at a finer scale. This study uses 20 years of MISR V23 aerosol products to comprehensively investigate aerosol optical and microphysical properties and their performance over Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries using two decades of aerosol products from the MISR algorithm. The assessment of MISR AOD showed good agreement with ground-truth AOD from AERONET, with ~75% of retrieval falling within the expected error (0.05±0.2AOD) and a high Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R = 0.86). However, MISR relatively underestimates AOD at higher aerosol loading conditions (AOD>0.6) while overestimating coarse-dominated aerosol mixture (Angstrom Exponent <0.7). The 20 years mean MISR AOD showed higher aerosol loading dominated by coarse aerosol types over the Eastern province of Saudi Arabia and Rub’al Khali. Seasonally, the size-fractionated AOD showed that GCC countries dominated by coarse AOD (cAOD) and non-spherical aerosol particles mainly in Spring, while the contribution of small AOD (sAOD) to the total range from 42-45% for Winter and Autumn. Overall, the high spatial resolution of MISR aerosol data products has a great potential to identify an aerosol hot spot and constrain the aerosol types, mainly dust, across the highly polluted region in the Middle East.

The Dark Target Aerosol Project: Combining LEO and GEO Satellites for Monitoring Rapid Aerosol Changes on a Global Scale

Robert LEVY1#+, Shana MATTOO2,1, Pawan GUPTA1, Yingxi SHI3, Virginia SAWYER1, Robert HOLZ4, Jennifer WEI1, Lorraine REMER3,5, Zhaohui ZHANG6,7, Bhaskar RAMACHANDRAN2
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2NASA Science Systems and Applications, Inc., 3University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 4University of Wisconsin, 5Airphoton LLC, 6Adnet Inc., 7NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center

The Dark Target (DT) retrieval algorithm was developed for Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to derive aerosol optical depth (AOD) over global land and ocean. Because of its relative simplicity and flexibility, it can be implemented on the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS), or any imager with MODIS-like wavelength information. We are retrieving on VIIRS Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 which are also in sun-synchronous low-earth orbit (LEO) to stitch together a long-term data record (now at 22 years and counting). More recently, DT has been ported to Full Disk imagery from sensors in Geostationary orbit (GEO), including Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-R series (East and West) and Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) on the Himawari series. With these GEO sensors, we observe much of the globe every 10 minutes, thus providing the opportunity to characterize rapid aerosol changes and the aerosol diurnal cycle. Overall, the new GEO products look good, and compare reasonably well to existing LEO and to ground-based sunphotometer data. We discuss remaining challenges regarding relative sampling of GEO versus LEO as well as calibration. Considering the period when all 6 sensors are operating, we are imminently releasing a combined 4-year GEO / LEO dataset at 0.25°x0.25° resolution and 30-minute time intervals. Here, we introduce the new dataset including details about the product, expected accuracies, steps to acquire, and intended use. 

Wed-02 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): A. P. DIMRI, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jianping LI, Ocean University of China, Kritanai TORSRI, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

Long-term Precipitation Changes in the Baiu and Akisame Seasons in Japan Over the Past 120 Years (1901–2020)

Hirokazu ENDO#+
Meteorological Research Institute

Long-term variations in precipitation during the major rainy period in Japan—the Baiu (June–July) and Akisame (September–October) seasons—are investigated using precipitation records from 44 weather stations in western to eastern Japan over the past 120 years (1901–2020). The total amount of Baiu precipitation has increased over the 1901–2020 period, mainly during the mid–late stages of the season (late June–July) over regions on the Sea of Japan side of the country. In contrast, the precipitation amount during the Akisame season has decreased, mainly during the mid-stage (late September–early October) over all regions. The frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation have generally increased in both seasons, but the trends are much stronger for the Baiu season compared to those for the Akisame season. A prominent positive trend, 23.5% per 100 years (18.1% per ℃), which is much higher than the Clausius–Clapeyron rate (approximately 7% per ℃), is observed for the Sea of Japan side of western Japan for the seasonal maximum 1-day precipitation total during the Baiu season. It may be noteworthy that the observed long-term trends differ greatly between the Baiu and Akisame seasons even though the statistical significances of the trends are not so high, because similar differences between the two rainy seasons are found in results of global warming simulations.

Intraseasonal Variability of Global Land Monsoon Precipitation and its Recent Trend

Fei LIU1#+, Bin WANG2
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2University of Hawaii

Accurate prediction of global land monsoon rainfall on a sub-seasonal (2-8 weeks) time scale has become a worldwide demand. Current forecasts of weekly-mean rainfall in most monsoon regions, however, have limited skills beyond two weeks, calling for a more profound understanding of monsoon intraseasonal variability (ISV). We show that the high-frequency (HF; 8-20 days) ISV, crucial for the Week 2 and Week 3 predictions, accounts for about 53-70% of the total (8-70 days) ISV, generally dominating the sub-seasonal predictability of various land monsoons, while the low-frequency (LF; 20-70 days)’s contribution is comparable to HF only over Australia (AU; 47%), South Asia (SA; 43%), and South America (SAM; 40%). The leading modes of HFISVs in Northern Hemisphere (NH) monsoons primarily originate from different convectively coupled equatorial waves, while from mid-latitude wave trains for Southern Hemisphere (SH) monsoons and East Asian (EA) monsoon. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) directly regulates LFISVs in Asian-Australian monsoon and affects American and African monsoons by exciting Kelvin waves and mid-latitude teleconnections. During the past four decades, the HF (LF) ISVs have considerably intensified over Asian (Asian-Australian) monsoon but weakened over American (SAM) monsoon. Sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction models exhibit higher sub-seasonal prediction skills over AU, SA, and SAM monsoons that have larger LFISV contributions than other monsoons. These results suggest an urgent need to improve the simulation of convectively coupled equatorial waves and two-way interactions between regional monsoon ISVs and mid-latitude processes and between MJO and regional monsoons, especially under the global warming scenarios.

Long-term Trends and Variations of Southwesterly Flow Around Taiwan During Mei-yu Season Over 44 Recent Years

Yen-Chao CHIU#+, Fang-Ching CHIEN
National Taiwan Normal University

This study investigates the characteristics and long-term trends of southwesterly flow around southern Taiwan (hereafter, SWs) during mei-yu seasons (15 May - 15 June) from 1979 to 2022. The results show that the occurrence number of SWs had in general an increasing trend over this 44-year period, with a decadal oscillation by starting from a relatively small number in the 1980s and reaching a relative peak in the 2000s. The 4-year and 10-year periods show more power according to wavelet analysis. While the 4-year power period was more evident from 1995 to 2005, the 10-year power period was more evident before 2000. This posts a potential threat to Taiwan due to the increasing trend of heavy rainfall associated with the longer duration and higher moisture flux of the SWs events. The SWs activity was influenced by the long-term increasing trend of geopotential height and its decadal variability near Taiwan. When the intra-seasonal oscillation was evident, the weather system that mainly affected the occurrence of SWs was the low pressure system to the north of Taiwan, while when it was weak, the location of the western North Pacific subtropical high to the south of Taiwan was more important. In addition, the SWs index which was highly correlated with the precipitation during mei-yu seasons can effectively reflect the interannual variability of precipitation in Taiwan in periods of different lengths. These findings indicate that the SWs index can be used as a monsoonal precipitation index for Taiwan, especially southern Taiwan.

Analysis of Long-term Trends of Water Vapor Transport in the Major Water Vapor Channel on the Southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Dengxu ZHANG#+
Lanzhou University

As the main water vapor channel entrance of the plateau, the water vapor flux convergence and precipitation in the Yarlung Tsangpo River Canyon region have been decreasing continuously since 1979, which has an important impact on the water storage of the plateau. Since the Lagrangian method is more responsive to the spatial and temporal variability of water vapor transport than the Eulerian method, this study uses the Lagrangian trajectory tracking model LAGRANTO to drive the ERA5 reanalysis data to track the water vapor transport in the canyon region for the past 40 years and obtain specific water vapor transport trajectories, and by analyzing the changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of the trajectories including trajectory location and trajectory height changes, as well as the interannual variability of water vapor flux on the trajectories By analyzing the interannual variation of water vapor flux on the trajectory and the interannual trend of water vapor flux on the trajectory, the main factors affecting the variation of water vapor transport in the southern part of the plateau are identified by combining the large-scale circulation such as monsoon and the interdecadal oscillation index for correlation analysis. At this stage, by comparing the differences in water vapor transport in typical wet and dry years, it is found that in addition to the source water vapor contribution and the influence of monsoon, the precipitation loss-related processes along the water vapor transport play a decisive role in the water vapor balance of the Yarlung Tsangpo River region, so the trend of water vapor transport changes in the past 40 years will be further analyzed and the main factors affecting water vapor loss will be studied, aiming to clarify the influence mechanism of water vapor transport changes in the southern plateau.

Increasing Trend in the Duration of the Indian Monsoon Season

Aneesh SUNDARESAN1,2#+, Tamas BODAI1, Sijikumar S3
1IBS Center for Climate Physics, 2Pusan National University, 3Indian Space Research Organisation

The mean Indian summer monsoon (ISM) rainfall as well as its duration have a profound impact on the agriculture practice in the country. Due to the recent increase in the surface temperature, global circulation patterns exhibit considerable changes which also affects the characteristics of ISM. The present study aims to find out any long-term changes in the monsoon onset and withdrawal times and the length of the monsoon rainy season that exists over different parts of India and the possible mechanisms behind it. During the last four decades, the trend analysis of ISM over south India and North-West (NW) India shows an early onset in both regions. However, the trends are statistically less significant. The monsoon withdrawal dates over NW India and south India show a statistically significant delay of about 6 days/decade and 3.25 days/decade, respectively. As a result, the monsoon season over NW India and south India shows a lengthening of about 7.8 days/decade and 3.5 days/decade, respectively. During the withdrawal phase of the ISM, a stronger monsoon low-level jet and an enhancement of the ISM rainfall have been observed in recent decades. The role played by factors such as Eurasian temperature, Indian ocean warming, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) on the ISM withdrawal is examined. The AMO has changed its phase from negative to positive in recent decades, particularly after about 1998, which might have played a key role in enhancing the meridional tropospheric temperature gradient. The stronger meridional tropospheric temperature gradient and the Eurasian surface warming observed in recent decades might played a key role in the delayed monsoon withdrawal over NW India. The delayed ISM withdrawal over the south of India is mainly attributed to the AMO phase change and the changes in the Indian Ocean.

Decadal Background for Active Extreme Drought Episodes in the Decade of 2010–19 Over Southeastern Mainland Asia

Lin WANG1#+, Gang HUANG1, Wen CHEN1, Ting WANG1, Chakrit CHOTAMONSAK2, Atsamon LIMSAKUL3
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Chiang Mai University, 3Environmental Research and Training Center

Severe and extreme drought in southeastern mainland Asia (SEMA) had worsened drastically in 2010–2019, more than twice as frequently in the preceding decade. It is found that the spring rainfall has undergone a concordant positive-to-negative transition with the turning point occurred at the 2010, and can explain 43% of the overall regime shift towards exaggerated severely dry condition. Associated with the decadal precipitation change, the anomalous northeasterlies prevail over SEMA, resulting in weakened eastward moisture propagation from Indian Ocean as well as enhanced divergence. Meanwhile, there is a downward motion over SEMA. Such circulation pattern is remotely forced by teleconnection from the Tropical Western Indian (TWI) SST. TWI SST is negatively correlated with SEMA precipitation and highlights a regime shift around 2010, after which the TWI have persistent warm SST helping to maintain deficient SEMA precipitation. In terms of the physical mechanism, the heating in TWI warms the troposphere aloft and emanates wedge-shaped Kelvin wave with northeast flank traversing SEMA, where friction-driven northeasterly low-level wind and divergence emerge to block moisture penetration from the Indian Ocean. The low-level divergence is followed by descending motion in SEMA, suppressing convection and rainfall. Further, the simulated structure forced by TWI SST alone bears a close resemblance to the observed evidence, confirming the critical role of TWI. Finally, it is illustrated that ENSO and its diversity have modulating effect on SEMA precipitation as well as the coupling between TWI SST and SEMA precipitation, during the previous winter and the concurrent spring.

Decadal-scale Changes in the Seasonal Transition Patterns of the Asian Summer Monsoon and the South China Sea Tropical Cyclone Frequency During May

Yin-Min CHO#+, Mong-Ming LU, Chung-Hsiung SUI
National Taiwan University

In this study, we used 40 years (1981–2020) of TC data and reanalysis data to investigate the relationship between the SCS TC activity frequency in May and the spring-to-summer transition of Asian monsoon systems. The results show clear decadal-scale variations of TC frequency with two active decades during the 1980s and 2000s, and two inactive decades during the 1990s and 2010s. The period of 2011–2020 was identified as a decade of the minimum TC genesis frequency over the SCS in May since 1981. The circulation and surface air temperature contrast during the earlier two decades is drastically different from the contrast during the later two decades. The difference can be understood as decadal-scale variations of two leading modes of the 40-yr March-June precipitation in the Asian-Australian-Pacific monsoon region. For the two earlier decades, the contrast of active and inactive SCS TC frequency in May can be explained by the difference in EOF2. The positive EOF2 corresponds to a wet and dry dipole pattern of the concurrent anomalies with enhanced convection over the eastern Indian Ocean and suppressed convection over the western Pacific warm pool. For the two later decades, the contrast can be explained by the difference in EOF1, which shows a meridional dipole pattern over the eastern Indian Ocean reflecting the northward movement of the ITCZ. Among four decades, the decade of 2001-2010 shows the earliest northward transition of the ITCZ and the most active SCS TC frequency in May.

Recent Extreme Events: A Glimpse of Climate Change?

Ramesh KRIPALANI1,2#+, Preethi BHASKAR1, Kyung-Ja HA3, Jai-Ho OH4, Milind MUJUMDAR1
1Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, 2Pukyong and Pusan National Universities, 3Pusan National University, 4Nano C&W

During the last couple of years extreme climate-related events appear to have increased in devastating proportions in particular droughts and heatwaves. Major Rivers around the world are drying up as record breaking heatwaves take their toll. Europe recorded its worst drought in 500 years, drying up Rivers and bringing up archeological wonders and historic horrors, Roman Ruins to the surface, exposing World War II ships. Half of China hit by drought and worst heatwave in summer 2022. Siberia heating was unprecedented during the last several millennia. On the other hand, Pakistan recorded devastating and fatal floods during summer 2022. Heaviest rains in more than a century hit South Korea – worst in 115 years. While the summer monsoon rainfall during 2020 witnessed heavy rains over South Asia (in particular West-Central India) as well as over East Asia (in particular China’s Yangzte River Valley). On the other hand, summer 2022 witnessed severe floods over South Asia (Pakistan) and severe drought prevailed over East Asia (Yangzte River Valley). Possible factors leading to the contrasting behavior of Summer Monsoons 2020 and 2022 will be discussed at the AOGS2023 Conference.

Wed-02 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR328
AS29 - The Physical Processes Over Complex Topography: the Interactions Among Meteorology, Boundary Layer Turbulence, Clouds, Tracer Transport, and Chemistry

Session Chair(s): Wei-Ting CHEN, National Taiwan University

Observing Heavily-precipitating Stratocumulus Over Complex Topography: The Yilan Experiment of Severe Rainfall (YESR)

Wei-Ting CHEN1, Shih-Hao SU2, Ching-Hwang LIU2, Hung-Chi KUO1#+
1National Taiwan University, 2Chinese Culture University

The northeasterly wind under the active East Asian winter monsoon often results in the formation of stratocumulus cloud decks in the northeastern Yilan plain area and adjacent mountains in Taiwan. It is interesting to note that Yilan’s surface wind is southwesterly even though the prevailing large-scale wind is northeasterly. In some local areas in YiLan near the mountain, the stratocumulus cloud resulted in a 200 mm/day very large rainfall. To study the evolution of precipitation patterns, planet boundary layer (PBL) turbulence, and three-dimensional circulation characteristics during these conditions, the Yilan Experiment of Severe Rainfall (YESR) was conducted in November 2020, 2021, and 2022. The study utilized a rich collection of sounding observations made with the innovative and accurately calibrated Storm Tracker (ST) mini-radiosonde, using a flexible mobile strategy to understand the evolution of PBL structure during precipitating stratocumulus events, to capture the three-dimensional structure of the planetary boundary layer wind field. The continuous meteorological data collected during two northeasterly episodes during YESR2020 revealed the variability of local-scale wind patterns and the severe rainfall characteristics induced by stratocumulus clouds. Results showed the potential for a local-scale convergence line to form over the plain area of Yilan during Northeasterly conditions, with the precipitation hotspot located in the southern mountain region of Yilan where local winds displayed turbulence features. The severe rainfall of the two northeasterly episodes highlighted the presence of shallow cumulus under the stratus with pure warm rain processes. It highlights the importance of PBL structure over complex topography. Ongoing analyses of the interplay between the cooling/moistening of the sub-cloud layer, raindrop evaporation, and local circulation patterns will be presented.

Investigating the Heavy Precipitation Over Complex Topography in the Stratocumulus-dominated Environment Using Idealized Large-eddy Simulations

Jun-Jie CHANG, Wei-Ting CHEN#+, Chien-Ming WU
National Taiwan University

This study investigates the heavily precipitating stratocumulus at the windward mountains and plains, focusing on the interaction between the terrain and the moist cloud-topped boundary layer. Such a phenomenon has been observed in the northeast of Taiwan, where rainfalls can be greater than 10 mm hr-1 at some hotspots near the mountain under the stratocumulus-dominated environment with prevailing northeasterly in wintertime. To understand the related physical processes, we carried out large eddy simulations by the vector vorticity equation model (VVM) with idealized terrain configuration. The initial condition of the CONTROL simulation is the simplified Ishigaki Island sounding with a well-mixed boundary layer and homogeneous easterly below 1 km. The CONTROL indicates the heavy precipitation on the plain is related to the cold pool developed in the mountain region. The precipitation occurs mostly near the mountaintop, and the cold pool initiates in the foothill owing to evaporative cooling. When the cold pool intensifies, it moves upstream toward the plain, and the precipitation hotspot propagates with the cold pool. In the experiment with weaker low-level wind speed (WEAK), the cold pool develops much earlier and propagates upstream more easily. Inspired by the simulation results, field observations have been designed and carried out in November 2022 over Yilan to examine the evolution of the boundary layer structures of the precipitating stratocumulus and the signal of evaporative cooling in the sub-cloud layer. Our results highlight the significant role of the cold pool and its interaction with the background wind in the occurrence and propagation of heavy precipitation at the terrain and its nearby plain.

The Long-term Spatial Variation of Complex Terrain Rainfall Features in Northeastern Taiwan Under the East Asian Winter Monsoon

Shih-Hao SU#+, Wen-Wei TSENG, Chin-Hsiang WU
Chinese Culture University

There are specific spatial rainfall patterns in northeast Taiwan (Yi-Lan area) under the East Asian Winter Monsoon condition. The large-scale wind field feature and the spatial distribution of water vapor flux with time can change such spatial rainfall characteristics. We analyzed the Yi-Lan area rainfall pattern variations in the past 60 years and noticed that there were obvious characteristics of terrain-locked precipitation patterns. The hot spot of rainfall occurred on the windward side of the background northeasterly flow and was decreasing toward the plain area. The average rainfall has an increasing trend, and it was more significant in the southern mountain region. We also used the reanalysis data (ERA5) to diagonalize the long-term variation of large-scale wind field features and water vapor distribution in different time periods. We noticed a significant increase in the water vapor content in the terrain's upper stream over the past 60 years. The background wind field has shifted from northerly-northeasterly to northeasterly-easterly in the past 30 years. Such changes led to a significant increase in the water vapor flux on the windward side of the terrain, which also increased the rainfall amount over the southern mountain area of Yi-Lan. However, there was not only an increasing trend in time but also showed an interdecadal oscillation signal. This decadal oscillation signal represented the background northeasterly wind speed variations. Based on the concept, we can estimate the long-term climate changes of winter rainfall in the Yi-Lan area for future climate projections by analyzing large-scale environmental variations.

Investigation of Yi-Lan Low Levels Circulation and Precipitation by WISSDOM Retrieval and Ensemble Simulations

Kai-I LIN#+, Kaoshen CHUNG, Yu-Chieng LIOU, Wei-Yu CHANG
National Central University

Yi-Lan has a unique delta plain surrounded by mountains higher than 2000 m on three sides, and another side faces the Pacific Ocean. With a case study on 26 November 2021, this study attempts to investigate the local circulations at low levels of Yi-Lan area. With four-radar observations, Wind Synthesis System using Doppler Measurements (WISSDOM) is used to retrieve 3D wind fields. By illustrating wind structure below 1-km, different mechanisms of precipitation development can be examined. This study depicts different wind directions of the inflow to Yi-Lan causing different types of convergence and rainfall distributions. Furthermore, the inter-comparison between retrieved wind fields and ensemble simulations is conducted.

A Physical Storyline for the Response of Orographically Locked Diurnal Convection in a Warming Scenario

Yu-Hung CHANG#+, Wei-Ting CHEN, Chien-Ming WU
National Taiwan University

This study investigates the impact of global warming on the orographically locked diurnal convection in the summer season in Taiwan. We utilize the storyline approach to provide physically self-consistent narratives of possible future projections. The orographically-locked diurnal convection involves interactions between local circulation and the thermodynamic environment of convection, which are appropriately captured by an ensemble of TaiwanVVM large-eddy simulations. The 30 ensemble simulations are forced by a set of radiosonde observations covering the variability of the background environment. The relationships of convective updraft structures over orographic precipitation hotspots and their upstream environment are analyzed. The results reveal that strong convective updraft columns within the heavily precipitating, organized systems exhibit a mass flux profile that gradually increases with height through a deep lower-tropospheric inflow layer. Enhanced convective development is associated with higher upstream moist static energy (MSE) transport through this deep-inflow layer via local circulation, augmenting the rain rate by 35% in precipitation hotspots. In the pseudo global warming experiment set, the initial temperature profiles of all ensemble members are evenly elevated by 3 K, while the relative humidity profiles remain unchanged. The enhancement of mean precipitation intensity with respect to temperature is 6.53 %·K-1, close to the Clausius–Clapeyron relation. Over the orographically-locked hotspots, the frequency of extreme rainfall increases by 65%, and their location expands toward the foothills and plains. The responses in the lifetime, structures, and propagation of the diurnal organized convection systems will be analyzed using the object-based tracking algorithm. The changes in buoyancy profiles and the MSE transport via local circulation will also be investigated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physical processes influencing the orographically locked diurnal convection under climate change.

Deep-inflow Mixing Features of Diurnal Convection Under VVM Simulations with Idealized Terrain

Wei-Ting CHEN#, Yu-Hsiu WANG+
National Taiwan University

The objective of this study is to provide a conceptual framework to understand the diurnal convection over topography dominated by local circulation. The results are analyzed from the perspective of deep-inflow mixing of convection, focusing on relating convection strength with the moist static energy from the boundary layer inflow. We used the Vector Vorticity equation cloud resolving Model (VVM) to simulate the diurnal convection over an idealized terrain of a mountain island. The simulation is initialized with a simplified sounding representing typical summer weak synoptic conditions near Taiwan. We carried out two sets of sensitivity experiments by changing the mid-troposphere relative humidity and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration, respectively. In all simulations, the diurnal precipitation time series exhibits multiple peaks in time, the first two peaks, in which the developments are closely related to the evolution of sea-valley breeze circulations, show the deep-inflow mixing features, especially in the 2nd peak with stronger local circulation and upstream energy transport. The sensitivity experiment with changing the mid-troposphere relative humidity shows that the convection in the 1st precipitation peak reduces the environmental moisture difference, while the convection strength is more influenced by the boundary layer energy in the 2nd peak. The environmental moisture determines the precipitation initiation time, duration of local circulation development, and the hydrometer contents in the atmosphere, which affect the low-level energy content, wind speed, and the amount of energy transport, further affecting the precipitation and convection intensity. The sensitivity experiment with changing CCN concentration confirms the effects of local circulation development prolonged by the delayed precipitation development on increasing energy transport and convection intensity. We concluded that the earlier precipitation peaks will modulate the environmental moisture, enhancing the influence of the boundary layer energy while reducing the influence of the mid-troposphere entrainment on estimating the convection strength.

Machine Learning Detection of Fog/Low Cloud Over Eastern Taiwan Mountains from Himawari-8 Satellite True-color Images

Peng-Jen CHEN+, Wei-Ting CHEN#, Chien-Ming WU, Shih-Wen TSOU
National Taiwan University

The fog/low cloud during the cold season frequently blanket the eastern Taiwan mountains areas, known for the montane cloud forest. These fog/low clouds can provide significant water supplies to local areas and support the biodiversity of the montane cloud forest. However, it remains challenging to identify the appropriate temporal and spatial scales of these fog/low clouds due to limited ground observations in the complex topography. To address this issue, satellite remote sensing is involved to provide continuous, topography-unlimited temporal and spatial observations. In the view of the satellite from the top of the atmosphere, the mountain fog top can form a clear edge closely following the topographic features to represent the maximum height of the fog-occurring area. The objective of this work is to detect these mountain fog edges from the Himawari-8 satellite true-color image by applying the machine learning technique (U-net). The training data consist of the three visible bands observed at 8 am local time, with the fog edges in the fog-occurring cases serving as the training labels. The model performance is tested using true-color images at the same and different local times. The result shows that the model can capture the climatology of the fog edge hot spots at specific elevations, with an accuracy of over 93% for predicting fog-occurring cases at the same local time and nearly 70% for different local times. One of the characteristics of the current model is that the prediction has no false positive situations. The detection results using MODIS true-color images as input data will also be compared and discussed in this presentation. In the future, the images at different local times will be included in the model training, allowing for further investigation of the diurnal and inter-annual variations of fog/low cloud.

A Study of Extreme Precipitation Events in Taiwan During the Autumn of 2022 Employing a Machine Learning-based Weather Typing Method

Li-Huan HSU#+, Kuan-Ling LIN, Chou-Chun CHIANG, Jung-Lien CHU, Yi-Chao WU, An-Hsiang WANG, Shao-Chin HUANG, Yu-Chun CHEN, Yi-Chiang YU
National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction

During the autumn of 2022, a record-breaking rainfall of over 7000mm was recorded at the Ximao Shan rain gauge in Yilan. The rainfall and average daily rainfall intensity were 2 to 3 times higher than the climatology in the region. To identify the daily synoptic weather types that contributed to the heavy rainfall, a machine learning-based weather typing method was utilized. The method successfully detected multiple weather types as the synoptic systems evolved. Ten days were identified as associated with remote rainfall events, caused by the interaction between the northeasterly monsoon flow and typhoons. These 10 days contributed to approximately 40% and 60% of the autumn rainfall in eastern Taiwan and the mountainous area of Yilan, respectively. The convergence of the northeasterly monsoon flow and the outer circulation of tropical storms passing through the northern South China Sea also led to enhanced rainfall in the mountainous area of Yilan. In the La Niña year of 2022, the environment may have been favorable for such weather types. Our research shows northern Taiwan's average autumn rainfall is 1.3 times higher in La Niña years compared to the climatology. Furthermore, the rainfall from remote rainfall events in 2022 was 1.6 times higher than the average of such events in other La Niña years, but the rain intensity was similar. The 10 days of remote rainfall events in 2022 were significantly more than the average of 3 event days during other La Niña years, resulting in record-breaking rainfall.

The Intercomparisons Between Various Sounding Systems Launching at Jeju Island in Summer Experiment 2021

Chia-Lun TSAI1#+, Hung-Chi KUO2, Shih-Hao SU2, Geunsu LYU3, Gyu Won LEE3
1Chinese Culture University, 2National Taiwan University, 3Kyungpook National University

The compact, low-cost Storm Tracker was co-launched with commercial sounding systems at Jeju Island, South Korea, in the summer of 2021. The Storm Tracker collected high temporospatial profiles of temperature, pressure, humidity, wind directions, and wind speed. The performance of these observational metrics will be evaluated and compared with Vaisala RS-41 and GRAW DFM-09. There were 32 launches, and the quality of Storm tracker data has been controlled by AIQC algorisms, which are developed by training huge amounts of launches in advance at subtropical regions. The main objective of this study is not only to check Strom Tracker's performance but also to understand potential variances when launched in mid-latitude areas. The average pressure bias between RS-41 and DFM-09 sounding systems is ~0.75 hPa and ~3hPa with the Strom Tracker. For temperature, the average bias is 0.57oC between RS-41 and DFM-09, with ~2oC (0.6oC) differences in the daytime (nighttime) compared with the Strom Tracker. The dew point reveals ~5oC (2oC) variances between the Strom Tracker and RS-41 (DFM-09), and ~2oC between RS-41 and DFM-09. The wind speed and direction discrepancies observed from the Storm Tracker are ~2 m s-1 and from 10 to 20o compared with the other two sounding systems. Generally, the results show good agreement between these three sounding systems. However, a significant bias of temperature in the daytime should be paid more attention to with the Strom Tracker.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR335
AS56 - Biogenic VOCs: Emissions, Atmospheric Oxidation, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Yanli ZHANG, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

AS56-A002 | Invited
Biogenic VOC Emissions from Urban and Agricultural Landscapes

University of California, Irvine

Accurate estimates of the reactive gas emissions driving atmospheric composition is required to make effective policy decisions on local to global scales. The biosphere is the dominant source of the reactive organic gases in the atmosphere that interact with anthropogenic pollution to form ozone and secondary aerosol and play an important role in air quality and climate. Biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emission studies have primarily focused on the natural ecosystems that are the globally dominant sources. The widescale reductions in anthropogenic VOC emissions in recent decades have increased the relative contribution of BVOC emissions to total urban VOC emissions to the point where BVOC emissions now dominate in some urban areas. Estimating BVOC emissions in managed (e.g., urban and agricultural) landscapes is more challenging than for natural ecosystems due to the spatial heterogeneity, rapid temporal changes, and the lack of observations. An approach for quantifying BVOC emissions from urban and agricultural landscapes, using the MEGAN model, will be presented through case studies. The approach utilizes ultra high-resolution imagery and virtual surveys to characterize tree, shrub, grass and crop cover fractions and species composition and a multi-modal emission approach to assign emission factors. Landcover classification approaches tend to substantially underestimate tree cover in both urban and agricultural landscapes due to the challenges in detecting isolated trees in these heterogeneous landscapes. Urban and agricultural landscapes with relatively low BVOC emissions may require greater BVOC emission factor accuracy due to the greater VOC sensitivity of ozone formation in VOC limited regions. Assigning a constant low BVOC emission to these landscapes is not sufficient. Urban and agricultural BVOC responses to climate and landcover change and potential for emission mitigation will be discussed and gaps and priorities for future progress identified.

Formation of 2-methyltetrol and 2-methylglyceric Acid in the Northern Hemisphere from Marine Isoprene Emission

Jie ZHANG1, Junyi LIU2, Minsu CHOI3, Xiang DING4, Mei ZHENG2, Qi YING1#+
1Texas A&M University, 2Peking University, 3CIRES/NOAA, 4Chinese Academy of Sciences

Field measurements have shown that isoprene emitted from ocean surfaces are significant. However, their contributes to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the polluted and remote marine troposphere have not been accurately quantified. In this study, we used a modified hemi-spheric community multiscale air quality model (hemisphere CMAQ) to study the formation of 2-methyltetrols (2-MT) and 2-methylglyceric acid (2-MG) due to isoprene emissions originated from chlorophyll-a and marine and sea surface microlayer in the northern hemisphere. The modified hemi-sphere CMAQ model considers the formation of 2-MT and 2-MG from the acid-driven reactive surface uptake of isoprene epoxide (IEPOX), methacrylic acid epoxide (MAE), and hydroxymethyl-methyl-α-lactone (HMML). In addition, it considers the photochemical decay of 2-MT and 2-MG in gas and aerosol aqueous phase, and the gas-aqueous-organic phase partitioning. The emissions of isoprene and other biogenic VOCs from on-land sources are also considered in the model using the estimations from the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN), and anthropogenic emissions are based on the EDGAR emission inventory. Our simulations will reveal the concentrations of the marine-originated isoprene tracers and total SOA in various parts of the marine boundary layer in the northern hemisphere and their contributions to total SOA loading.

Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Emission Characterization and its Contribution to Ozone Formation in the Subtropical Region in South China

Yanli ZHANG1#+, Xinming WANG2
1Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

With the accumulation of data about biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emissions from plants based on branch-scale enclosure measurements worldwide, it is vital to assure that measurements are conducted using well-characterized dynamic chambers with good transfer efficiencies and less disturbance on natural growing microenvironments. A self-made cylindrical semi-open dynamic chamber with Teflon-coated inner surface was characterized both in the lab with standard BVOC mixtures and in the field with typical broad-leaf and coniferous trees. BVOC emissions from twenty mature trees (15 evergreen broad-leaved and 5 evergreen needle-leaved) were measured using dynamic chambers in situ. The emitted BVOCs were collected using sorbent tubes and speciated with a thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry system (TD-GC/MS). Twenty BVOC compounds, including isoprene, 14 monoterpene species, and 9 sesquiterpene species, were quantified to calculate their emission factors. The emissions of BVOCs in the Pearl River Delta region were estimated by using the localized emission factor database, and their contributions to ozone formation were also estimated. Furthermore, field campaigns were also conducted to investigate the atmospheric chemistry of BVOC during ozone pollution episodes. These results can help us better understand the BVOC’s roles in ozone formation and can guide a reasonable control of anthropogenic emissions.

Comprehensive Chemical Characterization of Gaseous I/SVOC Emissions from Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles Using Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry

Xiao HE#+
Shenzhen Univerisithy

Intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds (I/SVOCs) are key precursors of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). However, the comprehensive characterization of I/SVOCs has long been an analytical challenge. Here, we develop a novel method of speciating and quantifying I/SVOCs using two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-ToF-MS) by constructing class-screening programs based on their characteristic fragments and mass spectrum patterns. Using this new approach, we then present a comprehensive analysis of gaseous I/SVOC emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs). Over three thousand compounds are identified and classified into 21 categories. The dominant compound groups of emitted I/SVOCs are alkanes (normal + branched alkanes), benzylic alcohols, alkenes, cycloalkanes, and benzylic ketones. Oxygenated I/SVOCs (O-I/SVOCs, e.g., benzylic alcohols and ketones) are first quantified and account for > 20% of the total I/SVOC mass. Advanced aftertreatment devices largely reduce the total I/SVOC emissions but increase the proportion of O-I/SVOCs. With the speciation data, we successfully map the I/SVOCs into the two-dimensional volatility basis set space, which facilitates a better estimation of SOA.

Rethink BVOC Emissions and Their Contributions to Air Quality in South China

Peng WANG#+
Fudan University

The biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), dominantly emitted from the terrestrial ecosystem, significantly contribute to ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the troposphere due to their high reactivity with oxidants such as hydroxyl radicals. It is important to get an accurate estimation of the BVOC emissions from vegetated surfaces to evaluate their impacts on air quality and climate change. The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) has been widely used to estimate BVOC emissions from local to global scales. However, previous studies have shown large uncertainties existed in estimating BVOC emissions in China via MEGAN. In this study, a localized emission factors (EFs) database was developed for MEGAN in south China, which is fronting high BVOC emissions. This EFs database was derived based on a recent field measurement, covering all major BVOCs (isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes). The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model was then applied to investigate the impacts on air quality of different EFs. Results show that using new EFs (NEF case) reduces BVOC emissions compared to that of default EFs (BASE case). The most remarkable decrease is found in sesquiterpene with an average reduction rate of ~40%. In addition, the NEF case improves CMAQ O3 predictions in all seasons. Through south China, the lower BVOC emissions of the NEF case decrease concentrations of O3 and SOA by -1 ppb and -0.8 µg m-3, respectively, although the enhanced atmospheric oxidation capacity levels are found in some locations. Further efforts including field measurements, lab experiments, and modeling studies should be made to better evaluate BVOC effects in south China.

Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules Formation in the Oxidation of Limonene by OH Radical: Significant Contribution of Hydrogen Abstraction Pathway

Hao LUO1+, Luc VEREECKEN2, Hongru SHEN1, Sungah KANG2, Iida PULLINEN2, Mattias HALLQUIST3, Hendrik FUCHS2, Andreas WAHNER2, Astrid KIENDLER-SCHARR2, Thomas MENTEL2, Defeng ZHAO1#
1Fudan University, 2Forschungszentrum Jülich, 3University of Gothenburg

Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) play a pivotal role in the formation and growth of secondary organic aerosol particles. The distribution, formation mechanism and yield of HOM from the oxidation of atmospheric VOC are key information to understand SOA and their effect on climate and health. As an important biogenic monoterpene with the fourth largest emission strength and a common component in volatile chemical products, limonene and its oxidation derived HOM have a potentially important role in SOA formation in both forested and urban regions. In this study, we report HOM formation in the oxidation of limonene by OH radical in the SAPHIR chamber (Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction chamber) measured by a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer with nitrate reagent ion (NO3-CIMS). We performed analysis of the complex mass spectra acquired and identified the distribution of HOM, including major monomers (C9-10) and dimers (C17-20), to classify them into various series. Numerous HOM, both closed-shell products and open-shell peroxy radicals (RO2), were identified in low and high NO condition (0.06-0.2 ppb, 17 ppb). C10 monomers are the most abundant HOM products, accounting for over 80% of total HOM. The HOM formation pathways were proposed on the basis of observed RO2 and known mechanisms. Particularly, the role of hydrogen abstraction by OH is highlighted, which is quantitatively compared against the OH addition pathway. The molar yields of HOM were estimated at low and high NO conditions, respectively.

The Impact of Biogenic VOCs on Atmospheric Oxidation Capacity

Hongliang ZHANG, Wenxuan YU#+
Fudan University

With the background of global climate change, extreme weather events are occurring with increasing frequency and intensity, which not only threaten human health and ecological environment, but also have a significant impact on biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs). BVOCs are emitted from plants and are important precursors to the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone, particulate matter, and other pollutants. Atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC) is used to measure the rate of secondary pollutant generation. Understanding the impacts of BVOCs on AOC is important for designing effective control strategies. This study aims to simulate summer vegetation emissions and secondary pollutant concentrations in China based on the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) and the Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model with the resolution of 36 km × 36 km. The meteorological fields are generated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The anthropogenic emissions are generated from Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC). The study investigates the changes in the concentrations of BVOCs and secondary pollutant in China and analyzes the causes of ozone increase in Yangtze River Delta. The results show that this might be related to the rise in BVOCs caused by warming. The study also revealed the process and formation of compound air pollution and provides an important reference for improving our air quality assessment methods.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR311
AS19 - Extreme Weather Resiliency: Prediction and Response Strategies

Session Chair(s): Huang-Hsiung HSU, Academia Sinica

AS19-A007 | Invited
Cloud Radiative Effects on the Development of Tropical Cyclones: Role of Cloud Vertical Structure

Enwang LUO1#+, Guoxing CHEN1, Wei-Chyung WANG2
1Fudan University, 2University at Albany - State University of New York

Clouds affect the life cycle of tropical cyclones (TCs) greatly via the cloud radiative effects, which may accelerate the TC genesis by enhancing the mid-level circulation but prevent TCs from attaining higher intensities by reducing the inward vorticity flux. Therein, the role of cloud vertical structure, which is crucial to the cloud radiative effects, is still unclear due to the model deficiencies in cloud-fraction parameterization. In this study, we equipped the WRF model with a neural network-based scale-adaptive (NSA) cloud-fraction scheme that was developed using the CloudSat data, and simulated the record-breaking TC ‘In-Fa’ (2021) using the NSA scheme and the conventional Xu-Randall scheme. Results show that the TC track simulated by NSA is closer to the JTWC best-track data than that by Xu-Randall both spatially and temporally. The landing point by the NSA scheme is almost the same as the observation. Meanwhile, the cloud vertical structure in NSA is more compact than that in Xu-Randall, yielding cloud radiative effects closer to the observation. Further analyses will be presented within the context of physical associations between the cloud vertical structure and the TC development.

Investigating the Weather Effects of Smoke Aerosols in the Unified Forecast System: A Study of 2020 Summer North America Wildfires

Sarah LU1#+, Shih-Wei WEI2, Dustin GROGAN2, Anning CHENG3, Partha BHATTACHARJEE3, Jeffery MCQUEEN3
1University at Albany - State University of New York, 2University at Albany, State University of New York, 3National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Observational and numerical studies have shown human-induced climate change leads to an increasing trend of wildfire activity and severity in western boreal North America. Warmer and drier climate is favorable for the occurrence of wildfire activities, which could cause the increase of smoke aerosols. The 2020 fire season was a record setting season for the western United States, with more than 8 million acres burned. Previous studies have projected significant increases in boreal forest fire occurrence, area burned, and fire intensity for a changing climate. In this study, we adopted the NOAA community model, the Unified Forecast System (UFS), to investigate the impact of smoke aerosols from wild fires on medium range weather forecasts. The UFS was modified to include the option to frequently update the aerosol distributions during the forecast (i.e., rapid refresh of the aerosol loading). We conducted a series of 7-day UFS forecasts, initialized from 00Z of NOAA analysis, during Aug 22nd -Sep 18th, 2020. The control UFS run considers climatological aerosol loading while the rapid refresh UFS run updates aerosol fields every 6 hour. Only direct aerosol-radiative effects are considered in both UFS runs. We will report aerosol-induced changes in UFS results, including 1) the impact of smoke aerosols on radiation, 2) the sensitivity in the thermodynamic fields, and 3) the weather effects of smoke aerosols. The UFS and its flexible aerosol configuration provides a useful scientific tool for the community to understand the fate and impact of wildfire events.

Sensitivity of Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan to SST Over the South China Sea Through Modulation of Marine Boundary Layer Jet

Kuan-Jen LIN1+, Shu-Chih YANG1#, Shuyi CHEN2
1National Central University, 2University of Washington

Water vapor transport from the South China Sea (SCS) by the marine boundary layer jet (MBLJ) can be an important moisture source for heavy rainfall events in Taiwan during the mei-yu season. However, the variability of MBLJ due to the sea surface temperature (SST) changes and its impact on extreme rainfall events in Taiwan has not been well understood. This study aims to better understand this problem by conducting numerical experiments varying the SST over the SCS. Results show that increasing the SST over the SCS leads to stronger vertical mixing in the boundary layer and weakened MBLJ. With the weaker MBLJ, the mei-yu front can push further south, which shifted the heavy rainfall over Taiwan southward for a hundred kilometers. The opposite effect is observed when the SST is decreased over the SCS but with a relatively smaller impact.

The Interactions Among Southwesterly Monsoon Flow, Typhoon, Mei-yu Front, Terrain and Heavy Rainfall

Chuan-Chi TU#+, Pay-Liam LIN, Siang-Yu ZHAN, Pei-Chun TSAI, You-Ting LIN
National Central University

We study the IOP2 during Northern Coast Observation, Verification of Dynamics Experiment 2021 (NoCOVID21), and we focused on the details about the interaction between the typhoon (Choi-wan) and the mei-yu front, and the relationship between heavy rainfall over Taiwan and the southwesterly flow. On 3 Jun 2021, the period we defined as the pre-merging period 1, the Choi-wan typhoon and the mei-yu front were farther away with a relative dry region between them, and the two systems kept their characteristics. The atmosphere was warm and moist around the typhoon center, but it was baroclinic across the mei-yu frontal system with large temperature gradient. On 4 Jun, the pre-merging period 2, as the two systems were getting close gradually, the relative dry region was replaced by the moist airmass. The tropical cyclone weakened when its circulation was modified by Taiwan terrain, and the temperature gradient in the frontal region also weakened. On 5 Jun, the merging stage, the tropic cyclone moved to northeast of Taiwan, merging with the mei-yu front and transforming into a strong extratropical cyclone. The extratropical cyclone is characteristized by stronger vorticity, circulation, ascent, total precipitiable water and rainfall. After 2000 UTC 5 Jun, the extratropical cyclone weakened rapidly. During 5 Jun to 6 Jun, the prefrontal synoptic-related low-level jet (SLLJ) and the marine boundary layer jet (MBLJ) coexisted over southwest of Taiwan, and the MBLJ played an important role on moist transport. The warm and moist LLJs were blocked and lifted by Taiwan terrain, and the upper level divergence was present during 5 Jun to 6 Jun. As a result, the heavy rainfall event occurred over southwestern Taiwan.

Impact of Global Warming on the Characteristics of Tropical Depression in Southwest Indian Ocean Investigating by ARPEGE Simulations

Chia-Lun TSAI1#+, Olivier BOUSQUET2, Sylvie MALARDEL3, Julien CATTIAUX4, Fabrice CHAUVIN4
1Chinese Culture University, 2Meteo-France, 3Université de La Réunion - CNRS, 4Université de Toulouse - CNRS

The globe numerical weather prediction model ARPEGE (Action de Recherche Petitle Echelle Grande Echelle) was adopted in this study to investigate the characteristics of tropical depression (TD) activity in the Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO). Three main metrics of the TD frequency, intensity, and precipitation were documented for future changes under significant global warming in a significant scenario (RCP 8.5) and will discuss their possible causes. The TD tracks can be efficiently detected using “JPD scheme” on two ARPEGE experiments as present-day and future simulations during 1946-2013 and 2046-2093, respectively. The results indicate that the frequency of the TD initiation (TDI) will decrease, and its decreasing rate is ~25% during austral summer (i.e., from November to April). The locations of reducing TDI are more concentrated in the eastern SWIO (~10°S-15°S, 75°E-85°E) and possibly related to the more substantial vertical wind share, weaker low-level horizontal wind shear/vorticity, and dryer mid-level relative humidity. Very intense TD (i.e., ITD-44; the intensity of the TD can have reached 44 m s-1) will become more vital as their maximum lifetime intensity (LMI) increases ~3 m s-1 in the future. Warmer sea-surface temperature (SST) would be a critical factor in dominating the ITD-44 intensity changes in the SWIO. In the future, plentiful precipitation of precipitation will explore surrounding the centers in 1° radius distance with a significantly increased rate of ~11%. The ITD precipitation changes are linked to the increasing specific humidity associated with warmer SST.

Potential Changes of Westward-typhoon Near Taiwan Under a Global Warming Climate

Chen-Hau LAN1+, Pay-Liam LIN1#, Wei-Chyung WANG2, Sarah LU2
1National Central University, 2University at Albany - State University of New York

Under global warming, the potential change of intensity, occurrence probability, and tracks for Tropical cyclones (TCs) is one of the important scientistic issues. In Taiwan, there are many TCs landing in Taiwan from the west pacific along the easterly flow. To discuss the effects of climate-changing, General circulation models (GCMs) have played a significant role in projecting changes in the frequency, track, and occurrence location of future TCs. However, the coarse resolution of GCMs will be a problem to discuss the interaction between TCs and topography. Considering the disasters by TCs, in addition to the interaction between typhoons and the environment, the location of typhoons relative to the terrain, moving speed, and intensity of the typhoon are also important factors to affect the precipitation distribution of Taiwan. In this study, the tracks simulations are conducted dynamical downscaling experiments with 5km WRF models from Hiram models by the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR). The results indicated that not only intensities are increased by warming sea surface temperature but also have a faster motion for westward TCs. Because of the change in intensity and translation speed, the cyclone damage potential (CDP) is decreased in north-eastern Taiwan and increased in western Taiwan. On the other hand, the orographic effect still plays a significant role for the typhoon intensity and movement in the future. The duration time of TCs is symmetric between the north and south part of Taiwan under global warming. To discuss the translation speed when the TC passes through Taiwan, the westward TCs in north Taiwan will accelerate before landing since the typhoon intensity is stronger in the future.

An Investigation on the Regional Characteristics of Summer Season Rainfall Over Taiwan Using GPM DPR Measurements

Jayalakshmi JANAPATI1+, Balaji Kumar SEELA1,2, Pay-Liam LIN1#
1National Central University, 2Academia Sinica

Taiwan, an island located in the northwest Pacific region is influenced by heavy rainfall events during warm seasons, more particularly during June to August months. These heavy rainfall events in summer are chiefly caused by the precipitating clouds of monsoons and tropical cyclones. Interaction of precipitating clouds with the complex topography results in inhomogeneous and intense rainfall throughout this island. Even though there were reports on the rainfall characteristics for Taiwan, the raindrop size distributions/cloud microphysical attributions responsible for the regional changes in summer rainfall are yet to be documented. The dual-frequency capability of the Global Precipitation Measurement dual-frequency precipitation radar (GPM DPR) can offer the opportunity not only to measure the vertical profile of rainfall but also the precipitation drop size information. Hence, the present study investigates the regional variations in the microphysical characteristics of summer season rainfall over Taiwan using nine years (2014-2022) of GPM DPR measurement. The results showed clear distinctions in the precipitation and raindrop size distributions over the north, south, east, and central part of Taiwan. Among four regions, central (north) Taiwan is dominated by large-size (small) drops. The possible microphysical attributions are revealed with the aid of contour frequency by altitude diagrams (CFAD) of radar reflectivity, rainfall rate, mass-weighted mean diameter, and normalized intercept parameter.

AS19-A008 | Invited
Causes of the Record-breaking Drought in Taiwan in 2020-2021

Huang-Hsiung HSU1#, Ming-Ying LEE2, Hao-Jhe HONG1+, Chao-An CHEN3
1Academia Sinica, 2Central Weather Bureau, 3National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction

During 2020, an earlier-ended Mei-Yu season combined with a typhoon-absent summer, followed by notably low rainfall from following autumn to spring in 2021, Taiwan’s accumulated rainfall during June 2020 to May 2021 broke the lowest record since 1910. The duration and strength of subtropical height over the Western North Pacific in Jun to September were the longest and strongest since 1949. The abnormal subtropical height maybe caused by the compounding effects from cool sea surface temperature (SST) over the central to eastern equatorial Pacific associated with La Niña, and warm SST in the northern Indian Ocean and the tropical Atlantic. The warmest SST appeared in the Philippine Sea through October 2020 to Marth 2021, concurrent with La Niña, generated the dry the condition near Taiwan. The less spring rainfall in Taiwan in 2021 could be directly attributed to the warmest SST in the Philippine Sea and indirectly to the weakening La Niña , whereas negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation seemed to have little effect. An anomalous cyclone usually appeared in the western side of the warm Philippine Sea and brought dry northeasterly anomaly to the East Asian coast, resulting in less spring rainfall in Taiwan, and the La Niña would favor and maintain this atmosphere-ocean coupled system. In April-May 2021, active tropical intra-seasonal oscillation caused weaker moist southeasterly in middle to end of April, and also resulted in dry condition before the end of May. In conclusion, the most serious drought event in 2020-2021 since 1910 was caused by the compounding effect from various influencing factors that occurred concurrently and sequentially. How much of these abnormal conditions were caused by the warming trend in recent decades, which is not investigated in this study, warrants further studies.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR327
AS03 - Application of Cloud-resolving Model Simulations for Studying Cloud and Related Physical Processes in Climate

Session Chair(s): Xiaowen LI, Morgan State University, Chien-Ming WU, National Taiwan University

CRM and LES Estimates of Tangent Linear Convective Responses

Steven SHERWOOD1,2#+, Timothy RAUPACH1, Chimene DALEU3, Robert PLANT3, Yi-Ling HWONG4
1University of New South Wales, 2ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science, 3Reading University, 4Institute of Science and Technology Austria

One way of measuring the impact of atmospheric small-scale processes on larger scales is via the tangent linear sensitivity of an atmospheric column to vertically localized perturbations, most straightforwardly starting from (i.e. tangent to) a radiative convective equilibrium (RCE) state. This can be encoded into an n x m response matrix given n vertical perturbation and m response layers. Recent studies with single-column versions of atmospheric models (SCMs) have reported substantial differences across SCMs, particularly in moisture sensitivities. and implausible discontinuities in responses with height. They have also shown that if radiative cooling and surface exchange coefficients are held fixed during perturbations, the SCM responses are determined mainly by the convective scheme. Although such responses appear informative, there is no observation available to tell us the true response matrix, so we need a reference CRM or LES calculation of these such as the one originally performed by Kuang (2010). Here we present calculations from two numerical models (WRF and MONC) run in a mesoscale box with periodic boundaries, at grid resolutions ranging from 100 to 4000m. WRF results are relatively insensitive to domain size (from 20-100km) and microphysical scheme. Results differ somewhat between the WRF and MONC models, however, for reasons that are still under exploration and could be due to microphysics. Results also differ with resolution, with the 4km-grid results differing notably from those at 1 km or 200m. This suggests that current global CRM resolutions of around 4 km may not reliably resolve the coupling of convection with large scale motions, but that a 1km grid may offer significant improvement. Results also confirm that numerical models of O(1 km) resolution, though inexact, should be able to provide reference estimates of tangent linear responses that are useful for identifying systematic errors in the behavior of traditional convective schemes.

Superparameterization Improves Simulations of Mesoscale Convective Systems in E3SM

Guangxing LIN1#+, L. Ruby LEUNG2
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are significant contributors to heavy precipitation and flooding worldwide. Accurately representing MCSs is crucial for simulating the water and energy cycles in global climate models (GCMs). However, MCSs pose a great challenge for GCMs in no small part due to the multiscale nature of the physics and dynamics, confounding conventional convection parameterizations used in traditional GCMs. As a result, traditional GCMs have a common long-standing issue of being unable to simulate midlatitude warm-season MCSs. Usually, they show a persistent summer warm and dry bias over mid-latitudes. Here, we use a super-parameterized GCM (SP-E3SM) to simulate the MCSs in the central US. Different from the traditional GCM (E3SM), SP-E3SM uses a cloud-resolving model at 1km grid spacing within each E3SM grid column (approximately 25km horizontal grids) to simulate deep convection explicitly. Using a novel detection and tracking algorithm to characterize MCS features, we find that the SP-E3SM, compared to E3SM, better simulates MCS number and MCS precipitation amount, diurnal cycle, propagation, and the probability distribution of precipitation rate in both spring and summer. The improvement from SP is partly contributed by improvement in simulating the large-scale environments, featuring enhanced atmospheric low-level moisture and larger moisture transport to the central US relative to E3SM. Our results suggest that SP improves MCS simulation by improving the modeling of the large-scale environments and convection initiation, which are both major limiting factors in E3SM even at 25 km grid spacing where deep convection is represented by a cumulus parameterization.

The Role of Convection on Troposphere-stratosphere Interactions in Radiative-convective Equilibrium Simulations

Chien-Ming WU1#+, Tzung-Yu TSAI1, Jin-De HUANG1, Shih-Hao SU2
1National Taiwan University, 2Chinese Culture University

The study investigates the role of convectively generated gravity waves in the lower stratosphere in the idealized Radiative-Convective Equilibrium (RCE) simulation using the Vector Vorticity cloud-resolving Model (VVM). The high-resolution RCE simulation was used to research the evolution and properties of convection in the tropics within fewer than 100 days. However, if the simulation time is extended, the impacts of convectively generated gravity waves on the lower stratosphere become more pronounced. We conduct a long-term RCE simulation with a long domain size and high resolution to investigate interactions between convection and the lower stratosphere. The simulation runs for approximately two years (755 days), allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between zonal wind oscillations and different convective structures. The results show that the zonal wind oscillation in the lower stratosphere is affected by the interaction between gravity waves and different structures of convection. The oscillation is observed to be asymmetric, with extremely strong westerly phases in the first two cycles and symmetric in the last two cycles. The differences in convection structures during asymmetric oscillations are found: upstream-evolving convection and aggregated convection. The difference in the environment and convection between the two types results in asymmetric oscillation in the simulation. The aggregated convection creates more convective core clouds than upstream-evolving convection, leading to a faster transition of the zonal wind oscillation. In conclusion, this study provides new insight into the impact of convective-induced gravity waves on the lower stratosphere and the relationship between zonal wind oscillations and convective structures.

Response of Convection to Forcing That Creates a Cold Pool

Masaki SATOH#+, Shunnosuke NAKAI , Jun HIRAIWA
The University of Tokyo

It is known that the dynamics of cold pools generated by the evaporation of raindrops in the mixed layer play an important role in the excitation of convection in the atmosphere. In this study, assuming non-adiabatic cooling due to the evaporation of raindrops, we investigate the convection response when a cooling source is forced into the mixed layer by numerical simulations. The numerical model SCALE is used to drive a radiative-convective equilibrium state with a horizontal grid spacing of 1 km in a 96 km × 96 km double-period domain, with a uniform forcing near the center in the x-direction and the y-direction. The forcing provides a constant cooling source - 1 K/h in the region below 1 km height. The results show that for a forcing width of 2 km or more, convection is localized at both ends of the region in the x-direction, indicating that the effect of the forcing extends over the entire region. When the forcing width is 1 km, the convective suppression area is generally limited to half of the region. The case of a circular forcing in the region's center was also examined. The temperature drop at the lowest level in the forcing region is a few degrees. The balance between the strength of the mass flux and the heat supply from the sea surface determines the area of expansion of the cold pool. A similar forcing was applied to Typhoon Nanmadol in 2022 using the stretch-NICAM. A circular region of force is applied to a fixed position. The nature of the forcing that effectively affects the eyewalls and the spiral bands will be investigated. This research was supported by JST Moonshot R&D Grant Number JPMJMS2282.

Effects of Diurnal Ocean Mixing on Convective Aggregation Under Different Wind Regimes in VVM with KPP

Jin-De HUANG#+, Chien-Ming WU
National Taiwan University

This study investigates the dependency of competition between the nighttime mixing and daytime heating on the wind regimes. We couple the Vector Vorticity cloud-resolving Model (VVM) with a pencil ocean model using K-profile parameterization to represent the ocean mixing. During the daytime, the shortwave radiation shallows and heats the ocean's mixed layer, which triggers convection in the dry region and delays the development of convective aggregation. The development of convective clouds in the dry area can reduce the longwave cooling in the nighttime through their moistening effect, which also prohibits aggregation development. On the other hand, the mixing due to longwave radiative cooling in the nighttime reduces SST. It enhances the dry region development, and the dry region expansion can strengthen radiative cooling. We perform two simulations with the perpetual and diurnal insolation to investigate the competition between the above feedbacks. With the diurnal cycle, the nighttime cooling feedback dominates and leads to faster development of convective aggregation compared to the simulation with perpetual insolation. The effect of nighttime mixing in convective aggregation is dependent on the wind regime. We hypothesize that increased wind speed accelerates the formation of convective aggregation. Further experiments will be conducted to validate this hypothesis.

A Convective Cell Database for Cloud Process Study

Xiaowen LI1#+, Monir SHARKER1, Md Rafsan JANI1, Wei-Kuo TAO2
1Morgan State University, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

We build a convective cell database using cloud-resolving model simulation data and three-dimensional image segmentation and machine learning techniques. The convective cells are the basic building blocks of atmospheric convection and convective systems. They are crucial in understanding precipitation formation and latent heat release, especially in the tropics. Understanding the full lifecycle of convective cells and their associated mass fluxes can potentially improve convection parametrization schemes in GCMs. The Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) model with the Hebrew University Cloud Model (HUCM) Spectral Bin microphysical scheme was used to simulate two convective events near Darwin, Australia during the monsoonal period of the TWP-ICE field campaign. These simulations are constrained by largescale forcing calculated from sounding observations. The horizontal resolution of the GCE model is 1km with a varying vertical resolution. The model outputs are saved every 10 minutes to be able to resolve the lifecycle of convective cells. Three-dimensional image segmentation adapted from the open source “pyclesperanto_prototype” on github is applied to the simulated vertical velocity fields. Each identified convective cell is inspected by human eyes and corrected if necessary. These cells are then tracked through time to build a database of convective cell life cycles. In this presentation, we describe characteristics of the simulated convective cells, their mean behavior, and their associated vertical mass flow, latent heating release, hydrometeor distributions, and cloud coverage.

The Model Predictability of Consecutive ENSO Events: The Implication on Extreme Weather Prediction

Hann-MIng JUANG#+, Pay-Liam LIN
National Central University

The observed data show that more yearly consecutive ENSO events has been occurred since 2012, which may have links to more extreme weather events in recent years. The comparison from the model results between Taiwan CWB one-tier seasonal forecast system (TCWB1T) and NCEP CFS shows the similar performance/skill-score for hindcast year before 2012, but different scores for forecast years after 2012. TCWB1T has higher skill scores than NCEP CFS after 2012 in the forecast years, but similar skill score during the hindcast years. It implies that TCWB1T has better predictability to predict well of consecutive ENSO events. We found that the consistent time-lag in one month of ensemble member as initial conditions provide the key to have better predictability on consecutive ENSO events. Results and more findings will show.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR323
AS35 - Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation, Precipitation, and Their Interactions

Session Chair(s): Xiquan DONG, The University of Arizona

Aerosol Impacts on the Precipitation of Squall Lines: A Case Study in South China

Hui XIAO#+
Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration

It remains unclear to what extent squall lines respond to aerosol particles serving as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). To solve this problem, dozens of simulated cases formed by adding balanced perturbations to initial meteorological fields have been conducted to quantify the effect of the aerosol on hydrometeors, precipitation, and their related microphysical processes in this study. The results showed that the changes in total surface precipitation of squall lines to aerosol perturbations ranged from −14% to 4% in South China. Even if there was no significant change in total precipitation in some cases, the precipitation over partial area still showed obvious changes. Through cluster analysis, the sign of the precipitation response to increasing aerosol loading depended on whether the increase in graupel growth compensated for the loss of snow and rain growth under polluted conditions. With increased aerosol loading, more cloud droplets suppressed rain formation and subsequently rain growth due to lower collision-coalescence efficiency, and the snow growth was also suppressed by the decrease in the riming process. However, there was more graupel melting into rainwater due to an increase in graupel growth by accreting cloud droplets. Through composite analysis of meteorological fields, surface precipitation suppressed by aerosols was shown to be more likely to appear in poor water vapor conditions and weak convective intensities, and vice versa.

AS35-A008 | Invited
Rethinking of Aerosol-cloud-interaction and Aerosol-radiation-interaction by Accounting for Cloud-PBL-coupling

Zhanqing LI1,2#+
1University of Maryland, 2Beijing Normal University

Aerosol-cloud-interaction (ACI) has been extensively studies using a variety of observation data, but aerosol data are often limited to either ground-based and satellite measurements due to a severe lack of in-situ measurements. The bulk of aerosol is situated in the planetary-boundary-layer (PBL) with a non-uniform distribution. This implies that neither column or surface aerosol measurements do not denote the true loading and properties of aerosol that interact with cloud through both ACI and aerosol-radiation-interaction (ARI). Whether and how much ground-based aerosol measurements can represent the aerosol that do interact with cloud and PBL depend on the coupling between cloud and PBL (also surface). To resolve these fundamental problems, we have conducted systematic investigations concerning the ACI and ARI by accounting for the cloud-PBL-coupling (CPC) as the later plays an important role in affecting atmospheric thermodynamics. Using comprehensive field observations made in China and US, we gain insight into the response of the PBL process to aerosols, especially entrainment. We found that high aerosol loading can significantly suppress the entrainment rate, breaking the conventional linear relationship between sensible heat fluxes and entrainment fluxes. Related to aerosol vertical distributions, aerosol heating effects can alter vertical heat fluxes, leading to a strong interaction between aerosols and the entrainment process in the upper boundary layer. Such aerosol-entrainment coupling can inhibit boundary layer development and explains the great sensitivity of observed entrainment rates to aerosols than can traditional calculations. Likewise, we have sorted out clouds according to the CPC and noted drastic different responses of the ACI to aerosol loading under different states of the CPC. Under coupled conditions, the ACI is a lot stronger than without accounting for it. This implies that many of the previous studies tend to underestimate the ACI.

What are the Similarities and Differences in Marine Boundary Layer Cloud and Drizzle Microphysical Properties During ACE-ENA and Marcus Field Campaigns?

Baike XI1#+, Alexa MARCOVECCHIO2, Xiaojian ZHENG2, Peng WU3, Xiquan DONG1, Ali BEHRANGI2
1The University of Arizona, 2University of Arizona, 3Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

This study compares macrophysical and microphysical properties of single-layered, liquid-dominant MBL clouds from the Measurements of Aerosols, Radiation, and Clouds over the Southern Ocean (MARCUS) (above 60°S) and the ARM East North Atlantic (ENA) site during the Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA) field campaigns. A total of 1,136 (16.5% of clouds) and 6,034 5-min cloud samples are selected from MARCUS and ARM ENA in this study. MARCUS clouds have higher cloud-top heights, thicker cloud layers, larger liquid water path, and colder cloud temperatures than ENA. Thinner, warmer MBL clouds at ENA can hold a higher liquid water content due to higher cloud and ocean surface temperatures along with greater precipitable water vapor (PWV). MARCUS has a higher drizzle frequency rate (71.8%) than ENA (45.1%), but MARCUS drizzling clouds are drier and thinner. Retrieved cloud and drizzle microphysical properties from each field campaign show key differences. MARCUS clouds feature smaller cloud droplets, whereas ENA clouds have larger cloud droplets, especially at the upper region of the cloud. From cloud top to cloud base, drizzle drop sizes increase while number concentrations decrease. Drizzle drop radius and number concentration decrease from cloud base to drizzle base from net evaporation, and these decrease much faster under MARCUS’ drier environment. The broader surface pressure and lower tropospheric stability (LTS) distributions during MARCUS have demonstrated that there are different synoptic patterns for the selected cases during MARCUS with less PWV, while ENA is dominated by high pressure systems with nearly doubled PWV.

Numerical Simulations of Cloud Number Concentration and Ice Nuclei Influence on Cloud Processes and Seeding Effects

Xiaofeng LOU#+
China Meteorological Administration

Aerosols, through cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) or ice nuclei (IN), affect cloud microphysics. With increasing concentrations of aerosols, it is important to consider the impact of IN along with CCN on clouds and precipitation in numerical simulations; further, aerosols may also affect the weather-modification seeding effect. On the basis of the observation of natural IN concentration and cloud-drop number concentrations, numerical sensitivity experiments for a snowfall case were designed to study the effects of parameters of IN and cloud number concentrations at the cloud base to consider the CCN effects on clouds and precipitation as well as weather-modification seeding effects. Generally, with smaller cloud-drop number concentration, the mass contents were much lower. With more ice nuclei, more ice crystals were able to nucleate, and additional snow particles were generated through ice crystals. Cloud-drop number concentrations heavily affected the location and amount of snowfall. During the 1e9 test, 2.4 mm was the highest reduction in the amount of snowfall; additionally, the amount of snowfall from the combined impacts of increased IN and cloud-drop number decreased in wide areas, and its maximum precipitation reduction exceeded
2.7 mm as well as up to 15% of the daily amount of snowfall. More IN reduced the artificial seeding effect, lowered the increase in snowfall in the center of the seeding, and lowered the reduction of snowfall in the reduction center of the seeding. With more IN, the seeding effect was able to shift approximately 0.6% from the 3.9% seeding effect of the control simulation.

Global Precipitation System Scale Increased from 2001 to 2020

Yan ZHANG1#+, Kaicun WANG2
1Beijing Normal University, 2Peking University

How precipitation responds to global warming has drawn much interest from the scientific community. However, as one of the important properties of precipitation, changes in the precipitation system scale have rarely been studied. The latest retrospective merged satellite precipitation product has provided a great opportunity to investigate quasi-global precipitation system scale changes. This study uses the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) data during 2001-2020 to investigate quasi-global precipitation system scale changes. Our results indicate that, generally, quasi-global precipitation system scales exhibit a significant increasing trend, which is more significant in winter and spring than that in summer and autumn over both hemispheres. The scale of nearly all precipitation systems over land regions has increased over the last two decades. In oceanic regions, precipitation system scales increase over tropical oceans but decrease over subtropical oceans. Medium-scale precipitation systems (100–1000 km) significantly increase in scale and decrease in frequency, while large-scale precipitation systems significantly increase in frequency, which both lead to a quasi-global increase in the precipitation system scale. Diagnostic investigation based on atmospheric analysis reveals that an increase in atmospheric stability tends to suppress local convective precipitation, while an increase in the total column water vapor could help maintain and enhance precipitation system scale, which jointly contribute to quasi-global precipitation system scale increase.

Model Simulation of the Aerosol Perturbation on the Tibetan Plateau Convective Precipitation

Mengjiao JIANG1,2+, Yaoting LI3, Weiji HU1, Yinshan YANG4, Guy BRASSEUR2#
1Chengdu University of Information Technology, 2Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 3Civil Aviation Flight University of China, 4Beijing Normal University

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is important for weather and climate. Relatively clean aerosol conditions over the Plateau makes the study on the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in this region distinctive. A convective event with precipitation observed on 24 July 2014 in Naqu was selected to explore the influence of aerosols on the onset and intensity of precipitation. We use the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis to derive the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), which can be regarded as the real-time background. These values are adopted to initialize the regional WRF 4.0 meteorological model and to simulate the onset of convective events and the formation of precipitation. Four sets of experiments were adopted for our simulations. A detailed analysis of microphysical processes shows that, with the increase in the aerosol number concentration, the conversion rate of cloud water to rain in clouds is enhanced at first. Under polluted situation, the conversion process of cloud water to rain is suppressed; however, the transformation of cloud water to graupel and the development of convective clouds are favored. As a result, the onset of the precipitation is delayed and cold-rain intensity increases.

Spatial Heterogeneity of Aerosol Effect on Liquid Cloud Microphysical Properties in the Warm Season Over Tibetan Plateau

Pengguo ZHAO#+
Chengdu University of Information Technology

The effect of aerosol on liquid cloud microphysical properties over the Tibetan Plateau during the warm season is investigated by using aerosol index and cloud property parameters data. Distinct differences in aerosol effect on liquid cloud microphysical properties have been found between the northern TP (NTP) and southern TP (STP). The composite liquid cloud droplet effective radius (LREF) anomalies for positive aerosol index (AI) events are positive in the NTP and negative in the STP. In both NTP and STP, when the AI anomalies are positive, the LREF anomalies are also positive, which suggests that the increased aerosol loading reduces the solar radiation reaching the ground and thus enhances the atmospheric stability, which reduces the cloud base height and makes the liquid cloud area thicker, which gives cloud droplets more space to grow by collision-coalescence. This indicates that the aerosol radiative effect is not likely the reason causing the distinct differences of aerosol effects on liquid cloud properties between NTP and STP. Further analysis shows that in the STP, the LREF first increases and then decreases with the increase of AI, while in the NTP, the LREF always increases with the increase of AI, suggesting a spatial difference in aerosol microphysical effect. In the STP, the influence of aerosol on liquid clouds is mainly dependent on liquid water path (LWP) and convective available potential energy (CAPE), while in the NTP, the influence of aerosol on liquid cloud is more likely related to large aerosol particles.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR332
AS30 - Mesoscale and Orographic Effects on Airflow, Precipitation and Weather Systems

Session Chair(s): Cheng-Ku YU, National Taiwan University, Tetsuya TAKEMI, Kyoto University

AS30-A019 | Invited
High-resolution Numerical Simulation of the Record-breaking 2018 Kauai Flooding

Pao-Shin CHU1#+, Xiao LUO1, Cheng-Ku YU2
1University of Hawaii, 2National Taiwan University

On April 13-15, 2018, Kaua‘i of the Hawaiian Islands received record-breaking rainfall, setting a new U.S. 24-h record. During this 24-hour extreme rainfall event, Waipā Garden, which is located in the northern coast of Kauai, has experienced three torrential rainfall episodes. During the 2nd and 3rd episodes, the storm moves eastward and expands southward over Kauai. The WRF simulation can realistically reproduce the spatial pattern of the 24-hour accumulated rainfall, the evolution feature of the storm, and the observed record-breaking rainfall intensity. Simulation results indicate that the rainfall drives the low-level circulation response. The rainfall-related downdraft forms a cold pool in the rear of the thunderstorm, and the associated surface high anomaly leads to anomalous northerly wind intruding into the northern coast of Kauai. Correspondingly, the enhanced low-level convergence results in intensified rainfall at Waipā Garden. The sensitivity experiment further suggests that the terrain in Kauai plays an important role in enhancing storm-related rainfall over Kauai. When the terrain height over Kauai is reduced by 80%, the simulation shows that the rainfall over Kauai is largely reduced.

Orographic-induced Winds Seen from WISSDOM Under the Clear-air Condition: A Case Study on 14 February 2018

Chia-Lun TSAI1#+, Kwonil KIM2, Yu-Chieng LIOU3, Gyu Won LEE4
1Chinese Culture University, 2Stony Brook University, 3National Central University, 4Kyungpook National University

The WISSDOM (Wind Synthesis System using Doppler Measurements) synthesis scheme was developed to derive high-resolution 3-dimensional (3D) winds over complex terrain under clear-air conditions. A strong wind case associated with a low-pressure system (LPS) was selected to evaluate its performance and document the possible mechanisms in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The size of the test domain is 12 × 12 km2 extended up to 3 km height mean sea level (MSL) with a remarkably high horizontal and vertical resolution of 50 m. The results indicate that the derived winds reveal good patterns with a control run, similar to the sounding observations. A series of sensitivity tests with different weighting coefficients, the radius of influence (RI) in interpolation, and various combinations of different datasets were also performed. The current setting of the control run is the optimal reference to WISSDOM synthesis in this case. The evolution of surface winds shows quite different patterns, exhibiting intensification of strong winds in the lee side and periodically persistent strong winds in upstream mountainous areas with the approaching LPS. The surface wind speed was significantly intensified at a lee side surface station. The pressure gradient force (PGF) contributed from adiabatic warming, and the passage of LPS was the main factor in accelerating the surface wind on the leeward side of the mountains. The PGF also modulated the background winds at the mountainous station, which caused persistent strong and periodic winds related to the channeling effect. The evidence showed that under the same synoptic condition of a LPS, different mechanisms are essential for strong winds in determining the strength and persistence of orographic-induced strong winds under clear-air conditions.

Development of a Seeder-feeder Orographic Precipitation Model in the Typhoon Environment

Lin-Wen CHENG#+, Cheng-Ku YU, Syuan-Ping CHEN
National Taiwan University

Recent studies of tropical cyclones (TCs) have suggested that the seeder-feeder process is one of the important mechanisms contributing to the orographically enhanced precipitation as TC’s circulation and precipitation approach and interact with mountain barriers. In an effort to provide a theoretical quantification on the seeder-feeder process in the typhoon environment, this study develops an idealized seeder-feeder orographic precipitation model and uses the model to simulate the precipitation distribution over Da-Tun Mountain (DT) under the influence of Typhoon Meari (2011). The high spatial and temporal resolution radar data and dense rain gauge observations available over DT (~1 km MSL) are used for the model verification. The observational analyses show that the accumulated rainfall over DT can exceed 280 mm within 10 h as Meari brought strong north-northwesterly flow impinging on this mountain barrier. The rainfall maximum was found near the northwestern (i.e., windward) ridge of DT and its leeward side. In this model, the upper-level seeder cloud is hypothetically originated from and approximated by the background precipitation valid at the 4-km MSL seen from radar observations, whereas the lower-level feeder cloud is assumed to be generated exclusively by the condensation due to upslope lifting. The growth of the seeder cloud as it falls into the layer of the feeder cloud is based on the warm-rain collision-coalescence process. It is found that the spatial distributions and accumulations of modeling rainfall are similar to those of the observations. The time series analysis of precipitation intensity also indicates that the model can provide an evolving trend generally consistent with the actual observations. However, some minor but important differences in rainfall distribution and intensity between the modeling and observational results are also noted. These aspects and their underlying reasons will be further discussed in the presentation.

Effect of Boundary Layer Process on Snowfall in Beijing Under Complex Terrain

Bo YU#+
Beijing Meteorological Service

Snowfall is a complex weather process, and the internal changes of the shallow boundary layer play a vital role in the occurrence and development of snow. At present, the limited understanding of the winter boundary layer process has become an important reason for restricting the accuracy of snow forecast in Beijing. In recent years, the failure of the snow air report shows that the water vapor transport and dynamic convergence effects caused by the internal changes of the boundary layer play a key role in the snow weather in Beijing, regardless of the influence of the obvious synoptic scale system. Based on the difficulties of winter snowfall forecast in Beijing, The formation mechanism of snow dominated by the shallow boundary layer process, which is difficult to predict under complex terrain conditions, is revealed, and a physical conceptual model is established. Beijing is surrounded by mountains on three sides and close to the Bohai Sea, resulting in winter snowfall is often affected by the easterly wind in the boundary layer. The easterly wind in the boundary layer itself has the role of water vapor transport and dynamic uplift, which has an important impact on the formation and development of snowfall. It is clearly pointed out that the easterly wind in the boundary layer during the snowfall process in Beijing is not entirely caused by the return cold air, and the influence of the easterly wind in the boundary layer with different thermal and humidity characteristics on the snowfall is different. This study systematically reveals the difference of contribution of different types of boundary layer easterly in different weather background snowfall, and qualitatively describes the impact of boundary layer easterly wind and synoptic scale system on snowfall.

Simulation of Flow Around a Flat Obstacle Placed in a Rotating Stratified Flow

Reina ORITA#+, Tetuya KAWAMURA, Tsubasa KOHYAMA
Ochanomizu University

In this study, assuming a situation in which a flat obstacle is placed in a rotating stratified flow, numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the structure of the flow when the flow passes through the obstacle. An interesting example of such a flow is the Karman vortex observed behind Jeju Island in Korea. The existence of the Karman vortex street has been confirmed by satellite images of clouds, which form well above the island. This indicates that the influence of the island extends far above the island. Therefore, the effects of Earth rotation and stratification are thought to play an important role. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with the Coriolis force as an external force and the equation of continuity (the advection equation for density that expresses the incompressibility condition) were used as the basic equations. These basic equations were solved using the fractional step method. At this time, the advection term was approximated by the upstream finite difference method with third-order accuracy so that calculations can be stably performed even at high Reynolds numbers. A turbulence model was not used. As described above, the flow is considered to be affected by the flow velocity, the magnitude of the Coriolis force, and the strength of the density stratification. Therefore, we systematically changed these parameters and examined their effects on the flow.

Convective Characteristics of Outer Tropical Cyclone Rainbands and Their Similarity with Squall Lines

Brian JENG#+, Cheng-Ku YU, Che-Yu LIN
National Taiwan University

Tropical cyclone rainbands (TCRs) are a complex precipitation system with a lot of possible causes and uncertainties which trigger heated discussion among researchers. TCRs can be divided into inner and outer rainbands based on the degree to which convection is influenced by the inner-core vortex circulation. Previous research suggests that outer TCRs (OTCRs) develop in an environment with relatively larger convective available potential energy (CAPE) and frequently exhibit structural and surface characteristics similar to ordinary convective systems such as squall lines. In this study, radar measurements and high temporal resolution surface observations are used to further explore the degree of similarity between OTCRs and squall lines from a comprehensive OTCR dataset. A convective intensity index (CII) and squall-line similarity index (SSI) are developed based on fuzzy logic. CII quantifies the convective intensity of OTCRs and SSI determines the degree of similarity between OTCRs and squall lines, both of which range from 0 and 1. A total of 216 OTCR cases associated with 97 TCs as they approached Taiwan are identified during 2002-2019, together with six squall line cases and 24 surface station passages that are chosen for the analysis. Most of the OTCRs exhibit a certain degree of similarity with squall lines, with only about 30% of the analyzed OTCRs possessing a higher similarity with squall lines (i.e., SSI > 0.5). These results suggest that the convective characteristics associated with OTCRs are more complicated and diverse compared to typical squall -lines.

Influence of Complex Terrain on the 21.7 Zhengzhou Extreme Rainfall

Peng WEI#+, Xin XU
Nanjing University

On 20 July 2021, an extremely heavy rainfall event occurred in Zhengzhou, North China (hereafter, the 21.7 extreme rainfall event). The 24-hr rainfall reached up to 682.5 mm, with an extreme hourly rainfall rate of 201.9 mm that broke the record in mainland China. This extreme rainfall event was poorly predicted by even the state-of-the-art global numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. Specifically, the predicted rainfall by the ECMWF and NCEP models was biased to the west of observation. Moreover, the amount of predicted rainfall was much lower than in reality. The possible influence of unresolved orography in global NWP models on the 21.7 extreme rainfall event was studied using the MPAS model with a resolution of 15 km. Two numerical experiments were conducted with and without the parameterization of subgrid-scale orographic drag (SOD), respectively. Results showed that the extreme rainfall was closely related to a low-level mesoscale vortex. The SOD induced a high pressure over the mountains to the west of Zhengzhou which prevented the westward movement of the low-level vortex. The SOD also weakened the vortex by decelerating the horizontal winds. However, the water vapor flux convergence was enhanced in Zhengzhou. Therefore, the rainfall was enhanced compared to no SOD. We further investigated the key dynamical processes that supported the hourly extreme rainfall using a convection-permitting WRF simulation. The extreme-rain-producing storm was maintained by the dynamic lifting of three-way converging flows. The low-level northerly flow originated from a mesoscale barrier jet on eastern slope of the Taihang Mountain due to terrain blocking, which reached an overall balance with the southerly winds associated with a low-level meso-β-scale vortex. The large-scale easterly inflows that fed the deep convection prevented the eastward propagation of the cold pool. The convective storm was nearly stationary over Zhengzhou, resulting in the record-breaking hourly rainfall.

Characteristics of Cold Air Damming and its Effect on Snowfall in the Yeongdong Region of Korea

Younggil CHOI1, Ji Yun KIM1+, Han JINHEON1, Kim TAE YEON1, Byung-Gon KIM1#, Byunghwan LIM2, Gyu Won LEE3
1Gangneung-Wonju National University, 2National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 3Kyungpook National University

The Yeongdong region has lots of snowfall in winter because of the Taeback mountain range and adjacent East Sea. Severe snowfall generally tends to be accompanied with strong cold air outbreak of northerly and northeasterly.
We investigate characteristics of cold air damming and its effect on snowfall by using rawinsonde soundings and model reanalysis data in the Yeongdong region. Two strong CAD events (14 February 2019 and 6 February 2020) were observed when the snowfall forecast was wrong specifically in its location and timing. For two CAD events, lower-level temperature below ~ 2 km ranged to lowest limit in comparisons to those of the previous years (2014 – 2021) rawinsonde soundings, along with the stronger inversion strength (>2.0℃) and thicker inversion depth (>700m). Further, the cold northwesterly was predominant within the CAD layer, whereas the thin easterly wind was exhibited above the CAD layer. Meanwhile, during two weak CAD events (14 March 2018 and 1 March 2021), ice pellets of solid precipitation were observed when strong cold advection was prevalent below around 2 km as accompanied with stronger inversion strength (4.7 ~ 9.3 ℃) above the cold clouds. Cold air accumulation along the eastern side of the mountains appeared to significantly decrease low level temperature (850 hPa) up to -4.7 ~ -3.4 ℃, which was lower than long-term averages (-9.5 ℃). Rawinsonde observation and LDAPS reanalysis identify that extreme cold air intrusion with barrier wind to Yeongdong plays an important role in modulating snowfall intensity and location in terms of snow clouds moving and convergence, and weak CAD during the transition period of winter to spring is vulnerable to phase change of solid precipitation such as ice pellet (or freezing rain) with a help of cold air blocking by the mountains.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR329
AS20 - Weather and Climate Studies with High Performance Computing

Session Chair(s): Yi ZHANG, PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd., Chihiro KODAMA, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

AS20-A011 | Invited
Impact of Ocean Layer Thickness in Storm-and-eddy-rich Global Coupled Simulations on the Climate State and ENSO Variability

1Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 2Monash University

CMIP-type models have been widely used to make significant progress in our understanding of the climate state and variability. However, they are based on the assumption that the ocean mesoscales do not play an essential role, a necessary assumption due to insufficient computational resources. Yet, studies with coupled simulations that resolve the ocean mesoscale have revealed their implications on air-sea heat exchange, atmospheric circulation and coupling variability, counteracting the long-held notion of a passive ocean to the atmosphere. As such, quite some attention has been given to increasing horizontal resolution to resolve said processes, with critical implications on the climate state and variability. However, little attention has been given to the impact that arises from vertical resolution at the ocean surface. Here, we evaluate the influence of surface ocean layer thickness on the climate mean state and ENSO variability in simulations that resolve the ocean mesoscales and atmospheric convection. More specifically, we analyse outputs from two 30-year coupled R2B8 (10km) ICON simulations, the first multi-decadal global coupled storm-and-eddy-rich climate simulations. These simulations differ only in the thickness of the upper 20m ocean, namely the thin case has ~2m layers while the thick case has ~10m layers. Preliminary results showed that in both simulations, warm biases over the tropical east Pacific is ameliorated compared to CMIP-type simulations. Interestingly, SST variability over tropical Pacific is larger in the thick case compared to the thin case, with implications on ENSO variability. SST variability through its response to winds, has a large impact on thermocline variability in both cases. However, the two-way coupling whereby thermocline variability in turn feeds back to SST variability only occurs in the thick case. Indeed, ENSO has no interannual variability in the thin case, while a strong 3-year oscillation is seen in the thick case.

