Click "show list" to view the sessions.
Code Section Title Sessions
AS Atmospheric Sciences 58
BG Biogeosciences 12
HS Hydrological Sciences 38
IG Interdisciplinary Geosciences 16
OS Ocean Sciences 20
PS Planetary Sciences 12
ST Solar and Terrestrial Sciences 25
SE Solid Earth Sciences 27
SS Special Sessions 5
Total 212*
* As the joint sessions are listed in one or more Sections, the total count may not add up.

AS - Atmospheric Sciences

58 records
Code Title Conveners
AS01 Mesoscale Meteorology and High Impact Weather * Prof Yu Du (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Todd Lane (The University of Melbourne)
Prof Ming-Jen Yang (National Taiwan University)
Prof Cheolhwan You (Pukyong National University)
Prof Qinghong Zhang (Peking University)
AS02 Atmospheric Chemistry in Highly Polluted Environments: Emissions, Fates, and Impacts * Prof Jianlin Hu (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Wonsik Choi (Pukyong National University)
Dr Sri Kota (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Prof Likun Xue (Shandong University)
Prof Hongliang Zhang (Fudan University)
AS03-IG07 Climate Change and Tropical Climatic Hazards in Asia Oceania * Prof Yuriy Kuleshov (Bureau of Meteorology)
Prof Gregor C. Leckebusch (University of Birmingham)
Prof Doo-Sun R. Park (Kyungpook National University)
Prof Sungwon Shin (Hanyang University)
Prof Tso-Ren Wu (National Central University)
AS04 Monsoons Over South and East Asia: Variability, Tele-connections, Predictability and Change * Dr Ramesh Kripalani (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)
Dr Suryachandra Rao Anguluri (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)
Prof Kyung-Ja Ha (Pusan National University)
Prof Jaiho Oh (Pukyong National University)
Prof Renguang Wu (Zhejiang University)
AS05 El Niño Complexity and Change * Prof Jong-Seong Kug (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Prof YOO-GEUN Ham (Chonnam National University)
Prof Hong-Li Ren (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
Prof Malte Stuecker (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Prof Masahiro Watanabe (The University of Tokyo)
AS06 Understanding Observed Trends in Mean Climate and Extremes * Dr Krishna Achuta Rao (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Prof Seung-Ki Min (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
Prof Ying Sun (China Meteorological Administration)
AS07 Indo-Pacific Climate Variability and Its Teleconnection to Southern Hemisphere * Dr Agus Santoso (University of New South Wales)
Dr Muhammad Eeqmal Hassim (Centre for Climate Research Singapore)
Dr Xiaopei Lin (Ocean University of China)
Dr Guojian Wang (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Dr Xuebin Zhang (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Oceans and Atmosphere)
AS08 The Science and Prediction of Tropical Cyclones * Prof Chun-Chieh Wu (National Taiwan University)
Prof Kosuke Ito (Kyoto University)
Dr Jeff Kepert (Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research)
Prof Yuqing Wang (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
Dr Zhuo Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
AS10 Measurements of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere with the Application of State-of-the-art Technology * Prof Hai Guo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Prof Xiang Ding (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Xiaopu Lyu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
AS11 Weather Extremes in Past, Present, and Future Climates * Prof Yali Luo (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Wen Zhou (Fudan University)
AS12 Passive and Active Sensing of the Chemistry and Dynamics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere * Prof Patrick Espy (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Prof Iain Reid (ATRAD Pty Ltd)
Dr Jeng-Hwa Yee (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
AS13 Aviation Meteorology * Prof Jung-Hoon Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof Hye-Yeong Chun (Yonsei University)
Prof Todd Lane (The University of Melbourne)
AS14 Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Global Impacts * Dr Jian Ling (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Shuguang Wang (Nanjing University)
Prof Ziniu Xiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
AS15 Role of Urbanization on Weather and Climate of Cities * Dr Anurag Dipankar (ETH Zurich)
Prof Hiroyuki Kusaka (University of Tsukuba)
AS18 Impact of Aerosols on Hydro-climate-cryosphere System * Dr Kyu-Myong Kim (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Prof Maeng-Ki Kim (Kongju National University)
Dr Yun Qian (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Dr Teppei J. Yasunari (Hokkaido University)
Prof Tianjun Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
AS19 Composition and Transport of Aerosols and Trace Gases Associated with the Asian Monsoon Circulation: Simulations and Observations * Dr Xue Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Daren Lyu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
AS20 Mesoscale and Orographic Effects on Airflow, Precipitation and Weather Systems * Prof Cheng-Ku Yu (National Taiwan University)
Prof Fang-Yi Cheng (National Central University)
Prof Gyu Won Lee (Kyungpook National University)
Dr Alison D. Nugent (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Prof Tetsuya Takemi (Kyoto University)
AS21 Formation of Air Pollution and Its Interactions with Weather/climate * Prof Yang Yang (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Meng Gao (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Prof Xin Huang (Nanjing University)
Dr Guangxing Lin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
AS22 Middle Atmosphere Sciences * Prof Hye-Yeong Chun (Yonsei University)
Prof Zeyu Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof S. K. Dhaka (University of Delhi)
Dr Som Kumar Sharma (Physical Research Laboratory)
Prof Shigeo Yoden (Kyoto University)
AS23 The Interdisciplinary Science of Haze in Highly Polluted Environments: Bridging Chemistry, Physics, Meteorology, Measurements, Models, Analytics, and Impacts Across Space and Time * Prof Jason Cohen (China University of Mining and Technology)
Dr Matt Alvarado (AER)
Prof Jianping Guo (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
Dr Dongchul Kim (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Dr Arnico Panday (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD))
AS25 Polar Climate Changes and Their Influence on Asia * Dr Seong-Joong Kim (Korea Polar Research Institute)
Dr Sheeba Nettukandy Chenoli (University of Malaya)
Prof Baek-Min Kim (Pukyong National University)
Prof Jinro Ukita (Niigata University)
Prof Qigang Wu (Fudan University)
AS26 Advances in Understanding Moist Processes in Atmospheric Circulation and Climate * Prof Ji Nie (Peking University)
Prof Daehyun Kim (University of Washington)
Dr Chunsong Lu (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Jia-Yuh Yu (National Central University)
AS27 Air Quality Modeling, Forecasting, and Data Assimilation * Prof Myong-In Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Dr Dan Chen (Institute of Urban Meteorology)
Dr Daisuke Goto (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Prof Cheol-Hee Kim (Pusan National University)
AS28 Advances in Data Assimilation for Air Quality and High-impact Weather in a Changing Climate * Dr Soyoung Ha (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Prof Hyun Mee Kim (Yonsei University)
Prof Lili Lei (Nanjing University)
AS29 East-Asian Climate:Interannual Variability and Prediction * Prof Hong-Li Ren (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
Prof Qinghua Ding (ERI/Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara)
Prof Kyung-Ja Ha (Pusan National University)
Dr Lin Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Wen Zhou (Fudan University)
AS30 Earth System Models: Development, Validation, Uncertainty, and Applications * Prof Xiaohong Liu (Texas A&M University)
Prof Zhaohui Lin (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Sungsu Park (Seoul National University)
Dr Shaocheng Xie (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
AS31 Understanding and Modeling Climate Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Use Change * Prof Eun-Soon Im (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Dr Jina Hur (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
Prof Min-Hui Lo (National Taiwan University)
Dr Kyo-Moon Shim (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
Prof Fengpeng Sun (University of Missouri - Kansas City)
AS32 Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation in Observations and Weather and Climate Models * Dr Shaocheng Xie (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Dr In-Jin Choi (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS))
Dr Hiroshi Takahashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Dr Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley Research Center)
AS33 Cloud-aerosol-precipitation Interactions and Their Parameterizations in the Context of Weather and Climate * Dr Seoung Soo Lee (Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center)
Prof Yong-Sang Choi (Ewha Womans University)
Dr Jianping Guo (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences)
AS34 13th Sasaki Symposium on Data Assimilation for Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Hydrologic Applications * Prof Seon Ki Park (Ewha Womans University)
Prof Ibrahim Hoteit (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Dr Xiang-Yu Huang (Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA)
Dr Takemasa Miyoshi (RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
Dr Liang Xu (Naval Research Laboratory)
AS35 Subseasonal-to-seasonal (s2s) Prediction: Challenges and Opportunities * Prof Seok-Woo Son (Seoul National University)
Prof Hyemi Kim (Ewha Womans University)
Dr Eun-Pa Lim (Bureau of Meteorology)
Dr Andrew Marshall (Bureau of Meteorology)
AS36 Application of Cloud-resolving Model Simulations for Studying Cloud-related Processes in Climate * Dr Rae-Seol Park (Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS))
Prof Pay-Liam Lin (National Central University)
Dr Yanluan Lin (Tsinghua University)
Prof Masaki Satoh (The University of Tokyo)
Dr Wei-Kuo Tao (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
AS37 Mesoscale Processes and Local Severe Storms * Prof Kazuhisa Tsuboki (Nagoya University)
Dr Tieh-Yong Koh (Asian-Australian Monsoon Working Group, Monsoons Panel, CLIVAR)
Prof Gyu Won Lee (Kyungpook National University)
Prof Zhiyong Meng (Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, and China Meteorological Administration Tornado Key Laboratory, Peking University)
Prof Chung-Chieh Wang (National Taiwan Normal University)
AS38 Extreme Events: Observations and Modeling * Dr Sridhara Nayak (Japan Meteorological Corporation)
Prof Pranab Deb (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
Dr Chandrasekar Radhakrishnan (Colorado State University)
Dr Satyaban B. Ratna (University of East Anglia)
Prof Tetsuya Takemi (Kyoto University)
AS39 Modeling Across Scales from Global to Convection-permitting: Weather, Climate, and Air Quality * Dr Chun Zhao (University of Science and Technology of China)
Dr Guangxing Lin (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Dr Sang-Hun Park (Yonsei University)
Dr Minghuai Wang (Nanjing University)
Dr Colin Zarzycki (Penn State University)
AS40 Extreme Weather Resiliency: Prediction and Response Strategies * Prof Pay-Liam Lin (National Central University)
Dr Everette Joseph (University at Albany - State University of New York)
AS41 Regional Climate Downscaling and Cordex: Challenges and Prospects * Prof Dong-Hyun Cha (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof Koji Dairaku (University of Tsukuba)
Prof Jason Evans (University of New South Wales)
Prof Fredolin Tangang (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
Prof Shuyu Wang (Nanjing University)
AS44 High-resolution Global and Regional Modeling for Weather and Climate * ()
Prof Huang-Hsiung Hsu (Academia Sinica)
Dr Xueshun Shen (CMA)
Dr Hirofumi Tomita (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science)
Prof Zhenzhong Zeng (Southern University of Science and Technology)
AS45 Light-absorbing Carbon (lac): Observation, Modelling, and Its Climate Effects * Dr Chao Liu (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Sang-Woo Kim (Seoul National University)
Dr Dantong Liu (Zhejiang University)
Dr Yuan Wang (California Institute of Technology)
AS46 Observations and Modeling for the Effects of Short-lived Climate Pollutants on Air Quality and Climate in East Asia * Prof Rokjin J. Park (Seoul National University)
Prof Sang-Woo Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof Chang-Keun Song (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof Sang-Wook Yeh (Hanyang University)
Prof Lin Zhang (Peking University)
AS47 Application of Satellite Data to Weather and Climate Study * Prof Chian-Yi Liu (Academia Sinica)
Prof Myoung Hwan Ahn (Ewha Womans University)
Prof Jun Li (National Satellite Meteorological Center)
Dr Kozo Okamoto (Japan Meteorological Agency)
AS48 Earth System Predictability, Prediction and Projection * Prof June-Yi Lee (Pusan National University)
Dr Andrea Alessandri (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute)
Prof Yoshimitsu Chikamoto (Utah State University)
Prof Noel Keenlyside (University of Bergen)
Prof Jing-jia Luo (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
AS49 Urban Climate * Dr Shaojing Jiang (Beijing Normal University)
Prof Kaicun Wang (Beijing Normal University)
AS53 Forcing, Feedback and Climate Sensitivity * Dr Yoon-Kyoung Lee (Ewha Womans University)
Prof Yong-Sang Choi (Ewha Womans University)
Dr Xiaoming Hu (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Chung-Hsiung Sui (National Taiwan University)
AS54 Precipitation: Science and Application of Satellite Data * Prof Yukari Takayabu (The University of Tokyo)
Prof Kenji Nakamura (Dokkyo University)
Dr Kusuma G Rao (Institute for Advanced Research in Science)
Dr Geun-Hyeok Ryu (Korea Meteorological Administration)
Dr Gail Skofronick-Jackson (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
AS55 Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases and Emissions in Asia and Its Interactions with the World * Prof Jintai Lin (Peking University)
Dr Bin Chen (Beijing Normal University)
Dr Mingxi Du (Peking University)
Prof Liqiang Zhang (Beijing Normal University)
Prof Yu Zhao (Nanjing University)
AS56 Greenhouse Gas Monitoring of Urban Areas: Current Capabilities, Challenges, and Future Needs * Dr Thomas Kurosu (California Institute of Technology)
Prof Sujong Jeong (Seoul National University)
Dr Masakatsu Nakajima (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
AS57 Air Quality and Cloud Observations from Next Generation of Satellites- Breaking the Temporal Barriers * Dr Pawan Gupta (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Prof Jhoon Kim (Yonsei University)
Dr Robert Levy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Dr Steven Platnick (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
AS60 Progress and Challenge in Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer of Clouds and Aerosols * Prof Husi Letu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Takashi Nakajima (Tokai University)
Dr Bingqi Yi (Sun Yat-sen University)
AS61 Large Ensemble Modeling as a Tool for Climate Dynamics and Impacts Research * Dr Keith Rodgers (Pusan National University)
Prof John Chiang (University of California, Berkeley)
Dr Yu Kosaka (The University of Tokyo)
Dr Nicola Maher (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)
Prof Malte Stuecker (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
AS62 Coupled Climate Dynamics of Relevance to Understand Climate Change: Roles of Circulation, Clouds, and the Hydrological Cycle * Prof Sarah Kang (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof Yen-Ting Hwang (National Taiwan University)
Prof Malte Stuecker (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Prof Masahiro Watanabe (The University of Tokyo)
AS63 Asian Precipitation Experiment: Process and Predictability of Asian Hydroclimate System * Dr Toru Terao (Kagawa University)
Dr S. Das (Central University of Rajasthan)
Prof Kyung-Ja Ha (Pusan National University)
Prof Li Jia (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Prashant K. Srivastava (Banaras Hindu University)
AS66 Characteristics of Air Pollution Assessment, Modeling, Meteorological Effect and Reduction in Global, Regional and Local Areas * Prof Hyo Choi (Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Prof Fang-Yi Cheng (National Central University)
Prof Yun-Seob Moon (Korea national University of Education)
Dr Pallavi Saxena (Hindu College, University of Delhi)
Dr Anju Srivastava (Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi)
AS68 Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Information Systems: Observation, Modeling and Application * Dr Pengfei Han (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Phil DeCola (Sigma Space Corporation)
Prof Paul Krummel (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization)
Prof Bo Yao (Meteorological Observation Center of China Meteorological Administration)
Prof Ning Zeng (University of Maryland)
AS72 High-impact Weather: Extreme and Lightning * Dr Baek-Jo Kim (Korea Meteorological Administration)
Dr Byung-Gon Kim (Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Prof Gaopeng Lu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Dr Xianghui Xue (University of Science and Technology of China)
Prof Qinghong Zhang (Peking University)
AS74 Mini Tutorial for Ensemble Data Assimilation and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed * Dr Soyoung Ha (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Dr Jeffrey Anderson (NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Dr Jeff Steward (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
AS75 Climate Prediction: Skills and Errors on Climate Drivers and Response, and Extremes * Dr Hyung Jin Kim (APEC Climate Center)
Dr Soo-Jin Sohn (APEC Climate Center)
Prof Francis Chi Yung Tam (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
AS76 Space-based Observations, Remote Sensing, and Modeling of Asian Tropospheric Composition * Dr Jun Wang (The University of Iowa)
Dr Limseok Chang (National Institute of Environmental Research)
Dr Richard Eckman (National Langley Research Center)
Dr Barry Lefer (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Prof Rokjin J. Park (Seoul National University)