An Overview of the Development of a Unified Weather-climate Model System (GRIST) in China

Yi ZHANG1#+, Jian LI2, Xiaohan LI1, Zhuang LIU3, Yihui ZHOU2, Xindong PENG2,4, Xinyao RONG5, Yiming WANG1, Rucong YU2
1PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd., 2Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 3Tsinghua University, 4CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, 5CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Center

GRIST is a unified weather–climate model system. It was created in response to the requirement for, and calls to develop, unified weather and climate modeling in China. This “unification” process was pursued following two routes: (i) maximizing the possibility of constructing weather and climate models using a single model framework and dynamical core; (ii) maximizing the possibility of using a unified model formulation which requires minimal application-specific changes for weather-to-climate forecast applications that are relevant to most operational business demands. This talks gives a review on the general features of the model framework, its dynamical core and physics-dynamics couping. Model applications from typical global AMIP climate simulations, operational numerical weather prediction, and high-resolution experimental global storm-resolving simulations are presented and discussed. Future model development and application efforts will be briefly outlined.

Improved Climate Simulation by Using a Double-plume Convection Scheme in a Global Model

Xiaohan LI1#+, Zhou BAIQUAN2
1PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd., China, 2Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Convective parameterization can drastically regulate the mean climate and tropical transient activity of a general circulation model. In this study, the physics suite of the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model, version 5 (CAM5) was first ported to the GRIST (Global-to-Regional Integrated Forecast System) model. Then, the original convective parameterization of CAM5—with a separate representation of deep convection (Zhang–Mcfarlane; ZM) and shallow convection (University of Washington; UW)—was replaced by a double-plume (DP) scheme. This DP scheme adopts a quasi-unified representation of shallow and deep convection within a single framework. Results demonstrate that the new scheme brings about several improvements in the modeled climate. The differences in the trigger and closure assumptions, lateral mixing rate, and cloud model for the deep convection result in systematic regional differences in the simulated precipitation pattern, cloud vertical structure, and the associated radiative forcing. Compared with ZM-UW, DP reduces the biases in precipitation over the Indian Ocean, ameliorates the “high-frequency and low-intensity” problem of tropical precipitation, and leads to an improved representation of tropical variability, including the Madden–Julian Oscillation. DP reduces low clouds and increases high clouds in the tropics, due to its internal parallel-split convective processes and smaller cumulus cloud fraction. Discussions related to parametric tuning of convective parameterization are also presented.

Progress and Challenges of Kilometer-scale Atmospheric Climate Simulations with NICAM

Daisuke TAKASUKA1#+, Chihiro KODAMA2, Tamaki SUEMATSU3, Tomoki OHNO4, Yohei YAMADA2, Tatsuya SEIKI2, Hisashi YASHIRO5, Masuo NAKANO2, Hiroaki MIURA1, Akira NODA2, Tomoe NASUNO2, Tomoki MIYAKAWA1, Ryusuke MASUNAGA2
1The University of Tokyo, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3RIKEN, 4Meteorological Research Institute, 5National Institute for Environmental Studies

A global kilometer-scale (K-scale) “convection-resolving” model (GCRM) simulation on the climate time scale is expected to be advantageous to the seamless representation of various kinds of phenomena related to cloud processes. Meanwhile, we have also known that the good reproducibility of both climatological statistics and weather disturbances is not straightforward, and that there exist resolution-independent model errors at least for O(1–10)-km grid spacing. Considering that this situation partly comes from the poor constraint of a moisture-convection relation depending on model physics even on a K-scale, we have revised the settings of cloud microphysics, turbulent diffusion, and vertical resolutions in the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) for a K-scale climate simulation. After this revision, we are now performing a 10-year AMIP-type simulation at 3.5-km horizontal mesh on a Japanese flagship supercomputer “Fugaku”. A preliminary analysis of about 5-year integration reveals that both the model revisions and K-scale horizontal resolution can improve the reproducibility of many atmospheric aspects over a wide range of spatio-temporal scales (e.g., mean precipitation and OLR distributions, mid-latitude westerly jets, monsoon, MJO, tropical cyclone intensity, and precipitation diurnal cycle). However, it is still non-trivial how low clouds are appropriately simulated in the K-scale GCRM framework, which should be resolved in the ocean-coupled climate run in which the energy balance is important. This work can be a clue for understanding the merits and limitations of a K-scale GCRM climate simulation and providing a strategy for the future model development.

AS20-A014 | Invited
High-resolution Weather and Climate Modelling at CCRS: Current Status and Future Priorities

Hugh ZHANG1#+, Dale BARKER2, Aurel MOISE1, Joshua LEE3, Song CHEN1, Rajesh KUMAR1
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS), 3Meteorological Service Singapore

The Centre for Climate Research Singapore (CCRS) is a research centre and part of the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS). This presentation is used to give a brief overview of the current high-resolution modelling system being developed at CCRS. In recent years, enhanced supercomputing power has enabled us develop the high-resolution regional ‘SINGV’ Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system at 1.5km resolution with advanced data assimilation of ground- and space-based weather observations. We have further developed a seamless weather and climate modelling approach by configuring the SINGV NWP model for use as a regional climate model (SINGV-RCM) in the Third Singapore National Climate Change Study [V3], with a model resolution down to 2km in our region.
The weather and climate of Southeast Asia are heavily influenced by strong feedbacks between the atmosphere, ocean, waves and land. Thus, one of our current priorities is to develop a unified ‘cSINGV’ coupled environmental prediction system at 1.5km resolution, which helps improve the accuracy of very short-term weather forecasts and long-term climate change projections, and allows us to provide consistent weather, climate and marine forecasts for all users. At the same time, we are focused on developing urban (~100m) ‘uSINGV’ prediction system that provides improved representation of key processes governing local weather and allows us to provide more specific local and/or regional weather and climate information. We welcome collaborations with regional and global partners to improve our modelling capability in tropical Southeast Asia which, as the “engine room“ of the global climate system, has far-reaching impacts for other regions of the world.

Global-regional-unified Modeling of Atmospheric Phenomena on the Yin-yang Grid

Xindong PENG1,2#+, Siyuan CHEN1, Yifan ZHAO1, Xiaohan LI3
1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, 3PIESAT Information Technology Co., Ltd.

A global-reginal-unified atmospheric model, Yin-Yang-grid Unified Model for the Atmosphere (YUNMA), is developed for flexible weather simulation using a semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian solver. With the help of arbitrary coordinate rotation and convenient switch between global and regional choices, easy configuration of model domains is possible for either global or regional run with nesting-grid refinement. Numerical performance of the dynamical core was confirmed using a series of numerical benchmark tests on sphere. An average convergence rate of the dynamical core reached 2.43 in the balanced flow test, and rotation of the Yin-Yang grid showed positive impact on the simulation even though generally did not affect the basic flow pattern and average numerical error, as shown in the balanced flow test and the terminator chemical reaction test. Local refinement and limited-area high-resolution simulation improved the numerical results in the baroclinic wave test, and achieved similar development of baroclinic waves as the global high-resolution run with significantly low cost. Transport of vortices in the colliding modons test showed unique features in comparison with existing simulations. Travel distance and vorticity amplitude varied with model resolution and time step explicitly in the global model, which is consistent with published results. In a nested model, however, the vortex enhanced just the same as in the global high-resolution model, but traveled a distance the same as in the low-resolution global (parent) model, which illustrates the impact of lateral boundary condition on the modons propagation. With terrain data introduced, the development of topographic gravity wave and topographic Rossby wave was proved very well in the YUNMA dynamic core, which confirms the correctness of the global-regional-unified model development. Global 10-km- and regional 3-km-resolution results of a real case simulation will be shown in this presentation.

A Revised Gaussian Filter Technique for Stabilizing Explicit Atmospheric Model on the Latitude-longitude Grid

Chinese Academy of Sciences

The pole problem has been hindering the horizontal resolution increment of the global atmospheric models on the latitude-longitude grids due to the stringent limit on the time step size. Some implicit or semi-implicit methods were designed to increase the stability of the models, but the algorithms used to solve the large matrix systems are very complex and unfriendly to massive parallel computers. This study tried to solve this problem by devising an effective Gaussian filter so that the explicit time step can be large enough and the numerical accuracy is preserved as much as possible. The filter is applied in the zonal direction, and its kernel width is decreased smoothly according to the zonal Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (shortly as CFL) condition from the pole to the equator. The tendencies are filtered so that the zonal spatial scale is enlarged to improve the numerical stability in the polar region. Meanwhile, the 2D horizontal decomposition parallel implementation is optimized so that only filtered arrays have large zonal halo width. Several test cases are applied to demonstrated the efficacy of this new technique.

An Assessment of the Simulation of East‐Asia Precipitation in the High‐resolution Community Earth System Model

Mingkui LI#+, Guang YANG, Shaoqing ZHANG
Ocean University of China

Data analyses of long-term historical experiments using version 1.3 of the Community Earth System Model with 100 km resolution for both atmosphere and ocean (low-resolution, LR), and 25 km resolution for atmosphere and 10 km resolution for ocean (high-resolution, HR), were conducted to study the impact of model horizontal resolution on the simulation of East Asian precipitation. The features analyzed here include long-time mean spatial distribution, intra-seasonal variabilities, and probability of frequency and intensity. Due to the finer grid resolution, the better simulation of convection and water vapor transport conditions, the long-time mean spatial pattern of precipitation in the HR is much closer to the observation compared to the LR simulation, especially the rain belt along the south edge of the Tibetan Plateau associated with complex topography. Although the HR slightly improves the intra-seasonal evolution of East Asian precipitation, on the whole, the inaccurate simulation of circulation characteristics in the middle and upper troposphere amplifies the simulation bias of the rain belt position. The daily time scale precipitation was evaluated by intensity-frequency structure, indicating that the finer resolution makes the simulation more reasonable, especially in monsoon regions. Although there are aspects that need to be further improved in the HR simulation, the HR model bias in East Asian precipitation is overall smaller compared to that of the LR.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR331
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Hongbin YU, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Meiying Melissa MARTIN, NASA

AS23-A063 | Invited
WMO Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) - Supporting Sustainability Efforts in Southeast Asia

Boon Ning CHEW1#+, Alexander BAKLANOV 2, Sara BASART2, Mikhail SOFIEV3, Bambang H. SAHARJO4, Goldammer JOHANN GEORG5
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2World Meteorological Organization, 3Finnish Meteorological Institute, 4Regional Fire Management Resource Center - South East Asia, 5Global Fire Monitoring Center

Vegetation fires, including the applications of fire in land use, land-use change and uncontrolled wild fires, are sources of severe smoke pollution, and impact the environment and public health. WMO has responded to urgent requests from smoke-impacted regions by initiating the Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS). In Southeast Asia, VFSP-WAS is hosted by the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC), and partners with the Regional Fire Management Resource Center (RFMRC) - a regional branch of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) - to provide guidance to address smoke and fire dangers. The VFSP-WAS smoke forecasts for the region are given as an ensemble product combined from 5 global models (ECMWF-CAMS, JMA MASINGAR, NASA GEOS-5, NOAA GEFS-Aerosols, FMI SILAM) and a regional model (MSS-UKMO NAME). Here, we introduce VFSP-WAS and its mission, and discuss how these ensemble forecasts, together with other ASMC's data products and RFMRC's work with the stakeholders on the ground, can be used to assess and forecast population exposure to smoke, mitigate fires, and enable more sustainable developments in the fire-impacted regions.

AS23-A048 | Invited
Top-down Model-free Estimation of Emissions of BC, CH4, CO, and NOx in Tandem: Increased Emissions and Radiative Forcing in Rural Areas Overwhelm Reductions in Emissions and Radiative Forcing Variability in Urban Areas

Jason COHEN#+
China University of Mining and Technology

Black carbon (BC), NO2, CO and CH4 tend to be underestimated by models in rapidly developing and changing areas of Asia, which is at odds with regulations and incentives employed to improve air quality and reduce climate altering species. Recent advances in analyzing large datasets, and the ability to merge multiple overlapping measurements in space, time, and across the radiative spectrum, have led to new methods to detect signals and quantify patterns which were not previously realized. This work does this by merging mass conservation, number conservation, first order thermodynamics and chemistry, core/shell MIE modeling, and remotely sensed measurements across the UV, VIS, and NIR in tandem. Thermodynamics of combustion, driven by the type of fuel and energy usage, constrain the ratios between co-emitted species. First order in-situ chemistry and advection generate temporally and spatially varying fields. Core-Shell MIE models and inverse solutions across many possible outcomes are used to constrain physically realistic solutions across all measurements. Uncertainty bounds are harmonized across unique retrievals of all species. Total errors are explored and are found to generally be smaller than day-to-day and grid-to-grid variability. A few conclusions are discussed. First, regulations effectively reduce emissions in urban centers, powerplants, steel-plants, and concrete-plants. Second, new sources and increased existing sources in suburban/rural areas lead to increased emissions in these regions. Third, biomass burning is identified and attributed, and found to be impactful over a much wider region than previously identified, including the megacities of Hong Kong, New Delhi, and Shanghai. Fourth, there are additional significant impacts attributed to changes in UV radiation and atmospheric transport. Fifth, there are significant biases observed in the TOA radiative forcing, with the aerosol effects resulting in a generally less negative TOA.

AS23-A049 | Invited
The Diurnal Variation of Pollutant Distributions Over Asia Using Observations from the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)

David EDWARDS1#+, Sara MARTINEZ-ALONSO1, Duseong JO1, Ivan ORTEGA1, Louisa EMMONS1, Helen WORDEN1, Jhoon KIM2
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2Yonsei University

The new-generation geostationary (GEO) satellite perspective, with high spatial resolution and hourly measurements, represents a major step forward in capability for understanding how air quality processes change diurnally at the local scale. South Korea's Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) was launched in February 2020 over Asia and is the first member of the GEO constellation that will eventually include the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring Pollution (TEMPO) mission over North America, and Sentinal-4 over Europe. The measurement hourly time resolution is truly the new perspective that the GEO platform provides, and in this presentation, we use a combination of satellite observations from GEMS and chemical transport model simulations to investigate the diurnal variation of pollution over several Asian regions. For a reactive gas such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), the magnitude of the diurnal change is often very large as are the hour-by-hour changes in the spatial distribution. To help understand daily differences in diurnal patterns at regional and local scales, we use the Multi-Scale Infrastructure for Chemistry and Aerosols (MUSICA-V0). This uses a global modeling framework with regional grid refinement to resolve chemistry at emission and exposure relevant scales. The model also allows the drivers of variability due to emissions, meteorology, and photochemistry to be considered separately. Comparing with LEO observations of carbon monoxide (CO) from MOPITT (morning overpass) and CrIS and TROPOMI (afternoon overpass) also allows helps differentiate combustion sources. The results of this analysis are further compared with the NO2 diurnal variability observed by PANDORA sun spectrometer measurements at polluted and less-polluted Korean and other Asian sites. We investigate spatial scale, including the city-scale within Seoul, at which GEMS captures the differences in diurnal variability between the PANDORAs.

Characteristics of Spatiotemporal Distribution of OMI NO2 VCDs in Southeast Asia (2005-2019)

Ja-Ho KOO#+, Nahyun LEE, Donghee LEE
Yonsei University

NO2 is one of representative trace gases strongly affecting the local air pollution. Compared to other trace gases, satellite can observe the NO2 density with a reliable quality, enabling us to see the spatiotemporal pattern of NO2 for a long-term period in a continental scale. In this context, we tried to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of NO2 vertical column density (VCD) using the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) dataset, which is the well-known polar orbit satellite observation. At first, we examined the long-term (from 2005 to 2019) trend of NO2 VCDs in 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries in Southeast Asia. As a result, countries in the Indochinese Peninsula show the increasing trend (e.g., 1.93 %/year in Laos and 2.24 %/year in Vietnam), but countries in the tropical region show the decreasing trend (e.g., -0.66 %/year in Malaysia and -0.88 %/year in Indonesia). We also found that NO2 enhancement in Laos and northern Vietnam is strongly related to the high number of fire count measured by another satellite sensor, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), indicating the significant contribution of wildfire to the local NO2 concentration. One more interesting characteristic is that this region (Laos and northern Vietnam) mostly show the higher NO2 after the COVID-19 outbreak, which is much different from previous findings addressing the NO2 decrease resulted from the weakened anthropogenic emission after the COVID-19 outbreak. This feature implies that the wildfire plays a dominant role of NO2 emission here, different from the large contribution of anthropogenic emission of other industrial regions. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute(KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE) (2022003560006).

Investigating Transport and Environmental Impacts of the Strongest Asian Dust Event Over the Past Decade in China

Tianle ZHANG1+, Mei ZHENG1#, Xiaoguang SUN2, Huanhuan CHEN3, Yuntao WANG4, Xuehua FAN2, Yubing PAN5, Jiannong QUAN6, Junyi LIU1, Yinan WANG2, Daren LYU2,7, Shuangling CHEN3, Tong ZHU1, Fei CHAI3
1Peking University, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3Ministry of Natural Resources, 4State Oceanic Administration, 5Institute of Urban Meteorology, 6Institute of Urban Meteorology, 7University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

In March 2021, China experienced three dust events (Dust-1, 2, 3), especially the first of which was reported as the strongest one in recent ten years, covering an area of >3.80 million km2 (about 40% of land area of China). Multiple advanced measurements, including satellite, ground-based lidar, online aerosol speciation instrument, and biogeochemical Argo float, were applied to examine the transport paths, optical and chemical properties, and impacts on urban air quality and marine ecosystem. Our results showed that Dust-1 exhibited the largest impact on urban area, increasing PM10 concentration to 7525 μg/m3 in Beijing, and the absorbing aerosol index retrieved from satellite was as high as 3.3. In addition, during these events, particles were enriched with crustal elements while the concentration of pollution elements was low, and the depolarization ratio of these particles measured by lidar was 0.3-0.4. The transport paths of dust were also examined. Although Dust-1 was the strongest among three, due to fast movement of the Mongolian low-pressure cyclone, most dust retained on the land and cannot be transported to the northwestern Pacific, resulting in limited impact on the ocean. Dust-2 and Dust-3, though weaker in intensity, were transported directly to the sea, leading to a substantial increase in chlorophyll-a concentration (up to 3 times) in the northwestern Pacific, comparing to its climatological value. We find that the impacts of dust events on ocean was not necessarily and positively correlated to their impacts on land. Based on the integrated analyses of land-ocean-space monitoring data and synoptic systems, this study quantitatively assessed the overall impacts of super Asian dust storms both on land and ocean. The methodology developed in this study could also serve as a reference for future research on strong aerosol emission events such as wildfire and volcanic eruption.

Sub-grid Variability of Column NO2 at Industrial Point Sources in Korea Inferred from Airborne Hyperspectral Observations

Jong-Uk PARK1#+, Sang-Woo KIM1, Jin-Soo PARK2, Hyunjae KIM2, Jin-Soo CHOI2, Sangseo PARK3
1Seoul National University, 2National Institute of Environmental Research, 3Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are one of the key atmospheric pollutants in the urban atmosphere from its innate health effect and enrollment in the atmospheric photochemistry forming ozone (O3) and secondary aerosols. Various hyperspectral satellite sensors have successfully captured NOx emission hot-spots worldwide by retrieving NO2 concentrations from spectral fitting (i.e., DOAS), but not in sufficient spatial resolution considering the highly variable character of NOx in the polluted atmosphere. In this study, high-resolution NO2 vertical column densities (VCD) were obtained from the airborne low-cost hyperspectral imaging sensor (HIS) observations at two major industrial source regions (i.e., coastal area in Chungnam-province and Pohang) in Korea to examine the NO2 spatial variability in the scale below the resolution of the state-of-art satellite observations (i.e., TROPOMI) near the emission hot-spots. NO2 VCDs from the airborne HIS observations were retrieved using the modified wavelength-pair method to overcome the instrumental defects in the spectral resolution and the precision of calibration, and spatial kriging was applied to achieve full spatial coverage based on the variogram representing spatial continuity along and across the wind at the time of observation. Kriged NO2 VCD field well captured the localized NO2 plume and the dispersion-advection pattern with the high concentration on its center (> 1.1 DU) and sharp gradient on its lateral peripheries, whereas the collocated TROPOMI swath exhibited relatively lower peak values (< 1.0 DU) from the spatial averaging effect of the pixel footprint area and failed to resolve exact plume structure. Although the current study is based on a limited number of observations, further HIS airborne observations over major source regions in Korea (i.e., megacities such as Seoul Metropolitan Area) will enable quantifying the sub-grid inhomogeneity of NO2 VCD in the polluted region in East Asia and elucidate the inherent uncertainties of satellite observations from its limited spatial resolution.

Top-down Nitrogen Oxide Emissions Based on TROPOMI Observations

Yi-Chun CHEN#+, Charles CHOU, Chian-Yi LIU, Szu-Yu CHI, Ming-Tung CHUANG
Academia Sinica

To compensate for the emissions missed or underestimated in the national bottom-up emission inventories, we apply the high spatial resolution satellite data from TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) to estimate the top-down nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in regional scales. The NOx chemical lifetime is derived based on ground-based measurements of ozone photolysis rate, ultra-violet index, and temperature. For western Taiwan, the derived lifetime is about 1 to 2 h in summer and 2 to 4 h in winter. The retrieved emissions for regions near major pollution sources (e.g., Taichung thermal power plant and Mailiao Industrial Zone) are comparable with the emission from the Continuous Emission Monitoring System. After validating the data and methods, the NOx emissions for different regions of western Taiwan are derived and applied to evaluate the bottom-up inventories. For northern and southern Taiwan, the top-down emissions agree well with emission inventories. The top-down emissions are 12%-23% higher than emission inventories for north-central to south-central Taiwan, indicating that the bottom-up inventories are underestimated, which may be associated with the uncertainties from traffic sources. Given the various complex pollution sources, deriving NOx emissions from space allows us to acquire a better understanding of emissions on urban scales and improve the bottom-up emission inventories.

Global Temperature Dependency of Satellite Formaldehyde (HCHO) Columns: Implications to Isoprene Emissions

Xicheng LI1+, Lei ZHU1#, Isabelle DE SMEDT2, Wenfu SUN2, Lei SHU3, Dakang WANG4, Song LIU1, Yuyang CHEN1, Dongchuan PU1, Juan LI1, Shuai SUN1, Xiaoxing ZUO1, Weitao FU1, Xin YANG1, Tzung-May FU1
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, 3Fujian Normal University, 4Guangzhou University

Temperature is the most influential driver of biogenic isoprene emissions and its oxidation production HCHO. We revisit such a temperature (T-) dependency here in a global manner using HCHO columns retrieved from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) satellite. We find T-dependency of HCHO columns varies significantly among PFTs, with the highest for Broadleaf Evergreen Tropical Trees (HCHO columns double every 6.0 K ± 4.0 K) and the lowest for Broadleaf Deciduous Temperate Tree (double every 27.6 K ± 3.5 K). T-dependency of TROPOMI HCHO columns is inconsistent with that of isoprene emissions estimated by the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN), likely due to MEGAN lacking PFT-specified T-dependency parameters.

Wed-02 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR328
AS29 - The Physical Processes Over Complex Topography: the Interactions Among Meteorology, Boundary Layer Turbulence, Clouds, Tracer Transport, and Chemistry

Session Chair(s): Wei-Ting CHEN, National Taiwan University, Shih-Hao SU, National Taiwan University

Investigating Impacts of Local Circulation on Coastal Ozone Problem in the New York Metropolitan Area: A Modeling and Observational Study

Sarah LU#+, Chin-An LIN, Huiying LUO
University at Albany - State University of New York

Elevated surface ozone levels are often detected during hot summer days in the New York metropolitan area, including New York City (NYC), Long Island (LI), the south shore of Connecticut (CT), and the northeast corner of New Jersey (NJ), due to the rich sources of local anthropogenic and natural ozone precursor emissions. Moreover, surface ozone in this region exhibits extensive horizontal and vertical gradients and distinctive diurnal cycles when coupled with transport by complex boundary layer circulation induced by the intricate coastal geometry throughout the domain. This study first examines the spatial and temporal ozone characteristics under different cluster-based local circulation scenarios during summertime in the pre-COVID era of 2017-2019, utilizing observations from various surface networks, New York State Mesonet (NYSM) Profilers, and 2018 Long Island Sound Tropospheric Ozone Study (LISTOS), as well as composites from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) reanalysis fields. The most polluted days are closely associated with classic sea breeze days with weak large-scale flow. Meteorological characteristics, such as sea breeze onset time and strength, most critical to ozone exceedances and high peaks are identified and analyzed for future improvement in coastal ozone simulation and prediction. This study then conducts regional air quality model experiments to characterize an ozone episode during the LISTOS.

Characterization of the Boundary Layer Mean and Turbulence Structures Over the Heterogeneous Land Surface in Taiwan

Fang-Yi CHENG#+, Yu-Tzu WANG, Yi-Cheng LIN
National Central University

The distributions of the heterogeneous land surface and topography lead to the complexity of the atmospheric structures. To understand the interplay of the atmospheric processes over the heterogeneous areas in Taiwan, a field campaign (2013/9/3~2013/9/10) was conducted over the Puli basin, which is located in central Taiwan and surrounded by the complex topography. The characteristics of the turbulence structures were investigated over the heterogeneous areas in Taiwan, using the radial wind profiler (RWP), microwave radiometer profiler (MRP), and WINDCUBE in several places in Taiwan. To enhance the understanding of spatial variability, the numerical weather simulation with the high spatial resolution was conducted to provide the three-dimensional turbulence structures. The objectives are to characterize the mean and turbulence variations and to investigate the turbulence structures using high-resolution weather simulation and measurement. The preliminary analysis indicates a daytime well-mixed boundary layer structure in the Puli basin and a steady westerly flow prevailed in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) during the day. The interaction of the synoptic flow, sea breeze flow, and valley winds was identified from the WRF simulation at 600-m resolution. The estimation of the turbulence kinetic energy based on the observations revealed the PBL evolution process.

Assimilation of the High Vertical-resolution PBL Observations During the TPOMDA Field Campaign and its Impact on Meteorological Analysis and Air-quality Simulation

Shu-Chih YANG#+, Chih-Kuan WANG, Sheng-Hsiang WANG, Fang-Yi CHENG
National Central University

This study investigates the impact of assimilating the high vertical-resolution observations on the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) analysis, forecast, and air quality prediction during the Taiwan Air Pollution Modeling and Data assimilation (T-POMDA) experiment. The observations include wind profilers, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and Aerosond collected from 16 to 17 March 2021. The assimilation is conducted with the Weather Research and Forecasting model-Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (WRF-LETKF) with rapid update cycles. Assimilation strategies with variable localization and adaptive observation error variance inflation (AOEI) are adopted to highlight the impact of assimilating the PBL observations with a high vertical resolution.
Our results suggest that assimilating the wind observations of wind profilers and Aerosond can improve the PBL dynamic structure over central Taiwan. Applying variable error covariance localization is crucial to maintain the impact of wind assimilation and avoid the negative impact on the thermodynamic structure. Due to the significant temperature variation and cold bias, the large innovation occurred easily in the PBL. Assimilating the UAV temperature observation using AOEI alleviates the overly large temperature increment and prevents the unrealistic flow in the analysis, further improving the thermal-direct land-sea breeze simulation.
The WRF-LETKF analysis is used to drive the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) to obtain the air quality simulation. The assimilation of wind data with high vertical resolution corrects the structure of vertical circulation near the terrain and thus better represents the vertical transportation of the pollutants. In addition, the assimilation of UAV temperature corrects the model overcooling at night, which help to suppress the unrealistic strong land breeze and prevent the pollutants from diffusing offshore. In summary, assimilating the PBL observation with the high vertical resolution is beneficial for improving the air-quality simulation related to local emission issues.

Significant Impacts of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Dynamics and Photochemistry on Fine Particulate Pollution Revealed by Intensive Vertical Observations

Min ZHANG#+, Pengfei TIAN, Lei ZHANG, Jiening LIANG, Jiayun LI
Lanzhou University

Surface fine particulate matter (PM2.5, particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters less than 2.5 μm) pollution in winter is still a vital issue of air pollution and human health, and its pollution mechanisms can be understood deeply by combining the vertical distribution of aerosols. The vertical direction dynamics and chemical processes in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) are the most significant factors affecting the above problems. However, the PBL dynamic-chemistry coupled effects lack further studies, especially the observational evidence. In this article, comprehensive observations were collected in a semi-arid city in western China in winter, including the vertical distribution of PBL dynamics, aerosol optical properties, and PM2.5 chemical composition. We found large differences in particulate pollution levels under the comparable columnar aerosol loadings due to the contrast of aerosol vertical distributions. The different Richardson number (Ri) profiles under different pollution levels, reflecting the vertical structure of the boundary layer stability, were the main reason for the differences in aerosol vertical distributions. Photochemistry is the major process for secondary aerosol formation in the semi-arid region due to the lower relative humidity (RH), which is different from humid areas. The strongest photochemistry occurred in the upper boundary layer (0.42 km) due to influences of solar irradiance and the vertical exchange of precursors. This paper provides observational evidence for the significant influence of the coupled atmospheric physical and chemical processes on the vertical distribution of aerosol and particulate pollution levels at the surface.

Response of Surface Ozone to Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption is More Sensitive Than to Scattering

Xin SONG#+, Pengfei TIAN, Lei ZHANG, Jiening LIANG
Lanzhou University

Interactions between atmospheric aerosols and ozone have a significant impact on air pollution and the climate. However, the relative importance of the response of surface ozone to aerosol scattering and absorption has been poorly quantified from in situ observations. Results derived from a one-year in situ observational study conducted in a semi-arid region showed that the response of ozone to aerosol absorption was more sensitive than to scattering. Specifically, the change in surface ozone from low to high absorption coefficients was approximately five times that from low to high scattering coefficients. The mass scattering and absorption efficiencies, rather than the single-scattering albedo, which are commonly applied in numerical simulations, were able to clearly distinguish surface ozone. The positive correlation between aerosol and ozone in summer showed the promotion of secondary aerosols by ozone. This study provides robust observational evidence of the response of surface ozone to aerosol scattering and absorption.

Impacts of Boundary-layer Structure and Turbulence on the Variations of PM2.5 During Fog–haze Episodes

Tingting JU1+, Bingui WU2#
1Dalian Maritime University, 2Tianjin Institute of Meteorological Science

The precise cause of PM2.5 (fine particular matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 µm) explosive growth and the contribution of intermittent turbulence to the dispersion of PM2.5 are uncertain. Thus, the impact of boundary-layer structure and turbulence on the variations of surface PM2.5 during fog–haze episodes, especially during explosive growth and dispersion episodes, are investigated using turbulence data collected at a 255-m high meteorological tower in Tianjin from 2016 to 2018. Results suggest that the explosive growth of surface PM2.5 during fog–haze episodes is closely related to weak turbulent mixing, nocturnal inversions, or anomalous inversions, and the barrier effect of strong turbulent intermittency. Turbulent intermittency acts as a lid for hindering pollutant dispersion and is favourable for the fast accumulation of surface PM2.5. Apart from the potential causes mentioned above, the persistent moderate south-westerly flow is also a contributing factor for the explosive growth of surface PM2.5 during fog–haze episodes associated with regional transport. In addition, we demonstrate a possible mechanism of how intermittent turbulence affects the dispersion of PM2.5. Results verify that intermittent turbulence induced by the nocturnal low-level jet (LLJ) indeed plays an important role in the dispersion of PM2.5. However, the contribution of intermittent turbulence generated by the nocturnal LLJ to the dispersion of PM2.5 strongly relies on the intensity of the nocturnal LLJ.

Effects of the Atmospheric Turbulence on the Vertical Transport of Dust Aerosols During Strong Sandstorm Period

Lu ZHANG#+, Hongsheng ZHANG
Peking University

An extreme sand storm hit North China from March 14 to 16, 2021. With the enhanced observations in Beijing, the effects of atmospheric turbulence on the vertical transport of dust aerosols are investigated. By effectively quantifying the turbulent dust flux and turbulence intermittency, the evolution of turbulence and its role in dust dispersion is clearly illustrated on March 15, 2021, in Beijing. Initially, turbulence was more quiescent and the turbulent exchange was suppressed significantly. Thus, despite the dust mass was advected to 300–800 m above Beijing, the dust mass concentration near the surface was negligibly increased. Then, a short turbulence burst occurred, and subsequently the elevated dust aerosols were mixed downward intensely, leading to a sharp increase in the near-surface dust mass concentration. Finally, continuous turbulence dominated and diffused dust upward, dust aerosols was gradually dissipated in the lower atmosphere. Furthermore, it is also found that the dissimilarity between the turbulent transport of dust and momentum-heat depends on the presence of dust sources. When dust sources exist, the transport of dust and momentum-heat is similar. In contrast, when there is no dust source, dust particles exhibit strong random movements, which leads to low dust transport efficiency, showing the transport dissimilarity between dust and momentum-heat.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR311
AS19 - Extreme Weather Resiliency: Prediction and Response Strategies

Session Chair(s): Kaoshen CHUNG, National Central University, Pay-Liam LIN, National Central University

AS19-A009 | Invited
High-resolution Time-lagged Rainfall Forecasts for Typhoons and Predetermination of Their Qualities Through Machine Learning

Chung-Chieh WANG#+, Shin-Hau CHEN
National Taiwan Normal University

As high-resolution is necessary for high-quality quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) over terrain (Wang, 2015), it is not ideal to split computational resources as in multi-member ensembles. Thus, the use of a single member (or a few members) with a larger fine domain, longer range, and the time-lagged strategy to obtain ensemble information has been explored (Wang et al., 2016). So far, case studies with one run every 6 h and a range of eight days indicate that this approach takes advantages of realistic QPFs both within the short range (72 h) and beyond (Wang et al., 2023). Because forecast uncertainty is high at early stages when the typhoon is far away, the spread of tracks tends to be large and this better ensures the appearance of the worst-case scenario (typically from a direct hit) for early preparation. In some cases that this scenario did occur, the system predicted a high-quality QPF almost one week before landfall. Later when the uncertainty reduces, model tracks converge and the most-likely scenario emerges to allow for adjustments, and this typically occurs about 2-3 days before landfall. To learn about the quality of the QPFs in each run and hence the likelihood of the particular scenario to happen, machine learning is used to predict the similarly skill score (SSS), which measures how similar is the QPF to observation, shortly after each run is completed. Encouraging results are obtained (Chen and Wang, 2022), as after training, the model from machine learning can capture the tendency of the actual SSS computed using observed rainfall for most cases, thereby informing the forecasters/users which QPFs are more trustworthy and which ones less likely to occur prior to the event. Such guidance is especially valuable at longer lead times, when the forecast uncertainty is relatively high.

AS19-A021 | Invited
Improved Extended-range Probabilistic Forecasts of Extreme Precipitation Events Over Taiwan Using Analog Post-processing

Hui-Ling CHANG1,2#+, Shih-Chun CHOU3, Pay-Liam LIN2, Jing-Shan HONG1
1Central Weather Bureau, 2National Central University, 3International Integrated Systems, Inc.

The predictability of precipitation is limited due to the important role finer-scale processes play. However, demand for extended-range precipitation forecasts by users has grown significantly, especially for extreme events. Therefore, the goal of this study is to predict the conditional climatology of precipitation given the forecast of the large-scale circulation conditions, which still retain predictability in the extended range. In this study, we focus on week 2-3 extreme precipitation forecasts over Taiwan. Most ensemble prediction systems are characterized by under-dispersion that limits the utility of predictions for extreme events. Here we use Analog Post-processing (AP) to produce calibrated posterior ensembles with reasonable spread to effectively mitigate the problem of under-dispersion. The AP forecast ensembles are derived from the observationally based precipitation analysis corresponding to the historical forecast analogs that most resemble the current precipitation forecast. Therefore, the forecast is also effectively downscaled to 1 km in the AP procedure. Frequency counting is then applied to the AP ensembles to produce week 2-3 probabilistic precipitation forecasts. Forecast evaluation confirms that the raw ensemble is under-dispersive with an obvious wet bias. In contrast, the AP ensemble distribution is well calibrated with most of the bias removed. Frequency distribution of rain rate shows that the AP ensemble is much closer to the observation than the raw ensemble, while the raw ensemble displays over-forecasting for most of the samples and under-forecasting for extra extreme precipitation. Extreme precipitation cases show that the probabilistic forecast from the AP ensemble is well consistent with the observation in precipitation pattern, while the raw ensemble severely deviates from the observation. Evaluation of potential economic value demonstrates that users with a much wider spectrum of cost/loss ratio can benefit from the calibrated forecasts as compared to the raw forecast, with a significantly higher gain in decision-making.

An Insight Into the Microphysical Attributes of Northwest Pacific Tropical Cyclones

Balaji Kumar SEELA1,2+, Jayalakshmi JANAPATI1, Pay-Liam LIN1#, Meng-Tze LEE3
1National Central University, 2Academia Sinica, 3McGill University

Northwestern Pacific (NWP) tropical cyclones (TCs) impose a severe threat to the life and economy of the people living in East Asian countries. The microphysical features, mainly the raindrop size distributions (RSD) of TCs that improve the modeling simulation and rainfall estimation algorithms, are limited to case studies, and an extensive understanding of TCs’ RSD is still scarce over the northwest Pacific. Here, we examine a comprehensive outlook on disparities in microphysical attributes of NWP TCs with radial distance and storm type, using sixteen years of disdrometer, ground-based radar, and reanalysis datasets in north Taiwan. We find that dominant stratiform precipitation in the inner rainbands leads to the occurrence of more bigger drops in the inner rainbands than the inner core and outer rainbands. Moreover, a decrease in mass-weighted mean diameter and rainfall rate with radial distance is associated with a reduction in moisture availability for various circumstances, and this association is deceptive in intense storms. Our findings give an insight into crucial processes governing microphysical inequalities in different regions of NWP TCs, with implications for the ground-based and remote-sensing rainfall estimation algorithms.

Simulation of the Diurnal Forcing in the Heavy Rainfall Event Produced by the Prefrontal MCS During Mei-yu Season

Siang-Yu ZHAN#+, Pay-Liam LIN
National Central University

The heavy rainfall event with the maximum accumulated rainfall ~340 mm/6h occurred over northwestern Taiwan coastal region on 17 May 2019. In this case, Taiwan was under the unstable prefrontal warm sector with southwesterly wind prevailing. The marine boundary layer jet (MBLJ) transports moisture from low latitudes to Taiwan Strait. A mesoscale convection system (MCS) initiated over northern Taiwan Strait in nocturnal time, extending eastward to northwestern Taiwan coastal region, resulting in the heavy rainfall event. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to analyze the mechanisms of the development of the MCS and the diurnal forcing in this case. The results showed that the prefrontal MCS was produced by the low-level convergence combining with upper level divergence under the unstable warm, moist atmospheric condition. The low-level convergence played an important role on rainfall distribution. The low-level convergence was between the terrain induced barrier jets (BJ) and the weak westerly winds from southeastern China costal region. In the daytime initiation run (DI run), the westerly wind over northern Taiwan Strait near southeastern China costal region in control run were replaced by southwesterly wind. As a result, there were little low-level convergence, and there was little rainfall over northern Taiwan.

Evaluation of One-day-ahead Probabilistic 100-meter Wind Speed Forecasts Produced by the WRF Ensemble Prediction System in Taiwan

Shih-Chun CHOU1#+, Hui-Ling CHANG2,3, Chung Ho HORNG2, Chih-Yung Feng FENG4, Han-Fang LIN4, Pay-Liam LIN3
1International Integrated Systems, Inc., 2Central Weather Bureau, 3National Central University, 4Manysplended Infotech Ltd

The use of renewable energy for power generation is gradually increasing in many developed countries. Due to the intermittent nature and current limits to the prediction of renewable energy, grid connection and power dispatch are important challenges to renewable energy management. High-quality and calibrated meteorological forecasts play a critical role to provide valuable information for applications. This study evaluates both the quality and performance of probabilistic 100-meter wind speed forecasts based on the Weather Research and Forecasting model Ensemble Prediction System (WEPS). Moreover, the relative economic analysis can quantify the economic benefit for users with different cost-loss ratio, and assist users in optimizing their decision making for specific situations users concerning. The results indicate that (1) Probabilistic forecasts of 100-m wind speed from WEPS exhibited greater over-forecasting during northeast than southwest monsoon periods and over northern Taiwan than other areas. (2) Through the statistical post-processing (SPP) technique for bias correction, both reliability and potential usefulness of probabilistic forecasts are significantly improved. (3) Almost all users, regardless of their cost-loss ratio, can obtain more economic benefit if they make decisions based on the calibrated probabilistic forecasts produced by WEPS.

Investigating the Warm Rain Process by Assimilating Dual-polarimetric Radar Data in Wintertime: A Case Study of Shallow Convection Event in Northeastern Taiwan

Chin-Chuan CHANG1#+, Kaoshen CHUNG1, Bing-Xue ZHUANG2
1National Central University, 2National Taiwan University

In this study, the dual-polarimetric radar data are assimilated into the model to investigate the shallow rainfall event over Yi-Lan area. In addition, two experiments are conducted to examine the added value of assimilating dual-polarimetric radar data. The observations of radar illustrated that the rainfall event is dominated by different numbers of small raindrops with a medium ZH value and a uniform low ZDR value structure. Results of assimilating ZDR show that the over-estimate of the ZDR value can be modified toward observations although the bias of the microphysics scheme remains. Overall, assimilating ZDR from the shallow convection system can improve the analysis of microphysics structure, and have a better illustration of the small-raindrop-dominant warm rain structure in the wintertime rainfall event. Further analysis of dynamic and cloud physics could be proceeded after data assimilation.

Low Level Jets and Heavy Rainfall Events Over Taiwan Revealed from Wind Profiler Radars

Pay-Liam LIN#+, Yen-LIng LIOU
National Central University

The 499 MHz wind profiler is used to study the relationship between low-level jet (LLJ) and heavy rainfall over Taiwan and Dongsha island during the mei-yu season of 2018~2020. The LLJ day is defined as LLJ that occurs more than 6 hours in a day. On the LLJ day of northern Taiwan, the low layer wind speed extreme appears on the northwest side of Taiwan, and Taiwan locates at the front edge of the frontal system. On the LLJ day of Dongsha island, the extreme low layer wind speed appears on the southeast side of Taiwan and the South China Sea, and the frontal system locates over Taiwan. The boundary layer jet (BLJ) is defined as LLJ occurs below 1000 m, and the synoptic system-related low-level jet (SLLJ) is defined as LLJ occurs above 1000 m. On the SLLJ day of northern Taiwan and SLLJ day of Dongsha island, water vapor transportation mainly comes from the coastal South China to the South China Sea in the boundary layer. On the BLJ day of northern Taiwan and BLJ day of Dongsha island, water vapor transportation mainly comes from the coastal South China and the South China Sea in the boundary layer, respectively. When the strong BLJ events occurred in northern Taiwan, the average hourly extreme rainfall happened in the southern mountains and the northwest coast from Hsinchu to Taichung. When the strong SLLJ events occurred in northern Taiwan, the average hourly extreme rainfall happened on the northwest coast from Taoyuan to Hsinchu. When the strong BLJ events occurred on Dongsha island, the average hourly extreme rainfall happened on the southwest coast to the mountains and the northwest coast of Miaoli to the mountains. When the strong SLLJ events occurred on Dongsha island, there was no significant precipitation in Taiwan.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR327
AS32 - Frameworks, Modelling, and Observations to Understand Moist Convective Processes for Weather and Climate

Session Chair(s): Maxime COLIN, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research, Ji NIE, Peking University, Chien-Ming WU, National Taiwan University

AS32-A012 | Invited
Towards a Stochastic Parameterization of Unresolved MCS Impacts on Large Scales

1University of Reading, 2University of Oxford

The treatment of MCS is a long-standing challenge for global numerical weather prediction and climate models. The model dynamics, convection scheme, microphysics, radiation and turbulence are all relevant, and upscale transports necessary to modulate phenomena such as the MJO and ITCZ may be removed, artificially damped, or even artificially stimulated because the parameterizations incorrectly couple to the model dynamics. Traditional convection schemes assume convection to be disorganized, and do not explicitly treat the coherent mesoscale overturning circulation. Recently, however, Moncrieff and collaborators proposed a parameterization of MCS effects which can be coupled to a traditional convection parameterization, making the hearting profile more top-heavy and providing additional momentum transports. The method improved precipitation across the ITCZ and Maritime Continent in CAM and E3SM.Our project aims to build on the Moncrieff approach by developing a stochastic parameterization of unresolved MCS impacts. While the traditional convection scheme assumes all deep convection to be disorganized and the original Moncrieff method assumed all deep convection to be MCS-like, we aim to develop a stochastic formulation of the likelihood of developing an MCS for a given model profile. We also intend to reformulate the missing tendencies imposed in an MCS situation based on an analysis of DA increments. We are working in the Met Office Unified Model, coupling our MCS approach to its new CoMorph convection parameterization. In this talk we will describe our experiences with the Moncrieff MCS parameterization so far, and the steps being taken towards its extension and generalization.

The Nonlocal Response of Convective Updraft to Buoyancy and Dynamic Pressure Perturbation

Yi-Hung KUO1#+, J. David NEELIN2, Ming ZHAO3, Zhihong TAN1
1Princeton University, 2University of California, Los Angeles, 3NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

In many of the existing convective schemes, the updraft is modeled based on assumptions including: (i) a steady state in quasi-equilibrium with the environment; (ii) the updraft kinetic energy variation balanced by buoyancy work; (iii) the buoyancy and dynamic pressure perturbation gradient approximated by damping or turbulent mixing. Recent analyses of radar wind profiler observations point to the importance of dynamic entrainment, i.e., a deep layer of horizontal inflow in the lower troposphere associated with updraft mass flux divergence in the vertical. The nonlocal effects of the pressure perturbations have been adapted to explain the observed deep-inflow structure. For a vertically restricted buoyancy feature, the theoretical updraft response can, under suitable conditions, extend below and above the buoyant layer. For features containing horizontal scales comparable to a significant fraction of the tropospheric depth, the nonlocal response can contribute to inflow that extends through the lower troposphere. The updraft evolution tends to be robust to inhomogeneities arising from imperfectly turbulent mixing---due to the nonlocal dynamics averaging over smaller-scale buoyancy anomalies. In this work, an idealized, 1-dimensional time-dependent cloud model is proposed to include dynamic entrainment (and detrainment) and nonlocal pressure perturbation gradient. In a conditionally unstable environment, the inclusion of nonlocal response to buoyancy permits deep convection to develop even in the presence of a CIN layer---no trigger required. For conserved tracers the budget is primarily dominated by updraft advection, entrainment mixing, and the inflow/outflow associated with dynamic entrainment/detrainment. For the updraft mass flux, on the other hand, the nonlocal dynamic pressure perturbation gradient substantially offsets the advection and dynamic-entrainment mixing of vertical momentum flux. This suggests that the conventional balance involving the updraft kinetic energy variation and buoyancy used in existing schemes is likely an artifact of inadequate approximation of the dynamic pressure perturbation gradient.

Parameterizing Convection and Clouds with an Ensemble of Neural Networks

Yilun HAN1#+, Guang ZHANG2, Yong WANG1
1Tsinghua University, 2 University of California San Diego

Current moist physics parameterization schemes in general circulation models (GCMs) are the main source of biases in simulated precipitation and atmospheric circulation. With the recent advances in data science, machine learning has been increasingly applied to convection and cloud parameterizations in GCMs. This study uses an ensemble of 32-layer deep convolutional residual neural networks, referred to as ResCu-en, to emulate the convection and cloud processes simulated by a super parameterized GCM, SPCAM. ResCu-en uses the current environmental states and advections plus the past history of convection and clouds to predict the GCM grid-scale temperature and moisture tendencies, cloud liquid and ice water contents from moist physics processes. The surface rainfall is derived diagnostically from the column-integrated moisture tendency. The prediction uncertainty inherent in deep learning algorithms in emulating the moist physics is reduced by ensemble averaging. In an independent offline validation, it is found that ResCu-en has extremely high prediction accuracy for all output variables considered. In addition, ResCu-en trained with data in the current climate can generalize well to a warmer climate with +4K sea surface temperature, with high prediction accuracy as well.

“Relay-race” Propagation of Super Clusters in a Cloud-permitting Simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation

Yan LIU1#+, Zhe-Min TAN1, Zhaohua WU2
1Nanjing University, 2Florida State University

Eastward-propagating super clusters comprise the major convective body of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) envelope. They have significant effects on the propagation speed of the MJO. The dynamical processes underlying the eastward propagation of super clusters are investigated using a month-long cloud-permitting simulation of an MJO event over the tropical Indian Ocean. The analysis shows that the propagation of super clusters resembles a “relay-race”, which can be divided into four stages: i) the super cluster accompanied by low surface pressure to its east moves eastward slowly, while in front of it there are westward-propagating waves approaching rapidly; ii) the superposition of moisture convergence associated with westward-propagating waves and the moisture convergence induced by the low surface pressure promotes the formation of a new cloud cluster, which blocks the eastward propagation of the former cloud cluster; iii) the newly formed cluster continues to grow and consume moisture, while the former cluster gradually matures and eventually dissipates; iv) the new super cluster to the east replaces the old one and then propagates further eastward. Moisture convergence extends zonally and stays stagnant in a period of stages ii and iii. The non-instantaneous convection-convergence feedback determines the total duration of the stagnant period. Repeated occurrences of “relay-race” propagation result in the slow eastward propagation of super clusters in the MJO. Shallow convection is critical in the “relay-race” propagation, as cloud clusters are anchored at the same location when shallow convection dominates.

Observed and Projected Changes of Large-scale Environments Conducive to Spring MCS Initiation Over the U.S. Great Plains

Fengfei SONG1#+, L. Ruby LEUNG2, Zhe FENG2, Qiu YANG2, Xingchao CHEN3
1Ocean University of China, 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 3The Pennsylvania State University

Mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are frequent over the U.S. Great Plains during spring. The link between large-scale environments and spring MCS initiation were well established. Here, historical and future changes of spring large-scale environments favorable for MCS initiation are investigated using an MCS tracking dataset, ERA5 reanalysis, and 20 CMIP6models. The frequency of Great Plains low-level jet (GPLLJ)-related MCS environments is found to have increased by ~41% from 1979 to 2019, consistent with the enhanced GPLLJ and more frequent MCSs. Comparing CMIP6 AMIP and historical experiments, we find that the observed GPLLJ strengthening and more frequent MCS environments are mainly due to the decadal sea-surface temperature variations rather than external forcings. Under a high emission scenario, the frequency of GPLLJ-related environments favorable for MCS initiation will increase by ~65% during 2015-2100, along with a stronger GPLLJ, suggesting more frequent MCSs over the U.S. Great Plains in a warming world.

Bridging the Gap Between Implementing and Understanding the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation in Cloud Resolving Models

Nathanael WONG#+, Zhiming KUANG
Harvard University

The weak-temperature gradient (WTG) approximation is a popular method used to couple convection in small-domain simulations to the large-scale climatology. Two major implementations that use the WTG approximation have gained popular use over the past two decades - the Temperature Gradient Relaxation (TGR) implementation and the Damped Gravity Wave (DGW) implementation. Our comparison of these different WTG implementations in an idealised framework result in different model behaviour, with implications on the nature of convective self-aggregation in similarly idealised setups. A further investigation shows that the different model behaviour is caused by the different treatment of the baroclinic modes by the different WTG implementations. More specifically, we hypothesise that the ratio of the strengths of the baroclinic modes in relation to the 2-day wave behaviour is important in determining if multiple-equilibria states are obtained under different WTG implementations. By varying the strengths of these two baroclinic modes, we are thus able to understand the major difference between two major WTG schemes and therefore bridge the gap between them.

Stratospheric Influence on Tropical Convective Systems in a Minimal Model Framework of QBO-like Oscillations

Shigeo YODEN#+
Kyoto University

Self-sustained oscillations dynamically analogous to the equatorial QBO have been obtained as a radiative and moist-convective quasi-equilibrium state in a minimal model framework of the stratosphere-troposphere coupled system (e.g., Yoden et al. 2014). It is a two- or three-dimensional cloud-system-resolving non-hydrostatic model with a periodic lateral boundary condition. The obtained QBO-like oscillation influences organized features of moist-convective systems characterized as squall-line- or back-building-type precipitation patterns. A couple of nudging experiments to control the vertical shear of the mean zonal wind show its opposite role near the surface and the tropopause controlling the longevity and intensity of the moist-convective systems and precipitation. Possible future numerical experiments to investigate the fundamental role of internal dynamics to modulate the moist-convective systems and their larger-scale organizations interacting with the environmental zonal mean state will be discussed, in association with the international collaborative research activity of the stratospheric and tropospheric influences on tropical convective systems (SATIO-TCS) under WCRP/SPARC.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR323
AS35 - Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation, Precipitation, and Their Interactions

Session Chair(s): Chuanfeng ZHAO, Peking University, Jingyu WANG, Nanyang Technological University

AS35-A029 | Invited
21st Century Global and Regional Surface Temperature Projections and Uncertainties Due to Cloud and Aerosol Forcing and Feedbacks

Jonathan JIANG#+
California Institute of Technology

Recent studies have been sparking concerns about the impending arrival of “tipping points” later in the 21st century. This study analyzes observed global surface temperature trends in three target latitudinal regions: the Arctic Circle, Tropics, and the Antarctic Circle. We show that global warming is accelerating unevenly across the planet, with the Arctic warming at more than three times the average rate of our world. We also analyzed the reliability of latitude-dependent surface temperature simulations from a suite of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models and their multi-model mean (MMM) by comparing their outputs to observational data sets. We selected the best-performing models based on their statistical abilities to reproduce historical, latitude-dependent values adapted from these data sets. The surface temperature projections were calculated from ensemble simulations of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2–4.5 (SSP2–4.5) by the selected CMIP6 models. We estimate the calendar years of when surface temperatures will increase by 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5°C relative to the preindustrial period, both globally and in the three target regions. Our results also indicate large uncertainties in surface temperature projections due to differences in cloud and aerosol forcings used in climate models. Further studies are necessary to determine the most efficient solutions to reduce these uncertainties in surface temperature projections both globally and regionally.

Emergent Constraint on Extratropical Marine Low Cloud Feedback

Hui SU1#+, Xianan JIANG2, Jonathan JIANG3, J. David NEELIN2, Longtao WU4, Yoko TSUSHIMA5
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2University of California, Los Angeles, 3California Institute of Technology, 4Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 5Met Office

It has been shown that low cloud amount feedback contributes significantly to the uncertainty in equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS). In the models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), we found that the inter-model spread in the extratropical marine low cloud fraction (LCFe) feedback under long-term warming is highly correlated with the seasonal variation of LCFe per degree of sea surface temperature change. The models with ECS greater than 4.5 K (termed high ECS models) tend to have a stronger seasonal cycle in LCFe than the models with ECS lower than 3.3 K (termed low ECS models). Further analysis of cloud vertical structures reveal that the strong seasonal cycle of LCFe in the high ECS models is primarily driven by the variability of low-to-middle clouds associated with midlatitude storm tracks, while the seasonal variability of LCFe in the low ECS models is decoupled from the storm track activity. The new emergent constraint on ECS based on the seasonal variability of LCFe indicates that the high ECS models are more consistent with the satellite observations than the low ECS models.

Including Ice-cloud Longwave Scattering and Surface Spectral Emissivities in Climate Models Leads to More Impacts on Mean-state Climate Than Climate Feedbacks

Chongxing FAN1#+, Yi-Hsuan CHEN2, Xiuhong CHEN1, Wuyin LIN3, Xianglei HUANG1, Ping YANG4
1University of Michigan, 2Academia Sinica, 3Brookhaven National Laboratory, 4Texas A&M University

Climate models often ignore cloud scattering and surface emissivity in the longwave (LW) for computational efficiency. Such approximations can cause biases in radiative fluxes and affect simulated climate, especially in the Arctic because of its large sensitivity to perturbations. We implemented treatments to both physics into the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) version 2 by DoE and assessed their impacts on the simulated mean-state global climate as well as climate feedback and sensitivity. By turning on and off the switches in the modified E3SMv2 model, we studied the changes in mean-state climate due to cloud LW scattering and surface emissivity effects by comparing four 35-year fully-coupled simulations. Cloud LW scattering warms the entire global troposphere by ~0.4 K on average; the warming is stronger in the Arctic (~0.8 K) than in the tropics, which is a manifestation of the polar amplification phenomenon. When realistic emissivity is incorporated into the model, the surface skin temperature increases by 0.36 K instantaneously on a global average, especially in the Sahara Desert (~0.7 K) where the surface emissivity is low. Surface temperature further increases by 0.19 K due to the inclusion of surface spectral emissivity. The mean-state climate changes due to both effects are linearly additive. We also carried out four 35-year simulations under the abrupt 4xCO2 scenario, with cloud LW scattering and/or surface emissivity effects on and off. Based on radiative kernel analysis, we found that total global-mean climate feedback does not change significantly after including either or both physics. Nevertheless, lapse rate feedback, water vapor feedback, and cloud feedback in the tropics have changed by up to 10%. They are primarily associated with high cloud fraction response in the upper troposphere. Our study highlights the importance of both processes in climate models.

Do Aerosols Increase or Decrease Precipitation?

Kalli FURTADO1#+, Paul FIELD2
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2Met Office

Do aerosols increase or decrease precipitation? The observed variety of aerosol effects on precipitation at different spatial and time scales means that no simple answer to this question has so far been discovered. However, although aerosol effects are many, it remains possible that there are universal constraints on the number of degrees of freedom needed to represent them. We use convective-scale simulations to reveal a self-similar probability density function that underpins surface rainfall statistics. This function is independent of cloud-droplet number concentration and is unchanged by aerosol perturbations. It therefore represents an invariant property of our model with respect to cloud–aerosol interactions. For a given aerosol concentration, if at least one moment of the rainfall distribution on cloud-droplet number is a known input parameter, then this can be combined with the self-similar function to reconstruct the entire rainfall distribution to a useful degree of accuracy. We will demonstrate this using simulations from convective permitting, aerosol interacting simulations over China.

Diagnostic Cloud Fraction Scheme Based on Cloud Hydrometeors

Raeseol PARK1#+, Jung-Yoon KANG1, Soo Ya BAE1, Suk-Jin CHOI2
1Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, 2Gangneung-Wonju National University

Atmospheric clouds play important roles in redistribution of energy budgets via scattering solar radiative fluxes and absorbing/reemitting terrestrial radiative fluxes in atmospheric models and then consequently affect change of atmospheric temperature and precipitation. Therefore, parameterizations of cloud physical processes are tightly related to predictability of atmospheric models. Cloud physical processes in the atmospheric models involve cumulus convection, cloud microphysics, and cloud macrophysics which produce cloud information such as resolved/subgrid cloud hydrometeors, effective radius of cloud droplet, cloud fraction, and so on. The model-predicted cloud information is utilized in radiative process in order to estimate cloud radiative forcing. Quantification of cloud fraction among cloud properties simulated form the atmospheric models is relatively uncertain because its concept is somewhat ambiguous, so amount of cloud fraction has a large deviation depending on the cloud fraction schemes. The cloud fraction in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) has been calculated via a prognostic scheme proposed by Park et al. (2016), which reported that the prognosed cloud fraction shows a better similarity to satellite observation compared to diagnosed cloud fraction. However, recently, inconsistency between the prognosed cloud fraction and KIM-simulated cloud hydrometeors was found and a new diagnostic cloud fraction scheme was proposed to reduce the inconsistency. The newly-proposed diagnostic cloud fraction scheme was designed assuming a proportional relation between cloud hydrometeor and cloud fraction considering its variation due to altitude and latitude. The diagnostic cloud fraction scheme was optimized via comparison to ERA5 data and its impact on the KIM performance was analyzed. In this talk, details of the diagnostic cloud fraction scheme based on the cloud hydrometeors will be presented and better approaches for estimation of cloud fraction could be discussed.

Smoke-weather Interaction Affects Cloud, Precipitation and Extreme Wildfires in Southeast Asia

Ke DING1#+, Aijun DING1, Xin HUANG1, Yafang CHENG2
1Nanjing University, 2Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

The biomass burning in Indo-China Peninsula, caused by agricultural activities, has a significant impact on human lives, air quality, ecosystems, and weather systems. However, it is not fully clear how wildfire can affect weather processes, especially clouds and precipitation formation, which are important for wildfire behaviours. Here we show that biomass burning aerosols aloft strongly increase the low cloud coverage over both land and ocean in subtropical southeastern Asia. The degree of this enhancement and its spatial extent is comparable to that in the Southeast Atlantic, even though Southeast Asia's total biomass burning emissions are only one-fifth of those in Southern Africa. We find that a synergetic effect of aerosol-cloud-boundary layer interaction with the monsoon is the main reason for the strong semi-direct effect and enhanced low cloud formation in southeastern Asia. Moreover, the interactions between smoke and weather can reduce rainfall on Indo-China Peninsula, thus worsening air pollution by enhancing fire emissions and weakening dispersion. The intricate interactions among wildfires, smoke, and weather form a positive feedback loop that substantially increases air pollution exposure.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR332
AS30 - Mesoscale and Orographic Effects on Airflow, Precipitation and Weather Systems

Session Chair(s): Fang-Yi CHENG, National Central University

A Trigger of Small-scale Terrain to Generate Stationary Precipitating Systems Under Extremely Humid Conditions

Tetsuya TAKEMI#+, Nanami NAKA
Kyoto University

During the rainy season in Japan (i.e., Baiu season), the environmental conditions are generally very humid, with a large amount of precipitable water vapor and high relative humidity. Stationary precipitating systems sometimes develop during the rainy season, which will spawn an extreme amount of rainfall, flooding, landslides, and so on. Recent studies have investigated climatological characteristics of stationary precipitating systems over the Japanese islands by using long-term datasets. During the warm season including the rainy season, a humid condition not only at low levels but also at middle levels is commonly seen. A condition that host moist absolutely unstable layers (MAULs) is sometimes seen in cases with heavy rainfalls. This study investigates the environmental conditions for the generation of extreme-rain-producing, stationary precipitating systems that recently occurred in northern Kyushu Island, Japan. It is indicated that precipitable water vapor content is extremely large as compared with the climatology of stationary precipitating systems, which is due to very humid conditions close to be saturated. Under this humid situation, MAULs appear in the lower to middle troposphere, adjacent to or as a part of stationary precipitating systems. It is also found that the volume of MAULs has a correlation with the amount of heavy rainfalls. A moist absolutely unstable condition is a state that indicates a potential for the development of convective motion. Therefore, a certain triggering mechanism is required. In the case of the July 2017 heavy rainfall case in northern Kyushu, small-scale terrain induces a convergence locally, which serves as a triggering in a moist absolutely unstable condition.

Persistent Rainbows Induced by the East Asian Winter Monsoon and Mesoscale Mountains in Northern Taiwan

Kun-Hsuan CHOU#+
Chinese Culture University

Rainbows appeared in the sky above Taiwan’s Chinese Culture University (CCU) for nearly nine hours continuously on 30 November 2017. This had been confirmed the world's longest-lasting rainbow which was visible from 6:57 a.m. to 3:55 p.m. by Guinness World Records. Three main reasons contributed to the occurrence of this rainbow of record-setting duration at CCU on Yangmingshan mountain range, namely geographical location, topographical features, and suitable weather conditions. Taiwan is located in a subtropical region, which is frequently affected by winter monsoons during autumn and winter. The relevant topographical features represent there are several mountains located over the northern side of Taipei Basin. Last, the campus was located over one peak of Yangminshan mountain area, which helps the observers could see the rainbow with elevation angles below the horizon during the noon time. This special phenomena of rainbow have been studied by observation and forecast approaches since autumn 2018. First, rainbow monitoring mainly uses several cameras to capture images over the northern sky. Five-year statistics show that, on average, there were 36 rainbow days from October to next January, with an average of once every 3.4 days. Compared with the frequency of occurrence in years, the frequency is the highest during the autumn and winter of 2020, with as many as 51 days. In terms of monthly occurrence frequency, November had the highest average of 11 days, followed by December with an average of 10 days. Besides, rainbow forecasting has been developed in autumn 2019. The rainbow weather index (RWI) and rainbow probability (RP) are formulated based on WRF 1.1-km resolution forecast data. In terms of the forecast performance of RP forecast in 2019-20 and 2020-21, the accuracy rate is 77%, the detection rate is 83%, and the Heidke Skii Score is 0.59 for 215 verification days.

Taiwan Rainbands Formed in the Outer Region of Tropical Cyclones

Che-Yu LIN#+, Cheng-Ku YU
National Taiwan University

This study used Doppler radar data, surface observations, and National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data to explore the statistical characteristics of Taiwan rainbands (TRs) that formed in the outer region of tropical cyclones (TCs). A comprehensive examination of the available radar measurements from 2002–2017 identified a total of 103 TRs from 44 TC events and showed that approximately 47% of all TCs influencing Taiwan could develop TRs. The spatial distribution of TR formation exhibited a substantial offshore extent, with the highest frequency observed ~25–100 km offshore. The TRs tended to be initiated when the northwestward-moving typhoons passed over the oceanic area northeast of Luzon Island (122°–127° E and 16°–20° N), the Philippines. This track characteristic brought stronger easterly onshore flow to the eastern coast of Taiwan and favored the development of a pronounced coastal pressure ridge. In particular, the offshore convergence caused by upstream deceleration of the onshore flow due to orographic blocking was found to be a primary contributor to the initiation of the TRs. The strength of the observed coastal pressure ridge and its high correlation with the intensity of environmental onshore flow associated with outer circulations of TCs were consistent with the theoretical prediction of pressure distributions generated as incident flow interacted dynamically with the Taiwan topography. Results from the study suggest that the typhoon location relative to the Taiwan landmass is a critical factor determining TR initiation.

Impact of Parameterized Topographic Drag on a Simulated Northeast China Cold Vortex

Mingshan LI1#, Xin XU1+, Shuixin ZHONG2, Yuan WANG1
1Nanjing University, 2China Meteorological Administration

Northeast China cold vortex (NECV) is the major influencing weather system in northern China. This work studies the influence of subgrid orographic drag (SOD) on a heavy-rain-producing NECV occurred in July 2011 using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A series of numerical experiments are conducted with different parameterizations of SOD including turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD), flow blocking drag (FBD) and mountain wave drag (MWD). Results show that the NECV intensity is overestimated in the absence of SOD parameterization, accompanied with too-low geopotential height (GPH) and too-strong horizontal winds. The parameterization of TOFD can significantly decelerate the 10-m winds, whereas the FBD and MWD play a minor role. However, the influence of TOFD is overwhelmed by FBD and MWD in the troposphere, especially the latter. The lower-tropospheric MWD directly weakens the convergence and ascent motion of the NECV, producing an anti-cyclonic circulation that uplifts the GPH. This MWD-induced circulation indirectly weakens the NECV in the mid-upper troposphere by producing a warm advection difference. 

Characteristics and Processes of Orographic Precipitation Over Da-Tun Mountain Associated with Typhoon Saola (2012)

Ming-Jen HSU#+, Cheng-Ku YU, Lin-Wen CHENG
National Taiwan University

This study uses high-resolution rain gauge data, Doppler radar observations, and an orographic precipitation diagnostic model to identify the detailed characteristics and intensity of orographic precipitation over Da-Tun Mountain associated with Typhoon Saola (2012). The occurrence of heavy precipitation for this typhoon event was concentrated over Da-Tun Mountain as Saola moved northwestward, approached Taiwan and brought strong northeasterly/eastly flow (18-36 m s-1) impinging on the northern coast of Taiwan. Da-Tun Mountain, is a three-dimensional, isolated mountain barrier located at the northern coast of Taiwan with peaks of approximately 1 km MSL. More than 450 mm of rainfall during the 13-h study period was observed over the mountain crest, and two rainfall enhancement stages were identified. For the first stage at the earlier time, the typhoon background precipitation was mostly characterized by stratiform precipitation with relatively stronger upstream winds (30~36 m s-1), whereas the second stage was characterized by more convective background precipitation and relatively weaker upstream winds (20~28 m s-1). The simulations of the diagnostic model revealed that the seeder-feeder process can better quantify the rainfall enhancement during the first stage with stratiform background rainfall. Under convective background rainfall during the second stage, orographic lifting of low-level oncoming winds might modulate the convective cells’ circulation and precipitation, further complicating the microphysical processes of orographically enhanced precipitation.

The Study of the Lightning Distribution and its Formation Mechanism Over the Strait of Malacca

Kai-Chun WANG1#+, Kun-Hsuan CHOU1, Chun-Ming YEH2
1Chinese Culture University, 2Graduate Institute of Earth Science, Chinese Culture University

This study mainly analyzed the lightning distribution characteristics of the Strait of Malacca area in Southeast Asia from 2005 to 2019 and explored the physical mechanisms of lightning formation therein. The lightning data used in this study were obtained from the WWLLN developed by University of Washington; the data mainly comprise frequencies of cloud-to-ground lightning. Reanalysis data of the ECMWF were also used as meteorological data for analysis. In addition, variables pertaining to the surface wind field, CAPE, and OLR were examined to explore the thermodynamic and dynamic conditions when lightning occurs. Analysis of the average lightning frequencies over 15 years revealed that the area with the most frequent lightning activities in Southeast Asia was near the Strait of Malacca. By contrast, lightning frequencies were lower on land. Both land and sea areas presented notable diurnal cycles. Lightning at sea mostly occurred at night and lasted until the next morning, whereas lightning on land frequently occurred between afternoon and night. Further analysis of yearly, seasonal, monthly, and hourly changes in lightning distributions also revealed notable diurnal cycles. In addition, seasonal differences were observed in lightning frequencies. The ITCZ near the equator exhibited a northward or southward movement during different seasons, which in turn induced the relatively high frequencies of lightning in Southeast Asia in spring and autumn. Moreover, lightning that occurred in the terrestrial area on the eastern side of the strait led the lightning on the western terrestrial area of the strait by approximately 2 hours. This phenomenon might be attributable to the topography and airflow directions of the strait. Finally, the study results revealed that lightning frequencies exhibited a strong correlation with the convergence of surface airflows, indicating the diurnal cycle of land–sea breeze as the main mechanism for lightning formation at the Strait of Malacca.

Clustering of Distinct “Wind-precipitation” Regimes Over the West Coast of India During Asian Summer Monsoon

Prajwal K.1#+, Ajil KOTTAYIL1, Prince XAVIER2
1Cochin University of Science and Technology, 2Met Office Hadley Centre

The Asian Summer Monsoon is a seasonal reversal of wind direction that brings heavy rainfall to the Indian Subcontinent. The variability within the season has been of key interest to researchers for decades. Wind and precipitation are closely linked, as winds help in distributing moisture. In this study we show that large scale variability within the monsoon season over the west coast of India is embedded within five different unique wind-precipitation clusters. Five different wind-precipitation clusters have been identified using the k-means algorithm. The core speed of low level jet obtained from wind profiler radar data and India Meteorological Department gridded rainfall are used for clustering. This study attempts to understand the large-scale dynamics of the variability within each wind-precipitation cluster. We also use ERA-5 (Specific Humidity, Mean Sea Level Pressure, vertical, zonal and meridional velocity profiles, and 850 hPa Divergence), NOAA OISST (Daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature) and CERES top of the atmosphere (toa) radiative flux data to study the large scale features. The different wind-precipitation clusters observed over the west coast are influenced by synoptic scale background conditions such as active-break cycle of the monsoon, monsoon depressions, tropical cyclones, mid-tropospheric moisture intrusion, Madden Julian Oscillation etc.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR329
AS20 - Weather and Climate Studies with High Performance Computing

Session Chair(s): Anurag DIPANKAR, ETH Zurich

AS20-A012 | Invited
GPU Development of Km-scale AGCMs to Drive Earth Digital Twins

Stanley POSEY#+
NVIDIA Corporation

Efforts are underway in the climate modeling community towards refining the horizontal resolution of atmosphere GCMs from today’s 25–50 km to about 1 km, in order to explicitly resolve some of the small-scale convective cloud processes and provide more realistic local information on climate change. At the same time, Exascale HPC systems have finally arrived and in most cases are powered by GPU accelerator technology that offers opportunities in reasonable simulation turn-around times balanced with efficiency in energy consumption. High-resolution model projects such as the European nextGEMS and the global DYAMOND initiative have motivated NVIDIA collaboration in GPU development of Exascale-ready AGCMs for use in storm-resolving Earth system models. This work will be presented in three parts: (i) describe the challenges and expectations for the directions of programing methods, GPU strong-scaling experiences, and post-processing requirements; (ii) present the state-of-play and expectations for km-scale AGCMs such as ICON, IFS, and MPAS; and (iii) how the km-scale model data will be applied to provide the synthetic data for large-scale training of AL/ML surrogate ESMs. A particular challenge addressed relates to the enormous growth in output volumes of high-resolution simulations that can make it impractical or impossible to store data, and require in-situ post-processing and ML model training as the data is generated. Ultimately the km-scale model data will become the essential baseline behind the vision in the development of Earth digital twins from programs like the EU Destination Earth and NVIDIA Earth-2.

EXCLAIM: Extreme Scale Computing and Data Platform for Cloud-resolving Weather and Climate Modelling

Anurag DIPANKAR1#+, Mauro BIANCO2
1ETH Zurich, 2Swiss National Supercomputing Centre

EXCLAIM aims at developing a modeling infrastructure that can allow the climate models to simulate the Earth’s climate at a substantially higher resolution. Explicit representation of key climate processes (e.g. moist convection) at such high resolution should allow for reduced uncertainty in the future climate projection simulated by these models. The climate model used for this exercise is ICON based that is developed jointly by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany, and the German weather service. The approach taken by EXCLAIM to reach the performance target is to re-write the currently Fortran-based monolithic codes into a descriptive user code based on Python, which is then translated into standard imperative language (e.g., C++) for specific architectures using a toolchain based on GT4Py (GridTools for Python). However, performance gain alone doesn’t ensure sustainable software development for a code that is already too complex. A modularized code structure is therefore envisioned. Modularization is performed down to the smallest reasonable part of the code- termed granules- that can be tested in isolation, and in combination with other granules. Status of these developments and how they address the needs of ultra-high-resolution modeling while allowing for further innovation will be presented.

A Heterogeneous Coupling Library h3-Open-UTIL/MP

Takashi ARAKAWA1#+, Shinji SUMIMOTO1, Hisashi YASHIRO2, Kengo NAKAJIMA1
1The University of Tokyo, 2National Institute for Environmental Studies

"Heterogeniety" is one of the key words of recent years in high-performance computing. In fact, the majority of the systems at the top of the TOP500 list are heterogeneous system composed of CPUs and GPUs. This heterogeneity can be classified into two categories. The one is Intra node heterogeneity, such as GPU machine and VE machine. And the other is internode heterogeneity, such as CPU node + GPU node, or CPU node + VE node. Our presentation will focus on the later system. The reason for the development of such a system is that role of HPC has expanded beyond not only simple simulation but also to large-scale data analysis and machine learning. Therefore, software that allows to interact simulation programs with Data analysis/AI programs on heterogeneous systems is required. Based on these backgrounds, we are developing a heterogeneous coupling library h3-Open-UTIL/MP, as a part of the h3-Open-BDEC project.H3-Open-UTIL/MP is a general-purpose coupling library which can couple any simulation models and applications that meet the following two conditions: 1) it has uniquely numbered and time-invariant grid points, and 2) the time interval of data exchange does not change in time. In addition, it can couple on heterogeneous environment by collaborating with a communication library h3-Open-SYS/WaitIO. In out presentation, we will describe the structure and function of h3-Open-UTIL/MP and discuss the results of performance measurements and application examples

AS20-A015 | Invited
Establishing a Non-hydrostatic Global Atmospheric Modeling System at 3-km Horizontal Resolution with Aerosol Feedbacks on the Sunway Supercomputer of China

Chun ZHAO#+
University of Science and Technology of China

During the era of global warming and highly urbanized development, extreme and high impact weather as well as air pollution incidents influence everyday life and might even cause the incalculable loss of life and property. Although, with the vast development of atmospheric model, there still exists substantial numerical forecast biases objectively. To predict accurately extreme weather, severe air pollution, and abrupt climate change, the numerical atmospheric model requires not only to simulate meteorology and atmospheric compositions simultaneously involving many sophisticated physical and chemical processes but also at high spatiotemporal resolution. Global integrated atmospheric simulation at spatial resolutions of a few kilometers remains challenging due to its intensive computational and input/output (I/O) requirement. Through multi-dimension-parallelism structuring, aggressive and finer-grained optimizing, manual vectorizing, and parallelized I/O fragmenting, an integrated Atmospheric Model Across Scales (iAMAS) was established on the new Sunway supercomputer platform to significantly increase the computational efficiency and reduce the I/O cost. The global 3-km atmospheric simulation for meteorology with online integrated aerosol feedbacks with iAMAS was scaled to 39,000,000 processor cores and achieved the speed of 0.82 simulation day per hour (SDPH) with routine I/O, which enabled us to perform 5-day global weather forecast at 3-km horizontal resolution with online natural aerosol impacts. The results demonstrate the promising future that the increasing of spatial resolution to a few kilometers with online integrated aerosol feedbacks may significantly improve the global weather forecast.

Evaluating the Relationship Between Tropical Cyclone Genesis Frequency and Environmental Conditions by Using a NICAM Large Ensemble Simulation

Yohei YAMADA1#+, Masuo NAKANO1, Tomoki MIYAKAWA2, Chihiro KODAMA1, Akira YAMAZAKI1, Daisuke TAKASUKA2, Tomoe NASUNO1, Hisashi YASHIRO3, Masato SUGI4, Masaki SATOH2
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2The University of Tokyo, 3National Institute for Environmental Studies, 4Japan Meteorological Agency

Previous studies reported environmental parameters associated with tropical cyclone genesis (TCG): the Coriolis parameter, low-level relative vorticity, ocean thermal energy, relative humidity in the mid-troposphere, atmospheric static stability and vertical wind shear. Although various definitions were proposed by previous studies, a Genesis Potential Index (GPI) is obtained by combining these parameters. The GPI well captures seasonal cycles of TCG frequency on each ocean basin. However, reproducibility of its interannual variability seems to be less than that of seasonal cycles. According to ensemble simulation with explicitly representing tropical cyclones, the number of TCG frequencies varied among ensemble members. This may suggest that ensemble simulation is required for accurately evaluating a relationship between TCG frequency and environmental conditions (GPI). To evaluate the relationship, a large ensemble simulation (64 members) was performed for the boreal summer (June-September) during 2009-2019 by using Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model, NICAM with a horizontal grid spacing of 14 kilometers. In the ensemble mean, the correlation coefficient R between TCG frequency and environmental conditions (GPI) is 0.59 for the western North Pacific, 0.92 for the eastern North Pacific and 0.91 for the North Atlantic, respectively. These were higher than those of each ensemble member for the three ocean basins. The result indicates ensemble simulation is possibly useful to evaluate the relation of TCG to the environmental conditions.

Convolutional Long and Short Term Memory Network (ConvLSTM) for Extreme Precipitation Nowcasting Technique

Chao TAN+, Ji CHEN#
The University of Hong Kong

Accurate nowcasting of precipitation is important for improving modern urban governance, and alerting warning for flash floods and geological disasters. The rise of deep learning in recent years has brought significant changes in the field of nowcasting, with significant advantages in the integrated processing of meteorological data and the mining of physical features within the data. In order to improve the forecast capability of extreme precipitation, this study establishes two forecast schedules based on the convolutional long short-term memory neural networks (ConvLSTM) trained with 10-year precipitation dataset from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center MORPHing technique (NOAA-CMORPH) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay Area. The results show that, the time-jump forecasting schedule could yield better performance from the third forecast time step, although the difference between the traditional hour-by-hour forecast (the original scheme) and the time-jump forecast (the improved scheme) is not significant at the beginning. In terms of performance metrics, the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the improved scheme is generally smaller than that of the original scheme at about precipitation, and the correlation coefficient is generally higher than that of the original scheme at about precipitation. Both training set and testing set show good alignment. The experiments proves that ConvLSTM is an effective in forecasting near precipitation, specially in the first two times, but coupling with improved schedule can advance the forecast of near precipitation by at least 6 hours, and its RMSE is less than 0.02 and the correlation coefficient is not less than 0.6 compared to the observation results.

A Neural Network-based Scale-adaptive Cloud-fraction Scheme for GCMs: Offline Evaluation Based on the ERA-Interim Reanalysis

Guoxing CHEN1#+, Wei-Chyung WANG2
1Fudan University, 2University at Albany - State University of New York

Cloud fraction significantly affects the short- and long-wave radiation. However, its realistic representation in GCMs has been difficult due to inadequate understanding of the sub-grid scale cloud macro- and micro-physical properties. Recently, we turned to the data-driven approach by developing a neural network-based scale-adaptive (NSA) cloud-fraction scheme using CloudSat data. Preliminary findings indicate the significant potential of correcting the known GCMs’ biases in cloud spatial distribution and the associated cloud radiative forcing. In this study, we present further evaluations of the NSA cloud fraction scheme by employing the ERA-Interim reanalysis in which the cloud condensates were simulated based on the assimilated temperature and humidity. Characteristics of the simulated cloud fraction and the associated cloud radiative forcing will be presented and discussed versus the observations and simulations using other cloud fraction schemes, e.g., the Tiedtke scheme (embedded in the ERA model) and the Xu-Randall scheme.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR331
AS23 - Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality in Asia and the Transpacific Region

Session Chair(s): Richard ECKMAN, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

AS23-A017 | Invited
The Deadly Toll of Heavy Air Pollution in Asia: An Estimate of Mortality Attributable to the Long-term PM2.5 Exposure Based on NASA MERRA-2 Reanalysis

Hongbin YU1#+, Alexander YANG1, Qian TAN2, Chamara RAJAPAKSHE1, Mian CHIN1
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2Bay Area Environmental Research Institute

Densely populated Asia has been experiencing heavy air pollution in recent decades due to increased human activities and wind blowing dust, raising grave concerns of detrimental impacts on human health. Ambient PM2.5 concentrations often exceed the unhealthy level in broad regions of China and India, the two most populous countries in the world. This study quantifies premature deaths attributable to long-term exposure of ambient PM2.5, or PM2.5-attributable mortality, by dust and pollution sources. We use NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) aerosol reanalysis product for PM2.5 validated by observations from the United States Diplomatic Posts to estimate the PM2.5-attributable mortality for five causes of deaths. The estimated yearly global PM2.5-attributable mortality in 2019 amounts to 2.89 (1.38 ~ 4.48) millions, of which about 22% are caused by desert dust. The mortality counts vary with geopolitical regions substantially, with more than 75% of the global mortality occurring in Asia. China and India take the highest mortality tolls, accounting for 43% and 23% of the global PM2.5-attributable deaths, respectively. Other Asian countries among the top ten PM2.5-attributable death tolls are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Nepal. Enforcing air pollution regulations to transfer areas from PM2.5 nonattainment to PM2.5 attainment can have great health benefits. However, regulations should go beyond what are currently implemented in China and India. Being attainable with the U.S. air quality standard globally would have avoided nearly 40% or 1.2 million deaths, mostly over Asia. Our study manifests the importance of distinguishing aerodynamic size from geometric size in defining PM2.5 and accurately assessing the health burden. A use of geometric size in diagnosing dust PM2.5 from the model simulation overestimates the PM2.5 level in the dust belt by 40-170%, leading to an overestimate of global mortality by 32%. 