BG - Biogeosciences

12 records
Code Title Conveners
BG01 Mesozoic Ecosystems in East Asia * Prof Su-Chin Chang (The University of Hong Kong)
Dr Jun Wang (Yunnan University)
BG02 Organic Matter Dynamics in Continental and Marine Environments: Recent Development of Analytical Techniques and Applications * Dr Yunping Xu (Shanghai Ocean University)
Dr Meilian Chen ( Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)
BG05 Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification * Prof Xinping Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Battogtokh Dorjgotov (Institute of Geography & Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences)
BG06 Remote Sensing of Essential Climate Variables and Its Applications * Dr Wei Yang (Chiba University)
Dr Xin Cao (Beijing Normal University)
Prof Kazuhito Ichii (Chiba University)
Dr Hideki Kobayashi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Dr Xiaolin Zhu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
BG07 Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics and Their Responses to Climate Change and Human Activity * Prof XU Xingkai (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Weiguo CHENG (Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University)
Prof Woo-Jung Choi (Chonnam National University)
Prof Wen Zhang (Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
BG08 Elucidating Elemental Cycling from Land to Ocean- Importance of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles * Prof Punyasloke Bhadury (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata)
Dr Ajcharaporn Piumsomboon (Chulalongkorn University)
BG09 Biogeosciences General Session * Prof Punyasloke Bhadury (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata)
Dr Bhoopesh Mishra (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Dr Min Sub Sim (Seoul National University)
BG10 Understanding Biogeochemical Cycles in the Earth System: from Local to Regional and Global Scales * Prof Long Cao (Zhejiang University)
Prof Atul Jain (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Prof Xiujun Wang (Shanxi Agricultural University)
Prof Yongfu Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
BG11 Biogeochemistry of Persistent Contaminants and Nutrients in Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems * Prof Man Jae Kwon (Korea University)
Dr Bhoopesh Mishra (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Dr In-Hyun Nam (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Prof Sen Yan (Hubei Key Laboratory of Critical Zone Evolution, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan)
BG12 Land-sea-air Interactions and Paleoclimate Dynamics Over the Asia-pacific Region on Various Time-scales Since the Last Glacial Maximum * Dr Mi Yan (Nanjing Normal University)
Dr Jun Cheng (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Zhengyu Liu (The Ohio State University)
Prof Liang Ning (Nanjing Normal University)
Dr Zhengguo Shi (Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
BG13 Biogeochemical Cycles and Interactions Among Atmosphere, Terrestrial Ecosystem, River, Lake, Estuary, and Ocean * Prof Masayuki Kondo (Hiroshima University)
Dr Prabir K. Patra (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
BG20 Arsenic and Other Hazardous Elements in Potable Water: Source and Sinks, Human Health Impacts, Treatment Systems, and Policy Making * Dr Genxu Wang (Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Cynthia Corroto (AguaY Saneamientos Argentinos)
Dr Devanita Ghosh (Technical University Delft)
Prof Siyue Li (Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