AS23-A036 | Invited
The Significant Contribution of Small-sized and Spherical Aerosol Particles to the Decreasing Trend in Total Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land from 2003 to 2018

Huizheng CHE#+, Ke GUI
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

The optical and microphysical properties of aerosols remain one of the greatest uncertainties associated with evaluating the climate forcing attributed to aerosols. Although the trends in aerosol optical depth (AOD) at global and regional scales have been widely examined, little attention has been paid to the trends in type-dependent AODs related to aerosol particle properties. Here, using the aerosol optical component dataset from the Multi-angle Imaging Spectro Radiometer (MISR) instrument, we investigate decadal-scale trends in total aerosol loading as well as AODs for five aerosol components by particle size and morphology during 2003–2018 over land. The relative contribution of each type-dependent AOD to the overall TAOD trends was quantified. By dividing the TAOD values into four different aerosol pollution levels (APLs) with splits at 0.15, 0.40, and 0.80, we further explored the relationships between TAOD changes and interannual variations in the frequency-of-occurrences (FoOs) of these APLs. Long-term trends in FoOs in the different APLs show that there was a significant improvement in air quality between 2003 and 2018 in most land areas, except South Asia, corresponding to a shift from lightly polluted to clean conditions. However, the effects of different APLs on TAOD changes are regionally dependent and their extent of correlation varied spatially. Moreover, we observed that the annual mean TAOD has decreased by 0.47%·a-1 over land since 2003 (P < 0.05). This significant reduction was mainly attributed to the continued reduction in small-sized (< 0.7mm diameter) AOD (SAOD) and spherical AOD (SPAOD). Statistical analysis shows that SAOD and SPAOD respectively accounted for 57.5% and 89.6% of the TAOD, but contributed 82.6% and 90.4% of the trend in TAOD. Our study suggests that small-sized and spherical aerosols composed of sulfate, organic matter, and black carbon play a dominant role in determining interannual variability in land TAOD.

Changes in Aerosol Loading Before, During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak in China: Effects of Anthropogenic and Natural Aerosol

Yuanxin LIANG+, Huizheng CHE#, Ke GUI
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Anthropogenic emissions reduced sharply in the short-term during the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). As COVID-19 is still ongoing, changes in atmospheric aerosol loading over China and the factors of their variations remain unclear. In this study, we used multi-source satellite observations and reanalysis datasets to synergistically analyze the spring (February–May) evolution of aerosol optical depth (AOD) for multiple aerosol types over Eastern China (EC) before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown period. Regional meteorological effects and the radiative response were also quantitatively assessed. Compared to the same period before COVID-19 (i.e., in 2019), a total decrease of −14.6% in tropospheric TROPOMI nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and a decrease of−6.8% in MODIS AOD were observed over EC during the lockdown period (i.e., in 2020). After the lockdown period (i.e., in 2021), anthropogenic emissions returned to previous levels and there was a slight increase (+2.3%) in AOD over EC. Moreover, changes in aerosol loading have spatial differences. AOD decreased significantly in the North China Plain (−14.0%, NCP) and Yangtze River Delta (−9.4%) regions, where anthropogenic aerosol dominated the aerosol loading. Impacted by strong wildfires in Southeast Asia during the lockdown period, carbonaceous AOD increased by +9.1% in South China, which partially offset the emission reductions. Extreme dust storms swept through the northern region in the period after COVID-19, with an increase of +23.5% in NCP and +42.9% in Northeast China (NEC) for dust AOD. However, unfavorable meteorological conditions overwhelmed the benefits of emission reductions, resulting in a +20.1% increase in AOD in NEC during the lockdown period. This study highlights that we can benefit from short-term controls for the improvement of air pollution, but we also need to seriously considered the cross-regional transport of natural aerosol and meteorological drivers.

Seasonal Cycles and Long-term Trends of Arctic Tropospheric Aerosols Based on Calipso Lidar Observations

Wenrui YAO+, Ke GUI, Yu ZHENG#, Lei LI, Yaqiang WANG, Huizheng CHE, Xiaoye ZHANG
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Notable warming trends have been observed in the Arctic, with tropospheric aerosols being one of the key drivers. Here the seasonal cycles of three-dimensional distributions of aerosol extinction coefficients (AECs) and frequency of occurrences (FoOs) for different aerosol subtypes in the troposphere over the Arctic from 2007 to 2019 are characterized capitalizing on Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization (CALIOP) Level-3 gridded aerosol profile product. Seasonal contributions of total and type-dependent aerosols through their partitioning within the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and free troposphere (FT) are also quantified utilizing the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, version 2 (MERRA-2) PBL height data. The results show substantial seasonal and geographical dependence in the distribution of aerosols over the Arctic. Sulfate, black carbon (BC), and organic carbon (OC) contribute most of the total AEC, with Eurasia being the largest contributor. The vertical structure of AECs and FoOs over the Arctic demonstrates that the vertical influence of aerosols is higher in eastern Siberia and North America than in northern Eurasia and its coasts. When the total aerosol optical depth (TAOD) is partitioned into the PBL and FT, results indicate that the contributions of TAOD within the FT tend to be more significant, especially in summer, with the FT contributes 64.2% and 69.2% of TAOD over the lower (i.e., 60° N–70° N) and high (i.e., north of 70° N) Arctic, respectively. Additionally, seasonal trend analyses suggest Arctic TAOD exhibits a multi-year negative trend in winter, spring, and autumn and a positive trend in summer during 2007–2019, due to an overall decrease in sulfate from weakened anthropogenic emissions and a significant increase in BC and OC from enhanced biomass burning activities. Overall, this study has potential implications for understanding the seasonal cycles and trends in Arctic aerosols.

Evaluating Long Range Transport of Aerosols in Reanalysis and Climate Model Simulations: A Synergistic Approach Using Remote Sensing Observations and Modeling

V. VINOJ1#+, Sanatan BINISIA1, Indra Sekar SEN2
1Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, 2Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The long range transport is known to modulate aerosol loading over regions separated by large distances. However, their simulations in either reanalysis or chemical transport or climate models depend on multiple factors such as emissions, transport, wet and dry removal mechanisms and secondary aerosol production. Due to such dependence on multiple factors, they are also prone to significant errors that are difficult to evaluate. Current evaluation methods compare observed and simulated loading conditions and provide some insights. However, such evaluation/validation exercises using only aerosol loading are prone to significant errors due to modulations associated with long range transport, either towards or away from the regions of concern. Here, a method is developed by merging the conventional concentration weighted trajectories and MODIS satellite observations along with reanalysis to understand long range transport over the south Asian region simulated by MERRA-2. The method is able to capture most of the distinct emission sources (both natural and anthropogenic) over the South Asian region such as the Indo-Gangetic Plains, Thar Desert, Middle East deserts etc. Arabian Sea and North-East Indian regions are shown to be an evolving virtual aerosol source region in addition to the known sources such as the middle east, Thar desert, Indo-Gangetic Plains etc. The fidelity of the method is qualitatively evaluated using natural mineral dust and sea-salt aerosols simulated by MERRA-2 which shows reasonable agreement with known sources over the middle east, Talkamakan and south Asia. However, it appears that MERRA-2 transports dust aerosols further than that estimated using MODIS-Terra indicating limitations in model physics and hence reflected in limitations in the long-range transport of aerosols. Analysis such as these will allow an understanding of model capability/limitations in the long-range transport of aerosols allowing future improvements in aerosol modeling and impact studies.

Evaluation of Chemical Mechanisms in WRF-Chem for Aerosol Formation and Chemical Evolution Over the Tropics

Santo V. SALINAS#+, Li TAN, Fernando SANTOS, Soo Chin LIEW
National University of Singapore

Singapore and the South-East Asia (SEA) are regularly affected by mild to severe episodes of large scale biomass burning due to regional forest fires that occur during the region’s season of drought and dryness. During such events, satellite and in-situ observations are first hand tools for monitoring smoke spatial and temporal evolution. However, understanding aerosol formation and evolution during biomass burning events requires understanding the role of gas-phase precursors in aerosol processes and PM2.5 formation specially over the tropics where deep convection, high temperature and humidity play an important role. To investigate the effect of gas-phase chemical schemes and aerosol formation mechanisms on the reconstruction of MP2.5 concentrations and optical properties of aerosols we perform simulation experiments using the mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) meteorological model with chemistry (WRF-Chem). We evaluate WRF-Chem 4.2 newly added MOZCART-T1 scheme (MOZART gas-phase chemistry with 142 species and GOCART bulk aerosol scheme) and the standard MOZART gas-phase chemistry chemical mechanism (81 gas phase species) with MOSAIC 4-bin sectional aerosol module that includes aqueous phase chemistry. We perform detailed calculations of aerosol composition and properties over periods of stagnancy (no transported biomass emissions) and during biomass burning periods during year 2019 and contrasted by aerosol optical depth and PM2.5 ground measurements. Finally, we discuss the suitability of the T1/MOZART-MOSAIC implementation to better represent aerosol formation and processes over the tropics.

Wed-02 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR328
AS43 - Application of Data-driven and Machine Learning Approaches in Disaster Risk Reduction and Mitigation

Session Chair(s): Kelvin NG, University of Birmingham, Zhan TIAN, Southern University of Science and Technology

Revolutionizing Earth Science with Generalized AI Models

Rahul RAMACHANDRAN1#+, Tsengdar LEE2, Raghu GANTI3
1NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, 2NASA Headquarters, 3IBM Research

Foundation Models (FM) are generalized Artificial Intelligence (AI) models that are designed to replace a task or an application-specific model and can be used for many downstream applications. These FM can be built on any sequence data and are trained utilizing self-supervised approaches. The obstacle of creating a sizable labeled dataset for training is removed by using self-supervised learning. Most FM employ transformer design that takes advantage of the idea of self-attention, allowing the network to represent the impact of distant data points on one another in space and time. The FM models show emergent qualities that are induced from the data.
FM can become a valuable tool for Earth science researchers. Due to the size of these models, downstream applications built fine-tuning these FM perform better and exhibit greater accuracy than models created from scratch. FM significantly lowers the entry barrier in terms of both the time and effort required to develop various downstream applications. For some scientific datasets, such as optical remote sensing data, FM can speed up processes like classification, object detection and prediction. By eliminating the training data bottleneck and maximizing the usage of science data, FM can make it simpler to integrate AI into scientific research. Initial results for three different FMs will be presented.

Variation Characteristics and Attribution Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Compound Floods Derived from Observations in Shenzhen, China

Jingru LIU1,2#+, Zhan TIAN2, Steven DOBBIE3, Andrew ROSS3, Laixiang SUN4, Qinghua YE5
1University of Leeds; Southern University of Science and Technology, 2Southern University of Science and Technology, 3University of Leeds, 4University of Maryland, 5Deltares

The hazard of compound floods is much higher than that of univariate flood drivers due to the non-linear effects of multiple factors. The severe tropical cyclone (TC) compound floods that have occurred frequently in recent years have caused huge economic losses to China's coastal cities. A clearer understanding of TC compound flooding is essential for flood risk assessment, mitigation and management in coastal cities under global warming and urbanization. This study applies the machine learning (ML) models and multi-statistical methods for exploring the variations and characteristics of TC compound flooding events in western Shenzhen. The current indicator of compound floods is by a threshold that was determined by a ML approach. The results show an increase in the frequency of TC compound floods between 1964-2019, which is considered to be related to a decrease in the distance of TC maximum intensity to land. Besides, there has been a significant increase in compound flood events occurring with extreme high sea level. This study also found a higher risk of extreme TC compound flooding during the ENSO neutral phase. Flood predictions based on a 'rainfall-sea level' threshold obtained in this study enable decision makers to make high-level evaluations of TC compound flood risks in a short period of time. The findings will help the subsequent research on the atmospheric-hydrological processes and variability mechanisms of TC compound flooding.

On the Prediction of Water Level in the Urban Waterlogging Area Using Deep Learning Approach

Xiefei ZHI#+
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

With the continuous intensification of global climate change and the rapid development of urbanization, urban waterlogging disasters caused by extreme rainfall process have become increasingly serious, which has become a serious challenge for numerous cities around the world. Based on the rainfall data of 75 national automatic meteorological observation stations in Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, from May to August 2021, and the water level data of 2 typical water level stations, the relationship between rainfall and water level was investigated using the deep learning model long short-term memory (LSTM) to provide the water level prediction in the urban waterlogging areas for the future 2 hours at an interval of 15 minutes. The results show that the forecast skill of the deep learning model decreases with the increase of the forecast time. The forecast performance is quite good to use the water level and rainfall data in the previous 4 hours to predict the water level in the next 2 hours. For the high-value water level prediction, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the prediction at the two water level stations using the previous 4h data is less than 5.5 cm, the correlation coefficient (CC) is more than 0.92, and the Nash–Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NSE) is more than 0.85, indicating that the constructed deep learning model for waterlogging prediction has good prediction skill.

Application of Machine Learning in Predicting Current and Future Climate Extremes in China

Kelvin NG1#+, Gregor C. LECKEBUSCH1, Kevin HODGES2
1University of Birmingham, 2University of Reading

Climate extremes pose a significant risk to society due to their potential regional negative socioeconomic impacts. In order to develop optimal strategies to mitigate the impact of climate extremes on society, it is necessary to strengthen our ability to predict climate extremes on different timescales. While the performance of dynamical models has improved substantially over the past few decades, predicting extreme events remains an open challenge. This is partially due to limited climate model simulation periods and observations so that the full intensity distributions are not sampled sufficiently for the tail of the distributions. It is also due to current coarse model spatial resolutions which are therefore not being able to represent all the characteristics of extreme events as well as their inability to fully represent all necessary processes on relevant scales for extreme event generation, from small to synoptic and hemispheric scales. However, hemispheric scales can provide important driving information via scale interactions and are generally seen as being better captured by dynamical models. Yet, the accuracy of extreme event prediction might be improved by combining usable information from dynamical models and data-driven, machine learning methods.
In this presentation, we provide an overview of the PRE-CAX project, which aims to develop suitable tools for climate services to predict extreme regional rainfall over China in the future climate. This is achieved by combining large scale climate modes, which are relatively well-represented in dynamical models and machine learning approaches, such as the causal network discovery algorithm. We further show the performance of our approach in improving the prediction of extreme Mei-yu front related precipitation over China using data from the CMIP6 simulations. Application of our approach on different timescales and the potential development of the methodology are also discussed.

Data-driven Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Prediction

John Chien-Han TSENG1#+, Bo-An TSAI2, Kaoshen CHUNG2
1Central Weather Bureau, 2National Central University

Most numerical weather models are difficult to proceed the long-term prediction. Some reasons are from the uncertainty of the proper initial condition and those unresolved physical processes. Part reasons are from the incomplete governing equation calculation and numerical scheme errors becoming increasingly over time. Traditionally the operational weather centers will consider the ensemble members forecasts or modify the data assimilation cycle to response the unknown future. However, this kind of numerical model calculation cost is very high especially in long-term predictions. For saving the computational cost, Brunton et al. (2020) suggest the computational fluid dynamics problems can be solved by dimensional reduction data-driven model instead of numerical schemes in an original high dimensional space. Tseng (2022) found that Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) leading principal components (PC) of isometric feature mapping (ISOMAP) showed meaningful trajectories. These leading PCs forms a set of low-dimensional trajectories for machine learning algorithms to simulate and to do the forecasts. In this study, we used support vector regression (SVR) and feedforward neural network (NN) to train the data of leading 20 SST ISOMAP PCs. The SVR and NN models can predict the future variation of these 20 leading PCs. Combining these prediction PCs and the residual PCs from former historical PCs multiplied by spatial empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) enables the prediction of SST. The root mean square error (RMSE) and anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) were checked. The NN prediction could get the pretty small RMSE and high ACC score in recent 5 cases 10 lead months prediction. Moreover, the computing cost was more economic than traditional NWP models.

Verification of Improved Analog Ensemble Methods for Forecasting Extreme Temperature and Wind Speed in Beijing

Cui HAO#+
Beijing Meteorological Observatory, Beijing

Upon the current requirement of the extreme weather forecast and service, we developed two improved prediction schemes (that is, scheme I and scheme II) based on the ECMWF-IFS model (EC model) and the model output statistics (MOS) method on the basis of the Analog Ensemble (AnEn) method. First, taking the EC model forecasts from 2016 to 2018 and their corresponding observations as the training dataset, the overall performance of scheme I, scheme II, and AnEn for the extreme temperature and wind speed in Beijingfrom January 1 to December 31 in 2019 is tested and evaluated against the observations at 364 stations. The results show that the prediction accuracy of scheme I and scheme II is better than that of AnEn for both extreme temperature (T) and wind speed (VM), particularly for scheme II. Second, according to the 2nd and 98th percentiles, the thresholds of extreme low temperature (Tm) and extreme high temperature (TM) at the different stations in Beijing are -22.3 ℃ and 38.8 ℃, respectively. The overall prediction results of scheme I and scheme II for T in this region show that the two schemes are significantly improved compared to AnEn, and their mean absolute errors (EMA) are reduced by 11.90% and 21.43%, respectively. Similarly, according to the 98th percentile, the VM threshold of each station in Beijing is set at 20.3 m·s-1, and the EMA of VM forecast with scheme I and scheme II is reduced by 23.08% and 26.52%, respectively, compared with AnEn. Finally, the prediction results of Tm, TM and VM at each station in Beijing show that scheme I and scheme II have improved in T and VM on the basis of AnEn, and more than 94% of stations show that scheme II has better performance. In addition, the spatial distributions of prediction accuracy of T and VM show that the two improved schemes have better performance on the prediction of T and VM in the mountainous areas than in the plain areas.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR311
AS15 - 16th Sasaki Symposium on Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications

Session Chair(s): In-Hyuk KWON, Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Wei KANG, Naval Postgraduate School

AS15-A013 | Invited
Current Status of the KIAPS Data Assimilation System, and Plans for Hydrometeor Analysis

In-Hyuk KWON1#+, Adam CLAYTON1, Jeon-Ho KANG1, Sihye LEE1, Han-Byeol JEONG1,2, Dayoung CHOI1
1Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, 2Ewha Womans University

The renewed Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS) aims at developing a unified framework for seamless prediction from very short range (~6 hours) to extended medium range (~30 days), including coupling to various Earth system components, such as the land surface, oceans, and sea ice. The first phase of the KIAPS project delivered the global atmosphere-only NWP system that was made operational at the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) in April 2020. The NWP model - named the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) - is a non-hydrostatic model based on a cubed-sphere grid, utilizing the spectral element method for its dynamical core. The global data assimilation (DA) system is based on a hybrid-4DEnVar system for the deterministic analysis, and a LETKF for ensemble perturbation updates, and is already giving good performance. Many types of observations, including conventional data, GPS-RO, AMSR2, AMSU-A, MHS, ATMS, MWHS2, IASI, CrIS, AMV, Scatwind, and clear sky radiances from GK-2A, MSG and Himawari are quality controlled and prepared for assimilation by the KIM Package for Observation Processing (KPOP). Recently, we added support for the assimilation of ALADIN wind data and Ground GNSS, and we are testing support for MODE-S aircraft, AWS, GMI, GIIRS, and clear sky radiances from GOES. All-sky radiance for MHS is also developed and tested.
During the next few years, a further model will be developed to support high-resolution DA and forecasting over East Asia. DA focused on radar and other observations that can provide useful information on the additional small scales supported within the grid-refined region. We have tested radar reflectivity assimilation with LETKF for the WRF model. Cloud hydrometeor will be analyzed by LETKF using radar observation and all-sky radiance from geostationary satellites.

How Does the Ensemble Benefit Ensemble-variational Data Assimilation in the Tropics?

Joshua LEE1#+, Ross BANNISTER2, Javier AMEZCUA3
1Meteorological Service Singapore, 2University of Reading, 3Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México

Hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation methods have been tested in several global and regional numerical weather prediction systems. Such methods usually employ a combination of climatological and ensemble-derived background error statistics in the variational algorithm. Most studies report a benefit from hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation, attributing it broadly to the flow-dependency introduced by the ensemble-derived background error statistics. However, it is still unclear whether the overall benefit of flow-dependency originates from (i) the time-appropriateness of the background error statistics, (ii) the flow-consistency of the univariate autocorrelations, and/or (iii) the flow-consistency of the multivariate cross-correlations. For the tropics, factor (iii) may be particularly important as the typical climatological background error covariance model (often using geostrophic and hydrostatic balances) becomes less relevant. In this study, we use a simplified fluid dynamics model within a tropical framework to disentangle the benefits of the ensemble for ensemble-variational data assimilation. We compare pure ensemble-variational methods with traditional variational methods to distinguish the relative importance of using time-appropriate training data, and using an ensemble background error covariance model via the alpha control variable transform. We also test the impact of new univariate and multivariate localisation approaches (e.g. variable-dependent spatial localisation and selective multi-variate localisation) to optimise the ensemble background error covariance model. These results may highlight key focus areas to further improve data assimilation in the tropics.

Combining Data Assimilation and Data-driven Sparse Sensing Placement Method for Designing Better Observation Locations

Chiba University

Data assimilation (DA) plays an important role in numerical weather prediction (NWP) to provide optimal initial conditions by combining forecasted state and observation data. For accurately estimating initial conditions over the ocean, the effective use of mobile radiosonde observations by aircraft and ships would be useful. However, there have been few studies yet that try to optimize the placement of mobile observations for NWP. This study aims at designing better observation networks using the data-driven sparse sensor placement (SSP) method explored in informatics science. This method determines the optimal sensor locations so that the selected sensors effectively determine coefficients of proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) modes. The original SSP method reconstructs the spatial patterns of data from the selected sensors by solving a linear inverse problem using the POD modes. This study combined the SSP and DA so that we can accurately estimate the spatial patterns owing to Tikhonov regularization. We applied the combined approach to two problems: statics and mobile observations. Firstly, the proposed method was applied for the placements of rain-gauge observations over Hokkaido Island in Japan. The optimized rain-gauge locations by the SSP reconstruct more accurate spatial patterns of precipitation than the fields reconstructed by operational stations known as AMeDAS. The second problem aims to optimize the locations of additional mobile stations for NWP. We implemented the SSP into an intermediate global atmospheric model coupled with the local ensemble Kalman filter (a.k.a. SPEEDY-LETKF) to optimize observing placement over the ocean. Our preliminary experiment was promising, showing that the SSP-based placement provides more accurate analyses than an ensemble spread-based placement.

Non-gaussian Based Kalman Filters

Steven FLETCHER1#+, Senne VAN LOON2
1Colorado, 2Colorado State University

With the advancement of non-Gaussian based variational techniques the need to extend this to hybrid ensemble-variational techniques is the next step towards operational viability. However, there is a problem with the Gaussian assumptions that are made in the derivation of the Kalman filter. In this presentation we shall present a new approach that enables the Kalman filter theory to be applied with: a lognormal, a reverse-lognormal, a Gaussian-lognormal, and a Gaussian-reverse-lognormal distribution. All of there filters are then applied to the Lorenz 1963 model where the z component is known to be have non-Gaussian based errors. All of the filters are compared these against the Extended Kalman Filter to assess improvement over a Gaussian-fits-all approach.

Nongaussian Ensemble Data Assimilation

Senne VAN LOON1#+, Steven FLETCHER2, Milija ZUPANSKI1
1Colorado State University, 2Colorado

Most standard data assimilation methods are based on the assumption that the background and observational errors are drawn from a gaussian distribution. However, this is rarely the case. To improve the forecasting skill, one can replace the gaussian assumption by allowing some errors to follow lognormal and reverse lognormal distributions. This idea has already been successfully applied to variational data assimilation [1,2], and allowed for the development of a lognormal Kalman filter [3]. We can then extend these concepts to ensemble methods, based on the maximum likelihood ensemble filter [4].
We compare the ensemble data assimilation schemes with mixed gaussian, lognormal, and reverse lognormal distributions to the standard gaussian assumption. Moreover, we allow the underlying error distribution at each assimilation time to change dynamically, and present a machine learning technique that can decide on the optimal distribution to use within the Lorenz-63 model [5].
[1] Steven J. Fletcher, and Milija Zupanski (2006). "A hybrid multivariate normal and lognormal distribution for data assimilation." Atmospheric Science Letters 7(2), 43-46.
[2] Steven J. Fletcher (2010). "Mixed Gaussian-lognormal four-dimensional data assimilation." Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 62(3), 266-287.
[3] Steven J. Fletcher, Milija Zupanski, Michael R. Goodliff, Anton J. Kliewer, Andrew S. Jones, John M. Forsythe, Ting-Chi Wu, Md Jakir Hossen, and Senne Van Loon (2023). "Lognormal and Mixed Gaussian-Lognormal Kalman Filters." Monthly Weather Review.
[4] Milija Zupanski (2005). "Maximum likelihood ensemble filter: Theoretical aspects." Monthly Weather Review, 133(6), 1710-1726.
[5] Michael R. Goodliff, Steven Fletcher, Anton Kliewer, John Forsythe, and Andrew Jones (2020). "Detection of Non‐Gaussian Behavior Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Case Study on the Lorenz 63 Model." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125(2), e2019JD031551.

Some Computational Issues in Machine Learning for Partial State Estimation

Wei KANG1#+, Liang XU2
1Naval Postgraduate School, 2Naval Research Laboratory

The estimation of atmospheric and oceanography dynamics involves both online and offline computation. In data assimilation, such as 4D-Var and EnKF, a large portion of the online computation in each cycle is used to propagate the numerical model multiple times along trajectories. Such algorithms demand high computational capacity. In this project, we explore innovative machine learning methods for data assimilation and forecasting to reduce online computational burden by transferring computationally intensive tasks offline. In machine learning, generating data and training neural networks involve offline computation only. After a neural network is trained, the main task of online computation is to evaluate a network of neurons, which is computationally cheap and efficient. We apply machine learning to partial state estimation, i.e., estimating the state variables inside a local region using local observational information. The first question is how much data is adequate for neural networks to provide an accurate estimation. The study reveals that an error upper bound can be computed based on constrained optimization theory. The effectiveness of machine learning for partial state estimation is demonstrated using examples of Burger’s equation and shallow water equations. It is shown that neural networks can facilitate a reasonable estimate of state variables in a given region using local observations. The neural network input is the observational data, and the output is the estimation. The online computational load is low because the neural network does not require propagating trajectories of the system model. An interesting fact revealed in the examples is that the neural network trained using zero boundary conditions can be successfully applied to data sets generated using different boundary conditions. This property is significant because it implies a good generalizability of the neural network.

A Hybrid Ensemble Biogeochemical Data Assimilation System for the Red Sea: Development, Implementation and Evaluation

Mohamad EL GHARAMTI1, Siva Reddy SANIKOMMU2#+, Yixin WANG2, Matthew MAZLOFF3, Ariane VERDY4, Georgios KROKOS2, Rui SUN3, Aneesh SUBRAMANIAN5, Benjamin K. JOHNSON4, Angela Kuhn CORDOVA4, Bruce CORNUELLE3, Ibrahim HOTEIT2
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 3University of California San Diego, 4Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 5University of Colorado Boulder

A Hybrid ensemble system is implemented for data assimilation (DA) into coupled physical-biogeochemical ocean model of the Red Sea. The system comprises a Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model (MITgcm) coupled with the Nitrogen-version of the Biogeochemistry, Light, Iron, Nutrients, and Gases (N-BLING) model, both configured at 4km resolution. The assimilation is based on the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) and combines a time-varying ensemble generated using the Ensemble Adjustment Kalman filter (EAKF) with a pre-selected quasi-static (monthly varying) ensemble. The system is designed to assimilate observations of both physical (satellite sea surface temperature, altimeter sea surface height, and in situ temperature and salinity) and biological (satellite chlorophyll) variables. Two different assimilation experimental settings are tested: (1) Weakly coupled DA in which the physical and biological observations only update their respective states, and (2) Strongly coupled DA in which both the physical and biological observations are used to update both physical and biological states. Sensitivity experiments are conducted to assess the relative impact of assimilating physical and biological observations. The state estimates are evaluated against independent in situ Glider observations of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and oxygen. The results indicate that the strongly coupled DA generally performs better than the weakly coupled DA. The improvements are significant, particularly in the subsurface layers. We further conducted identical twin experiments using strongly coupled DA with and without assimilating satellite chlorophyll observations to confirm the positive impact of assimilating chlorophyll observations on the estimation of biogeochemical fields.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR327
AS38 - Ensemble Modeling and Prediction of High-impact, Multi-scale Weather to Decadal Events

Session Chair(s): Huiling YUAN, Nanjing University

Research on the Influence of Uncertainty from Background Field and Lateral Boundary Conditions and Improvement of Large-scale Perturbation in Convection-permitting Ensemble Prediction System

Hanbin ZHANG#+
Institute of Urban Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration

Large-scale uncertainty in convective scale numerical prediction mainly comes from the background condition(BC) and lateral boundary conditions(LBCs). The BC and LBCs perturbation can significantly affect the overall perturbation amplitude of convection permitting ensemble prediction system (CPEPS). In this study, the Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis (ESA) is carried out based on the key factors affecting the uncertainty of large-scale prediction, therefore to explore the influence of BC uncertainty and LBC uncertainty in regional high-resolution model on disaster weather forecast, the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of BC perturbation and LBCs perturbation are analyzed, with a reconstruction scheme of BC and LBCs perturbation designed to improve the quality of large-scale perturbation in CPEPS. Results indicate that the time effect of BC perturbation is short, and the LBCs perturbation mainly acts on the long time range of prediction; Reconstruct the BC and LBCs of each member of the CPEPS using the high-quality ECMWF deterministic forecast field combined with the NCEPS-GEFS global ensemble forecast perturbation field to form the BC and LBC adjustment scheme, namely EC-center, can improve the quality of large-scale information in the CPEPS.

High-resolution Forecasting of Warm Season Rainstorms in Shanghai Using WRF: Role of Convection Representation Across the Gray Zone

Fengxue QIAO1#+, Rui WANG2, Xinzhong LIANG3, Yiting ZHU4
1East China Normal University, 2Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, 3University of Maryland, 4Fudan University

The representation of convection has always been a major source of model biases. Particularly in the “gray zone” with horizontal grid spacing between 1-10 km, the convection treatment remains an open question in high-resolution modeling community. There is still no consensus on whether to use parameterized or explicit convection for regional climate simulations between 5-10 km, and systematic biases are identified in convection-permitting predictions at 3-5 km. Multi-grid nesting simulations downscaled to 1-km grid with typical ratio of approximately 1:3 have been widely conducted, but their predictive skills are highly affected by the convection treatment in the outer two grids (3 km and 9 km), which reside in the gray zone and have large uncertainty. This study investigates the role of convection treatment across the gray zone and explores the feasibility of avoiding the gray zone in the multigrid nesting simulations for the innermost 1-km grid. Triple nesting (15-5-1 km, 9-3-1 km) experiments are compared to double nesting (15-1 km, 9-1 km) with the intermediate grids removed, considering different convection treatments in the outermost grids. Two heavy rainfall events occurred in warm season over Shanghai involving complex multiscale interactions are selected. Main results show that nesting a midsize domain within the gray zone (5 km and 3 km) may degrade the innermost 1-km forecast, and double nestings with larger ratio (such as 15 or 9) are more effective for extreme rainfall forecasting. Especially the double nesting using the Kain-Fritsch scheme in the outermost grids outperform that using other convection treatments and the traditional triple nesting. The predictive skills of this double nesting with larger grid ratios can be further improved by examining the effect of Planetary boundary layer, and using the MYNN scheme most realistically reproduces the rainfall distribution and hourly variation of extreme rainfall intensity.

Atlantic-forced Pacific Decadal Prediction: Observations and Model Simulations

Jun-Chao YANG#, Zhen LV+, Yu ZHANG, Xiaopei LIN
Ocean University of China

Recent studies showed that the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) exhibits strong modulations on Pacific decadal variability, but its effect on Pacific decadal prediction remains unclear. Here, we use linear inverse model (LIM) to assess this trans-basin effect based on observations and climate models. LIM is a useful tool for decadal prediction which shows comparable prediction skills to model ensemble hindcast.
In observations, AMO effect is isolated by using North Atlantic pacemaker experiments. AMO effect substantially modulates decadal prediction skills in the North Pacific, especially in its western and central parts. The reason is because the AMO modulates both global mean surface temperature and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. In climate models, the commonly underestimated AMO strength significantly lower pan-Pacific decadal prediction skills, especially in the North Pacific. Our study highlights the necessity to improve model simulation on AMO trans-basin effect to gain better Pacific decadal prediction.

Testing the IMPROVER Post-processing Suite in Singapore

Robert HUVA1#+, Boon Chong Peter HENG2, Jeff LO1, Hugh ZHANG1
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2Meteorological Service Singapore

The IMPROVER (Integrate Model post-PROcessing and VERification) suite developed by the Met Office, UK, and with contribution from the Bureau, Australia, is an open-source toolbox for post-processing NWP output. The IMPROVER suite has several functions (including neighbourhooding, calibration and multi-model blending) that allow the user to increase forecast skill and provide probabilistic information around events. In Singapore we experience rapidly developing convection and the uncertainty in our forecasts can be quite high as a result. Our region is therefore ideally suited to probabilistic output and implementation of the IMPROVER suite is a key focus for Meteorological Service Singapore. In this talk I will outline some initial testing of the IMPROVER suite that utilises our inhouse NWP (SINGV deterministic and ensemble) and ECMWF (deterministic and ensemble) model output. Over a 2.5 month period in 2022 a comparison between output from various stages of the IMPROVER suite with the raw model will be conducted to outline the impact of each step in the post-processing chain. The focus of this work will be on rainfall at various hourly accumulation thresholds as this is a key variable of concern for our region.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR323
AS35 - Aerosols, Clouds, Radiation, Precipitation, and Their Interactions

Session Chair(s):

Evaluation and Attribution of Shortwave Feedbacks to ENSO in CMIP6 Models

Huang JUNJIE1+, Lijuan LI2#, Ran HAIYAN2, Liu JUAN3, Bin WANG2, Feng TAO4, Youli CHANG4
1IAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3Beijing Institute of Applied Meteorology, 4Yunnan University

The shortwave (SW) feedback to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the largest biases in climate models, as the feedback includes atmosphere–ocean interactions and cloud processes. In this study, the performance of SW feedback in 19 models from the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) is evaluated and the biases are attributed using the historical and Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP) runs. The results demonstrate that while superior to CMIP5 counterparts, most CMIP6 models still underestimate the strength of SW feedback. The underestimates of SW feedback arise mainly from the biased feedbacks to El Niño in the four models with relatively better skills, while from both underestimated negative feedbacks to El Niño and overestimated positive feedbacks to La Niña in other models, which reproduce better seasonal variations than corresponding CMIP5 models. Furthermore, the SW feedback bias is connected to weak convective/stratiform rainfall feedback, which is sensitive/insensitive to sea surface temperature (SST) biases during El Niño/La Niña. The total rainfall feedbacks and dynamical feedbacks are underestimated in the historical runs, deteriorating relative to those CMIP5 ones, and the causes and relationships between feedbacks and mean states are investigated.

A Climatology of Mid-latitude Cloud Fraction and Radiative Effect Over the Land and Ocean

Xiquan DONG1#+, Baike XI1, Xiaojian ZHENG1, Shaocheng XIE2
1The University of Arizona, 2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

More than four years of ground-based measurements taken at the ARM Eastern North Atlantic (ENA) site between July 2015 and September 2019 have been collected and processed in this study. Monthly and hourly means of clear-sky, all-sky, total cloud fraction (CFT), and single-layered low (CFL) and high (CFH) clouds, the impacts of all scene types on the surface radiation budget (SRB), and their cloud radiative effects (CREs) have been examined. The annual averages of CFT, CFL, and CFH are 0.785, 0.342, and 0.123, respectively. The annual averages of the SW (LW) CREs for all sky, total, low, and high clouds are 256.7 (37.7), 276.6 (48.5), 273.7 (51.4), and 226.8 (13.9) W m-2, respectively, resulting in the NET CREs of 219.0, 228.0, 222.2, and 212.9 W m-2 W m-2. Comparing the cloud properties and CREs at both ARM ENA and Southern Great Plains (SGP) sites, we found that the clear-sky downwelling SW and LW fluxes at the two sites are similar to each other due to their similar atmospheric background. With different low cloud microphysical properties and cloud condensation nuclei at the two sites, much higher cloud optical depth at SGP plays an important role in determining its lower SW flux, while Tb and PWV are important for downwelling LW flux at the surface. A sensitivity study has shown that the all-sky SW CREs at SGP are more sensitive to CFT (21.07 W m22 %-1 ) than at ENA (20.689 W m22 %-1), with the same conclusion for all-sky LW CREs (0.735 W m22 %-1 at SGP vs 0.318 W m22 %-1 at ENA). The results over the two sites shed new light on the impacts of clouds on the midlatitude surface radiation budgets, over both ocean and land.

Evaluation of Cloudy-sky Radiative Flux Datasets Derived from MODIS Aqua and MODIS-VIIRS Cloud Products Against Satellite- and Ground-based Clouds and Radiation Observations

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Clouds are a critical component of the global radiation budget, and cloud radiative effects at the top-of atmosphere (TOA) and surface can significantly depend on the optical properties of the cloud. Passive spaceborne imagers can be used to simultaneously retrieve cloud optical properties and directly observe SW and LW radiation at the top-of-the-atmosphere. However, radiative fluxes calculated directly from satellite-retrieved cloud properties can provide insight into the radiative implications of the retrieved cloud properties. Furthermore, such flux calculations can provide surface fluxes on a global scale. Given that there are limited direct measurements of surface radiative fluxes globally, especially in remote regions like the Arctic, surface radiative fluxes derived from passive spaceborne imagers can play a critical role in understanding the global surface radiation budget. Newly developed pixel-level SW and LW surface and TOA radiative flux datasets calculated directly from two MODIS/VIIRS Science Team cloud products, the MOD06 and MYD06 standard cloud products for Terra and Aqua, respectively (collectively referred to as MOD06) and the MODIS/VIIRS CLDPROP product for cloud climate data record continuity, are intercompared and evaluated globally against collocated ground- and satellite-based (i.e., CERES) radiation measurements. Future work and evaluation plans will be discussed, as well as efforts to understand the extent to which errors in MODIS/VIIRS-retrieved cloud optical properties (e.g., phase, cloud ice water path, cloud liquid water path) lead to radiation biases at the TOA and surface.

Radiative Forcing Bias Calculation Based on Core-shell Mie Model Optimization of AERONET Data

Pravash TIWARI1+, Jason COHEN1#, Xinying WANG2, Shuo WANG3
1China University of Mining and Technology, 2Sun Yat-sen University, 3Chengdu University of Information Technology

Aerosol concentration, mass, size, shape, and mixing state contribute to direct radiative forcing (DRF), which has been identified as one of the major remaining uncertainties in constraining climate change. Absorbing aerosols (AA) simultaneously cool the surface and heat the atmosphere spatially and temporally in a very heterogenous manner, with local DRF as much as 100 times CO2. Current models consistently underestimate AA loading in the ultraviolet and visible wavebands. For these reasons, this work introduces a new approach to quantify the mixing state and size of AA using AERONET observations in two rapidly changing parts of the world: Lumbini and Taihu, in connection with an inversely applied Core-Shell Mie model. The constrained AA size, mixing state, and optical properties, are used to compute DRF changes at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and the atmosphere itself (ATM).We obtain four conclusions. First, DRF covers a broader range than AERONET, ranging from [0.1,212]W/m2 in Lumbini and [0.4,158]W/m2 in Taihu. Second, ATM is less negative than AERONET, while at the same time the TOA is has a wider spread, from [-95.2,37.1]W/m2 in Lumbini and [-146,5.0]W/m2 in Taihu. Results demonstrate less cooling than AERONET overall, while in some cases even displaying a net positive TOA. Third, TOA and ATM are analyzed for different sizes of BC and demonstrate that DRF is not strongly dependent on AOD, especially so under large BC size, in which up to 1.9% of solutions have TOA>0. Fourth, TOA shows a multi-modal solution space in the fine mode which is not lognormally distributed, leading to the solution space for DRF that is not a linear function of AOD, as current models assume. This results demonstrate current methods may lead to biases and offers a new way to quantify non-linearities in DRF.

Cloud Vertical Overlap for Radiation Processes in the Korean Integrated Model

So-Young KIM#+
Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems

For cloud vertical structure in radiation processes in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM), maximum-random vertical overlap of clouds has been assumed. To improve the cloud-radiation interaction considering environmental conditions, exponential-random (generalized) cloud vertical overlap assumption is applied in KIM. Then, calculation of the cloud decorrelation length, which is used to determine the cloud overlap parameter and commonly assumed to be constant, is modified to include a dependence on latitude and the vertical shear of horizontal wind, based on previous observational studies. Impact of cloud vertical overlap is examined in seasonal simulations during boreal summer and winter. Cloud radiative forcing increases overall by using the exponential-random overlap assumption of clouds. Cloud radiative forcing enhances more, especially in the mid-to-high latitudes, by introducing the latitudinal dependency representing more maximal vertical cloud overlap in the lower latitudes. This alleviates underestimation of cloud radiative forcing and resultant warm bias in KIM, especially over land in the summer hemisphere. In the winter hemisphere, modified cloud vertical overlap results in warming near the surface by changing longwave cloud forcing. In the tropical region, interaction between radiative and convective processes plays an important role in changing the distribution of the cloud radiative forcing.

Quantifying Particle-to-particle Heterogeneity in Aerosol Hygroscopicity

Liang YUAN1+, Chunsheng ZHAO2#
1Chengdu University of Information Technology, 2Peking University

The particle-to-particle heterogeneity in aerosol hygroscopicity is crucial for understanding aerosol climatic and environmental effects. The hygroscopic parameter κ, widely applied to describe aerosol hygroscopicity for aerosol populations both in models and observations, is a probability distribution highly related to aerosol heterogeneity due to the complex sources and aging processes. However, the heterogeneity in aerosol hygroscopicity is not represented in observations and model simulations, leading to challenges in accurately estimating aerosol climatic and environmental effects. Here, we propose an algorithm for quantifying particle-to-particle heterogeneity in aerosol hygroscopicity, based on information-theoretic entropy measures, by using the data that comes only from the in-situ measurement of the hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (H-TDMA). Aerosol populations in this algorithm are assumed to be simple binary systems consisting of the less hygroscopic and more hygroscopic components, which are commonly used in H-TDMA measurement. Three indices, including the average per-particle species diversity Dα, the bulk population species diversity Dγ, and their affine ratio χ, are calculated from the probability distribution of κ to describe aerosol heterogeneity. This algorithm can efficiently characterize the evolution of aerosol heterogeneity with time in the real atmosphere. Our results show that the heterogeneity varies much with aerosol particle size and large discrepancies exist in the width and peak value of particle number size distribution (PNSD) with varied heterogeneity after hygroscopic growth, especially for conditions with high relative humidity. This reveals a vital role of the heterogeneity in ambient PNSD and significant uncertainties in calculating the climate-relevant properties if the population-averaged hygroscopicity is applied by neglecting its heterogeneity. This work points the way toward a better understanding of the role of hygroscopicity in evaluating aerosol climatic and environmental impacts.

Vertical Profiles of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Number Concentration and its Empirical Estimate from Aerosol Optical Properties Over the North China Plain

Yuying WANG1#+, Rui ZHANG1, Zhaniqng LI2
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2University of Maryland

To better understand the characteristics of aerosol activation ability and optical properties, a comprehensive airborne campaign was conducted over the North China Plain (NCP) from May 8 to June 11, 2016. Vertical profiles of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration (NCCN) and aerosol optical properties were measured simultaneously. Seventy-two-hour air mass back trajectories show that during the campaign the measurement region was mainly influenced by air masses from the northwest and southeast. Air mass sources, temperature structure, anthropogenic emissions, and terrain distribution are factors influencing NCCN profiles. CCN spectra suggest that the ability of aerosol to activate into CCN is stronger in southeasterly air masses than in northwesterly air masses and stronger in the free atmosphere than near the surface. Vertical distributions of aerosol scattering Ångström exponent (SAE) indicate that aerosols near the surface mainly originate from primary emissions consisting of more fine particles. The long-distance transport increases SAE and makes it vary more in the free troposphere than near the surface. To parameterize NCCN, the equation NCCN=10βσγ is used to fit the relationship between NCCN and the aerosol scattering coefficient (σ) at 450 nm. The fitting parameters β and γ have linear relationships with the SAE. Empirical estimates of NCCN at 0.7% water vapor supersaturation (SS) from aerosol optical properties are thus retrieved for the two air masses: NCCN=10-0.22*SAE+2.39σ0.30*SAE+0.29 for northwesterly air masses and NCCN=10-0.07*SAE+2.29σ0.14*SAE+0.28 for southeasterly air masses. The estimated NCCN at 0.7% SS agrees with that measured, although the performance differs between low and high concentrations in the two air masses. The results highlight the important impact of aerosol sources on the empirical estimate of NCCN from aerosol optical properties.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR332
AS25 - Air Pollution-Weather-Climate Interactions

Session Chair(s): Yang GAO, Ocean University of China, Jingyu WANG, Nanyang Technological University, Guangxing LIN, Chinese Academy of Sciences

AS25-A005 | Invited
Aerosol Impacts on Local Scale Convective Precipitation

Chuanfeng ZHAO1#+, Yue SUN2
1Peking University, 2Beijing Normal University

Aerosol particles in the atmosphere can alter precipitation efficiency and modulate the hydrological cycle, while their impacts on the cloud and precipitation formation time and vertical profiles remain poorly understood. Using multi-source observation data along with reanalysis meteorology, we find that different types of aerosols exert distinct effects on precipitation rate at different layers and precipitation start time. The observations show that aerosols enhance precipitation-top height first and then suppress it under various dynamics and thermodynamics conditions, with a turning point at medium aerosol amount. In contrast, the response of near surface precipitation rate to aerosol perturbation is complex due to varying evaporation efficiency. This finding challenges the previous studies that suggested that the characteristics of cloud and precipitation at high altitude are closely correlated with precipitation rate near the surface. Observations also show that absorbing aerosols near surface could advance precipitation start time while scattering aerosols near surface delay the precipitation start time, with the results illustrated with the precipitation events over the three typical regions in east China. This finding is useful for better understanding of aerosol-precipitation interaction and further improvement of model precipitation simulation and prediction.

Anthropogenic Influences on Trends of Spring Rainfall Over East Asia: Synergic Effects of Greenhouse Warming and Aerosols on Decreasing Trends of Rainfall in Low-latitude East Asia

Young-Hee RYU1#+, Seung-Ki MIN2
1Yonsei University, 2Pohang University of Science and Technology

Low-latitude East Asia, particularly southern China, has shown markedly decreasing trends of springtime rainfall during recent years; however, rainfall trends are weak in mid-latitude East Asia. Details of human influences on this contrasting feature remain uncertain. This study quantifies the relative roles of greenhouse warming and aerosols in the observed spring rainfall trends over East Asia using the Weather Research and Forecasting model with chemistry (WRF-Chem model). As a result of greenhouse warming, high-latitude East Asia shows more rapid temperature increases potentially associated with reduced spring snow than the western North Pacific. These uneven temperature rises induce an anomalous anticyclone over the East China Sea. This circulation change results in a northwestward extension of the western North Pacific subtropical high, which reduces rainfall at low latitudes but moderately increases rainfall at mid-latitudes. In contrast, anthropogenic aerosols reduce rainfall in both low- and mid-latitude East Asia. Hence, the two anthropogenic factors synergistically reduce rainfall at low latitudes, with a stronger contribution of greenhouse warming (~34%) than aerosols (~17%). In mid-latitude East Asia, their contributions are offset, resulting in weak rainfall trends. Further, the anthropogenic influences are found to be relatively larger under drier conditions, suggesting that a more severe drought can occur in low-latitude East Asia under future drought-conducive conditions.

Climate Impacts of Aerosol Reductions in China Due to Clean Air Actions and COVID-19

Yang YANG1#+, Jiyuan GAO1, Lili REN1, Chao LIU1, Hailong WANG2, Hong LIAO1
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

China has implemented a sequence of policies for clean air since year 2013 and the aerosol pollution has been substantially improved, but ozone (O3) related issues arose. Meanwhile, aerosol emissions in South Asia have continued to increase. Here, based on chemistry-climate model simulations, we found that the overall decreases in aerosols produced an anomalous warming of 0.09 ℃ in eastern China, which is further intensified by the increase in O3 in the lower troposphere, resulting in an enhanced warming of 0.16 °C in eastern China. The reductions in aerosol emissions from East Asia alone increased the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) strength by almost 5%. The dipole pattern of aerosol emissions between South Asia and East Asia together increased the EASM by 5–15% during 2013–2017, revealing an important role of South Asian aerosols in changing the East Asian climate. Record rainfall and severe flooding struck eastern China in the summer of 2020. The extreme summer rainfall occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in China in early 2020 and spread rapidly across the globe. By disrupting human activities, substantial reductions in anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols might have affected regional precipitation in many ways. Here, we investigate such connections and show that the abrupt emissions reductions during the pandemic strengthened the summer atmospheric convection over eastern China, resulting in a positive sea level pressure anomaly over northwestern Pacific Ocean. The latter enhanced moisture convergence to eastern China and further intensified rainfall in that region. Modeling experiments show that the reduction in aerosols had a stronger impact on precipitation than the decrease of greenhouse gases. We conclude that through abrupt emissions reductions, the COVID-19 pandemic contributed importantly to the 2020 extreme summer rainfall in eastern China.

Decreasing Dust Over the Middle East Partly Caused by Irrigation Expansion

Yong WANG1#, Wenwen XIA1+, Bin WANG2
1Tsinghua University, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

The importance of the effects of anthropogenic activities on modulating the global dust cycle has been increasingly recognized. Over the Middle East, we find in observations that there has been a significant decrease in dust optical depth from 2007 to 2019 during which global irrigated areas especially in the Middle East and South Asia have rapidly expanded. Whether irrigation expansion contributes to the decrease of dust in the Middle East is investigated based on observations/reanalyses and global climate model simulations with and without irrigation. Results show that irrigation over the northeast Middle East and Pakistan supplements water to the soil. By increasing local evaporation and moisture advection, irrigation enhances precipitation over the whole Middle East and the northwest Indian subcontinent. As a result, dust wet deposition by precipitation is elevated. Owing to irrigation-induced land surface cooling, surface wind speed decreases as the planetary boundary layer becomes stable. Along with increased soil moisture, reduced surface wind speed suppresses local dust emissions. Enhanced dust wet deposition and suppressed dust emissions cause atmospheric dust reduction over the Middle East. Vegetation greening in the Middle East as the climate warms has no contribution because there is no obvious trend found in observations.

Attribution of the Aerosol Simulation Biases Over China in the AerChemMIP Models

Tianyi FAN1#+, Xiaohong LIU2, Chenglai WU3, Yi GAO3, Chuanfeng ZHAO4, Xin YANG1, Keying LI1
1Beijing Normal University, 2Texas A&M University, 3Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Peking University

Biases of aerosol simulation by nine models participating the Aerosol and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP) were identified over China. The AerChemMIP ensemble mean aerosol optical depth (AOD) is high biased over Yangtze River Basin, Sichuan Basin, Yungui Plateau, and Loess Plateau in winter compared with the MODIS satellite retrievals due to a few model outliners. AOD underestimation in North China Plain can be found all year along in most models. These patterns of model biases were persistent over multiple years from 2002 to 2015. The AOD biases cause errors in the aerosol radiative forcing estimations. We attribute the AOD biases to the biases of meteorological factors and aerosol/precursor gas emissions in the models. The results show that it is necessary for climate models to perform reasonably well in simulating the dynamical, physical and chemical processes on regional scale in order to estimate the aerosol radiative forcing. 

Evaluation and Improvement of Simulated Absorption of Brown Carbon in Eastern China

Lulu XU1#+, Guangxing LIN1, Xiaohong LIU2
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Texas A&M University

Recent studies have shown that components of organic aerosols, known as brown carbon (BrC), can have strong absorption of UV and short visible light in the atmosphere. According to laboratory and field studies, the optical properties of BrC, such as the imaginary part of refractive index can vary hundreds of times, which brings great challenges to the estimation of the climate effect of BrC. Primary emissions of BrC in China are particularly high and the main sources of BrC in China (residential heating, cooking and fossil fuel combustion) are quite different from American and European countries. However, the current research on the modeling of brown carbon in China is relatively few and has large biases from observation. In this study, BrC was added to the Modal Aerosol Module (MAM4) in CAM5.4, and the BrC tracer was separated from organic carbon in the model. We considered two sets of different BrC emissions and suitable optical properties were chosen for different combustion sources in China for model input. Then we simulated absorption coefficients (Babs, BrC), aerosol absorption optical depth (AAOD) and absorption Angstrom exponent (AAE) of BrC over eastern China and evaluated those values using ground-based remote sensing, satellite remote sensing and ground site observations. Our research showed that adding BrC into the climate model can improve the underestimation of absorption coefficients, aerosol absorption optical depth and absorption Angstrom exponent of brown carbon in autumn and winter seasons in eastern China. However, the simulated values are still severely underestimated. The Measurement-Model Fusion method can be considered to reduce the bias between the simulated and observed values of aerosol optical absorption.

Which Aerosol Type Dominate the Impact of Aerosols on Ozone via Changing Photolysis Rates?

Jinhui GAO#+
Chengdu University of Information Technology

The impact of aerosols on ozone via influencing photolysis rates is a combined effect of absorbing aerosols (AA) and scattering aerosols (SA). However, AA and SA show different optical properties and influence photolysis rates differently, which then cause different impacts on ozone. Till now, the dominate factor is disconfirmed, which is largely due to the impact of SA on ozone not reaching to a consistent conclusion. In this study, the WRF-Chem model was implemented to simulate the air pollutants over the North China Plain (NCP). The impacts of AA and SA on ozone via influencing photolysis rates were quantitatively isolated and analyzed. Our results also demonstrated the decreasing effect of AA on ozone within planet boundary layer (PBL) which is consistent with the conclusions of previous studies. But for SA, it decreased the ozone chemical contribution (CHEM) near surface but increased which in the upper layers of PBL, that enlarge the ozone vertical gradients. In this case, more vertical exchanges of ozone would occur with the effect of vertical mixing motion of atmosphere, then the opposite CHEM variations were counteracted with each other and finally led to very slight changes in ozone within PBL. Thus, it can be summarized that AA dominate this impact of aerosols on ozone. Reducing AA could cause a general increase in ozone (ΔO3) over the NCP. Based on the aerosol levels of this case, ΔO3 would be seen over 86 % of the areas in the NCP when reducing AA by 3/4 and ΔO3 was more significant in the megacities. Our study highlights the different relationships between ozone and aerosol types, which suggests that more attentions should be paid on aerosol types, especially AA, when making the synergetic control strategy of aerosols and ozone in China.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR329
AS05 - Cities, Extreme Weather, and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Fei CHEN, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Characteristics of WRF Coupled Urban Canopy Model Using Local Climate Zone-based Urban Classifications

Cheng-Pei YANG1+, Fang-Yi CHENG1#, Yu-Cheng CHEN2, Tzu-Ping LIN3
1National Central University, 2Nanhua University, 3National Cheng Kung University

Many studies have used different urban canopy models(UCM) and land use classifications to improve the descriptions of urban in meteorological models. World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) provides seventeen land use types based on the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classifications for properties of surface structures. The Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) coupled with Building Energy Parameterization (BEP) and Building Energy Model (BEM) was applied to explore the characteristics of UCM in Taiwan. In addition, WRF-UCM simulation with detailed 10-LCZ urban classifications was conducted to assess its impact on fine-scale meteorological simulation in urban areas. The WRF-BEP simulation shows lower temperatures in urban areas than the simulation without UCM during nighttime. Due to consideration of the percentage of previous regions and the existence of urban vegetation for urban grids in UCM, less surface heat fluxes were simulated. Further consideration of the anthropogenic heat release in WRF-BEP+BEM improves the nighttime simulations. UCM simulates lower wind speed due to the blocking effect of buildings and the increase in roughness, which effectively improves the overestimation of wind field without UCM. Incorporating the LCZ urban classifications into UCM, the main dense residential, commercial, and industrial areas in the northern metropolitan area show higher temperatures in the daytime. The compact high-rise buildings show higher temperatures at nighttime due to the higher density and height of buildings. With poor ventilation and a stronger blocking effect, the urban types with higher density and height of buildings simulate lower wind speeds. The comparisons between using three urban types and LCZ data show significant differences in the daytime. The areas with lower urban fractions are mostly consistent with lower surface temperatures simulated by using LCZ data. The different settings in urban parameters between the two urban data are factors resulting in lower temperatures simulated using LCZ.

Effect of Green-blue Space on Urban Thermal Environment and Outdoor Comfort: A Field Study in Hong Kong

Xuan CHEN+, Han WANG, Jiachuan YANG#
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

A two-year field measurement focusing on the urban parks and seafront promenade parks during hot and humid periods in Hong Kong was conducted with handheld mobile devices. In total, we carried out 180 rounds of the measurements for 10 places, obtaining more than twenty-five thousand records. The effect of green-blue spaces on the urban thermal environment is evaluated based on collected data. Green-blue spaces are cooler than surrounding urban areas, especially during the nighttime period in Hong Kong. The air temperature among most of the green-blue spaces is below the quarter value of the surrounding environment in the evening on average. The mean nighttime WBGT is about 0.24 °C and 0.09 °C lower than nearby urban for all studied green and blue spaces. The cooling effect of green-blue spaces would be varied depending on background climates, synoptic conditions, and local landscapes. In the sub-tropical area, the daytime cooling process is highly related to the shading effect. And the humid environment constrains evaporation and evapotranspiration cooling. The nighttime cooling effect is mainly due to less outgoing longwave radiation and stronger air movement over the open spaces compared to building canyons. Citizens who do daily exercise in the promenade park should pay more attention to the heat stress. The findings not only provide comprehensive results of the cooling performance of green-blue space but also provide insights into heat mitigation in the sub-tropical area. The measurement data could further support future numerical studies for validation.

Energy Changes During Urban Heatwaves and the Impact on Human Comfort

Yizhao WEI+, Han CHEN, Jeanne Jinhui HUANG#
Nankai University

Heatwaves have increased in intensity and frequency under enhanced global warming. The response of the energy change and human discomfort to heatwave is unclear. This study combines the discomfort index (DI) and the Excess Heat Factor (EHF) to estimate the Excess Discomfort Factor (EDF), which represents the level of human comfort during the heatwave. The daily energy balance components before and after the heatwave events in a mega city: Shenzhen, China was reconstructed using a modified urban four-source model (MFSU model) during the period 1980-2019. The effects of heatwaves on the energy change of different urban surface (soil, vegetation, impervious surface, and water body) were analyzed. The response of human comfort to energy changes during the heatwaves was revealed. The results suggest that it is not drought but suppression of plant stomatal conductance that causes the reduction of latent heat of vegetation during heatwaves in Shenzhen. With the rapid urbanization, the capacity of vegetation in regulating human comfort has been decreased during heatwaves. The change of energy before and after the heatwave in impervious surface best reflects the degree of human comfort during the heatwave. This study improves the understanding of energy changes in unban heatwaves and their relationship with human comfort.

Human-perceived Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) in China: A Comparison with Surface and Canopy UHIs

Hui ZHANG+, Ming LUO#
Sun Yat-sen University

Heat stress that human beings actually perceive is not only related to air temperature, but also jointly influenced by other climatic factors such as humidity. In the current study, we propose to use human-perceived temperature (HPT) to measure human-perceived urban heat island (HUHI), which remains much less understood than surface urban heat island (SUHI) measured by land surface temperature (LST) and canopy urban heat island (CUHI) quantified by near-surface air temperature (SAT). In particular, we present a thorough investigation of the spatiotemporal variations of HUHI and the comparison among SUHI, CUHI, and HUHI respectively based on LST, SAT, and HiTIC-Monthly (A monthly high spatial resolution human thermal index collection) datasets with a spatial resolution of 1 km over China from 2003 to 2020. Temporally, the mean intensities of three UHIs across China exhibit significant increasing trends during 2003–2020, and the increasing trend of HUHI (0.09 °C/decade) is faster than CUHI (0.08 °C/decade) and slower than SUHI (0.13 °C/decade). Spatially, the intensity of HUHI is around 1 °C lower than SUHI in most cities of the southeastern humid region of China, northeast China and North China Plain, and ~1 °C higher than SUHI in the northwestern arid region of China. The spatial patterns to trends of the annually-averaged intensity of SUHI, CUHI, and HUHI are similar, with the faster increase in UHI intensity concentrated in rapidly urbanizing and populated areas such as the North China Plain. By probing into the characteristics of three different types of UHI, our study is of critical importance for assessing urban climate change, developing appropriate mitigation strategies and policies on mitigating the heat island effect, and reducing the risk to public health.

Impact of Urbanization and Regional Effects of Climate Change on the Temperature Changes Over an Eastern Indian Tropical City: A Modeling Perspective

Nandini G#+, V. VINOJ
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Climate change due to enhanced greenhouse gas emissions has led to increased temperatures globally. Over urban areas, on top of the regional effects of climate change, there is additional warming due to urbanization. Since both the anthropogenic influences of enhanced emissions and urbanization lead to warming, it is often difficult to separate and quantify their impacts on the temperature changes observed in a city. Our study uses a regional climate model to simulate the wintertime surface temperatures over a tropical city and quantifies the effects of urbanization and regional effects of climate change in the observed warming over Bhubaneswar, one of the fastest-growing tier II cities in India. During the period 2004-2015, a rise of ~1.4°C was observed in air temperature. It was found that the effect of urbanization on temperature is dominant during the nighttime, with more than half of the warming attributed to local urbanization effects. Almost 60% of the observed increase in the nighttime temperature is due to local impacts, and the remaining 40% is due to regional effects. Such quantifications are essential for cities for proper urban planning and the design of mitigation techniques.

Performance Evaluation of a Land-surface-physics-based Downscaling Approach for Urban Thermal Environment Prediction

Lingbo XUE1+, Quang-Van DOAN1#, Hiroyuki KUSAKA1, Cenlin HE2, Fei CHEN2
1University of Tsukuba, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research

Urban areas are expected to have more extreme weather events (heat waves etc.) in the future because of global climate change. To help policymakers better formulate policies to address urban climate change, a fine-resolution urban climate prediction is needed. Unfortunately, there is a big gap between the need for fine-resolution information and current climate prediction technology which requires too many computational resources and is not usually available anywhere. Therefore, we propose a downscaling approach based on the land surface modelling system (High Resolution Land Data Assimilation, HRLDAS), which can directly predict urban thermal environment from GCM outputs or reanalysis data instead of direct dynamical downscaling which uses regional climate models. The new downscaling approach is effective, standardized, easy to apply and requires fewer computational resources to deal with thermal environments. This is not limited to future climate prediction, it can also be used for city-scale weather forecasts in thermal environments. A case study of Tokyo is done to assess the land-surface-model-based downscaling approach, using ERA5 data. Here we present the primary results in comparison with in-situ observations. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the approach to guide potential users in using this approach for urban climate downscaling.

Fine-scale Climate Change Information to Assist Decision Making: The CORDEX SEA Urban Climate Initiative

Quang-Van DOAN1#+, Fredolin TANGANG2, Faye Abigail CRUZ3, Julie Mae DADO3, Liew JUNENG2, Jing Xiang CHUNG4, Phan VAN-TAN5, Thanh NGO-DUC6, Thanh NGUYEN-XUAN6, Dang-An TRAN7, Ngoc-Dang TRAN8, Jerasron SANTISIRISOMBOON9, Patama SINGHRUCK10, Jaruthat SANTISIRISOMBOON9, Edvin ALDRIAN11, Dodo GUNAWAN12, Donaldi PERMANA12, Srivatsan VIJAYARAGHAVAN13, Matthias ROTH13, Dung PHUNG14, John MCGREGOR15, Hiroyuki KUSAKA1, Masaru INATSU16, Tetsuya TAKEMI17, Lingbo XUE1, Anurag DIPANKAR18, Rafiq HAMDI19, Dev NIYOGI20, Cenlin HE21, Fei CHEN21
1University of Tsukuba, 2Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 3Manila Observatory, 4Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 5Vietnam National University, 6University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, 7Thuyloi University, 8Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University, 9Ramkhamhaeng University, 10Chulalongkorn University, 11Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology, 12Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, 13National University of Singapore, 14The University of Queensland, 15Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 16Hokkaido University, 17Kyoto University, 18ETH Zurich, 19Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, 20The University of Texas at Austin, 21National Center for Atmospheric Research

Global climate change presents a major threat to humanity, with variable impacts across regions leading to varying patterns in extreme weather and climate changes worldwide. Local geographical factors such as terrain and land cover characteristics play a significant role in local climate and diversifying its response to global change forcing. Southeast Asia, a region with a diverse array of geophysical, economic, and social conditions, is the home to thriving metropolises like Bangkok, Manila, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, and Ho Chi Minh City. The region is also a major player in the production of rice crops, with Vietnam and Thailand among the top three rice-exporting countries in the world. However, human activities like industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation are modifying local climate conditions and leading to unprecedented and hazardous changes for those who live there. The Urban Climate Initiative is established within the CORDEX SEA (Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling experiment Southeast Asia). It is aimed at providing a framework for researchers (both inside and outside the region) to work together, sharing knowledge and know-how, promoting international (bilateral & multilateral) research cooperations, and building capacity in fine-resolution climate modeling with a focus on (but not limited to) land-air interactions, urban physics. As a part of the CORDEX SEA urban climate initiative, we introduce a recent research activity related to urban climate downscaling. We introduce the potential of applying a cutting-edge land surface modeling framework based on the High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (HRLDAS), developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), to estimate the local thermal climate in Southeast Asia's megacities. Furthermore, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the land-surface-physics-based downscaling approach by comparing it with existing methods, including statistical and direct dynamical downscaling. Also, the potential use of downscaling outcomes for further risk assessment is also presented. 

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Suvarna FADNAVIS, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India, Anja KATZENBERGER, Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research, Kritanai TORSRI, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, Elena SUROVYATKINA, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

The Contribution of Non-tropical Cyclone Vortices to the Rainfall and Rainfall Extremes During Summer and Winter Monsoon Seasons in the Philippines

Jun MATSUMOTO1,2#+, Lyndon Mark OLAGUERA3, John MANALO1,4
1Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3Manila Observatory, 4Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration

Weaker disturbances than tropical cyclones (TCs) such as tropical depressions and cold surges sometimes induce heavy rainfall and flooding events over the Philippines. However, these disturbances including their rainfall contributions during summer or winter monsoon season in the Philippines are not well documented in previous studies. To address this research gap, this study investigates the rainfall contribution of non-TC vortices over the Philippines during both monsoon seasons from 1979 to 2020.Only those rainfall-producing non-TC vortices that formed and appeared within a 500-km radius from the Philippine coastline were examined. A total of 7686 non-TC vortex days were identified. The mean rainfall contribution of these non-TC vortices was found to be highest over the northeastern Mindanao Island (80-90% of the mean daily rainfall) and lowest over the central and western regions of Luzon Island (50-60%). Seasonal analysis of the occurrence frequency of these vortices show that they are most frequent during the winter monsoon season from December to February (DJF) season. In this season, the rainfall contribution may increase to 50-80% of the mean daily rainfall over the whole country, while in the other seasons, the rainfall contribution may only increase to as much as 60%. Higher frequency of extreme rainfall days associated with these non-TC vortices were also found during the DJF season. The occurrence frequency and percentage rainfall contribution of these non-TC vortices in relation to the different phases of the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) during boreal summer or the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) during boreal winter were also examined. Higher frequency and percentage rainfall contribution over the country were found during Phases 4 to 6 of both the BSISO and MJO, when their respective active convections transit from the Maritime Continent to the western North Pacific.

Impacts of the East Asian Winter Monsoon on Precipitation Variability Over East Asia-western North Pacific

Renguang WU#+, Zhenzhen WANG
Zhejiang University

The boreal winter precipitation variability over East Asia and the western North Pacific is often attributed to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The present study investigates the independent impacts of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) on winter precipitation anomalies over East Asia and the western North Pacific. It is revealed that anomalous EAWM is accompanied by a south-north dipole pattern of precipitation anomalies in the above regions. During strong EAWM years, the enhanced northeasterly winds induce anomalous convergence and divergence over the tropical and subtropical regions, respectively, leading to anomalous ascent and above-normal precipitation over the southern South China Sea-Philippine Sea and anomalous descent and below-normal precipitation over eastern China-subtropical western North Pacific. Opposite convergence, vertical motion and precipitation anomalies are induced in the above regions during weak EAWM years. In the observations, both ENSO and EAWM contribute to the south-north dipole precipitation anomaly pattern with a larger contribution from ENSO and EAWM for the tropical and subtropical precipitation anomalies, respectively. Atmospheric model experiments with climatological annually varying sea surface temperature forcing confirm the independent role of the EAWM in the formation of the south-north dipole precipitation anomaly pattern. A moisture budget diagnosis shows that the dynamic effect associated with vertical motion is dominant in the formation of the above precipitation anomaly pattern in both the observations and model simulations. The horizontal moisture transport has an additional contribution to the formation of subtropical precipitation anomalies.

On the Use of an Upper-level Vorticity for Trough Prediction Over Indochina Peninsula (IP) Sub-region with a Coupled WRF-ROMS Model

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

During rainy season, displacement of monsoon trough plays an important role in controlling an environment favorable for extreme rainfall events in tropical region. Thailand is situated in the tropic and regularly exposed to severe flood events caused by trough-induced heavy rainfall. Knowing trough displacement days or weeks in advance can yield benefit for early disaster preparedness and warning. This study aimed at validating a coupled WRF-ROMS model in capturing the monsoon trough. Upper-level vorticity computed from hourly ERA-5 winds at 300-hPa was used for determining the trough. Four heavy rainfall events in Thailand associated with trough during May-August 2022 were selected, as the observed rain band was relatively consistent with an elongated upper-level vorticity for all events. It was therefore reasonable to use the 300-hPa vorticity as an indicative variable for model comparison. The model was forced by 3-hr GFS for WRF and initiated ocean states with HYCOM for ROMS, and afterward momentum and heat fluxes were concurrently exchanged between the models. Prognostic upper-level vorticity maps estimated from predicted winds were depicted. For basis of comparison, 6-hr average of the observation and prediction were plotted along with forecasted high- and low-pressure system at sea level (SLP), then a visual comparison was made. The model well captured trough displacement in May and June, which was located over northern Thailand and contributed to heavy rainfall (up to 150 mm/day). It also showed good agreement with observation in the following months, when trough moved more southward and caused heavy rainfall in northeast and eastern sub-regions. Therefore, this study is valuable in pointing out the potential of the predicted vorticity and SLP for trough prediction over IP sub-region and is fundamental to further validating the model for longer time scale, especially week-to-week change of the trough.

Link Between the Land–sea Thermal Contrast and the Asian Summer Monsoon

Zhiyan ZUO#, Kaiwen ZHANG+
Fudan University

The land–sea thermal contrast is the foundation of the occurrences of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM). Using multiobservational datasets and model simulations covering the period 1960–2018, this study investigates the relationship that links the thermal contrast between the Asian landmass and the Indian Ocean (TCAI) to the ASM and evaluates the effects of the various driving factors that influence the TCAI in the climate models. The tropospheric TCAI is highly consistent with the ASM circulation, with a stronger ASM circulation and larger tropospheric TCAI before the 1970s and after the late 1990s than those seen from the 1970s to the late 1990s. The tropospheric TCAI is also closely related to rainfall over the Indian landmass and the south-flood–north-drought pattern over eastern China. Thus, the tropospheric TCAI reliably reflects the state of the ASM system and could be used as a new ASM index that directly describes the land–sea thermal contrast. The variation of the surface TCAI is highly consistent with that of the tropospheric TCAI. The model simulation suggests that the main drivers of the surface TCAI are anthropogenic forcing and the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO). Anthropogenic forcing dominates SAT variations over the Indian Ocean, whereas the AMO plays a major role in SAT variations over the Asian landmass, which introduces a large uncertainty into the projections of the ASM.

Does the Indian Monsoon Have Subseasonal Features?

Lun DAI1#+, Bin WANG1, Mengqian LU2, Fandy Tat Fan CHENG2
1University of Hawaii, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Indian monsoon (IM) is one of the most energetic and influential components of the Earth’s climate systems on earth. Understanding its characteristics is critical for ensuring the prosperity and livelihoods of billions of people in South Asia. As a tropical monsoon system, it features a distinctive seasonal reversal of winds and a sharp contrast between wet summer and dry winter. Tremendous efforts have been made in analyzing the Indian summer monsoon. However, there is a limited understanding of the climatological subseasonal features. In this study, an unsupervised machine learning technique was utilized to objectively classify the 850-hPa wind fields. The results reveal six subseasonal stages in the IM annual cycle, each spanning from 23 to 90 days. The summer season includes three substages, the onset, peak, and withdrawal periods of southwest monsoon from mid-May to early October, receiving over 80% of annual land precipitation. More interestingly, three distinct stages are identified in the rest of the annual cycle, which are distinguishable by the Arabian Sea high pressure ridge and feature varied hydrological conditions. In line with these findings, we provide a comprehensive picture of stage-wise hydrological hazards, including the extreme temperatures, precipitation, and frequency of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, to aid in the operational monitoring of the IM annual cycle, we present the year-to-year variations of the critical start or end dates of each stage. It is cross-validated by comparing the available onset and withdrawal dates in the literature. This study offers a fresh perspective on the IM annual cycle and is beneficial for weather diagnosis and the optimization of weather regimes and water resources management on the subseasonal to seasonal time scale.

Tropical Anomalies Associated with the Interannual Variability of the Cross-equatorial Flows Over the Maritime Continent in Boreal Summer

Xiaoxuan ZHAO1+, Riyu LU1#, Buwen DONG2, Xiaowei HONG1, Junqi LIU1, Jianqi SUN3
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2University of Reading, 3Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre

In this study, we investigate circulation, convection and sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies associated with interannual variability of the cross-equatorial flows over the Maritime Continent (MC) in boreal summer. Observational diagnostics show that strengthened CEF is associated with large-scale circulation anomalies featured by upper-level northeasterly anomalies across MC, weakened Walker circulation and lower-level cyclonic anomalies over the tropical Western North Pacific (WNP). Correspondingly, convection is enhanced over WNP and suppressed over MC, and La Niña-like SST anomalies appear in the preceding seasons and El Niño-like SST anomalies in the simultaneous summer. Results by a linear baroclinic model further indicate that both the WNP heating and MC cooling can induce the strengthened CEF. Furthermore, the relationship between CEF and SST anomalies in the simultaneous summer is stable, but that between CEF and the preceding winter El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) experienced a decadal strengthening around 1997/98. After 1998, the preceding winter ENSO is followed by strong summer SST anomalies in MC and thus significantly affect CEF via modulating local convection. However, this ENSO-summer MC SST relationship is weak before 1997, failing to establish the relationship between the preceding ENSO and CEF.

Thu-03 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR328
AS10 - Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling

Session Chair(s): Sridhara NAYAK, Japan Meteorological Corporation, Mohan Kumar DAS, National Oceanographic and Maritime Institute (NOAMI), Shiori SUGIMOTO, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Future Changes in Synoptic-scale Conditions Inducing Wide-spread Heavy Precipitation in Japan

Shiori SUGIMOTO1#+, Rui ITO1,2, Chieko SUZUKI1, Sachiho ADACHI3
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2Meteorological Research Institute, 3RIKEN Center for Computational Science

Widely spreading extreme precipitation events have been observed in Japan associated with disturbance passage and/or stationary front, which can cause severe landslide and flooding over various regions. To understand future characteristic change in such kind of precipitation events, annual maximum of daily and 5-days accumulated precipitation averaged over land in Japan are compared between current and future climate conditions. Dynamical downscaling with 5-km horizontal resolution was conducted using the nonhydrostatic regional climate model (NHRCM; Sasaki et al. 2008) based on the Database for Policy Decision-Making for Future Climate Change (d4PDF; Mizuta et al. 2017, Fujita et al. 2018). We use 720-years ensembles both for historical climate condition and 4K warming condition relative to the preindustrial level, respectively. Daily and 5-days accumulated precipitation were calculated over each grid and were averaged over land in Japan. Then, their annual maximums are detected as Rx1d and Rx5d in each year. Note that one year is defined as from September 1 of a year to August 31 of next year. Increases in Rx1d and Rx5d were shown in almost all regions of Japan under the warmer climate condition. Cluster analysis was performed to examine the spatial pattern of precipitation when Rx1d and Rx5d was simulated. Approximately 90 % of Rx1d and Rx5d occurred from disturbance passage such as typhoons in the historical climate, and a remaining 10% was from stationary front, i.e., Baiu. In the 4K warming climate, the ratio of Rx1d and Rx5d caused by stationary front increased to approximately 20% atmospheric moistening in spite of frequency covered by rainband associated with stationary front decreased over Japan. The increase in Rx1d (Rx5d) was significant in April and May (July); then, future changes in seasonality of atmospheric conditions when Rx1d and Rx5d occurred will also be investigated in more detail.

Recurring Latitudinal Shifts of the 2020 Extreme Meiyu Rainfall Around Yangtse: Potential Role of MJO

Yuntao WEI1#+, Hong-Li REN2,3, Yuwen WANG1
1Fudan University, 2Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 3China University of Geosciences

Considering the unprecedented extremity of the Meiyu episodes in early summer of 2020, here the authors perform a comprehensive study of the intraseasonal evolution characteristics of the observed rainfall round Yangtse as well as the potential modulating effect of Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). Results suggest that the Meiyu rainfall manifests as recurring latitudinal shifts around Yangtse during June–July of 2020, corresponding well to the continued swings of MJO circulation and convection between Phase 1 and Phase 2. The MJO affects the meridional migration of the 2020 Meiyu rainfall mainly through regulating the westward extended ridge line and southwesterly of the anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific (WNP). Specifically, the northeastward propagation of boreal summer MJO from Phase 1 to 2 shifts the ridge line of the anomalous WNP anticyclone northeastward. Consequently, the associated southwesterly anomaly over the southeastern China penetrates to the north of Yangtse and enhances the lower-tropospheric moisture flux convergence, supporting heavy precipitation there. However, when the MJO swings back to Phase 1, the anomalous southwesterly and moisture flux convergence retreat southward, so does the Meiyu rain band. The present results advanced our understanding of the interactions between the latitudinal shifts of extreme Meiyu rainfall episodes and MJO Phase swings.

The Effect of Initial and Boundary Conditions on Heavy Rainfall Forecast Over the Yellow Sea: Verification Using Dropsonde Measurements

Jiwon HWANG+, Dong-Hyun CHA#
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

This study aimed to investigate the impact of initial and boundary conditions on heavy rainfall forecast over the Yellow Sea and Korean Peninsula using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model initialized with two operational global model analyses from NCEP and ECWMF. Before employing the two analysis fields as initial and lateral boundary conditions for the WRF model, they were compared to dropsonde data. When comparing temperature and humidity, it was found that, the NCEP analysis showed overall lower and drier conditions compared to the ECMWF analysis. This difference was particularly robust in the lower atmosphere, below 850 hPa. Through numerical experiments, it was found that the performance of the heavy rainfall forecast over the Yellow Sea was better when using ECMWF analysis data as the initial and lateral boundary conditions. Based on these findings, it is proposed that the use of accurate analysis data will attribute to a more accurate simulation of unstable and rapidly developing convection systems. These results indicate that the quality of the initial field can play a critical role in the performance of numerical weather forecasting models.

Moisture Sources of the Record-breaking Heavy Rainfalls Over Tohoku Region in August 2022

Ning ZHAO1#+, Pei-Ming WU1, Atsuyoshi MANDA2, Xiaojun GUO3, Bin WANG4
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2Mie University, 3University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 4Jiangsu University of Science and Technology

Tohoku region (Aomori-ken, Akita-ken, and Iwate-ken) suffered record-breaking heavy rainfalls in early August 2022. Based on observations, three major events occurred on August 3rd, 8th~9th, and 11th. According to the early reports from the JMA, the major forcing of these events was the stationary front, and there were large amount of moisture transported from the East China Sea (ECS). However, it remains unclear whether the relatively small ECS could supply enough moisture for the continuous heavy rainfalls. On the other hand, unlike the summer Meiyu-Baiu front, this stationary front located at higher latitude, and therefore could unlikely be affected by the regular moisture-rich regions reported in previous studies, such as the Kuroshio and the subtropical western Pacific (WP) due to the blocking of the Japanese Archipelago. Thus, this study was motivated to identify and evaluate the moisture contributions and transport routes during the heavy rainfalls over Tohoku region. In this study, moisture sources and transport routes were based on the Lagrangian air parcels that were backward traced 3 days. According to our results, moisture of the first event was transported mainly from the southern part of the Sea of Japan (JS) and the subtropical WP region south of Japan carried by the TS/Trases and the following migratory anticyclone. In the second event, the stationary front created a relatively stable moisture transport route which allowed moisture from the ECS and the southeast China mainland entering the JS. During the last event on August 11th, due to the approaching tropical storm, the stationary front was disturbed and so was the moisture transport route from the ECS. As the front moved southward, moisture from the Kuroshio region and the oceans south of Japan was allowed to be transported across the Japanese Archipelago.

Climate Change Impact on Precipitation and Temperature Extremes Over Japan

Sridhara NAYAK1#+, Tetsuya TAKEMI2
1Japan Meteorological Corporation, 2Kyoto University

This study investigates the climate change pattern and their impact on the extreme events over Japanese regions from 140 ensemble climate simulation results conducted over Japan for the past 50 years (1961-2010) and the future 60 years (2051-2110). To do this, we specifically focused on the precipitation and temperature extremes (exceeding 30 mm/d and 25°C respectively and top 10% events) over Japan and their response to the climate change. We noticed slightly positive trends in the precipitation amounts and the frequencies and a significant positive trend in temperature over the entire Japan. The frequencies of precipitation intensities are also expected to increase over some regions of Japan. It is noticed that intensity of the precipitation extremes (averaged of top 10% precipitation days’ intensity) in the future climate is likely to increase by up to 5mm/d over northern Japan, 10mm/d over eastern Japan and 15mm/d over western and southern Japan. The temperature extremes (mean of top 10% hot days) are also expected to be much hotter in entire Japan.

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR311
AS15 - 16th Sasaki Symposium on Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic and Hydrologic Applications

Session Chair(s): Yanhui XIE, Beijing Research Center for Urban Meteorological Engineering and Technology, Takemasa MIYOSHI, RIKEN Center for Computational Science

PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster Prevention

Takemasa MIYOSHI1,2#+, Celeste SAULO3, Shigenori OTSUKA1, Juan RUIZ4, Yanina SKABAR3, Arata AMEMIYA1, Tomoo USHIO5, Hirofumi TOMITA6, Tomoki USHIYAMA7, Masaya KONISHI8
1RIKEN Center for Computational Science, 2University of Maryland, 3National Meteorological Service Argentina, 4University of Buenos Aires, 5Osaka University, 6RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, 7International Center for Water Hazards and Risk Management, 8Japan Meteorological Agency

This presentation provides an overall summary of the project PREVENIR and recent activities about data assimilation and numerical weather prediction (NWP) research. PREVENIR is an international cooperation project between Argentina and Japan since 2022 for five years under the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) program jointly funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The main goal is to develop an impact-based early warning system for heavy rains and urban floods designed for two highly vulnerable urban basins in Argentina: one located in Buenos Aires Province and the other in Córdoba Province. PREVENIR takes advantage of leading research on simulations and Big Data Assimilation (BDA) with the Japan’s flagship supercomputer “Fugaku” and its predecessor “K” and develops a total package for disaster prevention, namely, monitoring, quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE), nowcasting, BDA and NWP, hydrological model prediction, warning communications, public education, and capacity building. Here, the Japanese leading institutions in the scientific research and operational services, i.e., RIKEN, Osaka University, the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), and the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) closely work with the Argentinian counterparts, i.e., the National Meteorological Service, the National Water Institute, and the National Research Council of Argentina under the strong support of JICA, JST, and Argentinian Foreign Affairs Ministry. Heavy rains and urban floods are important global issues under the changing climate. The total package for disaster prevention will be the first of its kind in Argentina and will provide useful tools and recommendations for the implementation of similar systems in other parts of the world.