HS - Hydrological Sciences

38 records
Code Title Conveners
HS01 Hydrology for Human-nature Coupled Systems * Prof Jian-Ping Suen (National Cheng Kung University)
Dr Ting Fong May Chui (The University of Hong Kong)
Prof Kyungrock Paik (Korea University)
Prof Gene Jiing-Yun You (National Taiwan University)
HS02 Challenges in Hydrologic Modeling * Prof Bellie Sivakumar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Prof Ji Chen (The University of Hong Kong)
Dr Shie-Yui Liong (NA)
Prof Dawen Yang (Tsinghua University)
HS03 Artificial Intelligence for Model and Data Integration in Hydrology * Dr Haiyun Shi (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Dr Suning Liu (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Dr Chaopeng Shen (The Pennsylvania State University)
Dr Yi Zheng (Southern University of Science and Technology)
HS04 Exploration of Atmospheric Water Resources * Dr Haiyun Shi (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Prof Ji Chen (The University of Hong Kong)
Prof Bellie Sivakumar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
HS06 Wetland Ecohydrology and Water Resource Management * Prof Guangxin Zhang (Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Haejin Han (Korea Environment Institute)
Prof Seung Beom Seo (University of Seoul)
Mr Yanfeng Wu (Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Ligang Xu (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
HS07 Hydrological Processes in Agricultural Lands Under Changing Environments * Prof Jun Niu (China Agricultural University)
Prof Ji Chen (The University of Hong Kong)
Prof Bellie Sivakumar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Prof Yiping Wu (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
HS08 Groundwater Exploitation, Hydrology, Contamination and Remediation * Dr Indranil Saha (Sripat Singh College, Jiaganj, Murshidabad)
Dr Jishnu Adhikari (Sanborn Head and Associates)
Prof Thomas Kulp (State University of New York at Binghamton)
Dr Harald Neidhardt (Universität Tübingen)
HS09 Hydrometeorology * Prof C.G. Cui (China Meteorological Administration)
Dr Basudev Biswal (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Prof Tao Peng (Institute of Heavy Rain of CMA)
Prof Yoshiyuki Yokoo (Fukushima University)
HS10 Land and Water Management for Sustainability * Dr Shailesh Singh (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research)
Dr Liu Liu (China Agricultural University)
Prof Jun Niu (China Agricultural University)
Dr Rehana Shaik (International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad)
Prof Bellie Sivakumar (School of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of New South Wales)
HS11 The Third Pole Environment - Hydrometeorological Processes and Human Dimension * Dr Petrus (Peter) van Oevelen (George Mason University)
Prof Li Jia (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Xin Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Yaoming Ma (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Toru Terao (Kagawa University)
HS12 Satellite Remote Sensing for Water Cycle Studies: Sciences and Societal Applications * Dr Xiwu Zhan (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Dr Rong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Marouane Temimi (Khalifa University of Science and Technology)
Dr Jun Wen (Chengdu University of Information Technology)
Prof Huan Wu (Sun Yat-sen University)
HS13 Water-related Hazards and Their Forecasting and Warning * Prof Gwo-Fong Lin (National Taiwan University)
Prof Weili Duan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Gonghuan Fang (Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Jui-Yi Ho (National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction)
Dr Hyeonjun Kim (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)
HS15 Global Change and Hydrological Processes in Cryospheric Regions * Prof Yongjian Ding (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Fengjing Liu (Michigan Technological University School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science)
Prof Shiqiang Zhang (Northwest University)
Prof Tingjun Zhang (Lanzhou University)
HS16 Hydrometric Monitoring and Data Analysis * Prof Ke-Sheng Cheng (National Taiwan University)
Dr Jihn-Sung Lai (National Taiwan University)
Prof Jae-Kyoung Lee (Daejin University)
Dr Wen-Sheng Lin (National Taiwan University)
HS17 Characterizing and Modelling Ecohydrological Processes in a Changing Environment * Dr Yuting Yang (Tsinghua University)
Dr Huade Guan (Flinders University)
Prof Huimin Lei (Tsinghua University)
Dr Youngryel Ryu (Seoul National University)
Prof Dawen Yang (Tsinghua University)
HS18 Extreme Hydro-meteorological Events: Monitoring, Modelling, and Climate Services * Dr Jong Ahn Chun (APEC Climate Center)
Dr Daeha Kim (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Climate Center)
Dr Hen-I Lin (Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
HS19 Water-food-energy Nexus Under in a Rapidly Changing World: Data, Tools, Modelling and Knowledge Integration * Dr Jorge Pena Arancibia (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Dr Sreekanth J (CSIRO Land and Water)
Dr Indu J. (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Dr Prasanth Valayamkunnath (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
Prof Yongqiang Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
HS21 Sustainable Groundwater Resources Management * Dr Il Moon Chung (Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology)
Prof Yeonsang Hwang (Akansas State Univ.)
Dr Aksara Putthividhya (Chulalongkorn University)
Dr Jeong-Seok Yang (Kookmin University)
HS22 Hydrologic Extremes in a Changing Climate * Dr C. T. Dhanya (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Prof Rajib Maity (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)
Dr Sonali Pattanayak (Indian Institute of Science)
Dr Manabendra Saharia (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)
Dr Shailesh Singh (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research)
HS23 Water Projects for Sustaining Socioeconomic Development * Prof Ji Chen (The University of Hong Kong)
Prof Hung Soo Kim (Inha University)
Dr Haiyun Shi (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Prof Bellie Sivakumar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
HS24 Water Resources Comprehensive Utilization and Management Under Changing Environment * Prof Xiaojun Wang (Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Ministry of Water Resources)
Prof Young-Oh Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof Seung Beom Seo (University of Seoul)
HS29 New Technology for Mitigating Flood Disaster Under Climate Change * Prof Kun-Yeun Han (Kyungpook National University)
Prof Huidae Cho (University of North Georgia)
Prof Jun-Haeng Heo (Yonsei University)
HS30 Sensitivity of Hydrological Extremes to Climate Change * Dr Huijuan Cui (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Zengchao Hao (Beijing Normal University)
Prof Vijay Singh (Texas A&M University)
HS31 Modeling of Hydrologic Processes at Catchment Scales in the Context of Climate Change * Prof Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen (McGill University)
Dr Shie-Yui Liong (NA)
Dr Netrananda Sahu (University of Delhi)
Dr Ngoc Duong Vo (The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology)
HS32 Modeling, Tools and Knowledge Integration for Better Managment of Drought Risk in a Changing Climate * Dr Ho Sun Lee (Kwater)
Prof Gonghuan Fang (Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Hyun-Han Kwon (Sejong University)
Dr Zhi Li (Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
HS33 Satellite Remote Sensing for Hydrological Applications * Dr Prashant K. Srivastava (Banaras Hindu University)
Dr Manika Gupta (University of Delhi, Delhi)
Dr Tanvir Islam (NASA JPL, Pasadena)
Dr George Petropoulos (School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete)
Prof Rajendra Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi)
HS34 Machine Learning Approaches for Hydrological Modeling and Forecasting * Dr Sunmin Kim (Kyoto University)
Dr Ravinesh Deo (University of Southern Queensland)
Prof Jongsuk Kim (Wuhan University)
Dr Giha Lee (Kyungpook National University)
HS37 Permafrost Changes and Modelling Advances * Prof Lin Zhao (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology)
Prof Ishikawa Mamoru (Hokkaido University)
Dr Zhuotong Nan (Nanjing Normal University)
Prof Fujun Niu (Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
HS38 Natural- and Human-induced Changes in Terrestrial Water Cycle * Prof Min-Hui Lo (National Taiwan University)
Dr Xiaogang He (Stanford University)
Prof Hyungjun Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Dr John Reager (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
HS39 Quantitative radar rainfall estimates and forecasts for hydrological applications and their uncertainties * Prof Hyun-Han Kwon (Sejong University)
Dr Sunmin Kim (Kyoto University)
Dr Kosei Yamaguchi (Kyoto University)
HS43 Pre-wildfire Monitoring and Post-wildfire Hazard Assessment * Prof Seung Hee Kim (Chapman University)
Prof Menas Kafatos (Chapman University)
Prof Hyungjun Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Dr Haemi Park (The University of Tokyo)
HS44 Advances in Precipitation Forecasting and Flood Forecasting and Risk Management * Prof Ke Zhang (Hohai University)
Prof Hongjun Bao (China Meteorological Administration)
Prof Zhiyu Liu (Ministry of Water Resources)
Dr Jingfeng Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology)
HS46 Advanced Modelling of Hydrological Processes * Prof Van Thinh Nguyen (Seoul National University)
Dr Ben Jarihani (James Cook University)
Prof Kyungrock Paik (Korea University)
Dr Sim Reaney (Durham University)
Dr Roy Sidle (University of Central Asia)
HS52 Hydroinformatics and Urban Water Management Under Climate Change * Prof Jeanne Jinhui Huang (Nankai University)
Prof Dawei Han (University of Bristol)
Prof James Li (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Prof Jianfeng Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof Gwo-Fong Lin (National Taiwan University)
HS53 Hydrometeorological Extremes under a Changing Environment * Prof Soojun Kim (Inha University)
Prof Hung Soo Kim (Inha University)
Prof Jianfeng Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dr Xuezhi Tan (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Yenan Wu (University of Alberta)
HS54 Hydrologic Extremes and Remote Sensing * Dr Seokhyeon Kim (Kyung Hee University)
Dr Ben Jarihani (James Cook University)
Dr Hung Pham (The University of Danang, University of Science and Technology)
Prof Ashish Sharma (UNSW Sydney)
Prof Jet-Chau Wen (National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)
HS55 Disasters and Risk Assessment under Hydrological, Climatic and Environmental Changes * Prof Dongkyun Kim (Hongik University)
Prof Tsang-Jung Chang (National Taiwan University)
Prof Howard H-C Ho (National Taiwan University)
Prof Jongho Kim (University of Ulsan)
Prof Hwa-Lung Yu (National Taiwan University)
HS56 Hydro-meteorological Forecasting: Methods and Applications * Dr Durga Lal Shrestha (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Dr Jaepil Cho (Integrated Watershed Management Institute)
Dr Sanjeev Kumar Jha (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal)
Dr David Robertson (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Dr Daehyok Shin (Bureau of Meteorology)

IG - Interdisciplinary Geosciences

16 records
Code Title Conveners
IG01 Near Surface Investigation and Modeling for Groundwater Resources Assessment * Prof Chuen-Fa Ni (National Central University)
Dr Ping-Yu Chang (National Central University)
Prof Yue Liang (Chongqing Jiaotong University)
Dr Jui-Pin Tsai (National Taiwan University)
Prof Hwa-Lung Yu (National Taiwan University)
IG02 IG General Session * Dr Fiona Williamson (Singapore Management University)
Dr Ping-Yu Chang (National Central University)
Dr Jinwei Dong (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Jungrack Kim (University of Seoul)
Dr Amir Mokhtari Fard (SAIT - Southern Alberta Institute of Technology)
IG04 Climate-resilient Sustainable Society - Interdisciplinary Communication * Dr DAE IL JEONG (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
Prof Derrick Lai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof Yongwon Seo (Yeungnam University)
IG06 Data Driven Modeling in Geoscience * Dr Ryoichiro Agata (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Dr Shin-ichi Ito (The University of Tokyo)
Dr Dmitri Kondrashov (University of California, Los Angeles)
Dr Shunichi Nomura (Waseda University)
IG08 Interdisciplinary Research on Water-related Disasters and Practical Applications for Disaster Risk Reduction * Dr Anawat Suppasri (Tohoku University)
Dr Constance Ting Chua (Tohoku University)
Dr Natt Leelawat (Chulalongkorn University)
Prof Adam Switzer (Nanyang Technological University)
IG10 Advances in Carbon Dioxide Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) * Dr Qi Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Weon Shik Han (Yonsei University)
Dr Matthew Myers (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
Dr Masao Sorai (Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association)
IG12 Earth Observations from a New Generation of Geostationary Satellites * Dr Ramakrishna Nemani (NASA Ames Research Center)
Prof Kazuhito Ichii (Chiba University)
Dr Tsengdar Lee (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
Prof Shuang Li (Guizhou Education University)
Dr Youngryel Ryu (Seoul National University)
IG19 Asian Field Campaigns and Modeling Studies as a Crossroads of Interdisciplinary Research * Dr Jeffrey Reid (Naval Research Laboratory)
Dr Harindra Fernando (Notre Dame University)
Dr Gemma Narisma (Ateneo de Manila University)
Prof Fredolin Tangang (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
IG20 Regional Climate Risk Assessment: Inter-/multi-disciplinary Approaches * Dr Serena Lee (Griffith University)
Prof Claudio Cassardo (University of Turin)
Prof Seon Ki Park (Ewha Womans University)
IG21 Interdisciplinary Studies on Heatwave * Prof Myong-In Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof Johnny Chan (Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center)
Prof Masahiro Watanabe (The University of Tokyo)
IG22 Regional Collaborative Research on Air Pollution Sensing and Health in Asia * Prof Shih-Chun Candice Lung (Academia Sinica)
Dr Kin Fai Ho (Shenzhen Research Institute of The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
IG24 Global Mass Transport, Gravitational Change and Earth Rotation * Prof Jianli Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Dr Richard Gross (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Prof Kosuke Heki (Hokkaido University)
Prof Jolanta Nastula (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Prof Ki-Weon Seo (Seoul National University)
IG26 ICT and Advanced Remote Sensing for Land and Resilient Infrastructure Management * Dr Young-Joo Kwak (National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management(NILIM) under Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT))
Mr Jungkyo Jung (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Prof Akihiko Kondoh (Chiba University)
IG28 Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk: Historical Perspectives, Continuing Research and Collaboration * Prof Vena Pearl Bongolan (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Prof Wansuo Duan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Yasuyuki Kano (The University of Tokyo)
Prof Hai Xu (Tianjin University)
IG29 Landslides: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Processes, Dynamics, Modelling, and Forecasting * Prof Chih-Chung Chung (National Central University)
Dr Xie Hu (Peking University)
Prof Wen-Chao Huang (National Central University)
IG30 High-resolution Terrestrial- and Marine Proxy-inferred Climate and Environment Changes in the Asia-Oceania Region * Prof Chuan-Chou Shen (National Taiwan University)
Prof Peter Clift (Louisiana State University)
Dr Keyan Fang (Fujian Normal University)

OS - Ocean Sciences

20 records
Code Title Conveners
OS01 Coastal Hazards: Impacts of Tropical Storms and Tsunamis * Prof Linlin Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Changhoon Lee (Sejong University)
Prof Philip Li-Fan Liu (National University of Singapore)
Prof Nobuhito Mori (Kyoto University)
Prof Xiping Yu (Southern University of Science and Technology)
OS02 Ocean Circulation and Air-sea Interaction Over the Maritime Continent and Surrounding Waters * Dr Lei Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Prof In-Sik Kang (Second Institute of Oceanography)
Prof Dongxiao Wang (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Weidong Yu (State Oceanic Administration)
Prof Wen Zhou (Fudan University)
OS03 Artificial Intelligence Oceanography * Dr Guangjun Xu (Guangdong Ocean University)
Prof Changming Dong (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Dr Bin Zou (National Satellite Ocean Application Center)
OS04 Ocean Climate Changes in the North Pacific Ocean: Updates and Challenges * Dr Chan Joo Jang (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
Dr Yong Sun Kim (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
Dr Ho-Jeong Shin (Yonsei University/Irreversible Climate Change Center)
Dr Zhenya Song (Ministry of Natural Resources)
Dr Yu-Heng Tseng (National Taiwan University)
OS05 Observing and Modelling the Complex Changes in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica * Prof Kewei Lyu (Xiamen University)
Dr Emilia Kyung Jin (Korea Polar Research Institute)
Dr Jiuxin Shi (Ocean University of China)
Dr Hajoon Song (Yonsei University)
OS06 Ocean Salinity Variability and Its Impact on Weather, Climate and Biogeochemistry * Dr Xidong Wang (Hohai University)
Dr Hailong Liu (Yunnan University)
Prof Sunghyun Nam (Seoul National University)
OS07 Coastal and Estuarine Processes * Dr Atsushi Fujimura (University of Guam)
Prof Sung Yong Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Dr Serena Lee (Griffith University)
OS08 Regional Oceanic Numerical Modeling and Observations * Prof Changming Dong (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Yu Liu (Zhejiang Ocean University)
Prof Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe University)
Prof Hui Zhao (Guangdong Ocean University)
OS09 General and Multidisciplinary * Prof Changming Dong (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology)
Prof Yusuke Uchiyama (Kobe University)
OS10 Acidification and Deoxygenation Both in Coastal and Open Oceans * Dr Xianghui Guo (Xiamen University)
Dr Wei-Jen Huang (National Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Vedula Venkata Subrahmanya Srinivasa Sarma (CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography)
Dr Liang Xue (First Institute of Oceanography)
Prof Weidong Zhai (Shandong University)
OS11 Sea Level Rise: Understanding, Observing and Modelling * Dr Xuebin Zhang (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Oceans and Atmosphere)
Prof Xianyao Chen (Ocean University of China)
Prof Young-Heon Jo (Pusan National University)
Dr Shuhei Masuda (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
Prof Shoshiro Minobe (Hokkaido University)
OS12 Highly Altered Coastal Oceans Under Increasing Climate Change and Anthropogenic Stresses * Prof Daidu Fan (Tongji University)
Dr Guan-hong Lee (Inha University)
Dr Jiaxue Wu (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Jingping Xu (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Dr Zai-Jin You (Ludong University)
OS14 Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interactions: from Short-term to Climate * Prof Il-Ju Moon (Jeju National University)
Prof Young-Heon Jo (Pusan National University)
Prof Sunghyun Nam (Seoul National University)
Prof Iam-Fei Pun (National Central University)
Dr Chunzai Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
OS15 Coupled Physical-biogeochemical Processes in Estuaries and Coastal Oceans * Prof Meng Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Prof Jianping Gan (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Prof Xuchen Wang (Ocean University of China)
Dr Hui Wu (East China Normal University)
Dr Zhaoru Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
OS16 Interaction Between Atmosphere and Ocean in the Northern Indian Ocean * Prof Hyo Choi (Gangneung-Wonju National University)
Dr Yun Qiu (Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources)
Dr Zhang Tiecheng (National Marine Data Information Center)
Prof Dongxiao Wang (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Ziniu Xiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
OS18 Biogeochemistry of the East (Japan) Sea and East China Sea * Prof Doshik Hahm (Pusan National University)
Prof Jeomshik Hwang (Seoul National University)
Dr Se-Jong Ju (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
Prof Guebuem Kim (Seoul National University)
OS19 Scientific Results from International Ocean Discovery Program (iodp) * Dr Gil Young Kim (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Dr Zhimin Jian (Tongji University)
Prof Harue Masuda (Osaka City University)
OS20 Multi-spectral Oceanic Remote Sensing Approaches: Validation, Algorithm, and Applications * Prof Kyung-Ae Park (Seoul National University)
Dr Justin Gapper (Chapman University)
Dr Jieun Park (Seoul National University)
OS22 Geostationary Ocean Color Remote Sensing * Dr Young-Je Park (Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology)
Prof Young-Heon Jo (Pusan National University)
Prof ZhongPing Lee (University of Massachusetts Boston)
Prof Kyung-Ae Park (Seoul National University)
Prof Shaoling Shang (Xiamen University)
OS23 AOGS-KGU Session: 2nd GeoSummit Workshop on Coastal and Offshore Geology * Dr Gwangsoo Lee (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Dr Seong-Pil Kim (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Dr Rei Nakashima (Geological Survey of Japan)
Dr Ying Ping (China Geological Survey)