Estimation of AMSU-A Radiance Observation Impacts in an AGCM-LETKF Data Assimilation System: Comparison with EFSO and OSEs

Akira YAMAZAKI1#+, Koji TERASAKI2, Takemasa MIYOSHI3,4, Shunsuke NOGUCHI5
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2Meteorological Research Institute, 3RIKEN Center for Computational Science, 4University of Maryland, 5Kyushu University

The impacts of assimilating AMSU-A satellite radiances with sensitive channels to the upper troposphere and the lower stratosphere were evaluated using an AGCM–local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) data assimilation system. Two streams of data-denial experiments for the AMSU-A observations have been performed for about a month in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere (SH) winters. Accumulating observation impact (OI) effects by cycling (repeating) data denials were quantified through the data assimilation system's tropospheric and stratospheric general circulation. It was discovered that adding the AMSU-A observations aided in reducing total OI by all observations of each data assimilation cycle; this is the opposite of the estimation of AMSU-A OI by the ensemble-based forecast sensitivity to observations (EFSO); however, such contributions could stabilize the data assimilation cycles. In both experiments, the accumulated AMSU-A OI was most evident in the upper troposphere, particularly in the SH midlatitudes where the westerly jets exist, and observations of the other types are sparse. The estimated AMSU-A OI by EFSO was also the most valuable (beneficial) in a similar space. Results demonstrated that AMSU-A OI tended to accumulate just downstream where EFSO estimated beneficial OI signals and that the accumulation of AMSU-A OI was tied to dynamic processes in the upper-tropospheric and general stratospheric circulation. Therefore, EFSO helps estimate the beneficial distributions of accumulated AMSU-A OI by considering their dynamical propagation.

Impact of SMAP Soil Moisture Retrievals in the Coupled Atmosphere-land Surface Data Assimilation System with WRF-Noah LSM

Sujeong LIM1+, Seon Ki PARK1#, Milija ZUPANSKI2
1Ewha Womans University, 2Colorado State University

Soil moisture is important in a coupled atmosphere-land surface model because it propagates to atmospheric variables such as temperature and water vapor mixing ratio in the planetary boundary layer through the latent and sensible heat fluxes. Therefore, soil moisture observations in a coupled atmosphere-land surface data assimilation system can provide useful information for both the land surface and atmospheric systems. In this study, we assimilate the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) soil moisture retrievals, which observe the top 5 cm soil moisture with a global coverage every 2-3 days and a 1000 km swath width. We interface the Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF) — a hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation system — with the Noah land surface model (Noah LSM or simply Noah) coupled with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), i.e., developing the WRF-Noah-MLEF system. As a strongly coupled data assimilation system, MLEF assimilates both atmospheric and soil moisture observations — the National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Prepared Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data (PrepBUFR) and the SMAP soil moisture retrievals — and simultaneously corrects the atmospheric and land surface variables. Our results indicate that the WRF-Noah-MLEF system improves the soil moisture prediction that provides additional information to the atmospheric variables, especially in the planetary boundary layer, through cross-covariances between land and atmosphere.

Improving Air Quality Forecasting Through an Intelligent Optimization System: Sequential Optimization of Physical Parameterization Schemes and Parameters in WRF-Chem

Ji Won YOON+, Ebony LEE, Seon Ki PARK#
Ewha Womans University

Air pollution has brought about environmental problems progressively in East Asia, mainly due to the rapid economic growth and high energy consumption. To deal with the air pollution problem, it is vital to enhance the air quality forecast skill using a numerical model. In particular, the performance of numerical air quality prediction considerably depends on the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the land surface processes in a coupled atmosphere-chemistry model, such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem). In this study, we built an intelligent optimization system by coupling the micro-genetic algorithm (μGA) and the WRF-Chem model --- the WRF-Chem-μGA system. This system can find an optimal combination of the physical parameterization schemes and parameters sequentially in WRF-Chem to improve air quality forecasting. For optimization, we selected several cases based on the sources and transport routes of the Asian dust storm (ADS) that affected South Korea (SK). Overall, the WRF-Chem with the optimized set of parameterization schemes and parameter values outperforms that with non-optimized ones in forecasting the ADS events in SK.

Data Assimilation and the Precipitation Forecast Inconsistency

Yidi XUE1, Xiang-Yu HUANG2#+, Yu XIA1, Bing LU1, Min CHEN1
1China Meteorological Administration, 2Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA

The rapid update cycle numerical weather prediction systems (such as CMA-BJ system) assimilate multiple observation data at high frequency and have advantages for predicting precipitation events with small horizontal scale and short life history. However, the high frequency assimilation of various observation data often produces significantly different forecasts from different data assimilation cycles. The jumpiness, i.e., inconsistency in forecasts, particularly those related to precipitation, usually brings uncertainty to the forecasting operations and often seriously interferes with the judgment of duty forecasters. In this study, we investigate the inconsistent CMA-BJ precipitation forecast issue and attempt to identify the factors that may affect the consistency of subsequent cycling forecasts. In addition to subjective comparisons between consecutive precipitation forecasts, an FSS-based jumpiness index is proposed to quantify the precipitation forecast inconsistency. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the data assimilation configurations and cycling strategy would have a significant impact on the consistency of the precipitation forecast. Results from ongoing work on reducing the precipitation forecast inconsistency while maintaining performance scores will be presented at the meeting.

Performances of All-sky Satellite Radiance Assimilations for the Prediction of Recent Northwest Pacific Super-typhoons

Masashi MINAMIDE1,2#+
1The University of Tokyo, 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Predictions of the early stage of tropical cyclones are challenging given its strong nonlinear processes with multi-scale interaction and the lack of dense observation network. Because most of super-typhoons are born and develop over tropical Pacific oceans far away from the coverage of land-based observation networks, the geostationary satellites observations are often the only available observations to capture the lifecycle of TCs. To investigate the full potential of such geostationary satellite for TC forecasting, we have developed and been investigating the impacts of assimilating all-sky satellite radiances from Himawari-8, together with the set of conventional observations, on the prediction of the rapid intensification process of TCs using convection-permitting ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation system originally developed at Penn State University with WRF and CRTM. In this study, we will introduce the forecast performances of recent super-typhoon cases, such as Mindulle (2021) and Nanmadol (2022), both of which were the target of aircraft dropsondes observations under the TPARC-II field campaign. We found that the all-sky satellite radiance assimilations helped to better capture the rapid intensification of TCs in their early stages, but also sometimes had difficulty in reproducing the detailed TC inner-core structures under the coverage of high clouds in their matured stages due the limitation of infrared observations. This research will have implications for the potential benefits of combining various sources of observations to better initialize and forecast developing typhoons.

Including Observation Error Correlation for Ensemble Radar Data Assimilation and its Impact on Heavy Rainfall Prediction

Hao-Lun YEH1+, Shu-Chih YANG1#, Takemasa MIYOSHI2,3, Koji TERASAKI4
1National Central University, 2RIKEN Center for Computational Science, 3University of Maryland, 4Meteorological Research Institute

An assumption of uncorrelated observation errors is commonly adopted in conventional data assimilation. For this reason, high-resolution data are usually resampled with superobbing or data-thinning strategies. These strategies diminish the advantages of high temporal and spatial resolutions that can provide essential details in convection development. However, assimilating high-resolution data, such as radar radial wind, without considering observation error correlations can lead to overfitting and thus degrade the performance of data assimilation and forecasts. This study uses a radar ensemble data assimilation system that combines the Weather Research and Forecasting model and Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (WRF-LETKF) to assimilate radar radial wind and reflectivity data. We further include the error correlation of the Doppler radar radial wind and reflectivity in the WRF-LETKF radar assimilation system. We examine the impact on the accuracy of convective-scale analysis and short-term precipitation prediction in Taiwan, for heavy rainfall events with different characteristics. The horizontal error correlation scale of radial wind and reflectivity ranges from 15 to 25 km, depending on the type of precipitation events. The introduction of observation error correlation for radar radial data assimilation produces more small-scale features in wind and hydrometer analysis corrections compared to the experiment using an independent observation assumption. Consequently, the modification of wind corrections leads to stronger convergence accompanied by higher water vapor content, which enhances local convections. The additional small-scale hydrometer corrections improve the location and intensity of the reflectivity. This results in more accurate forecasts of short-term precipitation. For local convections, including the reflectivity observation error correlation additionally can better capture the rapid changing convection.

AS15-A001 | Invited
Impact of Assimilating FY-4A Atmospheric Motion Vectors on Henan 7.20 Rainstorm Forecast in 2021

Yanhui XIE#+
Beijing Research Center for Urban Meteorological Engineering and Technology

Fengyun-4A (FY-4A) is the new-generation geostationary meteorological satellite of China. Atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) derived from images of FY-4A can provide high-spatiotemporal-resolution wind observations in the atmospheric middle and upper levels. To explore the potential benefits of these data for the numerical forecasting of severe weather events, the impacts of assimilating FY-4A AMVs on forecasts of the rainstorm happened in Henan province of China on July 20, 2021, were investigated based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Three groups of assimilation experiments were conducted and evaluated against observations. The results show that FY-4A AMVs with a higher quality indicator (QI) exhibit a lower error characteristic at the cost of a reduced sample size. Assimilation of FY-4A AMVs reduces the error of upper-level wind fields in the 24-h forecasts. A positive impact can be also obtained for 10-meter wind of 24-h forecasts, with the improvement up to 9.74% for the mean bias and 3.0% for the root-mean-square error due to the including of FY-4A AMVs with QI > 70. Assimilating the AMVs with QI > 80, there is an overall positive impact on the CSI score skills of 6-h accumulated precipitation above 1.0 mm in the 24-h forecast. A significant improvement can be found in the forecast skill of the heavy rainfall above 25.0 mm after 6 h of the forecast. The spatial distribution of 24-h accumulated heavy rainfall zone is closer to the observations with the assimilation of FY-4A AMVs. The adjustment of the initial wind fields resulting from FY-4A AMVs brings a clear benefit to quantitative precipitation forecasting skills for the event of Henan 7.20 rainstorm. However, AMVs data assimilation still has difficulty in capturing the hourly maximum rainfall and intensity well.

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR327
AS38 - Ensemble Modeling and Prediction of High-impact, Multi-scale Weather to Decadal Events

Session Chair(s): Jie FENG, Fudan University

The Backward Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Exponent and its Application to Quantifying the Local Predictability of Extreme High‑temperature Events

Xuan LI1#+, Ruiqiang DING2
1Fudan University, 2Beijing Normal University

The backward nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent (BNLLE) was developed based on the NLLE method to quantitatively investigate the local predictability of extreme events. By studying the dynamical characteristics of error growth preceding extreme events, the local predictability limits of these events can be determined. In this study, the BNLLE method is used to quantify the local predictability limits of two extreme high-temperature events (EHTEs) that occurred in Europe during the summer of 2019. The results show that the error dynamics are dependent on the geographical location. During the early forecast period, positive error-growth rates are mainly located in southern regions, whereas negative error-growth rates are mainly located in northern regions. However, the variations in the error growth rates exhibit regional differences with the forecast time. As such, the relative growth of initial errors (RGIEs) also depends on the geographical location. From the RGIEs, the local predictability limits of the two EHTEs are determined to be 11 and 9 days, respectively. By measuring the forecast skill, the local predictability limits (11 and 9 days) are verified to be reasonable and realistic. Therefore, the BNLLE method can quantify the local predictability of EHTEs, and is an effective technique for studying the predictability of future extreme weather and climate events.

Ensemble-based Sensitivity Analysis of the Track Forecasts of Typhoon In-fa in ECMWF, NCEP, and CMA Ensemble Prediction Systems

Liangying LIU#+, Jie FENG
Fudan University

Intense Typhoon In-fa in July 2021 struck eastern China and caused disastrous damage to human lives and properties. Due to the interaction of complex synoptic systems, the official track forecasts of Typhoon In-fa in most operational centers show large forecast errors, especially in the veer and landfall of In-fa. The goal of this study is to investigate the major factors that caused the track forecast uncertainties of In-fa and relevant mechanisms. A fast and feasible method, the ensemble-based sensitivity technique, is adopted using the ensemble forecast members in the operational ensemble prediction systems at ECMWF, NCEP, and CMA. In virtue of the time-lagged covariance of ensemble forecasts, the sensitivity of typhoon track forecast errors to various factors, such as variables and regions associated with specific synoptic systems, are identified and analyzed in detail. The results suggested that the environmental steering winds related to the variability of two critical systems, Pacific subtropical high (SH) and monsoon trough (MT) near the typhoon positions, were the main causes for the track forecast uncertainties of “In-fa” in the both two cases. However, the results have obvious model dependence. Although effects of MT are similar in different models, the influence mechanism of subtropical high is diverse due to the combination of morphology, location and intensity. Meanwhile, we innovatively propose an ensemble-based sensitivity technique considering the model bias, revealing the influence of the model bias on the sensitivity calculation results. 

Integral Correction of Initial and Model Errors in System of Multigrid NLS-4DVar Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction (SNAP)

Hongqin ZHANG#+, Xiangjun TIAN
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Model error has a marked influence on forecast error, and integral correction of the initial and model errors in a novel four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4DVar) method (i4DVar) has recently been developed. Unlike traditional 4DVar, in which the analysis increment focuses only on the initial time point, i4DVar introduces an averaged integral correction term to correct the error evolution at multiple times with the same time interval in the assimilation window; that is, the assimilation window is divided into several sub-windows. In this study, we incorporated i4DVar into the System of Multigrid Nonlinear Least-squares-4DVar Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) (SNAP), hereafter referred to as SN-i4DVar, and explored its impacts on NWP. The effectiveness and performance of SN-i4DVar were evaluated using two extreme rainstorm cases assimilating conventional and satellite observations, respectively. The results indicated that integral correction of the initial and model errors reduced analysis error and forecast error growth rates. SN-i4DVar performed better in precipitation forecasting than the original SNAP and exhibited generally better forecasting capability in terms of the horizontal wind speed (u and v), temperature, and humidity variables, indicating that SN-i4DVar simultaneously countered initial model errors to improve NWP capability. Meanwhile, the 4DEnVar method, which considers the optimal analysis in the ensemble space, benefits from the improved ensemble space generated according to the formulas of i4DVar, and the observation information can be more effectively absorbed and a more accurate analysis can be obtained by SN-i4DVar.

A Rapid Intensification Warning Index for Tropical Cyclones Based on the Analog Method

Deyu LU#+, Quanjia ZHONG
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prediction of the rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) remains challenging. In this paper, by using information from the early period following TC formation, the Rapid Intensification Warning Index (RIWI) is developed based on the analog method. 10-year cross-validation and data from Hurricane Ida (2021) are used to verify its potential application. Results show that the RIWI can efficiently discriminate between RI and non-RI storms and has a significant positive correlation with the lifetime maximum intensity (LMI) of the TCs. By using this index, an early warning can be issued ~30 hours before the onset of RI, which is much earlier than the predictions made using the probabilistic Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction System (SHIPS) RI index. In addition, by using the RIWI as a predictor, the prediction of LMI provides an early estimate of TC severity.

Multidecadal Variation in the Seasonal Predictability of Winter PNA and its Sources

Xiaoqin YAN#+, Youmin TANG, Wangjie YAO
Hohai University

Based on reanalysis and ensemble hindcasts data, this work investigates the multidecadal variation in the seasonal predictability of the Pacific-North American (PNA) teleconnection pattern during the winter and its sources. The results show that at the two ends of the 20th century, the PNA is mostly driven by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and a good seasonal prediction of the PNA is expected if models can accurately predict the PNA-ENSO relationship. During the middle 20th century, the PNA is not only driven by ENSO but also closely linked to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation through the air-sea coupling process in the extratropical North Pacific. Improvements in the seasonal prediction of the PNA require models to accurately predict both the PNA-ENSO relationship and the air-sea coupling in the northern extratropical Pacific.

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR332
AS25 - Air Pollution-Weather-Climate Interactions

Session Chair(s): Chenglai WU, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yang YANG, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Guangxing LIN, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Evolution of Ozone Production Sensitivity Over the Greater Bay Area of China Under the Backdrop of Climate Change

Zibing YUAN1#+, Alexis LAU2, Yi DU1
1South China University of Technology, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

China is experiencing worsening tropospheric ozone pollution in the past decade, and the ozone pollution may continue deteriorating under the backdrop of climate change. Ozone Production Sensitivity (OPS) provides essential information for developing ozone control strategy. In this regard, it is crucial to understand the evolution of OPS under different climate change scenarios. Given that there is a large gap between representative concentration pathways (RCP) scenarios and the actual pollutants emission for China during 2010-2020, this study proposed an adjustment method based on the latest 2020 Multi-resolution Emissions Inventory for China (MEIC) emission inventory to constrain the climate scenarios. Based on the emissions from the four adjusted RCP scenarios data and the meteorology data from Community Earth System Model (CESM) output, we investigated the long-term evolution of OPS over the Greater Bay Area (GBA) of China each decade from 2030 to 2050. We found that ozone concentration showed a gradual decline trend under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios, while it continued to rise under RCP6.0 scenario. The close relationship between OPS and the atmospheric oxidative capacity based HO2/OH indicator can more accurately depict OPS and its variations. A VOCs-limited regime is expected to extend under RCP6.0, while NOx-limited regime was gradually expanded under RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5 scenarios. Under the ‘dual-carbon’ mission, the future emission trend in China is closer to RCP4.5 scenario. Without further strengthening of control measures, ozone concentration in the GBA will steadily drop in 2030. In addition, the OPS transferred to a NOx-limited regime in most parts of the GBA. Overall, this study highlights the importance of NOx deep emission reduction in achieving the ozone pollution standards in the GBA, which provides useful information in the long-term ozone pollution control policy making.

The Effect of Compound Factors of Meteorology and Emissions on Ozone Pollution

Yang GAO1#+, Mingchen MA1, Feifan YAN1, Wenbin KOU1, Junxi ZHANG2
1Ocean University of China, 2Zhejiang University

Ozone pollution has long been a major concern considering its large impact on human health. The ozone concentrations are substantially affected by both meteorology and emissions. Whereas there are extensive studies investigating the individual role of meteorology and emissions on ozone concentrations, a few major issues remain unclear. For instance, temperature usually plays a positive role on ozone formation, however, water vapor may act as both a stimulator and sink of ozone. The compound effect of temperature and water vapor will be discussed. Considering the nonlinearity of emission precursors on ozone and along with the decrease of anthropogenic emissions, the increase of biogenic emissions in future may play a much larger role in governing the ozone concentrations. The synergic effect of anthropogenic emissions and biogenic emissions will be investigated based on hundreds of numerical experiments. The findings in this study potentially play great roles in understanding the spatial heterogeneity of ozone formation mechanism in various regions.

Global Trends and Drivers of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Over the Last 2 Decades

Hao WANG1+, Xiaohong LIU2#, Chenglai WU1, Guangxing LIN1
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Texas A&M University

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are important for producing tropospheric ozone and secondary organic aerosols. The contribution of various factors to the trend in BVOC emissions in different regions over the last 2 decades remains unclear. Here, global changes in BVOC emissions during 2001-2020 are calculated using the latest Model of Emission of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGANv3.2) driven by time-varying satellite-retrieved vegetation and reanalysis meteorology data. We find that an increase in CO2 concentrations has a stronger effect on the trend in global total isoprene emissions (-0.20 % yr-1) than changes in vegetation (-0.03 % yr-1) and meteorological factors (0.15 % yr-1), but with large regional disparities. Isoprene emissions are rising rapidly in Europe, East Asia, and South Asia (0.37-0.66% yr-1), and vegetation growth contributes to about half of these trends. Changes in meteorological factors accounts for remaining half, with elevated temperature dominating in Europe and increased soil moisture dominating in East and South Asia. In South America and Southeast Asia, shifts in vegetation type associated with the BVOC emission capacity, partly resulting from the deforestation and agricultural expansion, lead to a decrease in BVOC emission and offset half of the emission increase caused by meteorological factors. The overall increase in isoprene emission in these regions is 0.35% yr-1 and 0.25% yr-1. In Central Africa, decreasing temperature dominates the negative emission trend (-0.74% yr-1). Global monoterpene emissions show a significant increase (0.34% yr-1, 0.6 Tg yr-1) compared to isoprene (-0.07% yr-1, -0.2 Tg yr-1), especially in strong greening hotspots, mainly due to greater sensitivity to changes in LAI and lack of CO2 inhibition effect. These findings highlight the important roles of vegetation, temperature, and soil moisture in shaping the temporal variations of global BVOC emissions over the last 2 decades.

Subseasonal Reversal of Haze Pollution Over the North China Plain

Lian XUE#+, Sijia LOU, Xin HUANG, Aijun DING
Nanjing University

China has been frequently suffering from haze pollution in the past several decades. As one of the most emission- intensive regions, the North China Plain (NCP) features severe haze pollution with multiscale variations. Using more than 30 years of visibility measurements and PM2.5 observations, a subseasonal seesaw phenomenon of haze in autumn and early winter over the NCP is revealed in this study. It is found that when September and October are less (more) polluted than the climatology, haze tends to be enhanced (reduced) in November and December. The abrupt turn of anomalous haze is found to be associated with the circulation reversal of regional and large-scale atmospheric circulations. Months with poor air quality exhibit higher relative humidity, lower boundary layer height, lower near-surface wind speed, and southerly anomalies of low-level winds, which are all unfavorable for the vertical and horizontal dispersion and transport of air pollutants, thus leading to enhanced haze pollution over the NCP region on the subseasonal scale. Further exploration indicates that the reversal of circulation patterns is closely connected to the propagation of midlatitude wave trains active on the subseasonal time scale, which is plausibly associated with the East Atlantic/West Russia teleconnection synchronizing with the transition of the North Atlantic SST. The seesaw relation discussed in this paper provides greater insight into the prediction of the multiscale variability of haze, as well as the possibility of efficient short-term mitigation of haze to meet annual air quality targets in North China.

More Frequent Strong Surface Solar Radiation Conducive to Persistent Ozone Pollution in a Warming Climate

Wenbin KOU#+, Yang GAO, Shaoqing ZHANG
Ocean University of China

Elevated near-surface ozone pollutes many parts of the world, exerting consequential impacts on human health in ozone-prone regions, including eastern China, eastern United States, and Europe. Key meteorological conditions, such as high temperature and downwards surface shortwave radiation (DSSR), intensify ozone pollution, yet how these meteorological conditions or associated mechanisms respond to global warming remains unknown. Taking advantage of 5-year-long daily observations in eastern China over the 2015-2019 period, with an extraordinarily ozone increase in fall 2019 over the Pearl River Delta (PRD), here we show that the 2019 strong DSSR induces extra biogenic emissions that trigger a threefold increase in long-lasting (i.e., five or more days) ozone events; consequently, mean ozone enhancement due to biogenic emissions reaches an average of 20 ppbv, highlighting the dominant role of DSSR. Furthermore, using outputs from a multimodel ensemble and a high-resolution community earth system model, we show an increased frequency of high DSSR under greenhouse warming in ozone-prone regions. Our results indicate that meteorological conditions conducive to high ozone pollution in ozone-prone regions are likely to occur more often under greenhouse warming.

Impact of Weather Conditions on PM2.5 Variations in Taiwan During the Winter Season 2018-2021

Hsiao-Chen CHIEN+, Fang-Yi CHENG#
National Central University

In addition to anthropogenic emissions, meteorological conditions also play an important role affecting air pollutant dispersion processes. This study focused on the impact of mesoscale to large-scale atmospheric conditions during the winter-spring season (DJFM) of 2018-2020 on PM2.5 concentrations in Taiwan. The analysis of the observation data and WRF-CMAQ modeling was conducted. The objectives are to gain a deeper understanding of the connections between the meteorological conditions and air quality. The analysis of the surface observed PM2.5 revealed a degraded PM2.5 condition in February and March of 2021. The winter-spring seasons in 2018/19, 2019/20, and 2020/21 were affected by El Nino, neutral and La Nina, respectively. In February and March of 2021, the cyclonic anomaly was found in area of Taiwan which leads to the frequent occurrence of the easterly prevailing wind. The weaker wind speed, cooler temperature and enhanced atmospheric stability, lead to the accumulation of PM2.5 in western Taiwan due to the influence of the La Nina conditions. Besides, the enhanced long-range transported PM2.5 contributed from other countries in East Asia can increase the background concentration.

Co-benefits of China’s ‘Dual-Carbon’ Policies on Ozone Pollution Mitigation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: A Multi-model Simulation Study

Danyang LI#+, Lin ZHANG, Xiaorui LIU, Chaoyi GUO, Kai WU, Hancheng DAI
Peking University

As the leading region in air pollution prevention and control initiatives in China, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) has witnessed marked decrease in PM2.5 pollution. Despite this progress, surface ozone levels continue to increase, highlighting the limitation of current emission reduction measures in ozone pollution control and the complexity of ozone pollution changes under emission reduction scenarios. To address this challenge, this study projects the evolutions of anthropogenic emissions and regional ozone pollution from 2015 (base year) to 2050 over GBA in the context of China’s "dual-carbon" target, by softly coupling an energy-economy model IMED|CGE (Integrated Model of Energy, Environment, and Economy for Sustainable Development, Computable General Equilibrium) with an atmospheric chemistry transport model WRF-Chem. We consider low-carbon policies and different levels of end-of-pipe control policies and obtain three emission reduction pathways under different scenarios for the GBA, according to which, ozone concentration pathways are simulated, with a specific focus on ozone pollution in October when surface ozone concentrations exhibit a seasonal peak. The results demonstrate that the implementation of deep emission reductions, driven by a combination of climate mitigation policies and local clean air policies, could significantly reduce MDA8 surface ozone levels to below 90 μg m-3 by 2050. Our findings also suggest that while low-carbon policies will bring substantial air quality co-benefits, strict end-of-pipe control policies are essential for rapidly reducing ozone pollution prior to 2030 and achieving national ozone level standards in the long term. As indicated by the H2O2/HNO3 concentration ratios, ozone production will become increasingly sensitive to NOx levels, primarily due to sharp reductions in anthropogenic NOx emissions. In conclusion, controlling NMVOCs emissions in the short term and NOx emissions in the long term are imperative for effectively mitigating surface ozone air pollution in the GBA.

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR329
AS05 - Cities, Extreme Weather, and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Quang-Van DOAN, University of Tsukuba

Investigate Extreme Precipitation in Multiple Urban Systems

Fei CHEN1#+, Cenlin HE1, Quang-Van DOAN2, Dev NIYOGI3,4, Liping DI5
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2University of Tsukuba, 3The University of Texas at Austin, 4Purdue University, 5George Mason University

Cities are increasingly vulnerable to the effects of flooding due to changes in heavy precipitation patterns as a result of climate warming and rapid urbanization. Under the support of the NASA Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science Program, we undertake various research activities to explore the impact of urban physical processes on extreme precipitation, especially sub-daily extremes, in multiple urban areas (Tokyo, Singapore, Lagos, Houston, etc.) in different geographical and climate regimes. These research activities were performed by integrating remote-sensing and in-situ observations and high-resolution long-term convection-permitting WRF simulations to tease out the relationship between extreme precipitation evolution and larger-scale climate warming and regional urbanization. We will present and discuss the research approach and main scientific findings. For instance, the study focusing on the Tokyo and Singapore pointed out enhanced hourly extreme precipitation by global-warming. The extreme part of heavy precipitation intensifies, and its intensification rate is at a super Clausius-Clapeyron rate. This has important implications to urban flooding prevention and mitigation and to urban planners, because the precipitation response to future climate warming is not linear, and skewed toward more increased extremes. As a team, we also conduct a coordinated study of the impact of urbanization over the Lagos, Nigeria, region, and examine the evolution of urban heat islands and precipitation as a result of Lagos rapid urbanization in the last two decades. To translate scientific findings into actionable science, we initiated dialogues with several university groups in Nigeria to discuss possible pathways for sharing data and connecting with local stakeholders. Our Nigerian colleagues have been addressing various urban environmental issues along the line of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) My Climate Risk (MCR) activities. One proposed idea is to help Nigerian colleagues establish a MCR Urban Regional Hub in Lagos. We will report the progress on these activities. 

Representation of the Urban Boundary Layer Over Singapore in 100m uSINGV

Song CHEN1#+, Pratiman PATEL2, Anurag DIPANKAR3, Matthias ROTH2, Humphrey LEAN4, Hugh ZHANG1, Aurel MOISE1
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2National University of Singapore, 3ETH Zurich, 4Met Office

Singapore is a highly urbanized coastal city in the tropics, but its atmospheric boundary layer is not well modelled and understood. To address this challenge, we employed a high-resolution model, which offers a better representation of urban surfaces and turbulence processes. The numerical simulations were conducted using the urban version of Singapore Meteorological Service’s numerical weather prediction system, with a horizontal grid length of 100 m (100 m uSINGV). Results showed that the 100 m uSINGV effectively captured chaotic turbulent structures within the convective boundary layer, and a turbulent kinetic energy spectrum analysis revealed that these chaotic structures aligned with the -5/3 slope of the Kolmogorov spectrum in the inertial subrange. By comparing the model simulations using the urban slab model and the single-layer urban canopy model MORUSES (Met Office–Reading Urban Surface Exchange Scheme), it was found that the grid length played a significant role in the chaotic turbulent structures. Cloud patterns, boundary layer profiles, and near-surface meteorological parameters are also compared to models using coarser grid lengths (i.e., 1500 m and 300 m) and observations from sources such as satellite image, radiosonde, and weather stations. Our results highlight the valuable contribution of the high-resolution 100 m uSINGV model in modelling the urban boundary layer over Singapore.

Evolving Urban Heat Island in the Era of Climate Change: A Study Over a Tropical Twin City Region in Eastern India

Soumya Satyakanta SETHI#+, V. VINOJ
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Urbanization and subsequent change to surface characteristics are known as the Surface urban heat island (SUHI) effect. SUHI is well-reported worldwide, however, studies on tier-2 growing cities in the global south are limited. Further, high-resolution long-term spatio-temporal observations with good-quality data have been publicly available since the start of this millennium. The current study explores the spatial distribution and temporal evolution pattern of SUHI for rapidly growing tropical coastal twin cities—Bhubaneswar and Cuttack—in eastern India during the last two decades (2001–2020). Our study reveals a clear discernible annual nighttime SUHI for both Bhubaneswar and Cuttack (0.75 ± 0.08 and 1.22 ± 0.07 °C) with a decadal growth rate of 0.18 ± 0.07 and 0.13 ± 0.07 °C/decade, respectively. Daytime SUHI lacked a clear urban-rural dichotomy like nighttime cases. Irrespective of the time, SUHI (both intensity and trend) was found to be very much dependent on the selection of the rural domain. A linear rise in SUHI parameters was observed for more distant rural domains indicating urban effects beyond local boundaries. We will further discuss spatial climatology and trend patterns with seasonality in detail.

The Importance of Land Cover in O(100 m) Grid Length Numerical Weather Prediction – A Pearl River Delta Urban Mega-conglomeration Heat Wave Case Study

Lewis BLUNN1#, Kalli FURTADO2+, Jon SHONK1, Yali LUO3, Andrew HARTLEY1, Mathew LIPSON4
1Met Office, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 3Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 4Bureau of Meteorology

High-fidelity spatially-detailed land cover is crucial in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and climate projections when they are used to predict street-level urban processes. A global 300 m resolution land cover dataset (CCIv2) is included in the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM). Unlike the original CCI land cover dataset in the MetUM, CCIv2 has continuously varying urban fraction based on the Global Human Settlement Layer. The MetUM is run at 1.5 km, 300 m, and 100 m horizontal grid lengths for a heat wave case study (May 2018) over the Pearl River Delta urban mega-conglomeration, China. The predicted spatial variation of air temperature and relative humidity is evaluated using a high-density automatic weather station network. It is found that the spatial variation is more realistic with CCIv2 than CCI. A method is presented for calculating the indoor and outdoor Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) heat stress index, and the benefits of mapping human extreme heat exposure using O(100 m) horizontal grid length versus typical O(1 km) horizontal grid length NWP are assessed.

Quantifying the Benefits of BIPV Windows in Urban Environment Under Climate Change: A Comparison of Three Chinese Cities

Liutao CHEN#+, Jiachuan YANG
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

To increase renewable energy capacity, China has promoted solar technologies with a 14% annual growth rate and kept the solar PV market leadership in 2021. In the urban environment, the building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) window is an effective way to increase distributed PV capacity. Due to the lack of modelling tools, the impact of the BIPV windows in the street canyon is poorly understood. To fill the gap, we developed a new parameterization scheme for the BIPV window and incorporated it into building energy simulations coupled with a single-layer urban canyon model. Model evaluation suggests that the coupled model can reasonably capture the diurnal profiles of BIPV window temperature and power generation, building cooling load, and outdoor microclimate. Canyon aspect ratio, window coverage, façade orientation, and power generation efficiency are the most critical factors in maximizing the power generation of BIPV windows. Simulation results of an office floor in three Chinese cities under different climate backgrounds show that Beijing has the greatest solar potential in the south orientation for annual power generation (i.e., 44.7 kWh/(m2·yr)), which is 1.5 times the power generation in Shenzhen and Nanjing. Compared to the clear windows, the BIPV windows have positive benefits when window coverage is greater than 50% in the open canyon. The highest electricity saving ratios are all greater than 23% when southwest-facing façade is 100% covered by BIPV windows. The benefit of BIPV windows is larger in Beijing, followed by Shenzhen and Nanjing. Under the future climate forcing of the year 2050, compared to clear windows, the energy saving potentials of BIPV windows increase slightly in Nanjing, and remain relatively stable in Shenzhen and Beijing. The findings in this study provide guidance for BIPV application in the built environment and cast light on the construction of sustainable and low-carbon neighbourhoods

WRF-Chem Modelling of CO2 Transport in St. Petersburg Megacity

Georgy NEROBELOV1#+, Yuri TIMOFEEV2, Sergei SMYSHLYAEV3, Stephany FOKA2
1O3Lab, Saint-Petersburg State University, 2Saint-Petersburg State University, 3Russian State Hydrometeorological University

An increase of CO2 content in the atmosphere, caused by anthropogenic emissions from the territories of large cities (~70%), determines the topicality of accurate emission estimation. Advanced experiment-based methods of the CO2 anthropogenic emission estimation are based on the solution of an inverse problem using highly-accurate measurements of CO2 content and numerical models of atmospheric transport and chemistry. The accuracy of such models greatly determines errors of the emission estimations. The aim of the current study is to adapt numerical weather prediction and atmospheric chemistry model WRF-Chem and validate its capability to simulate atmospheric CO2 over the Russian megacity of St. Petersburg. The research has demonstrated that the WRF-Chem model simulates well seasonal and diurnal cycles of CO2 content which are due to CO2 emission and absorption by plants. Correlation between the modelled and measured CO2 content time serieses is high both in a surface layer (correlation coefficient or CC is ~0.73) and in total atmospheric column up to ~75 km (XCO2, CC is ~0.95). Error of XCO2 modelling in relation to ground-based Bruker EM27/SUN measurements in St. Petersburg constitutes about 0.3% and probably is related to inaccuracies in chemical boundary conditions and atmospheric transport simulation during specific meteorological conditions (low wind speed and weak turbulent mixing). According to the results of the research, WRF-Chem model can be used to estimate anthropogenic CO2 emissions from the territory of St. Petersburg. The study was performed at the 'Laboratory for the Research of the Ozone Layer and the Upper Atmosphere' of Saint Petersburg State University and was funded by the Government of the Russian Federation under an agreement [075-15-2021-583].

Estimation of Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions of St. Petersburg Megacity by Different Methods

1Saint-Petersburg State University, 2O3Lab, Saint-Petersburg State University

Increase of greenhouse gases (GHGs) content in the Earth atmosphere changes the planet`s radiation balance and causes climate changes. Anthropogenic emissions of such GHG as CO2 from the territories of large cities play an important role in the climate changes since the cities contribute up to 70% to the total CO2 anthropogenic emissions. Different methods of CO2 emissions estimation have been developed which are based on proxy data (fossil fuel consumption, locations of power plants, nighttime lights, etc.) and observations of CO2 atmospheric content (ground-based, satellite, aircraft, etc.). Lately, authorities of many countries have made a commitment to reduce anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and other GHGs. Therefore, it is important to control undertaken agreements by carrying out independent monitoring of anthropogenic emissions using state-of-the art methods. For instance, there are several working and scheduled satellite observation programmes which were developed specifically to monitor GHGs emissions with relatively high spatial resolution (several km). In addition, today CO2 emission estimation techniques based on inversion modelling are actively investigated and improved. In the last years CO2 anthropogenic emissions of Russian megacity St. Petersburg have been estimated by inventory and experimental methods. In the current study CO2 anthropogenic emissions of St.Petersburg by different methods are compared and results of the comparison will be presented. The study was performed at the 'Laboratory for the Research of the Ozone Layer and the Upper Atmosphere' of Saint Petersburg State University and was funded by the Government of the Russian
Federation under agreement [075-15-2021-583]

An Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research and Potential Scaling

American Geophysical Union

Geosciences in Asia and Oceania are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. While governments and organizations race to organize actions, scientific organizations and technology ventures are taking matters in their own hands, devoting attention and resources to climate intervention research often being proposed with large scale testing in the Asia and Oceania region. This presentation will present the preliminary efforts of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and a proposed Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention. The Framework is designed to guide governments, researchers, NGOs, and the private sector. The presentation will discuss an understanding of the benefits and impacts of climate intervention measures, including carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management, and the need for global transparency, ethical and inclusion practices and robust governance and oversight structures. 

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Renguang WU, Zhejiang University, Kyung-Ja HA, Pusan National University, Ramesh KRIPALANI, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology

Dynamics and Characteristics of Dry and Moist Heatwaves Over East Asia

Ye-Won SEO1+, Kyung-Ja HA2#, Ji-Hye YEO2, Axel TIMMERMANN2, Eui-Seok CHUNG3, Christian FRANZKE2, Johnny CHAN4,5, Sang-Wook YEH6, Mingfang TING7
1IBS Center for Climate Physics, 2Pusan National University, 3Korea Polar Research Institute, 4Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center, 5City University of Hong Kong, 6Hanyang University, 7Columbia University

The increasing frequency of heatwaves over East Asia (EA) is impacting agriculture, water management, and people’s livelihood. Recently, record-breaking extreme heat events occurred corresponding to severe drought. However, the effect of humidity on high-temperature events has not yet been fully explored. Thus, distinguishing the compound heatwave associated with humidity conditions is needed to understand the fundamental features of compound extreme heat events and their physical mechanisms and to assess future projections. Using observations and future climate change projections conducted with the latest generation of Earth System models, we examine the mechanisms of dry and moist heatwaves over EA. Compound heatwaves are described by simultaneously with relative humidity conditions over East Asia. Dry heatwaves have been increased over northern East Asia adjacent to the desert regions. In the dry heatwave region, anticyclonic circulation has been amplified after the onset of heatwaves under the influence of the convergence of anomalous wave activity flux over northern EA, resulting in surface warming via adiabatic processes. In contrast, the moist heatwaves are triggered by the locally generated anticyclonic anomalies, with the surface warming amplified by cloud and water vapor feedback. Model simulations from phase six of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project projected display intensification of dry heatwaves and increased moist heatwave days in response to projected increases in greenhouse gas concentrations.

Impact of Heat Stress on the People Working in the Coastal Cities of India Due to Climate Change

Lakshmi Kumar T.V.1#+, Bharath J1, Walter LEAL2, Humberto BARBOSA3, Koteswararao KUNDETI4
1SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, 3Universidade Federal da Alagoes, 4National Center of Meteorology

The physiological stress in the working environment due to the increased levels of heat stress during climate change is an important point of research in the Indian scenario. The increase in heat stress obtained from the Steadman Heat Stress Index (SHSI) and its associated decline in work performance (DWP) are reported in this study using: a) the reanalysis data sets of the Indian Monsoon Data Assimilation and Analysis (IMDAA) for the period 1981 to 2020; and b) the high resolution, bias-corrected simulations of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) – Earth System Model (ESM) (source: NEX GDDP) for the period 1981 to 2014 (historical) and 2015 to 2050 (Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) 2.4.5 & 5.8.5) for the coastal cities of India. A lookup table has been prepared with the SHSI values for the equivalent Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), which recommend different rest/work ratios for all the study locations. The results show that the rising heat stress is mainly dependent on the changes in relative humidity in the cities of the west coast, while it is dependent on temperature changes in the cities of the east coast. The cities of Chennai, Nellore, Puducherry and Kochi showed a higher decline in work performance in the SSP2.4.5 scenario, while Mangalore and Thiruvananthapuram have been added in the SSP5.8.5 scenario during the decade of 2041 to 2050. People working without thermal neutralities in Chennai, Nellore, Puducherry and Kochi were recommended a 25% increase of more rest per hour in the light, medium, heavy and very heavy work conditions during the future climate scenarios of 2021 to 2050.

Prediction Skill of WRF-ROMS in Ensemble Forecasting with Different Microphysics Parametrizations: A Sensitivity Analysis of Rainfall Prediction in Thailand Related to Tropical Storm Events in 2020

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

Tropical storm (TS) usually brings heavy rainfall in Thailand, especially during rainy season, which can cause significant damage to coastal areas, cities, and communities in the region. Improving rainfall forecasting during TS occurrence is, therefore, critical to reducing the negative impacts of TS and increasing community safety. Many studies indicated that rainfall prediction skill of a numerical weather prediction model was strongly dependent on cumulus (CU) and microphysics (MP) parameterizations. Because microphysical processes play a crucial role in formation and development of rainfall, accurately representing these processes is important for accurate weather forecasting. In this study, a sensitivity analysis of rainfall forecasts from an ensemble method using a coupled WRF-ROMS model with three different MPs (i.e., Eta, Lin, and WRF Single Moment 3) was conducted. Here, we focused on the impact of MP on rainfall forecasts, hence only a CU scheme was used. Seven extreme rainfall events in Thailand associated with TS in 2020 were selected for a three-day model integration, then the probability of detection (POD) was estimated by comparing the forecasted outputs with daily observations of the National Hydroinformatics Data Center. Overall, employing the ensemble method could yield better POD in capturing moderate (10.1-35.0 mm) and heavy (35.1-90.0 mm) rainfall by up to 8% and 15% (in relative to a single MP run). This work is a preliminary study to show the potential of an ensemble method on rainfall forecast in Thailand. However, the CU selected in WRF can have a significant impact on accuracy and realism of the weather forecast. Therefore, careful consideration of CU and MP combination is subject to further investigation to ensure that the model provides the best possible representation of atmospheric processes and similar rainfall pattern over Thailand.

Interannual Variation and Prediction of Wintertime Precipitation in Central Asia

Xinhai CHEN#+, Xiaojing JIA
Zhejiang University

In this study, the interannual variations of winter precipitation over central Asia (CA) are investigated over the period 1948–2018 using both observational analysis and a linear baroclinic model (LBM). The focus is on the characteristics and factors of the leading empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF1) of winter precipitation over CA. The results show that the key circulation anomalies associated with the positive phase of EOF1 feature a tripole pattern that is responsible for transporting moisture from the subtropical North Atlantic region to CA. An examination of the lower boundary conditions indicates that anomalous North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST), Kara Sea ice in the preceding autumn, and simultaneous snow cover in central Asia can promote large-scale atmospheric waves that contribute to the EOF1-related anomalous tripole pattern. This result is verified by an analysis of the apparent heat source (Q1) in the atmosphere and the LBM experiments. Linear regression (LR) models were constructed using the precursors revealed by the above observational analyses to perform hindcasts for EOF1 over the period 1950–2018. The North Atlantic SST and the Kara Sea ice in the preceding autumn are shown to be effective predictors in the LR model that can capture the variation in EOF1 during this period. The seasonal forecasts of winter precipitation over CA for the 2011–18 period based on the LR models outperform those of the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) over central and northern CA.

Intraseasonal Variability of the East Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet: Characteristics, Mechanisms and Impacts on Extremes

Jiacan YUAN#+
Fudan University

The East Asian subtropical westerly jet (EASWJ) is one of the most crucial subtropical circulation systems affecting the precipitation over East Asia. Here we investigate the dominant modes of the intraseasonal variability of the EASWJ in early (May and June) and late (July and August) summer, respectively, through the EOF analysis. The EOF1 in early summer is characterized by the anomalous westerlies centered over the North China and anomalous easterlies centered over the south of Japan. This mode is led by the south-eastward propagating wave train initiating from the Barents Sea, where the ridge of the wave train coincides with an anomalous warm advection in the low level, due to the negative phase of Arctic Dipole (AD). The EOF1 in late summer is characterized by the anomalous westerlies centered over the south of Baikal and anomalous easterlies centered over the Central China, which is affected by the two wave trains along different directions. One propagates zonally across Eurasia initiated from North Atlantic, where significant signal of East Atlantic (EA) teleconnection is found as a precursor. When the wave train disperses downstream to Eurasia, the EAWR play a dominant role on the growth and persistence of the EASWJ variability. The other one is similar to the East Asia–Pacific (EAP) teleconnection propagating poleward from the Southern Asia and Western North Pacific, where the active convection anomalies may be a key driver. In addition, the different patterns of the EASWJ from early to late summer may cause different patterns of weather extremes of China through driving the anomalous vertical motion and water vapor transport over the corresponding areas.

Dynamical Processes Controlling the Evolution of Early‐summer Cut‐off Lows in Northeast Asia

Yang ZHANG1#+, Yu NIE2
1Nanjing University, 2China Meteorological Administration

The Northeast Asian cut-off low is one of the important extratropical circulations in East Asian monsoon systems that can bring weather extremes over large areas, but the mechanism responsible for the life cycle of cut-off lows remains elusive. From a perspective of regional eddy-mean flow interaction, this study investigates the dynamical processes controlling the evolution of early-summer cut-off lows over Northeast Asia using the 6-hourly reanalysis data. Through the diagnostic of local wave activity (LWA) budget, we show that the cut-off low is initialized by a Rossby wave train originated from the subpolar North Atlantic, and then reinforced rapidly by zonal LWA flux convergence and local baroclinic eddy generation, and eventually decayed through energy dispersion by zonal wave activity advection. Furthermore, we show that the evolutions of the above dynamical processes are strongly modulated by the changes of background flow. In early summer, Northeast Asia is located at the eastern exit of the midlatitude jet to the north of the sub- tropical jet and exhibits a weak meridional gradient of potential vorticity, which favors frequent formation of cyclonic anomaly and energy accumulation. Prior to the onset of cut-off lows by several days, a Rossby wave train propagates along the Eurasian midlatitude jet, which initializes a cyclonic anomaly over Northeast Asia. With the aid of mean flow advection of anomalous zonal momentum, the zonal winds are then decelerated at the midlatitude jet exit and accelerated at the subtropical jet center. The former obstructs the wave packet proceeding downstream and the latter favors stronger baroclinic eddy generation below the subtropical jet. The two processes together maintain and strengthen the cyclonic anomaly in Northeast Asia rapidly.

Changes in the Frequency of Extreme Summer Temperatures Over India in Current and Future Climate Scenarios

China Satyanarayana GUBBALA#+, V. SAMBASIVARAO, Dodla V. B. RAO
K L Deemed to be University

In the 21st century, climate change is considered to impose the greatest environmental threats to the world. Associated changes in climate extremes are hypothesized to have greater negative impacts on human society and the natural environment than the changes in mean climate. In this context, an assessment of temperature extremes is made for the Indian subcontinent to identify the changes since 1951 to 2022, and for the future climate periods till 2100. The frequencies of the days having thresholds of 40C, 42C and 45C for the maximum temperature over India during the pre-monsoon are evaluated using the grid‐point maximum temperature data of India Meteorological Department [IMD] for the period 1951–2022. Corresponding temperature predictions from Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects Phase 6 (CMIP-6 ) model outputs and statistical downscaling model (SDSM) methodology were compared with the IMD gridded maximum temperature data for validation. Statistical metrics of BIAS, RMSE and MAE have indicated low BIAS, high correlation and high IOA (Index of Agreement) validating CMIP-6 climate simulations. Similarly, the model projected maximum temperatures from the future climate projections using the same model for the climate periods of 2021-2050 and 2070-2099 are calculated. The data for the period from 1 March to 31 May, for the each of the two climate periods, are used to characterise the heat waves in future climates. Specifically, the characteristics of heat waves in terms of intensity, duration and area extent are calculated and compared to heat waves of the current climate. An increase in the heat waves duration mean maximum temperatures and frequencies of heat wave days in future climate periods have been identified.

Recent Changes in Indian Summer Monsoon Core Region’s Precipitation Extremes

Raju ATTADA1#+, Bajrang C1, B. N. GOSWAMI2
1Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali, 2Cotton University

Understanding and predicting the behavior of precipitation extremes in the tropics have often been associated with uncertainty. The responses of precipitation extremes to climate change are largely thought to be codirectional, especially in the Indian Summer Monsoon region. In this work, we show the short-term declination of temporal frequency of monsoonal precipitation extremes over Central India, for the last 15 years starting from 2005 to 2020, with the low and moderate events showing increments. The possible dynamical factors for the observed decline in precipitation extremes include the weakening of the regional Hadley Cell, along with depletion in moisture transport to Central India via the low-level Somali jet, caused by reduced evaporation from the regional moisture sources. In addition, the vertical gradient of the moist static energy exhibits favorable conditions for increased lower atmospheric stability, supporting the declining trends. Lastly, the Atlantic Zonal Mode seems to be a potential large-scale climate driver for the less frequent central Indian extreme rainfall events during 2005-2015.

Thu-03 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR328
AS10 - Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling

Session Chair(s): Yeon-Hee KIM, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Sridhara NAYAK, Japan Meteorological Corporation, Raju ATTADA, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali

Attribution of the Unprecedented 2021 October Heatwave in South Korea

Yeon-Hee KIM1#+, Seung-Ki MIN1, Dong-Hyun CHA2, Young-Hwa BYUN3, Fraser LOTT 4, Peter STOTT4
1Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 3National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 4Met Office Hadley Centre

In the first half of October 2021, an anomalously high temperature similar to summer was observed. The temperature in the first half of October was 19.9°C, which was 3.9°C higher than the average (1991-2020) and recorded the highest temperature since 1973. During the first half of October, a wide and strong circulation is maintained from the Philippines to the tropical central Pacific Ocean, resulting in strong high-pressure anomalies in South Korea and the central Pacific Ocean. The high-pressure anomaly in the upper atmosphere of the Korean Peninsula brings in warm southerly winds continuously and the central Pacific high-pressure system played a blocking role, preventing the eastward movement of the system and maintaining the downward airflow in the Korean Peninsula. This study compares probabilities of 2021-like extremely warm October in South Korea between real counterfactual world conditions using the datasets from CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) multi-model simulation and HadGEM3-A high-resolution large ensemble simulations. Results from both GCM ensembles indicate that the exceptionally strong October 2021 heatwave was extremely unlikely to occur without human influences. It should be noted, however, that the sample size and extreme nature of the event make it difficult to draw concrete conclusions from the model simulations. When based on weaker observed thresholds, robust human influences are found to have made such warm events at least 4 times more likely. Future analysis warns that October will be merged into summer in the near future, resulting in serious socioeconomic damage in health, agriculture, energy, etc. Under the high-emission SSP5-8.5 scenario, this unseasonal warmth is expected to become the new normal, occurring every 2 years after the mid-twenty-first century, which can be avoided when carbon neutrality is achieved around 2075 following the SSP1-2.6 scenario.

Arctic and Pacific Ocean Conditions Were Favourable for Cold Extremes Over Eurasia and North America During Winter 2020/21

Ruonan ZHANG#+
Fudan University

A sequence of extreme cold events occurred across Eurasia and North America during winter 2020/2021. Here, we explore the causes and associated mechanisms for the extremely cold temperatures using both observations and large-ensemble simulations. Experiments were conducted with observed ocean surface boundary conditions prescribed globally, and regionally to discern the specific influence of Arctic, tropical Pacific and North Pacific drivers. Increased likelihood of daily cold extremes in mid December to mid January are found in Eurasian midlatitudes in response to reduced Arctic sea ice. Tropical sea surface temperature anomalies, more specifically the La Niña pattern, increased probability of extreme cold over high-latitude Eurasia in early January to early February. Both reduced Arctic sea ice and La Niña increased the probability of daily cold extremes over western North America in late January to late February. We conclude that a combination of reduced Arctic sea ice, La Niña, and a sudden stratospheric warming in January 2021 were factors in the February 2021 extreme cold-wave that caused huge societal disruptions in Texas and the Southern Great Plains. Although the magnitude of the simulated cold extremes are relatively small when compared with observed anomalies, the Arctic and Pacific Ocean surface conditions in winter 2020/21 increased the probability of cold days as cold or colder than observed by approximately 17%~43%.

The Spatiotemporal Distribution of Extreme Precipitation and Related Near Surface Atmospheric Conditions During Summer of 2014-2019 Over the Tibetan Plateau Derived from GPM Observations and Reanalysis Datasets

Rui WANG#+, Wenshou TIAN
Lanzhou University

In this study, the characteristics of extreme precipitation events and related near surface atmospheric conditions (near surface temperature, pressure, specific humidity and CAPE) during summer of 2014-2019 over Tibetan Plateau are explored based on GPM satellite observations and multi-source reanalysis datasets (ERA5, ERA-Interim and CFSv2). The result shows significant differences in extreme precipitation between the hinterland of Tibetan Plateau and the south slope of the Himalayas. That is, the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation are smaller in the hinterland of Tibetan Plateau than those in the south slope of the Himalayas, whereas the storm top height is higher. A small proportion of extreme precipitation develops vigorously (17 km) but does not mean that the extreme precipitation intensity is large at the same time. The peak frequency, intensity and storm top height of extreme precipitation tend to occur in the afternoon and midnight. Furthermore, the most favorable near surface temperature, pressure and specific humidity for the occurrence of extreme precipitation are 285-290 K (11.85°C-16.85°C) and 295-300 K (21.85°C-26.85°C), 550 hPa and 950 hPa, 10 g/kg and 18 g/kg over the hinterland of Tibetan Plateau and the south slope of the Himalayas, respectively. The extreme precipitation intensity could be large even if CAPE is not strong over the Tibetan Plateau. Besides, the anomalies of near surface atmospheric conditions related to extreme precipitation exhibit obvious abrupt changes within 6 hours before and after the occurrence of extreme precipitation. This work illuminates the spatiotemporal distribution of extreme precipitation and the changes of near surface atmospheric conditions before and after extreme precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau from the perspective of GPM remote sensing and reanalysis datasets, which could be considered into forecast of extreme precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau in the future.

3D DBSCAN Detection and Parameter Sensitivity of the 2022 Yangtze River Summertime Heatwave and Drought

Zhenchen LIU#+, Wen ZHOU
Fudan University

Spatially and temporally accurate event detection is a precondition for exploring the mechanisms of climate extremes. To achieve this, a classical unsupervised machine learning method, the DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) clustering algorithm, was employed in the present study. Furthermore, we developed a 3D (longitude–latitude–time) DBSCAN-based workflow for event detection of targeted climate extremes and associated analysis of parameter sensitivity. We applied this 3D DBSCAN-based workflow in the detection of the 2022 summertime Yangtze extreme heatwave and drought based on the ERA5 reanalysis dataset. The heatwave and drought were found to have different development and migration patterns. Synoptic-scale heatwave extremes appeared over the northern Pacific Ocean at the end of June, extended southwestwards, and covered almost the entire Yangtze River Basin in mid-August. By contrast, a seasonal-scale drought occurred in mid-July over the continental area adjacent to the Bay of Bengal, moved northeastwards, and occupied the entire Yangtze River Basin in mid-September. Event detection can provide new insight into climate mechanisms while considering patterns of occurrence, development, and migration. In addition, we also performed a detailed parameter sensitivity analysis for better understanding of the algorithm application and result uncertainties. The DOI-based linkage is

Winter Warming and its Trend in India

Anil KUMAR#+, Netrananda SAHU
University of Delhi

Winters around the world are changing, in some cases, faster than any other season. Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in average global temperature. There are many studies on global warming but most of them are focused on the summer season and winter warming is neglected. The effect of global warming can also be seen during winters. Since 1990s, the warmer winters have drawn much attention world over and India is no exception. There is an increasing trend in winter temperature in India especially during the last three decades. Due to the rising of winter temperature, the duration of winter is decreasing. Long-term changes (1971-2021) in monthly mean temperature are examined by studying trends in maximum and minimum temperature for the winter period (DJF). The trend of temperature during the winter season has been analysed using Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope test. We get the increasing trend of temperature but this increase in temperature during winter is not uniform throughout the country. It is increasing more rapidly in the northern region as compared to the southern region. The temperature in the east India region is showing a decreasing trend.

Future Changes in the Joint Probability of Compound Hot and Dry Extremes in China

Ziwei ZHU1+, Liying QIU2, Eun-Soon IM2#
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong SAR, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The severity and frequency of compound extremes are expected to increase with the acceleration of global warming. In particular, southeastern China has already witnessed concurrent hot and dry extremes increasing over the few decades. Although there have been estimates of the likelihood of compound extremes based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), the recent release of the CMIP6 datasets provides a good opportunity to update their assessments. In this regard, this study investigates the changes in the joint return period of hot and dry extremes in China using multiple climate projections based on the statical downscaling of CMIP6 global models. While the wet bulb temperature is analyzed for hot extremes, the Palmer Drought Severity Index is considered to measure the meteorological drought. A bivariate copula function is then applied to comprehend the joint dependency of concurrent hot and dry extremes. The focus is placed on the comparative analysis of the changes in the joint return period under low and high emission scenarios, which may help to illustrate the benefits of climate change mitigation. In addition, our analysis attempts to discover the emergent constraints of how this relationship is likely to modulate the co-occurrence of extreme heat and dryness in response to the different levels of warming. [Acknowledgements]: This research was supported by the Theme-based Research Scheme, T31-603/21-N, which was funded by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.

Longer- and Slower-moving Contiguous Heatwaves Linked to El Niño

Sijia WU+, Ming LUO#
Sun Yat-sen University

Although it is known that the frequency and duration of heatwaves are affected by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) at an interannual scale, the ENSO modulations on the moving properties (e.g., moving distance and speed) of spatiotemporally contiguous heatwaves that occur simultaneously in adjacent regions or neighboring days and exhibit 3D (latitude×longitude×time) spatiotemporal connectivity, are unknown. Here, we present the first assessment of the multi-dimensional characteristics of spatiotemporally contiguous heatwaves in relation to ENSO events by introducing a spatiotemporally contiguous event tracking (SCET) method. We show that the SCET method can well capture the dynamic evolution of contiguous heatwaves across space and time. It is also found that contiguous heatwaves during El Niño years tend to be more frequent, more persistent, and longer-traveling, but slower-moving than during La Niña episodes, and these modulations are seen on both global (particularly in the tropical regions) and continental scales. These differences in contiguous heatwaves over the tropical regions between El Niño and La Niña episodes are modulated by the maintenance of high-pressure anomalies. Further composite examinations indicate that, during the following summers El Niño induces anomalous atmospheric circulation, which is characterized by an intensified subsidence over the western North Pacific and ascending motion over the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These features provide favorable conditions for the occurrence and maintenance of contiguous heatwaves.

Circum-western Canada Pattern in Boreal Summer Caused by the Boundary Current Synchronization

Akane HARA1#+, Tsubasa KOHYAMA1, Yoko YAMAGAMI2, Hiroaki TATEBE2
1Ochanomizu University, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

The Kuroshio Current and the Gulf Stream are separated by about 10,000 km across the continent. However, the sea surface temperatures along the Kuroshio Current and the Gulf Stream synchronize via the westerly jet stream, called the Boundary Current Synchronization (BCS). BCS brings extreme heat waves and other extreme weather events to metropolitan areas in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, including Japan. However, the mechanism has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we define the “Circum-Western Canada (CWC) pattern” as an atmospheric variability closely related to the BCS index to examine the impact of the BCS on extreme weather in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. We define the CWC index using a reference region with a large regression and correlation coefficients of geopotential height at 200hPa on the BCS index. The Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis shows that the CWC pattern is the predominant mode in the western half of the Northern Hemisphere. The regression map of geopotential height at 200hPa on the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index and that on the CWC index exhibit similar features, which suggests that the CWC index is also in close relation to the AO index defined by the surface pressure. The regression map of precipitation and 2m-air temperature on the CWC index indicate that CWC explains 2m-air temperature pattern in July 1994, July 2018 and July 2022 and precipitation pattern in July 1994 and July 2018. The results of a pacemaker experiment, in which sea surface temperatures in the Kuroshio Current and the Gulf Stream is relaxed to a different control run, indicate that whether BCS excites CWC pattern is sensitive to stochasticity.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR335
AS52 - Ionospheric Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting

Session Chair(s): Haixia LYU, Wuhan University

AS52-A002 | Invited
Structure of Post-midnight Enhancements in Ionospheric Electron Density at Low Latitudes

Libo LIU#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Night-time enhancement in the ionosphere is a fantastic feature of the diurnal variation of the ionosphere. It is a challenging issue to answer the spatial coverage of the enhancement in the ionosphere will appear during an event. We conduct a case study to explore the spatial presence of the post-midnight enhancements of electron density (Ne) in the low latitude ionosphere. The total electron content (TEC) data are retrieved from the Beidou Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite signals recorded by a network of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers in Asia-Australia, and the F2-layer peak parameters and the altitudinal profiles of Ne are measured by the ionosonde and incoherent scatter radar at Sanya (109.6° E, 18.3° N). At Sanya, when the F2-layer peak Ne (NmF2) rises in the post-midnight hours, common features occur, including a descent of the peak height (hmF2) and the Ne increase on the bottom side and reduction at topside altitudes, respectively. However, GEO-TEC does not always consistently follow the enhancement of NmF2 case by case. Further, the enhancement is present in a limited area. The GEO-TEC enhancements may peak roughly simultaneously in an event or with significant time shifts in the west-east direction; it is possible that the enhancement is not present in all GEO-TECs. In some studied cases, the low latitude enhancements show a hemispheric asymmetry. They are clustered mainly in the northern hemisphere and usually have no corresponding magnetic conjugate features in the southern hemisphere. It implies that the physical drivers, not only the electric field, are responsible for the limited spatial presence of post-midnight enhancements in the low latitude ionosphere.

On the Contribution of Plasmasphere to the TEC on the Ground

Shigeto WATANABE#+
Hokkaido University

Is the plasmaspheric plasma essential to the improvement of positioning accuracy by GNSS? How much plasma in the plasmasphere contributes to the TEC on the ground? To investigate the plasma in the plasmasphere and to understand the physical processes of various phenomena occurring in the ionosphere and plasmasphere of the earth, we have constructed three ionosphere/plasmasphere models: an empirical model, a physical model, and a deep learning model. From the electron densities at altitudes below 30,000km from the upper-hybrid resonance (UHR) emissions obtained by the plasma wave experiments on Akebono, Arase, and Hinotori satellites, which consist of more than 4 million datasets in the ionosphere and plasmasphere regions, the empirical model of electron density distribution in the topside ionosphere and the plasmasphere has been constructed using simple base functions with the parameters of longitude, latitude, local time, season, and solar/magnetic activities. The empirical model is also used as the assimilation data of the physical model of the Plasmasphere Thermosphere Model (PTM), which calculates the densities, velocities, and temperatures of O+, He+, and H+ at altitudes from 100 km to 10 Re. We have also applied to make a model with deep learning because the amount of the observation data in space is still insufficient to construct the earth’s ionosphere and plasmasphere. The model includes the memory effects of plasmasphere structure and dynamics affected by geomagnetic disturbance. We will present the comparisons of the ionosphere and plasmasphere electron densities estimated from our models with the total electron content (TEC) on the ground and the 2020 International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model.

An Additional Plasma Density Peak at Poleward of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Crests Observed by Swarm

Chao XIONG#+, Yuyang HUANG
Wuhan University

The equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) is one of the most important phenomena at equatorial and low latitudes, which is caused by the daytime eastward electric field via E×B effect. The well-developed EIA at dayside is thought to be a quite large structure with two crests extending to ±15° magnetic latitude, and the plasma density distributes quite smooth along the magnetic fluxtube. However, an additional density peak at poleward of the EIA crests is sometimes observed from the high-resolution plasma density measurements of Swarm. The additional peak is observed at the poleward of EIA crest only in the summer hemisphere, and shows a local time preference between 09:00 and 24:00. From a global view, the additional peak has relatively large occurrence at the norther hemisphere in the pacific longitudes. From the perspective of constellation, the Swarm B can revisit the same longitude of Swarm A/C, though with a certain time day. The delay time gradually increases from a few minutes to a few hours. By comparing the location of the additional peak observed by Swarm B and Swarm A/C, we found the peak keeps at a rather constant latitude irrespective of the delay time between Swarm satellites. Possible drivers for causing such additional peak have been further discussed.

An Investigation of the Tonga Volcanic Eruption Effects on GNSS Precise Point Positioning

Xiaomin LUO1+, Zichun XIE1, Dezhong CHEN2#
1China University of Geosciences, 2Wuhan University

On 15 January 2022, a great volcanic eruption at Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai produced various waves propagating globally, disturbing the background atmosphere and ionosphere. Using more than 1100 GNSS stations datasets collected at Asia-Pacific region, this study investigates the Tonga volcanic eruption effects on GNSS measurements and precise point positioning (PPP). During the Tonga volcanic eruption, the positioning results of GNSS kinematic PPP vary significantly and the range can reach several meters in the east, north, and up directions. The Rate of Total Electron Content (TEC) Index (ROTI) maps and scintillation indexes indicate that the ionospheric anomalies during this volcanic eruption should include not only the ionospheric disturbances but also the ionospheric irregularities. It is found that these ionospheric anomalies did not cause large fluctuations of the C/N0 and multipath values, but the number of cycle slips increased obviously. Statistical results indicate that the mean value of the cycle slip occurrence rate on volcanic day is 17.2%, while that on ionospheric quiet day is only 10.4%. By expanding the cycle slip detection thresholds in PPP solution, it is found that the PPP results of several stations can be improved under the Tonga volcanic eruption conditions. However, based on 357 stations data, the PPP performance with the expanded thresholds and the default thresholds are generally comparable. Statistics indicate that the average RMS values of PPP with the expanded (default) thresholds are 0.030 m (0.026) and 0.052 m (0.053 m) in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. That means only expanding the cycle slip thresholds cannot fundamentally improve PPP performance under the Tonga volcanic eruption conditions.

Seismo-ionospheric Anomalies Before Assam Earthquakes (Mw = 6.0) Detected by GIMs and GPS-TEC

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Ionospheric and atmospheric anomalies registered around the time of earthquakes in low-latitude regions are reported now regularly. Majority of these reports have the character of case studies without clear physical mechanism proposed. In this paper, we analyze the TEC data for April 2021 observed at ground station, Dibrugarh University, Assam to examine the effect of earthquake of magnitude Mw = 6.0 which occurred on 28 April 2021 at Assam. We process the TEC data. The anomalous enhancements and depletions are found in TEC data on 1–15 days before the occurrence of event. The aims of this study understand atmospheric system during earthquake preparatory processes through features of Total Electron Content (TEC) taken by GNSS-GPS. An anomaly crests station. The impact on pre-earthquake TEC variations over Dibrugarh the low-latitude ones show their imprints on TEC even when their epicenters lie at 500–600 km longitudinal separation. This paper discusses how electric field generated in the earthquake preparatory processes works in a complex manner at the equatorial anomaly zone in a way similar to electro jet current system, leading to changes in ionospheric parameters. Finally attempts are made to understand the situation prior to and during a seismic event by assigning parameters with special reference to IRI model, for obtaining the observed results. 

Ionospheric Irregularities Monitoring and its Impacts on Precise Point Positioning

Wei LI1,2+, Shuli SONG3#
1Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy and Sciences, 2State Grid Siji Location Service Co., Ltd., State Grid Communication Industry Group Co., Ltd, 3Chinese Academy of Sciences

The ionosphere is an important part of the upper atmosphere. Its activities directly affect the state of the space weather and the related applications that rely on radio communications, e.g., Global Positioning System (GPS) or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Ionospheric irregularities within the ionosphere cause GPS/GNSS signals scintillation, loss lock, and cycle slip and thus further degrade the performance of GPS/GNSS applications, e.g., Precise Point Positioning (PPP). Thus, it is of significant interest to monitor ionospheric scintillation and further study the influence mechanism of ionospheric irregularities on PPP for space environment monitoring and GPS/GNSS applications. In this contribution, we summarized the limitations of ROTI (Rate of change of TEC Index) in monitoring ionospheric scintillation and evaluated the performance of ROTI in monitoring ionospheric scintillation in the aspect of correlation, integrity, and reliability. In addition, we investigated the impacts of ionospheric irregularities on the performance of kinematic PPP in China. The results show that the sampling rate of observations is the key to the performance of ROTI in monitoring ionospheric scintillation. ROTI calculated from 1s-data (1s/sample) has better performance (integrity of 90%, correlation with S4 of 0.8-0.9, reliability of 88%) than that from 30s-data (30s/sample) (integrity of 60%, correlation with S4 of 0.7-0.8, reliability of 80%). The results of the kinematic PPP show that the ionospheric irregularities caused increased positioning errors (decimeter- to meter-level), enlarged phase residuals (decimeter-level), and increased cycle slips in PPP processing in low latitude regions of China. By proposing a novel strategy, we present direct evidence of the falsely detected cycle slips in 30s-data by the traditional cycle slip detection threshold in PPP processing. We reveal that the falsely detected cycle slips are dominantly responsible for the degradation of kinematic PPP solutions during the period of ionospheric irregularities.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR311
AS40 - Middle Atmosphere

Session Chair(s): Hye-Yeong CHUN, Yonsei University, Shigeo YODEN, Kyoto University

AS40-A013 | Invited
Role of Tropical Lower Stratosphere Winds in Quasi-biennial Oscillation Disruptions and its Implications for Future Climate

Min-Jee KANG1#+, Seok-Woo SON1, Rolando GARCIA2, Soon-Il AN3, Sang-Hun PARK3
1Seoul National University, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3Yonsei University

In winter 2015/16, the westerly quasi-biennial oscillation (WQBO) in the equatorial stratosphere was unprecedentedly disrupted by westward forcing near 40 hPa; this was followed by another disruption in 2019/20. Strong extratropical Rossby waves propagating toward the tropics were considered the main cause of the disruptions. However, it remains unclear why the zonal wind is reversed only in the middle of the WQBO. Here, we show that strong westerly winds in the equatorial lower stratosphere (70 to 100 hPa) help to disrupt the WQBO by preventing the wind reversal at its base. These winds also help equatorial westward waves propagate further upward, increasing the negative forcing at around 40 hPa that drives the QBO disruptions. Tropical westerly winds have been increasing and are projected to increase in a warmer climate. These background wind changes may allow more frequent QBO disruptions in the future, leading to less predictability in atmospheric weather and climate systems related to the QBO. They may also induce a faster propagation rate of a typical QBO due to the enhanced westward wave flux entering the stratosphere. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the future behavior of the QBO will require consideration of the strengthened westerlies in the lowermost stratosphere in addition to the changes in wave sources and tropical upwelling in the stratosphere.

A Comparison of Stratospheric Gravity Waves in a High-resolution General Circulation Model with 3-D Satellite Observations

Haruka OKUI1#+, Corwin WRIGHT2, Neil HINDLEY2, Emily LEAR2, Kaoru SATO1
1The University of Tokyo, 2University of Bath

Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) play a key role in determining the thermodynamical structure of the Earth’s middle atmosphere. Despite the small spatial and temporal scales of these waves, a few high-top general circulation models (GCMs) that can resolve them explicitly have recently become available. This study compares global GW characteristics simulated in one such GCM, the Japanese Atmospheric GCM for Upper-Atmosphere Research (JAGUAR), with those derived from three-dimensional (3-D) temperatures observed by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite. The target period is from 15 December 2018 to 8 January 2019, including the onset of a major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW). The 3-D Stockwell transform method is used for GW spectral analysis. The amplitudes and momentum fluxes of GWs in JAGUAR are generally in good quantitative agreement with those in the AIRS observations in both magnitude and distribution. As the SSW event progressed, the GW amplitudes and eastward momentum flux increased at low latitudes in the summer hemisphere in both the model and observation datasets. Case studies demonstrate that the model is able to reproduce comparable wave events to those in the AIRS observations with some differences, especially noticeable at low latitudes in the summer hemisphere. Through a comparison between the model results with and without the AIRS observational filter applied, it is suggested that the amplitudes of GWs near the exits of the winter jet are underestimated in AIRS observations.

Numerical Simulation of Changes in the General Circulation of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere During Transitional QBO Phases

Andrey KOVAL#+, Tatiana ERMAKOVA, Kseniia DIDENKO, Nikolai GAVRILOV
St Petersburg University

Three-dimensional numerical nonlinear model of general circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere (MUAM) is used to investigate reactions of the atmospheric dynamic and thermal regimes on changes in four phases of equatorial stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). In addition to conventional westerly and easterly QBO phases, transitional westerly-shear and easterly-shear QBO phases are added into consideration. The MUAM model allows simulating atmospheric circulation from the Earth's surface to a height of 300 km. This made it possible to consider the dynamic response of the thermosphere to the change in the QBO phase. To interpret the obtained results, the residual meridional circulation, Eliassen-Palm fluxes and meridional thermal gradients are calculated. For this purpose, four 12-members ensembles of MUAM simulations have been obtained corresponding to the mentioned four QBO phases. It is shown in particularly, that at the middle and high latitudes, the strongest changes in thermal and dynamical characteristics of the stratosphere and mesosphere occur during easterly-shear QBO phase. The formation of the temperature regime in the winter extratropical stratosphere is predominantly influenced by the residual meridional circulation during easterly and westerly-shear QBO phases and by planetary waves during westerly and easterly-shear QBO phases. The research is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-583).

Sea-land-breeze Bidirectional Gravity Waves Robustizing Stratospheric QBO: JRA-55 Data Analysis

Manabu D. YAMANAKA1,2#+, Shin-Ya OGINO3
1Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, 2Kobe University, 3Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

The quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) appearing robustly in the equatorial stratosphere has been explained by the wave-mean flow interaction. However, requested bidirectional (east/westward propagating) waves generated in the troposphere have not been ascertained yet. The strongest thermal forcing on the equatorial lands with diurnal cycle (DC) drives the sea-land breeze circulations (SLBCs) centered at the Indonesian maritime continent (IMC) with the longest coastline, next at African and South-American continents, which organize convective clouds making atmospheric energy equilibrium and water cold trap. Here we analyze objective re-analysis data (JRA-55), and reveal that SLBCs are the bidirectional (land- and sea-ward) waves maintaining QBO. The pressure coordinate and velocity data are converted to quasi-vertical (log-pressure) ones, and zonal and vertical wind deviations from each diurnal means are regarded as diurnal wave components, based on comparisons with some radiosonde data over IMC. The global diurnal tides, which make ocean-side variations much weaker than land-side ones, are omitted by a longitudinally 30°-high passed filter. For resulting bidirectional gravity waves, the zonal-mean vertical flux of zonal momentum are calculated, which should be conserved vertically without nonlinear and dissipation effects. We obtain that the zonal momentum associated with components propagating in the same direction as the stratospheric mean flow is selectively absorbed to produce directly about 30% of the mean zonal acceleration of QBO. The momentum absorbed locally may generate also longer waves contributing to the remainder of zonal acceleration. Because of “pair production” the bidirectional wave momenta are equi-amplitude, determined with land-sea contrast, and their zonal components are dependent on the angle between a coastline and the meridian. Therefore, QBO is dependent on the distribution of coastline as the triple boundary among land, sea and air, which are changed with tectonics and climate.

AS40-A003 | Invited
Strengthened Impact of the Equatorial Quasi-biennial Oscillation on the Extratropics in Both Hemispheres

Jian RAO1#+, Chaim GARFINKEL2, Tongwen WU3, Rongcai REN4
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3China Meteorological Administration, 4Chinese Academy of Sciences

Using state-of-the-art models with a spontaneous quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phases 5 and 6 (CMIP5/6), this study explores projected changes in the Holton-Tan (HT) relationship and the near surface response to the QBO. Most models project an enhanced surface response to the QBO via a strengthened HT relationship in the future for both hemispheres. In the Northern Hemisphere, the North Atlantic Oscillation-like response is projected to double and shift eastward in the future in the high-end emissions scenarios compared with the historical simulation. This strengthening occurs even as the amplitude of the QBO in the tropical stratosphere weakens from the historical simulation to the future projections. The seemingly contradictory projections of future changes in the QBO and the HT relationship might imply that the HT relationship changes nonlinearly with the QBO intensity, and the coherent changes in the background circulation structure should also be highlighted. In the Southern Hemisphere, The maximum wind anomaly center in high latitudes is projected to expand to midlatitudes in future scenarios. The climatological subtropical jet is projected to strengthen, while tropical easterlies are projected to weaken. As a consequence, upward wave activity in the future appears to become more sensitive to the QBO phase. Enhanced upward propagation of waves in mid-to-high latitudes during EQBO are much stronger in future scenarios than in historical simulations. In future scenarios, the reduction in OLR during EQBO over the Maritime Continent grows in extent and becomes stronger. The enhancement and spatial shift in the stratospheric vortex pathway and tropical convection pathway subsequently lead to changes in the tropospheric QBO signal. An annular mode like response forms in the troposphere and near surface in the present climate, whereas this pattern shifts further equatorward in future projections with circulation anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean amplifying.

Influences of the Equatorial Quasi-Biennial Oscillation on Regional Monsoon Systems in the Northern Subtropics in Summer and Winter

Shigeo YODEN1#+, Vinay KUMAR2, Matthew HITCHMAN3
1Kyoto University, 2University of Delhi, 3University of Wisconsin-Madison

Recently it has been observationally studied that the equatorial QBO in the stratosphere influences tropospheric variations in the form of organized moist convective systems associated with the MJO and the ENSO in sub-seasonal and inter-annual time scales, respectively. In addition, QBO modulation of the global monsoon systems, i.e., annual cycle response of land-ocean systems in low-latitudes to the periodic solar forcing, was reported recently in specific phases of the QBO, in the equator and subtropics (Yoden et al. 2023). By analyzing only neutral ENSO periods of 42 years of ERA-5 data, we further investigate the QBO modulations of boreal summer or winter circulations in synoptic scales with organized precipitation systems. We apply the composite difference analysis introduced by Kumar et al. (2021) using eight QBO phases based on the EOF method of Wallace et al. (1993): The composite difference between Phase 1 – Phase 5 has the largest difference of the equatorial zonally symmetric wind at 20 hPa, whereas that between Phase 4 – Phase 8 has a local maximum difference of the zonally symmetric wind at 50 hPa. In boreal summer, precipitation, its proxy data of OLR and specific humidity, and the lower tropospheric circulation fields show statistically significant composite differences between Phase 4 – Phase 8 QBO phases in the Western Pacific northern subtropics, with an intensification of the west side of Ogasawara high with less precipitation in Phase 8. In boreal winter, on the other hand, statistically significant composite differences are observed in such quantities between Phase 4 – Phase 8 with an intensification of Atlantic low in North Atlantic in Phase 8. There are also statistically significant composite differences between Phase 1 – Phase 5 over the Eastern Pacific northern subtropics. The relative importance of the subtropical and extratropical pathways is studied for these two areas with different QBO phases.

Troposphere-stratosphere Interaction During Different ENSO and PDO Phases in Idealized Model Experiments

1Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, 2Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Large-scale sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) such as El Niño Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) affect the spatial structure of the quasi-stationary planetary waves (PW). As storm tracks correspond to a large-scale planetary flow, we find deflection of the main storm tracks in the Northern Hemisphere from their climate mean position during El Niño and La Niña years. On the other hand, extreme states of the stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) can affect the location of the storm tracks over a period from 2 weeks to 2 months. Idealized model experiments were carried out on the ISCA platform to determine the differences in the response of tropospheric dynamics to extreme SPV states during the El Niño and La Niña events and different PDO phases. It was shown that it is impossible to state the southward shift of the Atlantic storm track during El Niño years without accounting for the SPV intensity. There is a difference in the region of the tropospheric response. During El Niño events after sudden stratospheric warmings the southward shift of the storm track is observed in the western part of the Atlantic-European region, and during La Niña – in the eastern part. The intensity of the SPV, expressed as the zonal mean zonal wind, averaged along 600 N at 10 hPa level, has the maximum prognostic potential during La Niña years in combination with the negative PDO phase.

Dynamical Response of Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex to ENSO and PDO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in Idealized Modeling

1Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 2Shirshov Institute of Oceanology

Currently, the intensity of the stratospheric polar vortex (iSPV) is predicted no more than 2 weeks ahead. However, low-frequency components of the climate system, such as large-scale sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) e.g. El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), extend the period of stratospheric dynamics’ prediction. In this work, the response of iSPV anomalies to large-scale SSTAs is estimated using idealized modeling on ISCA platform. In these experiments SSTAs corresponding to ENSO and PDO modes were increased compared to the observed values. It is shown that SSTAs in the mid-latitudes of the Pacific Ocean on their own do not significantly influence the formation of iSPV. With positive SST anomalies in the Niño-3 region (CEN), a weakening of the polar vortex by 40% is observed compared to the control experiment. The weakening of the vortex with positive SSTAs in the central part of the tropical Pacific Ocean (ENM) is comparable to the effect of the CEN, the difference is observed during late autumn and early spring. Negative SSTAs which represent La Niña (LN) phase correspond to a weakening of the vortex by no more than 20%. The positive PDO phase significantly increases the weakening of iSPV during El Niño events, while the negative phase of the PDO decreases the effect of CEN. The LN effect is weakened by both PDO phases. An analysis of the large-scale pressure field structure in the middle troposphere showed that CEN leads to increased PNA pattern, and during LN, the spatial structure of pressure anomalies corresponds to an increase in the AO. In contrast to some recent studies, it is shown that the pressure field response in the middle troposphere to ENM is similar to the response to CEN. This study proposes the mechanisms for the formation of these observed anomalies.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR327
AS39 - Models, in Situ, and Remote Sensing of Aerosols (MIRA)

Session Chair(s): Sang-Woo KIM, Seoul National University, Greg SCHUSTER, NASA Langley Research Center

AS39-A008 | Invited
Models, in Situ, and Remote Sensing of Aerosols (MIRA) International Working Group

Charles TREPTE1#+, Sang-Woo KIM2, Greg SCHUSTER1, Oleg DUBOVIK3, Mian CHIN4, Maria Obmininda CAMBALIZA5
1NASA Langley Research Center, 2Seoul National University, 3University of Lille, 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 5Ateneo de Manila University and Manila Observatory

There is a natural partitioning of scientific interest amongst three focus areas of aerosol research: modeling, in situ measurements, and remote sensing observations. The community benefits when these groups interact, with overall benefits towards advancing our understanding of climate, weather, and air quality. To this end, MIRA seeks to foster international collaborations across disciplines and regional boundaries and offers a complementary association with established international working groups. Within the present framework, MIRA has identified four initial focus areas, with opportunities to add more by the working group. One effort advances knowledge of the aerosol lidar ratio for different aerosol compositions and locations to improve backscatter lidar retrievals from satellites and ground-based instruments. Another effort seeks to improve aerosol optical parameters used by climate and radiative transfer models. A third effort focuses on harmonizing aerosol assimilation models with satellite measurement retrievals, and a fourth interest seeks to develop retrievals of aerosol Particulate Matter from remote sensing measurements. The presentation will provide an overview of MIRA and ways for the community to engage.