PS - Planetary Sciences

12 records
Code Title Conveners
PS01 Jupiter, Saturn and the Ice Giant Systems: Results from Juno and Cassini * Dr Scott Bolton (Southwest Research Institute)
Dr Emma Bunce (University of Leicester)
Dr Paul Hartogh (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
Dr Masafumi Imai (The University of Iowa)
Prof Yamila Miguel (University of Leiden)
PS02 Aeronomy and Plasma Physics of Planetary Environments * Dr Yuki Harada (Kyoto University)
Prof Jun Cui (National Astronomical Observatories of China)
Dr Dominique Delcourt (National Centre for Scientific Research)
Prof Varun Sheel (Physical Research Laboratory)
Dr Shaosui Xu (University of California, Berkeley)
PS03 To the Moon to Stay: the Artemis Era * Mr Gregory Schmidt (NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute)
Dr David Draper (NASA Headquarters)
Dr James Green (NASA Headquarters)
PS07 Exoplanets: Observations, Theories, and Modeling * Dr Jun Yang (Peking University)
Prof Masahiro Ikoma (The University of Tokyo)
Prof Shingo Kameda (Rikkyo University)
Dr Daniel Koll (MIT)
PS08 Initiatives in Regional Geoscience Cooperation * Dr Wing-Huen Ip (National Central University)
Prof Jitendra N. Goswami (Physical Research Laboratory)
Dr Jiansen He (Peking University)
Prof Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen (McGill University)
Prof Takehiko Satoh (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
PS09 Planetary Data in the Big Data Era – Archives, Tools, and International Collaborations * Prof Jian-Yang Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Sebastien Besse (European Space Agency)
Dr Young-Jun Choi (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Ludmilla Kolokolova (University of Maryland)
Dr Yukio Yamamoto (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
PS10 Microwave and Infrared Remote Sensing of Solar System Objects * Dr Paul Hartogh (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)
Dr Scott Bolton (Southwest Research Institute)
Prof Yasuko Kasai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Prof Yi-Jehng Kuan (National Taiwan Normal University)
PS13 Polarization of the Solar System and Beyond * Dr Padma A Yanamandra-Fisher (Space Science Institute)
Prof Masateru Ishiguro (Seoul National University)
Prof Sungsoo Kim (Kyung Hee University)
Dr Ludmilla Kolokolova (University of Maryland)
PS14 Solar System Small Bodies: Comets, TNOs, Asteroids, Meteorites, and Dust * Dr Yoonyoung Kim (University of California, Los Angeles)
Prof Masateru Ishiguro (Seoul National University)
Prof Jian-Yang Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Tatsuaki Okada (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Dr Makoto Yoshikawa (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
PS15 Science and Exploration of Mars and Venus * Prof Varun Sheel (Physical Research Laboratory)
Dr Takeshi Imamura (The University of Tokyo)
Prof Shuanggen Jin (Henan Polytechnic University)
PS16 From the Solar System Origin to the Planetary System Bodies * Dr Anezina Solomonidou (Hellenic Space Center)
Dr Zhong Yi Lin (Institute of Astronomy)
Dr Rosaly Lopes-Gautier (California Institute of Technology)
Dr Giovanna Rinaldi (IAPS-INAF)
ST10-PS06 Future and Current Space Missions and Instrumentation for Space and Planetary Science * Dr Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku University)
Prof Anil Bhardwaj (Physical Research Laboratory)
Dr Yoshifumi Saito (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Prof Jongho Seon (Kyung Hee University)
Prof Andrew Yau (University of Calgary)