AS39-A015 | Invited
Toward a Synergistic Use of GEO-LEO Satellite Observations, Atmospheric Measurements, and Models for Air Quality Research and Applications

Mian CHIN1#+, Huisheng BIAN2, Qian TAN3, Tianle YUAN1,2, Hongbin YU1, Gao CHEN4
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 3Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, 4NASA Langley Research Center

In this study, we explore how to use the aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from both low earth orbiting (LEO) and geostationary (GEO) satellites for air quality research and applications. Using results from the atmospheric chemistry and transport model together with measurements from ground-based networks, we will address the following questions:(1) What are key factors modulating the relationship between column aerosol optical depth (AOD) and surface PM2.5 over different spatial and temporal scales, including aerosol vertical distributions, composition/size, and meteorological conditions? (2) What are the most scientifically robust and logistically feasible ways to convert satellite observations of aerosols to surface PM2.5 for air quality applications? We will use the simulation of AOD and PM2.5 from the NASA GEOS/GOCART model and the meteorological fields from the MERRA-2 reanalysis to analyze the relationship between AOD and PM2.5 on different time scales and in different aerosol regimes/environment to identify the most important factors that should be included in converting column AOD to surface PM2.5. We will test these parameters with observations from co-located AOD and PM2.5 measurements to verify the results. At the end, we will recommend the practical use of the GEO-LEO satellite data for air quality study.

AS39-A016 | Invited
A Fractionation of Asian Dust and Locally Generated Dust Layers in Japan Using Depolarization Ratio Obtained by AD-net Lidars

Atsushi SHIMIZU#+, Tomoaki NISHIZAWA, Yoshitaka JIN, Nobuo SUGIMOTO
National Institute for Environmental Studies

An elastic backscatter lidar is a relatively simple, but robust equipment which can measure the vertical distribution of aerosols. Especially the depolarization ratio, a measure of non-sphericity of scatterers, is useful to identify the existence of mineral dust particles. The Asian dust and aerosol lidar observation network (AD-Net) is dedicated to the continuous monitoring of both of anthropogenic and natural particles in the East Asia region. Although AD-Net supplies dust extinction coefficient, both of long-range transported Asian dust and locally generated dust are treated in same manner without differentiation. In this study a method to fractionate them separately is proposed.
In spring season wider area in Japan receives long-range transported Asian dust which is originally generated in inner Eurasian continent and transported eastward. Also, wind-blown local dust are generated in Kanto area (around Tokyo metropolitan) of Japan in early spring. To compare the optical properties of these two kinds of dust, February 2017 and May 2017 were selected as typical months for Asian dust and local dust, respectively. The frequency distribution of depolarizaiton ratio at 532 nm for dust layer detected by AD-Net lidar in Tsukuba showed a clear difference in two months, and 40% of the particulate depolarization ratio was identified as the threshold.
Statistical analysis of depolarization ratio during February and May at four AD-Net stations indicated that the local dust was dominant in February and March at Tsukuba, and in other months/places the Asian dust was dominant. Lower depolarizaiton ratio found in Nagasaki (western Japan) suggests an external mixture of Asian dust and anthropogenic (spherical) particles which were also transported from Eurasian continent.

AS39-A018 | Invited
Long-term Monitoring of Aerosol Optical Properties by Sky Radiometer

Kazuma AOKI1#+, Masahiro MOMOI2, Toshihiko TAKEMURA3
1University of Toyama, 2Generalized Retrieval of Atmosphere and Surface Properties, 3Kyushu University

We investigated the long-term monitoring of aerosol and cloud optical properties at ground-based and maritime measurements since 1990's by using the Sky radiometer (POM-01, 02: PREDE Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.). Our objectives were to understand the effect on climate change, and the other was to validate satellite (e.g., GCOM-C/SGLI, JAXA) and numerical models (e.g., SPRINTRAS). Solar radiation measurements have been employed for aerosol optical properties (Aerosol optical thickness and Single scattering albedo at each wavelength, Ångström exponent, etc.), size distribution of volume and so on. These data have revealed various events (anthropogenic and/or natural aerosols), seasonal and long-term trends. However, there are still some things to consider in different observation environments and different climatic conditions, such as changes in some parameters (surface albedo and atmospheric conditions), which are also related to spatial and temporal representation. Based on the validation of satellite and numerical model, we are conducting different research (atmosphere, Ocean, Cryosphere, Land) to proposals for next validation and analysis, focusing on the wavelength dependence of optical properties. We provide the possibility to the comparison of remote sensing and model, in this presentation, on the aerosol optical properties measurements with temporal and spatial variability in the long-term record.

Optical Properties of Boundary Layer Aerosols from High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements in a Polluted Urban Environment (Seoul, Korea)

Soojin PARK1#+, Sang-Woo KIM1, Man-Hae KIM1, Robert HOLZ2, Ralph KUEHN2
1Seoul National University, 2University of Wisconsin

The vertical distribution of aerosols and its evolution over time is important for accurately simulating near-surface air quality since the chemical and transport processes of aerosols vary by altitude. Understanding the optical properties of aerosols by altitude is also important when accounting for aerosol radiative and climate effects. We investigated the temporal variation of aerosol optical properties in Seoul, Korea, using 2-year (2016–2018) High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) measurements. The HSRL offers accurate AOD measurements without the need for a predefined lidar ratio due to its capability to separately measure backscattered signals by molecules and particles. Continuous measurements of aerosol extinction coefficient from the HSRL were used to investigate the diurnal variation of AOD. Nighttime AOD displayed a larger mean and standard deviation (0.45 ± 0.46) than daytime (0.40 ± 0.31). Hygroscopic growth of aerosols under humid conditions was a key factor in the relative enhancement of nighttime AOD. Taking advantage of the HSRL’s vertically-resolved measurements, the contribution of aerosols within the boundary layer (BL) and the free troposphere (FT) to AOD were investigated. Unlike the diurnal AOD variation, AOD within the BL (AODBL) showed similar diurnal variations with the mixing layer height (MLH), displaying lower nighttime values with a peak around 14–15 local standard time. Using HSRL and surface PM10 measurements, the mass extinction efficiency (MEE) of aerosols in Seoul was estimated. The PM10 MEE showed a mean of 5.40 g m-2 and displayed significant variability by PM2.5 to PM10 ratio, season, and ambient relative humidity (RH). The uncertainty of estimated surface PM10 concentrations was minimized when the seasonality and humidity factor in MEE were considered. We additionally investigated the lidar ratio values dependent on aerosol type using HSRL measurements that can be used to improve aerosol extinction coefficient retrievals from elastic lidar measurements.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR323
AS42 - Weather Radar Networks And Their Applications For High-Impact Weather Observations and Warnings

Session Chair(s): Ben Jong-Dao JOU, National Taiwan University, Taro SHINODA, Nagoya University

Airborne Phased Array Radar (APAR): The Next Generation of Airborne Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar

Everette JOSEPH1, Wen-Chau LEE2#+, Scott MCINTOSH1, Krista LAURSEN1, Angela RICHARDSON1
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

This paper presents a configuration of a novel, airborne phased array radar (APAR) motivated by major advances in cellular technology, component miniaturization, and radar antenna simulation software. This has paved the way for a next-generation radar being designed by NCAR/EOL to be installed on the NSF/NCAR C-130 aircraft. The APAR system will consist of four removable C-band active electronically scanned arrays (AESA) strategically placed on the fuselage of the aircraft. Each AESA measures approximately 1.5 x 1.5 m and is composed of 2368 active radiating elements arranged in a total of 37 line replaceable units (LRU). Each LRU is composed of 64 radiating elements that are the building block of the APAR system. Polarimetric measurements are not available from current airborne tail Doppler radars. However, APAR, with dual-Doppler and dual polarization diversity at a lesser attenuating C-band wavelength, will further advance the understanding of the microphysical processes within a variety of precipitation systems. Such unprecedented observations, in conjunction with the advanced radar data assimilation schema, will be able to address the key science questions to improve understanding and predictability of significant weather.A Mid-scale Research Infrastructure proposal is submitted to the National Science Foundation to request the implementation cost. The development is expected to take ~5 years after the funding is in place. It adopts a phased approach as an active risk assessment and mitigation strategy. At the present time, both the National Science Foundation and the NOAA are funding the APAR project for risk reduction activities. The APAR Team is actively seeking partners in industry and in the university community. An APAR science and engineering advisory panel has been organized. The authors will review the overall design and current progress of APAR and outline ambitious future development work needed to bring this exceptional tool into full operation.

The Airborne Phased Array Radar (APAR) Observing Simulator (AOS)

Wen-Chau LEE1#+, Bradley KLOTZ2, Jothiram VIVEKANANDAN2
1University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research

Development of new observing systems is critical for the advancement of scientific understanding of weather phenomena. These instruments establish a proving ground for future operational transition while also providing tools for the research community. One of the issues with developing new instrumentation is the unknown performance characteristics of the instrument and the subsequent unknowns in uncertainty in measurements. Given the technological advancements that have occurred recently, the creation of end-to-end observing system simulators provides an opportunity to investigate the observing capabilities and limitations of instruments and reduce some of the risks associated with the performance of instrument development. This work aims to describe such a scenario for the Airborne Phased Array Radar (APAR). The APAR Observing Simulator (AOS) was developed to understand APAR's measurement capabilities for high-impact weather events. Using Cloud Model 1 (CM1) and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model output to provide various storms of interest and their surrounding environments, simulated NCAR C-130 flights are operated within the model space. Radar moments are determined using the Cloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator (CR-SIM). The output can be examined directly or passed through additional tools to analyze various aspects of the data collected during each flight. This current work is the first of a two-part paper, where the first part describes the prototype version of AOS, including its design and functionality along with some initial APAR performance metrics related to a 3-D wind analysis. The second paper will focus on a more detailed analysis of the 3-D winds and dual-polarization products to showcase the usefulness of the AOS for generating reliable scientific products. The contents herein are presented in such a way as to provide insight into simulating APAR and to present a methodology for future simulation of radar observations.

Explainable AI for Polarimetric Radar Rainfall Mapping

Haonan CHEN#+
Colorado State University

Polarimetric radar-based rainfall estimates are typically derived through empirical parametric relations obtained from nonlinear regression between measured rain rates and simulated radar observables from disdrometer data. The performance of such empirical relations is highly dependent on the sample size and representativeness of the measured raindrop size distribution, which vary in different precipitation regimes or even within a single storm system. Even if one can eliminate all the random errors associated with polarimetric radar measurements, the parameterization error inherent in the empirical relations used to estimate rainfall rate from polarimetric radar measurements is hard to reduce. In addition, it is difficult to estimate surface rain rates with the radar measurements aloft, especially during the precipitation events characterized by varying precipitation microphysics with height. Recent studies have shown that artificial intelligence (AI) is effective in reducing these parameterization errors and improving the accuracy of radar-based precipitation estimation. However, it is challenging to train a deep learning AI model that is applicable to a variety of locations or precipitation regimes. Often, local rain gauge data would be required to retrain the model developed in a domain with different precipitation characteristics. To this end, this research uses a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) as benchmark to design a transfer learning framework to incorporate the knowledge learned at one location to the other locations which feature different precipitation characteristics. Saliency maps are used to interpret the underlying model physics and quantify the impacts of input features on the performance of precipitation estimation. Extensive experiments are performed to explain the transfer learning model by investigating the saliency maps on the activation of a specific neuron and different groups of neurons. The results demonstrate that this explainable machine learning framework can significantly improve precipitation estimation accuracy compared to conventional fixed-parameter rainfall algorithms.

Variation Characteristics of Radar Parameters Based on Three X-band Dual-polarization Phased Array Radars During Hail Suppression Experiment in Southwestern China

Hui WANG#+
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

In order to study the effect mechanism of hail suppression by artillery, the national hail suppression experiment is jointly organized by the Weather Modification Center of the China Meteorological Administration and the Guizhou Meteorological Bureau in July to September 2021 and 2022. The experiment region is located in Weining country, Bijie City, Guizhou province, which belongs to Wumeng Mountains of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwestern China, where the hailstorms occur frequently in summer. Three X-band dual-polarization phased array radars distributed as approximate equilateral triangle with no more than 20 km distances are used to obtain the variation of hailstorms during hail suppression by artillery. Some preliminary results on hail cloud characteristics and effect of hail suppression have been achieved as follows. (1)The hail cloud characteristics include that the time from birth to hail fall down is 10-20 minutes, the hail duration is about 2-5 minutes, and the hailstorm size is mainly 5-10 mm. (2) By analyzing the variation of radar parameters of some hail clouds operated by artillery based on high time resolution observations of RHI and fan sweep, it can be all found that the intensity of radar echo suddenly weakens, the top height of strong echo suddenly decreases and the radial wind direction turns in about 1 minute in the explosion region caused by artillery in hail cloud. Such a rapid change in the structure of the hail cloud probably has more to do with the dynamic effect of artillery. It can be seen that the vortex and sinking air flow generated by the explosion based on analyzing the three-dimensional wind field, which is consistent with explosion simulation results on the dynamic effect of explosion by predecessors. These results provide an important observational basis for the mechanism study of hail suppression by artillery.

Application of Polarimetric Variables as Leading Indicators for Heavy Rain with Apparent Rotational Signature

Chi-June JUNG+, Ben Jong-Dao JOU#
National Taiwan University

The appearance of extreme volumes of differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase (KDP) above the environmental 0 °C level was proposed to be a leading indicator of heavy rain on the ground (Jung and Jou, 2023). Its applicability was explored in several summer severe rain events in the Taipei Basin (Jung and Jou, 2022), and the results showed that the integrated amount of ZDR and KDP from 1 to 3 kilometers above the ground has a better correlation with surface rainfall and the lead time is about 10 minutes. If the variation of KDP above the melting layer is considered, the lead time can be extended to 20 minutes. However, the polarimetric variables did not correlate with rainfall for some analyzed events, including typhoons and local eddies on the terrain. This study presents the possibilities of the abovementioned situation, including weak convection and cyclonic circulation in these rainstorm systems. The improved leading indicator using polarimetric radar for heavy rain with apparent rotational signature is under investigation. Reference: Jung, C.-J. and B. J.-D. Jou, 2022: Application of Polarimetric Variables as Leading Indicators for Severe Rainfall [Poster presentation]. 30th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Santa Fe, NM, United States. Jung, C.-J. and B. J.-D. Jou, 2023: Bulk microphysical characteristics of a heavy rain complex thunderstorm system in the Taipei Basin. Mon. Wea. Rev., accepted.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR332
AS36 - Regional Climate Downscaling and Cordex: Challenges and Prospects

Session Chair(s):

AS36-A003 | Invited
Bias Correction of Temperature and Precipitation Over China for RCM Simulations Using the QM and QDM Methods

Xuejie GAO1#+, Yao TONG1, Zhenyu HAN2, Filippo GIORGI3
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2China Meteorological Administration, 3The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Two different bias correction methods, the quantile mapping (QM) and quantile delta mapping (QDM), are applied to simulated daily temperature and precipitation over China from a set of 21st century regional climate model (the ICTP RegCM4) projections. The RegCM4 is driven by 5 different general circulation models (GCMs) under the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 at a grid spacing of 25 km using the CORDEX East Asia domain. The focus is on mean temperature and precipitation in December-January-February (DJF) and June-July-August (JJA). The impacts of the two methods on the present day biases and future change signals are investigated. Results show that both the QM and QDM methods are effective in removing the systematic model biases during the validation period. For the future changes, the QDM preserves the temperature change signals well, in both magnitude and spatial distribution, while the QM artificially modifies the change signal by decreasing the warming and modifying the patterns of change. For precipitation, both methods preserve the change signals well but they produce greater magnitude of the projected increase, especially the QDM. We also show that the effects of bias correction are variable- and season-dependent. Our results show that different bias correction methods can affect in different way the simulated change signals, and therefore care has to be taken in carrying out the bias correction process.

Correcting Multivariate Bias in RCM Boundary Conditions for Improved Simulation of Extremes

Youngil KIM1#+, Jason EVANS1, Ashish SHARMA2
1University of New South Wales, 2UNSW Sydney

The Accuracy of hydro-climatological simulations at fine resolution is essential for assessing changes in extreme events. Regional climate models (RCMs) forced with global climate models (GCMs) data are commonly used to provide regional-scale output. However, their application is hindered by the inherent systematic biases in input boundary conditions, which can be amplified further within the RCM domain. Although recent studies have employed univariate bias corrections on the RCM boundary conditions to reduce the bias, the increasing complexity of these techniques can be limited in simulating extreme events due to a lack of consideration with regard to the physical relationships between the atmospheric variables. Hence, this study evaluates the multivariate bias correction of the RCM boundary conditions on extreme events. The results are compared to RCMs with three univariate bias-corrected boundary conditions, which have been widely used in previous studies. For RCM, the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) with dynamical core (ARW), version 4.2.1, was used. ERA5 reanalysis of the global climate from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) was also used as a reference for bias correction. The downscaling was performed over the Australasian Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) domain. To evaluate the impact of bias correction, two quantitative measures were used: mean absolute errors (MAE) and bias. It is clear from the results that RCM with multivariate bias-corrected boundary conditions represents a generally better simulation of extremes when compared to RCMs with univariate bias-corrected boundary conditions in reducing MAE and bias in the RCM outputs. In contrast, the RCM with uncorrected boundary conditions produces a considerable bias, showing different wet- and dry biases in the tropics.

Reproducibility Evaluation on High-resolution Downscaled Climate Data Estimated by IGISRM

Chansung OH1+, Jaeyong CHOI2, Jaepil CHO1#
1Integrated Watershed Management Institute, 2Chungnam National University

The main purpose of this study is to prepare countermeasures that can reduce the damage caused by the forest-related disasters. To achieve these objectives, ERA5 reanalysis data are first collected, and high-resolution gridded data (100m interval) are produced using the statistical downscaling scheme model of IGISRM (Improved GIS-based Regression Model). The produced data are projected through a series of daily-based bias correction using the ASOS (Automated Surface Observing System), and then a series of reproducibility evaluations has performed using the AWS (Automated Weather Station) and on-site PT (precise temperature) 9 monitoring data. The results of the reproducibility evaluation using AWS data show that the precipitation have a low reproducibility as it shows a tendency to underestimate the observed temporal fluctuations and rainfall amounts. However, The Correlation Coefficients and scatter plot of Slope of maximum and minimum temperature are close to 1 with an NRMSE near 0, showing the excellent estimation performance of the produced high-resolution gridded climate data. On the other hand, the evaluation results using temperature monitoring data show that the statistical efficiency of min. temperature was somewhat less compared to that of max. temperature even though it has a value under 0.5 of NRMSE. In addition, according to the comparison of temperature between the points and downscaled gridded points during the measurement period (May 2021 ~ April 2022), the max. temperature is slightly underestimated overall, while the min. temperature shows overestimated compared to the actual measured value in the winter season (after November) when the temperature drops sharply.

Improvement of a 1-month Prediction in South Korea Using Dynamical Downscaling and a Time-lagged Ensemble Method

Subin HA1+, Eun-Soon IM1#, Jina HUR2, Sera JO2, Kyo-Moon SHIM2
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2National Institute of Agricultural Sciences

Dynamical downscaling has been well recognized as a useful tool to improve simulations of global climate models (GCMs) by better resolving geographical details and fine-scale climate processes. Meanwhile, a time-lagged ensemble is a common approach to improve forecasts, providing a range of possible future meteorological conditions and reflecting the uncertainty arising from a single deterministic forecast. In this regard, this study aims to construct an optimal time-lagged ensemble with an adequate number of members for 1-month prediction in South Korea using NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) operational forecasts initialized at different times. Systematically selected members that can represent the ensemble spread are then downscaled using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system customized over Korea. Various quantitative metrics are used to compare the performance of between deterministic and ensemble predictions derived from CFSv2 and WRF-based downscaling products. The results of this comparative assessment can illustrate the effectiveness of dynamical downscaling and a time-lagged ensemble when it comes to improving prediction accuracy. More accurate and reliable meteorological information in advance of up to a month is expected to have significant implications for impact sectors such as agricultural practices. [Acknowledgments] This study was carried out with the support of “Research Program for Agricultural Science & Technology Development (Project No. PJ014882)”, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration, Republic of Korea.

A Study on the Synoptic and Mesoscale Changes of Upward motion Affecting Future Precipitation Changes on the Korean Peninsula

Tae-Min KIM#+, Eun-Chul CHANG, Namgu YEO, Jaedeok LEE, Ui-Yong BYUN, Joowan KIM
Kongju National University

According to the IPCC AR6, global temperature and precipitation increase under global warming caused by the release of greenhouse gases. In particular, gradual increase of precipitation over East Asia is expected in the future climate change scenarios. For rainfall formation, water vapor condensation which induced by adiabatic cooling with vertical updraft is required. Therefore, examining the change of vertical motion is necessary to analyze precipitation change in future climate. This study investigates the downscaled regional climate change information from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) East Asia (EA) to figure out changes in summer precipitation over the Korean Peninsula. The Global/Regional Integrated Model system (GRIMs) Regional Model Program (RMP) is used for the dynamical downscaling of global climate model output from coupled model intercomparison project phase 6 (CMIP6) in shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenarios. In the extreme warming scenarios, more increased EA summer precipitation is simulated compared to the current climate. Through spatial filtering, vertical motion is separated into mesoscale and synoptic scales. Three forcing terms (i.e., the vorticity advection, the temperature advection, and the diabatic heating) for the quasi-geostrophic omega equation are analyzed to explain contributions to the synoptic-scale vertical motion. In both mesoscale and synoptic-scale, vertical movement increased in areas where precipitation increased. In the synoptic scale, the contribution of the diabatic heating term on vertical motion is the largest and in the order of vorticity advection forcing and temperature advection forcing. This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-00410. And the main calculations in this study were performed using supercomputing resources provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (National Center for Meteorological Supercomputing).

A Study on Global Warming Impact on Extreme East Asian Summer Monsoon in 2020 Using Regional Climate Model

Tae Ho MUN#+, Dong-Hyun CHA
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) recorded extremely high precipitation in 2020, causing enormous human and property damage to Korea, China, and Japan. Therefore, understanding the factors which influence in the variability of the EASM and investigating the potential causes of the extreme 2020 EASM event is important. This study analyzed the effects of global warming on synoptic-scale circulation, which is the cause of the extraordinary EASM in 2020, using regional climate model experiments. The control experiment simulated precipitation patterns such as those of the EASM and the Western North Pacific summer monsoon during summer reasonably. In sea surface temperature (SST) sensitivity experiments, which added or subtracted the trend of increasing SST due to global warming, a positive correlation was confirmed between SST and precipitation change in the tropics. In contrast, the EASM region showed a negative correlation, and its magnitude was smaller than that of the tropics. The pattern of increasing SST due to global warming provided sufficient moisture to the tropical region and strengthened the convection. This increased the SST gradient between the Indian Ocean and Northwest Pacific, causing westerly wind anomalies and resulting in strong convection activity in the South China Sea. This mechanism refers to strengthening the local Hadley cell, thereby dynamically inhibiting convection in East Asia, and vice versa. Through this study, it is possible to investigate the changes in synoptic fields and the regional effects of increased SST due to global warming that can affect the East Asian summer monsoon.

Simulation of Extreme Hydrometeorological Events Over Southern China by a Regional Climate Model

Michael SANDERSON1#, Kalli FURTADO2+, Nicholas SAVAGE1, Grace REDMOND1, Erasmo BUONOMO1
1Met Office, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore

China has experienced rapid urbanization over the past few decades, especially in the Pearl River delta located in Guangdong province in the south of China. This has placed significant strains on water and energy resources, particular in the wake of climate extremes. For example, in 2022 a severe heat wave affected this region, meaning energy production was reduced whilst energy demand soared. Evaluating the ability of climate models to predict such regional hydrometeorological extremes is therefore a pressing concern. Currently, however, it is unclear whether current models are adequate for such a purpose, or that their predictions can support better services or decisions in the region. Here, we evaluate a regional climate model (RCM) simulation over Guangdong province, focusing on simulations of heat waves and droughts.
The RCM was executed with a horizontal resolution of 12 km using a domain that included all of China and the nearby ocean. RCM data for Guangdong province were compared with a gridded dataset (CN05.1) containing daily values of temperature and precipitation. Heat waves were studied using daily maximum temperatures averaged over Guangdong province. In both the modelled and observed data, heat waves have appeared earlier and later in the year from 1975 to 2010. The modelled heat wave durations were similar to those observed, although the model did not capture the positive trends in numbers and lengths of heat waves.
Droughts were studied by applying run theory to monthly precipitation anomalies from the observations and RCM. The numbers and durations of droughts were similar in the modelled and observed data, although the RCM did not capture the observed spatial pattern in durations. The intensities (related to the rainfall deficits) were also similar. Overall, the RCM has some skill in simulating climate extremes over Guangdong province.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR330
AS59 - Mesoscale Meteorology and High-impact Weather

Session Chair(s): Yipeng HUANG, Xiamen Meteorological Bureau

AS59-A005 | Invited
Processes of Colliding Cold Pools Derived from a 356-m High Shenzhen Met-Tower During an Extremely Heavy Rainfall Event

Yu DU#+, Chuying MAI
Sun Yat-sen University

Convectively generated cold pools are key for convection initiation and development, but observations of their vertical structure are insufficient. In this study, quantitative vertical evolutions of cold pools during a high-impact heavy rainfall event near the south coast of China were examined using observations on a 356-m high Shenzhen Met-Tower, and their possible impacts on heavy rainfall were further discussed with high-resolution surface station network and radar observations. On 11 April 2019, precipitation was enhanced near metropolitan Shenzhen and lasted for 50 min at its southern downtown, resulting in 11 deaths. During this event, a shallow cold pool was first observed by the tower and yielded a long-lasting cooling of 2.6 K. Approximately one hour later, another deeper cold pool accompanied by a squall line was added from the west. This addition led to a more abrupt and intense surface temperature deficit (-5.1 K) and stronger gusty winds (23 m/s). When the two cold pools collided near Shenzhen, the low-level winds converged at their intersection, dynamically enhancing the heavy-rain-producing squall line. Furthermore, the collision of the two cold pools decreased the temperature gradient at the northern edge of the merged cold pool, which could inhibit development of the squall line. The area south of the squall line became a relatively preferred environment for triggering convection under the warm and moist oceanic environment. Consequently, the squall line turned northeast‒southwest and formed a training line mode in which the orientation was almost parallel to the eastward movement. The training line mode prolonged the precipitation duration in the southern downtown area.

AS59-A020 | Invited
Characteristics of Different Intensity Hourly Heavy Rainfall Events and Forecasting Indices Thresholds in Beijing Metropolitan Region of 2010-2019

Lei LEI1#+, Yanyan KANG2, Nan XING3, Jisong SUN4, Mingxuan CHEN4, Xuan ZHOU2, Yuanyuan WANG2
1Beijing Weather Forecast Center, Beijing Meteorological Service, 2Beijing Weather Forecast Center, 3Beijing Meteorological Service, 4China Meteorological Administration

Using the AWS data 2010-2019, the Hourly Heavy Rainfall events (HHR) over Beijing metropolitan region was divided into four levels: 20~40, 40~60, 60~80 mm/h and more than 80 mm/h. The statistical spatiotemporal characteristics and the key thermal dynamical and vaporous forecasting indices thresholds was extracted. The results showed: (1) The distribution of different levels HHR was slightly different, the common high frequency (HF) areas were located in the northeast, the western of the central urban city, and the southwest area nearby the plain. In addition to these three HF areas, 40~60 mm/h HHR also occurs more frequently in the southeast plain. Since 2015, the distribution has changed, the extreme HHR (above 60mm/h) near the Miyun Reservoir and the eastern urban area have shown an increasing trend. (2) There are three main synoptic patterns (SP) of extreme HHR: the westerly trough (WT) pattern, Mongolia low vortex (MV) pattern, and northeast low vortex (or northwest flow)pattern. The WT and MV patterns have more occurrences of HHR. When the northwest Pacific subtropical high was coupled with the WT pattern, 86% of the HHR exceeded 80mm/h. In the MV pattern, HHR is generally 60~80 mm/h. (3) The analysis of environmental forecasting indices have shown that most are not of significance for HHR intensity forecasting if the SP is not distinguished. Only the 850~925hPa wind speed (W), 2 meters dew point (2m-td) and specific humidity (q) have significance. Studying the indices thresholds under different SP make more sense. The CA pattern is the most different from other pattern with the indices thresholds, and the key indices under this pattern is mainly the stability of the layer. The WT pattern is with stronger thermal dynamical and moisture conditions.

The Influence of Land–sea Contrast and Topography on the Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in the Bay of Bengal

Zijian CHEN+, Yu DU#
Sun Yat-sen University

An offshore propagating diurnal signal of rainfall is observed from the eastern coast of India to the eastern Bay of Bengal from satellite data. A series of numerical model experiments reveal that this is closely related to the diurnal land-sea thermal contrast between India and the Bay of Bengal. The experiments show that the inertia-gravity waves driven by the land-sea thermal contrast play a significant role in the initiation and offshore propagation of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) in the bay, and their phase speed well match the propagation speed of rainfall. The offshore propagating signal remains even after removing the topography in India or turning off latent heating from MCSs over the land of India. This implies that terrain and latent heating have secondary but not dominant effects on the offshore propagation of rainfall. The diurnal boundary layer heating depth is modulated by topography and diurnal MCS’s latent heating over land areas, and thus affect the amplitude, phase and speed of the inertia-gravity waves. Higher mountains or stronger latent heating in convection over land result in stronger and faster propagating gravity waves, leading to faster rainfall propagation.

Prediction Skill of WRF Cycling 3DVAR on Summer Extreme Rainfall Events in Thailand: A Case Study in Chi and Mun Basins During a Tropical Storm Event

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

Initial conditions are factors that affect short-term weather forecast, which is useful for planning daily activities and making short-term decisions. Fundamentally, blending observations from various sources with a numerical weather model can produce a more accurate depiction of the initial atmospheric state, which could allow a more accurate forecast to be generated. This study was conducted to quantify the impacts of data assimilation on heavy rainfall prediction in Thailand using a three-dimension variation of the WRFDA-3DVAR. In this case, 24-hr model integration was employed with the finest horizontal resolution of 3-km grid spacing for two heavy rainfall events occurring in Chi and Mun basins, which were regularly affected by tropical cyclones during summer season. Three assimilation experiments with different data sources were conducted consisting of (1) Global Weather Surface (GWS), (2) Automatic Weather Data (AWD) from the National Hydroinformatics Data Center (NHC), Thailand, and (3) the combination of GWS and AWD. As a basis of comparison, 3-hr accumulated rainfall forecasts were computed considering three different types of rainfall intensity (i.e., 1 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm) and compared with in-situ observations. Overall, the model yielded higher skill in predicting the 3-hr accumulated rain intensity in all categories compared to without data assimilation. Obviously, the better improvement of the model was seen for the accumulated rainfall of the 5-mm category over 15 hours lead time with the highest fraction skill score of about 0.65 when both GWS and AWD were integrated into the model. The study suggested a potential of implementing the WRF cycling 3DVAR and the use of the NHC’s AWD combined with GWS to reduce errors in the initial conditions used by the model, which can improve the accuracy of the short-term weather forecast in Thailand, particularly during the high-impact weather situations.

Convection Initiation During the Meiyu Environment in the Yangtze-Huai River Basin of China

Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

Convection is the main contributor to heavy rainfall over China’s Yangtze-Huai River Basin (YHRB) during Meiyu season; however, the mechanisms of convection initiation (CI) associated with the Meiyu front are still not well understood. In this study, a large set of 86,099 CI events, identified from composite reflectivity data in YHRB over six Meiyu seasons, were used to investigate the characteristics of the spatiotemporal distribution of CI in YHRB. The result showed that the overwhelming majority of CI events (~90%) occurred in the region of existing stratiform clouds. Meanwhile, CI tended to concentrate in mountainous areas and exhibit two triggering modes. By relating the CI events with an objective analysis of ERA5 reanalysis data, it was also revealed that the characteristics of CI occurrence varied with patterns of Meiyu circulation and their interactions with local topography, and the warm air advection pattern dominated the Meiyu CI. We further illustrated that the CI on plains occurred with a morning peak corresponding to environments of high 0-3 km shear (SHR3) and low MUCAPE (most unstable convective available potential energy), while the CI near or over mountains had an afternoon peak corresponding to low SHR3 and high MUCAPE environments.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR329
AS44 - Atmospheric Nitrogen-containing Organic Compounds: Sources, Processes, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Hwajin KIM, Seoul National University, Tzung-May FU, Southern University of Science and Technology, Qi CHEN, Peking University

Organic Nitrates and Their Contribution to Secondary Aerosol Formation Over China’s Megacites

Wei NIE#+, Chao YAN, Yuliang LIU, Aijun DING
Nanjing University

Organic nitrates (ONs) are potentially important contributors to secondary aerosol formation, especially those with low volatility. However, the direct measurement of the gaseous condensable ONs poses a great challenge due to their diversity and low concentration. Here we present coordinated measurements of gaseous ONs in the urbanized regions of China and determine their likely precursors, enabling us to connect them to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. We found ONs dominated the organic condensable vapors and contributed significantly to the SOA formation over China’s megacities. In particular, ONs accounted for more than 80% of the observed organic condensable vapors, which originated from the oxidation of the aliphatics (most likely dominated by alkanes). The reaction of peroxy radicals (RO2) with NO controlled the daytime formation of ONs, while the oxidation of alkenes (e.g., isoprene and monoterpenes) by NO3 plays a non-negligible role during the night.

Molecular Characteristics and Formation Pathways of Particulate Organic Nitrates During Winter and Summer in Urban Beijing

Yan ZHENG1+, Qi CHEN1#, Yanli GE1, Xi CHENG1, Theodore K. KOENIG2, Gaoyuan WEI1, Xiaodi SHI1, Zhen CHENG1, Xinghua QIU1, Shiyi CHEN1
1Peking University, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Particulate organic nitrates (ONs) can account for a major mass fraction of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in urban environments with large emissions of organic precursors and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Limited by current measuring techniques, molecular characteristics and formation pathways of ONs have still remained less investigated. In this study, we obtained the molecular compositions and sources of SOA during winter and summer in urban Beijing based on online and offline measurements by high-mass-resolution mass spectrometry, including a long time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (LTOF-AMS) and an iodide-adduct time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer (I--TOF-CIMS) coupled with a filter inlet for gases and aerosols (FIGAERO). We found that aqueous processing plausibly played an important role in forming multifunctional organic nitrates during strong humid haze in winter, which contributed to a major mass fraction of enhanced SOA. Oxidation of monoterpenes by NO3 radicals was the major formation pathway of particulate organic nitrates in summer. High NOx concentrations during daytime might hinder the gas-to-particle partitioning of organic nitrates in urban environments. Compared to winter, oxidation products of biogenic organic precursors (i.e., monoterpenes and isoprene) accounted for a larger mass fraction of particulate ONs in summer, while the oxidation of long-chain alkanes and alkenes contributed less. Aromatics are important precursors of ONs in both winter and summer. Our results highlight the complexity of reducing nitrogen oxides and nitrate for SOA reduction in the future.

Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Organic Nitrogen Aerosols at a Suburban Site in Hong Kong

Jinjian LI1+, Xu YU2, Shan WANG2, Yuk Ying CHENG2, Hanzhe CHEN2, Jianzhen YU2#
1Guangzhou HKUST Fok Ying Tung Research Institute, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Organic nitrogen (ON) compounds constitute an important fraction of atmospheric nitrogenous aerosols. They are relevant to ecosystem evolution, secondary aerosol formation, and biotoxicity. Due to the absence of a direct analytical method for bulk aerosol ON quantification, our understanding regarding the sources, formation pathways of ON remains largely qualitative, let alone the assessment of the environmental and health impacts. In this study, we applied the first online instrumental method for simultaneous determination of bulk aerosol inorganic nitrogen (IN) and ON to quantify the atmospheric abundances of nitrogenous aerosols at a suburban site in Hong Kong in the winter of 2020–2021. The ON measurements, together with a suite of molecular and elemental aerosol source markers, were used for source apportionment analysis through positive matrix factorization receptor modeling. At our site, primary sources such as biomass burning and soil dust contributed significantly to bulk aerosol ON (19.3% and 12.5%, respectively). Secondary processes, including α-pinene-related SOA formation (22.5%) and secondary sulfate and nitrate formation processes (20.8%), also played important roles in ON production. Furthermore, the bihourly time resolution of the ON measurement allows capturing the rapid changes of nitrogenous aerosol concentrations and investigating the diurnal-scale dynamics of ON sources. For example, the ON/TN ratio generally increased with ambient relative humidity and temperature, likely a result of that these meteorological factors mediate aqueous-phase formation of secondary ON and the gas-particle partitioning of IN. Additionally, nighttime ON showed a notable increase under high NOx levels, indicating the importance of NO3 radical chemistry in secondary ON formation. This work presents the first source apportionment of bulk aerosol ON and provides measurement-based insights to secondary aerosol ON formation chemistry.

Saturated Nitrogenated Organics Observed in Wintertime Beijing Aerosol

Theodore K. KOENIG1#+, Yanli GE2, Xi CHENG2, Gaoyuan WEI2, Yan ZHENG2, Chong ZHANG2, Zhen CHENG2, Sihua LU2, Limin ZENG2, Chunxiang YE2, Jing SHANG2, Qi CHEN2
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2Peking University

In the course of wintertime measurements Beijing, we have consistently observed the diurnal photochemical production of saturated nitrogenated organics CnH2n+1NO4,5,6 (n = 5 – 10) and monounsaturated nitrogenated organics CnH2n-1NO4,5,6 (n = 5 – 10) in the gas-phase utilizing NO3-- and I--Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS), both separately and simultaneously over several years. Using Oxidation Flow Reactor (OFR) experiments we confirm that the observed signals are consistent with hydroxy- and peroxy- alkyl nitrates produced by OH-initiated oxidation of select alkanes under high NOx conditions and bound the production of the same products from select common unsaturated precursors. Unexpectedly, we further observe these same chemical formulas in the particle phase at highly significant levels using Filter Inlet of Gas and AEROsol (FIGAERO) I--CIMS in parallel to the gas-phase I--CIMS measurements during wintertime haze, which we do not reproduce in OFR experiments. This is particularly notable for the lightest formulas e.g. C5H11NO4, C6H13NO4 which are expected to have high vapor pressures not conducive to condensation to particles and for which plausible alternative chemical structure, especially those amenable to detection by I--CIMS are highly limited. Previous studies have found negligible SOA production from the photochemical processing of light alkanes as well. We use auxiliary measurements, and data analysis methods such as Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to investigate the possible sources and drivers of these signals in the particle phase.

Formation and Photochemical Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosols from NO3 Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds

Hongru SHEN1+, Rongrong WU2, Quanfu HE2, Hui WANG2, Yarê BAKER2, Sören ZORN2, Hendrik FUCHS2, Thomas MENTEL2, Defeng ZHAO1#
1Fudan University, 2Forschungszentrum Jülich

Phenolic compounds containing at least one hydroxyl functional group on the aromatic ring constitute a significant fraction of volatile organic compounds precursors in urban cities, representing a wide range of environmental, climate, and health effects. Daytime OH oxidation and nighttime NO3 oxidation reactions are their main loss pathways. However, compared to OH oxidation, although NO3 reactions demonstrate higher chemical reactivities and potentially higher SOA yields, less is known about SOA formation from NO3 oxidation of phenolic compounds and their roles in next daytime OH oxidation aging. Here, we conducted NO3 oxidation experiments of phenol and o-cresol in SAPHIR-STAR (Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction Chamber-Stirred Atmospheric flow Reactor) and photochemical aging experiments in SAPHIR (Simulation of Atmospheric PHotochemistry In a large Reaction Chamber). In both chamber experiments, an online EESI-ToF-MS (Extractive ElectroSpray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer) was used for direct measurement of SOA composition on near-molecular level. Combining gas measurement using NO3- CI-ToF-MS (Chemical Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer), we showed a full picture of gas-phase products formation, their partitioning to particle phase, and photochemical aging of particle phase products. In contrast to OH oxidation reactions, highly oxygenated organic molecules (O≥6) contribute a small fraction of both gas (<1%) and of particle (<10%) phase products. The main particle-phase products (monomers and accretion products) show different time series during OH oxidation aging process. Overall, our experiments help understand SOA formation and photochemical aging from NO3 oxidation of phenolic compounds and provide fundamental data support for accurate assessment of their roles in urban air quality, climate, and health effects.

Remote Sensing of Trace Gases with Chinese Satellite Instruments

Cheng LIU1#+, Chengxin ZHANG1, Wenjing SU1, Qihou HU2, Haoran LIU3
1University of Science and Technology of China, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3Anhui University

Remote sensing from hyperspectral satellite instruments, such as OMI, TROPOMI and OMPS, can simultaneously obtain the spatio-temporal distribution of several species of trace gases, which has been widely used to study the emissions, regional transport and physical and chemical evolution of trace gases. Nevertheless, there were very few relevant studies using Chinese satellite instruments, because the poor spectral quality makes it extremely difficult to retrieve data from the spectra of the Environmental Trace Gases Monitoring Instrument (EMI), the first Chinese satellite-based ultraviolet–visible spectrometer monitoring air pollutants. In this study, we performed on-orbit wavelength calibration to calculate daily instrumental spectral response functions (ISRFs) and wavelength shifts to diminish the fitting residuals. For the retrieval under the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of EMI, an adaptive iterative retrieval algorithm is set up to select the retrieval setting best with minimum uncertainty. Besides, we used simulated irradiance instead of measured irradiance to obtain the requisite daily solar spectrum for the following retrieval algorithm, because EMI only provides the solar spectrum once every six months. Through these algorithm updates, several trace gases, such as Ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and formaldehyde (HCHO), were retrieved from EMI with comparable accuracy of OMI and TROPOMI. The retrieval results from EMI were used to locate emission sources, evaluate regional transport and trace the change of air quality due to important events, such as COVID-19 pandemic, China International Import Expo and Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules Produced by Photooxidation of Aromatic Compounds Under Various NOx Conditions

Xi CHENG1+, Qi CHEN1#, Yong Jie LI2, Yan ZHENG1, Keren LIAO1
1Peking University, 2University of Macau

Oxidation of aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) leads to the formation of tropospheric ozone and secondary organic aerosol, for which gaseous oxygenated products are important intermediates. In urban environments, NOx are rich and compete with HO2 and RO2 for the termination of RO2 radicals. Despite of recent progresses, the dependence of oxygenated products distribution on NOx conditions (e.g., [NOx]:[VOC] or [NO2]:[NO] ratios) remains largely unclear. We show herein the experimental results of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) produced by the oxidation of six aromatic VOCs, including four monocyclic (benzene, toluene, m-xylene, and, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) and two double-ring (naphthalene and 1-methylnaphthalene) ones in a wide range of NOx conditions, based on the nitrate-adduct time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer. The detected HOMs are categorized into fragmented products, open-shell monomeric products, closed-shell monomeric products, and dimeric products, as well as nitrogen-containing products when NOx is present. Fragmented products are suppressed for more substituted aromatic VOCs, and multi-generation OH oxidation diversifies the hydrogen number in both monomers and dimers, which is more prominent for double-ring aromatic VOCs. Under high-NOx conditions, nitrated phenols are the most abundant nitrogen-containing products. The highly oxygenated nitrogen-containing products, especially products with two nitrogen atoms, become more important as the NOx level increases. With high [NO2]:[NO] ratios of tens to hundreds, further investigations find that these compounds might be peroxyacyl nitrates, which can be formed through the reaction of RC(O)OO with NO2.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Kyung-Ja HA, Pusan National University, Ramesh KRIPALANI, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Renguang WU, Zhejiang University

Monsoon During Past Millennium and Present

Akanksha SHARMA#+, A. P. DIMRI
Jawaharlal Nehru University

In the India, monsoon season is vital to existence it continues to be a seasonal phenomenon and impact society, human existence, civilization. It has been looked from many perspectives and various sculptures like Vedas, sastras and many poets’ explicitly mentioned monsoon. It is a strong subject for multi-dimensional involvement. Over time, it helped humans to settle lives based on agriculture and many civilizations have relied on the monsoon for their survival. In the present study, an attempt has been made to draw connections between Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and its historical development in order to comprehend internal variability and perhaps get insight into ISM's future course. Extensive multi-proxy records from archaeology, ancient literature, settlement patterns, chronology with available palaeoclimate proxies from terrestrial and marine data from the Indian subcontinent and a few nearby regions are used to study evolution of monsoon and its linkage with agriculture and human settlement.

On Interpreting Modern Precipitation-δ18O from South Korea: Implications to Paleoclimate Reconstruction

Nitesh SINHA1#+, Axel TIMMERMANN1, Hyuna KIM2
1Pusan National University, 2IBS Center for Climate Physics

Stable isotopes in precipitation (e.g., δ18Op) act as tracers for rainfall amount, moisture's origins, and transport pathways (Dansgaard, 1964). In turn, underlying climate-isotope correlations lead to the paleoclimate records’ (e.g., speleothem-δ18O) dependency on precipitation isotopes. It has been reported in earlier studies that the southeast Asia precipitation isotope compositions have influence from various air masses (e.g., Araguás-Araguás et al., 1998). The Korean peninsula location is complex in terms of changes in moisture sources on monthly to seasonal timescales. This makes use of the isotopic signatures challenging to understand precipitation variability over the Korean peninsula. Korea is known to be strongly affected by the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) system. However, the Korean speleothem-δ18O records generally do not show local precipitation signals even during severe drought or extreme events (Jo et al., 2010). We investigate the relationship between δ18Op and rainfall using Busan monthly rainwater isotopes (2019-2022) and data from the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) over Korea. We exploit trajectory analysis to track back moisture sources on a monthly scale. We proposed that the moisture source changes, contrary to the local precipitation amount, mainly control δ18Op over the Korean peninsula. In addition, the spatial correlation between rainfall and Korea δ18Op in the isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM1.2) provides further insights into EASM and Korea δ18Op relationship. Our results may help interpret δ18O from speleothems from the Korean peninsula. References: 1. Araguás-Araguás et al, 1998. Stable isotope composition of precipitation over Southeast Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research 103: 28721–28742. 2. Dansgaard W. 1964. Stable isotopes in precipitation. Tellus 16: 436–468. 3. Jo et al., 2010. Rainfall and hydrological controls on speleothem geochemistry during climatic events (droughts and typhoons): An example from Seopdong Cave, Republic of Korea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 295(3–4): 441–450.

The Synergistic Effect of the Summer NAO and Northwest Pacific SST on Extreme Heat Events in the Central–eastern China

Hao WANG1+, Jianping LI1#, Fei ZHENG2
1Ocean University of China, 2Sun Yat-sen University

The synergistic effect of the summer positive North Atlantic Oscillation (pNAO) and positive northwest Pacific (pNWP) sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) on the interannual variability of the extreme heat events in the central–eastern China (CEC) is investigated in this study. The two factors act synergistically in strengthening the extreme heat events in the CEC, and the CEC is likely to experience a hotter summer when both the summer pNAO and pNWP SSTA occur. The two factors influence the extreme heat events in the CEC via a series of atmospheric bridges. The pNWP SSTA increases the strength of pNAO via the eastward propagating Rossby wave from the western Pacific. The enhanced pNAO induces a stronger eastward Rossby wave propagation across the Eurasian continent, and leads to a strong anomalous anticyclone over the CEC. The significantly increased atmosphere thickness increases the air temperature of the layer, and favors the extreme heat events in the CEC. Besides, the anomalous southerlies on the west side of the anomalous anticyclone are also favorable for the increase in air temperature. Furthermore, the pNWP SSTA also has adjacent effect on the atmospheric circulation over the CEC, which could lead to a positive geopotential height anomaly. Therefore, the summer pNAO and pNWP SSTA act synergistically in influencing the atmospheric circulation over the CEC, and thereby significantly increase the extreme heat events in the CEC. Compared with the cooccurrence of the summer pNAO and pNWP SSTA, the magnitude of the extreme heat events decreases greatly when only one factor happens, which highlights the synergistic effect of the two factors.

Detection and Attribution of Changes in the Mean and Peak Near-surface Wind Speed over Various Regions of China

Hairong LI#+, Kaiqiang DENG, Song YANG
Sun Yat-sen University

The variations of wind speed at 10 m (WS10) play a key role in influencing the natural environment and human society, but the differences in WS10 changes between specific regions of China in a warming climate and their associated causes remain unclear. This study evaluates the WS10 changes in seven subregions of China, based on station observations and a method involving the analysis of rotated empirical orthogonal function and hierarchical clustering. The results show that high WS10 is more likely to occur in the northwestern, eastern, and northern regions of China, where the WS10 has experienced rapidly decreasing trends in the recent decades. In contrast, lower WS10 and smaller WS10 trends are observed in the southern and central regions. Moreover, the peak WS10 (above 3 m s-1) exhibits more significant decreasing trends in various regions than the mean WS10 and the peak WS10 becomes less frequent in a warmer climate. This study further investigates the effects of land use and cover change (LUCC) on the WS10 in different regions by comparing observation and the ERA5 reanalysis, since the ERA5 reanalysis data does not incorporate surface roughness information into its data assimilation system. It is revealed that the impact of LUCC on the mean WS10 exhibits an east-west dipole pattern, with decreased mean WS10 in most areas east of 105°E but increased WS10 in the western regions. In addition, the LUCC could also have contributed to a large decreasing trend in the peak WS10 over most of China, with a particularly significant reduction of -6.8% decade1 in eastern China. This study improves our understanding of the changes in the mean and peak WS10 across China as well as their causes.

Insights Into Monsoonal Orographic Rainfall in the Eastern Himalayas: Unraveling Dynamics Through Interannual Variability

Pratik KAD1,2#+, Kyung-Ja HA3
1NORCE Norwegian Research Center, 2Bjerknes Centre of Climate Research, 3Pusan National University

The Himalayas are crucial for driving the monsoon and climate system, but the annual river flooding during the monsoon impacts the densely populated downstream of its regions. Previous studies have reported changes in the Himalayas, such as warming, rainfall changes, ice-sheet melting, and extremes. However, due to the complicated orography, quantitatively understanding Himalayan precipitation dynamics on a spatial scale is limited compared to other monsoon regions. Recent studies highlight how melting glaciers and snow, along with monsoonal rains causing recurrent floods, play a significant role in the context of climate change. This study emphasizes interannual variability by examining the last 43 years from the available rainfall observed dataset and illustrated using reanalysis data. We found a robust interannual variability signal in the Eastern Himalayas, where the orographic features and processes dominate. Further analysis indicates that Monsoonal rainfall, rather than melting snow, is the primary factor for these unusually extreme years. The local moist process controls the variability of Himalayan monsoonal rainfall via regional Hadley circulation, connected to walker circulation. Our findings illustrate the wet (dry) response coupled with strong (weak) dynamical circulation in the Eastern Himalayas. Understanding the dynamics and variability of Himalayan monsoon floods will be crucial for predicting and mitigating their impact.

Projected Changes in Temperature and Rainfall Extremes Over India Using Bias-corrected CMIP6 Simulations

Koteswararao KUNDETI1#+, Vinod Kumar BURI2, Lakshmi Kumar T.V.3, Jasti CHOWARY4, Srinivas DESAMSETTI5
1National Center of Meteorology, 2National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 3SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 4Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, 5Ministry of Earth Sciences

Global warming can profoundly impact the mean climate over the Indian subcontinent, which may significantly affect both natural and human systems. This study used thirteen statistically downscaled, bias-corrected, high-resolution data derived from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) of SSP2-4.5 & SSP5-8.5 scenarios. This study assesses the projected changes in rainfall and along its extremes (rainy days and simple daily intensity) for both the southwest (SW) and northeast (NE) monsoon seasons in the near (2021-2050) and far future (2071-2100) relative to the baseline period (1985-2014). Further, the maximum, minimum, and mean temperature changes and their extremes (highest values in maximum and lowest values in minimum temperatures) for the summer and winter seasons are also studied. Overall, the Multi-Model Mean (MMM) slightly underestimated (overestimated) the SW (NE) monsoon rainfall compared to the observed rainfall in the baseline period, and the biases are statistically not significant. A considerable increase in future rainfall is noticed in most parts of central India, the Himalayan region, and a more than 80% increase in the northwestern parts of India during the SW monsoon season. In the NE monsoon season, south peninsular India is getting more rainfall under SSP5-8.5 than SSP2-4.5. However, both emission scenarios show that rainfall may increase from the mid-future onwards. Interestingly, the number of rainy days is reducing, and rainfall intensity over all the areas of India drastically increases by the end of the 21st century. An increase in maximum temperature of around 4.5°C, and in minimum temperatures is about 5°C in northern parts of India in the 21st century. Overall, the results show a significant contribution of global warming in increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events, which may have severe implications for the future agricultural, health, and power sectors.

Quantitative Attribution of Vertical Motions Responsible for the Early Spring Drought Conditions Over Southeastern China

Zejiang YIN+, Song YANG, Wei WEI#
Sun Yat-sen University

The interannual variability and long-term trend of the drought conditions over southeastern China during early spring (from February to April) are investigated by analyzing the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index in 1979–2020. Results from an attribution analysis show that precipitation deficiency and atmospheric water demand contributes about 96.5% and 6.7% to the drought conditions on interannual time scale, and about 72.8% and 22.3% to the long-term trend, respectively. The precipitation deficiency is primarily contributed by moisture divergence via the descending anomalies throughout the troposphere over southeastern China. A further diagnosis with the omega equation reveals that the descending anomalies are dominated by the strong negative zonal vorticity advection in the upper troposphere and the enhanced meridional cold advection throughout the troposphere. They are controlled by a barotropic anomalous anticyclone over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and an anomalous cyclone over the western North Pacific. Non-negligibly, the contribution of potential evapotranspiration to the drying trend in early spring over southeastern China is about four times larger than that to the interannual variability. Given that potential evapotranspiration may increase in a warming climate, it may be critical for the change in drought conditions in future. This study serves as a basis for fully understanding the severity of recent droughts and for model simulation of the drought conditions over southeastern China.

Unprecedented Rainfall Intensification Over Western India During the 2019 Summer Monsoon

1Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, 2Savitribai Phule Pune University, 3India Meteorological Department

In 2019, large areas of Western India (WI) recorded the highest summer monsoon (June–September) precipitation for over a century, resulting in disastrous floods claiming hundreds of human lives. Our analysis illustrates that widespread heavy rainfall in this region markedly came from three intense rain episodes (IREs), viz. 1) 28 June – 12 July, 2) 24 July – 11 August, and 3) 1 – 14 September, in the backdrop of intense positive Indian Ocean Dipole (pIOD) conditions evolving at the equatorial Indian Ocean. The IREs favorably stemmed from large-scale bands of organized monsoon convection embedded with stratiform precipitating systems. Analysis of GPM satellite swaths brings out the prevalence of stratiform precipitation and elevated latent heating in the precipitating systems. Diagnostic analyses of various ERA5 atmospheric fields were performed to understand the dominant spatial structures during the IRE days. The continual top-heavy stratiform latent heating, in synergy with the pIOD-generated equatorial heating anomalies, forced a Rossby-wave pattern of high mid-tropospheric potential vorticity with the maximum over WI and an associated sizeable cyclonic vortex stretching across South and Southeast Asia (SSEA). Results show that as the east-west gradient of sea surface temperature strengthened at the equatorial Indian Ocean, it induced anomalous equatorial easterlies, in turn enhancing cross-equatorial moisture transport. It fostered large-scale moisture convergence and deep convective ascent, thereby leading to extensive heavy rainfall over much of SSEA. This study highlights the ramifications of intense pIOD manifestations and their potential role in increasing the occurrence of hydrological extremes in WI as well as SSEA in the 21st century.

Thu-03 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR328
AS10 - Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling

Session Chair(s): Rajasekhar MEKA, Indian Space Research Organisation, Sridhara NAYAK, Japan Meteorological Corporation

The Evaluation of Skill of Global Extended Range Ensemble Predictions for Predicting the Genesis of Tropical Cyclone Over Bay of Bengal

Rajasekhar MEKA1#+, Yesubabu VISWANADHAPALLI2
1Indian Space Research Organisation, 2National Atmospheric Research Laboratory

Accurate prediction of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis, movement, intensification and landfall locate are extremely crucial for successful and effective cyclone disaster prevention and mitigation plan for Indian Coasts. Particularly, the genesis and intensification of TC are mainly depends the underlying features of upper ocean surface, the wind shear between lower and upper troposphere. In this study, we analysed the skill of ensemble forecasts from multiple forecast centres including the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) and the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) extended range probabilistic forecasts for predicting the genesis and intensification of TCs over Bay of Bengal by considering a 15-day lead period. Out of these two ensemble forecasts, ECMWF provides forecasts with 51-members while the GEFS produces ensembles forecast with 21-member to compute the track probability and density compositions. Our comparison of results with the observed estimates of TC best track data clearly suggests that the both ensemble predictions (ECMWF and GEFS) have demonstrated the good skill in predicting the tropical cyclogenesis over Bay of Bengal with lead of 7 to 10 days for the three TC cases (Asani, Sitarang and Mandous) of 2022. Further, our detailed analysis and validation of extended predictions for three TCs of 2022 with best track datasets clearly suggests that the tropical cyclogenesis outlook provided by ECMWF with 51 ensemble members forecast is extremely useful and highly valid for prior prediction of TC genesis over Bay of Bengal.

Organized Convective Systems Yielding Tornadoes Far from Typhoon

Koji SASSA1#+, Sora ISHIDO2
1Kochi University, 2Japan Meterological Agency

When the Typhoon Trami (2018) moved northeastward in the Pacific Ocean south of the Kyushu Island at 6:30JST on 30 September 2018, a tornado occurred and caused damages in Kochi city. A funnel cloud also appeared two hour later. Their parent convective system is the array of slender rainbands formed more than 500 km apart from the typhoon center. The present study aims to clarify the characteristics and environment of the parent convective systems. The results of radar analysis show that the rainbands are 30km in length and 4 km in width are arranged parallel to the radial axis of the typhoon and move north-northwestward. Their principal axis is northeast and is almost same with the direction of shear vector of the environment wind. The parent convetive systems have a mesocyclone at its southwest end, but their arrangement is different from the ordinary mini supercells. Then, the mesocyclone repeats alteration of generation. The environment indices, MUCAPE and SReH of in this case are found to be larger and smaller than those of a mini supercell in outer rainband, respectively.

Fitting Parametric Tropical Cyclone-induced Rainfall Model for Tropical Cyclones Landfalling onto the Northern Vietnam Coast

Warinthorn ANGKANASIRIKUL1#+, Wei JIAN2, Edmond LO1
1Nanyang Technological University, 2Institute of Catastrophe Risk Management, Nanyang Technological University

Tropical cyclones (TCs) can cause major flooding individually or collectively due to wind, storm surges and rainfall. This study applies the parametric rainfall climatology and persistence (R-CLIPER) model to analyse the axisymmetric component of 14 TC rainfall events in Northern Vietnam with the observed rainfall dataset from the Global Precipitation Mission from 2001 to 2021.The R-CLIPER model uses two inputs from TC track information: the maximum wind speed and radial distance from the TC centre. Four parameters represent the axisymmetric profile of rainfall rates: To, Tm, rm, and re. To and Tdescribe the rainfall intensity at the TC centre, and the maximum intensity which is located at radial distance rfrom the centre, respectively. The fall-off from the maximum is exponential with a characteristic distance re. The R-CLIPER model generally assumes linear relationships between the four parameters and a normalised maximum wind speed (U). We adopt the operational coefficients by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) for the Western Pacific region as the initial setting. The observed TC rainfall profiles are further used to fit the parameters using the least-square method. Performance of the R-CLIPER with the initial and fitted settings for predicting the observed 14 rainfall profiles is assessed. Tand Tm are found to be better represented by logarithm relationships with U, and rm by exponential relationship, based on their improved Rvalues over the R-CLIPER with NHC coefficients for the 14 historical TC events. At 0.1-degree resolution, the equitable threat score demonstrated significant improvement, almost six times at the 100 mm rainfall threshold. Improved root mean square error and bias are also seen for the cumulative rainfall volume and the averaged rainfall intensity. For instance, the bias has been reduced by around 50% with the new relationships of the parameters and U in most cases. 

Active Influence of the Boundary Current Synchronization on the Northern Annular Mode

Tsubasa KOHYAMA1#+, Yoko YAMAGAMI2, Shoichiro KIDO2, Fumiaki OGAWA3, Hiroaki MIURA4, Hiroaki TATEBE2
1Ochanomizu University, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3Hokkaido University, 4The University of Tokyo

Synchronized variability between two Northern Hemispheric western boundary currents, which is referred to as the Boundary Current Synchronization (BCS), is associated with meridional migrations of the atmospheric jet stream. Based on observational evidence, BCS exhibits covariability with the Northern Annular Mode (NAM), the most prominent internal atmospheric variability that controls the latitudinal position of the jet stream in Northern Hemispheric winter. Therefore, in this study, we have performed a set of high-resolution pacemaker experiments where sea surface temperatures in the two boundary current regions are strongly relaxed to a preindustrial control run. These eddy-permitting pacemaker runs show that BCS actively supports the existence of extreme NAM events, which in turn affects the abnormal weather events in winter. The extent to which boundary currents affect the NAM phase varies among different ensemble members, so the BCS influence on NAM is sensitive to stochasticity.

The Indonesia Numerical Weather Prediction (InaNWP): Development, Progress, and Preliminary Results

Jaka PASKI1#+, Erwin MAKMUR2, Urip HARYOKO2, Danang Eko NURYANTO2, Dwikorita KARNAWATI2, Wido HANGGORO2, Supriyanto ROHADI2, Fatkhuroyan FATKHUROYAN2, Nelly Florida RIAMA2, Donaldi PERMANA2
1Tohoku University, 2Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics

In 2021, the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) developed the Indonesia Numerical Weather Prediction (InaNWP) using weather research and forecasting (WRF) model with data assimilation. The model was developed using WRF model package and WRF Data Assimilation (WRFDA) version 4.2 with a three-dimensional variational (3DVAR) data assimilation system. The domain of InaNWP covered Indonesia region with 9 km of spatial resolution and nesting to a 3 km spatial resolution over Java Island. InaNWP assimilates data from in-situ, remotely sensed, and radiance observations. The in-situ data assimilation includes at least 137 synop data and 19 sounding data collected by BMKG stations at 00 and 12 UTC. In addition, InaNWP has also assimilated the radiance data from the new generation of Himawari satellite and the remotely sensed data from at least 25 out of 42 weather radar stations throughout Indonesia. Due to limited computing resources, InaNWP produces 3-hourly weather forecast for up to 72 hours. After one year of testing, InaNWP was able to predict extreme weather events such as Tropical Cyclone Seroja on April 3, 2021. Model verification from about 150 BMKG stations during the period of February–August 2021 indicates InaNWP has good performance in predicting mean sea level pressure, temperature, and relative humidity, followed by dewpoint temperature, winds, and precipitation.

Statistical Analysis on Direction of Tornado Motions and its Relationship with the Large-scale Wind Field

Yuri MITA#+, Tsubasa KOHYAMA
Ochanomizu University

A tornado is a violent updraft vortex that occurs in association with a cumulonimbus cloud. Tornadoes are generated when atmospheric conditions are extremely unstable, and can cause extensive damage over a narrow band-like area in a short period of time. Forecasting genesis and tracks of tornadoes is essential to minimize damage to people and structures. According to Niino et al. (1997), more than half of tornadoes moved into the northeast quadrant. However, since this data was based on visual observations, the reported directions of tornado motions were biased toward 8 directions out of 16. Therefore, by collecting directional data of tornado motions in an objective way, this study investigates the relationship between directions of tornado motions and the large-scale wind field, assuming that cumulonimbus clouds accompanied by tornadoes are carried by large-scale winds. First, the direction of tornado movement is calculated from the latitude and longitude of the point of genesis and extinction to obtain more accurate statistics than the eyewitness testimony used in previous studies. These calculations show that approximately 70% of tornadoes moved into the northeast quadrant. The northeastward bias is presumably not a sampling bias because the qualitative results are the same for two independent periods. Regardless of the year or region of occurrence, 60 to 80% of tornadoes moved toward the northeast quadrant. In particular, the eastward bias suggests that the cumulonimbus clouds are being carried by the westerly jet stream overhead. In addition to this eastward bias, in boreal summer and autumn, the directional distribution of tornado motions exhibits a northward bias, which is due to tornadoes associated with typhoons. The correlation between the direction of tornado motions and the large-scale wind direction is consistent with a hypothesis that tornadoes are transported by winds along with cumulonimbus clouds.

Maintenance Mechanism of Cutoff Lows as Vortex–Vortex Interactions (The 2nd Report)

Koryu YAMAMOTO1#+, Keita IGA1, Akira YAMAZAKI2
1The University of Tokyo, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

A cutoff low that covered Central Europe in the middle of July 2021 brought heavy rainfall and severe flooding, resulting in more than 200 fatalities. This low was formed by a trough on 11 July and merged with another cutoff low from 12 to 14 July. An energetic analysis suggests the main cutoff low was maintained through a vortex–vortex interaction between the two cutoff lows, as well as downstream development from an upstream ridge as a baroclinic eddy; these conclusions are confirmed by Lagrangian backward trajectory analysis. A forward trajectory analysis then shows that parcels move into the main cutoff low and exhibit cyclonic circulation. As some previous studies have pointed out that diabatic processes can strengthen or weaken cutoff lows, the processes along the parcels that move into the main cutoff low from the other low are diagnosed. It is suggested that radiative effects act mainly to strengthen the interaction inside the main cutoff low, whereas latent heat release contributes a negative potential vorticity tendency in the latter period of analyses. These results demonstrate that cutoff lows can be maintained through vortex–vortex interactions and underline the need to also take diabatic processes into account, which no previous studies have discussed in detail. In the presentation, results by sensitivity experiments focused on the interaction will be shown.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR335
AS52 - Ionospheric Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting

Session Chair(s): Haixia LYU, Wuhan University, Sampad Kumar PANDA, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation

AS52-A013 | Invited
New Insights on the Equatorial Plasma Bubble(EPB) Morphology and Geomagnetic Storm Effects on EPBs Using GOLD Data

Deepak KARAN1#+, Richard EASTES1, Carlos MARTINIS2, Robert DANIELL3, Stanley SOLOMON4, William MCCLINTOCK1
1University of Colorado Boulder, 2Boston University, 3Ionospheric Physics, 4National Center for Atmospheric Research

The Equatorial Plasma Bubble (EPB) morphology depends on several factors, such as the alignment of the dusk terminator with the magnetic field lines, thermospheric winds, waves, and electric fields, etc. The multifactor dependency makes the EPB morphology complex. In 2-D airglow images, sometimes the EPBs appear to be straight (aligned along the magnetic field lines) and at other times the poleward extensions can be tilted eastward or westward from the magnetic field line resembling either a C-shape or reversed C-shape structures, respectively. All these different structured EPBs have never been observed together. NASA’s Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission observed these differently shaped EPBs within ~12o and 6o longitudes on 12 October 2020 and 26 December 2021, which is very rare, probably the first of the kind. These EPBs were inside the GOLD imager’s field-of-view for ~3 hours. This allowed us to compute their zonal drift velocities. To investigate the role of latitudinal variations of EPB’s drifts in their different shapes, the zonal drifts at the magnetic equator and at both EIA crests are calculated. Observed differences in the EPBs’ shape can be explained by the calculated latitudinal differences in their zonal drift velocities. Such occurrences of opposite EPB morphologies in a narrow longitude during a geomagnetic quiet time may indicate the strong longitudinal differences in the neutral winds and/or electric fields, responsible for the EPBs motion. The enhancement of equatorial electric fields due to the geomagnetic storm makes the ionosphere conducive to more EPBs. Coincidence electric field and neutral wind measurements by ICON (Ionospheric Connection Explorer) and EPB locations from GOLD have brought capabilities to forecast the EPB occurrence. These aspects will be discussed in this presentation.

Driver of the Positive Ionospheric Storm Over South American Sector During 4 November 2021

Changzhi ZHAI#+
Hohai University

During geomagnetic storms, ionospheric storms can be driven by several mechanisms. Observations from ground- and space-based instruments are used to reveal the driver of the positive ionospheric storm over South American sector during 4 November 2021 geomagnetic storm. The positive storm appeared from ~10:30 UT to 18:00 UT and covered the region from 40°S to 20°N. The maximum magnitude of TEC (Total Electron Content) enhancement and relative TEC enhancement were about 20 TECU and 100%, respectively. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) also observed significant electron density increase over South America and east of Pacific Ocean. In the meantime, about 50% ∑O/N2 enhancement was observed by the Global‐scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) satellite at low latitudes. Ionosonde observations (AS00Q, CAJ2M) registered ~80 km uplift of F2 peak height (HmF2) and a prominent F2 peak electron density (NmF2) increase ~3 hour after the uplift. Prominent enhancement of Cross-Polar Cap Potential (CPCP) in the southern hemisphere was also observed by Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), which was one hour earlier than the HmF2 uplift. Measurements from Ionospheric Connection Explorer satellite (ICON) showed that the outward E×B drift enhanced significantly and the horizontal ion drift was poleward. According to the ICON ion drift observations, the HmF2 uplift was caused by electric field rather than equatorward neutral wind. We propose that the enhanced eastward electric field dominated the positive ionospheric storm and the thermospheric composition variation may also contributed.

Analysis of the BDGIM Performance in BDS Single Point Positioning

Guangxing WANG1#+, Zhihao YIN2, Zhigang HU3
1China University of Geosciences, 2Mengxin Technology, 3Wuhan University

As a novel broadcast ionospheric model for BDS-3, BeiDou global ionospheric delay correction model (BDGIM) was analyzed through single point positioning (SPP) in this study. Since the broadcast ionospheric model is mainly used to correct the ionospheric delay error for single-frequency users, a series of stations simultaneously receiving B1C, B2a, B1I and B3I signals were selected from the International GNSS Service (IGS) and the International GNSS Monitoring and Assessment System (iGMAS) tracking networks for the SPP experiments. The differential code bias (DCB) parameters were used to correct the hardware delays in the signals of B1C and B2a. The results showed that the BDGIM performs the best in high-latitude areas, and can effectively improve the positioning accuracy compared with the Klobuchar model. The average 3D positioning accuracy of the four civil signals can reach 3.58 m in high-latitude areas. The positioning accuracies with the BDGIM in the northern hemisphere are better than those in the southern hemisphere, and the global average 3D positioning accuracy of the four civil signals is 4.60 m. The performance of the BDGIM also shows some seasonal differences. The BDGIM performs better than the Klobuchar model on the days of spring equinox and winter solstice, while the opposite is true on the days of summer solstice and autumn equinox. Although the SPP accuracies are to some extent affected by the geomagnetic storm, the BDGIM generally performs better and are more resistant to the geomagnetic storm than the Klobuchar model.

Regional Ionospheric Tec Prediction Based on Multi-factor Neuralprophet Model Under Disturbed Conditions

Han WU1+, Ling HUANG1#, Hongping ZHANG2, Dezhong CHEN2, Yidong LOU2, Bin MA1, Xu LIU1
1Guilin University of Technology, 2Wuhan University

In this study, a novel multi-factor regional ionospheric TEC prediction model (multi-factor NeuralProphet model, MF-NPM) considering multiple factors was constructed based on the NeuralProphet hybrid prediction framework by taking solar activity index, geomagnetic activity index, geographic coordinates, and IGS GIM data as input parameters. The prediction performance of MF-NPM, trained using the dataset from 2009 to 2013, was evaluated using test dataset (2014) by sliding 1 day. Furthermore, MF-NPM was validated with the LSTMNN model, IGS GIM, and CODE 1-day predicted GIM products (C1PG) from the spatiotemporal perspective during the solar maximum phase (2014) and geomagnetic storm. The results show that the MF-NPM achieves good prediction performance effectively. In terms of temporal perspective, MF-NPM achieves the best performance with RMSE and relative accuracy (RA) of 2.33 TECU and 93.75%, outperforming LSTMNN and C1PG, which are (3.10 TECU, 91.84%) and C1PG (4.20 TECU, 87.07%), respectively, in solar maximum (2014). Additionally, during geomagnetic storms, the results suggest that RMSE and RA of MF-NPM are 3.12 TECU and 92.86% which are better than LSTMNN and C1PG, which lead to RMSE value of (4.37,5.42) TECU, RA as (90.48, 85.62)%, respectively. From the spatial perspective, the RMSE and RA of MF-NPM are 3.24 TECU and 93.33% which are superior to LSTMNN (4.32 TECU, 91.21%) and C1PG (5.29 TECU, 89.13%) in low-latitudes, respectively. In addition, MF-NPM also achieves better performance than LSTMNN and C1PG in the mid-latitude region with respect to the RMSE and RA, which are improved by (0.52 TECU, 1.73%) and (2.20 TECU, 8.59%), respectively. All the results prove that the proposed model can capture the variations of ionospheric TEC more accurately than LSTMNN and C1PG under high solar activity and geomagnetic storms conditions over China.

Global IGS-3D Electron Density Model by Deep Learning

Eun-Young JI1#+, Yong-Jae MOON1, Young-Sil KWAK2, Kangwoo YI1, Jeong-Heon KIM2
1Kyung Hee University, 2Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute

We develop a global IGS-3D Ne model that generates global 3-D electron density (Ne) from International Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Service (IGS) total electron content (TEC) data through deep learning. As a first step towards this, we construct a model to generate a vertical electron density profile from a TEC value using Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP). In this process, the vertical electron density profiles (100 km ~ 700 km altitude, ~25 km altitude interval) and the corresponding TEC values of the IRI-2016 model from 2001 to 2013 with resolutions of 2 hours in time, 2.5° in latitude, and 5° in longitude are used. We use the IRI vertical density profiles (approximately 4.2 million) from 2001 to 2008 for training, 2009 for validation, and 2010 to 2013 for a test. The next step is to generate global IGS electron density profiles using the global IGS TECs as input data for the model, which is called the global IGS-3D Ne model. We evaluate the IGS-3D Ne model by comparing the electron density profiles from the incoherent scatter radars (ISRs) at three stations (low, middle, and high latitudes) with the IGS-3D Ne model from 2010 to 2013. The evaluation shows that the electron density profiles from the IGS-3D Ne model are closer to the ISR data than those of the IRI model, especially at high latitudes. The IGS-3D Ne model shows that the averaged RMSE values between IGS and ISR electron density profiles are 0.37 log(m-3), 0.22 log(m-3), and 0.34 log(m-3) for all test datasets at Jicamarca, Millstone Hill, and EISCAT stations, respectively. These results suggest that our IGS-3D Ne model has sufficient potential to enhance the ability to predict global electron density profiles.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR311
AS40 - Middle Atmosphere

Session Chair(s): Shigeo YODEN, Kyoto University, Hye-Yeong CHUN, Yonsei University

AS40-A001 | Invited
Atmospheric-dynamical Impacts of the 2022 Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption

Corwin WRIGHT#+
University of Bath

The January 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai eruption was one of the most explosive volcanic events of the modern era, producing a vertical plume that peaked more than 50 km above the Earth. The initial explosion and subsequent plume triggered atmospheric waves that propagated around the world multiple times, attracting significant media and public attention. In addition to the initial explosion, latent heat release from the plume remained the most significant individual atmospheric wave source worldwide for more than 12 h, producing circular wavefronts visible across the Pacific basin in satellite observations. In this talk, I will describe and discuss these waves and the observations made of them using a diverse range of satellite and ground-based datasets from the surface to the edge of space, highlighting the ability of the modern international satellite constellation and ground-based instrumentation to make rapid measurements of unique extreme events such as this. I will also quantify just how unique this event was relative to our multi-decade record of the atmospheric wave climatology, and describe how the eruption represents a key natural experiment in how the atmosphere responds to a sudden point-source-driven state change, which will be of use for improving weather model physics.

Examining the Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events in High-top and Low-top Climate Model Large Ensembles

Yu-Chiao LIANG1#+, Yih WANG1, Young-Oh KWON2, Claude FRANKIGNOUL3, Lorenzo POLVANI4, Lingling SUO5
1National Taiwan University, 2Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 3Sorbonne University, 4Columbia University, 5Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center and Bjerknes Center for Climate Research

Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, followed by a characteristic circulation regime in the lower troposphere, are crucial for the subseasonal weather prediction. One issue remains controversial is whether or not increase in the height of top layer and vertical resolution in the stratosphere in a climate model improves the representation of SSW events and the subsequent influences on the near-surface climate. This study compares the SSW events simulated by a high-top climate model (the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 6, WACCM6) and those from the corresponding low-top model (Community Atmosphere Model version 6, CAM6) with large ensembles. The two sets of 30 member ensemble simulations are forced by identical observational sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration, and radiative forcings, during the 1979-2013 period. We find that WACCM6 produces about two times more SSWs than CAM6. In terms of occurrence frequency, SSWs in WACCM6 happen about 7 times per decade, consistent with the frequency in reanalysis datasets. Analyses on the dynamical indicators of SSWs, including the sea-level pressure precursor, the preceding Eliassen-Palm fluxes into the stratosphere, and the associated downward impacts on the troposphere, reveal that WACCM6 compares more favorably with reanalysis datasets, and that CAM6 overestimates them. This is likely due to the more realistic stratospheric background circulation in WACCM6. We also find that the differences between WACCM6 and CAM6 can be amplified during the years with El Niño and La Niña events. Finally, we perform the vortex moment diagnostics to gain insights into the vortex structure and to separate the SSWs into splitting and displacement types. The diagnostics show that the geometry and the centroids of WACCM6 polar vortex are much closer to those from reanalysis data. Overall, our results suggest that the high-top configuration leads to more realistic SSWs and the subsequent near-surface impacts than the low-top configuration.

Precursory Analysis Ensemble Spread Signals That Foreshadow Stratospheric Sudden Warmings

Akira YAMAZAKI1#+, Shunsuke NOGUCHI2
1Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2Kyushu University

Behaviors of analysis ensemble spreads were investigated during stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) events in an atmospheric general circulation model–ensemble Kalman filter (LETKF; the local ensemble transform Kalman filter) reanalysis system, in which the model resolves the stratospheric circulations. Precursory signals of the increased spreads in the reanalysis system were found a week to a few days prior to stratospheric sudden warming events occurred during December 2018 and August–September 2019 in both hemispheres. The signals did appear in upper and middle stratosphere and did not below the lower stratosphere. When the signals appeared analysis increments became substantial against forecast updates in the forecast-analysis cycles; it is found that the precursory signals help to reproduce SSWs accordingly. An empirical orthogonal function analysis showed that the dominant structures of the precursory signals were equivalent barotropic and were 90-degree out of phase with the analysis ensemble-mean field. In the same timing the meridional gradients of absolute or potential vorticity in the middle stratosphere became temporally reversed. Hence, the spread signals can be equivalent to barotropic instability modes in the ensemble perturbation fields associated with SSWs.

Interactions of Stationary Planetary Waves During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings

Kseniia DIDENKO#+, Andrey KOVAL, Tatiana ERMAKOVA
St Petersburg University

Planetary-scale waves, in particular, stationary planetary waves (SPW) are one of the main objects of stratosphere dynamic researches. Interacting with the mean flow, the SPW lead to the deceleration (sometimes even reversal) of the stratospheric jet stream during winter on one side and the conditions of their propagation depend on the mean flow on the other. As a result, so-called stratospheric vacillations occur, i.e., irregular amplitude variations of the SPW and the intensity of the mean flow. Such effects are mainly due to nonlinear wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions in the stratosphere. Nonlinear interactions are most clearly exerted during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) – strong thermodynamic phenomena in the winter polar stratosphere that affects the middle atmosphere and also causes significant changes in the troposphere, mesosphere, and lower thermosphere. The emergence of SSW is associated with the propagation of planetary waves from the troposphere to the stratosphere and their further interaction with the zonal circulation. An analysis of wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions during winter 2008-2009 and 2018-2019 sudden stratospheric warmings was made using the equation of perturbed potential enstrophy. It is shown that wave-wave interactions make the least contribution to the wave activity variation during the 2008-2009 SSW, the contribution of all interactions is comparable during the 2018-2019 SSW. The research is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement 075-15-2021-583).

Studying Global Ozone Variability and Long-term Trends with Suomi NPP OMPS Measurements

Natalya KRAMAROVA1#+, Stacey FRITH1,2, Jerald ZIEMKE1
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2NASA Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) includes three ozone sensors – Nadir Mapper (NM), Nadir Profiler (NP) and Limb Profiler (LP) - to measure total and vertical ozone distributions globally. The combination of limb stratospheric profile and nadir total column observations also enable measurements of tropospheric ozone columns. The first OMPS instrumental suite was launched on board of Suomi National Polar Partnership (SNPP) satellite in October 2011, followed by two more OMPS suites launched on boards of NOAA-20 (with two nadir sensors only) and NOAA-21 satellites in November 2017 and November 2022, respectively. Observations from OMPS are aimed to extend the NASA long-term ozone climate records from TOMS, OMI, SBUV, MLS and SAGE instruments. In this presentation, we will analyze the decadal record from the SNPP OMPS sensors. The combination of OMPS ozone measurements can be used to trace changes in the atmospheric circulation associated for example with the polar vortex, Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). We will demonstrate the OMPS capability to accurately measure ozone distribution over polar latitudes during ozone depletion seasons using a combination of profile and column sensors. During the SNPP lifetime, we observed several large and deep polar ozone depletion events (e.g. 2019-2020 over the Arctic and 2020, 2021, and 2022 in the Antarctic), driven by weaker than average planetary wave activity. In the last decade, we also observed a number of major sudden stratospheric warming events (e.g. 2019 over Antarctica). Ozone profile observation with the OMPS LP allows to accurately determine the layer with the maximum ozone depletion, while total ozone from OMPS nadir sensors can determine the spatial extend of the depletion. Finally, we will discuss long-term trends in ozone profile and tropospheric and total columns as observed by OMPS sensors.

Study of the Ozone Layer Evolution in the Past and Future with ESM SOCOLv4

Eugene ROZANOV1,2#+, Timofei SUKHODOLOV1, Tatiana EGOROVA1, Jan SEDLACEK1, Arseniy DOYENNEL3
1World Radiation Center, 2ETH Zürich, 3Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The ozone layer was damaged by halogen containing ozone-depleting substances (hODS) of anthropogenic origin. The majority of the chemistry-climate models projected the recovery of the ozone layer around 2040 due to the regulations introduced by the Montreal Protocol and its Amendments. In this paper, we discuss the ozone behavior from 1980 to 2100 simulated with the Earth system model SOCOLv4. We demonstrate and explain past ozone layer trends in the atmosphere elucidating the role of greenhouse gases and hODS. We also present the future behavior of the ozone layer taking into consideration very-short lived species, newly discovered ozone-depleting substances, solar and volcanic activity, two IPCC scenarios of anthropogenic activity (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5), as well as possible climate interventions. In both scenarios, the model projects a decline in tropospheric ozone in the future due to a decrease in ozone precursors. The ozone also increases in the mesosphere, upper and middle stratosphere, however in the lower stratosphere it is observed only over high latitudes. Under SSP5-8.5, the ozone increase in the stratosphere is larger due to stronger cooling and suppression of catalytic ozone destruction cycles.
In contrast, in the tropical lower stratosphere ozone concentration decreases in both experiments while increasing over extratropic due to the intensification of meridional transport, which is stronger in SSP5-8.5. The future total column ozone exceeds present values in mid-to-high latitudes but declines in the tropics. Thus, the stratospheric ozone evolution in the 21st century is strongly governed not only by a decrease in hODS but also by future greenhouse forcing. The tropospheric ozone changes due to the changes in ozone precursors, also have a strong impact on the total column. Therefore, even though the anthropogenic halogen loading problem is resolved, the future ozone column changes are unclear and largely depend on diverse future human activities.

Study of Factors Influencing Polar Ozone in the Southern Hemisphere Using CCM SOCOL-3: Solution of the Problem with Satellite Data

Andrey MIRONOV1#, Eugene ROZANOV2,3+, Vladimir ZUBOV4
1St Petersburg University, 2World Radiation Center, 3ETH Zürich, 4Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory

Comparison of the results of numerical modeling of atmospheric ozone using the chemistry-climate model (CCM) SOCOL-3 with the corresponding measurements from the IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Interferometer) satellite instrument shows significant differences in total ozone for the polar regions of the Southern Hemisphere. This problem is common for chemical-climatic modeling of the Earth ozone layer. To resolve this problem and to assess the role of the main physical and photochemical processes affecting the annual cycle of polar ozone in the Southern Hemisphere, we carried out a number of numerical experiments, changing the following model parameters: 1) the rate of ozone photodissociation at large zenith angles of the Sun; 2) the rates of stratospheric heterogeneous reactions under polar night conditions; and 3) the intensity of meridional mixing on the sub-grid scales of the model in the region of the circumpolar vortex. Comparison of the results of these experiments with the corresponding IASI measurement data showed that the most important characteristics for improving ozone modeling are the rate of ozone photolysis at high zenith angles and the intensity of horizontal mixing at subgrid scales. A reasonable adjustment of these factors has made it possible to significantly improve the model representation of the annual ozone cycle over the polar region in the southern hemisphere. The work was carried out at the St. Petersburg State University "Laboratory for the Study of the Ozone Layer and Upper Atmosphere" under contract 075-15-2021-583.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR327
AS39 - Models, in Situ, and Remote Sensing of Aerosols (MIRA)

Session Chair(s): Atsushi SHIMIZU, National Institute for Environmental Studies

AS39-A004 | Invited
Mapping Aerosol Lidar Ratios for CALIPSO Version 5

Greg SCHUSTER1#+, Travis TOTH2, Jayanta KAR3, Marian CLAYTON3, Zhujun LI3, David PAINEMAL3, Sharon RODIER3, Richard FERRARE1, Charles TREPTE1, Mian CHIN4, Dongchul KIM4, Ellsworth WELTON2, Huisheng BIAN4
1NASA Langley Research Center, 2National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 3NASA Science Systems and Applications, Inc., 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

The joint NASA/CNES CALIPSO* satellite mission hosts a lidar that has been providing nearly continuous backscatter profiles of aerosols and clouds since June 2006. The CALIPSO aerosol retrieval algorithm converts integrated attenuated backscatter profiles into extinction profiles as part of its tropospheric data products, but this requires ab initio assumptions in the aerosol lidar ratio (Sa) selection process. The selection process has been guided by observables and includes information from the linear depolarization ratio, signal strength, aerosol layer height, and surface type (ocean/land/desert). The information content is limited, however, so the number of Sa values employed by the algorithm is simplified to seven representative aerosol types that are applied uniformly worldwide (clean marine, dust, dusty marine, polluted dust, smoke, polluted and clean continental). The CALIPSO team is improving the selection process by incorporating newly-observed Sa values into the algorithm and enabling an approach that includes geographical and seasonal variations of Sa. Here, we report on an investigation that uses 12 years of collocated MODIS aerosol optical depth observations with CALIPSO backscatter measurements to infer constrained Sa for each of the CALIPSO aerosol types around the globe. The purpose is to obtain seasonal maps with spatially variable Sa for each of the seven aerosol types, effectively allowing the existing CALIPSO aerosol types to contain unspecified mixtures of dissimilar aerosols. This approach allows for smoother Sa transitions at coastlines and dust Sa values that can indicate mineral properties from different regions. We also use the GEOS-GOCART climate-chemical transport model to inform our maps in regions where data are sparse. In this presentation, we report seasonal lidar ratio maps for dust and sea salt and discuss the implications that these new maps may have on the CALIPSO Version 5 aerosol extinction products. ∗Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation

AS39-A003 | Invited
Lidar Ratios Determined from Ground-based Lidars Using AODs from Sky Radiometers as a Constraint in East Asia

Man-Hae KIM1#+, Sang-Woo KIM1, Soojin PARK1, Tomoaki NISHIZAWA2, Atsushi SHIMIZU2
1Seoul National University, 2National Institute for Environmental Studies

The lidar ratio is an essential parameter to produce vertical profiles of aerosol extinction coefficient from elastic lidar measurements. In this study, aerosol lidar ratios are retrieved from a synergetic use of ground-based lidars and collocated sun-sky radiometers (AERONET or SKYNET) for six observatories in East Asia (Korea and Japan). There were tens of thousands collocated data pairs of lidar and sun/sky radiometer for each observatory, and 15~40% of the collocated data pairs were successfully retrieved. The mean retrieved lidar ratios are 58.4±18.0 sr, 50.9±20.3 sr, 47.2±26.7 sr, 61.1±25.1 sr, 57.6±22.1 sr, and 48.0±23.7 sr for Seoul, Osaka, Chiba, Gosan, Fukue, and Hedo, respectively. It is clearly seen that the lidar ratio is relatively high in Seoul and Gosan where are close to the Asian continent and decreases with an increase in the distance from the continent. Higher lidar ratios in Seoul and Gosan are related with anthropogenic pollutant aerosols. In coastal areas with a distance from the Asian continent such as Chiba and Hedo, lidar ratio is relatively low due to an influence of maritime aerosols. Lidar ratio increases as AOD increases for most observatories. It is thought that anthropogenic pollutant aerosols are more dominant for high AOD cases whereas clean marine aerosols are dominant for low AOD cases. The relation between lidar ratio and depolarization ratio is rarely recognizable for all observatories, which indicates the influence of dust aerosol on lidar ratio is not significant for long-term and column averaged lidar ratio in East Asia, especially in Korea and Japan.

AS39-A006 | Invited
Constraints on Spectral Mass Extinction Efficiency for a Global Aerosol Model

Edward HYER1#+, Christopher CAMACHO1, James CAMPBELL1, Peng XIAN1, James CHEN2, Andrew LAMBERT3, Lari MCDERMID3
1Naval Research Laboratory, 2Kirby School, 3General Dynamics Information Technology

Numerical models of atmospheric aerosol require extreme reduction of the complexity in particle composition and distribution in the real atmosphere. Translation from the particle mass quantities acted on by the model physics to the optical characteristics important to prediction of visibility embeds additional assumptions, but can also be an opportunity to introduce additional information to improve the model prediction. The Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) uses a limited number of tracers to represent the extremely heterogeneous particles encountered in the global atmosphere. The NAAPS model solves the 3-dimensional distribution of mass for each tracer type by simulating advection, sedimentation, wet and dry scavenging, and particle sources. These mass values are translated into extinction for prediction of atmospheric transmission and visibility. The conversion from physical to optical properties hinges on a mass extinction efficiency, which in the current operational NAAPS is a pair of values (scattering and absorbing) for each tracer type for each wavelength. By comparison of NAAPS and spectrally resolved AERONET measurements of scattering and absorbing optical depth, we examine the question of how well the mass information carried by the model could predict the atmospheric transmission with varying degrees of knowledge of the scattering and absorbing mass extinction efficiency. This analysis will be used to evaluate different schemes of computing extinction as well as potential deficiencies in the sets of tracers used in NAAPS.

Improving Brown Carbon Evolution Processes in the WRF-Chem Model with DSCOVR EPIC Products

Olga KALASHNIKOVA1#+, Yuan WANG1, Michael GARAY1, Chenchong ZHANG2, James COY3
1California Institute of Technology, 2Purdue University, 3Texas A&M University

The fire-emitted particle-phase compounds of smoke exert significant atmospheric impacts on climate, air quality, and health, especially in downwind urban areas. Brown carbon (BrC), emitted mainly by smoldering fires and other biomass combustion, is one of the most important light-absorbing substances in the atmospheric aerosol. However, the extent of absorption by BrC particles for different types of fires and the effects of BrC on the radiation budget are still largely unknown. Observational techniques alone do not provide enough constraints on the global BrC direct radiative forcing, and the current representation of BrC in climate and regional chemical transport models is either absent or overly simplistic. For example, in majority of chemical transport models BrC optical properties are invariant with atmospheric processing or aging. DSCOVR EPIC UV observations provide comprehensive coverage and sufficient spatial and temporal resolutions for improving our understanding of BrC processes. EPIC MAIAC aerosol products combined with the regional-scale WRF-Chem model provide a unique opportunity for determining the impacts of BrC-emitting smoldering fire phases on air quality and climate in globally distributed target areas. We will discuss the roles of BrC processes in climate-relevant and air-quality relevant properties of smoke, focusing on understanding large-scale BrC evolution in the Western US and Canada. An approach to evaluate BrC evolution with a newly developed WRF-Chem parametrization that incorporates BrC time-resolved photobleaching will be introduced and evaluated. We will also assess the assumptions used to derive EPIC MAIAC BrC products with other collocated satellite datasets. In particular, we will discuss the importance of smoke plume vertical distributions for a set of fire cases where the smoke plume could be tracked through multiple DSCOVR images when collocated with CALIPSO and MISR products.

Impacts of the COVID-19 Lockdown in China on New Particle Formation and Particle Number Size Distribution in Three Regional Background Sites in Asian Continental Outflow

Do-Hyeon PARK1+, Jeongeun KIM2,3, Jin-Soo PARK4, Jin-Soo CHOI4, Sang-Woo KIM1#
1Seoul National University, 2Korea Meteorological Administration, 3National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 4National Institute of Environmental Research

This study examined the impact of emission reduction during the Chinese lockdown (LD) period on the new particle formation (NPF) frequency and corresponding particle number size distribution (PNSD) at three regional background atmospheric monitoring sites in western coastal areas of the Korea. During this period, the number concentrations of the nucleation- (<25 nm) and accumulation-mode (>90 nm) particles significantly decreased in Baengryeong (BRY), by 34% and 29% respectively. However, the PNSD in Anmyeon (AMY), which is influenced by nearby industrial emissions, showed only a slight decrease in nucleation- and accumulation-mode particles during the LD period, possibly because the reduction in industrial emissions was not significant during the social distancing period enforced by Korea. Bongseong (BOS) showed a similar variation to that of BRY, but the magnitude of the reduction was weaker due to its higher altitude. The cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function (CSEOF) technique was applied to the measured PNSDs at the three sites to objectively distinguish NPF events. The NPF frequency decreased by 7%, 1%, and 7% in BRY, AMY, and BOS, respectively, despite favorable meteorological conditions such as increased temperature and insolation during the LD period. The diurnal variation in the sulfuric acid (H2SO4) proxy implied that the H2SO4 proxy acted as a limitation factor for NPF events during the NPF occurrence time (8-12 local hours) in AMY and BOS; however, NPF occurrence in BRY was not connected with the H2SO4 proxy level. This suggests that BRY was more likely to be influenced by the reduction in organic species in the continental upwind regions, while the occurrence of NPF events in AMY and BOS can be suppressed in association with the distinct reduction in inorganic compounds represented by the H2SO4 proxy during the LD period.

AS39-A007 | Invited
Transboundary Transport Pattern Related to the Aerosol Pollution in South Korea

Ja-Ho KOO#+, Donghee LEE, Taegyung LEE
Yonsei University

While back-trajectory analyses have been widely used for the diagnosis of transboundary transport effect to the aerosol pollution in the receptor region in South Korea, those were limited to the Seoul metropolitan area or specific field campaign period. Thus, this study would derive more generalized pattern of transboundary transport influence with considering the 5-year (2015-2019) measurement of PM2.5 (particulate mass density having the diameter > 2.5 μm) at 5 cities: Seoul, Gwangju, Busan, Gangneung, and Daejeon. At first, we calculate 48-hour back-trajectories for every hour using the NOAA HYSPLIT4 model, then categorize those into 3 cases related to the extent of PM2.5: low, middle, and high aerosol pollution cases. If a back-trajectory passes over the box region in the Yellow Sea that we designate, that case is regarded as a transboundary transport. As a result, we can see high transboundary transport frequency (TTF) for the case of high aerosol pollution for all 5 cities. This pattern is seasonally consistent, implying that the serious haze is mostly resulted from the inflow of external air pollutants and this influence is not occasional but very constant through the whole year. Also we find that the altitude of back-trajectories is lower in the case of high aerosol pollution in Korea, meaning the large contribution of surface emission. At last, our analysis illustrates shorter straight travel distance of air flow when the high aerosol pollution happens in Korea. This well describes the weakened ventilation results in more serious air pollution. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute(KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE) (2022003560006).

Exacerbation of PM2.5 Concentration Due to Unpredictable Weak Asian Dust Storm: A Case Study of an Extraordinarily Long-lasting Spring Haze Episode in Seoul, Korea

Kyuseok SHIM1+, Man-Hae KIM1, Hyo-Jung LEE2, Tomoaki NISHIZAWA3, Atsushi SHIMIZU3, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI4, Cheol-Hee KIM2, Sang-Woo KIM1#
1Seoul National University, 2Pusan National University, 3National Institute for Environmental Studies, 4University of Yamanashi

Severe haze episodes have become a frequent occurrence in East Asian megacities, particularly during winter and early spring. Despite advancements in understanding the factors behind haze formation, the impact of weak Asian dust particles on PM2.5 concentrations has not been thoroughly investigated. Our study aimed to examine the role of Asian dust in PM2.5 concentrations during a prolonged high PM2.5 episode in Seoul, Korea in early spring 2019. The results showed that PM2.5 concentrations exceeding national standards (PM2.5 > 35 g m-3) were sustained from February 27 to March 7, 2019 and were largely due to transboundary transport of aerosols from the Asian continent under slow-moving anticyclones. High frequency of PM10-2.5 (PM10-2.5 > 30 μg m-3) and PM2.5 (PM2.5 > 80 μg m-3) mass concentrations in the high concentration range indicated the presence of Asian dust particles, which contributed to elevated PM2.5 Levels. Lidar and optical particle counter measurements revealed elevated depolarization ratios (532: 0.06–0.13) and aerosol volume concentrations in both coarse and fine modes, indicative of non-spherical dust particles. Despite advancements in air quality forecasting model, one of the latest models was unable to accurately predict the low Asian dust particle concentrations during high PM2.5 haze episodes, suggesting the difficulty of simulating dust particles from weak Asian dust events. Our findings highlight the need to incorporate dust emission and transport processes in air quality models to better predict PM2.5 levels during winter-spring high PM2.5 episodes.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR323
AS42 - Weather Radar Networks And Their Applications For High-Impact Weather Observations and Warnings

Session Chair(s): Wen-Chau LEE, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Haonan CHEN, Colorado State University

Microphysics of Heavy Rainfall Observed During the Prediction of Rainfall Extremes Campaign In the Pacific (PRECIP) 2022

Michael BELL#+
Colorado State University

The Prediction of Rainfall Extremes Campaign In the Pacific (PRECIP) collected novel observations in East Asia during the 2022 spring and summer to improve our understanding of the multi-scale dynamic, thermodynamic, and microphysical processes that produce extreme precipitation. The campaign was designed to maximize the chances of observing a variety of heavy rainfall events in the moisture-rich natural laboratory of the western North Pacific in order to find the commonalities across different weather phenomena. The U.S. instrumentation included the Colorado State University SEA-POL radar, radiosondes, disdrometers, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research S-Pol radar and three MicroPulse Differential Absorption LIDARs (DIALs). PRECIP was conducted in from May to August 2022 in partnership with the Taiwan TAHOPE and Japan T-PARCII experiments, which included research X-band radars and the operational Central Weather Bureau and Japan Meteorological Agency radar networks. An overview of the project and analysis of the new radar observations will be presented. Composites of microphysical characteristics retrieved from range-height vertical scans across a wide spectrum of precipitation events are combined with thermodynamic measurements from the radiosonde and DIALs over the 3-month project. The presentation will highlight the new field observations obtained from the field campaign radar network and the implications for improving our understanding of heavy rainfall.

Different Types of Coastal Barrier Jet Associated with Landfalling Typhoon

Yucheng KAO1+, Ben Jong-Dao JOU2#
1Central Weather Administration, 2National Taiwan University

The typhoon induced coastal barrier jet (CBJ) is a unique mesoscale phenomenon in mountainous Taiwan island. Kao et al. (2019) conducted a case study to great detail document the structural features and evolutions of CBJ, explored the CBJ formation mechanism by using Doppler radar and surface mesonet observations. Kao and Jou (2022) further suggested the CBJ is key factor that caused the inner core structural and intensity dramatic change of a landfalling typhoon between 3 hours period. In this study, the CBJ associated with six westbound landfalling typhoons with different track, intensity and size in Taiwan are examined to further clarify the control factor of CBJ structure and evolution. The analysis results show that the incident angle of onshore flow determines the CBJ location, the mountain height, windward slope and onshore flow speed determine the strength of CBJ, the typhoon size determines the duration of CBJ. The CBJ features are also affected by passing rainbands. Systematic collecting and analyzing CBJ in different typhoon environment provide an important information to better understand the behavior of landfalling typhoon in Taiwan area. Reference: Kao, Y.-C. and B. J.-D. Jou, 2022: Mesoscale Circulation and Intensity Changes of a Landfalling Typhoon: Role of the Coastal Barrier Jet. Mon. Wea. Rev. 150, 3325-3346. Kao, Y.-C., B. J.-D. Jou, J. C.-L. Chan and W.-C. Lee, 2019: An observational study of a coastal barrier jet induced by a landfalling typhoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 4589-4609.

Improving Short-term High-impact Weather Prediction by Assimilating Reflectivity Mosaics of China Next Generation Weather Radar Network

Sheng CHEN1#+, Junjun HU2, Jinkai TAN3
1Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3Sun Yat-sen University

Hight-impact weather occurs more and more frequently as the climate changes, and usually causes severe losses of properties and lives. Accurately prediction of high-impact weather can provide the governments of different levels with reference for decision-making of risk management, and helps common people take corresponding actions for their regular daily life plans. The technology of numerical weather prediction (NWP) develops rapidly as the advancement of remote sensing and computer science, which can give people better and better prediction of high-impact weather with different lead time lengths from hourly scale to daily and monthly scales. Observations of weather radar network are the most important data sources to improve the skills of NWP models such as Weather Research and Forecast (WRF). In China, common people and most of researchers are hard to access the weather radar base data due to the restriction of data policy. In order to investigate the predictability of high-impact weather over China, in this study, we assimilate the reflectivity mosaics of China Next Generation Weather Radar (CINRAD) Network with WRF to predict high-impact weathers over China. Results show that the assimilation of CINRAD reflectivity mosaics can significantly improve prediction skills of high-impact weathers, including local strong convection storms, squall lines and typhoons.

Microphysical Responses of Snow Clouds to Kelvin-Helmholtz Wave During ICE-POP 2018

Kwonil KIM1, Chia-Lun TSAI2, Gyu Won LEE3#+
1Stony Brook University, 2Chinese Culture University, 3Kyungpook National University

An environment of strong wind shear and weak static stability is a favorable condition for the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) wave development. Advanced high-resolution measurements from microphysical instruments (radar and airborne instruments) suggested that the KH wave influences the microphysical processes and contributes to the increased precipitation at the surface. In mixed-phase clouds, in particular, snow growth by additional microphysical processes such as riming, aggregation, or secondary ice production has been revealed. The major processes are primarily determined by the environmental condition of the areas where the KH wave exhibits. Due to limited observations, the microphysical processes associated with the KH wave have yet to be fully investigated. This study will add to the existing knowledge base by presenting new observational evidence of the microphysical impact of the KH wave under two contrasting environments: a speed shear environment with a colder temperature (SKH) and a directional shear environment with a warmer temperature (DKH).
This study uses comprehensive in-situ and remote-sensing measurements collected during the ICE-POP 2018 (International Collaborative Experiments for Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic winter games) field campaign. Vertical velocity fluctuations within the identified KH wave modulated radar moments (e.g., Z, ZDR, and ρHV) and Doppler spectrum characteristics within and beneath the KH wave. The polarimetric variables, Doppler spectrum, and particle size distribution at the surface imply that the KH wave in SKH contributes to secondary ice production (SIP) by ice-ice collision. The KH wave in DKH exhibited persistent waves with much stronger amplitude due to the sustained directional shear environment. The KH wave in DKH suggested the additional SIP by sublimation and activation of ice-nucleating particles.

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2021R1A4A1032646).

Early Detection of Rapidly Developing Convective Echoes Using a Ka-band Radar

Rie NAKAZAWA1, Taro SHINODA1#+, Tadayasu OHIGASHI2, Kosei YAMAGUCHI3, Haruya MINDA1, Moeto KYUSHIMA1, Kazuhisa TSUBOKI1
1Nagoya University, 2National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 3Kyoto University

Rapidly developing convective precipitation clouds are brought about flash floods, thus early detection of those is one of important goals for the radar meteorology. A Ka-band radar enable us to detect early development of precipitating clouds by utilizing shorter wavelength radio wave (about 8.6 mm) in comparison with typical meteorological radars. We installed a Ka-band radar at Kobe City in summer season in 2018. The Ka-band radar can detect -17 dBZ as the minimum reflectivity. Continuous sector PPI observations by 90 deg. azimuthal scan with 8 elevation angles were conducted every 2 min. Reflectivity values obtained by the Ka-band radar are projected on the horizontal plane and vertically averaged reflectivity (VAR) is calculated at each grid (horizontally 50 m times 50 m size). We define the developing convective echo as the maximum rainfall intensity exceeds 20 mm/h in an isolated convective precipitation region obtained every 1 min by the X-band radar network. Total 12 convective echoes are analyzed by time series of VAR on August 6 and 16, 2018. Two echoes are evaluated as the developing convective ones. We cannot recognize the significant difference of time series of VAR between 2 developing echoes and other 10 non-developing ones. However, time series of the area of VAR of developing echoes are clearly larger than those of non-developing ones. By confirming time series of VAR, the developing echoes tend to merge the surrounding small/weak echoes and rapidly increase their area. As the increasing rate of the VAR area tends to exceed 4 km2 in 2 min, the convective echoes develop as the developing precipitation cell detected by an X-band radar. As a result, using high sensitivity and frequent continuous PPI observations, we have possibility to conduct early detection of rapidly developing convective echoes.

Comparison of Microphysical Characteristics of Warm-sector and Frontal Heavy Rainfall During Pre-summer Rainy Season in South China

Xiantong LIU#+
Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration

Warm-sector heavy rainfall (WR), frontal heavy rainfall (FR) and shear-line heavy rainfall (SR) are three types of rainfall that often occur during the pre-summer rainy season in South China. In this study, based on the merged observations from 11 S-band polarimetric radars in South China, differences in microphysical characteristics are investigated for the heavy rainfall event during 10-15 May, 2022. The conclusions are as follows: (1) WR has the highest radar echo top height, the strongest radar echo at all heights, the highest lightning density, and the most active ice-phase process, which indicate that the convection in the WR is the most vigorous, the convection in the FR is moderate, and the SR is the weakest. (2) Three types of rainfall are all marine type precipitation, the equivalent raindrop diameter Dm and the intercept parameter Nw of the WR are the largest. (3) The WR has the highest proportion of graupel compared with the FR and SR, stronger updrafts and more abundant water vapor supply may lead to larger raindrops during the melting and collision coalescence processes. (4) Over the all heights, liquid and ice water content in the WR are higher than those in the SR and FR. The ratio of ice to liquid water content in the WR is as high as 27% when ZH exceeds 50 dBZ, obviously higher than that in the SR and FR, indicating that the active ice-phase process existing in the WR is conducive to the formation of heavy rainfall.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR332
AS36 - Regional Climate Downscaling and Cordex: Challenges and Prospects

Session Chair(s): Dong-Hyun CHA, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

AS36-A007 | Invited
Uncertainty Analysis of Future Summer Monsoon Duration and Area Over East Asia Using a Multi-GCM Multi-RCM Ensemble

Seung-Ki MIN1#+, Donghyun LEE2, Joong-Bae AHN3, Dong-Hyun CHA4, Seok-Woo SHIN4, Eun-Chul CHANG5, Myoung-Seok SUH5, Young-Hwa BYUN6, Jin-Uk KIM7
1Pohang University of Science and Technology, 2University of Oxford, 3Pusan National University, 4Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 5Kongju National University, 6National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 7Korea Meteorological Administration

This study examines spatio-temporal characteristics of the summer monsoon rainy season over East Asia (EA) using six regional climate models (RCMs) participating in the CORDEX EA Phase II project. The combination of multiple GCMs × RCMs framework produces a larger spread in summer monsoon characteristics than those from driving GCMs only, enabling a better quantification of uncertainty factors. The RCM simulations reproduce the observed summer monsoon duration and area with overall improved performances compared to their corresponding boundary GCM outputs, representing the added values of RCMs. Both area and duration of the EA summer monsoon are projected to increase by the late 21st century, more strongly in the high emission scenarios than in the low emission ones, particularly in China. Warming mitigation benefits estimated from different responses between scenarios tend to be larger in area than in duration across EA. ANOVA results show that uncertainty in future EA monsoon area and duration is generally larger between boundary GCMs than between RCMs. A strong inter-simulation relationship between RCMs and GCMs supports that the boundary GCMs substantially diversify downscaled RCM projections through different climate sensitivities. Further, the distinct sub-regional responses in future monsoon area and duration emphasize the importance of fine-resolution projections with appropriate uncertainty measures for better preparing region-specific adaptation plans.

Future Projection of Precipitation Over the Korean Peninsula Under Global Warming Levels of 1.5℃ and 2.0℃, Using Large Ensemble of RCMs in CORDEX-EA Phase 2

DoHyun KIM1#+, Jin-Uk KIM2, Young-Hwa BYUN1, Tae-Jun KIM1
1National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 2Korea Meteorological Administration

This study conducted analysis about future projection of precipitation (PR) over the Korean Peninsula (KP) under global warming levels of 1.5℃ and 2.0℃ (GWL 1.5℃ and 2.0℃). Large ensemble of state-of-the-art regional climate model (RCM) in CORDEX-EA Phase 2 was used and bias correction was performed on the ensemble. Under GWL 1.5℃ (2.0℃), RCM multi-model ensemble (MME) predicted that mean PR will increase slightly by 4.69% (5.08%) with larger increase of northern KP (NKP) and southern KP (SKP). This spatial pattern was expected to be similar for extreme PR, but the response was expected to be intensified with increase by 10.14% (12.05%). RCM MME also predicted that distribution of extreme PR will shift to the right and then extreme event occur once in 20 years will change the event with reoccurrence of 12.56 years (10.88 years) over SKP and 10.04 years (9.96 years) over NKP. Mechanism was investigated for cases when extreme PR occur during June to September. It was expected that increase of extreme PR per warming will be close to Clausis-Clapeyron scale, which will be 5.64% ℃-1 (5.52% ℃-1) over SKP and 8.37% ℃-1 (6.54% ℃-1) over NKP. This meant that increased moisture capability by warming will affect extreme PR rather than mean PR. However, expected ratio over CKP was 3.39% ℃-1 (2.03% ℃-1), which implied that there will be other factors affecting extreme PR. Accordingly, some possible factors were investigated and RCM MME predicted vertical instability over East Asia to continue and moisture flux and convergence around KP to be intensified under GWLs.

Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Over CORDEX East Asia

Ana JUZBASIC1#+, Dong-Hyun CHA1, Joong-Bae AHN2, Seung-Ki MIN3, Eun-Chul CHANG4, Myoung-Seok SUH4, Young-Hwa BYUN5, Jin-Uk KIM6
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2Pusan National University, 3Pohang University of Science and Technology, 4Kongju National University, 5National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 6Korea Meteorological Administration

The present study used daily precipitation data from a total of 10 GCM-RCM chains using four GCM (GFDL_ESM2, HadGEM2_AO, MPI_ESM_LR, and UKESM) and four RCMs (WRF, RegCM, MM5, and CCLM), to address the future changes in extreme precipitation during boreal summer (June-July-August, JJA). Model performance has been evaluated by comparing model simulation with APHRODITE data, using Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) indices related to extreme precipitation. Due to systematic biases apparent in the initial analysis, bias correction was deemed to be necessary, and was performed using quantile mapping. After the correction, all of the models simulated the current climate sufficiently, especially for the average daily precipitation, maximum 1- and 5-day precipitation (Rx1Day and Rx5day), and the number of days with precipitation over 20mm (R20mm), while the number of the continuous wet and dry days was still overestimated or underestimated after bias correction. In both RCP8.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, average daily precipitation during summer was not projected to have significant changes by the end of the century over the whole domain. However, the extreme precipitation indices, that is, Rx1Day, Rx5Day, and R20mm were projected to increase, with the largest increases being over the coastal areas. This change was projected to be larger in the SSP5-8.5 scenario than in the RCP8.5 scenario, most likely as a consequence of both slightly higher emissions, as well as increased climate sensitivity of the models in the SSP5-8.5 scenario.

Present Day Bias and Future Change Signal of Temperature Over China in a Series of Multi-GCM Driven RCM Simulations

Jia WU1#+, Xuejie GAO2
1National Climate Center of China, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Simulation of surface air temperature over China from a set of regional climate model (RCM) climate change experiments over the East Asia domain of CORDEX phase II are analyzed with the focus on bias and change signal of the RCM and driving general circulation models (GCMs). The set consists of 4 simulations by the RCM of RegCM4 driven by 4 different GCMs for the period of 1979-2099 under the mid-range RCP4.5 (Representative Concentration Pathway) scenario. Results show that for present day conditions, the RCM provides with more spatial details of the distribution and in general reduces the biases of GCM, in particular in DJF (December-January-February) and over areas with complex topography. Bias patterns show some correlation between the RCM and driving GCM in DJF but not in JJA (June-July-August). In JJA, the biases in RCM simulations show similar pattern and low sensitivity to the driving GCM, which can be attributed to the large effect of internal model physics in the season. For change signals, dominant forcings from the driving GCM are evident in the RCM simulations as shown by the magnitude, large scale spatial distribution, as well as interannual variation of the changes. The added value of RCM projection is characterized by the finer spatial detail in sub-regional (river basins) and local scale. In DJF, profound warming over the Tibetan Plateau is simulated by RCM but not GCMs. In general no clear relationships are found between the model bias and change signal, either for the driving GCMs or nested RCM.

Projection of Extreme Heatwaves Over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Domain Under RCP and SCP Scenarios

Young Hyun KIM1#+, Joong-Bae AHN2, Dong-Hyun CHA1, Myoung-Seok SUH3, Eun-Chul CHANG3, Seung-Ki MIN4, Young-Hwa BYUN5, Jin-Uk KIM6
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2Pusan National University, 3Kongju National University, 4Pohang University of Science and Technology, 5National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, 6Korea Meteorological Administration

This study accesses the future changes in an extreme heatwave, in terms of intensity and duration, over the CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 domain. An extreme heatwave is defined as one in which the heatwave magnitude (HWM), which is the accumulated daily intensity of a heatwave during the heatwave period, is higher than the 95th percentile of the HWM for the reference period. In the Historical simulations (1981–2005), heatwaves have occurred mainly from April to June in India, in April and May in Indochina, from June to August in China and Mongolia, and in July and August in the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Most heatwaves in East Asia last three to four days, but long-lasting and intense heatwaves occur more often in India and Indochina than elsewhere. In the end of the 21st century (2071-2100), heatwave intensity will increase, the average duration of heatwaves will be approximately two to three weeks, and the heatwave season will be lengthened. Therefore, extreme heatwaves will occur more frequently and strongly. Under two representative concentration pathway scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5) and two shared socioeconomic pathway scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5), the proportion of extreme heatwaves to all heatwave events will increase from 5.0% (historical) to 8.0%, 20.8%, 19.3%, and 36.3%, and the HWM of the extreme heatwave will be 1.4, 3.5, 3.0, and 9.0 times stronger, respectively. The main reason for the increase in the HWM of extreme heatwaves is the increased duration rather than the daily intensity of the heatwaves. In East Asia, the temporal and regional disparities of heatwave damage will be much more prominent as extreme heatwaves become stronger and more frequent in these regions and during the periods that are more affected by heatwaves in the present day.

Changes in Wind Energy Potential Over East Asia Using the CORDEX-East Asia High-resolution Multiple Regional Climate Models

Changyong PARK#+, Dong-Hyun CHA, Seok-Woo SHIN
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Renewable energy generation, such as photovoltaic or wind power, is directly affected by weather and climate. This study investigated recent changes in Wind Energy Potential (Wpot) over sub-regions for East Asia and projected them for the future period using the CORDEX-East Asia phase Ⅱ high-resolution multiple regional climate models. Since the wind has high variability over time, we applied 3-hourly data, which is the shortest time interval in the regional climate models produced. In addition, since the amount of power generated in a wind turbine varies depending on the wind speed, the Wpot was estimated in detail according to the wind speed intervals. The averaged Wpot over the past 40 years (1979-2018) was high in Northeast China and Northwest China across all seasons, and recent East Asia averaged Wpot generally increased in spring, autumn, and winter, and decreased in summer, but had large inter-regional variability. In particular, the recent increase in Korea and Inner Mongolia was the largest in spring. Moreover, in inner Mongolia, wind speeds from 12 m s-1 or higher to less than 25 m s-1, which are the highest efficiency sections, were the most frequent and had the highest rate of increase. In the case of the RCP2.6 scenario, Wpot will increase considerably in Korea and Japan in all seasons from 2041 to 2065, and will increase, and the autumn from 2075 to 2099 will increase more than during the period from 2041 to 2065 in all sub-regions except Southern China. In the RCP8.5 scenario, the difference between regions is larger than that of the RCP2.6 scenario, and it is predicted that the decrease in Wpot will be significantly greater in the autumn during the two future periods.

Future Activities of Tropical Cyclone Under the SSP Scenarios Using Multi-RCMs

Eunji KIM1+, Taehyung KIM1, Tae Ho MUN1, Seok-Woo SHIN1, Minkyu LEE2, Dong-Hyun CHA1#, Eun-Chul CHANG3, Joong-Bae AHN4, Seung-Ki MIN5, Jin-Uk KIM6, Young-Hwa BYUN7
1Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2Korea Institute of Energy Research, 3Kongju National University, 4Pusan National University, 5Pohang University of Science and Technology, 6Korea Meteorological Administration, 7National Institute of Meteorological Sciences

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are often generated over the western North Pacific (WNP). They result in destructive damages in East Asian countries including South Korea. In this study, we investigated future activities of TCs using five regional climate models (RCMs) (e.g., RegCM4, GRIMs, WRF, CCLM, HadGEM3-RA) are forced by UK Earth System Model (UKESM) under the historical and two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5). The simulation experiments are conducted at 25-km horizontal resolution over Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) East Asia domain. The performance based-ensemble mean method is applied to reduce the uncertainty of a single RCMs. In the historical (1985-2014) period, the ensembled models captured the number of TC genesis of observation data but simulated the intensity weakly. Comparing the historical and the near-future (2031-2060) and far-future (2071-2100) periods, the RCMs show the same feature that the core region of TCs genesis migrates northwards. As the migration of genesis region, activities of TCs also moved northward. It is related to several synoptic fields; increasing of relative vorticity and specific humidity of 850 hPa, and weakening of vertical wind shear over the mid-latitudes, due to higher sea level pressure than in the historical period.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR330
AS59 - Mesoscale Meteorology and High-impact Weather

Session Chair(s): Yu DU, Sun Yat-sen University

AS59-A008 | Invited
Contrasting Mesoscale Convective System Features of Two Successive Warm-sector Rainfall Episodes in Southeastern China: A Satellite Perspective

Yipeng HUANG1+, Murong ZHANG2#
1Xiamen Meteorological Bureau, 2Xiamen University

As a typical rainfall type over South China, warm-sector rainfall is often attributed to Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs). However, the MCS contribution to warm-sector rainfall is rarely well-quantified, and the potential distinction of MCS behaviors in different warm-sector rainfall events remains unexplored. On 6–7 May 2018, two warm-sector rainfall episodes (EP1 and EP2) occurred in succession over southeastern China, with EP2 breaking historical rainfall records and producing a maximum rainfall total over four times that of EP1. The purpose of the present study was to elucidate how MCSs behaved in these two back-to-back but distinct warm-sector episodes, and thus explore the distinct role of MCSs in warm-sector rainfall. MCSs were identified, tracked, and characterized based on Himawari-8 infrared images. Results showed that MCSs played a dominant role in EP2, but not in EP1, by contributing over 80% of the extreme rainfall total and all the 10-min rainfalls over 20 mm. MCS occurrences were more frequent in EP2 than EP1, especially in the coastal rainfall hotspots, along with more frequent merging processes. Overall, the MCS samples in EP2 were larger in size, more intense, and moved slower and more in parallel to their orientation, which facilitated local rainfall accumulation. Two new indices are proposed—the overlap index (OLI) and merging potential index (MPI)—to evaluate two MCS processes vital for rainfall production: the repeated passage of an individual MCS over given areas and the merging between MCSs, respectively. Both OLI and MPI in EP2 were significantly larger than in EP1, which tended to produce larger maximum rainfall amount and stronger 10-min rain rates in the following hour. These results demonstrate the potential value of satellite-based MCS information for heavy rainfall nowcasting, which is particularly significant for warm-sector rainfall with its limited predictability.

AS59-A018 | Invited
Simulation and Diagnosis of Interactions Across Scales in Frontal Convective Vortices During the Mei-yu Season in Taiwan

Chung-Chieh WANG#+, Shin-Yi HUANG
National Taiwan Normal University

This study examines the contributions in vorticity from processes at different scales in two cases of mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) on the Mei-yu front. Case 1 occurred in 6-7 June 2003 and the MCVs were larger in size, while case 2 formed from isolated storms during 19-20 May 2014. The Cloud-Resolving Storm Simulator (CReSS) was used to reproduce the two events, and processes in the output data were separated into large-scale, mesoscale, and convective scales using the band-pass filtering method. The analysis of vorticity budget after scale separation shows that the positive vorticity contribution of case 1 is the vorticity divergence term and tilting term, and the convective scale is the most important, followed by the mesoscale. The positive vorticity contribution in the northern region (over northern Taiwan Strait) of case 2 is the vorticity divergence and tilting terms, which are dominated by meso- to convective scales. Especially in the development period of MCV, the convective scale in the vorticity divergence term and the horizontal advection term can be equivalent to the mesoscale. It can be seen that although the proportion of deep convection cells in the spatial distribution is small, the positive vorticity provided by them cannot be ignored. The analysis of the southern region shows that the positive vorticity contribution is the vorticity divergence term and the vorticity vertical advection term. The vorticity divergence term is the convective scale synergistic the large scale, and the vorticity vertical advection term is the large scale synergistic the mesoscale, which shows that the large-scale environment has a considerable degree of background vorticity value, and the latent heat release of deep convection enhances the low-level convergence and vertical upward movement, which can feedback the vorticity to the large-scale.

Climatology of Wavelike Banded Convective Activities in South China

Xuan ZHOU+, Yu DU#, Junhong WEI
Sun Yat-sen University

Multiple parallel convective systems in form of wavelike banded convective activity have been observed in South China. A total of 114 cases were recorded from 2013 to 2021 by using the radar mosaic. This type of convective activity is most likely to occur in spring, summer and winter, with the least probability in autumn. Summer is the season with the greatest probability of large-scale bands. The wavelength range is between 50-400 km, with an average wavelength of 150 km. There are several possible causes of this phenomenon, including cold pools and gravity waves. Our focus is on the type of banded convective activities coupled with gravity waves, which has been identified as accounting for 47% of cases (54 cases) based on the presence of wave ducting. This type of banded convective activity is most likely to occur in spring and winter, and almost nonexistent in summer. There are two major types in terms of the orientation of wave front, including the northeast-southwest one and the northwest-southeast one.

Impacts of Moisture on the Organizational Modes of Mesoscale Convective Systems Associated with Warm-sector Heavy Rainfall

Sa LI1, Zhiyong MENG2#+
1Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute, 2Peking University

This work examines sensitivities of organizational modes of warm-sector heavy-rainfall-associated mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) in South China to relative humidity based on an MCS event with a typical linear organizational mode of trailing stratiform precipitation (TS). This TS system with two arc-shaped structures in its convective region induced by two pairs of bookend vortices was simulated as the control experiment (CTRL), based on which sensitivity experiments were performed by perturbing relative humidities in different layers. Results showed that sensitivities of organizational modes of the MCS to moisture decrease with height, with the highest sensitivity to lower-level moisture. Increasing lower-level moisture produces a bow echo (BE) mode with more stratiform precipitation than that in CTRL. Increasing lower-level moisture results in the increase of CAPE (convective available potential energy) and the decrease of LCL (lifting condensation level) thus favoring convection enhancement with strong cold pool and cold-pool-outflow-associated convergence, which lead to faster movements and larger rearward storm-relative winds that produce more stratiform precipitation. The occurrence of the BE mode is owning to the strengthening of rear inflows resulting from the merging of bookend vortices. Conversely, decreasing lower-level moisture produces no stratiform precipitation (NS) mode, possibly resulting from the lack of rearward storm-relative winds owning to the weak convection, the lack of cold pool and slow movements as a result of the decrease of CAPE and the increase of LCL. In addition, decreasing midlevel moisture may increase stratiform rainfall and the curvature of the convective line owning to the cold pool intensification resulting from the strong midlevel evaporation.

The Role of Gravity Waves in the Asymmetric Development of Squall Lines

Hongpei YANG+, Yu DU#
Sun Yat-sen University

Squall lines, one of the most frequent mesoscale convective systems, are featured by asymmetric development, which is mainly explained by the interaction between cold pool and low-level wind shear. This study sheds further light on the role of gravity waves in shaping the asymmetry of squall lines through a combination of moist and dry numerical simulations. The moist simulations successfully capture the asymmetric and cyclical evolution of squall lines. In the initial stage, new cells are organized in both two sides of the parent system, but occur higher in the downshear side and persist longer in the upshear side. The mature stage is characterized by the cyclical growth of the parent system, the expansion and contraction of cloud anvil, and the cyclical generation of forward new cells. Although most new cells are short-lived, one develops into discrete propagation later.
These asymmetric features are closely linked to the convectively generated gravity waves, with n=1 waves stabilizing the environment while n=2 waves promote convective organization through uplifting, enhancing moisture, and favorable thermal conditions in the low-level. The cyclical generation of multiple n=1 and n=2 waves lead to the cyclical asymmetric development of squall lines. The idealized dry simulations further examine the impact of low-level vertical wind shear on the wave asymmetry. The low-level shear results in faster wave speed, larger wave amplitude, and lower the height of wave nodes in the upshear side, and thus jointly contribute to the asymmetric development of squall lines.

Initiations of Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin Based on FY-4A Satellite Data: Statistical Characteristics and Environmental Conditions

Ya-Nan FU1+, Jianhua SUN1#, Shenming FU2, Yuanchun ZHANG1, Zheng MA1
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Based on the brightness temperature observed by the Fengyun-4A satellite, eight hundred mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are identified in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Basin during the warm seasons (April–September) of 2018–2021, which are categorized into the quasistationary (QS) type and the outward-moving (OM; i.e., vacating the source region) type. Afterward, the initiations of the MCSs are backward tracked using a hybrid method of areal overlapping and optical flow. Then, the main features of QS and OM MCSs and their respective synoptic circulations and environmental parameters are analyzed. The QS MCSs primarily occur in July and August and are mainly initiated in the afternoon. The OM MCSs mostly occur in June and July with two initiation peaks appeared at noon and late night, respectively. The QS MCSs are mainly initiated in mountainous areas, and they are primarily caused by local thermal effects. In contrast, the OM MCSs are mainly initiated in plain areas under synoptic forcings. Circulations of a total of 285 days (without direct influencings from tropical cyclones) are objectively classified into three patterns by using the k-means algorithm. Pattern-I (128 days) which is closely related to low-level jets, shows the most similar features to those of typical Mei-yu fronts, and it acts as the most favorable circulation type for MCSs’ initiations. Pattern-II (66 days) is dominated by northwesterlies, with a relatively stable layer in the low-level troposphere. Pattern-III (91 days) features a dry-adiabatic or even a superadiabatic layer that contributes to lowering the layer stability.

Linear Stability Analysis of a Tornado-like Vortex with Double Helical Structure Produce in a Vortex Simulator of National Defense Academy

Toshihisa ITANO#+
National Defense Academy

Linear stability of a tornado-like vortex with double helical structure produced in a vortex simulator of National Defense Academy is investigated. The simulator has cylindrical structure with 1.8 m in diameter and 0.95 m in height, and consists of a blower at the top, which sucks the air inside and generates mainstream passing through the devise, and 50 guide vanes arranged point-symmetrically at the bottom, which give angular momentum, necessary for the formation of tornado-like vortex, to the inflow. Various kinds of tornado-like vortices, from axi-symmetric one or two cell’s ones to asymmetric ones embedding secondary vortices within them, can be generated in the simulator. A vortex with double helical structure, which contains two secondary vortices intertwining with each other like DNA, is formed when the inflow angle of the 50 guide vanes is around 30 – 50 deg. In this study, we focused on such a vortex which emerges when the inflow angle is 37.5 deg, where two secondary vortices are rather tightly intertwined with each other. The vortex is measured by sonic anemometer-thermometer (SAT) developed for laboratory use, whose probe has a base line of 3 cm. Three components of wind speed are measured with the spatial interval of 3 cm and 5 cm in the radial and vertical directions, respectively. Each run is set to 4 min with 10 Hz. The radial wind profile, which becomes a basic state of the linear stability analysis, is obtained by averaging the data. A sextic equation is used to approximate and smooth the profile. Linear stability of the axisymmetric parent vortex thus obtained is investigated with a non-divergent barotropic vorticity equation following the method proposed by Staley and Gall (1979). Fortunately, the preliminary result shows instability against a wave number-2 perturbation. Detailed considerations will be introduced at the conference.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR329
AS44 - Atmospheric Nitrogen-containing Organic Compounds: Sources, Processes, and Impacts

Session Chair(s): Hwajin KIM, Seoul National University, Qi ZHANG, University of California, Davis, Tzung-May FU, Southern University of Science and Technology

How Does the Chemistry at Environmental Surfaces Affect the Formation of Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds?

Chinese Academy of Sciences

Building surfaces are a boundary between the indoor and outdoor environment. Myriad of pollutants which are emitted into the air by automobiles, factories and a host of other sources present in the cities where we live, can settle on the building surfaces in form of a grime. Sunlight acting on urban grime very rapidly releases gas phase nitrogen oxides (NO) and nitrous acid (HONO) back into the atmosphere, by the light-induced heterogeneous reactions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) with organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) trapped in the grime. HONO is very important player in urban atmospheric chemistry as represents the main primary source of hydroxyl radicals (OH) in urban air. Some of the released N-containing organic compounds by this chemistry make a part of the still poorly characterized light-absorbing organic compounds known as “brown carbon” indicating the importance of heterogeneous NO2 conversion processing on urban grime. Water surface microlayer (SML) is ubiquitous in the environment and provides a unique medium for interfacial processing. We present real-time measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by interfacial oxidation chemistry of gaseous ozone with an authentic SML collected at three different places located at upper, middle and lower reaches of East Pearl River within urban area of Guangzhou, China by using a novel secondary electrospray ionization ultra-high-resolution quadrupole Orbitrap mass spectrometer (SESI-UHR-MS). We show that ozone oxidation chemistry at the SML of the river can lead to a large suite of unsaturated and saturated CHO organic compounds including nitrogen containing organic compounds. We also show that an important number of aromatic compounds with light-absorbing- and toxic- properties are formed which could be discharged into the ocean or atmosphere via gas-water interchange, imposing a great concern on the urban area, in term of human health impact and environmental issues.

Optical Properties and Potential Sources of Brown Carbon in the Seoul Metropolitan Area

Yanfang CHEN, Hwajin KIM#+
Seoul National University

The light-absorbing organic aerosol (OA), known as brown carbon (BrC), has significant impact on both air quality and climate. However, the sources and formation processes of BrC in the atmosphere are not well characterized. There are only limited studies have quantified the contributions of specific sources to BrC absorption in different environments, hindering the quantification of the impact of these sources on climate. In this study, a multiple-wavelength Aethalometer coupled with a High-Resolution Time-of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) was deployed to investigate the relationship between the chemical composition and optical properties of BrC at a typical urban environment in Seoul, Korea from October to December in 2018. The results showed that BrC contributed 25.04 % to the total aerosol absorption at 370 nm. Sources of OA were divided into six different factors (HOA, BBOA, COA, MO-OOA, LO-OOA1 and LO-OOA2) by performing the positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis. The multi-linear regression analysis on the PMF factors indicated the OA from biomass burning emission contributed to 38.9 % of BrC absorption. Consistently, clear correlations between nitrogen-containing OA and BrC absorption were observed and these nitrogen-containing compounds were likely produced during the biomass burning emission. Moreover, the two less oxygenated OA (LO-OOA1 and LO-OOA2) were found to contribute dominantly to the light absorption of BrC (56.7 %). Finally, the specific cases were investigated to further elucidate the photobleaching and photo-enhancement process of BrC.

Optical Properties, Chemical Composition and Photooxidation of Atmospheric Nitrogen-containing Organic Aerosols

Ru-Jin HUANG#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Nitrogen-containing organic compounds (NOC) are a group of key chromophores in brown carbon (BrC, or light-absorbing organic carbon) aerosol, which affects atmospheric photochemical processes and radiative forcing. The optical properties, chemical composition, sources and aging processes of NOC, however, are still not well understood. In this study, we report the optical properties, chemical composition, and sources of NOC in urban atmospheric PM2.5. Nitrated aromatic compounds are the main light-absorbing NOC quantified in urban atmospheric PM2.5, and the seasonal variations of its chromophore composition, sources and contribution to light absorption of BrC are discussed. Nitrate-mediated photooxidation of NOC (including 4-nitrocatechol, 3-nitrosalicylic acid and 3,4-dinitrophenol) in atmospheric aqueous phase under different pH and temperature conditions are also studied. The dynamic changes in light absorption of NOC during photolysis are measured, and the photolysis rates and products of NOC are further characterized. The photolysis rate of NOC generally increases with the increase of temperature. The photooxidation of NOC begin with the addition of -OH or/and –NO (–NO2) groups to aromatic ring, and further ring-opening of aromatic ring with formation of smaller, highly oxygenated molecules.

Particulate Amines and the Large Contributions from Anthropogenic Sources at a Coastal Area in Northern China in Winter

Xinfeng WANG1#+, Zhiyi LIU1, Min LI1, Yiheng LIANG2, Yueru JIANG1, Jing CHEN1, Jiangshan MU1, Yujiao ZHU1, Likun XUE1
1Shandong University, 2ETH Zürich

Particulate amines constitute a significant fraction of secondary organic aerosols and have adverse effects on air quality and human health. To understand the chemical composition, variation characteristics, and potential sources of particulate amines in the coastal area in northern China, field sampling and chemical analysis were conducted in coastal Qingdao in the winter of 2018 and 2019. A total of 15 major amines were identified and quantified by using an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with a hydrophilic interaction column in combination with a mass spectrometer. The average concentration of total amines in PM2.5 samples was approximately 130 ng m−3. Dimethylamine was the most abundant species among the quantified amines, followed by triethylamine and methylamine. The particulate amines usually exhibited elevated concentrations in the presence of high levels of SO2 and NOx or in the condition of high relative humidity. Moderately high correlations were recognized between amines and the SO2 and NOx. A receptor model of positive matrix factorization was employed and seven major sources were identified, including coal combustion, industrial production, vehicle exhaust, biomass burning, agricultural activities, secondary formation, and marine emission. Surprisingly, most particulate amines primarily originated from the primary emissions of anthropogenic activities particularly related to coal combustion and industrial productions, which should be given close concern to address the amine pollution. Further laboratory and field studies are required to evaluate the anthropogenic emissions of amines.

Nitrogen-containing Compounds Enhance Light Absorption of Aromatic-derived Brown Carbon

Zhaomin YANG+, Lin DU#
Shandong University

The formation of secondary brown carbon (BrC) is chemically complex, leading to an unclear relationship between its molecular composition and optical properties. Here, we present an in-depth investigation of molecular -specific optical properties and aging of secondary BrC produced from the photooxidation of ethylbenzene at varied NOx levels for the first time. Due to the pronounced formation of unsaturated products, the mass absorption coefficient (MAC) of ethylbenzene secondary organic aerosols (ESOA) at 365 nm was higher than that of biogenic SOA by a factor of 10. A high NOx level ([ethylbenzene]0/[NOx]0 < 10 ppbC ppb−1) was found to significantly increase the average MAC300−700 nm of ESOA by 0.29 m2 g−1. The data from two complementary high -resolution mass spectrometers and quantum chemical calculations showed that nitrogen-containing compounds were largely responsible for the enhanced light absorption of high-NOx ESOA, and multifunctional nitroaromatic compounds (such as C8H9NO3 and C8H9NO4) were identified as important BrC chromophores. High-NOx ESOA underwent photobleaching upon direct exposure to ultraviolet light. Photolysis did not lead to the significant decomposition of C8H9NO3 and C8H9NO4, indicating that nitroaromatic compounds may serve as relatively stable nitrogen reservoirs and would effectively absorb solar radiation during the daytime.

Dissecting the Contributions of Organic Nitrogen Aerosols to Global Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Implications for Ecosystems

Yumin LI1,2+, Tzung-May FU1#, Jian Zhen YU2, Xu YU2, Qi CHEN3, Ruqian MIAO3, Yang ZHOU 4, Aoxing ZHANG1, Jianhuai YE1, Xin YANG1, Shu TAO1, Hongbin LIU2, Weiqi YAO1
1Southern University of Science and Technology, 2The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 3Peking University, 4Ocean University of China

Atmospheric deposition of particulate organic nitrogen (ONp) is a significant process in the global nitrogen cycle and may be pivotally important for N-limited ecosystems. However, past models largely overlooked the spatial and chemical inhomogeneity of atmospheric ONp and were severely deficient in assessing global ONp impacts. We constructed a comprehensive global model of atmospheric gaseous and particulate organic nitrogen (ON), including latest knowledge on emissions and secondary formations, and successfully simulated global atmospheric ONp. Our estimated global atmospheric ON deposition was 26 Tg N yr-1, predominantly in the form of ONp (23 Tg N yr-1) and mostly from wildfires (37%), oceans (22%), and aqueous productions (17%). Globally, ONp contributed as high as 40% to 80% of the total N deposition downwind of biomass burning regions. Atmospheric ONp deposition thus constituted the dominant external N supply to the N-limited boreal forests, tundras, and the Arctic Ocean, and its importance may amplify in a future warming climate.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR331
AS01 - The Asian Monsoon, Extremes and Climate Change

Session Chair(s): Renguang WU, Zhejiang University, Ramesh KRIPALANI, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology

More Than Six Billion People Encountering More Exposure to Climate Extremes with 1.5 ◦c and 2.0 ◦c Global Warming

Peihua QIN#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The Paris Agreement established the aims for global warming in the 21st Century relative to preindustrial times, with 1.5 ◦C as ideal object and 2.0 ◦C as upper boundary. Compound population exposure to climate extremes under different global warming levels, which is determined both by changes in climate and the amount and distribution of population, is not well known. Here, we investigate changes in population exposure to wet, dry, heat and cold extremes with 1.5 and 2.0 ◦C global warming. Results show that population exposure to wet, dry and heat extremes over middle Africa, Arabian Peninsula and South Asia is generally found to increase at 1.5 and 2.0 ◦C warming levels, whereas that over eastern Asia largely decreases from 1.5 to 2.0 ◦C warming due to a population reduction by 107 million. Then we adopt a 4-bit binary number as a compound index to represent the size of the exposure increase to different extremes under different warming levels. Total population with exposure increases to wet, dry, heat and cold extremes is 2358, 1900 and 1569 million persons at 1.5 ◦C warming, 2.0 ◦C warming and from 1.5 to 2.0 ◦C warming, respectively. Furthermore, there are 7242, 6574 and 6299 million persons faced with increased exposure to all four extremes but the cold extreme during the above periods, which is more than two-thirds of total population. Therefore, we should do more to confront possible climate risks under global warming.

Quasi-biweekly Oscillation in Tropical Asian Monsoon Rainfall Variations During Boreal Summer: Propagation and Maintenance

Weizhen CHEN+, Song YANG, Wei WEI#
Sun Yat-sen University

The quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO) is an important component of tropical monsoon variations. The first two leading modes of the empirical orthogonal function analysis of rainfall variations over the tropical monsoon region show that the western North Pacific QBWO and the Indian Ocean QBWO propagate northwestward and encounter in the Bay of Bengal. They further propagate westward toward the Arabian Sea. Enhanced (suppressed) rainfall activity is closely related to significant positive (negative) specific humidity anomalies. Results from a moisture budget analysis indicate that the successive westward movement of moisture precursor is primarily due to the interaction between the perturbation zonal wind (vertical motions) and the mean zonal (vertical) gradient of moisture at the lower level (middle level), with two anomalous cyclone circulations alternately presenting over the South China Sea and the Bay of Bengal. This research reveals the connection of the two branches of QBWO rainfall anomalies over the western North Pacific and the Indian Ocean in the view of moisture dynamics.

Climate Responses to Tambora-size Volcanic Eruption and the Impact of Warming Climate

Linshan YANG1+, Chaochao GAO1#, Fei LIU2
1Zhejiang University, 2Sun Yat-sen University

The climatic consequences to large volcanic eruptions depend on direct radiative perturbation and climate variability that amplifies or dampens the initial perturbation. Potential climate responses to future eruptions, however, have been rarely studied. Here we show perturbation of Tambora- size causes significant but no inter-scenario different global average climate responses, by using CESM simulations under preindustrial and RCP8.5 scenarios. Regionally we find severe reduction in African and Asian-Australian monsoon rainfall and emerge of El Niño-like responses, largely due to the land-ocean thermal contrast mechanism. Global warming significantly amplifies such El Niño-like responses, which feed on the enhanced climatology atmospheric moisture and cause higher sensitivity of monsoon circulation to radiative forcing in the tropics. We also find prolonged Asian-Australian monsoon suppression that enhances the westerly anomalies through Kalvin wave response over the Pacific, suggesting the complexity of climate responses and feedbacks to external forcing under future climate.

Weakening of Decadal Variation of Northern Hemisphere Land Monsoon Rainfall Under Global Warming

Yeyan JIANG1#+, Juan LI1, Zhiwei ZHU1, Bin WANG2
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2University of Hawaii

Over the past century, Northern Hemisphere (NH) land monsoon rainfall (NHLMR) experienced significant decadal to multidecadal variations, mainly driven by an east–west sea surface temperature (SST) contrast over the Pacific (EWPC) and an interhemispheric North Atlantic–South Indian Ocean SST dipole (NAID). However, how the NHLMR’s decadal variation would vary and whether the oceanic forcing could continue to drive it in a warming world remain unexplored. Here, by analyzing 24 CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) models’ historical simulations and future projections, we show that the leading mode of decadal NHLMR would remain its nearly-uniform spatial pattern and representation of the NHLMR’s intensity. However, the intensity of decadal NHLMR variation will experience a comprehensive decline under various emission scenarios. In the future, EWPC will remain a primary driver, but NAID is no longer. The significant historical correlation between NAID and NHLMR is mainly attributed to the influence of high anthropogenic aerosols emission. However, the NAID-NHLMR linkage would no longer exist owing to the reduced anthropogenic aerosol emission in the future.

The Accelerating Increase of Dangerous Compound Heatwaves in China Under Different Warming Levels

Wei DONG#+, Xiaojing JIA
Zhejiang University

Extreme heat waves have attracted much attention in recent decades in China due to the great threat they pose to human and ecology. Defining meteorological compound events that pose a direct threat to human health is urgently needed, and accurately capturing the rate of increase in such events is a direct reflection of the increasing risks of climate change. Thus, detecting the increasing rate and future changes under different warming levels is an important topic. The increase in such events is primarily a response to the level of global warming. In this talk, the latest CMIP6 Universal Thermal Climate Index datasets are first evaluated and corrected by a robust empirical quantiles method. We then define dangerous compound heatwaves based on different risk levels. Finally, we show the evolution of the change rate and spatial extent of dangerous compound heatwaves in China based on different levels of global warming. Therefore, our study reveals the urgency of mitigating climate warming and resisting the risk of dangerous compound heatwaves.

Thu-03 Aug | 3:30 - 5:15 | MR328
AS33 - Reactive Nitrogen and Atmosphere-biosphere Interactions

Session Chair(s):

AS33-A009 | Invited
Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damages: Opportunities from Changes in Food Production, Consumption and Supply Chains

Yixin GUO1#+, Lin ZHANG2, Denise MAUZERALL3, Tim SEARCHINGER3, Gang LIU2, Pan HE4, Mi ZHOU3
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2Peking University, 3Princeton University, 4Cardiff University

Low nitrogen (N) use efficiency of food production and dietary shifts towards more N-intensive meats have caused substantial losses of reactive nitrogen (ammonia (NH3) and N2O to air and nitrate to water), contributing to health-damaging PM2.5 formation, climate warming and excess nitrogen deposition adverse to ecosystem biodiversity. Food-sector strategies may mitigate abovementioned inter-connected damages, yet comprehensive evaluation has been limited owing to gaps among disciplines. Here we explore reactive nitrogen reductions from management improvements and dietary shifts in China, and global food loss and waste (FLW) reductions. We combine agronomic field experiments, meta-analyses, atmospheric chemistry modeling, life-cycle assessments and epidemiological models. From the production perspective, improving Chinese agricultural management (including reduced N fertilizer use, machine fertilizer deep placement, enhanced-efficiency fertilizer and improved manure handling) can reduce NH3 emissions by ~6%-35%, PM2.5 by 0-8 microgram/m3 locally, cropland nitrate-leaching and runoff by 14-38%, N loss to water from animal farms by 20%, and increase grain yield by 7-9%. Total benefits (US$30 billion/a) exceed costs (US$ 18 billion/a). From the consumption perspective, replacing red meat by soy or shifting from the 2011 baseline Chinese diet towards the EAT-Lancet guidelines would decrease NH3 emissions by ~40% and ~20% respectively and decrease PM2.5 by up to 8microgram/m3 locally. Greater soybean intake and less red meat intakes also improve dietary health. In contrast, shifting to China’s dietary guidelines or a typical US diet increase NH3 emissions by ~100% and ~200% respectively, and increase PM2.5 by 2-10microgram/m3 locally. From the supply chain perspective, eliminating global FLW in 2015 would have mitigated agricultural NH3 emissions by 14% thus PM2.5 formation and N deposition. This avoids 1.5 million Years of Life Lost (YLL) from PM2.5 exposure and reduces N critical load exceedances at biodiversity hotspots.

AS33-A007 | Invited
Reducing Ammonia Volatilization and Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency Using Coated Fertilizer

Arti BHATIA1#+, Vinod KUMAR1, Ritu TOMER1, Shikha SHARMA1, Ankita PAUL1, Sandeep KUMAR2, Niveta JAIN1, Mark A. SUTTON3
1ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 2ICAR- Indian Agricultural Institute, 3UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Quantification of ammonia volatilization (NH3) losses from agricultural soils is essential for identifying strategies for reducing direct and indirect nitrous oxide emissions and improving air quality. This study was carried out at the experimental fields of ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India growing maize (PEHM) under four nitrogen fertilizer treatments to evaluate the impact on emissions of NH3 and nitrogen use efficiency from cropped soil. The treatments were Prilled urea (PU), Limus coated urea (LCU), Neem oil coated urea (NCU), and no fertilizer (Control). The volatilized NH3 was quantified by trapping in boric acid using Force draft method followed by acid titration and also by Gray Wolfpack multigas analyser equipped with an NH3 sensor. The cumulative NH3 volatilization loss in the different treatments varied from 0.27 to 12.78 kg N ha-1 by Force draft method and from 5.8 to 20.5 kg N ha-1 using the gas analyser. The NH3 loss varied from 1.7 to 10.65 % of applied N in the different treatments using the boric acid method, whereas it varied from 6.36 to 17.08% using the ammonia sensor. During the two-year study in the Limus treatment, wherein a urease inhibitor was coated on to urea reduced the NH3 loss by 62 to 71%, increased the maize yield by 17.5 to 21.2% as compared to PU and by 6.3 to 11.4 % as compared to NCU. No significant difference was observed in the % N content in maize grain in any of the treatments, however, the N uptake by plant (grain + straw) was significantly higher in NCU than PU and NCU. Therefore, the use of such enhanced efficiency fertilizers should be promoted for improving the crop productivity while safeguarding the environment. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the UKRI GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub (Grant Number NE/S009019/1).

Leaching Losses of Nutrients in Wetland Paddy Fields Under Different Nitrogen Management

Md. Mizanur RAHMAN1#+, Majharul ISLAM1, Mohammad Saiful ALAM1, Robert Martin REES2, GKM Mustafizur RAHMAN1, Md. Giashuddin MIAH1, Arti BHATIA3, Tapan Kumar ADHYA4, Mark A. SUTTON5
1Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, 2Scotland's Rural College, 3ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 4Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, 5UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

A significant amount of reactive nitrogen (N) and other nutrients applied to crop fields are lost through leaching which caused environmental pollution. This study aimed to determine the leaching loss of reactive N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulfur (S) from wetland rice culture under different N fertilizer practices. The experiment comprised of seven treatments viz., zero N as control, recommended dose of N (RDN) from prilled urea (PU), RDN + 25% N, RDN-25% N, cowdung 2 t ha-1 + supplemented N as PU, RDN + biochar 2 t ha-1, and deep placement of urea supper granules (USG). The study was conducted in four consecutive seasons of boro (dry season) and transplanted aman (wet season) rice. Findings revealed that leaching losses of NH4+-N, NO3--N, N, P, K and S in boro season ranged from 3.9 to 20.65, 4.26 to 25.97, 8.16 to 46.62, 0.23 to 0.28, 4.97 to 6.62, and 5.22 to 7.03 kg ha-1, respectively, while in the aman season, losses were 2.6 to 14.71, 2.35 to 10.72, 4.95 to 25.43, 0.14 to 0.17, 2.90 to 4.22, and 3.32 to 4.27 kg ha-1, respectively. The higher rates of N fertilizer application resulted in greater N, P, K and S losses. Compared to RDN, biochar and USG treatments reduced leaching losses of N by 48.07% and 30.29%, P 11.22% and 17.22%, K 23.02% and 19.72% and S 22.90% and 18.28% in boro season, while in aman season losses were 48.88% and 39.61%, 10.34% and 14.10%, 27.83% and 23.11%, and 13.97% and 19.59%, respectively. Biochar and USG deep placement might be effective in reducing leaching losses of N, P, K and S from wetland rice fields. Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the UKRI GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub (Grant Number NE/S009019/1).

Long-range Transport of Atmospheric Inorganic Reactive Nitrogen (Nr) and Other Ionic Species at a Nr Emission Hotspot of Northern India

Jawaharlal Nehru University

The anthropogenically induced acute reactive nitrogen (Nr) pollution is chronically eroding the biospheric integrity and undermining the earth system’s resilience to be in an accommodatable state by contributing to the disruption of critical biospheric and planetary processes. The present study comprehensively attempts to decipher the dry depositions of atmospheric inorganic Nr along with other major ions through dust fall fluxes. Authentic atmospheric dust samples were collected over a year-long temporal scale from October 2017 to September 2018 by incorporating a surrogate-surface approach. The sequentially descending orders of annual mean (± SE) NH4+-N, NO3-N - and Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN: NH4+-N+NO3-N -) fluxes (unit: kg ha-1 yr-1) across all sites were observed as MTL (0.41 ± 0.09) > BRT (0.20 ± 0.05) > LNI (0.12 ± 0.06), BRT (8.58 ± 2.30) > MTL (6.51 ± 1.58) > LNI (4.90 ± 0.66) and BRT (8.70 ± 2.30) > MTL (6.92 ± 1.57) > LNI (4.96 ± 0.65), respectively. Ionic deposition fluxes showed that SO42- was the dominant ionic species among all analyte ions in dustfall across all sites, which show a quite good congruence with the occurrence of higher surface mass concentrations of its gaseous precursor SO2 and the occurrence of a thick column of SO42- aerosol production from gaseous SO2 oxidation over sampling sites during the entire sampling period. All the dustfall samples exhibited alkaline nature (pH > 7.0) across all sites, and the annual mean pH of the dustfall samples across all sites was found to be ≥ 7.37. The 72 hrs back trajectory analysis suggested that the airmasses arrived from the west had significant influence on the deposition. Conversely, during the monsoon season, the prevailing direction of air masses arriving at all the sampling sites was South-West followed by South-East.

Kinetics of the Nitrate-mediated Photooxidation of Monocarboxylic Acids in the Aqueous Phase

Yuting LYU+, Jany Ting Chun CHOW, Theodora NAH#
City University of Hong Kong

The photooxidation of organic compounds by hydroxyl radicals (·OH) in atmospheric aqueous phases contribute to the formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols, which have significant impacts on visibility, health, and climate. Inorganic nitrate is an important ·OH source and its formation is increased with development of industry and agriculture. Low molecular-weight carboxylic acids (LMWCA) are ubiquitous components in urban, rural, and remote environments. The pH is an important factor in atmospheric aqueous phases that not only controls the dissociation of carboxylic acids and their ·OH reactivities, but also the production of ·OH and other reactive species from nitrate photolysis. Given ubiquitous nature of LMWCA and nitrate, it is crucial to understand their photochemical reactivities at different pH conditions. We studied the pH-dependent (pH 2 to 7) aqueous photooxidation of formic acid (FA), glycolic acid (GA), and pyruvic acid (PA) initiated by NH4NO3 photolysis. Their decay rates were controlled by the [NH4NO3]/[carboxylic acid] concentration ratios. Higher ratios lead to faster photodegradation rates, which were attributed to the higher concentrations of ·OH produced from higher concentrations of NH4NO3. The photodegradation rates of three carboxylic acids strongly depended on the pH. The highest photodegradation rate was observed at pH 4 for FA, whereas the rates were consistently higher at lower pH for GA and PA. The pH-dependent photodegradation of FA and GA were due to combined effects of the pH-dependent ·OH formation from NH4NO3 photolysis and the differences in ·OH reactivities of dissociated vs. undissociated forms. In contrast, the pH dependence in PA was due primarily to the pH-dependent decarboxylation of PA. These results highlight how pH and nitrate photolysis can combine to influence the degradation of carboxylic acids, which have significant implications for how the atmospheric fates of organic species are modeled for regions with substantial emission of inorganic nitrate. 

Reducing Leaching Losses of Mineral Nitrogen from Paddy Fields with Different Nitrogen and Water Managements Practices

Niveta JAIN1#+, Om KUMAR2, Archana SHARMA2, Helen MARY ROSE1, Arti BHATIA1, Julia DREWER3, Mark A. SUTTON4
1ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 2ICAR- Indian Agricultural Institute, 3Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 4UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

The fertilizer nitrogen applied to agricultural fields is lost to the environment as N2O/NH3/NOx to the atmosphere and is also leached to ground water as nitrate and ammonium ions. An experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of ICAR-IARI, Delhi growing rice (Pusa 44) to quantify the leaching losses of nitrogen under different nitrogen and water management practices to device strategies for reducing N loses. Five N treatments under two water management practices (continuously flooding and Intermittent flooding) were unfertilized control, Prilled urea, Neem coated urea (NCU), LCC based NCU application, and 50:50% N through FYM and NCU+ biofetilizer. The percolation water was collected by porous suction cups made of clay materials embedded in a PVC pipe placed at 70cm depth. Total amount of percolation varied between 169 m3ha-1 and 250 mha-1 among the treatments. The NO32- and NH4+-N concentrations in different treatments varied from 0.01 to 4.53 mgL-1 and 0.01 to 12.81 mg L-1, respectively. The total NH4+-N in percolation water was high in CF treatment compared to IF, whereas NO32--N concentrations was lower by 33.7% compared to IF treatment under the same N treatment during the rice season. In case of different N treatments, the NO32--N ranged from 1.32 to 3.08 kg Nha-1 and NH4+-N concentration varied between 7.0 and 11.26 kg Nha-1. The LCC based NCU performed best amongst the different N treatments where both NO32--N and NH4+-N concentrations in percolation water were lowest. Total mineral N leached during the rice growing season ranged from 4.94 to 17.83 kg Nha-1 in different treatments. Loss of applied N was 9.23 to 12.53% in water management practices and 9.96 to 11.76% in different N treatments.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR311
AS08 - Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing

Session Chair(s):

AS08-A004 | Invited
Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects at the ARM SGP Site Based on Raman Lidar Observations

Qiang FU#+
University of Washington

Atmospheric aerosols exert a large influence on Earth’s climate. Both natural and anthropogenic aerosols are important since the formal is a prerequisite for an accurate assessment of impacts of the latter on the climate change. For the role of aerosols both natural and anthropogenic in the climate system, the most fundamental understanding starts with the knowledge of aerosol direct radiative effects. In this talk, I will present our efforts to quantify all-sky aerosol direct radiative effect (DRE) with uncertainty estimates at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Southern Great Plains (SGP) site by using multiyear ground-based observations including aerosol and cloud vertical extinction profile from Raman lidar; spectral aerosol optical depth, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor from Aerosol Robotic Network; cloud water content profiles from cloud radars; temperature and water vapor profiles from radiosondes; and surface shortwave spectral albedo from radiometers. We find that at the ARM SGP site where the cloud occurrence frequency is 0.62, the annual mean all-sky aerosol DRE at the top of the atmosphere is −2.13 ± 0.54 W m−2, compared to −3.00 ± 0.58 W m−2 for clear-skies.

Advancing Aerosol Remote Sensing Over Ocean Using PACE Multi-angle Polarimetric Measurements

Meng GAO1#+, Kirk KNOBELSPIESSE2, Bryan FRANZ2, Pengwang ZHAI3, Brian CAIRNS4, Jeremy WERDELL2
1SSAI, NASA GSFC, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 4NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

The NASA Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission has been designed with the goal of studying the global ocean and atmosphere, with a focus on improving data records of ocean ecology, biogeochemistry, atmospheric aerosols, and clouds. The mission is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments, including the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI), a hyperspectral scanning radiometer, and two Multi-Angle Polarimeters (MAPs), namely the UMBC Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP2) and the SRON Spectro-Polarimeter for Planetary EXploration one (SPEXone). These MAP measurements hold a wealth of information that can be used to enhance aerosol and ocean color observations simultaneously, and the PACE mission plans to produce a suite of advanced data products with high accuracy. To achieve these goals, we have developed a highly efficient aerosol and ocean color retrieval algorithm, FastMAPOL, which is based on neural network forward models and Jacobians. This presentation will explore ways to further improve retrieval performance through multi-angle cloud masking, adaptive data quality control, and uncertainty model analysis considering uncertainty correlations. These methods provide a mechanism to evaluate the forward and uncertainty models, thereby improving our understanding of MAP data and guiding algorithm developments. The effectiveness of our algorithm has been demonstrated through retrieval studies on both synthetic HARP2 and real AirHARP measurements. The algorithm and associated experience will be valuable for efficiently processing the large volume of MAP data that will be acquired by the PACE mission and similar future Earth observing satellite missions.

Aerosol Microphysical Properties Retrieved from Dual-polarization Lidar Measurements

Qingqing DONG#+, Zhongwei HUANG, Xintai SHEN, Jianrong BI, Tian ZHOU, Shuang ZHANG
Lanzhou University

Aerosol properties such as particle size distribution, shape and optical properties are important parameters to accurately evaluate its radiative forcing. Single scattering albedo (SSA) can characterize the proportion of aerosol absorption and scattering, and is a vital optical parameter to measure the aerosol absorption. However, its vertical distribution still cannot be obtained by remote sensing currently. Here we proposed a novel method for retrieving profile of aerosols SSA from observation of dual-polarization lidar system developed by Lanzhou University, which can simultaneously detect polarization measurements at 355 nm and 532 nm. The results show that lidar-retrieved aerosols SSA are reliable, validated by field observation by collocated radiosonde balloon. The correlation coefficient (R2) between lidar SSA and in situ results reaches up to 0.7. Our study firstly provides a new way for obtaining range-resolved aerosol SSA with high spatial-temporal resolution, which can be widely used and further improve assessment ability of aerosol climatic effect.

A Potential Feedback Mechanism of Springtime Arctic Snow/ice Algae, Biological Aerosols and Arctic Clouds

Yongxiang HU1#+, Patricia LUCKER2, Wenbo SUN2
1NASA Langley Research Center, 2Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

Water cloud droplet number density (Nd) can be accurately estimated from CALIPSO lidar measurements (Hu et al., 2021, One interesting findings from the new droplet number density statistics is the huge Nd values of boundary layer clouds in the springtime Arctic (Figure attached). Comparing Nd with chlorophyll biomass of snow/ice algae calculated from high resolution Arctic models, we found excellent spatial/temporal correlations between the two. I will introduce the lidar measurements of water cloud microphysical properties and a hypothesis of a positive feedback mechanism of springtime Arctic snow/ice algae, biological aerosols and Arctic clouds. I will also introduce the ongoingICESAT-2 data analysis of snow properties (Hu et al., 2022, that may help evaluate the feedback mechanisms. Figure 1. Left panel: droplet number concentration of Arctic boundary layer clouds in April derived from CALIPSO lidar measurements; Right Panel: Snow algae biomass of the same time period. 

Forward and Inverse Models for Satellite Remote Sensors Using Principal Component Analysis

Xu LIU#+
NASA Langley Research Center

Satellite remote sensors such as AIRS on Aqua, CrIS on S-NPP, NOAA20 and JPSS-2, IASI on Metop A, B, and C make millions of observations each day with thousands of spectral channels for each observation; this poses challenges for efficiently inversion of the inherently large dataset as needed to retrieve atmospheric and surface properties. This presentation will illustrate the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to speed up radiative transfer forward model calculations and to stabilize the inversion algorithms. A Principal Component-based radiative transfer model (PCRTM) developed at NASA Langley Research Center can simulate top of atmosphere (TOA) radiance or reflectance spectra from 50 cm-1 to 50000 cm-1 (200 mm to 0.20 mm quickly and accurately. PCRTM demonstrated very high accuracy relative to reference line-by-line radiative transfer models and it saves orders of magnitude computational time. Examples of the PCRTM model developed for hyperspectral sensors such as AIRS, CrIS, IASI, NAST-I, SHIS, CPF, TEMPO, SBG, OMI, and SCIAMACHY will be presented. In addition to using the PCRTM as forward model, the NASA Langley developed inversion algorithm also uses PCA to compress the state vector into a compressed dimension to speed up and stabilize the inversion process. Examples of retrieved atmospheric temperature, water vapor, CO2, CO, CH4, N2O, and O3 profiles, cloud properties (optical depth, size, phase, and height), and surface properties (surface emissivity spectra and skin temperatures) will be presented. This algorithm is being transitioned to the NASA Sounder SIPS and NASA's Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR327
AS51 - Understanding and Predicting Precipitation Extremes Through Integrative Analyses of Observation, Numerical Models, and Deep Learning

Session Chair(s): Xiaoming SHI, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Ji NIE, Peking University

Constraining Global to Continental Future Extreme Precipitation Intensification

Seungmok PAIK1+, Soon-Il AN1#, Seung-Ki MIN2, Andrew KING3, Soong-Ki KIM1
1Yonsei University, 2Pohang University of Science and Technology, 3The University of Melbourne

Extreme precipitation (annual maximum daily precipitation, Rx1day) intensification under global warming have received attention, but large uncertainties still exist how much Rx1day will increase in future even under same emission pathway. Based on scaling analysis, dynamics (i.e., atmospheric circulation changes) are found to cause regional deviation of future Rx1day variations as well as inter-model spread in each region (grid) under relatively homogeneous thermodynamic contributions (i.e., atmospheric humidity increases). In contrast, over broader regions average, thermodynamics have greater to comparable influence on uncertainty of Rx1day projections with dynamic contributions. From global to individual continent averages, climate models historical warming trends present strong inter-model correlations with magnitudes of future Rx1day intensification, which mostly be related to thermodynamic contributions. CMIP6 models generally overestimate observed global to continental historical warming, resulting smaller Rx1day increases than raw model projections when it is constrained based on observed historical warming trends with strongly reduced uncertainties (e.g., mean and spread of Rx1day intensification is decreased to 25% and 27%, respectively, in global average under high-emission scenario). Our results suggest that future Rx1day increase will be weaker than raw model projections. Nevertheless, strong Rx1day increases will evidently occur, supporting demand of strong adaptation and mitigation strategies. We will also present model-simulated, constrained future projection with considering diverse precipitation intensities, time-scales with comprehensive understanding dependence of the results from different precipitation characteristics.

Evaluation of a Scale-similarity Subgrid-scale Closure in Idealized Squall Line Simulations at Kilometer-scale Resolutions

Shiwei SUN1,2#+, Bowen ZHOU3, Kefeng ZHU4, Ming XUE5
1Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2China Meteorological Administration, 3Nanjing University, 4Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 5The University of Oklahoma

The subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulent mixing plays an important role in severe weather simulations at kilometer-scale resolutions. Sun 2021 JAS introduced a scale-similarity-based nonlinear SGS closure (Hgrad closure hereafter) in supercell simulations, which is 3D, scale-aware, and could produce counter-gradient SGS fluxes. Here we expanded the work to idealized squall line simulations. A large-eddy simulation (LES) with 50-m grid spacing was conducted and the outputs were filtered horizontally to 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, 2 km, and 4 km grid spacings to get the benchmarks at kilometer-scale resolutions. Significant counter-gradient SGS fluxes were observed within the convective region in both horizontal and vertical directions for heat, water vapor, and water contents. These SGS transports were generally from bottom to top in the vertical direction, and from head (towards the moving direction) to tail in the horizontal direction. The filtered LES variables were substituted into two SGS closures to evaluate the offline behavior: the Hgrad closure and the well-used 1.5-order turbulent kinetic energy closure (TKE closure). TKE closure could not generate counter-gradient fluxes so produced SGS fluxes with wrong directions in many regions of the convective core. The Hgrad model reproduced the counter-gradient SGS transports well and the distribution and magnitudes of the SGS fluxes were similar to that of the results from LES. The Hgrad and TKE closures were further evaluated in the online simulations in which the SGS parameterizations could be chosen differently in horizontal and vertical directions. Simulations with the 3D Hgrad scheme performed better than the 3D TKE scheme in the strength of the updraft motion, the depth of the cold pool, and the precipitation. Simulations with horizontal Hgrad and vertical TKE performed better than the cases with horizontal TKE and vertical Hgrad, hinting at the significant contribution of horizontal mixing in severe weather simulations.

AS51-A005 | Invited
The Impact of Marine Boundary Layer Jet on Extreme Rainfall in South China

Yu DU#+
Sun Yat-sen University

The characteristics of boundary layer jets (BLJs) over South China Sea (SCS) and their impacts on extreme rainfall are examined using scientific-research-ship observations and reanalysis. Typically, the BLJs exhibit a maximum intensity at night and reach their peak at 950 hPa. They are formed by the large-scale diurnal land-sea thermal contrasts under the background of the monsoon flow. The emergence of the BLJs leads to increased rainfall in South China, particularly in areas downstream of each BLJ. The strengthened BLJs drive mesoscale ascent on their northwestern edge and terminus, creating enhanced convergence zones and promoting convection initiation and upscale convective growth dynamically. From a thermodynamic perspective, the BLJ-driven mesoscale ascent combined with high sea surface temperature strengthens the warm moist tongue over the SCS, allowing it to farther extend northward and reach the coast of South China. The study also investigates the sensitivity of the simulated BLJ and associated precipitation in South China to different planetary boundary layer parameterization schemes. Results show that both too strong or too weak BLJs are unfavorable for extreme rainfall in South China.

AS51-A006 | Invited
Improvement of a Cloud Microphysics Scheme and its Advantage in the Precipitation Simulation Along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway

Chunsong LU1#+, Xiaoqi XU2, Zhiwei HENG3
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, 3Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology

The Sichuan-Tibet Railway is an important part of railway network in China. The topography along the railway leads to frequent geological disasters such as mountain torrents and landslides in this area, and precipitation is the main cause of these disasters. Therefore, accurate simulation of precipitation in this area is crucial. The Weather Research and Forecasting Model is used to simulate multiple precipitation events in the area along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway during the flood-season of 2021. Several liquid-phase cloud microphysical processes in Morrison scheme are improved, including activation of cloud droplets, autoconversion, accretion, and entrainment-mixing. The advantages of improving these processes for precipitation simulation along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway are explored. Comparison of precipitation and cloud with observations shows that the improvement of these microphysical processes has positive effects on the simulation of precipitation and clouds. Compared to the default microphysics scheme, the improved scheme obviously alleviates the overestimation of precipitation intensity and distribution range. The improved scheme also has more reasonable cloud physical quantities than the default scheme. Especially, adding the cloud droplet activation process to the microphysics scheme and updating the cloud droplet number concentration instantaneously has the most significant impact on cloud microphysics and precipitation processes. When the concentration of cloud droplet number is fixed in the default scheme, unreasonable large cloud droplet size could be produced, which further affects physical processes (such as autoconversion) and leads to bias in cloud microphysics and precipitation simulations. The simulation of multiple precipitation events shows that the improvement is not limited to a certain case but is generally effective. The results obtained in this study can provide a reference for further improving simulation/forecast of precipitation and disaster prevention in this area in the future.