ST - Solar and Terrestrial Sciences

25 records
Code Title Conveners
ST01 Particle Acceleration and Transport at the Sun and in the Heliosphere * Prof Linghua Wang (Peking University)
Dr Gang Li (General Linear Space Plasma Lab)
Prof Kyoko Watanabe (National Defense Academy of Japan)
ST04 Use of Nano/microsatellites for Solar-terrestrial and Planetary Studies * Prof Kyoung Wook Min (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Prof Minakshi Devi (Gauhati University)
Dr Koichiro Oyama (International Center for Space and Planetary Science)
ST06 Normal and Severe Space Weather in Sun-earth System * Dr Balan Nanan (Shandong University)
Dr Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Dr Libo Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Yoshiharu Omura (Kyoto University)
Prof Qing-He Zhang (Shandong University)
ST07 Turbulence and Particle Energization in Space, Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas * Dr Shiyong Huang (Wuhan University)
Dr Jiansen He (Peking University)
Dr Fouad Sahraoui (Plasma Physics Laboratory)
ST09 New Results from COSMIC 2, GOLD, and ICON Missions * Dr Qian Wu (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Dr Xuguang Cai (University of Colorado Boulder)
Dr Quan Gan (University of Colorado Boulder)
Prof Charles Lin (National Cheng Kung University)
Dr Astrid Maute (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
ST10-PS06 Future and Current Space Missions and Instrumentation for Space and Planetary Science * Dr Takeshi Sakanoi (Tohoku University)
Prof Anil Bhardwaj (Physical Research Laboratory)
Dr Yoshifumi Saito (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
Prof Jongho Seon (Kyung Hee University)
Prof Andrew Yau (University of Calgary)
ST11 Global Upper Atmosphere Response to External Forcing from Above and Below * Dr Quan Gan (University of Colorado Boulder)
Dr Min-Yang Chou (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
Dr Young-Sil Kwak (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Jiuhou Lei (University of Science and Technology of China)
Dr Wenbin Wang (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
ST14 Energetic Particle Influence on the Earth’s Environment * Dr Irina Mironova (Saint Petersburg State University)
Prof Tao Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr Alessandro Damiani (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Dr Eugene Rozanov (World Radiation Center)
ST15 Influence of Waves and Instabilities in Space Plasma Dynamics * Dr Peter Yoon (University of Maryland)
Dr Junga Hwang (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Jungjoon Seough (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
ST16 Upper Atmospheric Responses to Solar and Magnetospheric Drivers in the Polar Region * Dr Geonhwa Jee (Korea Polar Research Institute)
Dr Changsup Lee (Korea Polar Research Institute)
Dr Rui Wang (Polar Research Institute of China)
Dr Qian Wu (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
ST18 Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Multi-scale Coupling in the Collisionless Environments * Dr Rongsheng Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
Dr Huishan Fu (Beihang University)
Dr Kyoung-Joo Hwang (Southwest Research Institute)
Dr Takuma Nakamura (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Dr Wai-Leong Teh (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
ST19 Advances on Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances * Dr Yuichi Otsuka (Nagoya University)
Dr Young-Sil Kwak (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Jiuhou Lei (University of Science and Technology of China)
Dr Huixin Liu (Kyushu University)
ST20 Dayside Magnetosphere Interactions * Prof Quanqi Shi (Shandong University)
Mr C. Philippe Escoubet (European Space Agency)
Prof Bertrand Lembege (LATMOS,IPSL/CNRS/UVSQ)
Prof Hui Zhang (Shandong University)
Prof Qiugang Zong (Peking University)
ST22 MHD Wave Processes in the Solar Atmosphere * Prof Viktor Fedun (The University of Sheffield)
Dr Sergiy Shelyag (Deakin University)
Dr Gary Verth (The University of Sheffield)
ST23 Data-driven Modeling of the Magnetized Solar Corona – Time-dependent Simulations and Sequences of Static Solutions * Prof Gwang-Son Choe (Kyung Hee University)
Dr Satoshi Inoue (Nagoya University)
Dr Jeongwoo Lee (Shandong University )
ST24 Dynamical Processes in the High-latitude Ionosphere and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling * Prof Qing-He Zhang (National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Desheng Han (Tongji University)
Dr Yongliang Zhang (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
Prof Shasha Zou (University of Michigan)
ST25 Recent Advances in Observations and Modeling of Low and Middle Latitude Ionospheric Electron Density Irregularities * Dr Woo Kyoung Lee (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Hyosub Kil (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
Dr Larry Paxton (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
ST26 Wave Propagation and Wave-particle Interaction in the Inner Magnetosphere - Multi-point Measurements, Modeling, Simulation and Theory * Dr Chris Colpitts (University of Minnesota)
Dr Oleksiy Agapitov (University of California, Berkeley)
Dr Drew Turner (The Aerospace Corporation)
ST27 Origin, Propagation, and Heliospheric Impact of Magnetic Flux Ropes from the Sun * Dr Nat Gopalswamy (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Dr Kyungsuk Cho (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Prof E. Kilpua (University of Helsinki)
Dr Daikou Shiota (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
ST28 Solar Magneto-convection in the Solar Lower Atmosphere: High Resolution Observations and Numerical Simulations * Dr Heesu Yang (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Dr Eun-Kyung Lim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Prof Hui Tian (Peking University)
Dr Shin Toriumi (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
ST31 General Session in Solar and Terrestrial Sciences Including Space Weather * Dr Mario Bisi (United Kingdom Research and Innovation - Science & Technology Facilities Council - RAL Space)
Dr Gang Li (General Linear Space Plasma Lab)
Prof Quanqi Shi (Shandong University)
Prof Linghua Wang (Peking University)
Prof Shasha Zou (University of Michigan)
ST33 Particle-wave Interactions and Couplings Among the Solar, Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere * Dr Masafumi Shoji (Nagoya University)
Dr Suk-Bin Kang (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Dr Kun-Han Lee (Academia Sinica)
Dr Dedong Wang (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)
Prof Chao Yue (Peking University)
ST34 Remotely-sensed Solar and Heliospheric Observations and Modeling Validated Using Earth and Planetary Probe Measurements * Dr Bernard Jackson (University of California San Diego)
Dr Kazumasa Iwai (Nagoya University)
Dr Eunjoo Kwon (Korean Space Weather Center(KSWC))
Prof Dong-Hun Lee (Kyung Hee University)
Prof Baolin Tan (National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
ST35 Cross-Scale Coupling In Magnetospheric Boundary Layers: Interplay Between Micro And Macro Processes * Dr Keizo Fujimoto (Beihang University)
Dr Dongsheng Cai (University of Tsukuba)
Prof Giovanni Lapenta (KU Leuven)
Dr Bertrand Lembege (National Center for Scientific Research/University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines/Institute Pierre Simon Laplace)
Dr Gangkai Poh (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
ST36 Geospace Observation of Natural Hazards * Dr Dimitar Ouzounov (Chapman University)
Dr Katsumi Hattori (Chiba University)
Prof Xuhui Shen (National Space Science Center,CAS)
Dr Yunyue Yu (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