Is the 2021 Peninsular Malaysia Flood Truly a ‘Once-in-a-century’ Event?

Jingyu WANG#+, Luojie DONG, Edward PARK, Xianfeng WANG
Nanyang Technological University

Super typhoon Rai swept over the South Philippines and East Malaysia in December 2021, which has caused nearly 400 deaths and enormous financial loss. While these regions were being ravaged by Rai, 1,500 km west to the typhoon path, a catastrophic flooding event hit Peninsular Malaysia, resulting in socioeconomic impacts comparable to that of Rai. During December 16-18, Peninsular Malaysia received record-breaking 3-day precipitation. Based on a storm tracking algorithm with the inputs of satellite observations, two mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) are identified most conductive to the flooding event, and their characteristics are revealed in this study. Regarding the key synoptic factors that drive the heavy precipitating MCSs, a long-range easterly water vapor corridor is found to continuously provide moisture supply to the tropical depression over the peninsula, making the two MCSs explosive. Frequency analyses of key drivers show the return period of such strong precipitation is truly ‘once-in-a-century’.

AS51-A018 | Invited
Convection-permitting Simulation of Precipitation Over Asia with Global Variable-resolution Model

Chun ZHAO#+
University of Science and Technology of China

To simulate simultaneously the small-scale and large-scale processes of the rainfall system and their interactions, non-hydrostatic global variable-resolution models with regional refinement at convection-permitting scale may provide a more effective way compared to non-hydrostatic global uniform high-resolution modeling and limited-area regional modeling at convection-permitting scale. This talk will present some studies using a global variable-resolution model to conduct the experiments with regional refinement at convection permitting resolution over some key areas of Asia such as East Asia and the Tibetan Plateau. These areas have active convective systems in summer and are also with complex topography that may affect regional weather and climate systems. The modeling results are evaluated and analyzed with the focus on the spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation in summer over these areas. The mechanisms driving the variation of precipitation revealed by the experiments are also examined.

Role of Aerosol Ice-nucleation Effect in the Development of the ‘21 7 Henan Extreme Precipitation

Weishan WANG#+, Guoxing CHEN, Yijun ZHANG
Fudan University

Aerosols can affect clouds and precipitation by serving as cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei (IN). However, these effects are seldom considered in the operational numerical weather forecast. This study investigates the role of aerosol ice nucleation effect in the ’21 7’ extreme precipitation event that occurred to Henan, China in July 2021 using an aerosol-aware WRF Model. The control simulation prescribed spatio-temporal varying IN concentration estimated using the dust fields in the MERRA2 aerosol reanalysis, while the sensitivity simulation prescribed spatially uniform and temporally constant IN concentration. Results show that the control simulation yields more ice crystals than the sensitivity simulation as the precipitation initiates. This leads to more latent-heat release and larger vertical velocity, and subsequently shifts the precipitation center to Zhengzhou. Overall, the 24-hour precipitation in 7/20 from the control simulation is closer to the observation results in both intensity and spatial distribution than that in the sensitivity simulation. More analyses will be presented within the context of detailed mechanisms between the ice nucleation and the shifting of precipitation location.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR323
AS37 - Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Typhoon and Climate Affecting Taiwan and the Philippines

Session Chair(s): Mong-Ming LU, National Taiwan University, Ana Liza Solmoro SOLIS, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration

The Development of User-oriented Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecast Products for Water Resource Management in Taiwan

Tzu-Ting LO1#+, Ching-Teng LEE2, YunChing LIN2, SzuYing LEE2, Jui-ling KUO2, Yun-Jing CHEN2, Meng-Shih CHEN2, Hsiao-Chung TSAI3
1National Taiwan University, 2Central Weather Bureau, 3Tamkang University

From 2020 to 2021, an unprecedented drought event happened in Taiwan. In the face of water shortage, sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast products were developed to facilitate decision-making for water resource management. For monitoring the evolution of drought condition, high resolution (~1km) drought indices of SPI and SPEI were calculated to provide early warning information and decrease the risks of crop and food loss. This real-time drought monitor system with 1-km grid rainfall observation data all over Taiwan proved to be very useful for water resource management and agriculture. Meanwhile, high-resolution space-time rainfall seasonal forecast products were developed with a statistical downscaling method using ECMWF's fifth generation seasonal forecast system (SEAS5) forecast products. Moreover, for the wet season from May to October, an extended-range TC forecast product has been developed to provide extreme rainfall information from CWB TC Tracker system ( The system provides the TC tracking results obtained from multiple global ensemble models, such as the NCEP GEFS (GEFSv12; FV3-based), CFSv2 (Climate Forecast System version 2), ECMWF extend-range forecast system and the CWB 1-tier climate forecast model. The CWB TC Tracker also has been utilized by the forecasters at CWB, NCEP CPC (Climate Prediction Center), and PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration) to monitor extended-range TC formations and subsequent tracks. Further details about real-time extended-range TC forecast applications with large-scale factor will be presented in the meeting.

Interannual Processes Suppressing Tropical Cyclone Activity Around Taiwan During October

Jau-Ming CHEN1#+, Wei-Teh LI2
1National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, 2National Sun Yat-sen University

In October, TCs originating in the WNP and later affecting Taiwan are very few. For the period 1970-2019, zero TCs affected Taiwan in 32 out of 50 years with the other 18 years only experiencing one TC per year. For the 32 years with zero TCs in Taiwan, suppressed TC activity results from different modulating processes imposed by various climatic features. During October of El Niño years, TC genesis in the WNP tends to shift eastward with a decrease in the western WNP to the southeast of Taiwan. An anomalous anticyclone across the SCS and Taiwan prevents TCs from moving toward Taiwan. In La Niña years, TC genesis features are largely opposite to those of El Niño years. Increased TC genesis occurs in the region southeast of Taiwan. These TC are guided by an anomalous cyclone centering in the SCS to result in major TC tracks to the southwest of Taiwan toward the SCS. A year with a September-November value of Ocean Niño Index (ONI) between 0o-0.5oC (-0.5o-0oC) is categorized as a positive (negative) Normal year. During the positive Normal years, an anomalous cyclone over the WNP causes more TC genesis in its southern section and guides these TCs northward along the regions east of Taiwan toward its central zone. An accompanying anomalous anticyclone over the SCS and Taiwan also hinders TC movement toward Taiwan. During the negative Normal years, a westward elongation of warm sea surface temperature anomalies from the WNP into the Maritime Continent forces an anomalous anticyclone to extend westward from the WNP toward the SCS. TC genesis in the southern section of this anomalous anticyclone thus decreases and consequent TC movement is also blocked from moving northward/northwestward toward Taiwan. Under the above modulating processes, TC activity is suppressed in Taiwan during October.

Large-scale Processes Modulating the Frequency of Typhoons Affecting Taiwan During 1900–1945

Pei-Hua TAN1#+, Jien-Yi TU2, Pen-Yuan CHEN1
1National Chiayi University, 2National Changhua University of Education

The typhoons affecting Taiwan during 1900–1945 are defined as those with a low-pressure center making a landfall in Taiwan or moving near Taiwan and included in disaster reports. The annual and monthly numbers of typhoons were lower during 1900–1945 than during 1970–2015, which might be attributed to the colder environ­ment, a weakened western North Pacific subtropical high with the eastward retreat and lack of satellite detection techniques during 1900–1945. However, the monthly percentages of typhoons were comparable in the high-frequency months of July–Sep­tember during the two periods. In contrast to the warm period, the cold period had fewer total typhoon numbers but more concentrated occurrence during May–Octo­ber. During 1900–1945, an interannual variability of the typhoon frequency affecting Taiwan was observed. During the typhoon-more (typhoon-less) years, the significant sea surface temperature patterns were dominated by warm (cold) anomalies elongat­ing the tropical central-eastern Pacific with a maximum center in the central Pacific and cold (warm) anomalies over the tropical western Pacific. The anticyclonic (cy­clonic) circulation around Taiwan that responds to a divergent (convergent) center in the Maritime Continents tended to provide a favorable (unfavorable) steering flow to force typhoons over the east of the Philippines moving westward/northwestward (eastward) toward (away from) Taiwan. The modulations of intraseasonal oscilla­tions on typhoon movements under the westward/northwestward and northward tracks of typhoons affecting Taiwan exerted a positive but different effect on steering the typhoon toward or near Taiwan.

The Development and Improvements of Global Ensemble Prediction System in Center Weather Bureau (CWBGEPS)

Jia-Ying WU1#+, Pei-Hsuan KUO2, Pang-Yen LIU1, Jen-Her CHEN1, Ting-Huai CHANG1
1Central Weather Bureau, 2National Central University

The new version of Global Ensemble Prediction System in Center Weather Bureau (CWBGEPS v2.0) is for extended weather prediction that generates one deterministic and 20 ensemble members forecasts for 45 days. This new model system uses octahedral reduced Gaussian grid (Malardel et al. 2016) coordinate at a base horizontal resolution of ~28km(TCo383) and 72 layers in vertical with Non-iteration Dimensional-split Semi-Lagrangian (NDSL, Juang 2007& Juang 2008) two-time levels dynamical core. The initial fields of prediction system for both deterministic model and ensemble members are come from our own FV3GFS(Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Global Forecast System) data assimilation system. The CWBGEPS v2.0 is going to operational in June 2023, and initialized at 00UTC each day for producing 45 days forecasts. Since the lower resolution prediction system is hard to well simulate the interaction between complex terrain over Taiwan and the weather system; besides, considering the limit of the computing resources, the upcoming version of CWBGEPS v2.1 will couple the high-resolution regional spectral model(RSM, Juang and Kanamitsu 1991) for dynamical down scaling instead of increasing the resolution of the global model. The RSM model had been nested into CWB climate model via Multi-Program Multiple-Data (MPMD) technique in 2018 for dynamic downscaling of short-term climate forecast in Taiwan (Chen et al. 2018). In CWBGEPS v2.1, we adopt the same MPMD technique to couple CWBGFS and RSM. This research will introduce the structure, development, and improvements of CWBGEPS v2.1.

The Taiwan WRF Ensemble Prediction System: Enhancement of Initial Perturbation via Integration with a Global Ensemble Prediction System

Chih-Hsin LI#+, Guo-Yuan LIEN, Wen-Hsin TENG, Yi-Jui SU
Central Weather Bureau

A Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model based regional ensemble prediction system (WEPS) has been developed and operationally maintained by the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan since 2011. The WEPS employs ensemble initial conditions from a regional Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter (EAKF) system, lateral boundary conditions from NCEP global ensemble forecast system (GEFS), multi-physics ensemble, and stochastic physics. For performance consideration, the ensemble initial conditions are further blended with analysis from CWB’s WRF-based deterministic prediction system, taking the large-scale information from the latter. Though the WEPS has achieved satisfactory forecast skill with the current design, an issue of insufficient ensemble spread in early forecast time has been noted. In this study, a new approach for initializing the WEPS members is proposed. Inspired by the partial cycle and blending strategy that has been successfully implemented in the regional deterministic system at CWB, the new approach separately initializes regional ensemble members as individual partial cycles. Therefore, the regional ensemble system is now closely integrated with a global ensemble prediction system, while the mesoscale observation information can still be utilized by the partial cycling with 3DVAR data assimilation. Results show that this new method is superior to the current operational WEPS in terms of most ensemble forecast verification metrics, including a significant improvement in the spread-error relationship, especially in early forecast time. The typhoon track forecasts are also benefited from the new method. Overall, this new regional ensemble initialization method has shown good potential for use in the next version of the WEPS at CWB.

The Next-generation Global Prediction System Development and Operational Implementation at Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau

Ling-Feng HSIAO#+, Guo-Yuan LIEN, Jen-Her CHEN, Jing-Shan HONG, Chin-Tzu FONG
Central Weather Bureau

Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has cultivated the technique for numerical weather prediction (NWP) from 1983. The NWP provides accurate weather forecasts and extreme weather forecasts for Taiwan. In recent years, CWB has developed a new generation global NWP system based on the Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere dynamical core (FV3) used at the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The next-generation Global Prediction System with the FV3 dynamical core (FV3GFS) at CWB includes the horizontal resolution of C384 (~25 km) and a hybrid 4D ensemble–variational data assimilation (4DEnVar). In addition, a nested domain (4.8 km resolution) around Taiwan is also implemented to examine the extreme precipitation. The model has 64 vertical levels with the model top at 0.2 hPa and the NCEP GFS physics package. The important difference of physics upgrades is the replacing of the Zhao–Carr cloud microphysics scheme with the GFDL cloud microphysics scheme. Regarding the data assimilation research and development, the stochastic physics methods have been enabled in the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) system to optimize the ensemble spread. The time-lagged ensemble method for the hybrid 4DEnVar assimilation has been implemented and tested to increase the usable ensemble size. Results from statistics in 2022 show that the CWB FV3GFS is superior to the operational CWBGFS, which significantly improves synoptic-scale features and the typhoon track forecasts. This system is expected to be used in operation in this year. The detailed results will be presented in the conference.

Sensitivity Analysis on WRF-generated Models for Tropical Cyclones During Winter La Nina

Ana Liza Solmoro SOLIS1#+, Esperanza CAYANAN1, Joseph BASCONCILLO1, Mong-Ming LU2
1Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, 2National Taiwan University

This study aims to determine predictability in simulating tropical cyclones for weeks 3-4 and compare the performance of two configurations: the CMA Scheme (Di et al., 2019) and the Tropical Suite scheme (UCAR, 2022) with a benchmark. Because re-analyses are usually not available in real-time, the CFSv2 model was used as the lateral boundary forcing of the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model. Three tropical storms, Washi, Melor and Nockten during the December-January-February season or winter La Nina with active phases of MJO were simulated and tested the effect of domain resolution and adjusted the initialization times using three nested domains. We adopted the vortex following nesting option in tracking the center of low pressure in a tropical cyclone. We determine the initial moment when the storm hit a 35-knot mark. A clear advantage of using this vortex-following grid is that the tropical cyclone will always be centered in the highest resolution and in all moving nests. Fine-tuning was done by setting grid ratios and downscaling. Analyses show that the two tropical suite experiments with different initialization times had similar levels of accuracy in terms of direct position error, with mean errors of around 80 and 90 kilometers, respectively. Additionally, the tropical suite run which was initialized 12 hours after Day zero had the lowest direct positional error, with a mean error of less than 100km. Therefore, the Tropical Suite Scheme performed better in terms of central pressure, with more consistency and the lowest error according to both the MAE and RMSE measures suggesting reliability in predicting both typhoon positions and central pressures.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR332
AS07 - General Session for Atmospheric Sciences

Session Chair(s): Joong-Bae AHN, Pusan National University

Enhanced Impact of Vegetation on Evapotranspiration in the Northern Drought-prone Belt of China

Jian ZENG#+
Chengdu University of Information Technology

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an essential component of the land–atmosphere water cycle. In this work, the trend of ET and its dominant factors during 1982 to 2011 are investigated in the northern drought-prone belt of China (NDPB) based on five datasets, including the gridded FLUXNET, using the Pearson correlation and linear regression methods. Specially, we focus on the increasing contribution of vegetation in the change of ET. During 1982–2011, summer ET significantly increased at the rate of 0.33 mm/year (p < 0.05) in the NDPB. However, similar to global-mean ET, the ET in NDPB also experienced a pronounced fluctuation during 1999 and 2002. The role of water supply differed remarkably before and after the fluctuation while the atmospheric demand maintained weak constraint on ET. Before the fluctuation (during 1982–2000), ET correlated significantly (p < 0.01) and positively with soil moisture, indicating ET was primarily limited by water supply. However, their correlation weakened remarkably after the fluctuation when soil moisture decreased to the lowest level for the past thirty years, indicating that neither moisture supply nor atmospheric demand dominated the ET during this period. In contrast, vegetation leaf area index (LAI) maintained consistent significant (p < 0.01) and positive correlation with ET before and after the fluctuation in the NDPB, and it reflected over 60% of the change in ET. Moreover, the LAI in NDPB increased by 19.6% which was more than double of the global-mean increase. The ET increase due to rising LAI offset the ET decrease due to reduction of soil moisture, and vegetation became the primary constraint on ET during 2001–2011. The expansion of vegetation may intensify the risk of drought and cause conflicting demands for water between the ecosystem and humans in the NDPB, especially in the case of weak summer monsoon.

Impacts of Floods on Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality: A Comparative Analysis Between the Flooded and Non-flooded Residential Houses

1Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, 2Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, 3State Health Systems Resource Centre

Floods are common in India. The frequency of disease outbreaks followed by floods has been steadily increasing. We found indoor and outdoor air of flood-affected houses had a significantly higher concentration of microbes than the non-flooded (control) houses. Microbial concentration was significantly three times higher in flooded houses than in the control houses. Bacterial genera Pantoea, Acinetobacter, fungal genera Aspergillus, and Penicillium were found dominant in the indoor air of flooded houses. Concentrations of many pathogenic bacteria were found higher in the indoor air of flooded houses. Results suggested that indoor air microbial burden was significantly and positively associated with outdoor air and outdoor soil, highlighting the potential importance of flooded soil and outdoor air as sources of microbes to indoor air. Here, we show a case of the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) in indoor air of flooded houses and their corresponding sources. Bacteria were resistant to common antibiotics such as penicillin and ciprofloxacin. Our results indicate remediation after the floods does not improve indoor and outdoor air quality, posing various health risks to the inhabitants.

Offshore Wind Resource Assessment by Characterizing Weather Regimes Based on Self-organizing Map

Shangshang YANG1, Huiling YUAN1#+, Li DONG2
1Nanjing University, 2Southern University of Science and Technology

As offshore wind power is continuously integrated into the electric power systems in China, it is critical to understand its variability. Weather regimes (WRs) can provide meteorological explanations for fluctuations in wind power. Instead of relying on traditional large-scale circulation WRs, this study focuses on assessing the dependency of wind resources on WRs in the tailored region clustered based on the finer spatial scale. For this purpose, we have clustered atmospheric circulations over the South China Sea (SCS) using self-organizing map algorithm (SOM) and characterized wind resources for the classified WRs. Results show that WRs at mesoscale can effectively capture weather systems driving wind power production variability, especially on multi-day timescale. Capacity factor reconstruction during four seasons illustrates that WRs highly influence most areas in winter and southern part of SCS in summer, and WRs can serve as a critical source of predicting the potential of wind resources. In addition, we further qualify the wind power intermittency and complementarity under different WRs, which have not been assessed associated with WRs. During WRs with changeable atmosphere conditions, the high complementarity over coastal areas can reduce the impact of intermittency on wind power generation. The proposed approach is able to be implemented in any region and may benefit wind resource evaluation and characterization.

Wind and Stability in the Lower Troposphere Revealed in High-resolution Radiosonde Data in South Korea

Ye-Seul LEE#, Hye-Yeong CHUN+
Yonsei University

Using 1-second high resolution operational radiosonde data observed at 5 stations in South Korea for 4 years (July 2016-June 2020), seasonal and spatial variations of wind and stability in the lower troposphere below 1500 m are investigated, analyzing four variables: horizontal wind speed (HWS), vertical wind shear (VWS), squared Brunt-Väisälä frequency (N2), and Richardson number (Ri). Remarkable seasonal variations are identified in those variables, affected by geographical locations. VWS is high in spring and summer at two island stations on the west of Korean Peninsula, Bangnyengdo and Heuksando, while that is in winter at National Typhoon Center, N. Gangneung and Pohang. Below z=1000 m, static stability is lower in winter than in summer at all stations, which is associated with the inflow of marine boundary layer. This difference is likely influenced by local topography (coastal region and inland), which is consistent with the results at 5 stations in USA. The microstructures of the lower tropospheric instabilities revealed in the current radiosonde observations are found not to be properly represented from the high resolution local numerical weather prediction and analysis system, named Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) of Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA). The synoptic patterns favorable for the convective instability (Ri<0) and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) (0<Ri<1/4) cases are found based on a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) clustering algorithm: (1) west-high and east-low patterns with extended Siberian high in winter, (2) strong low-pressure systems susceptible for KHI from spring to fall, (3) weak high-pressure systems with potential convective instability. For all synoptic pattern, northerly or north-westerly flows are dominant with cold advection at 925 hPa.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR329
AS14 - Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasts and Applications

Session Chair(s): Thea TURKINGTON, Centre for Climate Research Singapore

AS14-A011 | Invited
The Impact of Intraseasonal Oscillation and Equatorial Waves on Rainfall Extremes in Indonesia

Donaldi PERMANA1#+, Jaka PASKI2, Danang Eko NURYANTO1, Nurdeka HIDAYANTO1, Erwin MAKMUR1, Supari SUPARI1, Supriyanto ROHADI1, Dwikorita KARNAWATI1
1Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics, 2Tohoku University

Intraseasonal Tropical Oscillation (ISO) is an atmospheric phenomena as a result of ocean-atmosphere interaction which has a periodicity of 20 to 100 days. The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability of rainfall in Indonesia during boreal winter (November - April), but its signal is often obscured in individual station data, where effects are most directly felt at the local level. While, the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation (BSISO) is the dominant mode of intraseasonal variability of summer rainfall (May - October) in Indonesia. BSISO has quasi-oscillating periods of 30-60-days (BSISO1) and biweekly (BSISO2) time scale with northward/northwestward propagation. It has been affecting monsoon onsets, active/break phases of monsoon and monsoon seasonal mean. The general impacts of MJO/BSISO on rainfall anomalies in Indonesia has been investigated using in-situ data from 86 stations during 1983 - 2012 (30 years) and remote sensing data using GPM IMERGV06 from 2001 - 2020 (20 years). Along with MJO, equatorial waves (Kelvin and Rossby) and their interactions have been triggering extreme rainfall and floods in Indonesia. Several case studies have been investigated to understand the interaction of equatorial waves with regional scale atmospheric drivers and its impact to rainfall extremes. For example, the 22 January 2019 floods in Southwest Sulawesi, the 1 January 2020 disastrous flooding which associated with record-breaking rainfall in Jakarta, and the 2017 extreme rainfall in Padang, Sumatra have been investigated. Recently, the role of tropical waves in the genesis of Tropical Cyclone Seroja in April 2021 was discussed. TC Seroja was one of the first tropical cyclones to significantly impact Indonesian land.

Post-correcting of Multi-model Ensemble Sub-seasonal Forecast of Precipitation Based on Deep Learning

Uran CHUNG#+, Jinyoung RHEE, Soo-Jin SOHN
APEC Climate Center

This study was conducted to improve the prediction skills of precipitation amount and occurrence from the sub-seasonal (S2S) multi-model ensemble (MME), focusing on week 3-4 for the East Asian region, through deep learning based post-processing. To train the model for post-processing, S2S MME prediction data was first generated using the simple composite method, considering several climate models from the S2S database at once. Due to the heterogeneous S2S data of prediction frequency and lead time during hindcast period for the models considered, the MME calculation is based on the common prediction frequency once a week and lead time up to 30 days. ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) was used as observations, which is the labeled data to train the deep learning model. To define the precipitation occurrence, the data exceeding 0.1 mm/hr was converted to 1, and otherwise 0. U-net architecture, the deep learning model most used in climate prediction, is adopted for the training, and the convolutional layer in U-net is wrapped by TimeDistributed to consider temporal continuity in this study. In order to evaluate the improvement effect of post-correction, the improvement ratio (e.g., skill score), for example, the amount of changes in evaluation index such as PCC of precipitation with and without the training model, was calculated by lead time (e.g., week 1 to 4). In result, the skill scores of MME precipitation were 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.2 at each lead time, and the skill score of MME precipitation occurrence showed -0.1, 0.2, 0.0, and -0.1 at each lead time. Although there was no improvement in MME precipitation occurrence, it was indicated that it was possible to improve the prediction of MME precipitation according to a deep learning based-post correcting since the skill score of target week 3-4 was higher than the before the training.

Forecast of Subseasonal Indian Monsoon Precipitation Using Central Indian Ocean Mode and Machine Learning

Lei ZHOU1#+, Yanwei YU2, Bingqi YAN2, Jianhuang QIN3, Wei TAN4, Youmin TANG5,6, Xiaofeng LI7, Xiaojing LI8, Junyu DONG2, Raghu MURTUGUDDE9, Dake CHEN8
1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2Ocean University of China, 3Hohai University, 4Shandong University of Science and Technology, 5State Oceanic Administration, 6University of Northern British, 7Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8Ministry of Natural Resources, 9University of Maryland

The monsoonal precipitation is dominated by intraseasonal variabilities, whose period is between 20-90 days. The skillful prediction lead time for subseasonal Indian monsoon rainfall is currently less than 5 days and remains a grand challenge. A central Indian Ocean (CIO) mode was established, and it was found to have a close dynamic relation with the intraseasonal rainfall during summer monsoon. Here we show that an intrinsic variability in the Indian Ocean, the CIO mode, when combined with a machine learning (ML) algorithm, can produce skillful predictions of precipitation over the monsoon region with a lead time of over 15 days, which is close to the theoretical predictability limit. This remarkable skill improvement stems from the fact that the CIO mode is dynamically related to the intraseasonal monsoon rainfall, while the data-driven ML algorithm suppresses unwanted high-frequency noises. Using the CIO mode and the ML algorithm, the forecast system hybridizes physical fundamentals and the versatility of data-driven algorithm. The identification of the CIO mode and the verification of its significant contribution to intraseasonal prediction advance our understanding of the coupled monsoon system and also demonstrate the great potential of ML techniques in weather forecast and climate prediction.

Indian Ocean Dipole and its Impact on Southeast Asia: A Climate Service Perspective

Centre for Climate Research Singapore

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is one of the key climate drivers influencing the interannual variability in climate over Southeast Asia. The recent 2019 IOD event, which was the strongest positive IOD (pIOD) event in the last 60 years at least, coincided with a severe drought in Indonesia and heavy rainfall in East Africa. Though there has been a growing interest from the climate community in the IOD for more than two decades, this event has attracted more interest, particularly from the users due to its widespread impact on the socio-economy. In this work, we present key results from the operational IOD climate watch system for the Southeast Asian region, which is currently under development. We started with a stock take exercise on existing IOD-related climate service products, including how the start and end time of the event are defined in real-time outlooks and historical observations, and the criterion for defining an IOD event in the historical record. We then used a suite of observations to examine the sensitivity of the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) – an indicator of the IOD – to the climatological base period, diagnostic variable (i.e., monthly mean or 3-month running mean), and SST observational dataset. We find that the DMI is most sensitive to the SST data and relatively less to the base period used and the diagnostic. We also find that the latest seasonal prediction models (available through C3S) are skillful for the DMI from June-December (the period when IOD is usually observed), and a combination of different observations and models show similar skill scores for this period. However, for the Northern Hemispheric winter and spring, the skill score becomes sensitive to the observations used, suggesting a potential role of observational uncertainty in the SST data for the apparent low DMI skill during winter/spring.

Seasonal Climate and Crop Prediction for Agricultural Decision Support

Xinzhong LIANG#+, Chao SUN, Sanghoon SHIN
University of Maryland

Local water availability/quality and soil health/productivity are inextricably linked to climate variations and agricultural practices both regionally and in teleconnected areas. Effective farm and water planning must consider not only local crop yields and socioeconomic drivers, but also competing resource needs and multi-scale climate feedbacks, all of which impact regional water availability, quality, and usability. These concerns have created an urgent need for predictive earth system models that can support multiscale agricultural decisions while explicitly simulating interactions between the climate and agrohydrosystem. Such models need to be capable of forecasting the occurrence and agricultural impact of climate anomalies and extreme events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods. We therefore develop a predictive regional earth system model-based decision support Dashboard for Agricultural Water use and Nutrient management (DAWN) to sustain food and energy crop production. Our goal is to create infrastructure that combines advanced science and innovative technology to provide credible, usable information for agricultural producers and water managers in order to improve land, water, and fertilizer use synergies across multiple systems and scales. This talk will present the development and application of the DAWN system, focusing on its current ability to predict seasonal climate variation, crop growth, water demand, and annual yield over the United States. Initial analysis shows that the DAWN system improves NOAA operational forecasts of U.S. seasonal climate anomalies and provide useful predictions of crop production and terrestrial hydrology conditions. We will elaborate the integration of regional climate-crop coupled downscaling, multi-physics or multi-models ensemble optimization, more realistic surface initialization, and machine learning to maximize probabilistic seasonal forecast skills. 

Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Forecast and Applications in Indonesia : Operational and Research Development

Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics

Subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) predictions have been developing in Indonesia and have become an interesting discussion in recent years. This is because of particular concern about the increasing accuracy of the S2S prediction and its application. Since 2015, Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) has been using the European Center for Medium Range Forecast (ECMWF) S2S model raw output for operational S2S prediction services, particularly rainfall forecast at 10-days time scale (decad). Regularly, BMKG produces rainfall predictions for 3 to 4 decads both in deterministic prediction (rainfall accumulation) and probabilistic prediction (probability of rainfall exceeding a certain threshold). These S2S products are used as input for early warning of extreme climates. Since 2020, after the availability of national observational rainfall gridded data at 5 km spatial resolution (land only), a Linear-Scaling bias correction was implemented to the ECMWF S2S model output. As a result, the S2S prediction skill has increased by 10-15%. In the research mode, the accuracy of S2S prediction can be improved by applying model output statistics (MOS) and state-of-the-art of machine learning. Recently, PyCPT and Xcast are used to resolve these problems in research mode. These tools are powerful in producing, analyzing, and visualizing the results from the combined dynamical model with model output statistic (MOS) and also machine learning models using a python-based approach. We conducted a case study of deterministic and probabilistic predictions of rainfall in the Indonesian domain using several methods in PyCPT and Xcast. The results show that there is a significant reduction in the mean error of the rainfall forecast. Furthermore, these tools can also enhance model performance. Therefore, PyCPT and Xcast have great potential to be applied as tools for enhancing S2S model performance.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR331
AS17 - Application of Satellite Data to Weather, Climate and Environmental Study

Session Chair(s): Jun LI, National Satellite Meteorological Center, Kozo OKAMOTO, Japan Meteorological Agency

AS17-A001 | Invited
The Insights from Twenty Years of AIRS Radiances and an Outlook for the Incoming Decade: A Climate Perspective

Xianglei HUANG1#, Xiuhong CHEN1, Larrabee STROW2, Chongxing FAN1+, Norman LOEB3, Seiji KATO3, Qing YUE4
1University of Michigan, 2University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 3NASA Langley Research Center, 4California Institute of Technology

Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) aboard the NASA Aqua satellite has been operating since September 2002. Its information content, superb instrument performance, and dense sampling pattern make the AIRS radiances an unprecedentedly invaluable data set for climate studies. We use two studies here to illustrate its merit in climate studies. First, the trends of global-mean, nadir-view, and clear-sky radiances from two decades of AIRS observations are studied, together with the counterparts of synthetic radiances based on two reanalyses, ECMWF ERA5 and NASA GEOS V5.4.1. The AIRS observation shows statistically significant negative trends in most of its CO2 channels, positive but non-significant trends in the channels over the window regions, and statistically significant positive trends in some of its H2O channels. The best agreements between observed and reanalysis radiance trends are seen over the CO2 tropospheric channels, while the trends over the CO2 stratospheric channels are opposite between the observations and reanalyses. ERA5 results largely agree with the AIRS observation over the H2O channels, but this is not the case for GEOS V5.4.1. Second, using ERA5 reanalysis data, other A-Train observations, and greenhouse gas measurements from NOAA, we derived the spectral radiative forcing due to greenhouse gas increases in the last 20 years, and short-term spectral radiative feedbacks of lapse rate, water vapor, and cloud over the same period. The combined spectral radiative forcings and radiative feedbacks agree well with the spectral flux trend derived from the AIRS L3 spectral OLR product. The most significant discrepancies happened in the far-IR region, a spectral region with no actual AIRS coverage (so its spectral flux has to be estimated using the mid-IR spectral flux directly inferred from AIRS radiance observations). The implications of two forthcoming far-IR missions, PREFIRE by NASA and FORUM by ESA, for resolving such far-IR discrepancies are then discussed.

Monitoring of NOAA Satellite Land Surface Products and Their Anomalies

Peng YU1,2#+, Yunyue YU2, Jingjing PENG1,2, Yuling LIU1, Heshun WANG2, Zhangyan JIANG3, Corinne CARTER3, Lei JI1,2, Yuan ZHOU3
1University of Maryland, 2National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 3National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration STAR

The Land Product Development Team at NOAA STAR is responsible for the development, maintenance, and quality assurance of multiple land parameters from two satellite missions, the Joint Polar-orbiting Satellite System (JPSS) and the Geostationary Environmental Satellite R-Series (GOES-R). The involved land products are about essential radiation and vegetation parameters, which are the Land surface temperature (LST), the land surface albedo (LSA), the surface reflectance (SR), the land surface bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF), and the vegetation product suite, including the green vegetation fraction (GVF), the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the top-of-canopy (TOC) NDVI, and the TOA enhanced vegetation index (EVI). To understand the product quality and ensure their successful production, a comprehensive monitoring system was developed for their visualization and their evaluation with measurements from in-situ observation sites and/or various other satellites as reference. The LST product was the first parameter being monitored and has accumulated the longest data record. The LST product performance summary, including retrieval anomaly detection, is routinely conducted and delivered to corresponding team members weekly for their review and further analysis. Moreover, the system is being gradually extended to other land parameters. This presentation will walk through the main functionality and logic flow of the system and brief the quality of these products. One highlight in the presentation is a newly developed analysis component, the monitoring of extreme weather events. It focuses on the LST anomaly and refers to the change of other related variables when needed. The analyses are released to the public as a series of routine monthly anomaly reports. Twenty monthly summaries have been accumulated along with multiple event-driven analyses. This presentation gives various examples, including their connection to certain climate patterns, e.g., ENSO.

Time Series Analysis of Monthly Averaged Insolation Across Metro Cities of India

Srinivasa Ramanujam KANNAN#+
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Renewable energy sources are becoming more and more critical, as it neither contributes to the increasing level of greenhouse gases nor imposes. The surface solar short-wave radiation (SSSR) information is essential for solar energy systems. In the present study, a time-series analysis of monthly averaged insolation over major cities of India is carried out. The analysis is based on the remote sensed observation from geostationary platform in visible and infrared sensor from INSAT between 2014 and 2020. The daily averaged insolation data available from the mosdac server maintained by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is converted to monthly averaged insolation data. Data pertinent to the major metro cities are interpolated from the monthly averaged data to generate the time series in monthly scale. Statistical and machine learning algorithms are proposed to be develop in order to predict the monthly averaged insolation with greater accuracy. Using the time series data, the dynamic aspect of insolation will also be characterized and cross compared across multiple sites to study the insolation behaviour.

Surface Short-wave Radiation Estimation and Spatiotemporal Variation Analysis in China Based on the New Generation Geostationary Satellite

Gegen TANA#+, Jian XU, Chong SHI, Jiancheng SHI
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Downward Surface Shortwave Radiation (DSSR) concentrates most of the energy of solar radiation on the earth's surface, and its accurate estimation plays an important role in climate change research and surface solar energy estimation. The successful launch of a new generation of stationary meteorological Himawari-8 and FY-4 and the integration of remote sensing technology and machine learning methods have made the estimation of DSSR based on satellite remote sensing significantly improved in terms of spatial and temporal resolution and calculation accuracy. Based on the ground-based measurements and satellite observation data, this study establishes the surface solar short-wave radiation database, and uses the base station point data as the training data of random forest and deep learning. Combining the model optimal selection method, the DSSR fast estimation model is developed and applied to geostationary measurements in China. Taking advantage of the high frequency of the satellite measurements, the DSSR estimation results are visualized to analyze the seasonal and spatial distribution of DSSR in China, which can compensate for the shortcomings of ground station monitoring on the spatial scale.

Construction of Rooftop Albedo Database from Open Satellite Images: Application of Super Resolution Algorithm

Makoto NAKAYOSHI1#+, Kosho IDO1, Shiho ONOMURA1, Yuya TAKANE2, Benjamin CRAWFORD3, Ryo KANEKO4, Yuta WATANABE1, Masuo NAKANO5
1Tokyo University of Science, 2National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3University of Colorado Denver, 4The University of Tokyo, 5Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

Severe summer heat is becoming problematic in many cities; the incidence of heat stroke steadily is increasing, and electricity demand is also souring due to the use of air conditioning. Cool Roof Strategy, which increases the reflectivity of rooftops, is considered a promising technique for urban heat mitigation. Previous studies simulated the effect of Cool Roof installation with mesoscale meteorological models and reported that the reduction of the near-surface air temperature (Ta) reached to 0.5 to 2 K. On the other hand, the lack of city-scale actual rooftop albedo data may undermine their findings. We developed a methodology to construct the city-to-country scale rooftop albedo database with a deep learning technique; applying a super-resolution algorithm to surface albedo images computed with non-commercial satellite images, or Sentinel-2 with 10 m spatial resolution yields 8 times upscaled images of 1.25 m spatial resolution, then averaging them by every building for rooftop albedos. The training was done with surface albedo images identified with commercial satellite data, or worldview3 data with 1.25 spatial resolution. Our method successfully reproduced rooftop albedos better than ordinary image interpolation methods, such as bicubic and nearest neighbor. Sentinel-2 images taken at different date and time resulted in different albedo images and that difference showed the clear dependence on solar altitude. The simple regression formula between surface albedo and solar altitude resolved solar altitude dependency on surface albedo calculation. With the proposed method and the regression formula, the rooftop albedo database over Japan for meso-scale simulations was constructed with 1 km spatial resolution.

Rainfall Intercomparison of Grid Satellite Rainfall Products and Gauge Station Dataset Over Complex Terrain in Bali Province, Indonesia

Putu ARYASTANA1#+, Chian-Yi LIU2
1Warmadewa University, 2Academia Sinica

Rain gauge measurements have limitations in spatial coverage for remote areas and high terrain. Recently, remote sensing platforms are capable to present global grid satellite rainfall products at high spatial and temporal resolution. Reliable validation of rainfall data is key for justifying the ability of grid satellite rainfall products so that they are feasibly used in various applications. The main contribution of this study is the intercomparison of the abilities of three grid satellite rainfall products (GSMaP: Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation, IMERG: Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement, CHIRPS: Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitations with Stations) concerning gauge station dataset at different time scales (hourly, daily, penta-day, decadal, monthly, and seasonal), elevations, and rainfall intensities. The continuous and volumetric quantitative statistical index methods were performed to compare the ability of each grid satellite rainfall product by using a grid-point-based approach. The intercomparison results exhibited that the IMERG dataset reaches the best abilities on hourly, daily, penta-day, and seasonal scales, while CHIRPS has better performance on the monthly scale compared to other datasets. In addition, IMERG performed better in different elevations. All grid satellite rainfall products are inclined to overestimate the moderate rainfall events but underestimate both the light and heavy rainfall events. The result of the present study suggests that indeed adjustments in the rainfall estimate algorithm are needed when investigating complex terrain on the small island.

Fri-04 Aug | 8:15 - 10:00 | MR328
AS13 - Polar Atmospheric Processes and Their Interactions with the Surface

Session Chair(s): Myong-In LEE, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Yuekui YANG, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

AS13-A018 | Invited
Investigate the Feedback Mechanisms of Arctic Clouds and Radiation on Sea Ice Changes

Xiquan DONG1#+, Baike XI1, Yiyi HUANG2
1The University of Arizona, 2University of Arizona

Since the dawn of the satellite era, Arctic summer sea ice coverage has declined by nearly 50% and this decline has accelerated in the early 21st century. The Arctic sea-ice variations are caused by different dynamic and thermodynamic processes. The surface energy budget anomaly is one of the most important thermodynamic forces associated with Arctic sea-ice changes. Clouds impact the long-term trend and year-to-year variability of Arctic sea ice due to their strong modulation of radiative energy fluxes at the surface. In this study, we have investigated the role of cloud-radiation feedback in modulating Arctic sea ice changes from weekly to interannual time scales through an integrative analysis of satellite observations, global reanalysis products and model simulations. Through this study, we want to tentatively answer the following three scientific questions: How do the radiative effects of clouds and water vapor modulate the melt onset of Arctic sea ice in spring? How do the melt season cloud and radiation properties have an impact on the September sea ice concentration decline?

Effects of Large-scale Changes in Environmental Factors on the Genesis of Arctic Super Cyclones

Yujun LIU+, Yijun HE#
Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology

The Arctic cyclone is an active weather system in the Arctic, and the Arctic extreme cyclone (AEC) strongly influences polar weather. Thus, many studies have focused on the activity of AEC and its relationship with large-scale circulation in the Arctic. In this study, Arctic cyclones were detected using the ERA5 Reanalysis data from 1979 to 2020, and the AECs of cold and warm semesters were defined using the 5th percentile of sea level pressure. An Arctic cyclone genesis index, GPIArctic, is established by using the least square fitting of absolute vorticity, omega, wind shear, and long-wave radiation with Eady growth rate. Our findings show that wind shear and long-wave radiation strongly influence AECs. In the cold semester, the high value of GPIArctic mainly occurs in the south of Greenland, while in the warm semester, the high value of GPIArctic also occurs in northeast Eurasia. The results of the multi-model integration of CMIP6 show that more AECs will be formed in the Arctic in the future (2021–2050), and their seasonal contrast will be stronger in northeast Eurasia.

Warming in the Arctic Due to Ocean Dynamics from Northern Extratropical Radiative Cooling

Ruomei RUAN1+, Sarah KANG2#, Lei ZHOU1, Xiao-Tong ZHENG3, Hai WANG3, Fukai LIU3
1Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 3Ocean University of China

Greenhouse-induced warming causes a pronounced warming amplification and sea ice decline over the Arctic. However, it is yet unclear how anthropogenic aerosol-induced radiative cooling affects the Arctic climate. Using the idealized experiments with a hierarchy of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory model, here we investigate the Arctic climate response to radiative cooling prescribed over major aerosol emission areas in the northern extratropics. In a slab ocean configuration, the Arctic cools regardless of the position of prescribed radiative cooling. By contrast, in a fully-coupled configuration, unlike a radiative cooling over North America and North Asia, a radiative cooling over Europe causes the Norwegian and Barents Seas to warm via the intensified Norwegian Atlantic Current associated with the large-scale low-pressure anomaly west of the prescribed cooling. Our results suggest that better knowledge about the spatial distribution of aerosol forcing will help improve the ability to simulate and predict the Arctic climate.

Observed Contribution of Barents-Kara Sea Ice Loss to Warm Arctic-cold Eurasia Anomalies by Submonthly Processes in Winter

Li YANQIN1+, Li ZHANG1, Bolan GAN1#, Hong WANG1, Xichen LI2, Lixin WU1
1Ocean University of China, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

The warm Arctic-cold Eurasia (WACE) pattern of surface air temperature anomalies is a prominent feature of the Eurasian climate variations during boreal winter. The interannual WACE anomalies are accompanied by sea ice loss in the Barents-Kara (BK) seas, however, the causality between them remains controversial because of large internal atmospheric variability over subarctic Eurasia in winter. Here we disentangle the contribution of BK sea ice loss to the WACE anomalies based on a statistical decomposition approach. An anticyclonic circulation anomaly over subarctic Eurasia that forces the WACE anomalies is found to reach its peak 3 days prior to BK sea ice loss. After excluding this prior atmospheric forcing signature, the East Asian cooling matures about 15 days later as a result of the weakened moisture transport associated with the enhanced BK downstream ridge and East Asian trough due to BK sea ice loss. The results suggest that BK sea ice loss contributes ~65% and ~81% of the WACE-related East Asian cooling and Arctic warming at interannual timescale, respectively, whereas the WACE-related cooling over central Eurasia primarily results from internal atmospheric variability. Such submonthly lagged East Asia cooling caused by BK sea ice loss could be helpful in predicting winter extreme cold events over East Asia.

Jet Response to Arctic Warming in Idealized GCM

Gun-Hwan YANG+, Baek-Min KIM#, Woosok MOON, Hayeon NOH
Pukyong National University

To examine the impact of Arctic amplification on mid-latitude extreme weather event, we investigated the local and remote circulation response to the pan-Arctic and the regional thermal forcing confined to the Arctic. An idealized atmospheric GCM (General Circulation Model) coupled with a slab mixed layer ocean is used for the experiment. With the increasing thermal forcing in the pan-Arctic, the mid-latitude jet moves toward the equator due to the southward shift of the eddy-heat and eddy-momentum flux convergence zone. Impose the regional thermal forcing in the polar region, zonal mean response is similar to the response from the pan-Arctic configuration. The non-zonal response is characterized by an enhanced wavy jet in the mid-latitude, due to the 300-hPa circumpolar zonal wind of wavenumber 1 structure. In regional warming simulation, the residual heat flux increased due to a dipole pattern in the polar region, leading to enhanced heat advection to the mid-latitude.

Antarctic Blowing Snow Diagnosis with MERRA-2 Reanalysis Using a Machine Learning Model

Yuekui YANG#+
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Over Antarctica, snow is frequently lifted by wind and forms blowing snow, which can extend hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in area and reach hundreds of meters in height. Blowing snow affects ice sheet mass balance and hydrological processes by redistributing surface mass and driving spatial and temporal variations in snow accumulation. It also affects the Antarctic water vapor and radiation fields; hence it is desirable for earth system models such as the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) system to have a blowing snow product. This paper presents the work on using a machine learning model to diagnose blowing snow properties with the Modern Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications v2 (MERRA-2) data. We adopt the random forest classifier for blowing snow identification and the random forest regressor for blowing snow optical depth and height diagnosis. Blowing snow observations from CALIPSO are used as the truth for training the machine learning model. Results show that with the MERRA-2 fields such as, snow age, surface elevation and pressure, temperature, specific humidity, and temperature gradient at the 2m level, and wind speed at the 10m level as input, promising results can be achieved. With this method, we can produce hourly blowing snow property diagnostics, which can serve an additional important resource for Antarctic surface mass balance studies.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR311
AS08 - Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing

Session Chair(s): Meng GAO, SSAI, NASA GSFC

AS08-A001 | Invited
Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Winds, Boundary Layer Heights, and Snow Depth

Xubin ZENG#+
The University of Arizona

Three-dimensional (3D) atmospheric winds, atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) heights, and snow depth are all outstanding science and technology issues. For instance, 3D winds and snow depth (and snow water equivalent) are two of the seven observables for the NASA Earth Science Explorer competition (with a cost cap of $310M), while ABL (including its height) is one of the two observables for incubation studies in the next few years. In this invited presentation, I will overview our recent efforts on these topics, including: (1) Retrieval, for the first time, of global 3D atmospheric winds from 60N to 60S by tracking water vapor from the hyper-spectral Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) aboard two polar-orbiting satellites (NOAA-20 and Suomi-NPP) that have overlapped tracks separated by 50 minutes (Ouyed et al. 2023). (2) Evaluation and retrieval of marine ABL heights using the airborne HSRL-2 lidar during the NASA Earth Venture Suborbital Mission (ACTIVATE) (Xu et al. 2023; Ouyed et al. 2023; Cutler et al. 2023) and ABL height over land using Global Positioning System radio occultation (Wang et al. 2022).(3) Evaluation of snow depth retrieval from ICESat-2 (Hu et al. 2022; Lu et al. 2022) using a variety of surface-based and satellite data (Mitchell et al. 2023).

Partially Melting Droplets Strongly Enhance Lidar Backscatter

Wenbo SUN1#+, Yongxiang HU2
1Science Systems and Applications, Inc., 2NASA Langley Research Center

There has been a long-standing problem in discrepancy between theoretical and observed backscatter by water clouds. Lidar ratios from water clouds are often much lower than what calculated out by Mie theory. In this study, we find the low lidar ratios of water clouds in CALIPSO lidar observations can be explained if we assume some large droplets with liquid spherical shells and ice cores. Using a light scattering model for layered spherical particles, we can produce lidar ratios similar to those from the CALIPSO data while assuming large droplets with ice cores in clouds. This study explains the reason of low lidar ratios for water clouds and provides a method for remotely sensing partially melting droplets.

Approximating the Backscatter Efficiency Factor of Preferentially Oriented Snow Particles

Kwo-Sen KUO1,2#+, Ines FENNI3, Robert SCHROM4, William OLSON4, Ian ADAMS4
1University of Maryland-College Park, 2Bayesics, LLC, 3NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

We have evaluated the approximations of orientation-averaged efficiency factors (scattering, extinction, and backscatter) of realistic solid hydrometeors, assuming they are uniformly randomly oriented in space, using different quadrature schemes, i.e., Lebedev (lb), spherical design (sd), and adaptive quadrature (aq) and have shown that much fewer quadrature orientations (those aligned with the quadrature node directions) are needed with lb and sd than aq to achieve a similar level of precision (Fenni et al 2021). We have then tried to approximate the efficiency factors at non-quadrature orientations through interpolation using the ones obtained at the quadrature orientations. We found that, while the interpolation is generally accurate for scattering and extinction efficiency factors, it leads to large and unacceptable uncertainties for backscatter. We later realize that, since the hydrometeors in an ensemble illuminated by the radar beam are never oriented in the same direction, the quantity we must approximate well for remote sensing purposes is not the backscatter efficiency factor at a specific orientation but that with some underlying orientation distribution. The aforementioned orientation averages that we are able to approximate well using quadrature orientations assume a uniform orientation distribution, which radiometer polarization signals have shown to be unrealistic as well. We thus, in this presentation, examine and report the effectiveness of approximating the efficiency factors resulting from preferentially random orientation distribution using those calculated at the quadrature orientations.
Fenni, I., K.-S. Kuo, M. S. Haynes, Z. S. Haddad, and H. Roussel, 2021: Evaluation of Higher-Order Quadrature Schemes in Improving Computational Efficiency for Orientation-Averaged Single-Scattering Properties of Nonspherical Ice Particles. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD034172,

Improved Aerosol Characterization Using Spectral Sorting and Machine Learning

Vijay NATRAJ1#+, Sihe CHEN2, Yuk YUNG2
1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2California Institute of Technology

Atmospheric aerosols represent a significant part of the anthropogenic forcing responsible for climate change. However, uncertainties in the origin and composition of aerosol particles, their size distribution, concentration, spatial and temporal variability, make it difficult to model their radiative effects. In order to quantify the influence of aerosols on Earth’s climate and to better validate climate models, information about their global abundance, properties and height distribution are needed. It is well known that spectrally resolved measurements of gaseous absorption contain information about the vertical distribution of scattering. We utilize O2 A-band measurements made by the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2), in conjunction with spectral sorting and machine learning approaches, to retrieve aerosol optical depth and layer height. We show results for the Saudi Arabian desert and the Sahel region in Africa. The retrievals compare well with collocated lidar measurements. This approach also has the potential to reduce biases in greenhouse gas retrievals. © 2023 California Institute of Technology. US Government sponsorship acknowledged.

Aerosol Scattering and Composition at an Urban Site in Melbourne, Australia

Robyn SCHOFIELD1,2#+
1The University of Melbourne, 2The Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes

Since August 2022 a Spartan network (a global particulate matter network) observational site has been established in Melbourne, Australia - on the roof within the urban centre. A comparison of nephelometer scattering properties, composition as well as miniMPL back-scatter aerosol profiles is presented. Melbourne, on the coast enjoys clean Southern Ocean air, but also hot central Australian air with alternating regularity. With some of the worst fuel standards for petrol in the OECD and minimal controls on domestic wood burning, the Australian urban environment is complex and relies heavily on sufficient ventilation to disperse pollution. Along with controlled biomass burning to reduce fuel loads, aiming to avoid extreme fire events, the city's air pollution is often compromised, and citizens have some of the highest asthma rates in the world. Here we present observations aiming to ground truth satellite observations of particulate matter, in order to utilize satellites to improve air pollution predictions for the region.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR327
AS51 - Understanding and Predicting Precipitation Extremes Through Integrative Analyses of Observation, Numerical Models, and Deep Learning

Session Chair(s): Jingyu WANG, Nanyang Technological University, Yixin WEN, University of Florida

Effects of Upshear Lifted Convection on Vortex Alignment of Super Typhoon Rammasun (2014) Under Sheared Environment

Yecheng FENG+, Liguang WU#
Fudan University

A vertically-aligned circulation of tropical cyclones (TCs) is widely acknowledged as a key structure to drive rapid intensification (RI). Currently, no agreement has been reached on the mechanisms for maintaining alignment although several pathways have been proposed. In this study, a high-resolution simulation of Rammasun (2014), a moderately sheared super typhoon that underwent offshore RI, is utilized to investigate key physical processes on vortex tilt reduction, with a focus on the vortex motion at different vertical layers. Based on the potential vorticity tendency (PVT) diagnosis, it is found that the vortex alignment cannot be simply attributed to the steering flow hypothesized by some previous pathways, while the diabatic heating process plays a dominated role in reducing vortex tilt. The contribution of diabatic heating is closely related to the upper-level lifted convection at the upshear quadrant, which acts to shift the upper-level vortex centers toward the low-level centers through generating the positive PV tendency. The convergence of low-entropy air from upper-level environmental ventilation flow and high-entropy air from inner-core is conducive to instability in the upper-level of upshear quadrant, leading to the earlier occurrence of convection at upper-levels than the lower-levels before RI onset. This study suggests that TCs can maintain vortex alignment through diabatic modulation by shear-induced convective asymmetry.

AS51-A007 | Invited
Evolution of Precipitation Triple Oxygen Isotopes During Monsoon Cold Surges in Singapore: Implications for Evaluating Tropical Convection

Yilin ZHANG#+, Shaoneng HE, Bernie WEE, Xianfeng WANG
Nanyang Technological University

Precipitation stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and d-excess) have been successfully used to investigate microphysical processes during tropical convection. Recently, 17O-excess has been developed as a new tracer of hydrological processes. However, it has not yet been used to understand rain event microphysics. In combination with other parameters, 17O-excess may provide more insights into tropical convection. In this study, we collected precipitation samples at minute interval from multiple cold surge events during the Northeast monsoon season in Singapore in 2017 and 2022. Their triple oxygen isotopes were analyzed to study how tropical mesoscale convective systems affect precipitation isotopes. 𝛿18O was found to decrease in the convective zones and then gradually increase in the stratiform zones, while d-excess exhibited inverse trends. This reveals that raindrop re-evaporation is important in shaping precipitation isotopes. For rain events with more vigorous convection and higher integrated rainout amount, the relative humidity estimated from precipitation 17O-excess was lower than that in the moisture source area. The moisture recycling from reevaporated vapor may increase 17O-excess during transport. This is further exemplified by those events with higher integrated rainout generally having a lower 𝛿18O but a higher 17O-excess. Additionally, d-excess and 17O-excess are mostly positively correlated, inconsistent with their negative correlation observed in monthly precipitation. This implies that stronger regional convection may attenuate the positive correlation between d-excess and 17O-excess, even switching to a negative correlation for the cumulative monthly signal. Tropical convection has largely modified 17O-excess in precipitation; thus, 17O-excess does not purely record the moisture source humidity. Understanding the various control mechanisms of precipitation isotopes at different timescales will help interpret paleoclimate records and improve the parameterization of climate models.

Robust Expansion of Extreme Midlatitude Storms Under Global Warming

Ji NIE1#+, Panxi DAI2
1Peking University, 2Zhejiang University

Extreme extratropical storms are among the most impact-relevant weather events in the midlatitudes. Under global warming, extreme storms are expected to intensify; however, little is known about the response of their spatial structure. Here, we show that with warming, extreme storms not only become stronger, but also grow larger. By employing multi-model projections from the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project and an idealized aquaplanet simulation, we demonstrate that global warming leads to a robust increase in extreme storm size that is relatively spatially uniform in the midlatitudes and consistent among the models. The physical mechanism for the size increase is the increase in the Rossby deformation radius due to the increase in low-level dry static stability with warming. The storm expansion adds a substantial contribution (2.6%/K), along with the increase in precipitation intensity (3.2%/K), to the increase in storm total precipitation. The results improve our understanding and have significant implications for climate mitigation.

AS51-A013 | Invited
The Tibetan Plateau Bridge: Influence of Tropic Convection on Extreme Precipitation Events in Eastern Asia

Yimin LIU#+, Jilan JIANG, Tingting MA, Guoxiong WU
Chinese Academy of Sciences

The special geographical location of the TP makes it plays a unique role in the Asian summer precipitation, particularly in extreme precipitation. This talk will present recent studies on the bridge roles of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) in the link of tropic convections anomalies and extreme precipitation events in eastern Asia in intraseasonal and interannual time scales. Excessive precipitation was observed throughout the Yangtze River Valley during the record-breaking Meiyu season in 2020. The persistent Indian Ocean warming in 2020 is responsible for the record-breaking Meiyu rainfall over eastern China. But there is no significant correction between this SSTA and the extreme precipitation over the upper reaches of Yangtze River. Our results show that the activities of high potentia­l vorticity (PV) systems during their eastward propagation over the eastern TP should be responsible for the above-normal rainfall in the intraseasonal time scale. The activity of high-PV systems is characterized by a prominent diurnal cycle, and their formation is closely related to the thermal contrast between the near-surface and lower atmosphere. Compared with the climatology, an excessive water vapor supply from the anomalous anticyclone over the northern Bay of Bengal, forced by the strengthened convection over western Indian Ocean and increased surface sensible heating over the Bay of Bengal, contributes to a stronger thermal contrast and enhances activity of high-PV systems over the TP. In late summer in 2019, TP bridge influence exists in the connection from the suppressed convection over the Maritime Continent to the heavy drought over Southeast China through enhancing northly winds and providing a stable circulation patter in eastern Asia and western Pacific. Such TP bridge influence has been identified and verified in the interannual time scale by the partial correlation analysis and AGCM sensitivity experiments with and without the TP.

AS51-A014 | Invited
Impacts of the Topographical Factors on Hourly Extreme Precipitation – A Study in the Yangtze River Delta

Yanhong GAO1#+, Li ZENG2, Zhaoyang LIU1
1Fudan University, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences

Under global warming, centered with Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) of China has experienced an extreme precipitation increasing, in which the short-duration heavy precipitation increases significantly. Topography as well as its attributions are fundamental factors during precipitation generation. In this study, the relations between hourly extreme precipitation and five topographical factors with 12 km grid cell were explored using the Multi-scale Geographically Weighted Regression model established on observed precipitation records at CMA stations and topography. The extreme hourly precipitation events were divided into single-peak and double-peak according to the diurnal variation, which are corresponding to the weather background of Non-ENSO and ENSO year. Both types of extreme events capture the dominant role of the topographic relief. But the secondary topographical factors differ. In single-peak event, afternoon convections occur at the southeastern side of the Zhejiang-Fujian Mountains with larger slopes. However, in double-peak event, another peak occurs due to the moisture transfer in the morning. Therefore, the distance from the coastline becomes the secondary role. Two dynamic downscaling simulated precipitation at the horizontal resolution of the traditional quarter degree and convection-permitting scale are evaluated compared to the observed relationship between topographical factors and hourly extreme precipitation. Discrepancies of the coarse resolution simulation were revealed. This research highlights the key role of underground sub-grid variations on the precipitation in eastern China, which implies a potential way forward for precipitation simulation improvements.

AS51-A008 | Invited
Impacts of Coastal Terrain on Warm-sector Heavy-rain-producing MCSs in Southern China

Murong ZHANG1, Kristen RASMUSSEN2, Zhiyong MENG1#+, Yipeng HUANG3
1Peking University, 2Colorado State University, 3Xiamen Meteorological Bureau

Warm-sector heavy rainfall in southern China refers to the heavy rainfall that occurs within a weakly forced synoptic environment under the influence of monsoonal airflows. It is usually located near the southern coast and is characterized by poor predictability and a close relationship with coastal terrain. This study investigates the impacts of coastal terrain on the initiation, organization, and heavy rainfall potential of MCSs in warm-sector heavy rainfall over southern China using quasi-idealized WRF simulations and terrain-modification experiments. Typical warm-sector heavy rainfall events were selected to produce composite environments that forced the simulations. MCSs in these events all initiated in the early morning and developed into quasi-linear convective systems along the coast with a prominent back-building process. When the small coastal terrain is removed, the maximum 12-h rainfall accumulation decreases by ∼46%. The convection initiation is advanced ∼2 h with the help of orographic lifting associated with flow interaction with the coastal hills in the control experiment. Moreover, the coastal terrain weakens near-surface winds and thus decreases the deep-layer vertical wind shear component perpendicular to the coast and increases the component parallel to the coast; the coastal terrain also concentrates the moisture and instability over the coastal region by weakening the boundary layer jet. These modifications lead to faster upscale growth of convection and eventually a well-organized MCS. The coastal terrain is beneficial for back-building convection and thus persistent rainfall by providing orographic lifting for new cells on the western end of the MCS, and by facilitating a stronger and more stagnant cold pool, which stimulates new cells near its rear edge.

AS51-A019 | Invited
Microphysical and Dynamical Characteristics of Convection in the 21·7 Henan Extremely Heavy Rainfall Event

Kun ZHAO1#+, Gang CHEN2, Yinghui LYU1, Zhe-Min TAN1, Ming XUE3
1Nanjing University, 2Nanjing Joint Institute for Atmospheric Sciences, 3The University of Oklahoma

In this study, significant rainfall microphysical variability is revealed for the extremely heavy rainfall event over Henan Province in July 2021 (the “21.7” Henan EHR event) using a dense network of disdrometers and two polarimetric radars. The broad distributions of specific drop size distribution (DSD) parameters are identified in heavy rainfall from disdrometers, indicating obvious microphysical variability on the surface. Combined with the supporting precipitation structures obtained through radar observations, distinct microphysical features of five DSD groups are derived. An extreme rainfall group is dominantly formed in the deep convection over the plain regions, where the high number of concentrations and large mean sizes of surface raindrops are underpinned by both active ice-phase processes and efficient warm-rain collision–coalescence processes in the vertical direction. Convection located near orographic regions is characterized by restricted ice-phase processes and high coalescence efficiency of liquid hydrometeors, causing the dominant DSD group to comprise negligible large raindrops. Moreover, the microphysical processes accompanying convective-scale and mesoscale dynamics of the convective cell causing the record-breaking hourly rainfall (201.9 mm) are investigated using the Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System. Clearly, the interaction between convective-scale and mesoscale dynamics and microphysical processes within favorable synoptic conditions led to the extremely heavy rainfall.

The Evaluation of Precipitation Estimates and Simulations from the Remote Sensing Technologies and WRG Modeling Over the Peruvian Andes Region

Mengye CHEN1#+, Yang HONG1, Yongjie HUANG1, Hector Mayol NOVOA2
1The University of Oklahoma, 2Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

Peruvian Andes region has been proven in multiple studies to be one of a few regions have poor performance of many global precipitation estimations, due to its complex terrain and extreme interruption of atmospheric movement by the Andes mountain. This study provides an evaluation over two Peruvian local precipitation products PISCO and RAIN4PE, along with a regional dynamic downscaled WRF model simulation, and GPM-IMERG. The precipitation products were evaluated against local rain gauge data and used as the forcing data for CREST-VEC model to test the uncertainties of the precipitation products in a extremely dry region in Peru. This study readdress the accuracy issue of precipitation products in the Peruvian Andes region, and highlights the importance of using WRF modeling simulation to ‘fill-the-blank’ of heterogenous rain gauge distribution, when remote-sensing technologies fail to perform in this area.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR323
AS37 - Monitoring, Analysis, and Prediction of Typhoon and Climate Affecting Taiwan and the Philippines

Session Chair(s): Chung-Hsiung SUI, National Taiwan University

AS37-A019 | Invited
Mesoscale Analysis of Typhoons Near Landfall

Ben Jong-Dao JOU1#+, Chi-June JUNG1, Yucheng KAO2
1National Taiwan University, 2Central Weather Administration

Mesoscale analysis of typhoons near landfall observed by mesonet weather stations and radar network in Taiwan is presented. Single radar analysis algorithm developed to retrieve primary and secondary circulations of typhoons near landfall is briefly reviewed (Jou et al. 2008; Lee et al. 1999). Orographic effects on landfalling typhoon intensity and precipitation changes are especially emphasized. Studies include the effect of coastal barrier jet (CBJ) on the intensity and track changes of landfalling typhoons (Haitang 0505); bulk microphysical properties of near-center secondary rainbands of landfalling typhoon (Soudelor 1513). Leeside meso-low and localized strong winds of typhoon near landfall is also investigated (Meranti 1614). The results are important for emergency response when typhoons are approaching land. Reference: Jou, B. J.-D., W.-C. Lee, S.-P. Liu, and Y.-C. Kao, 2008a: Generalized VTD retrieved of atmospheric vortex kinematic structure. Part I: Formulation and error analysis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 128, 1925-1936. Lee, W.-C., B. J.-D. Jou, P.-L. Chang, and S.-M. Deng, 1999: Tropical cyclone kinematic structure retrieved from single-Doppler radar observations. Part I: Interpretation of Doppler velocity patterns and the GBVTD technique. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2419-2439.

The Recent Development of Yhe Official Storm Surge Forecast System in Taiwan

Tso-Ren WU1#+, Jun-Wei LIN1, Chuen-Teyr TERNG2
1National Central University, 2Central Weather Bureau

During the typhoon warning period, in order to quickly and accurately warn the potential damage caused by the storm surge, the Taiwan government and related units have been actively developing the technology of the storm surge forecasting system. This research develops COMCOT-SS, the multi-scale storm surge forecasting system in Taiwan's coastal waters, based on the nonlinear multi-grid tsunami model COMCOT (Cornel Multi-grid Coupled Tsunami Model). COMCOT-SS uses nonlinear shallow water wave equations with dynamic nested grids to analyze the transmission of long waves at different scales, uses the moving boundary scheme to calculate the overflow area, and uses Open-Multi-Processing (OpenMP) for multi-execution parallel thread modification to meet forecast timeliness. The model can take advantage of the large computational domain to cover the full cycle of storm surge propagation, while also incorporating coastal inundation simulation. In addition to importing the ideal TC model, the model can be coupled with the 2D meteorological field to reflect changes in the typhoon structure and the TPXO model to describe the astronomical tide components. However, the forecast is directly affected by uncertain factors such as typhoon intensity and track, and the forecast results may differ significantly from the actual observations. To account for the uncertainties in the metrological conditions, the Central Weather Bureau constructs the ensemble forecast system based on the existing storm surge model kernel. The ensemble forecast system provides flexible options for generating ensemble members, such as track, intensity, and ideal wind field structure, and provides related probability forecast products with detailed and accurate storm surge forecast information for people in coastal areas to achieve the purpose of disaster preparedness and prevention, and reduce the loss of life and property.

An Observational Study on Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Chanthu (2021) Near Taiwan

Wei-Ting FANG1+, Pao-Liang CHANG2#, Ming-Jen YANG3
1Central Weather Administration, 2Central Weather Bureau, 3National Taiwan University

As Typhoon Chanthu (2021) moved along the eastern coast of Taiwan, a noticeable intensification with the eyewall convection asymmetry highly dominated by wavenumber-1 features was observed by the dense radar network in Taiwan. In this study, the data from multiple radars were integrated to analyze the evolution of the inner-core structure and kinematic features. The radar-retrieved maximum wind speed at an altitude of 3 km rapidly increased by ~18 m s-1 within 11 hours in the intensifying stages and significantly decreased by ~19 m s-1 in 8 hours in the weakening stage, which are features of rapid intensification (RI) and rapid weakening (RW), respectively. Namely, Chanthu experienced both RI and RW within the 24-h analyzed period, which was challenging for intensity forecasts. During Chanthu’s intensifying stages, the maximum region of eyewall convection asymmetry suddenly rotated from the eastern to the northern semicircle cyclonically immediately after a terrain-induced boundary inflow from south of the typhoon was initiated. This sudden rotation of eyewall asymmetry showed a better consistency with the radar-derived vertical wind shear (VWS) than that from global reanalysis data. Collocated with surface observations, it is found that the intensification was associated with 1) terrain blocking-induced boundary inflow south of the typhoon, 2) upshear-left pointing low-level flow, and 3) weak upper-level VWS.

Analyzing Tropical Cyclone Wind Structure by Satellite Imagery Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks

Chun-Min HSIAO1#+, Buo-Fu CHEN2, Yung-Lan LIN1, Kuan-Liang LAI1, Treng-Shi HUANG1, Guo-Chen LU1
1Central Weather Bureau, 2National Taiwan University

Tropical cyclone (TC) structure analysis is crucial for TC research and disaster prevention. However, observational limitations can make it difficult to accurately analyze TC structure. To address this issue, we developed a deep learning model using the convolutional neural network (CNN). This model uses satellite observations to estimate TC structure and provides objective, globally consistent results. Our model is expected to improve the temporal and spatial resolution of typhoon structure observations, making it a valuable tool for TC research and disaster prevention. To train the CNN, labeling data is required to compute the loss function during the training process. In this study, the structural parameters of the best track data and a physically-based parametric wind model were used to estimate the axisymmetric wind speed structure of TCs. However, the wind profiles are not accurate enough, so we used ERA5 reanalysis data to correct the maximum wind and the wind speed at the outer radii. The model was trained on data from 2004 to 2016 and showed good performance. The intensity RMSE and 9.9 kt and the storm wind radius MAE of 43.6 km. Independent verification of the 2017-2018 TCs using ASCAT and SAR sea surface wind observations showed the model's ability to reasonably estimate TC structure. Using the objective method of this study, we can convert the one-dimensional axisymmetric wind profile into a two-dimensional wind field and compare it with actual observations. The results showed that the method could generally estimate the asymmetric wind speed structure of TCs. In addition, this new technology is integrated into CWB TAFIS (Typhoon Analysis and Forecast Integration System), providing intensity and asymmetric storm radius for 4 quadrants.

Adopting Predicted Typhoon Inner Core Winds for WRF FDDA to Improve Typhoon Initial Structure of TWRF

Hua HSU1#+, Der-Song CHEN2, Jia-Hong XIE2, Chun-Teng CHENG2, Ling-Feng HSIAO2, Pao-Liang CHANG2, Jing-Shan HONG2
1International Integrated Systems, Inc. (IISI), 2Central Weather Bureau

Typhoon WRF (TWRF) model based on the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF-ARW) is the operational tropical cyclone (TC) prediction system at the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). The forecast performances of track and intensity in 2016~2021 were found competitive with that of two leading global models, EC and NCEP. But there is not yet using TC initialization process in TWRF, which has the potential to improve TC intensity forecast significantly. Therefore, this study focuses on further improving the initial TC intensity and position of TWRF. Reasonable initial TC structure could not only reduce model spin-up time, but also improve the performance of TC forecast. This study adopted FDDA in TWRF model to assimilate the forecast TC structure. We assimilated hourly forecast winds into FDDA as objective analyses and apply it to TWRF with partial cycle assimilation. We choose 9 TCs in western North Pacific to evaluate the improvement of TC initial intensity and position in TWRF with FDDA initialization process. All cases show better results of TC initial positions, and most of cases shows better results of TC initial intensity. We discussed more in forecast results of Typhoon Chanthu (2020). Typhoon Chanthu was closed to Taiwan during 9/11 00~9/12 00 UTC when radar system in Taiwan could provide observation wind compared to forecast wind we used in FDDA. The results pointed out that adopt FDDA with the forecast TC inner core winds or observation wind not only improved the representativeness of the initial TC location and intensity, but also advanced the prediction on the typhoon track and intensity of TWRF. The improvements were comparable with the result of nudging observation wind.

Impact of Combination of Inflation Schemes in an Operational Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF)

Chin-Cheng TSAI1#+, Craig SCHWARTZ2, Guo-Yuan LIEN1, Siou-Ying JIANG1,3, Pao-Liang CHANG1, Jing-Shan HONG1, Chun-Chieh WU3
1Central Weather Bureau, 2National Center for Atmospheric Research, 3National Taiwan University

Covariance inflation schemes are often implemented in ensemble-based data assimilation systems to mitigate underestimation of forecast errors due to small ensemble sizes. Insufficient ensemble spread was noted in the operational hourly-cycling, 2-km, 32-member Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) system at Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau (CWB), which degraded forecast quality of convective-scale weather systems. To enhance the ensemble spread during LETKF forecast-analysis cycles, two kinds of covariance inflation schemes are evaluated in this study, including relaxation-to-prior spread (RTPS) (Whitaker and Hamill, 2012) and random additive noise (Dowell and Wicker, 2009; Caya et al. 2005). Their impacts are evaluated with an afternoon thunderstorm case in 2018 and a Meiyu front case in June 2022 over Taiwan. When incorporating both covariance inflation schemes into LETKF cycles, the prior spread-error relationship was improved relative to a control LETKF where neither RTPS nor additive inflation was applied. The spread-error relation was improved after about 10 hourly forecast-analysis cycles for the afternoon thunderstorm case but was enhanced within the first 2 hourly data assimilation cycles in the Meiyu front case. As measured by the fractions skill score (FSS), deterministic quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs) initialized from LETKF mean analyses were improved in both the afternoon thunderstorm and Meiyu cases when applying both covariance inflation schemes. In addition, verification against surface observations indicated that humidity, temperature, and wind speed were improved in the Meiyu case but only humidity in the first 3 forecast hours was improved in the afternoon thunderstorm case. Nonetheless, overall, the combination of RTPS and random additive noise in an hourly updated convective-scale LETKF data assimilation system can provide suitable ensemble spread to represent model forecast error and improve short range QPF performance. More studies about the proposed inflation schemes in a typhoon event will be demonstrated in the presentation.

Investigate the Sensitivity of Updating Sea Surface Temperatures on TWRF Typhoon Predictions Over the Western North Pacific

Der-Song CHEN1#+, Ling-Feng HSIAO1, Kang-Ning HUANG1, Chun-Teng CHENG1, Hua HSU2, Jing-Shan HONG1, Chin-Tzu FONG1
1Central Weather Bureau, 2International Integrated Systems, Inc. (IISI)

The ocean plays a major role in modulating the TC intensity changes. It is well known that strong winds of a TC can induce significant upwelling in the ocean, bring down the SST and affect TC intensity for slow-moving storms. Without coupling ocean model, the TC intensity prediction skill of atmospheric-only models suffers from this shortcoming. However, for computational limitation, most operational TC models are uncoupled. The TC model, TWRF of Central Weather Bureau uses the forecast fields from the NCEPFV3 for the boundary conditions. Due to the lack of ocean-coupling, TWRF suffers over-prediction of TC intensity when storm move slowly. A new strategy is designed for this remedy using the predicted SST from ECMWF coupled IFS instead of a fixed SST from NCEPFV3.
Typhoon In-Fa is selected for its over-intensified prediction and slow speed. In the operation run where the SST is fixed, the over forecast intensity error is 35 hPa in the 3km domain at 120h. When the SST is updated with ECMWF IFS, the intensity errors are improved by 20 hPa. Meanwhile, the track error has increased slightly in the 3km domain. We speculate the that the slight degradation is by the inconsistent between the bottom boundary condition from the ECMWF and the lateral boundary condition from NCEP. We tested a combination strategy using NCEP and EC as the boundary conditions for TWRF. The hybrid strategy, mixing the EC and NCEP forecast fields as the lateral boundary condition and ECMWF SST as the bottom boundary condition, performs the best in In-Fa. The hybrid strategy consistently beats the operation version of TWRF on the intensity prediction with 85 cases/8 typhoons. This hybrid method with updating SST posts as a workable strategy for uncoupled models to account for the feedback from the ocean in a computationally efficient way.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR332
AS07 - General Session for Atmospheric Sciences

Session Chair(s): Masaki SATOH, The University of Tokyo

Doppler Lidar Based Observation Nudging Towards Improving the Model Accuracy in Predicting Major Weather Variables

Sridhara NAYAK#+, Isao KANDA
Japan Meteorological Corporation

In this study an attempt is made to improve the major weather variables in the weather research and forecasting (WRF) model by using the Doppler Lidar based observation nudging over the Osaka region of Japan. We performed various simulations with different model configurations and domain setups at different horizontal resolutions (100-500m) with and without observation nudging. The results indicated that the major weather variables such as temperature, precipitation, wind etc. are better captured in the simulations with Lidar based nudging compared to those simulations without nudging. The root mean square error (RMSE) in reproducing these weather variables decreased and correlation coefficient (R) is increased after using the nudging not only at Lidar location but also at the locations far from the Lidar location (e.g. AMeDAS observation stations). Our overall analysis emphasized an improvement of the profiles of weather variables by considering the Lidar based observation nudging in the WRF simulation.

Regional and Seasonal Variations of the Double-ITCZ Bias in CMIP6 Models

Baijun TIAN1,2#+
1California Institute of Technology, 2University of California, Los Angeles

The double-intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) bias is one of the most persistent and outstanding biases in fully coupled global climate models. Based on the annual mean tropical precipitation distributions and indices, Tian and Dong (2020) found that the double-ITCZ bias and its big inter-model spread persist in the latest fully coupled global climate models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Phase 6 (CMIP6) although the double-ITCZ bias is slightly decreased in CMIP6 models in comparison to CMIP Phase 3 (CMIP3) and CMIP Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. In this study, we examine the regional and seasonal variations of the double-ITCZ bias as well as the difference of the double-ITCZ biases between the fully coupled and atmosphere-only models in CMIP6 models to better understand the origin of the double-ITCZ bias in CMIP6 models. The NASA satellite data, such as TRMM, GPCP and AIRS will be used in this study.

Methods to Evaluate Dipolar Climate Patterns

Sandro F. VEIGA#+, Huiling YUAN
Nanjing University

In climate studies, one of the most widely used metrics to evaluate spatial patterns simulated by climate models is the Taylor skill score (TS score). However, this metric may fail to accurately assess the ability of climate models to simulate the similarity of dipolar or multipolar climate patterns with observation because the TS score compares the spatial variances of model and observation patterns (through their ratio) but ignores their spatial variances' distributions. In light of this, we compare three metrics to evaluate dipolar (East Asian summer monsoon) and multipolar (Pacific-North American pattern) climate patterns simulated by six CMIP6 state-of-the-art models. The metrics that are evaluated are the TS score, an adjusted Taylor skill score (TSadj score) that relies on the normalized root-mean-square error, and the Arcsin-Mielke skill score. As a reference for this comparison, we adapt the Contiguous Rain Areas to estimate the baseline error of the model's simulation.

Responses of East Asian Climate to SST Anomalies in the Kuroshio Extension Region During Boreal Autumn

Yu GENG1+, Hong-Li REN1,2#
1Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 2China University of Geosciences

Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) region play a key role in influencing midlatitude climate variations. This study investigates the impacts of SSTAs in the KE region (KE-SSTA) on East Asian climate during boreal autumn. The results reveal that positive KE-SSTA, changing the meridional temperature gradient in the lower troposphere, contributes to the formation of an anomalous quasi-barotropic anticyclonic circulation (AC) over the KE region. Such a configuration tends to be affected by wind through thermal wind adjustment. Simultaneously, it is also impacted by eddy activity related to the strengthened atmospheric baroclinicity through transient eddy feedback. By both means, obvious descending motion and warm advection are generated, which increases tropospheric temperature through adiabatic heating and further maintains the abnormal AC over the KE region. This anomalous circulation changes wind in the east of the East Asian trough, which favors the transportation of warm and wet air from the midlatitude northwest Pacific and further causes the increase of temperature in northeastern East Asia. Moreover, it also leads to the convergence and divergence of water vapor fluxes in Northeast Asia and eastern North China, favoring the increase and decrease of precipitation in the two regions, respectively. The above responsive characteristics of the midlatitude atmospheric circulation to positive KE-SSTA can be confirmed by numerical experiments. These results suggest that anomalous SST in the KE region can be used as a potentially effective predictability source for autumn climate variations in the mid to high latitudes of East Asia.

Remote Tropical Central Pacific Influence on Driving Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Northeast Pacific

Hao-Jhe HONG+, Huang-Hsiung HSU#
Academia Sinica

The Northeast Pacific (NEP) had two record-breaking marine heatwave events (MHWs) in the winters of 2013–2015 and summer of 2019, which had a detrimental impact on the fisheries, marine ecosystems, and climate in North America. Here, we investigated the cause of sea surface temperature (SST) variability in NEP during late spring–summer of 1981–2020. The regression circulation anomalies to the principal component of leading EOF mode suggested that the warm NEP SST were characterized by a cyclonic circulation anomaly in the midlatitude North Pacific and a warming SST center in the Gulf of Alaska. We noted that this cyclonic circulation anomaly, attributable to a barotropic atmospheric wave originating from the tropical central Pacific (CP) in the preceding spring, reduced the surface heat flux loss from the ocean to the atmosphere in the NEP and led to the warm SST anomalies in summer. This finding was confirmed by not only empirical diagnosis but also long-term numerical simulations forced by the observed SST perturbations in the tropical CP. Our results highlight the role of the tropical CP SST in driving the summertime North Pacific SST variability through the atmospheric bridge in recent decades.

Interdecadal Variation in Winter Precipitation Over Non-monsoonal Eurasian Regions

Xinhai CHEN#+, Xiaojing JIA
Zhejiang University

The interannual variations of winter precipitation over central Asia (CA) are investigated over the period 1948–2018 using both observational analysis and a linear baroclinic model (LBM). The focus is on the characteristics and factors of the leading empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF1) of winter precipitation over CA. The results show that the key circulation anomalies associated with the positive phase of EOF1 feature a tripole pattern that is responsible for transporting moisture from the subtropical North Atlantic region to CA. An examination of the lower boundary conditions indicates that anomalous North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST), Kara Sea ice in the preceding autumn, and simultaneous snow cover in central Asia can promote large-scale atmospheric waves that contribute to the EOF1-related anomalous tripole pattern. This result is verified by an analysis of the apparent heat source (Q1) in the atmosphere and the LBM experiments. Linear regression (LR) models were constructed using the precursors revealed by the above observational analyses to perform hindcasts for EOF1 over the period 1950–2018. The North Atlantic SST and the Kara Sea ice in the preceding autumn are shown to be effective predictors in the LR model that can capture the variation in EOF1 during this period. The seasonal forecasts of winter precipitation over CA for the 2011–18 period based on the LR models outperform those of the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) over central and northern CA.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR329
AS14 - Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasts and Applications

Session Chair(s): Chen SCHWARTZ, Centre for Climate Research Singapore

The Subseasonal Prediction of Springtime Near-surface Temperature Evolution Over Indochina

Mien-Tze KUEH#+, Chuan-Yao LIN
Academia Sinica

The transition to rainy season in the Indochina Peninsula usually occurs in May, accompanying the decrease in near-surface temperatures over the region. The advancing southwest monsoon flow provides dynamic settings for the transition period, during which a negative relationship between the temperature and precipitation can be found on a daily basis. Therefore, the skillful subseasonal prediction of the near-surface temperature evolution over Indochina relies largely on the development of summer monsoon. We examine the subseasonal prediction of springtime near-surface temperatures in Indochina for two contrasting years: dry and hot 2016 and wet and cool 2022, based on their average conditions in April and May. The real-time forecasts from the ECMWF subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasting system provide reasonable week-3 predictions of the tendency of hot conditions in May of 2016, but unsatisfying predictions for the cool May of 2022. The large-scale monsoon circulations are well predicted for both years. The forecast system can also capture the rainy spells in both years. We find that the local thermodynamic responses in the prediction system may provide hints for the performance of temperature predictions. For the higher temperature regime (approximately above 27.5 °C), the forecast values reveal a negative relationship between temperatures and precipitations, and the relationship remains valid with the precipitations in the preceding week. A similar pattern is also found between the temperatures and soil moistures, where such relationship is valid for a relatively longer period, even with the soil moistures in the preceding two weeks. We do not find any relationships between the lower temperature regime (below 27 °C) and precipitation or soil moisture. This may imply large uncertainty in the prediction of cool conditions.