SE - Solid Earth Sciences

27 records
Code Title Conveners
SE01 Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism Applied to Solving Geological, Geophysical, and Environmental Problems * Dr Martin Chadima (Advanced Geoscience Instruments Company)
Prof Qingsong Liu (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Prof Andrew Roberts (Australian National University)
Dr Yuhji Yamamoto (Kochi University)
Prof Yongjae Yu (Department of Geological Sciences, Chungnam National University)
SE02 Magmatism and Mineral Deposits in Asia and Oceania * Dr Chun-Kit Lai (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
Dr Maria Ines Rosana Balangue-Tarriela (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Prof Jung-Woo Park (Seoul National University)
Prof Mega Fatimah Rosana (Padjadjaran University)
Prof Khin Zaw (University of Tasmania)
SE03 Volcanism and Earthquake Mechanism in East Asia * Dr Jianshe Lei (China Earthquake Administration)
Mr Yinshuang Ai (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Liang Chuntao (Chengdu University of Technology)
Prof Stephen Gao (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Dr Xiwei Xu (China Earthquake Administration)
SE04 General Contributions in Solid Earth * Prof J. Bruce H. Shyu (National Taiwan University)
Dr Florian M. Schwandner (NASA Ames Research Center)
SE05 Multiscale Seismic Modelling and Imaging: Methodology and Applications * Prof Ping Tong (Nanyang Technological University)
Dr Shaolin Liu (Nanyang Technological University)
Prof Xu Yang (University of California, Santa Barbara)
SE06 Upper Mantle Structures and Plate Dynamics * Prof Seongryong Kim (Chungnam National University)
Prof Young-Hee Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof Xuzhang Shen (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Teh-Ru Alex Song (University College London)
Prof Benoit Tauzin (University of Lyon)
SE07 East Asia Seismic Structure and Tectonics * Prof Young-Hee Kim (Seoul National University)
Prof Seongryong Kim (Chungnam National University)
Prof Fan-Chi Lin (University of Utah)
Prof Xuzhang Shen (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Teh-Ru Alex Song (University College London)
SE08 Active Tectonics, Faults, Large Fast & Slow Earthquakes, Earthquake Hydrology and Geochemistry * Dr Sushil Kumar (Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology)
Prof Fuqiong Huang (China Earthquake Administration)
Dr Yasuyuki Kano (The University of Tokyo)
Dr Hyun A Lee (Yonsei University)
Mr Sudhir Rajaure (Ministry of Industry)
SE09 Understanding the Geodynamics of Convergent Zones from Ocean-continent Subduction (the Western Pacific) to Continent-continent Collision (the Himalayan Orogen): Geophysical Investigation and Numerical Modeling * Prof Xiaoyu Guo (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Rebecca Farrington (University of Melbourne)
Prof Rui Gao (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Ting Yang (Southern University of Science and Technology)
Prof Huai Zhang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
SE11 Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization * Prof Sung-Woo Moon (Nazarbayev University)
Prof Byungmin Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)
SE12 Deep Structure, Deformation and Dynamic Process of the Se Asia: from Convergent to Divergent * Dr Weiwei Ding (Ministry of Natural Resources)
Prof Hanjoon Kim (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Dr Ya Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Prof Minghui Zhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
SE14 Geology and Tectonic Evolution of Continental Margin * Prof Seung-Sep Kim (Chungnam National University)
Prof Sung Hi Choi (Chungnam National University)
Prof Jeong-Hyun Lee (Chungnam National University)
Prof Weiren Lin (Kyoto University)
Dr Maria Luisa Tejada (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
SE17 From Tibetan Plateau to South China Sea: Observations and Modeling on tectonic evolution * Dr Jie Liao (Sun Yat-sen University)
Prof Rui Gao (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Lun Li (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Chen Shuangshuang (Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Alex Webb (The University of Hong Kong)
SE18 Active Tectonics and Seismic Hazards in the Himalayan Region * Dr Kazuki Koketsu (Keio University)
Dr Srinagesh Davuluri (National Geophysical Research Institute)
Dr Soma Nath Sapkota (Department of Mines and Geology)
SE19 Interdisciplinary Investigations of Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Asia Oceania Region * Prof Kelly Liu (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Prof Stephen Gao (Missouri University of Science and Technology)
Prof Yuan Gao (China Earthquake Administration)
Prof Haemyeong Jung (Seoul National University)
Prof Young-Hee Kim (Seoul National University)
SE20 Multiscale Seismic Imaging of Lithosphere Structures Using Ambient Noise Tomography * Prof Yingjie Yang (Macquarie University)
Dr Chengxin Jiang (Australian National University)
Prof Yinhe Luo (China University of Geosciences (Wuhan))
Dr Kai Wang (University of Toronto)
SE21 Subduction Zone Behavior, on Coseismic to Neotectonic Timescales * Prof Aron Meltzner (Nanyang Technological University)
Dr Ya-Ju Hsu (Academia Sinica)
Dr Noelynna Ramos (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Dr Yu Wang (National Taiwan University)
SE23 Active Fold-and-thrust Belts, from Present-day Deformation to Structural Architecture and Modeling * Dr Maryline LeBéon (National Central University, Taoyuan)
Dr Ren-Qi Lu (China Earthquake Administration)
Dr Gang Rao (Southwest Petroleum University)
SE25 From Earthquakes and Fault Ruptures to Seismic Hazards of Southeast and East Asia * Dr Yu Wang (National Taiwan University)
Prof Aron Meltzner (Nanyang Technological University)
Dr Noelynna Ramos (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Prof Xuhua Shi (Zhejiang University)
Dr Myo Thant (University of Yangon)
SE28 Recent Advances in Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Verification Research * Dr Won-Young Kim (Columbia University)
Dr Tae Sung Kim (Earthquake Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources)
Prof Zhongliang Wu (China Earthquake Administration)
SE29 Tethys Dynamics * Dr Huaiyu Yuan (Macquarie University)
Dr Klaus Gessner (Geological Survey of Western Australia)
Prof Nan Zhang (Peking University)
Prof Liang Zhao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
SE32 Application of Potential Field Methods for Imaging Continental Lithosphere: Geodynamics to Metallogeny * Dr Radhakrishna Munukutla (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Dr Anand P. Singh (National Geophysical Research Institute)
Prof Khin Zaw (University of Tasmania)
SE34 AOGS-KGU Session: Seismic and Geo Hazards in Urban Regions: Imaging, Monitoring, Modelling, and Prediction * Dr Ping-Yu Chang (National Central University)
Prof Tae-Kyung Hong (Yonsei University)
Prof Yu Chul Park (Kangwon National University)
Prof Byung-Dal So (Kangwon National University)
Dr Nam C. Woo (Yonsei University)
SE35 Recent Advances in Understanding Deformation Microstructures * Prof Haemyeong Jung (Seoul National University)
Prof Yi Cao (China University of Geosciences (Wuhan))
Prof Katsuyoshi Michibayashi (Nagoya University)
Dr Munjae Park (Tectonophysics Laboratory, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University)
Prof Junfeng Zhang (China University of Geosciences)
SE38 Development and Application of Microbeam Techniques for Accessory Minerals * Dr Keewook Yi (Korea Basic Science Institute)
Prof Chang-Sik Cheong (Korea Basic Science Institute)
Prof Hiroshi HIdaka (Nagoya University)
SE40 Magmatic, Volcanic and Tectonic Processes, Products, and Impacts * Dr Benoit Taisne (Nanyang Technological University)
Mr Hanjin Choe (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP))
Dr Betchaida Payot (University of the Philippines Diliman)
Prof Young Kwan Sohn (Department of Geology and Research Institute of Natural Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju)
SE41 Geoscience Advances through Machine Learning, Data Assimilation and High Performance Computing and Non-earthquake Seismology * Prof Gabriele Morra (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
Prof Tae-Kyung Hong (Yonsei University)
Prof Byung-Dal So (Kangwon National University)
Prof David A. Yuen (University of Minnesota)

SS - Special Sessions

5 records
Code Title Conveners
SS01 The Asian Monsoon in a Changing Climate * Prof Kyung-Ja Ha (Pusan National University)
Prof Johnny Chan (Asia-Pacific Typhoon Collaborative Research Center)
Dr Ramesh Kripalani (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology)
Prof Jun Matsumoto (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Dr Toru Terao (Kagawa University)
SS02 Satellite Radar/SAR Missions for Interdisciplinary Geosciences * Dr Gerald Bawden (National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA))
Dr Son Nghiem (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)
Dr Pham Anh Tuan (Vietnam National Space Center, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
SS03 Space Agency Remote Sensing of the Earth * Dr Jack Kaye (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth Science Division)
Dr Dohyeong KIM (Korea Meteorological Administration - Satellite Planning Division)
SS04 The Geologic Evolution of NE Asia * Prof Sang-Mook Lee (Seoul National University)
Dr Weiwei Ding (Ministry of Natural Resources)
SS05 Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences * Prof Sang-Mook Lee (Seoul National University)
Prof Kenji Satake (The University of Tokyo)
Prof Byung-Dal So (Kangwon National University)