Tropospheric Precursor and Predictability of the 2021 Sudden Stratospheric Warming

Min-Jee KANG+, Hyeong-Oh CHO, Seok-Woo SON#
Seoul National University

The role of North Pacific bomb cyclones and the associated upper-level trough on the onset of January 2021 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is examined by conducting a set of numerical model experiments. The control simulation, initialized 10 days before the SSW onset, successfully reproduces the SSW. As this event is preceded by the bomb cyclones in the North Pacific, their impact is tested by initializing the model without them. This sensitivity experiment shows much weaker polar-vortex deceleration than the control simulation, resulting in no distinct SSW onset. This difference is attributable to the dampened constructive linear interference between the climatological wave and the cyclone-related wavenumber-one anomaly in the sensitivity experiment. It weakens the vertical propagation of wavenumber-one wave into the stratosphere, thereby reducing wave breaking in the polar stratosphere. This result suggests that bomb cyclones and the associated upper-level trough can be an important factor for improving SSW predictability. The predictability of the 2021 SSW in subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) prediction models is also examined. Particularly, ECMWF and JMA models, initialized 15 days and 13 days before the onset date, respectively, are used to investigate the key factors in the SSW onset. By comparing 10 ensembles with successful SSW and those without SSW, it is found that the upward-propagating planetary-scale wave at 60°-200°E from the upper troposphere (~300 hPa) is a crucial factor for the successful SSW prediction. This result suggests that the upper-level trough over East Eurasia to North Pacific is important in predicting successful SSW in S2S models.

Study on Snow Data Assimilation Using Satellite Data Into the Jules Land Surface Model Based on LETKF

Joonlee LEE+, Myong-In LEE#
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Land initial states such as snow and soil moisture are crucial factors in season-to-sub-seasonal (S2S) time-scale predictions due to their climatic memory lasting 1-2 months. To improve the S2S prediction skills, this study aims to develop a land data assimilation system with the remote observation of snow water equivalent (SWE) and snow cover (SC) from a satellite based on the Joint U.K. Land Environment Simulator (JULES) land surface model (LSM) using the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF). The system assimilates SWE using Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) and the SC from Information Service Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS). The background field produced by the JULES land model was comparable to the snow distribution of JRA-55 reanalysis data used for boundary forcing. The climatological analysis field produced through the LETKF data assimilation showed a distribution similar to that of the background field, while the temporal variance of the analysis field has a superior performance compared to it. In particular, the performance improvement is notable in the mid-latitude snow transition region, where having SWE ranges from 0.001 to 20 mm climatologically. High values of the Kalman gain are also shown in the transition region, indicating that the effect of data assimilation is significant in the transition region. In this regard, we expect that data assimilation with satellite data will contribute to improving the S2S prediction skills in climate models.

The Transition of Stratospheric Polar Vortex Intensity and it Subseasonal Climate Predictability: A Case Study of Winter 1987/88

Ke FAN#+
Sun Yat-sen University

The stratospheric polar vortex (SPV), an important factor in subseasonal-to-seasonal climate variability and climate prediction, exhibited a remarkable transition from weak in early winter to strong in late winter in 1987/88 (the most significant in inter-annual timescale during 1979–2019). Therefore, we selected winter 1987/88 as an extreme case to analyze its stratosphere-troposphere interaction processes and its subseasonal predictability. Results indicate that the positive transition of SPV intensity was probably caused by the negative transition of upward planetary wave intensity entering the stratosphere, especially planetary wave-1. It is found that the anomalous strong (weak) upward planetary wave-1 in the stratosphere originates from the increased (reduced) generation of planetary wave-1 in the lower troposphere. Accompanied by anomalous SPV intensity, the positive (negative) stratospheric zonal wind anomalies were able to propagate downwards into the troposphere during strong (weak) SPV stages. And these out-of-phase downward propagating anomalies contributed to the out-of-phase tropospheric zonal wind anomalies between these two stages, which appeared as North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)-like zonal wind anomalies in the North Atlantic region and similar dipole-like anomaly mode but in the Asia-Arctic region at 500 hPa. Then, the subseasonal predictability of this transition SPV case in 1987/1988 was investigated using the hindcasts from Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction project. Results indicated that the predictability of both weak and strong SPV stages in winter 1987/88, especially near their peak dates, exhibited large sensitivity to the initial condition, which derived mainly from the sensitivity in capturing the 100-hPa eddy heat flux anomalies. The Eurasian teleconnection wave trains might be a key precursor for the weak SPV stage.

A Novel Application of the Initial Stratospheric Polar Vortex State to the East Asian Spring Rainfall Prediction from Seasonal Forecast Models

Jian RAO1#+, Chaim GARFINKEL2, Tongwen WU3, Jing-Jia LUO1
1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 2Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 3China Meteorological Administration

The possible impact of the stratospheric polar vortex on East Asian spring rainfall and the representation of this effect in seasonal forecast models are assessed. A strong stratospheric polar vortex is typically associated with dry conditions across Southeastern China and wet conditions across Korea and Japan in spring. Seasonal forecast models have a decent skill of forecasting the stratospheric polar vortex strength in March. However, they show a wide spread in the predictability of East Asian spring rainfall, possibly due to the underrepresentation of the linkage between the stratospheric polar vortex and East Asian rainfall. The dry impact of strong polar vortex on Southeastern China is forecasted, but the wet impact on Korea and Japan is missing. Tropospheric positive height anomalies over Lake Baikal extend farther equatorward in East Asia during a strong vortex, corresponding to an anomalous anticyclone and less rainfall across Southeastern China. In contrast, the observed anomalous cyclonic shear at 200 hPa and the observed anomalous cyclone at 850 hPa in spring are not realistically forecasted over Northeast Asia, explaining the low skill of producing the wet anomalies in Korea and Japan by models.
Seasonal forecasting models have a harder time accurately predicting regional precipitation anomalies in East Asia than the large-scale drivers of these precipitation anomalies. A maximum covariance analysis is used to isolate the SST and stratospheric patterns most associated with anomalous East Asian precipitation, which are employed to correct seasonal forecasts by projecting the forecasted stratospheric circulation and SST onto the observed combined modes. The nonuniform predictability of East Asian rainfall in seasonal forecast models is improved after error correction with the observed linkage between the stratosphere–tropical ocean modes and East Asian rainfall. This method should be helpful for improving rainfall forecasts in other regions as well.

Forecast Skill of the Large MJO Case in March 2015

1The University of Tokyo, 2University of Tsukuba

To understand MJO better, we first picked up the “top five largest” MJO cases by selecting the large amplitudes of the multivariate MJO index. The largest one in March 2015, when the devastating tropical cyclone Pam hit Vanuatu over the South Pacific ocean. The ensemble forecast data in ECMWF shows that the forecast skill is low during the week stage of MJO, but the time goes on, it is getting better both before/after the peak amplitude a week in advance. The peak amplitude would be related with the planetary-scale tropical divergence maximum, which lags about two weeks after the equatorial large-scale convection peak. 

Oceanic Rossby Wave Predictability in ECMWF’s S2S Model

Naval Research Laboratory

In recent years, studies have put forth various theories and findings on the role of oceanic equatorial Rossby waves (OERW) in the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictability of the Indian Ocean (IO). While much of the scientific literature uses data from in-situ, satellite, and/or reanalysis datasets, this study focuses on reforecast fields from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting’s (ECMWF) S2S dataset. Evaluation of the model’s predictive skill in representing OERWs and the associated variations in sub-surface-to-surface interaction and air-sea coupling are discussed. This work provides a unique methodology to calculate and evaluate the predictability of OERWs from model forecast data, which, to the author’s knowledge, is the first of its kind to do so. Our results indicate that the model forecasts OERWs with relatively high skill (anomaly correlation > 0.5 out to 40 days), indicating they are a key source of oceanic subseasonal predictability at extended lead times. Analysis of the wavenumber-frequency spectra for the IO indicates a reduction in power throughout the model forecast time period in the oceanic equatorial Kelvin wave (OEKW) regime, indicating the potential misrepresentation of the zonal winds. This erroneous weakening of the OEKWs are attributed to the weakening of the reflected oceanic equatorial Rossby waves (OERWs). This results in weaker transport of the associated westward advection of warm ocean heat content (OHC) anomalies via the OERWs, which has numerous implications for air-sea and sub-surface-to-surface coupling as will be discussed. In general, the atmospheric response to the waning westward transport of OHC anomalies in the western IO is associated with the weakening of precipitation anomalies related to the diminishing intraseasonal oscillation.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR331
AS17 - Application of Satellite Data to Weather, Climate and Environmental Study

Session Chair(s): Myoung Hwan AHN, Ewha Womans University

AS17-A003 | Invited
Using Satellite Microwave Sounder to Observe Strong Storms at the Pre-convection Stage

Min MIN1#+, Xiaocheng WEI2
1Sun Yat-sen University, 2National Satellite Meteorological Center

High-temporal-resolution geostationary satellite infrared measurements are always used to capture and predict typical characteristics at the cloud top of rapidly developing strong storms at the pre-convection or convection initiation (CI) stage. However, the large false alarm rate of CI nowcasting is difficult to avoid due to the complex and unpredictable trigger factors. Although the microwave measurement technique can observe thick clouds and even the precipitation within clouds due to the weaker atmospheric extinction effect on microwave, microwave data from polar-orbiting satellites are rarely used to observe the CI due to their relatively low temporal resolution. In this study, we analyze several previously unknown CI characteristics over the East Asia region from 2016 to 2019 based on spatially and temporally matched Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder data. These typical CI samples are initially identified by using continuous infrared images from the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. The results show that there is a distinct cloud optical depth at the pre-convection stage in the western (deep cloud clusters) and eastern (shallow cloud clusters) Tibetan Plateau (TP). The shallow precipitating cloud clusters of the CI over the eastern TP are possibly attributed to the favorable local dynamic and thermal conditions stem from the Asian monsoon. Another notable finding shows that the fast-developing CI over the ocean has thick clouds compared with the samples over the land. Overall, the unique CI characteristics found from microwave observations in this study indicate that the future geostationary microwave sounder technologies will almost certainly provide some new findings and enhance early warning capabilities about convection.

Cloud Identification and Properties Retrieval of the Fengyun-4A Satellite Using a Resunet Model

Feng ZHANG1#+, Zhijun ZHAO1, Qiong WU2, Zhengqiang LI3, Xuan TONG1, Jingwei LI4, Wei HAN5
1Fudan University, 2Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, 3Chinese Academy of Sciences, 4Shanghai Qi Zhi Institute, 5China Meteorological Administration

The Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager (AGRI) onboard the Fengyun-4A (FY4A) satellite has good cloud observation ability, but it still absents all-weather and high-precision official cloud products. This study develops a deep-learning ResUnet model for all-weather retrieval of cloud phase (CLP) and cloud properties using the brightness temperature from water vapor and longwave infrared channels of AGRI. The ResUnet model is trained with the Himawari-8 satellite Level-2 (H8-L2) cloud products as true targets, and adopts image-by-image way to learn the spatial structure information of clouds, which compensates for the difficulty of retrieving thick clouds by thermal infrared radiation at night to some extent. On an independent testing dataset, the model has an overall accuracy of 90.64% for CLP identification and performs well at retrieving cloud top height (CTH). Even without using visible and near-infrared radiation, the root mean square error of cloud effective radius (CER) and cloud optical thickness (COT) estimations still reaches 7.14 µm and 9.01 in the range of 0−60. To further illustrate the reliability and applicability, CLP and cloud properties provided by the CALIPSO and MODIS are used as benchmarks to assess the quality of cloud products from FY4A satellite Level-2 (FY4A-L2), H8-L2 and ResUnet model retrieval. The ResUnet model provides a significant improvement over FY4A-L2 for the accuracy of cloud identification and in the quality of CTH products. In the range of 0−40 µm (0−60), the CER (COT) product of ResUnet model retrieval has a reliable and higher precision that is comparable with H8-L2.

Cloud Properties and Surface Solar Radiations Observed from Global New Geostationary Satellites

Husi LETU#+, Huazhe SHANG, Liangfu CHEN
Chinese Academy of Sciences

In this study, we developed an algorithm to retrieve global cloud properties and solar radiations from four geostationary satellites. These cloud properties and solar radiations include cloud mask, cloud phase, cloud optical thickness, cloud effective radius, cloud top temperature/pressure/height, as well as shortwave radiation (SWR), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), ultraviolet-A (UVA), and ultraviolet-B (UVB), as well as their direct and diffuse components. Our algorithm combines the high accuracy of radiative transfer model (RSTAR) and machine learning techniques, and effects of cloud phases, aerosol types, gas components are considered. Validation with ground-based data shows that the accuracy of the SWR and PAR compositions are better than those of state-of-the-art products, while the accuracy of UVA and UVB measurements is comparable with CERES. We analyzed the characteristics of aerosols, clouds, gases, and their impacts on SSRC before, during and after COVID-19. In particular, significant SSRC variations due to the reduction of aerosols and increase of ozone are identified in the Chinese central and eastern areas during that period. The spatial–temporal resolution of data products (up to 0.05°/10 min for the full-disk region and 0.02°/10 min for specific areas) is one of the most important advantages. Our SSRC products can be downloaded from the CARE website:

NDWI and Near-Infrared Bands based Cloud Detection Method Using CALIPSO Satellite for GEO-KOMPSAT-2A Satellite

Yunjeong CHOI+, Sungwook HONG#
Sejong University

Cloud detection is a fundamental step required for estimating secondary satellite products. Many previous cloud detection studies have used reflectance and brightness temperature in various approaches. This study proposes a unique and simple cloud detection method using two visible (VIS) and two near-infrared (NIR) bands. This study used the Advanced Meteorological Imager (AMI) observation data of GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK2A) for the cloud detection algorithm, which was validated with the Lidar Level 2 Vertical Feature Mask (VFM) data of the CALIPSO satellite. The East Asia region within 15° to 45° in latitude and 100° to 150° in longitude was chosen as the study area for the GK2A satellite zenith angle to be less than 65°. Methodologically, first, thick clouds were detected using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and a relationship between NDWI and the AMI green band. Second, cirrus clouds and thin clouds were detected using 1.38 μm and 1.64 μm bands, which are sensitive to cirrus and cloud ice particles, respectively. We added the Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) as an intermediate step to the proposed cloud detection algorithm over land. The thresholding coefficients of the proposed algorithm were determined from a comparison with the CALIPSO VFM data using 135 cases in 2020 and 128 cases in 2021. As a result, the proposed cloud detection method and CALIPSO VFM showed the probability of detection POD=0.88, false alarm ratio FAR=0.08, and percent correct PC=0.87 in the cases of 2020, and POD=0.84, FAR=0.10, PC=0.83 in the cases of 2021. Additionally, the proposed cloud detection algorithm showed an advantage in distinguishing between sea ice and clouds different from other existent cloud detection algorithms. Consequently, this study can be applied as a cloud detection algorithm to numerous low-orbit and geostationary-orbit satellites with VIS and NIR bands.

Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions with the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2

Chunlin JIN+, Yong XUE#, Tao YUAN, Liang ZHAO
China University of Mining and Technology

In order to cope with the climate crisis caused by massive emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), many countries participating in the Paris Agreement have made commitments to reduce CO2 emissions, hoping to achieve the goal of limiting global temperature rise within 2℃ in this century. Estimation of CO2 emissions through satellite observations provides a way to assist in more transparent verification of each partner country's contribution to reducing emissions. In this study, we used XCO2 (the column-average dry-air mole fraction of atmospheric) enhancement observed by Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) to retrieve regional CO2 emissions. Assuming that the Ratio of grid CO2 emissions provided by the Anthropogenic CO2 Open Data Inventory (ODIAC) to actual emissions in the 1°×1° region is linear, we used an improved Gaussian plume model to simulate the XCO2 enhancement caused by ODIAC emission sources and obtained the true regional carbon emissions by minimizing the difference between the simulated XCO2 enhancement (ODIAC×Ratio) and the OCO-2 detected XCO2 enhancement. From September 2014 to December 2021, the global estimated average emissions of OCO-2 are 6.66 times higher than those reported by ODIAC. At the same time, we found that in China, the difference between the OCO-2 results and Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC) was small and the average emission from OCO-2 was 1.88 times that reported by MEIC. All evidence indicates an overall underestimation of the ODIAC and MEIC inventories.

Virtual RGB Bands of Advanced Meteorological Imager Onboard Geo-KOMSAT-2A Through Data-to-data Translation

Kyung-Hoon HAN1+, Sumin RYU2, Eunha SOHN3, Jae-Cheol JANG3, Sungwook HONG1#
1Sejong University, 2Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 3Korea Meteorological Administration

The red-green-blue (RGB) true-color images based on satellite observations at visible bands provide various atmospheric and surface information and are crucial for intuitive understanding and visualization. This study presents a data-to-data (D2D) translation method based on the combination of a conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) and data normalization to generate virtual daytime and nighttime RGB images of the advanced meteorological imager (AMI) sensor onboard GEO-KOMPSAT-2A (GK-2A) satellite. The D2D model used pre/post-processed AMI brightness temperature (BT) and albedo data. In detail, the D2D model was trained and tested using the datasets of the BT at AMI infrared (IR) bands, the BT difference between the two AMI IR bands, and the albedo at the AMI three visible bands. For the daytime, the D2D model compared to the observed AMI visible bands showed statistically excellent results, including correlation coefficient (CC) = 0.941, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.047, and bias = -0.006 in albedo for the blue band; CC = 0.939, RMSE = 0.050, and bias = -0.007 in albedo for the green band; CC = 0.917, RMSE = 0.061, and bias = -0.010 in albedo for the red band. The D2D model demonstrated excellent results in simulating virtual AMI VIS bands for both day and night while showing limitations in simulating desert areas with high-temperature contrast during day and night. The Korea Meteorological Administration provides the proposed D2D model RGB products in official service to the public. Consequently, this study contributes significantly to the monitoring and understanding global meteorological phenomena by complementing present GK-2A observation.

Fri-04 Aug | 10:20 - 12:20 | MR328
AS13 - Polar Atmospheric Processes and Their Interactions with the Surface

Session Chair(s): Yuekui YANG, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

AS13-A001 | Invited
Polar Climate Change and its Global Impact

Seong-Joong KIM1,2#+, Joo-Hong KIM1, Sang-Yoon JUN1, Sang-Jong PARK1, Eui-Seok CHUNG1, Yonghan CHOI1, Hye Sun CHOI1
1Korea Polar Research Institute, 2University of Science and Technology

In response to the increase in greenhouse gases, the Arctic is warming nearly four times as fast as the global average. The rapid Arctic warming, associated with the rapid ice melting over the Arctic Ocean and Greenland, has been reported to have an impact on extreme weathers in midlatitudes by modulating polar vortices, though the linking mechanism remains controversial. In Antarctica, climate changes are different regionally with little warming or even cooling in the eastern part and large warming in western part. In order to understand the polar climate change and its impact on polar regions and lower latitudes, we have participated the year of polar prediction (YOPP) program in both the Arctic and Antarctica for the past several years including the observation campaigns of Special Observing Period in 2018-2019 and Targeted Observing Period in 2022 from the Antarctic Jangbogo and King Sejong Stations and in the Arctic Ocean during the IBRV Araon’s summer Arctic research expedition. In the Arctic, we have measured the summertime characteristics of sea ice and atmosphere by the IBRV Araon, while in the Dasan research station in Svalbard, we have observed cloud droplets and boundary layer wind characteristics for the entire year. In addition, we have deployed a buoy over the Bering Sea to figure out the role of subarctic on the heatwaves over the Korean Peninsula.

The Arctic-siberian Plain Warming Causes the East Asian Heat Waves

Jeong-Hun KIM1+, Seong-Joong KIM2,3, Joo-Hong KIM2, Michiya HAYASHI4, Maeng-Ki KIM1#
1Kongju National University, 2Korea Polar Research Institute, 3University of Science and Technology, 4National Institute for Environmental Studies

As global warming accelerates, it is reported that the frequency and intensity of heat waves and their associated socioeconomic damages have been increasing in East Asia. Hence, many studies have attempted to identify their causes and mechanism. Typically, the East Asian heat waves are mainly influenced by the Pacific-Japan (P-J) pattern and the circum-global teleconnection (CGT) pattern. In addition to the P-J and CGT patterns, recent studies suggested that various remote forcings also can contribute to the East Asian heat waves (e.g., Scandinavian pattern, North Atlantic Oscillation, Arctic Oscillation, Arctic Sea ice concentration, etc.). However, the teleconnection between the Arctic-Siberian Plain (ASP) warming and East Asian heat waves has not been considered. This study investigates the teleconnection mechanism between East Asian heatwaves and the warming over the ASP for the last 42 years (1979-2020). The results show that the anticyclonic anomaly over the ASP region, mainly affected by vorticity advection, increases the air temperature and surface evaporation. Enhanced surface radiative heating and specific humidity amplify the thermal high pressure through positive water vapor feedback. The Rossby wave, amplified by land-atmosphere interaction in the ASP, propagates to East Asia through the upper troposphere, causing favorable atmospheric patterns for the occurrence of the East Asian heatwaves.

Asymmetric Arctic and Antarctic Warmings and Their Inter-model Spread in CMIP6

Yihan ZHANG#+
Sun Yat-sen University

Under the background of global warming, the Arctic region has warmed faster than the Antarctic, which is referred to as asymmetric Arctic and Antarctic warming. The new generation of model simulations from CMIP6 offers an opportunity to identify the major factors contributing to asymmetric warming and its inter-model spread. In this study, the pre-industrial and abrupt-4xCO2 experiments from 18 CMIP6 models are examined to extract the asymmetric warming and its inter-model spread. The climate feedback-response analysis method is applied to decompose the total warming into partial temperature changes caused by individual factors, which allows quantifying individual contributions of feedback processes to the asymmetric warming and its inter-model spread. It is found that the seasonal energy transfer mechanism (SETM), namely, the temporal storage of the extra solar energy absorption by the ocean in summer due to sea ice melting and then release in cold months via sensible and latent heat fluxes, plays an important role for stronger warming in winter than summer in both polar regions. The key factor for the inter-model spread in asymmetric warming is the difference in the strength of SETM. The poleward atmospheric transport and water vapor feedback also contribute to the inter-model spread in asymmetric warming.

Wildfire Activities in Northeast Siberia: Implications on Arctic Climate

Yeonsoo CHO1#+, Sang-Woo KIM1, Baek Min KIM2, Jinho YOON3, Jee-Hoon JEONG4
1Seoul National University, 2Pukyong National University, 3Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, 4Chonnam National University

Wildfires in carbon-rich northern high latitudes are a crucial phenomenon due to their potential to worsen the air quality and accelerate warming in the Pan-Arctic regions. Here, we investigate the changes of wildfire activities in northern high latitudes during 2003 – 2022 using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire data. Northeast Siberia is experiencing a significant increase in the number of wildfires (+11.04 % year-1) and an extension of the fire season (+3 days year-1), especially during 2017 – 2021. Strong and long-lasting warm and dry conditions and related strengthened anomalous anti-cyclonic circulation in Northeast Siberia under the Pan-Arctic warming are responsible for the ignition and persistence of wildfire. However, wildfire activities in 2022 declined rapidly despite persistent warming, which is analyzed in this study. Furthermore, extreme wildfire events in Northeast Siberia show biomass-burning aerosols and gases are transported into the Arctic Ocean, contributing to the rapid melting of sea ice and snow by altering the surface radiation budget. These results emphasize the importance of changing wildfire activities over Northeast Siberia in predicting the future Arctic climate.

Changes in Tropics-SAM Relationship and its Impacts on the Antarctic Sea Ice Long-term Variability

Jihae KIM, Myong-In LEE#+, Joonlee LEE
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Antarctic sea ice extent has shown a significant increase in interannual variability in recent years, but the mechanisms of sea ice variability over a long time scale are in veil due to short observation data. This study examines the changed relationship between tropical forcing and the variability of Antarctic atmospheric circulations dominated by the southern annular mode (SAM) throughout 1982-2022. According to the EOF analysis using sea ice concentration, the first mode is related to the decadal variation and represents the entire variability of Antarctic sea ice. On the other hand, the second mode is characterized by the interannual time scale with a high correlation with the SAM index (r = -0.68). The positive SAM drives a dipole pattern of sea ice in the West Antarctic, which provides a favorable condition for sea ice melting in the Antarctic peninsula and growing in the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea. After the late 1990s, the dipole pattern of sea ice in the West Antarctic has become more robust compared with the past period, in which the changes in tropical forcing are likely to influence remotely. The increased precipitation in the central tropics has enhanced the convection, which signal propagates to the Antarctic through the Rossby wave, thereby forming strong negative anomalies in the West Antarctic (Weddell sea). The global model experiments with dynamical core support this teleconnection mechanism, and reveal that the recent change in tropical forcing is more closely linked to the Antarctic atmospheric patterns and sea ice.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR311
AS57 - Progress and Challenge in Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer About Clouds and Aerosols

Session Chair(s): Takashi NAKAJIMA, Tokai University, Husi LETU, Chinese Academy of Sciences

AS57-A003 | Invited
Sounding the Atmosphere from Space for Weather Applications – Progress and Challenges

Jun LI#+
National Satellite Meteorological Center

Since the first Tiros-N Vertical Operational Sounder (TOVS) satellite was launched in 1979, sounding the atmosphere from space becomes the main approach for obtaining global atmospheric temperature and moisture vertical information for weather applications such as situation awareness, data assimilation for improving Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), etc. Since 2002, measurements from the hyperspectral infrared sounders, together with the advanced microwave sounders, have become main sources of data needed for NWP, they also provide critical information for nowcasting applications. Despite those advancement in satellite sounding applications, the information used for weather applications are still very limited due to challenges including complex radiative transfer computations and the computational cost due to the large number of channels as well as establishing adequate error characteristics. With hyperspectral IR sounder onboard the geostationary orbit, rapid extraction of sounding information with high accuracy and low latency becomes the main challenges for real-time or near real-time applications. This presentation will overview the progress and challenges in the applications of atmospheric soundings from satellite for weather nowcasting and forecasting, with focus on addressing the needs on radiative transfer model that enables integration of spectral, spatial, and temporal information from hyperspectral IR sounder measurements, especially under all-weather conditions, for real-time or near real-time weather applications.

AS57-A011 | Invited
Derivation of Aerosol Parameters from Newly-launched Spaceborne Sensors

Jian XU1#+, Lanlan RAO1, Adrian DOICU2, Zhuo ZHANG1, Chong SHI1, Husi LETU1, Yongmei WANG1, Entao SHI1
1Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2German Aerospace Center

Aerosols have an impact on Earth’s radiation budget by scattering and absorbing solar radiation (direct effect) and by influencing the cloud formation processes (indirect effect). Highly-absorbing aerosols also affects the atmosphere causing the evaporation of cloud particles, which can decrease the size of the cloud cover (semi-direct effect). Reliable observations of aerosol parameters like layer height, optical depth, and UV aerosol index, are essential for a better understanding of aerosol effects on air pollution and climate. A number of new-generation passive spaceborne instruments have been recently launched and are monitoring aerosol properties using different spectral ranges. Measurements in the UV, visible, and near infrared spectral bands from Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard Sentinel-5P, Ozone Monitoring Suite (OMS) onboard FengYun-3F, and Absorbing Aerosol Sensor (AAS) onboard GaoFen-5B are used to derive aerosol absorbing index, optical depth, and height information. The goal of this study is to incorporate an improved cloud detection and radiative transfer calculation into the adopted aerosol retrieval algorithms and to analyze the retrieval results from the above-mentioned spaceborne instruments.

Measurement of the Cloud Properties and the Cloud Evolution Process from Novel Satellites, the GCOM-C and the EarthCARE

Tokai University

The IPCC/AR6 pointed out that the prediction of the future climate still has some uncertainties. Our lack of knowledge about the aerosol-cloud interaction, in terms of the cloud evolution process, is one of the sources of such uncertainties. Therefore, it is very important to study cloud distributions on the Earth, and the mechanisms of the cloud evolution process in nature, from observations and modeling. In this paper, we are going to show validation results of cloud flag products obtained from the GCOM-C (launched 2017). For this study, we obtained cloud amount data using ground-based whole-skycamera images and compare them against the GCOM-C cloud flags. A simple threshold technique and a machine learning technique have been applied for detecting cloud area from the whole-skycamera images. Also, we are going to show some candidate observation products that will be obtained from the EarthCARE (will be launched in 2024, by corroborative mission of JAXA, ESA, an NICT). Indeed, we performed a statistical analysis of the CloudSat/CPR and the Aqua/MODIS data, as a preparatory stage of the EarthCARE, to depict cloud evolution process as global scale and regional scale. This statistical method is called, Contoured Frequency by Optical Depth Diagram (CFODD). In the CFODD, we can confirm clear contrast between the CFODDs obtained at e.g. East Asia, Californian, and Peruvian. This means that the cloud evolution features are different in such three regions.

Ice Cloud Synergy Retrieval Using Joint Passive Infrared and Microwave Instruments

Chenxi WANG1,2#+, Jie GONG3, Kerry MEYER2, Steven PLATNICK2, Dong WU2, Zhibo ZHANG4
1Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research (GESTAR) II, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3Universities Space Research Association, 4University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Previous comparisons of satellite ice cloud products have demonstrated that, although yield similar spatial/zonal patterns, ice cloud properties such as ice water path (IWP) and cloud optical thickness (COT) from different instruments can vary by a factor of 10. The large discrepancy arises because of observational differences from multi-instruments such as spectral channels, solar/viewing geometries, and footprint sizes. The present study aims at exploring a feasible retrieval approach to leveraging the advantages of two passive spectrally independent (IR and MW) instruments while minimizing the systematic biases from their large field of view (FOV) differences. As a pioneer study, we focus on IWP and cloud-top height (CTH) retrievals using IR narrow bands and high-frequency MW bands (>165 GHz) from VIIRS and ATMS, respectively. Similar approaches can be applied to many other instruments that are largely different in FOV sizes (e.g., VNIR/SWIR spectrometer and high-spectral resolution IR Sounder.

Particle and Single Scattering Database for Cross-mission Support of Particulate Matter Retrievals

Ian ADAMS1#, Kwo-Sen KUO2,3+, Ines FENNI4, Robert SCHROM1, William OLSON1, George J. HUFFMAN1, Scott BRAUN1
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2University of Maryland-College Park, 3Bayesics, LLC, 4NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

All physics-based algorithms for particulate matter retrievals start with the single-scattering properties (SSPs) of the constituent particles, e.g., aerosols, cloud and precipitation hydrometeors, phytoplankton, etc. We numerically solve the electromagnetic scattering (EMS) problem of the individual particles for the SSPs, which are in turn used by the retrieval algorithms. For spherical particles or those with symmetries to exploit, the EMS problem is efficiently solved using methods such as Mie and T-matrix. Due to the symmetries, the storage requirement for the solutions is relatively modest. Unfortunately, a large portion of the naturally occurring particles is irregular, without symmetry to be exploited by these efficient solution methods. In their 2-part papers, Kuo et al. (2016, and Olson et al. (2016, have shown the importance of realistic shapes to consistent active-and-passive combined retrievals of solid-phase precipitation. Thus, to better the retrieval, more sophisticated methods are required to solve the more general problem. These methods are accordingly more computationally demanding, requiring considerable high-performance computing resources. Because of the lack of symmetry in the particles, the solutions are more voluminous as well, necessitating much greater storage capacity. It is wasteful and often impossible for researchers to repeat such calculations and procure the needed storage. We have thus proposed a Particle and Single Scattering Database (PaSS DB) to collect, warehouse, and disseminate the particle structures and corresponding SSPs in cross-mission support of particulate matter retrievals. We outline the rationale and roadmap of PaSS DB development in this presentation.

Establishment of an Analytical Model for Remote Sensing of Typical Stratocumulus Cloud Profiles Under Various Precipitation and Entrainment Conditions

Huazhe SHANG#+
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Structural patterns of cloud effective radius (ER) and liquid water content (LWC) profiles are essential variables of cloud lifecycle and precipitation processes, while observing cloud profiles from passive remote sensing sensors remains highly challenging. Understanding whether there exist typical structural patterns of ER and LWC profiles in liquid clouds and how they link with cloud entrainment or precipitating status is critical in developing algorithms to derive cloud profiles from passive satellite sensors. This study aims to address these questions and provide a preliminary foundation for the development of liquid cloud profile retrievals for the Multi-viewing, Multi-channel and Multi-polarization Imaging (3MI) sensor aboard the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Polar System-Second Generation (EPS-SG) satellite, which is scheduled to be launched in 2025. Firstly, we simulate a large ensemble of stratocumulus cloud profiles using the Colorado State University (CSU) Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is adopted to describe the shape of simulated profiles with a limited number of elemental profile variations. Our results indicate that the first three EOFs of LWC and ER profiles can explain >90% of LWC and ER profiles. The profiles are classified into four prominent patterns and all of these patterns can be simplified as triangle-shaped polylines. The frequency of these four patterns is found to relate to intensities of the cloud-top entrainment and precipitation. Based on these analyses, we propose a simplified triangle-shape cloud profile parameterization scheme allowing to represent these main patterns of LWC and ER. This simple yet physically realistic analytical model of cloud profiles is expected to facilitate the representation of cloud properties in advanced retrieval algorithms such as those developed for the 3MI/EPS-SG.

Recent Updates and Applications of the UNL-VRTM Remote Sensing Testbed

Xiaoguang XU1#+, Jun WANG2
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2The University of Iowa

The Unified Linearized Vector Radiative Transfer Model (UNL-VRTM) was specifically designed as a testbed for remote sensing of Earth atmosphere and surface, especially for aerosols. It is freely available to the community to promote open science and collaboration in the fields of atmospheric science. Since its debut in 2014, UNL-VRTM has been applied to various studies in remote sensing of aerosols, clouds, trace gas, and ground surface. The model itself has also gained many important updates. In this presentation, we aim to provide a review of its physics, philosophy, capabilities, and recent updates. Moreover, we will showcase a few interesting applications of this model in the information content analysis for atmospheric aerosols and clouds from recent and upcoming satellite sensors.

Linearization of Light Scattering Properties Using the Invar-iant-imbedding T-matrix and Physical-geometric Optics Methods

Bingqiang SUN#+, Chenxu GAO, Dongbin LIANG
Fudan University

Linearization of light scattering properties is significant for the physical retrievals of particle microphysical parameters. Light scattering properties of a single particle include its differential scattering properties represented by a scattering phase matrix and its integrated scattering properties such as extinction, absorption, and scattering cross-sections, and asymmetry factor. The scattering properties can be efficiently obtained using the invariant imbedding T-matrix method (IITM) for small particles and the physical-geometric optics method (PGOM) for large particles. In this study, the linearization with respect to the refractive indices, size parameters, and shape factors is obtained using the IITM and the PGOM [1-2]. The linearization is verified using the extended-boundary condition method for the IITM linearization and the finite-difference method for both linearization. The capability and convergence for the two algorithms are discussed based on the linearized scattering properties [3]. The sensitivities associated with linearized parameters are shown and discussed. A linearized scattering database only for the regular hexagonal prisms from 0.4 to 15 microns is also established and discussed for demonstration [4]. References [1] Sun, C. Gao, L. Bi, and R. Spurr (2021). Analytical Jacobians of single scattering optical properties using the invariant imbedding T-matrix method. Opt. Express 29, 9635-9669. [2] Liang and B. Sun (2022). Linearization of light scattering properties based on the physical-geometric optics method. Opt. Express 30, 22178-22199. Sun, C. Gao, D. Liang, Z. Liu, and J. Liu (2022). [3] Convergence and applicability of linearized invariant-imbedding T-matrix and physical-geometric optics methods. Opt. Express 30, 37769-37785. Gao, D. Liang, B. Sun, J. Liu and Z. Liu (2022). [4] Linearized single-scattering property database for hexagonal prism ice particles. Remote Sensing 14, 6138.

Retrieval of Cloud Microphysical Properties from Himawari-8/AHI Infrared Channels and its Application in Surface Shortwave Downward Radiation Estimation in the Sunglint Region

Gegen TANA, Xu RI, Chong SHI#+, Run MA, Husi LETU, Jian XU, Jiancheng SHI
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Satellite remote sensing of cloud property retrieval and shortwave downward radiation (SWDR) estimation is essential for global radiation budget and climate change studies. Sun glint areas remain a challenge for the existing cloud and SWDR algorithms based on the visible channel since surface specular reflection has a significant impact on satellite retrieval. In this study, a set of algorithms for cloud detection and cloud microphysical parameter estimation were developed using infrared multichannel data from the new generation geostationary satellite Himawari-8 based on the random forest method. The results indicated that the cloud retrieval algorithm exhibited better performance in the sun glint areas where the official Himawari-8 products (cloud detection and cloud optical thickness) were overestimated. We developed a new SWDR estimation algorithm combining the radiative transfer model and machine learning techniques by considering the cloud properties from the cloud retrieval algorithm. The results indicated that the SWDR and cloud radiative forcing derived by the new algorithm were more consistent with those of the well-known radiation products Cloud and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System than those estimated using the official-based cloud product, with decreases in the root mean square error of approximately 22% and 41%, respectively. The new algorithms effectively addressed sun glint contamination by providing more data coverage and exhibiting stable performance on a spatiotemporal scale.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR327
AS22 - Understanding and Modeling Climate Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Use Change

Session Chair(s): Eun-Soon IM, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Min-Hui LO, National Taiwan University

AS22-A001 | Invited
Urban Heat and Mitigation in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area: An Integrated Regional Modeling and Heat Mapping Campaign Study

Fengpeng SUN#+, Kyle REED
University of Missouri - Kansas City

An urban heat island (UHI) is a phenomenon where the temperatures within cities are greater than those of surrounding rural and suburban areas due to human activity and the physical properties of urban land surfaces. It is one aspect of anthropogenic impacts on regional climate due to land use change. One method that has been investigated as a way to mitigate the UHI phenomenon is to increase the surface albedo in cities, which reflects a greater amount of solar radiation away from these surfaces compared to conventional materials (e.g., dark asphalt shingles). In this study, we utilize the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to investigate the UHI under different scenarios during a heat wave event in the Kansas City metropolitan area (KCMA). Two cool roof simulations are implemented to determine the effectiveness of this mitigation strategy on reducing temperatures within the KCMA. The first scenario represents “newly installed” cool roofs with an albedo of 0.8 and the second with “aged” cool roofs with an albedo of 0.5. Results indicate that cool roof materials were able to mitigate the surface UHI effect by up to 0.64 °C during the evening, causing the onset of the UHI effect to be delayed until later in the day. The cooling effects of cool roofs on the surface skin temperature have been shown more evident. Cool roofs were also shown to have important impacts on the surface energy balance, affecting both sensible and ground storage heat fluxes, and the planetary boundary layer. Leveraged by the numerical modeling studies, an urban heat mapping campaign in Kansas City was launched to further study the urban heat distribution and better understand the adverse UHI effect.

AS22-A002 | Invited
Combinatory Impact of Soil Texture and Land Use/cover Change on Hydroclimate Modeling Over Central Taiwan

Chia-Jeng CHEN#+, Min-Hung CHI
National Chung Hsing University

Previous studies have revealed the individual impact of the difference in soil texture or land use/cover change (LUCC) on the simulation of land-atmosphere interactions in Taiwan; however, an assessment of the “combinatory” impact is still pending. We thus aim at designing a numerical modeling experiment to assess such combinatory impact on regional hydroclimate. We acquire and adopt Taiwan’s survey-based soil data (stationary) as well as land use data (in 1995 and 2015) as different land surface conditions to separately drive the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, coupled with the WRF Hydrological modeling system (WRF-Hydro). For each combination of land surface conditions (i.e., default soil or Taiwan’s soil plus land use in 1995 or 2015), we conduct a simulation of 10 selected rainy events under weak synoptic forcings in July and August over the past 20 years, and then derive the mean fields of assorted atmospheric and surface variables (e.g., sensible and latent heat, temperature, specific humidity, precipitation, and soil moisture) for comparison. In addition to addressing whether the difference in soil texture or LUCC can yield more significant impact on hydroclimate modeling, we will compare the relative importance of land surface conditions with the completeness of terrestrial hydrological processes (i.e., coupling with WRF-Hydro or not) in the modeling environment.

Forestation Induced Greening in South China Favours Carbon Neutrality and Ozone Air Pollution Abatement

Zehui LIU+, Lin ZHANG#
Peking University

Forestation-induced greening in South China has been known to increase carbon sinks and help carbon neutrality, while how forestation would affect ozone air quality is still unknown due to the complexity of atmospheric chemistry-biosphere interactions. Here we use an improved regional atmospheric chemistry model coupled with a forest canopy turbulence scheme to quantify the effects of past and future greening in South China on ozone air quality. Model results are evaluated by measurements of near-surface ozone vertical gradient at a forest station. We show that the 2005-2019 greening effects on ozone dry deposition and vertical transport far outweigh biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions, alleviating mean surface maximum daily 8-hour average (MDA8) ozone over South China by 1.4 ppb in the growing season. In addition, greening also assuages ozone damage to vegetation over South China 15%-41% depending on different vegetation ozone metrics. Future forestation could further boost Chinses forest carbon storage by 4.3 Pg C and abate 1.4 ppb of ozone pollution over South China by 2050. Our findings indicate that forestation could benefit both carbon neutrality and ozone pollution, and highlight the pivotal role of interaction between the biosphere and air pollution.

Growing Food and Biomass Crops on Arable and Marginal Lands Affects Regional Climate and Feedback Processes

Xinzhong LIANG1#+, Chao SUN1, Yufeng HE2
1University of Maryland, 2University of Illinois

Climate change and population growth at alarming rates are crippling global food, energy, and water (FEW) systems, projected to increase global demand for food by 70%, water by 55%, and energy by 50% in 2050. While the FEW systems are already under stress in meeting the current need, the projected doubling or more demand is a grand challenge facing humanity. A FEW modeling framework that couples regional climate-agrohydrosystems and bio-hydro-economic systems (MFEW) has been developed to gain new insights on climate adaptation/mitigation, land use strategies, food/bioenergy productions, and sustainability managements that may address the impeding challenge. Here we conduct MFEW experiments to evaluate feedbacks between climate and agricultural land use change, focusing on scenarios that expand production of Miscanthus and Energycane onto marginal land, together with the existing staple crops on arable land, in and across the Belts. Initial analysis shows that growing biomass crops on marginal land would improve climatic conditions for production of both these perennial grasses and the arable food/fodder crops currently cultivated across the heartland of U.S. agriculture. It would also provide a significant offset to regional climate changes expected with global warming, including cooler temperature, more precipitation, and less vapor pressure deficit. This marginal land use could not only offset carbon emissions and provide feedstock for renewable products, but also ameliorate adverse climate change impacts on the food production in the heartland. As a result, it represents a promising mitigation strategy to sustain U.S. agriculture. This talk will elaborate understanding of the physical processes and underlying mechanisms on the FEW system teleconnected impacts and feedbacks under the present and future climate conditions.

Quantifying the Contributions of Vegetation Restoration and Climate Change to Energy Budget in the Loess Plateau of China

Linjing QIU#+
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Anthropogenic land cover change (ALCC) can modify energy exchanges and further alter the regional climate. Due to the complexity of land-atmosphere energy exchange processes and limited observation networks, the influence of ALCC on the energy balance remains unclear. The Loess Plateau (LP) of China has experienced evident land surface change due to the implementation of the Grain for Green vegetation restoration program. Under this program, a large amount of cropland has been converted to grassland and forestland, which will inevitably result in surface energy balance changes. However, due to their complexity and lack of in situ observations, it is a challenge to quantify the spatial-temporal dynamics of energy balance changes associated with the GFGP. Here we first investigated the changes in surface energy partitioning in the LP region during the period of 1980–2018. Then we modified the land cover characteristics for each plant functional type in the LP based on multiple sources of observations to improve the representations of historical vegetation in the model. Finally, we performed a series of sensitivity simulation experiments to quantitatively identify the contribution of vegetation restoration and climate change to energy balance component changes.

Investigating the Climate's Reaction to Varying Levels of Deforestation in the Maritime Continent

Chun-Hung LI#+, Min-Hui LO
National Taiwan University

This study aimed to understand the climate's response to varying levels of deforestation in the MC. Using the Community Earth System Model (CESM), we simulated five cases of deforestation with different magnitudes and investigated the nonlinear effects on mean state climate conditions. Results showed that surface temperature and sensible heat flux increased with increasing deforestation while latent heat fluxes decreased. Precipitation patterns were also found to have nonlinear characteristics, with a slight increase initially, followed by a more significant increase as deforestation progressed. However, nonlinearities may vary depending on the distribution and terrain of the islands. For example, Borneo showed a tipping point, while the Guinea region did not. The study also explored the alteration of land-atmosphere interactions after deforestation using the concept of critical soil moisture and segmented regression. Results indicated that the interactions changed and soil moisture feedback may play a role in extreme temperature events.

Quantifying the Regional Climate Response to Groundwater-fed Irrigation in North China Plain Based on WRF Simulations

Yuwen FAN1+, Eun-Soon IM1#, Min-Hui LO2
1The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2National Taiwan University

Irrigation is a common anthropogenic activity that changes land-use and land-cover, which leads to considerable alteration in land-atmosphere interaction and hydrological cycle. As one of the most intensively irrigated regions in the world, agriculture in the North China Plain (NCP) heavily depends on groundwater due to its deficit precipitation and scarce water. Irrigation is already claimed to have a notable climate impact in the NCP. Moreover, groundwater-dependent irrigation can reduce water storage, but it can also be affected by groundwater exploitation because the declining soil water may exaggerate the irrigation, forming a positive feedback loop. The groundwater depletion is clearly identified from the observation and satellite data, but it is not well implemented with irrigation processes in the climate models. For example, the current Noah-MP in WRF cannot represent the potential feedback loop between groundwater storage and irrigation usage, since the groundwater module is not directly connected with the irrigation scheme. Also, the crop module is not compatible with the dynamic vegetation scheme for non-crop plants. Thus, the current land scheme is inapplicable to a large-extent agricultural area that contains both cropland and non-cropland, such as the NCP. This study aims to simulate groundwater-fed irrigation in the NCP and its surrounding area in eastern China by integrating the existing vegetation, crop, irrigation, and groundwater modules in Noah-MP. The modified model should be able to (1) generate seasonal dynamic patterns of crop growth under different soil conditions, (2) calculate the irrigation amount with varied soil moisture and crop growth, and (3) simulate the soil-groundwater interaction considering the irrigation-induced extraction. The results will help us better comprehend the interactions between the atmosphere, land surface, and subsurface that can modulate climate patterns both locally and remotely. This research was supported by project GRF16309719 and funded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR323
AS47 - Global Precipitation Measurement and Future Missions

Session Chair(s): Yukari TAKAYABU, The University of Tokyo, George J. HUFFMAN, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA GPM Status and Future Activities

George J. HUFFMAN1#+, Mircea GRECU2,1, Christian KUMMEROW3, Stephen LANG1, Adrian LOFTUS1, William OLSON4,1, Erich STOCKER1
1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2Morgan State University, 3Colorado State University, 4University of Maryland, Baltimore County

The joint U.S.-Japan Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is approaching a decade of operations, and continues to pursue research, dataset production, and outreach related to precipitation. One key activity over the last year was the release of an improved “Version 07” of all GPM precipitation and latent heating products. This talk summarizes key improvements to the GPM products for which NASA has lead responsibility and provides some examples of the changes between Versions 06 and 07 in algorithm performance. One important operational change that affected Version 07 is that the scanning strategy for the Ka-band radar channel changed in May 2018; all products that depend on Ka were revised to accommodate this change. For example, in Version 07 the Goddard Profiling (GPROF) algorithm has implemented improvements in regions where orographic enhancement and suppression take place and where the surface is snowy/icy, and again covers radiometers reaching back to 1987. The Combined Radar Radiometer Algorithm (CORRA) now incorporates modified drop-size distribution constraints that substantially reduce bias. Revisions to the Convective-Stratiform Heating (CSH) algorithm employ new radiative transfer retrievals. Each algorithm was adjusted to ensure continuity for each product across the boundary in 2014 between the predecessor Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and the GPM Core Observatory. The U.S. Science Team’s Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) was upgraded to account for distortions in the probability density function of regional precipitation rates due to weighted averaging in the Kalman filter used for “morphing” the passive microwave data. The talk will conclude by considering major issues that require continued attention, including the use of machine learning algorithms, the operational challenge of swarms of “small”, perhaps short-lived satellites, and estimates of the remaining lifespan of the Core Observatory.

Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission in Japan and Future Japanese Precipitation Measuring Mission (PMM)

Takuji KUBOTA1#+, Moeka YAMAJI1, Kosuke YAMAMOTO1, Nobuhiro TAKAHASHI2, Yukari TAKAYABU3
1Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2Nagoya University, 3The University of Tokyo

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has operated spaceborne precipitation radars since 1997 through Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Precipitation Radar (PR) and the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR). The GPM mission is an international collaboration to achieve highly accurate and highly frequent global precipitation observations. The GPM mission consists of the GPM Core Observatory jointly developed by U.S. and Japan and Constellation Satellites that carry microwave radiometers and provided by the GPM partner agencies. The GPM Core Observatory, launched on February 2014, carries the DPR by the JAXA and the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT). Japanese science community has discussed future precipitation observation mission from space based on the achievements from the TRMM and the GPM and expecting achievements from the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE)and a mission of “Precipitation Measuring Mission (PMM)” was proposed. According to user requirements, the JAXA has studied a feasibility of a higher sensitivity precipitation radar with the doppler capability in the PMM. The JAXA has participated in NASA’s Atmosphere Observing System (AOS) mission Pre-Phase A activities. In January 2022, the PMM Pre-Project Team was established in the JAXA for the JAXA Spacecraft carrying the Ku-band Doppler Precipitation Radar with the displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) approach. As the Ku-band Radar enables us retrievals in heavy precipitation, it is expected to provide unique information, in particular, over vigorously convective regions. Observations of the precipitation vertical motion will contribute to improvements of microphysics schemes in weather models. This paper provides recent status of the GPM mission in Japan and an introduction of the future mission, PMM, studied in the JAXA.

Early Results from IMERG V07

Jackson TAN1,2#+, George J. HUFFMAN2, David BOLVIN3, Eric NELKIN3, Robert JOYCE3
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 3Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

The Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) product from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission’s U.S. Science Team provides precipitation rate estimates at 0.1° every half-hour globally, with three Runs to cater to various applications with different latency requirements. With a reprocessing of the entire record spanning the TRMM and GPM eras, the latest version—IMERG V07—contains numerous algorithmic changes that are anticipated to improve the precipitation estimates. This presentation will show some early results from the IMERG V07 data. These results will quantify and demonstrate the expected improvements, not just from the individual changes in the algorithm but their combined effect on the final estimates. In particular, we will focus on the overestimation issue in V06, the longstanding problem of intersensor differences, and the biased distribution of morphed estimates, which has implications for the estimations of extremes. Above all, an evaluation against ground reference will quantify the difference in overall performance between V06 and V07. As well, we will highlight aspects of IMERG that have room for further improvement in V08. These early results on IMERG V07 demonstrate the status of our goal of providing the community with a long record of reliable high-resolution precipitation observations.

Validation of the GPM/DPR Instantaneous Rain Rate Estimates by Using High-temporal-resolution Rain Gauge Dataset

Shinta SETO1#+, Nobuyuki UTSUMI2
1Nagasaki University, 2Kyoto University of Advanced Science

The precipitation rate estimates by the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) on the core satellite of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission are validated by means of every-1-minute and every-10-second rain gauge data of the Japan Meteorological Agency. As the resolution of tipping bucket is 0.5 mm, a simple calculation converts 1-minute rain amount to rain rate with a step of 30 mm/h, which is not accurate enough for the validation purpose. Every-10-second rain gauge data store not only rain amount but the time of tipping in second. Assuming that the rain rate is constant between two successive tipping, rain rates are estimated for every 1 second and are averaged for every 1 minute. It is called gauge-based rain rate data. Next, the gauge-based rain rate data are compared with eXtended Radar Information Network (XRAIN) dataset for July 2018. Correlation coefficient between the gauge-based rain rate data and XRAIN rain rate data is 0.791 at Nagasaki, while it is 0.585 if the rain rate is simply calculated from 1-minute rain amount. Finally, the gauge-based rain rate data are used for the validation of DPR precipitation rate estimates. Surface precipitation rate estimates (precipRateESurface) of the KuPR algorithm and the Dual-frequency algorithm of DPR Version 07 are validated with the gauge-based rain rate data for the whole year of 2019. The correlation coefficients are 0.804 and 0.832 for KuPR and Dual-frequency algorithms respectively, when the time lag is set to 4 minutes considering the height difference between the clutter free bottom and the land surface. For DPR algorithms Version 06, they are 0.573 (KuPR algorithm) and 0.570 (Dual-frequency algorithm). The results suggest the advantages of the Dual-frequency algorithm and the latest version against the KuPR algorithm and the previous version respectively.

Advances and Applications of Satellite Data Assimilation of Clouds, Precipitation, and the Ocean

Takemasa MIYOSHI1,2#+, Shun OHISHI1, Jianyu LIANG1, Rakesh Teja KONDURU1, Shigenori OTSUKA1, Shunji KOTSUKI3, Koji TERASAKI4, Atsushi OKAZAKI5, Hirofumi TOMITA6, Ying-Wen CHEN7, Kaya KANEMARU8, Masaki SATOH7, Hisashi YASHIRO9, Kozo OKAMOTO10, Eugenia KALNAY2, Takuji KUBOTA11, Misako KACHI11
1RIKEN Center for Computational Science, 2University of Maryland, 3Chiba University, 4Meteorological Research Institute, 5Hirosaki University, 6RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, 7The University of Tokyo, 8National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 9National Institute for Environmental Studies, 10Japan Meteorological Agency, 11Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

This presentation summarizes progress of a research project started in FY2022. This research aims to advance data assimilation, analysis and prediction of clouds, precipitation and the ocean, based on the achievements from the previous projects since 2013, i.e., “ensemble data assimilation of TRMM/GPM precipitation observations” (2013-2016), “advancing data assimilation of GPM observations” (2016-2019), “advancing precipitation prediction algorithm by data assimilation of GPM observations” (2019-2022), “development of a satellite ocean data assimilation system with the JAXA Supercomputer System Generation 2” (2017-2020), and “satellite data assimilation using an ocean model” (2020-2022). We developed the global atmospheric ensemble data assimilation system called NICAM-LETKF, where NICAM stands for the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model and the LETKF for the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter. We also developed a precipitation nowcasting system called GSMaP RIKEN Nowcast (GSMaP_RNC) using the satellite-analyzed Global Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) dataset. We developed real-time precipitation prediction system by seamlessly merging data from the NICAM-LETKF numerical weather prediction and GSMaP_RNC and have been operating it continuously for public data dissemination. In addition, we have been operating JAXA’s real-time atmospheric analysis system called NEXRA (NICAM-LETKF JAXA Research Analysis) and have been disseminating real-time level-4 analysis products using satellite data, with proven data quality by analyzing past high-impact weather events such as typhoons and heavy rainfalls. Moreover, we implemented the LETKF with an ocean model called sbPOM and developed daily-update ocean data assimilation system using dense and frequent SST data from the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. This research will integrate these atmospheric and oceanic data assimilation projects with significant extension. Through the research, we aim to deepen our integrated understanding of the earth system on clouds, precipitation and the ocean and to advance analysis and prediction, and their real-life applications.

Event-based Extreme Precipitation Characteristics in the Tropics

Yaping ZHOU1#+, Kuan-Man XU2
1University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2NASA Langley Research Center

Extreme precipitation (EP) has become increasingly frequent and is causing more devastating impacts on society in recent years. EP is traditionally measured by the maximum or threshold-exceeding gridded precipitation of a given duration. We have developed an extreme precipitation event (EPE) algorithm that tracks entire precipitation life cycle across space and time, which enables us to characterize properties of the entire EPE, such as duration (from sub-daily to multi-day), areal coverage, and total rain volume of the event. These EPE characteristics are critical in understanding precipitation development and their interaction with large-scale meteorology, in addition, providing more comprehensive matrix for disaster management. This study examines the EPE characteristics from the tropics derived from high-resolution Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals fro GPM (IMERG) product. The difference between EPE characteristics between tropical land and ocean will be discussed. Large-scale meteorological control as well as convective aggregation will be studied on the impact of EPE characteristics in tropics.

Intercomparisons of the Latest Precipitation Estimates from Satellite, Reanalysis and Merged Products Over the Alaska

Yang SONG1,2#+, Ali BEHRANGI2, Bin YONG1,3
1Hohai University, 2University of Arizona, 3State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering

Accurate precipitation retrieval is challenging in high-latitudes due to difficulties in collecting sufficient ground measurements. Satellite products provide global coverage that complement scattered surface observations. This study intercompares precipitation estimates over all of Alaska from the most recent versions of multiple precipitation products, including satellite-based infrared (AIRS), passive microwave (PMW; SSMIS, METOPB, NOAA19, AMSR2, ATMS and GMI in V05 and V07), radar (GPM DPR in V06 and V07), and combined sensor (DPR/GMI in V06 and V07); reanalysis (NCEP Stage IV, ERA5, MERRA2) and merged products (GPCP V2.3 and V3.2). Results show that the mean annual precipitation increases from the North Slope (1.0mm/day) to the Gulf of Alaska (10.0mm/day). Performance indicators of the Correlation Coefficient (CC), the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), the Relative Bias (RB) and the Heidke Skill Score (HSS) show that for mean annual precipitation: ERA5 and MERRA2, PMW, AIRS and GPCP (CC: 0.40-0.90) outperform radar and combined products (CC: 0.10-0.50) over the mountainous and snow-covered regions. Underestimations (RB: 0.30) and overestimations (RB: 1.50-3.00) are found in old and new versions respectively in PMW, radar and combined in comparison to Stage IV. Similar upward trend of HSS is identified when precipitation intensity ranges from 0 to 6.0mm/day, with ERA5 showing the highest value. CC, RMSE and RB range from 0.30-0.80, 7.50-16.50mm/day and 0.25-1.10 for rain; 0.15-0.70, 6.00-13.50mm/day and 0.25-1.25 for mixed phase; and 0.10-0.65, <5.00mm/day and 0.20-1.40 for snow on snow-covered surface. Radar and combined products in V07 presented better performance in mixed phase than in V06 over snow-free surface. However, it is still unclear how the radar behaviors over this region and further analysis are required. The study highlights the performance of different precipitation products over the cold regions of Alaska, which may provide guidance for future high-latitude precipitation development.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR332
AS07 - General Session for Atmospheric Sciences

Session Chair(s):

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR329
AS34 - Climate Drivers of Rainfall Variability Over the Maritime Continent

Session Chair(s): Muhammad Eeqmal HASSIM, Centre for Climate Research Singapore, Hui SU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Shipborne Doppler Radar Observations of Daily and Subdaily Wind and Divergence Variations Off the Southwestern Coast of Sumatra

Biao GENG#+
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

This study investigated the daily cycle of the wind and divergence fields off the southwestern coast of Sumatra for the period from 0000 UTC November 24 to 0000 UTC December 13, 2015. Doppler radar data obtained aboard the research vessel Mirai during the field campaign of the Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) pilot study (Pre-YMC) were used. The observed daily cycles of the wind and divergence fields consisted of diurnal, semidiurnal, and short-term variations. Diurnal wind variation was characterized by deep and three-dimensional circulation. There was an approximate phase locking of the semidiurnal variation to the diurnal variation, both in the wind and divergence fields. The short-term wind variation occurred at a time scale of ~1–3 h, and this pattern was associated with density currents or mesoscale gravity waves. Our results suggest that diurnal and semidiurnal wind variations dominate the daily evolution of precipitation, whereas density currents and mesoscale gravity waves control offshore propagation. It appears that the daily precipitation cycle is modulated by multiple timescale wind variabilities of less than a day, which is also responsible for the development of strong nocturnal convection off the southwestern coast of Sumatra.

Modelling the Climatology of Tropical Islands of Different Sizes Using the Weak Temperature Gradient Approximation

Nathanael WONG#+, Zhiming KUANG
Harvard University

The climatology of small tropical islands has always been difficult to reproduce in models as high spatial resolutions that have high computational costs are necessary to resolve them. In this study, we bypass this computational cost limitation by coupling small-domain model runs to a large-scale reference climatology using the Weak Temperature Gradient (WTG) approximation. We believe that adjusting the strength of the WTG implementation is an analogue to modelling the climatology of tropical islands of different sizes. This is best shown in the diurnal cycle of precipitation, which tends to initiate and peak earlier in the day the stronger the WTG implementation (i.e. the smaller the island size, or closer to the coast/ocean). We also compare our model results to GPM IMERG observations of the offshore - and inland -propagation of precipitation, and believe that our results encourage further study.

Physical Mechanisms of Offshore Propagation of Convection in the Maritime Continent

Simon PEATMAN1#+, Cathryn BIRCH2, Juliane SCHWENDIKE2, John MARSHAM2, Chris DEARDEN2, Stuart WEBSTER3, Emma HOWARD4, Steve WOOLNOUGH5, Ryan NEELY2, Adrian MATTHEWS6
1Meteorological Service Singapore, 2University of Leeds, 3Met Office, 4Bureau of Meteorology, 5University of Reading, 6University of East Anglia

The spatio-temporal variability of Maritime Continent convection, its organisation and the offshore propagation of diurnal convection overnight all depend on many factors including the topography of island coastlines and mountains, and large-scale weather phenomena such as the MJO, ENSO and equatorial waves. Here we consider the physical mechanisms of offshore propagation and how they relate to large-scale forcings. The literature proposes numerous mechanisms for this propagation but a consensus remains elusive. Greater understanding is needed to reduce the considerable model biases which exist in the Maritime Continent region. Proposed physical mechanisms of the offshore propagation include convective triggering due to gravity waves, or low-level convergence between environmental winds and either the offshore land breeze or convective cold pools. Using convection-permitting simulations of selected case studies of convection propagating offshore from Sumatra, we find a squall line propagating slowly (~3 m s-1) overnight due to low-level convergence between the land breeze and the environmental winds, within around 150–300 km of the coast. This is reinforced by cold pools, which we diagnose using model tracers. Gravity waves play a role further from the coast, triggering localized (non-organized) convection which does not itself propagate, but can appear as faster (~16 m s-1) propagation along wave trajectories when compositing the diurnal cycle over many days. The investigation is extended to other coastlines in the Maritime Continent, using convection-permitting simulations for 900 days during boreal winters, to demonstrate broader evidence for these physical mechanisms; to understand why the offshore propagation occurs on some days but not others; and to show how the strength, timing and causes of offshore propagation vary for different Maritime Continent islands, caused by variations in the large-scale winds due to large-scale climate forcings, as well as the shape of the orography and the topography of coastlines.

Relationship Between Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves and Sumatra Squalls Affecting Singapore

Hanh NGUYEN1#+, Matthew WHEELER1, Muhammad Eeqmal HASSIM2,3, Sandeep SAHANY2, Xin Rong CHUA2, Aurel MOISE2
1Bureau of Meteorology, 2Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 3Meteorological Service Singapore

The weather and climate of the Maritime Continent, including Singapore, is influenced by a wide range of tropical climate drivers including the El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and equatorial wave activity. In Singapore the rainfall pattern is often characterised by episodes of short strong rainfall bursts which are dominated by mesoscale convective systems such as Sumatra squall lines, and often lead to local flash floods and strong wind bursts. Here we investigate the impact of equatorial tropical waves on the Sumatra squalls over Singapore. The Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) high-resolution precipitation dataset (0.04o horizontal x daily resolution) spanning from 1983-2020 is used to extract equatorial waves by filtering for the Wheeler and Kiladis (1999) wavenumber-frequency domains. Then, archives of the Sumatra squalls dataset will be assessed against the passage of equatorial waves over the region in order to identify their potential co-occurrence and interaction.

Future Projections of Cold Surges Over the Maritime Continent from CMIP6 GCMs

Xin Rong CHUA1#+, Sandeep SAHANY1, Aurel MOISE1, Chen CHEN1, Muhammad Eeqmal HASSIM1,2, Gerald LIM2, Venkatraman PRASANNA2
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2Meteorological Service Singapore

Cold surges are a key synoptic phenomenon over the Maritime Continent during boreal winter, and can contribute significantly to extreme rainfall events. It is therefore important to know how the behaviour of surge winds and rainfall might change in a warmer climate. Historical and SSP585 simulations from the CMIP6 archive do not indicate much change in surge frequency. However, there is a robust increase in surge rainfall over parts of Sumatra and Borneo under warming, alongside a slight weakening of surge winds over the South China Sea. This suggests that the increase in surge rainfall could be thermodynamically driven.

The Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Expansion May Be Slower Than Expected Under Greenhouse Warming – From the View of its Role in the Climate System

Jeremy Cheuk-Hin LEUNG1+, Banglin ZHANG2#, Qiuying GAN3, Lei WANG3, Zeng-Zhen HU4
1Guangzhou Institute of Tropical and Marine Meteorology/Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Regional Numerical Weather Prediction, China Meteorological Administration, 2China Meteorological Administration, 3Guangdong Ocean University, 4National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

The Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP) acts as the heat engine of global climate system by consistently supporting and maintaining atmospheric deep convection throughout the year. For this reason, researchers have been defining the IPWP as the region with sea surface temperature (SST) exceeding a pre-condition necessary to favor deep convection (e.g., 28°C). Based on this definition, recent studies reported that the IPWP has expanded quickly due to anthropogenic greenhouse warming and will further expand in the future. However, these conclusions were obtained by neglecting the change in SST threshold favoring deep convection (σconv) under climate change, although this has been documented a decade ago. In other words, the widely-used traditional definition of IPWP may not hold under global warming. In this study, we show that the estimation of IPWP expansion is sensitive to the σconv change. The expansion speed of the traditionally defined IPWP (denoted as oceanic warm pool, OWP28, defined by a static σconv=28°C) overestimates the region that favors deep convection (denoted as deep convection favoring pool, DCFP, defined by considering the time-varied σconv). Because of the long-term increase in σconv, the DCFP expands slowly, at a rate 2.6 times smaller than the OWP28 from 1979 to 2020. The difference reaches 12–27 times from 2015–2100 under different emission scenarios, based on 20 CMIP6 models’ simulations. While the OWP28 expands to the eastern Pacific, the DCFP will not expand to a large extent, and will remain within the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean regardless of the anthropogenic emission level. Given the IPWP’s role in the global climate system, this study emphasizes the necessity of considering the response of the relationship between deep convection and SST to climate change when studying the long-term variability of the IPWP and its impacts on the climate system.

Linking Rainfall Changes Over Maritime Continent to Walker Circulation Shifts Under Warming

Chen CHEN1#+, Sandeep SAHANY1, Aurel MOISE1, Xin Rong CHUA1, Muhammad Eeqmal HASSIM1,2, Gerald LIM2, Venkatraman PRASANNA2
1Centre for Climate Research Singapore, 2Meteorological Service Singapore

The Maritime Continent (MC), located in the heart of the Indo-Pacific warm pool, is a small yet heavily populated region with a fast-growing economy. The state-of-art CMIP6 models disagree on the sign of change in the MC summer rainfall, which could have huge socio-economic impacts. Here we trace back the reasons for the diverging projections across models. We show that rainfall changes over the Maritime Continent are closely governed by changes in the Walker Circulation. Models projecting a smaller eastward shift of the Indo-Pacific rainfall center are models projecting a smaller rainfall increase over the Tropical Pacific (TP) but a wetter MC. On the other hand, Models projecting a larger eastward shift of the Indo-Pacific rainfall center are models projecting a larger rainfall increase over the TP but a drier MC. Moreover, models predicting a larger rainfall shift are models showing a larger reduction in the zonal sea surface temperature gradient across the TP with a larger warming sensitivity. These results suggest that narrowing down the uncertainty in the MC rainfall projection relies on a better constraint and understanding of the modeled circulation changes.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR331
AS17 - Application of Satellite Data to Weather, Climate and Environmental Study

Session Chair(s): Min MIN, Sun Yat-sen University, Feng ZHANG, Fudan University

AS17-A004 | Invited
Extension of the Global All-sky Infrared Radiance Assimilation of Himawari

Kozo OKAMOTO#+, Toshiyuki ISHIBASHI, Izumi OKABE
Japan Meteorological Agency

Infrared all-sky radiance (ASR) assimilation is believed to be more beneficial than traditional clear-sky radiance (CSR) assimilation because it enhances the observation coverage, reduces dry bias due to a sampling error, and extracts more observation information in meteorologically sensitive regions. Despite many challenges, we successfully developed ASR assimilation for Himawari-8 in a global data assimilation system. Essential assimilation procedures are cloud-dependent quality control (QC), bias correction (BC), and observation error (OE) models. The ASR assimilation brought better forecast skills than CSR assimilation by modestly utilizing cloud-affected radiances in low and thin ice cloud conditions in addition to CSRs. We also separately assessed the impacts of several settings of the assimilation procedures using data assimilation cycle experiments. Important findings are as follows: (1) Single-band ASR assimilation that was often employed in previous studies is inferior to multiband CSR assimilation, not to mention multi-band ASR assimilation (2) OE correlation and cloud-dependent OE standard deviation are important, but cloud-dependency of OE correlation structure is not so much, (3) cloud-dependent BC predictors are essential in the presence of (negative) biases in observation-minus-simulation. We started extending the development to other satellites such as GOES and MSG. The results of assimilating these new developments will also be presented.

Applying GPM Satellite Observations to Evaluate and Improve the Forecast of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones

Zuhang WU#+, Yun ZHANG, Yanqiong XIE, Hepeng ZHENG
National University of Defense Technology

Observations from microwave satellites such as the advanced Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) satellite permit the testing of cloud microphysical assumptions in numerical model with unprecedented capabilities. We proposed a method to improve the model forecast of landfalling tropical cyclones (LTCs) by constraining the “cloud physics” with GPM satellite observations. Eight typical LTCs that are well observed by GPM satellite in the Asia-Pacific region from 2015 to 2021 are selected to verify the feasibility of this method. Using a cloud-resolving model, the LTCs are simulated for three days with both the original and modified microphysics scheme for comparison. The improvement of LTC forecasts is evaluated in terms of structure, amplitude, and location. Most notably, the structure forecast of condensed water improved up to 32% on average for all LTCs. The location forecast and amplitude forecast of condensed water also improved to varying degrees.

A Pre-processing Method for Better Assimilation of Microwave Sounding Observations Over Sea Ice for Numerical Weather Prediction

Ji-Soo KIM1+, Myoung Hwan AHN2#
1Seoul National University, 2Ewha Womans University

Observations from microwave sounders have been assimilated into Numerical Weather Prediction systems and have contributed to reducing forecast errors. However, the assimilation of microwave sea ice observations sensitive to surface is limited due to uncertainties in estimating surface radiation. This study presents a pre-processing method to assimilate near-surface microwave sounding observations (e.g. 53.6, 54 GHz) over sea ice. The method involves a better estimation of surface emissivity and a bias correction for surface radiation. Here, the sea ice emissivity is dynamically calculated using Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) observations and the auxiliary data from Korean Integrated Model (KIM). The observation counterparts simulated using the dynamic emissivity exhibit a high correlation with the ATMS observations. However, the simulated brightness temperatures in winter sea ice show a negative bias of 0.6-0.8 K at 53.6 GHz. This bias is caused by using the skin temperature instead of emitting layer temperature to estimate surface radiation. It is found that this bias can be effectively corrected by applying multi-linear regression with predictors related to the surface radiation, such as dynamic emissivity, skin temperature and atmospheric transmittance. Furthermore, a dynamic emissivity and bias correction scheme has been implemented to assimilate the 53.6 and 54 GHz sea ice observations into the KIM system. The assimilation experiment was run in July 2021 together with a control run. As a result, the number of ATMS observations used for data assimilation has increased by 5% compared to the control run. The newly assimilated observations have increased the model temperatures in the winter sea ice by up to 2 K from the surface to 700 hPa, reducing the temperature errors by 1.2 K. The results of this study suggest that a new approach for pre-processing of ATMS sea ice observations is effective and contributes to better utilization of microwave observations.

Impacts of All-sky Assimilation of FY-3C and FY-3D MWHS-2 Radiances on the Analysis and Forecasts of Typhoon Hagupit

Keyi CHEN1#+, Zhenxuan CHEN1, Zhipeng XIAN2
1Chengdu University of Information Technology, 2Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences

With the Microwave Humidity Sounder-2 (MWHS-2)/Fengyun (FY)-3D in operation, it is the first time to evaluate the impact of a joint assimilation of MWHS-2 radiances in all-sky conditions from both the FY-3C and FY-3D satellites on the forecast of typhoons within regional areas. In this study, Typhoon Hagupit in 2020 was chosen to investigate the impact; the forecast performances of the joint assimilation were slightly better than the experiments assimilating MWHS-2 observations from FY-3C and FY-3D, respectively, whose results were comparable, especially for the landfall location of Hagupit. With extra cloud- and precipitated-affected MWHS-2 observations assimilated, better forecasts of track and intensity as well as precipitation caused by Hagupit were achieved due to the improvement of the analysis of relative humidity, temperature and wind fields around Hagupit, as compared with the clear-sky assimilation experiments. In addition, the channel selection scheme affects the forecast performances evidently, that is, the radiances from the MWHS-2 118 GHz and 183 GHz channels made an opposite results of the track of Hagupit.

Evaluation of the Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Data and Its Unified Application with Satellite-based Sounder Observations

Yan-An LIU1#+, Meng LIU1, Jiong SHU1, Jun LI2
1East China Normal University, 2National Satellite Meteorological Center

Ground-based microwave radiometers (MWRs) can continuously detect atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles in the tropospheric atmosphere. Thus, MWR can supplement radiosonde and satellite observations in monitoring the thermodynamic evolution of the atmosphere and improving numerical weather prediction (NWP) through data assimilation. The analysis of product characteristics of MWR is the basis for applying data to real-time monitoring and assimilation. In this research, observations from the ground-based multi-channel MWR are compared with the radiosonde observations (RAOB) and ERA5 reanalysis data. The detection performance, brightness temperature characteristics of various channels, and the accuracy of the retrieval profile products of the MWR are comprehensively evaluated during various weather conditions. On this basis, further research on the collaborative retrieval of ground-based microwave data and satellite observation is carried out to lay a foundation for space-based and gound-based  unified application.

Cloud Properties of Hot Towers During Slow and Rapid Intensification of Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific

Jason Pajimola PUNAY1#+, Chian-Yi LIU2
1Bicol University, 2Academia Sinica

This study investigates the cloud properties of hot towers (HTs) during slow intensification (SI) and rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the Western North Pacific. The wide abundance of deep convective clouds (DCCs) during RI is investigated by examining the cloud microphysical properties of the HTs nested in DCCs. In a matured HT, the vertical profiles of liquid water content (LWC) and ice water content (IWC) reveal that condensates [1] mostly form at upper levels; and [2] have strong correlations with vertical velocity. Higher concentration of cloud ice in the HTs of rapidly intensifying TCs as compared with that in slowly intensifying TCs is found and may be used to delineate the onset of RI from SI.

Tracking Atmospheric Moisture Motion for Three-dimensional Horizontal Winds from Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Measurements

Jun LI1#+, Wei HAN2, Di DI3, Zheng MA4, Ruoying YIN5, Zhenglong LI6, W. Paul MENZEL6
1National Satellite Meteorological Center, 2China Meteorological Administration, 3Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, 4Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre (CEMC), China Meteorological Administration, 6University of Wisconsin-Madison

Radiance measurements from a geostationary hyperspectral infrared sounder with high temporal resolution not only provide a continuous weather cube of atmospheric temperature and moisture information at different pressure levels, but also enable derivation of three‐dimensional (3D) horizontal winds by tracking atmospheric moisture features. Both thermodynamic and dynamic information is critical for monitoring and predicting the evolution of atmospheric mesoscale events. Using targeted observations from the Geosynchronous Interferometric Infrared Sounders (GIIRS) onboard Fengyun-4A (or FengYun-4B) with 15-minute temporal resolution, three-dimensional horizontal winds are derived by tracking moisture features depicted in radiances or profile retrievals at different atmospheric pressure levels. The derived 3D horizontal winds are evaluated against different reference sources including atmospheric reanalysis and radiosonde/dropsonde observations. The 3D horizontal winds are assimilated together with the GIIRS radiance measurements in the China Meteorological Administration Global Forecast System (CMA-GFS) with a 4Dvar approach; the added value of 3D horizontal winds to the numerical weather prediction based high impact weather forecast will be presented and discussed.

Fri-04 Aug | 1:10 - 3:10 | MR328
AS26 - Tropical Polar Teleconnections

Session Chair(s): Seong-Joong KIM, Korea Polar Research Institute, Sheeba Nettukandy CHENOLI, University of Malaya

A Distinct Impact of Multi-year La Niña on Antarctic Sea Ice Concentration

Jin-Yi YU#+, Tingting ZHU
University of California, Irvine

La Niña events are characterized by abnormal cooling of sea surface water over the tropical Pacific Ocean that typically last for one year. Recently, more La Niña events can persist more than two years. In this study, we analyze a long-term CESM1 simulation to show that multi-year La Niña events produce a different impact on Antarctic sea ice concentration (SIC) from the single-year La Niña. We find that the typical SIC impact produced by single-year La Niñas appears only during the second austral winter of the multi-year La Niña, but is shifted westward during its first winter to exhibit a distinct tripolar pattern with anomaly centers over the Ross, Bellingshausen, Weddle Seas. The shifted impact pattern is caused by the different atmospheric wave trains excited by the different Indian Ocean conditions between the first and second winters of the multi-year events. The distinct impact and impact mechanism revealed from the climate model can be verified in the observations. Four out of the six multi-year La Niña events observed during 1979-2020 exhibit this zonally-shifting SIC anomaly pattern from its first to second winters. This study suggests that the increasing occurrence of multi-year La Niña events may affect Antarctic sea ice patterns in a new way.

Interdecadal Changes of Dominant Modes of Antarctic Sea Ice Variability in the Austral Warm Season and Associated Sea-air-ice Interactions

Qigang WU#+
Fudan University

The “Antarctic Dipole” (ADP), characterized by an out-of-phase relationship between sea ice anomalies in the Pacific and Atlantic sectors of the Antarctic, is the dominant mode of Antarctic sea ice concentration (SIC) variability and is strongly affected by tropical El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variations. Since the 2000s, the ENSO regime and associated tropical-Antarctic connections have significantly changed with more central Pacific El Niño events occurring. This study shows that the first leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF1) mode of the Antarctic SIC from austral summer to early winter shifted from the ADP during 1979-1999 to an in-phase relationship between SIC anomalies in the Ross and Weddell Seas during 2000-2021, accompanied by interdecadal changes of sea surface temperature (SST) and atmospheric circulations. During 1979-1999, the ADP was triggered by ENSO forcing and associated Pacific-South American (PSA) atmospheric forcing, but also forced by SST anomalies over the Tasman Sea and the tropical-subtropical South Atlantic. During 2000-2021, the EOF1 mode was associated with Southern Annular Mode (SAM)-like and zonal wave 3 (ZW3)-like atmospheric forcing, and forced by SST anomalies over the subtropical South Pacific and high-latitude South Atlantic. The EOF1 modes of the Antarctic SIC from austral summer to autumn were significantly related to the autumn-early winter negative SAM-like atmospheric circulation during 1979-1999, but weakly related to a zonal wave 2 pattern around 60°S during 2000-2021. Our results indicate that an interdecadal shift of dominant modes of Antarctic sea ice and associated sea-air-ice interactions occurred around 2000 in the austral warm season.

The Influence of Pacific‑north American Teleconnection on the North Pacific SST Anomalies in Wintertime Under the Global Warming

Zheng CHEN#+
Ocean University of China

The impact of the enhancing Pacific-North American teleconnection (PNA) on the intensity of the first mode of SST anomalies (SSTa) in wintertime North Pacific [known as the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO)-like SST pattern] under global warming is studied using reanalysis datasets and 12 selected CMIP5 models. The robust observational result of the PNA one month ahead of the PDO shows that the PNA has a great effect on the PDO-like SSTa. The intensities of PNA and PDO are defined with elimination of the ENSO signals to evaluate the direct impact of PNA on the PDO in the North Pacific under global warming. By comparing RCP8.5 and historical scenario of selected multi-models (PNA enhanced models), future projection illustrates that the PDO intensity will intensify 2.2 times its internal variability. Approximately 67% of the increase in PDO variations is contributed by the PNA-induced SSTa in the future warming scenario of multi-models ensemble mean. Models with stronger intensification of PNA variability tends to have larger magnitude of SSTa response in the North Pacific, which has more contributions to the enhancement of PDO intensity change in a warmer climate. This may shed some light on the projection of PDO variability and the relative role of PNA forcing under the global warming.

Climatic Effects of the Indian Ocean Tripole on the Western United States in Boreal Summer

Yazhou ZHANG#+
Ocean University of China

The Indian Ocean tripole (IOT) is an independent mode of ocean–atmosphere circulation centered on the tropical Indian Ocean. This study explores the physical mechanisms of the IOT affecting the western United States climate variation during the boreal summer. We find that the IOT is significantly correlated with both western United States summer surface temperature and precipitation anomalies. During positive IOT events, the westerly wind anomalies over the northern Indian Ocean are intensified by two cross-equator airflows over the tropical eastern Indian Ocean and the east coast of Africa. The resulting convergence of air over the northern Bay of Bengal–Indochina Peninsula–northern South China Sea (NBB–IP–NSCS) region (80°–125°E, 15°–25°N) exacerbates the surplus precipitation there. Serving as a heat source, these NBB–IP–NSCS precipitation anomalies can excite a circum-global teleconnection-like (CGT–like) pattern that propagates eastward from west-central Asia towards North America along the Asia subtropical westerly jet, further influencing local circulation anomalies. Development of strong anticyclonic circulation over the western United States enhances descending motion and divergence there, resulting in negative precipitation anomalies. This circulation anomaly also induces the diabatic heating anomalies through allowing more solar radiation to reach the ground surface, further increasing the surface temperature anomalies. Meanwhile, the increased tropospheric temperature also raises local surface temperatures by modulating the adiabatic air expansion and compression. Ultimately, the CGT-like pattern associated with NBB–IP–NSCS precipitation anomalies sets up an atmospheric bridge by which the IOT can impact summer climate in the western United States.

North American Extreme Winter Weather and the Polar Vortex

Muyin WANG1,2#+
1University of Washington, 2NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory

Extreme cold-air outbreaks (CAOs) during winter in North America can cause huge damages in society’s infrastructure and people’s daily life. A strong link exists between stratospheric variability and anomalous weather patterns at the earth’s surface. Specifically, during extreme variability of the Arctic polar weak vortex event, anomalies can descend from the upper stratosphere to the surface on time scales of weeks. Subsequently, the outbreak of cold-air events has been noted in high northern latitudes. In this study we document the recently observed extreme cold events and its connection with Polar Vortex strength and displacement. Because of the importance of stratosphere–troposphere coupling for seasonal climate predictability, identifying the type of stratospheric variability to capture the correct surface response will be necessary.

The Mechanism Linking the Variability of the Antarctic Sea Ice Extent to Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall

Sheeba Nettukandy CHENOLI1#+, Azizan Abu SAMAH1, Seong-Joong KIM2,3, Nuncio MURUKESH4,5
1University of Malaya, 2Korea Polar Research Institute, 3University of Science and Technology, 4National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, 5Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India

The study investigates the mechanism of teleconnection between the variability of sea ice extent (SIE) in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean and the variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall. We utilized reanalysis, satellite, and in-situ observation data, from 1979 to 2013. The empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and correlation analysis show that the first and third modes of principal component (PC1 and PC3) of SIE in the Indian Ocean sector during April–May–June (AMJ) are significantly correlated with the second mode of principal component (PC2) of Indian summer monsoon rainfall. The reanalysis data revealed that the changes in the SIE in the Indian Ocean sector excite meridional wave train responses along the Indian Ocean for both principal component modes. Positive (negative) SIE anomalies based on first and third EOFs (EOF1 and EOF3) contribute to the strengthening (weakening) of the Polar, Ferrel, and Hadley cells, inducing stronger (weaker) convective activity over the Indian latitudes. The stronger (weaker) convective activity over the Indian region leads to more (less) rainfall over the region during high (low) ice phase years. Furthermore, a stronger (weaker) polar jet during the high (low) ice phase is also noted.